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2. The Arnold C. Klebs Collection of Books and Manuscripts 

(In Preparation ) 

3. The John F. Fulton Collection of Books and Manuscripts 

(In Preparation) 

4. Bibliographia primatologica. A Classified Bibliography of Primates 

other than Man. By T. C. Ruch, 1941 

5. A Bibliography of Aviation Medicine. By Ebbe Curtis Hoff and 

John Farquhar Fulton, 1942 

6. A Bio-Bibliography of Andreas Vesalius. By Harvey Cushing, 1943 

7 . Celebration of the 400th anniversary of the De humani corporis fabrica 

of Andreas Vesalius, Yale University, 30 October 1943 










I N Dr. Cushing’s will bequeathing his 
books and manuscripts to Yale Uni¬ 
versity, he set aside a fund for cataloguing 
certain special collections which might be 
of interest to his friends. After careful 
consideration, the Advisory Board of the 
Historical Library decided that a perma¬ 
nent record should be made of Dr. Cush¬ 
ing’s bequest in the form of a short-title 
catalogue of the whole collection. The 
fund which had been set aside was accord¬ 
ingly used for this purpose. The present 
staff of the Historical Library have com¬ 
pleted the compilation. 

The cataloguing was commenced in Oc¬ 
tober 1939, soon after Dr. Cushing’s 
death, by Mr. Hans H. Schaltenbrand, 
brother of Dr. Georges Schaltenbrand 
who in 1926-27 had worked with Dr. 
Cushing in Boston under a Rockefeller 
fellowship. In January 1940 we were also 
fortunate in securing the services of Miss 
Margaret Brinton, a medical librarian of 
wide experience in the classification of 
early medical literature. She assisted Mr. 
Schaltenbrand and took responsibility for 
classification, as well as for cataloguing. 
When Mr. Schaltenbrand fell ill and ulti¬ 
mately died of a malignant tumor of the 
spinal cord a year after starting his work, 
Miss Brinton with the able assistance of 
Mrs. Henrietta T. Perkins, took charge of 
the compilation and completion of the 
catalogue amidst the heavy responsibili¬ 
ties of organizing and settling the new 
Historical Library. Their introduction, 
which follows this preface, gives a full 
statement of the conventions employed 
and it also conveys some idea of the many 
special problems which have been encoun¬ 
tered in the listing of Dr. Cushing’s un¬ 
usual holdings. 

The short-title catalogue includes all 
the printed books, manuscripts and bound 
memorabilia which the executors of Dr. 
Cushing’s estate turned over to the Uni¬ 
versity at the time of his death. His large 
file of personal correspondence has not 
been catalogued, although it has been re¬ 
arranged in connection with the prepara¬ 
tion of his Biography, and the more 
important materials from these files will 
ultimately be turned over to the Histori¬ 
cal Library. In 1932 when Dr. Cushing 
retired as Surgeon-in-Chief of the Peter 
Bent Brigham Hospital, he disposed of a 
large part of his medical and neurological 
texts, several hundred in number, and also 
files of surgical journals. This accounts for 
the paucity of titles in the field of modern 
neurology and surgery. 

In formulating plans for the Catalogue, 
considerations of expense made short-title 
listing essential. In settling upon conven¬ 
tions, we had the advantage of the large 
experience of Mr. Donald G. Wing whose 
A short-title catalogue of books . Books 
printed in England and in English between 
1641 and 1700 was in process of compila¬ 
tion. Dr. Cushing’s collection created 
many special problems which Mr. Wing 
did not encounter among English books 
of a brief period, but the general principles 
of identifying titles by citing the first two 
or three words and any significant words 
that followed thereafter, with omission of 
unnecessary punctuation, were adopted 
under his guidance. The advice of the late 
Dr. Arnold Klebs was followed with re¬ 
gard to the use of vernacular forms for 
authors’ and printers’ names, as well as 
place-names, thus avoiding the inevitable 
confusion stemming from difficulties and 
imperfections of latinity. We hope that 

this experiment in bibliography may serve 
a useful purpose, and be a guide to others 
faced with a similar problem. 

The Historical Library intends at some 
future date to issue short-title catalogues 
of Dr. Klebs’ and my own collections, and 
it also expects to publish from time to time 
more detailed bibliographies of our special 
collections. Dr. Cushing's Bio-Bibliogra¬ 
phy of Vesalius now in the press is in¬ 
tended for publication in 1943, to coincide 

with the commemoration of the four hun¬ 
dredth anniversary of the Fabrica. When 
more peaceful times come again, it is the 
hope of those responsible for the adminis¬ 
tration of the Library that it will become 
a place of productive scholarship in the 
history of medicine and science. 

New Haven 
April 8 , 1943 

J. F. Fulton 



A short-title catalogue is of its very 
essence something apart and at vari¬ 
ance with the average cataloguer’s con¬ 
ception of her daily work as expressed 
upon a catalogue card. A card file and a 
printed sheet of entries may give the same 
information but in a different way. The 
compilation of this abbreviated catalogue 
was a problem for which we, as two cata¬ 
loguers trained in Library of Congress 
cataloguing practice and its modifications 
as followed in the larger university and 
public libraries of the United States, had 
little preparation in our previous experi¬ 

As guides we had, of course, The Bibli¬ 
ographical Society’s large and comprehen¬ 
sive work on early English books and 
similar lists published by the British Mu¬ 
seum for French and Spanish books, but 
to reconcile these shortened forms with 
that “Bible” of the medical librarian, The 
Index Catalogue of the Library of the Sur¬ 
geon-Generals Office , became our obsession 
as well as to reduce them from other fa¬ 
miliar lists such as the Printed Catalogue 
of the British Museum and the Catalogue 
of the Bibliotheque Nationale, not to men¬ 
tion union lists of card catalogues. 

Many decisions concerning conventions 
had been made when we assumed this 
work in December, 1940, after the death 
of Mr. Schaltenbrand. Authors’ names 
were to be given in the vernacular rather 
than the familiar Latin of the period. This 
nationalization of names was a process re¬ 
quiring much searching, with ten different 
sources frequently yielding an equal num¬ 
ber of variations. Omission of punctuation 
in author headings and imprint state¬ 
ments had been agreed upon as well as 
the condensation of title content. At first, 

adaptation to the new forms was difficult, 
but, during the three and more years de¬ 
voted to this work, we became highly con¬ 
versant with these innovations, and, in 
due time, promoted some of our own. We 
feel sure our more conservative catalogue 
confreres will appreciate the many prob¬ 
lems encountered and will look sympa¬ 
thetically upon the forms which finally 
evolved in Section IV. 

We wish to state at the outset that in 
each reference work consulted, however 
erudite, learned, and meticulous its com¬ 
piler may have been, we have found er¬ 
rors, sometimes more than a few, all of 
which may be poor consolation but never¬ 
theless consolation, for the mistakes we 
have, we hope unwittingly, made. We 
quote from early writers who also were 
aware of the chance of error: 

“What literal faults there may be, the in¬ 
telligent reader will easily find, and correct.” 
— cf. Finis. Sanctorius. Med'tcina statica . 
1676. IV: S70 

“The reader is desired to correct with a pen 
these faults before he begins, because they 
obscure the sense. As for the literal faults they 
are easie to be mended by the eye.” — cf. 
Lister, M. A journey to Paris. London, 1699. 
IV: L300 

Inconsistencies also were unavoidable. 
In many instances we were unable to find 
the vernacular form of an author’s name 
and in such instances the Latin was re¬ 
tained and in a few cases deliberately 
chosen, i.e., Georg Agricola for Georg 
Bauer, where the toss-up for Georg versus 
Georgius was a close one. A few names 
which may seem most unusual to Latin 
devotees are Nicolo da Lonigo for Leoni- 
cenus, Frans de le Boe for Franciscus 
Sylvius, and Jean Jacme for Johannes 

[ vii] 

Jacobi. Referring to Jean Jacme, an in¬ 
consistency will be noted in that we have 
followed Dr. Klebs in entering Regimen 
Pestilentiae under Canutus in Section III, 
but have preferred to enter the facsimile 
of A Litil Boke for the Pestilence under 
Jacme in Section IV. Variation in name 
forms will be found in Sections III and IV 
as in III we have followed Klebs, with a 
few exceptions such as Albertus Magnus 
and Thomas Aquinas. 

Printers’ names, given for all works be¬ 
fore 1641, have been translated into the 
vernacular where possible, but this proved 
to be an even more difficult procedure 
than for authors’ names, and a great many 
more of them will be found in the Latin. 
In our search for printer vulgarization we 
used every source at our command in the 
Yale University Library as well as in our 
own library, but were continually baffled 
and only too often obliged to give up the 
quest. Probably more time was spent in 
searching for these vernacular forms, for 
both authors and printers than in any 
other process. Where no printer is given 
before 1641 in Section IV none has been 
ascertained; but in Section III n. pr. has 
been added rather than Dr. Klebs’ anon. 
pr. Occasionally printer or publisher has 
been supplied for works after 1640 for 
purposes of identification only, as in the 
many editions of Culpeper. 

There are variations of form in the dif¬ 
ferent Sections, the manuscripts perhaps 
more fully described than might be ex¬ 
pected from the short-title method fol¬ 
lowed in Section IV, and there is a variance 
in capitalization in the section on orien- 
talia where it seemed best to use the lower 
case entry. 

Section V has been prepared by Miss 
Madeline Stanton, Secretary of the His¬ 
torical Library, to whom we are most 
grateful for the invaluable assistance she 
was able to give us from her long associa¬ 

tion with Dr. Cushing and her familiarity 
with every feature of his collection and its 

We wish here also to express our appre¬ 
ciation to Mr. Leon Nemoy, Curator of 
Hebrew and Arabic Literature in the Li¬ 
brary of Yale University, without whose 
original researches on the oriental manu¬ 
scripts and books and on many of the 
western manuscripts, we would have been 
unable to compile Sections I and II. 

We thank Mrs. John P. Peters, Librar¬ 
ian to Dr. Fulton, for her many helpful 
suggestions and especially for her correc¬ 
tions of periodical abbreviations which are 
in accordance with A World List of Scien¬ 
tific Periodicals. 

We are grateful to Miss Marjorie 
Wildes, Librarian of the General Medical 
Library at Yale, to Dr. Archibald Malloch 
and Miss Gertrude L. Annan of the New 
York Academy of Medicine, to Mr. 
James F. Ballard of the Boston Medical 
Library, and to Mrs. Ebbe C. Hoff for 
their helpful and timely aid on individual 

To Dr. John F. Fulton we owe a large 
debt of appreciation, for without his en¬ 
thusiastic furtherance of the whole pro¬ 
ject, this work would never have been 
accomplished. And to Dr. W. W. Francis 
of the Osier Library we shall be eternally 
grateful for his editorial criticisms and his 
corrections of our grammatical sins, with 
especial emphasis upon the Latin in gen¬ 
eral and the Latin genitive in particular. 

This list has been compiled from the 
books directly, as complete library cat¬ 
aloguing had not been done and is yet to 
be accomplished. For anyone who is in¬ 
terested in full bibliograhical details we 
have endeavored to quote a work of 
reference where such data may be found. 
In this, as in the matter of name forms, 
many inconsistencies will be noticed, al¬ 
though, in general, we have tried to quote 

[ viii ] 

a medical work if possible, preference be¬ 
ing given to the Bibliotheca Osleriana and 
the Index Catalogue of the Library of the 
Surgeon-Generals Office . Because we have 
given one quotation only does not mean 
that we have not found the same work in 
other sources of bibliographical reference. 
References have not been given for books 
published after 1800 except in rare in¬ 
stances for identification only as in the 
case of printers after 1640, and in contro¬ 
versial material. 

In some instances where birth and 
death dates were too great a subject of 
controversy these dates have been en¬ 
tirely omitted and, following American 
Library Association cataloguing rules, we 
have in general omitted dates for classical 
names. The Catalogue of the Yale Univer¬ 
sity Library, Library of Congress Deposi¬ 
tory Catalogue Cards in the Yale Library, 
and the Catalogue of Printed Books of the 
British Museum have been consulted for 
practically every book, and name forms 
found in these and many other catalogues 
have been adopted, with many arbitrary 
decisions, as no one of these various cata¬ 
logues was taken as a final authority. For 
corporate entries, we may seem too long- 
winded for a short-title catalogue, but we 
decided that for these we would follow the 
usual L. C. completeness and give the 
name of an organization in full with full 
cross-references for young cataloguers and 
bibliophiles at the risk perhaps of boring 
older scholars. Christian names, especially 
the French, have been cut to the first 
name in many instances and in this we 
are following late Library of Congress 

Practically all Greek titles have been 
omitted, but we have indicated in a note 
that the text is in Greek which observance 
has been followed in the Russian and other 
languages. Alternating titles have not 
been capitalized as in ordinary library 

practice and we have made no attempt to 
follow the usual entry forms for Inaugural- 
Dissertations which are mostly to be 
found under the author and only occa¬ 
sionally under the praeses , but without 
cross references from one to the other. 
Linne as praeses is a possible exception. 

Where more than one work is included 
on the title-page, we have given the addi¬ 
tional titles, followed by the author’s 
name as used in this catalogue and not as 
it appeared on the title-page. Full cross 
references to various forms of his name 
have been made. When imprint is not 
stated, it agrees with the entry preceding, 
there being a difference of date only as a 
rule. In a few instances where it would be 
very awkward to use both ( ) and [ ] one 
designation only has been used, e.g., 
(1930)-[1933] is [1930-33] and where name 
of state or country has been added for 
clarification no punctuation has been 
used, i.e., neither ( ) nor [ ]. 

When no size has been indicated for 
miscellaneous papers, they are not bound 
and are of various sizes, usually in pam¬ 
phlet boxes or in folders. No size has been 
given for reprints or journals and series 
notes have been omitted. 

No designation before the abbreviated 
title of a journal indicates that the article 
is an excerpt from that journal, not a re¬ 
print which is represented by Repr. Where 
there is a full title-page with imprint the 
reprint citation has been omitted and the 
work treated as a book. An In analytic 
indicates that the whole volume is in the 
collection, but as it was purchased by 
Dr. Cushing for a particular article, the 
entry is under the author of the article 
with no entry for the periodical. In this 
case the title of the journal is not italicized 
as for a reprint or excerpt. 

Modern typewritten MSS, other than 
the author’s original, have been entered in 
Section IV and not with Manuscripts as 


are also anonymous and other unpub¬ 
lished translations. 2d copy incomplete 
means 2 copies, one incomplete. In alpha¬ 
betizing, titles follow the same proper 

Neither designation nor distinction has 
been made for anonymous works which 
will be found under the author when 
known but otherwise under title. Cata¬ 
logues and exhibits of private collections 
are entered under the name of the owner 
at the time of issue in accordance with 

usual library practice with an occasional 
variation from Library of Congress usage. 

Since there was no special collection of 
periodicals left to Yale by Dr. Cushing, 
no attempt has been made to list the sets 
that came to the library. Except for dupli¬ 
cates these are shelved with other periodi¬ 
cals in the General Medical Library. 

Margaret Brinton 
Henrietta Perkins 

New Haven 
August , 1943 











[xi ] 




Fabricius, Hieronymus. The embryological treatises, ed. & tr. by 
H. B. Adelmann. Ithaca, N. Y., 1942 


Allut, P. A. Etude biographique & bibliographique sur Symphorien 
Champier. Lyons, 1859 


Baumgartner, Leona and Fulton, J. F. A bibliography of the poem, 
Syphilis. New Haven, 1935 


British museum. Dept, of printed books. Catalogue of printed books. 
London, 1881- 

General catalogue of printed books, v. 1-London, 1931— 


British museum. Dept, of printed books. Short-title catalogue of 
books printed in France. London, 1924 


British museum. Dept, of printed books. A catalogue of the works of 
Linnaeus, 2d ed. London, 1933 


British museum (Natural history) Library. Catalogue of books, v. 1- 


Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue general des livres imprimes, 
v. 1- Paris, 1900- 


Nederlandsche maatschappij tot bevordering der geneeskunst. Bibli- 
otheek. Catalogus. Amsterdam (1930) 



Osier, Sir William. Bibliotheca Osleriana. Oxford, 1929 

Ballard, J. F. and Pijoan, Michel. A preliminary check-list of the 
writings of Symphorien Champier. {In Medical library association. 
Bulletin, 1939/40, 28: 182-88) 





Brunet, J. C. Manuel du libraire, 4. ed. Brussels, 1839-45. 5 v. 
Bibliotheque de TUniversite, Ghent 

Baudrier, H. L. Bibliographic lyonnaise. Lyons, 1895-1921. 12 v. 

Baumgartner, Leona. John Howard (1726-1790) a bibliography. Bal¬ 
timore, 1939 



Becher, Karl. A catalogue of early herbals. Lugano, 1925 

Carter, J. W. and Pollard, H. G. An enquiry into the nature of certain 
nineteenth century pamphlets. London, 1934 


Choulant, J. L. History and bibliography of anatomic illustration, tr. 
by M. Frank. Chicago (1920) 

[ xiii ] 









Ferguson Par 
Fulton B 

Fulton L M 











Keynes B 

Choulant, J. L. Handbuch der Biicherkunde fur die altere Medicin, 
2 . Aufl. Leipzig, 1841 

Carli, Alarico and Favaro, Antonio. Bibliographia Galileiana. Rome, 

Caspar, Max. Bibliographia Kepleriana. Munich, 1936 

Catchpole, H. R. Regnier de Graaf, 1641-1673. {In Bulletin of the 
history of medicine, 1940, 8: 1261-1300) 

Craven, J. B. Doctor Robert Fludd. Kirkwall, 1902 

Doe, Janet. A bibliography of the works of Ambroise Pare. Chicago, 

filoy, N. F. J. Dictionnaire historique de la medecine. Mons, 1778 

Feyfer, F. M. G. de. Die Schriften des Andreas Vesalius. {In Janus, 
1914, 19: 435-507) 

Ferguson, John. Bibliotheca chemica. Glasgow, 1906. 2 v. 

Ferguson, John. Bibliographia Paracelsica. Glasgow, 1896. 6 pts. 

Fulton, J. F. A bibliography of the Honourable Robert Boyle. {In 
Oxford bibliographical society. Proceedings & papers, 1933, 3: 1-172, 

Fulton, J. F. A bibliography of two Oxford physiologists: Richard 
Lower, John Mayow. {In Oxford bibliographical society. Proceedings 
& papers, 1936, 4: 1-62) 

Fulton, J. F. and Cushing, Harvey. A bibliographical study of the 
Galvani and the Aldini writings on animal electricity. {In Annals of 
science, 1936, 1: 239-68) 

Glasgow. University. Hunterian museum. Library. The printed books. 
Glasgow, 1930 

Gray, G. J. A bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Newton, 2d ed. 
Cambridge, 1907 

Gurlt, E. J. Geschichte der Chirurgie. Berlin, 1898. 3 v. 

Harvey Cushing society. A bibliography of the writings of Harvey 
Cushing. Springfield, Ill., 1939 

Henry E. Huntington library and art gallery, San Marino, Calif. 
Incunabula. San Marino, 1937. 

Harvard university. Library. Printed catalogue cards 

Haller, Albrecht von. Bibliotheca medicinae practicae. Bern, 1776-88. 
4 v. 

Hough, J. S. Incunabula medica. Trenton, N. J., 1889 
John Crerar library, Chicago. Printed catalogue cards 

Keynes, G. L. A bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne. Cambridge, 

Keynes H 

Keynes, G. L. A bibliography of the writings of William Harvey. 
Cambridge, 1928 



Klebs, A. C. Incunabula scientifica et medica. Bruges, 1938 

Kuhn, K. G. Medicorum graecorum opera quae extant. Leipzig, 
1821-33. 26 v. in 28 




Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Printed catalogue cards 
Michigan. University. Library. Printed catalogue cards 

Napier, John. The construction of the wonderful canon of logarithms, 
tr. by W. R. MacDonald. Edinburgh, 1889 



Newberry library, Chicago. Printed catalogue cards 

Poggendorff, J. C. Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch, v. 1- 
Leipzig, 1863- 




Pritzel, G. A. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae. Leipzig, 1872 

Putti, Vittorio. Berengario da Carpi. Bologna, 1937 

Royal college of physicians, London. Catalogue of the library. Lon¬ 
don, 1912 


Ricci, Seymour de. Census of medieval and renaissance MSS in the 
U. S. and Canada. New York, 1935-40. 3 v. 


U. S. Surgeon-general's office. Library. Index catalogue, v. 1- Wash¬ 
ington, 1880- 


Pollard, A. W. comp . A short-title catalogue of books printed in Eng¬ 
land, Scotland, & Ireland. London, 1926 





Stillwell, M. B. ed. Incunabula in American libraries. New York, 1940 
Universitats-Bibliothek, Abt. 3, Cologne 

Chicago. University. Library. Printed catalogue cards 

American institute of electrical engineers. Library. Catalogue of the 
Wheeler gift of books. New York, 1909. 2 v. 


Yale university. Library. Card catalogue 



[ ] 

Indicates enclosed information 
is from a source outside of the 
work itself 


Indicates enclosed information 
is from the work but not on the 


Anno Domini 


Anno Hegirae 


Autograph letter unsigned 


Autograph letter signed 






Aufl age 




















Compiler; compiled by; com¬ 










Editor, edited by; edition 


Engraver; engraved by 







Gt. Brit. 

Great Britain 

H ft. 



Illustrator; illustrated by 







jt. auth. 

Joint author 




Liber, libri 




No date 


No place 

No printer 


New series 












Reprinted from 


Reviser; revised by 








Translator; translated by 







1 In Latin, on paper: written between 1623 and 1639: 
11.8 x 14.8 cm., 235 leaves, many blank. This album be¬ 
longed to Paul Haistein of Nuremberg 

AMORETTI Carlo 1741-1816 

2 On animal electricity. ALS to a friend: written at 
Como, Italy about 1792: 22 x 17.5 cm., 2 pages 

ARDERNE John ft. 1307-70 

3 De arte phisicali et de cirurgia, 1412. Replica made 
in 1929 by Carl Olausson of MS in the Royal library in 
Stockholm; on 12 leaves of vellum in a roll about five 
yards long 


4 De mundo. In Latin, on paper: written by Hierony¬ 
mus Miinzer, signed and dated 1494, Nuremberg: 
21.4 x 15.5 cm., 24 leaves, 6 blank: from the collection 
of Prince Dietrichstein 

5 Opera varia. In Latin, on vellum: written at the end 
of the 13th century in France: 31.2 x 21 cm., 342 leaves: 
minuscula in two columns: figurated and ornamental 
initials, in colors and gold: binding of stamped brown 
leather with 2 brass clasps: from the Abbey of Admont 
in Austria. Ricci p. 2299 

ARNALDO de Villanova 

6 Regimen sanitatis abbreviatum. In Latin, on vel¬ 
lum: written in the 14th century, probably in Italy: 
19 x 13 cm., 20 leaves: gothic minuscula: initials alter¬ 
nately in blue and red. Ricci p. 953 


7 In Latin, on vellum: written in the 2d half of the 13th 
century, probably in an Italian university, perhaps 
Padua: 27.2 x 18.3 cm., 143 leaves in double col¬ 
umns: initials and underlining in red: monastic binding 
of stamped calf with brass bosses and clasp-catches: 
from Bibliothek des Stiftes, Melk 


8 On paper: written in the 15th century, probably at 
the University of Vienna or at the Monastery of Melk: 
21.3 x 14.2 cm., 460 pages: 19th century leather bind¬ 
ing with arms of Melk on spine 


1. Theorica novae planetarum, by Georg Peurbach: 
dated 1486 

2. De mensibus lunaribus 

3. De qualitatibus et utilitatibus signorum solis et 

4. De septem planetis, by Georg Peurbach 

5. Ex summa Axtensi 

6. Questio disputata [On astrological prediction] by 
Georg Peurbach 

7. Algorithmus, by Georg Peurbach 

8. Instrumentum ad horas capiendas ab elevatione 


9. Compositio citharae horariae, by Georg Peurbach 

10. Compositio horologii in anulo 

11. Tabula altitudinum solis, by Regiomontanus 

12. Compositio quadrantis, by Regiomontanus 

13. Compositio organi Ptolomei 

14. De astrolabii usu 

15. De signis coelestibus 

16. De instrumento aequatorio eiusque usu, by Jo¬ 
hannes von Gmunden: dated 1429 and 1489 

17. De astrolabii usu, by Prosdocimo de’Beldomandi 

18. Fabrica et usus instrument, by Georg Peurbach 

19. De compositione et usu torqueti 

20. Instrumentum speculi planetarum, by Johannes 
Symon de Zalandia: dated 1417 

21. Problemata quaedam astronomica 

22. “Organum Ptholomei” 

23. Quadratura circuli, by Nicolaus of Cues 

24. De sinibus et cordis, by Nicolaus of Cues 

25. Virga seu baculus [On Jacob’s staff] 


9 In Latin, on vellum: written by various hands be¬ 
tween 1291 and 1330, probably in Austria and Southern 
Germany: 25 x 17.7 cm., 176 leaves: original stamped 
pigskin binding, clasps and bosses gone: from the 
Convent of the Preaching Friars in Vienna 

Contains treatises from: Aristotle, Sacrobosco, Rob¬ 
ert Grosseteste, Gerardus Cremonensis, etc. Ricci p. 


10 Trattato di fisica. In Italian on paper: written in 
the 15th century in Italy: 29x20.6 cm., 68 leaves, 
one blank: in red and black in two columns 


11 Liber I, II, IV & V canonis medicinae. In Latin, on 
vellum: written at the end of the 13th century in Spain, 
probably at Toledo: 32.7 x25.7 cm., 351 leaves in 
double columns: ornamental initials in red and blue 
showing Arabic influence: modern binding in brown 
calf. Ricci p. 952 

BARTLETT Elisha 1804-55 

12 Correspondence and memorabilia. This collection 
consists of a letter to his sister and notes written by 
Dr. Bartlett in 1827; license issued to him in 1831; a 
large number of letters written to him between 1827 and 
1853 from Boston and Lowell, Mass., Lexington and 
Louisville, Ky., and other places. See also 14> 39 

BERNOULLI Jean 1667-1748 

13 Three ALS in Latin to Sir Isaac Newton, written 
July 5, 1719; Dec. 21, 1719; and Feb. 6, 1723 in Basel: 

23.2 x 16.8 cm., 6 leaves; with a long extract from the 
letter of July 10, 1719, in the hand of Newton in Latin, 
30.8 x 19.3 cm., 2 leaves, 1 blank 

BIGELOW Jacob 1787-1879 

14 Notes on Doctor Bigelow’s lectures on materia 
medica. On paper: written Nov. 18, 1825 to Jan. 31 
[1826] in Boston by Elisha Bartlett: 20.7 x 17 cm., 
42 leaves, 2 blank 

BRINTON John Hill 1832-1907 

15 College and Medical school diary. Written in Phila¬ 
delphia at the University of Pennsylvania or at Jeffer¬ 
son Medical College, June 27, 1844 to July 3, 1850: 

31.2 x 20.1 cm., 144 leaves 

[ 3 ] 



BRINTON J. H. — continued 

16 Notes of cases. Written probably at a military hos¬ 
pital near Cairo, Illinois, in 1861: 18.5 x 12.5 cm., 45 
leaves, many blank 

CHIRAC Pierre 1650-1732 

17 Histoire des maladies de la tete et de la poictrine. 
Unpublished MS on paper: written in 1693 at Mont¬ 
pellier: 22.2 x 11.5 cm., 577 pages 

CONSTANTINUS Africanus d. 1087 

18 Liber de regimine sanitatis. In Latin, on vellum: 
written about the middle of the 13th century in the 
South of France: 18.2 x 13.2 cm., 16 leaves; red and 
black gothic characters: ornamented initials in red and 
blue: possibly from the collection of Dr. Kuhnholtz. 
Ricci p. 951 

19 Viaticus liber; seu de morborum curatione. In Latin, 
on vellum: written probably in latter part of 12th cen¬ 
tury, in Italy or South of France: 21 x 13.8 cm., 72 
leaves: minuscula: initials and chapter headings in red: 
original vellum on thick wooden boards 

CORTI Matteo 1475-1542 

20 Expositio in Aphorismos divini Hippocratis. In 
Latin, on paper: written in the 16th century in Italy: 

29.5 x 21.7 cm., 196 leaves: vellum binding. Ricci 
p. 953 

CROMER Walter d. 1546 

21 A treatise of medicine and chirurgery. In Latin and 
English, on paper: written about 1530 in England: 
25.9 x 18.3 cm., 73 leaves, 48 blank: binding of brown 
calf with arms of King Edward VI, probably by 
T. Berthelet; bookplate of Gower Earl Gower 

DARWIN Charles Robert 1809-82 

22 Analysis of and notes on Darwin’s Origin of species, 
6th ed., 1876 & Extract from Darwin’s provisional 
theory of pangenesis. On paper: written about 1878-9 
by Samuel Butler: 21 x 16.6 cm., 46 leaves 

DIOSCORIDES, Attributed to 

23 De herbis masculinis et femininis. In Latin, on 
vellum: written probably in the 15th century in Italy: 
27.2 x 20.4 cm., 87 leaves: 242 illuminated pen and ink 
drawings, 3 whole-page and 9 half-page pictures in 
colors: vellum binding: from Castlecraig library 


24 In Latin, on vellum: written in 1700 at Padua: 
23.6x17.4 cm., 3 leaves: in gilt and colored letters, 
with illuminated borders. License for surgical profession 
for Jacobus Ricchinus, 17 May, 1700; subscribed by 
Antonius de Marchettis, Hercules Daniele, Michael 
Coudrysidius, etc. 

25 In Latin, on vellum: written in 1746 at Padua: 
24 x 17.5 cm., in black and gilt letters, front, with col¬ 
ored drawings. License for surgical profession for An¬ 
tonius Pengo, 6 Aug. 1746, subscribed by Joannes Bapt* 
Morgagnus, Laurentius Soardi, Julius Pontedera, etc. 

26 In Latin, on vellum: written in 1767 at Padua: 

21.5 x 16 cm., 2 leaves: in black and gilt letters. License 
for surgical profession for Antonius Pengo, 11 October 
1767, subscribed by Joannes Bapt° Morgagnus, 
Leopoldus Marcus Antonius Caldanius, etc. 


27 In Latin, on vellum: written in 1756 at Rome: 
21.5 x 15.5 cm., 2 leaves: in black and gilt letters, deco¬ 
rated with colored flowers. License for surgical profes¬ 
sion for Antonius Pengo, 30 June 1756 

DOW Jabez 

28 Report of the committee on hemlock gum. On pa¬ 
per: written and read before the Strafford district of the 
New Hampshire medical society, Feb. 11, 1818, with 
an addendum dated Jan. 11, 1819: 19.1 x 15.4 cm., 14 

EUSTACCHIO Bartolomeo 1520-74 

29 Tabulae anatomicae. In Latin, on paper: purport¬ 
edly written in the 16th century in Italy: 21.8 x 14.5 
cm., 161 leaves: with 307 slightly colored pen drawings. 
Ricci p. 953 

FIZEAU Armand Hippolyte Louis 1819-96 

30 Notes, calculations, diagrams, correspondence, 1863- 
81, pertaining to his physical researches, more especially 
his work on the establishment of the international 
metre. See also note following IV: F177 


31 De elementis, De complexionibus, De malitia com- 
plexionis diversae, De juvamentis membrorum, De 
differentiis febrium, De criticis diebus, De interioribus, 
De simplicibus, De regimine sanitatis, De medendis 
febribus ad Glauconem, De alimentis, all tr. into Latin 
from the Arabic by Gerardus Cremonensis and others. 
In Latin, on vellum: written in last half of 13th century 
in North of Italy, probably Bologna: 38.3 x 24.5 cm., 
268 leaves: red and black in double columns: modern 
binding: from Scriptorium of Bologna. Ricci p. 952 

32 Liber therapeutices, De utilitate anhelitus, De phar- 
maciis, De malicia complexionis, De accidente et 
morbo, De lapide, De phlebotomia, De pharmaciis 
Hippocratis, De virtutibus naturalibus, De complexi¬ 
onibus, De regimine sanitatis. In Latin, on vellum: 
written in the 14th century, probably for the University 
of Bologna: 40.8x26.4 cm., 97 1/2 leaves: 1st initial 
illuminated in gold, red and blue, numerous capitals in 
red and blue: in double columns: old pigskin on wooden 
boards. Ricci p. 952 

GARTH Sir Samuel See 48 

GILBERT the Englishman 13th cent. 

33 Compendium medicinae. In Latin, on vellum: writ¬ 
ten in late 13th or early 14th century in France: 
33 x 21.5 cm., 178 leaves: initials in red and blue: rough 
doeskin on wooden boards: from Bibliothek des Stiftes, 
Melk, Austria 

GRACHT Jacob van der 

34 Anatomie. Dutch text with drawings, in red, black 
and white, done about 1634, in Holland: 43 x 28 cm., 
36 leaves, 14 blank 


35 Epistolae. In Latin, on vellum: written about 1450, 
in Italy: 16.2 x 11.3 cm., 74 leaves: gold initials on red 
and blue backgrounds: old red velvet binding 

HUNTER John 1728-93 

36 Concerning a paper on the natural history of the bee. 
ALS to Sir Joseph Banks, Febry. 2d, 1792: framed 
23 x 18.4 cm., 2 leaves 




HUNTER William 1718-83 

37 Anatomical and chirurgical lectures. Read by Dr. 
William Hunter and Mr. William Cruikshank (on dis¬ 
sected bodies) at their theatre in Windmill Street, Hay 
Market, London. Taken in writing by William Tempest 
Mercer, a pupil attending the said lectures in 1775 & 
1776. In English, on paper: 21.5 x 18 cm., 261 

38 A description of the human gravid uterus and its 
contents. In English, on paper: ascribed to Hunter: 
22.3 x 18.1 cm., 165 leaves, 56 blank inch one lacking; 
binding of brown calf: “purchased at the sale of Dr. 
Combe’s books, April 1817” 

JACKSON James 1777-1867 

39 Lectures on the theory and practice of physick. On 
paper: written Nov. 17, 1824 to Jan. 21, 1825; Nov. 16, 
1825 to Jan. 30, 1826 in Boston by Elisha Bartlett: 
24 x 16 cm., 75 leaves 

JENNER Catharine {Mrs. Edward) 

40 Two ALS not dated 

JENNER Edward 1749-1823 

41 ALS 9/16/1815 and 1/23/1820; AL not dated 

JUSSIEU Bernard de 1699-1777 

42 Introduction £ la connoissance des plantes. Notes 
in French written by a pupil attending his lectures in 
1762: 20.7 x 15.3 cm., 98 leaves. 

See also note following IV: F177 

KELVIN William Thomson baron 1824-1907 

43 Thirty-one LS, eighteen of which are holograph, to 
Major Philip Cardew 1889-1903. Also: 2 leaves of 
Examination questions in Algebra, of Civil Service 
Commission, with MS notes by Lord Kelvin; 2 cards, 
original & duplicate, made on “New writing telephone” 
and other MS notes. Various sizes bound together fol. 


44 In Latin, on paper: written by Hieronymus Munzer, 
signed and dated 1477, Pavia: 20.4x14.7 cm., 171 
leaves, 9 blank: from the collection of Prince Dietrich- 

Contains selections from Galen, Haly Abbas, and 
the entire Anatomy of Mondino 


45 Opera. In Latin, on vellum: dated 1448, written in 
northern Italy: 21.4 x 15.5 cm., 290 leaves: figurated 
and ornamental initials, rubricated throughout: one- 
half leather: armorial stamp of Comes Donatus Silva. 
Ricci p. 952 

MONDINO dei Luzzi d. 1326 See 44 


46 The metamorphosis of the planets, with notes in Sir 
Isaac Newton’s hand. On paper: 19.9 x 15.5 cm., 39 
leaves, 2 blank 

NEWTON Sir Isaac 1642-1727 

47 Index chemicus: “Ablutio” to “Aqua foetida.” In 
Latin, on paper: 30.2 x 19.2 cm., 6 leaves, 2 blank. See 
also 13 , 46 


48 Metamorphoses, ed. by Sir Samuel Garth. In Eng¬ 
lish, on paper: written about 1717 and ascribed to 
Garth (Dr. Cushing expresses doubt as to this being 

Garth’s handwriting) 19.3 x 14.8 cm., 264 leaves, 5 
blank: bound by Wallis in crimson levant morocco 

PATIN Guy 1601-72, Attributed to 

49 Suculenta rerum medicarum congeries. Colophon 
reads: Commentariolor. Sive, Enchirid. medic, et 
patinic. consilij ad medicinae studiosos. In Latin and 
Greek, on paper: 9.7 x 6.8 cm., 132 leaves, 9 blank 


50 Wundarzt-Ordnung. In German, on vellum: dated 
1578, with supplement, 1580: written in Regensburg: 
29.3 x 19.7 cm., 14 leaves: contemporary pigskin bind¬ 
ing with Imperial eagle and coat of arms of Regensburg 
and date 1579 


51 Liber ad Almansorem. In Latin,on vellum: written 
in early part of the 14th century in Italy: 30.7 x 23.2 
cm., 168 leaves: in two columns: figurated and ornamen¬ 
tal initials showing oriental influence: mottled calf. 
Ricci p. 951 

ROGERIUS Salernitanus 

52 Chirurgia. In Latin, on vellum: written at end of the 
12th century in South Italy, undoubtedly at Salerno: 
20 x 13.5 cm., 41 leaves: initials in red and blue: old 
sheepskin: from Benedictine Monastery at Ardmont, 

Contains also the so-called Bamberg Surgery from 
Salerno, described in IV: C418. Ricci p. 2298 

SACRO BOSCO Joannes de fl. 1230 

53 Sphaera mundi. In Latin, on vellum: written in 
1467 at Padua by Jacobus de Milisapris de Portunariis: 
20 x 14.3 cm., 38 leaves: rubricated: wrappers 


54 The modern practice of physic or, a method of ju¬ 
diciously treating the several disorders incident to the 
human body, by C. S., 1759. On paper: 20.8 x 16 cm., 
104 leaves 

55 A treatise on the operations of surgery as they are 
now performed in St. Thomas’s hospital, by C. S., 1754. 
On paper: 20.8 x 16 cm., 49 leaves 


56 Experiments in digestion, tr. from the Latin original 
by G. Henry Lodge, 1839. On ruled paper: 24.8 x 19.5 
cm., 124 leaves, 1 blank 

SMITH Sir James Edward 1759-1828 

57 English medical botany. Unpublished MS on pa¬ 
per: written in 1822: 20.7 x 17.2 cm., 116 leaves 

SPALLANZANI Lazzaro 1729-99 

58 Sixteen ALS and three AL: in Italian with one draft 
reply from A. Fortes and one from Canterzani, also 
ALS from V. Malacarne to Spallanzani: each with Eng¬ 
lish translation: 1766-93: mounted & bound fol. 

THOMSON Elihu 1853-1937 

59 Stereoscopic Roentgen pictures. Author’s original 
MS and photostat facsim. of article published in the 
Elect. Engr.j 1896, 21: 256, 29.1 x 19.8 cm., 2 leaves 

WALLACE Alfred Russel 1823-1913 

60 A summary of the proofs that vaccination does not 
prevent small-pox. Author’s original MS: on ruled 
paper: 19.8 x 16 cm., 28 leaves 





1 On paper: written about 1750: 25.5 x 15.2 cm., 269 
leaves: ornamental green and red morocco 


1. Kitab al-dhablra [Medicine] by Thabit ibn lyurra 

2. Sharb Man?umat ibn Sina [Commentary on Avi¬ 
cenna’s poem on medicine] by Averroes 

2 On paper: 18.5 x 11.4 cm., 296 leaves: red morocco 


1. Minhaj al-dukkan [Pharmacology] by Abu 
’1-Mina ibn Abl Nasr ibn IJaffa? al-Kuhln al-‘Attar 

2. Kitab fi khasa’is al-baiwanat wal-nabatat [On the 
medicinal properties of animals and plants] by Rhazes, 
A. H. 1068: A.D. 1658 

3. Makala fi ’1-fasd [Treatise on bloodletting] 

Abu Sa‘id ibn Ibrahim al-Mutatabbib al-Maghribi 

3 Kitab kanz al-bikma [On medicine and pharmacology] 
On paper: written A.H. 1021: A.D. 1612: 29.3x18.8 
cm., 248 leaves: embossed red morocco 

‘Ali ibn al-‘Abbas al-Majusi [Haly Abbas] 

4 Kitab kamil al-sana‘a ’1-tibbiyya [Handbook of medi¬ 
cine] On paper: written A.H. 891: A.D. 1486: 27.1 x 
17.8 cm., 500 leaves: green morocco 


5 Kitab al-kanun fi ’1-tibb [Canon of medicine] On pa¬ 
per: written A.H. 1006: A.D. 1597:31.1 x 21.7 cm., 505 
leaves: red morocco 

6 Kitab al-kanun fi ’1-tibb [Canon of medicine, Part of 
Book III, Book IV, Vj On paper: written A.H. 1055: 
A.D. 1645: 45.2x25.6 cm., 411 leaves: black mo¬ 

7 Kitab al-kanun fi ’1-tibb [Canon of medicine, Book I 
& II only] On paper: written probably in the 18th 
century: 28.5 x 19.5 cm., 241 leaves: red morocco 


8 Kitab Jalinus fi ‘amal al-tashrih [Anatomy] tr. into 
Arabic by Hunain ibn Isbak On paper: written A.H. 
939: A.D. 1532: 18.6 x 10.8 cm., 99 leaves; embossed 
red morocco 


9 The Koran: one page from MS on paper: written in 
the 15th or 16th century in Maghrib: 23.6 x 17.5 cm. 


10 Al-Hawi [The “Continens”] On paper: written 
about 1600 by order of Suleiman Shah, Safavid dy¬ 
nasty: 38 x 23.8 cm., 343 leaves: monarch’s autograph 
in Persian on leaf one, surrounded by an illumination in 
red, blue and gold: contemporary black leather binding 
with red and gold figures 

Yahya ibn ‘Isa ibn Jazla 

11 Takwim al-abdan [Therapeutics, arranged in the 
form of tables] On paper: written about 1600: 
28 x 20.5 cm., 93 leaves 


12 On paper: 18 x 9.3 cm., 249 leaves: black morocco 

1. Treatise on therapeutics: A.H. 1069: A.D. 1659. 

2. Fi al-adwiya al-mawjuda fi kull makan [On reme¬ 
dies found in all places] by Rhazes, A.H. 1069: A.D. 
1659. Arabic 

3. Risalat shifa ‘ajil [Epistle on quick therapy] by 
Muhammad §adr al-Din. Arabic 

4. Risala jawriyya (?) [A medical epistle] by Avicen¬ 
na. Persian 

5. [Treatise on therapeutics] by YQsuf ibn Muham¬ 
mad, A.H. 1067: A.D. 1657. Persian 

6. Taqwim al-abdan [Tables of therapeutics] by 
Yabya ibn Tsa. Persian 


13 On paper: 17th century: 21.5 x 13.3 cm., 69 leaves: 
red morocco 


1. Anatomical drawings 

2. Dar ma'rifat al-asturlab [On the use of the 
astrolabe] by Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Tusi 

3. Dar a'mal asturlab [On the use of the astrolabe] 
by ‘All Jafri Rumi 

4. Treatise on astrology, illustrated with miniatures 

5. Astronomical notes, etc. 

6. Medical notes 

7. Musical notes 

Mansur ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad 

14 Tashrib-i-Mansuri [Anatomy] On paper: 18th cen¬ 
tury: 24.1 x 15.5 cm., 27 leaves: ornamental soft green 

15 Mu'alajat wa-mushahadat [Miscellaneous medical 
notes, recipes, anecdotes, etc.] On paper: written 
about 1750: 29.6 x 18.2 cm., 308 leaves: marginal 
notes in Arabic and Turkish 

‘Ain al-hayat Iskandari 

16 [Treatise on medicine, assigned to a certain Iskandar. 
On paper: written about the 17th century: 19.5 x 14.2 
cm., 175 leaves: green morocco 


17 [Ola of works on Hindu medicine] On strips of pre¬ 
pared fronds of the talipot palm: written about 1590 in 
Ceylon: 5.2 x 21.8 cm., 73 leaves: with covers of Sapu 
wood, a plaited red, white and blue cotton cord (mod¬ 
ern reproduction) and antique ivory medallion 


Ch’en Shih-kung 

18 Wai-k’e-cheng-tsung [Surgery] n.p. (preface: 1785) 
6 v. 8° Chinese 

Copenhagen. Kongelige bibliotek 

19 Anatomie mandchoue, facsim. du MS no. II du 
Fonds oriental, ed. by A. Clod-Hansen & V. Madsen, 
tr. by V. L. P. Thomsen. Copenhagen 1928. fol. 




Fulton, John Farquhar 1899- 

20 Sei-ri gaku shisui [Selected readings in the history of 
physiology] tr. by Susumu Harashima. Tokyo 1933. 
8° Japanese 

Golden mirror 

21 Yu Tsuan I Tsung Chin Chien [Golden mirror of 
medicine] n.p. 1876. 60 v. 8* Chinese 

Haenisch, Erich 1880- ed. 

22 Lehrgang der chinesischen Schriftsprache. Leipzig 
1929. 8° Textband only; Chinese 

Heister, Lorenz 1683-1758 

23 Yoi shinso [Book on surgery] tr. by Sugita Gempaku 
& Otsuki Gentaku. Edo, Japan 1825. 4 v. 8° Japanese 

Hobson, Benjamin 1816-73 

24 Hsi-kno i-shu [Medical books of the West] Shanghai 
1851-58. 5 v. 8° Chinese 

Ibn Ezra Moses ben Jacob 1070 ?-l 138 

25 Selected poems, tr. by S. Solis-Cohen, ed. by 
H. Brody. Philadelphia 1934. 12° English & Hebrew 


26 The Koran [reproduction of MS made in 1686] 
Cairo? 1920? 8° Arabic 

Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-BIrunl d. 1048 

27 The book of instruction in the elements of the art of 
astrology, written in Ghaznah 1029 A.D., reproduced 
from Brit. Mus. MS. Or. 8349, tr. by R. R. Wright. 
London 1934. 8° Persian & English 

Tanaka, Fumio 

28 Hoku-Bei nikki tsu-shin [his Diary and correspond¬ 
ence in North America] Okayama 1935. 8° Japanese 

Udagawa, Shin-sai 

29 I han teikd [Epitome of medicine] Tokyo 1808. 8* 

‘Umar ibn Yusuf 

30 Kitab al-mu‘tamad fl ’l-adwiyat al-mufrada [Phar¬ 
macology and therapeutics] Cairo 1909. 8° Arabic 

Wang Ch’ing-jen b. 1768 

31 I-lin-kai-ts’o [Errors of ancient medicine] Canton 
1853. 2 v. 8° Chinese 

Yang Chi-chou 

32 Chen chih ta ch’eng [Complete treatise on acupunc¬ 
ture] n. p. (preface: 1680) 12 v. 8° Chinese 

33 — Shanghai [late 19th cent.] 6 v. 8* 

34 — Peiping 1909. 10 v. 8° 

[ 7 ] 


The compilers have followed the forms used 
by the late Dr. Arnold C. Klebs in his Incuna¬ 
bula Scientifica et Medica , published at Bruges 
in 1938. 

The first number quoted refers to Dr. 
Klebs* list and the second number, preceded 
by a letter, to Incunabula in American Li¬ 
braries , edited by Miss Margaret B. Stillwell 
and published by the Bibliographical Society 
of America in 1940. In some instances the 
printer’s name has been supplied when not 
given by Dr. Klebs. 

ABANO Pietro d* See Pietro d'Abano 


1 De nativitatibus. Venice Ratdolt 24 Dec. 1485. 4° 

4.1; A6 

AEGIDIUS Corboliensis Petrus See Gilles de Corbeil 


2 De anima. De intellectu et intelligibili. Venice Novi- 
magio 1481. fol. 13.1; A199 With 157 

3 De animalibus. Venice Gregoriis 21 May 1495. fol. 
14.3; A203 

4 Logica (Libri I & II) Pavia Canibus [1490?] fol. A240 
With 159 

5 —(Liber III) [Pavia Canibus 1490?] fol. A241 With 

6 Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento. Cologne 1481. 4° 26.4; A273 


7 De magnis coniunctionibus. Augsburg Ratdolt 31 
March 1489. 4° 39.1; A327 

8 Flores astrologiae. Augsburg Ratdolt 18 Nov. 1488. 
4° 37.1; A323 With 7 

9 Introductorium in astronomiam. Augsburg Ratdolt 
7 Feb. 1489. 4° 38.1; A326 


10 Liber isagogicus ad scientiam iudicialem astronomiae. 
Venice Ratdolt 1485. 4° 41.3; A330 With 142 


11 Algorithmus integrorum [Leipzig Landsberg 1495] 4* 
55.1; A415 [1490-95?] 

12 Algorithmus linealis [Leipzig] Landsberg (dev.) 
[1495] 4° 54.1; A416 [1490-95?] With 11 

13 Algorithmus minutiarum physicarum [Leipzig Lands¬ 
berg 1495] 4° 57.1; A418 [1490-95?] With 11 

14 Algorithmus minutiarum vulgarium [Leipzig Lands¬ 
berg 1495] 4° 56.1; A419 [1490-95?] With 11 


15 Almanach auf das Jahr 1472 [Augsburg Schiissler 
1471?] Broadside. A437 

AQUINAS Thomas See Thomas Aquinas 
ARGELLATA Petrus de See Pietro <T Argellata 

16 Physica sive de physico auditu. Venice [Gregoriis] for 
O. Scotus 30 Sept. 1495. fol. 93.4; A864 

Secreta secretorum. In 154 
ARNALDO de Villanova 

17 De vinis [Paris] Baligault (dev.) for Jaumar & Julian 
[1500] 4° 102.1; A962 With 93 

18 Regimen sanitatis ad regem Aragonum [Turin or 
Piedmont 1474] 4° 99.1; A959 

19 Regimen senum [Paris] Baligault (dev.) for Jaumar & 
Julian [1500] 4° 107.1; A960 With 93 

See also 126; 127 


20 Venice Tortis 20 Aug. 1487. fol. 116.3; A1012 

21 Venice Gregoriis 1500. fol. 116.6; A1015 

ASCOLI Saladino Ferro See Saladino Ferro 
d' Ascoli 


22 De civitate dei. Venice Jenson 2 Oct. 1475. fol. 

AUGUSTONE Giovanni Basilio 

23 Astrological predictions. 1498. (Latin) Turin 13 Jan. 
Turin Silva. 4° 125.8; A1228 


24 Liber Teisir - Averroes. Colliget. Venice Gregoriis 
4 Jan. 1490 [1491] fol. 127.1; A1253 


25 Canon medicinae lib. I-V. Padua [Herbort] 1479, 
lib. iii, 27 Oct.; lib. v, n.d. De virib. cord. 6 Nov. fol. 
131.5; A1264 

26 — Lyon Trechsel completed by Clein 24 Dec. 1498. 
lib. i, iii, fen 1-12 only. fol. 131.13; A1273 


27 De infantium aegritudinibus (Italian) Brescia; 
after 16 March 1486. 4° 139.2 

BARBARO Ermolao 

28 Castigationes Plinii et Pomponii Melae. Rome Silber 
24 Nov. 1492; 13 Feb. 1493. fol. 143.1; B88 

BARTHOLOMEW the Englishman 

29 De proprietatibus rerum (French) Lyon Math. Huss 
7 Apr. 1487. fol. 150.5; B132 

30 — (Spanish) Toulouse Mayer 18 Sept. 1494. fol. 

152.1; B135 

BAVERII Baverio de 

31 Consilia medica. Bologna F. Benedictis for the au¬ 
thor’s sons 5 Nov. 1489. fol. 163.1; B247 

BAYERLAND Ortolff von See Ortolff von Bayerland 
BEAUVAL Firmin de See Firmin de Beauval 
BELDOMANDI Prosdocimo de* 

32 Algorithmus de integris. Padua [Cerdonis] 22 Feb. 
1483. 4° 167.1; B262 

[ 8 ] 



BENEDETTI Alessandro 

33 Collectiones medicinae [Venice Gregoriis 1493] 4° 
171.1; A354 

BENEDETTO da Norcia 

34 De conservatione sanitatis. Rome Lignamine 14 Jan. 
1475. 4° 174.1; B275 

35 De pestilentia [Lyon Philippi and Reinhard 1477] 4° 
175.1; B282 [1477-78] 

BENZO Ugo See Ugo da Siena 
BERNARD de Gordon 

36 Lilium medicinae (French) Lyon [Epon. press] 31 
Aug. 1495. 4° 179.1; B390 


37 Arithmetica. Augsburg Ratdolt 20 May 1488. 4° 
191.1; B743 

BONET de Lattes 

38 Anuli super astrologiam utilitates [Rome Freitag 
1493] 4° 197.1; L62 [1492/93?] 

BRUNSCHWIG Hieronymus 

39 Cirurgia (German) Strasburg Griininger 4 July 
,,1397“ [1497] fol. 225.1 oar.; B1087 

BURLEY Walter 

40 Expos, in physica Arist. Venice Locatellus for O.S. 
2 Dec. 1491. fol. 232.4; B1153 


41 Regimen pestilentiae [Paris Gering 1480] 4° 245.1; J1 
CASTRO Hugo de Novo See Hugo de Novo Castro 
CELSUS Aulus Cornelius 

42 De medicina. Florence Laurentii 1478. fol. 260.1; 

43 — Venice Pincius for Fontana 6 May 1497. fol. 260.4; 

CEPOLLA Bartholomaeus 

44 De servitutibus urbanorum et rusticorum praedi- 
orum. Venice Pincius 1498. i 13 Aug.; ii 15 Sept.; iii 
8 Oct.; iv 17 Oct. fol. C356 

CHAULIAC Guy de See Guy de Chauliac 

45 Pliniana defensio adv. Leoniceni accusationem. Fer¬ 
rara Belfortis [1493] 4° 282.1; C687 

CONFLUENTIA Pantaleo de See Pantaleone di 


CONRAD von Megenberg 

46 Buch der Natur. Augsburg Schonsperger 1499. fol. 
300.6; C762 With IV: B815 

CORBEIL Gilles de See Gilles de Corbeil 

DESPARS Jacques 

47 Summula sup. plurimis remediis ex Mesue. Lyon 
[Trechsel 1500] 12“ 331.2; PI 12 

DINO del Garbo 

48 Super parte IV. Can. Avic. Venice Locatellus for O.S. 
24 Dec. 1496. fol. 336.2; D154 


49 De materia medica, etc. (Greek) Venice Manutius 
July 1499. fol. 343.1; D216 


50 Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum. Venice 
Colonia and Manthen 1478. ii 7 Jan. only. fol. D306 


51 Historia rerum ubique gestarum. Venice Colonia and 
Manthen 1477. fol. 372.1; P663 


52 Epistolae diversorum philosophorum (Greek) Venice 
Manutius March [not before 17 Apr.] 1499. 4° 379.1; 


53 Elementa geometriae. Venice Ratdolt 25 May 1482. 
fol. 383.1; E86 

EZRA Abraham ben See Abraham Ben Ezra 
FARINATOR Matthias. Lumen animae. See 90 


54 De urinis et 22. fen III Can. Avic. Milan Sancto 
Nazario 26 July, 17 Nov. 1494. fol. 394.1; F94 

FERRO d'Ascoli Saladino See Saladino Ferro 
d' As coli 

FIRMIN de Beauval 

55 Opusculum repertorii prognosticon. Venice Ratdolt 
1485. 4° 406.1; P920 [before 4 Nov.] 


56 Rosa anglica medicinae. Pavia for Birreta 
24 Jan. 1492. fol. 424.1; J289 

GAETANO da Thiene 

57 Physica Arist. Vicenza S. Ursio 23 Apr. 1487. fol. 
427.3; G33 


58 Opera. Venice Pincius 27 Aug. 1490. fol. 432.1; G36 

GARBO Dino del See Dino del Garbo 


GERARDO di Cremona 
Theorica planetarum. In 139; 140 

GILLES de Corbeil 

59 De pulsibus carmen. Padua Cerdonis Jan. 1484. 4° 
465.1; A83 

60 — De urinis carmen. Padua Cerdonis 12 July 1483. 
4° 464.1; A84 

GORDON Bernard de See Bernard de Gordon 

GRADIBUS Ioannes Matthaeus Ferrarius de See 

Ferrari da Gradi G. 

GRAND Jacques le See Le Grand J. 

61 Lunarium (Italian) [Vicenza 1491?] 4° 470.12a 
[supplied by Klebs] 

GUGLIELMO da Saliceto 

62 Chirurgie (French) Lyon Math. Huss 16 Nov. 1492. 
4° 486.1; S24 


63 Chirurgia (Italian) Venice Quarengiis and Occimiano 
21 Aug. 1493. fol. 492.2; G516 

64 Chirurgia, etc. Venice Locatellus for O.S. 21 Nov. 
1498. fol. 494.1; G510 


65 -99 

HERBALS. Herbarius 

65 Mainz Schoffer (dev.) [14]84 Germ. syn. 4* 506.1; H56 

66 — [Louvain] Veldener [1485-6] Netherl. syn. 4° 506.5; 

67 — [Paris Bonhomme 1486] French syn. 4° 506.9; H55 

68 — Vicenza Achates et Gul. Papia 27 Oct. 1491 (with¬ 
out syn.) 4° 506.10; H62 

HERBALS. Herbarius deutsch: Gart der Gesundheit 

69 Mainz Schoffer (dev.) 28 March 1485. fol. 507.1; G87 

70 — Augsburg [Schonsperger] 22 Aug. 1485. fol. 507.2; 

71 — [Basel Furter 1486] fol. 507.4; G91 

HERBALS. Hortus sanitatis (French) 

72 [Strasburg Priiss 1499] fol. 509.4; H419 

HOLYWOOD John See Sacrobosco, J. 


73 De uni verso [Strasburg Rusch 1474?] fol. 524.1; R3 

HUGO de Novo Castro 

74 De victoria Christi contra Antichristum [Niirnberg 
Sensenschmidt] 1471. fol. H430 

HUGO Senensis See Ugo da Siena 

HUNDT Magnus 

75 Introd. in Arist. physica. Leipzig Stockel 20 July 
1500. 4° 526.1; H482 With IV: H499 


76 De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, etc. Venice Manutius 
Sept. 1497. fol. 529.1; J193 

INSTITORIS Henricus See 155 
ISIDORE of Seville 

77 De responsione mundi. Augsburg Zainer 7 Dec. 1472. 
537.1; 1163 

78 — Etymologiae [Augsburg] Zainer 19 Nov. 1472. fol. 
536.2; 1153 

JACOPO da Voragine 

79 Legenda aurea sanctorum. Venice Arnoldus [not 
after 6 May] 1478. fol. J80 

JAMBLICHUS See Iamblichos 
JOHANNES XXI pope See Petrus Hispanus 
JOHANNES de Gaddesden See Gaddesden J. 
JOBLANNES de Ketham See Ketham J. 
JOHANNES de Peckham See Peckham J. 
JOHANNES de Sacro Busto See Sacrobosco J. 
JOHN of Gaddesden See Gaddesden J. 

JORDANUS Nemorarius 

80 Arithmetica. Paris Higman and Hopyl 22 July 1496. 
fol. 563.1; J425 

JUNG Ambrosius 

81 Tract, de pestilentia. Augsburg Schonsperger 20 Nov. 
1494. 4° 568.1; J447 

KETHAM Johannes de 

82 Fasciculus medicinae. Venice Gregoriis 26 July 1491. 
fol. 573.1; KU 

83 — Venice Gregoriis 15 Oct. 1495. fol. 573.2 ; K12 

84 —Venice Gregoriis 17 Feb. 1500 [1501] fol. 573.4; 

85 — (Italian) Venice Gregoriis 5 Feb. 1493 [1494] fol. 
574.1; K15 

KRAMER Heinrich See Institoris H. 

LATIS Bonetus de See Bonet de Lattes 
LE GRAND Jacques 

86 Sophologium. Lyon N. Philippi and Reinhard [1480] 
fol. 595.10; M36 [1480?] 


87 De morbo gallico. Venice Manutius June 1497. 4° 
599.1; L143 

88 De Plinii et aliorum in medicina erroribus. Ferrara 
L. Rubeis and A. Grassis 18 Dec. 1492. 4° 598.1; L146 

LIVERIIS Johannes de 

De minutiis vulgaribus et physic. In 32 


89 [Logici. Oxford T. Rood 1483?] 4° 1 1. only. STC 

LUCAS de Burgo S. Sepulchri See Pacioli L. da B. 


90 Lumen animae. Augsburg Sorg 3 Sept. 1477. fol. 
631.1; F38 


91 Macer floridus de viribus herbarum carmen. Milan 
Zarotus 19 Nov. 1482. 4° 636.2; M2 

MAGNI Jacobus See Le Grand J. 


92 Regimen sanitatis. Louvain Westphalia 1486. 4° 
640.3; M43 

93 — [Paris] Baligault (dev.) for Jaumar and Julian 
[1500] 4° 640.6; M46 


94 De regimine sanitatis. Florence Ripoli [1481?] 4° 
643.1; M66 

MANFREDI Girolamo 

95 Liber de homine, „I1 perch£“ (Italian) Bologna 
Rugerius and Don. Bertochus 1 July 1474. fol. 653.1; 

MANLIO Giacomo 

96 Luminare maius super Mesue. Venice Stagninus 2 
Jan. 1499. fol. 662.3; M181 With Section IV , U2 


97 Martyrologium der Heiligen nach dem Kalender. 
Strasburg Priiss 1484. fol. 669.1; M297 

MARZIO Galeotto 

98 De homine [Bologna 1471] fol. 670.1; G39 
[about 1475] 

MAURUS Rabanus See Hrabanus Maurus 

MEGENBERG Conrad von See Conrad von Megen- 



99 Mensa philosophica [Cologne Guldenschaff 1485] 4° 
676.6; M422 With 126 


100 - 135 


MERULA Giorgio 

100 In librum Galeotti de homine [Venice Colonia and 
Manthen 1474] 4° 678.1; M433 


101 Opera medicinalia. Florence [Libri 1480] fol. 681.2; 
M449 [about 1492] 

102 — Venice Zanis 31 July 1487. fol. 681.3; M448 


103 Anatomia corporis humani [Leipzig Landsberg 1493] 
4° 688.6; M749 

MONTAGNANA Bartolomeo 

104 Consilia medica [Padua] Maufer 4 May 1476. fol. 
689.1; M700 

MUELLER Johannes Regiomontanus See Regio¬ 

MUNDINUS See Mondino 

NEMORARIUS Jordanus See Jordanus Nemorarius 

NIDER Johannes 

105 Praeceptorium divinae legis. Augsburg Sorg ‘cir- 
citer’ 24 May 1475. fol. N174 

NIGRIS Syllanus de See Syllanus de Nigris 
NORCIA Benedetto da See Benedetto da Norcia 
NOVO CASTRO Hugo de See Hugo de Novo Castro 
ORTOLFF von Bayerland 

106 Arzneibuch. Niirnberg Koberger 17 March 1477. 
fol. 715.2; 0102 

PACIOLI Fra Luca da Borgo 

107 Somma di aritmetica, geometria, proporzioni. Ven¬ 
ice P. Paganinis 10-20 Nov. 1494. fol. 718.1; L282 

PANTALEONE di Confienza 

108 Pillularium [Pavia after 17 Feb. 1484] fol. 
720.1; P68 [n.d.] With IV: U2 

PARTIBUS Jacobus de See Despars J. 


109 Prospectiva communis [Pavia for] Corneno 
[1482] fol. 738.1; J355 [Milan 1482/3?] 

PETRUS Aponensis See Pietro d' Abano 
PETRUS Hispanus 

110 Tesoro dei poveri [Florence Libri 1497] 8° 748.3; 


111 Theoricae novae planetarum [Niirnberg Regiomon¬ 
tanus 1473-4] fol. 752.1; P1029 [about 1474] With 53; 
also In 141-144; 147 

PEYLIGK Johannes 

112 Philosophiae naturalis compendium. Leipzig Lotter 
12 Sept. 1499. fol. 754.1; P493 

PIETRO d'Abano 

113 Conciliator. Mantua Vurster and Septemcastrensis 
for Ludov. Carmelita 1472. fol. 773.1; P387 

114 — Venice Herbort 5 Feb. 1483. fol. 773.3; P389 

115 De venenis. Rome Lignamine 27 Jan. 1475.4° 774.3; 
P395 With 34 

116 — [Padua] Cerdonis 18 Dec. 1487. 4° 774.7; P398 
PIETRO d’Argellata 

117 Chirurgia. Venice 28 Apr. 1492. fol. 777.2; 

118 — Venice 12 Sept. 1499. fol. 777.4; A853 
PIETRO da Tossignano 

119 De peste [Venice? 1470-80] 4° 778.1; P491 
Receptae super nono Almansoris. In 157; 158 

PIUS II pope See Enea Silvio 
PLINY the elder 

120 Historia naturalis. Treviso Manzolus 25 Aug. 1479 
with add. 13 Oct. 1479. fol. 786.6; P721 

121 — Venice Benalius 1497 with add. 13 Feb. 1498. fol. 
786.14; P728 

POLCASTRO Sigismondo 

122 De restauratione humidi. Venice Pasqualibus 25 
Oct. 1490. fol. 791.2; P855 

PORTIS Leonardus de 

123 De sestertio pecuniis ponderibus et mensuris antf- 
quis [Venice? 1500] 4° 802.1; P862 [about 1500] 

PROVOST Nicole (Praepositus) 

124 Dispensarium ad aromatarios [Lyon n.d.] fol. 
805.1; P873 

PURBACHIUS Georgius See Peurbach G. 
RABANUS MAURUS See Hrabanus Maurus 

125 Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum. With comm, of 
Arnaldo de Villanova [Cologne Winters 1480] 4 ° 2 
copies. 829.1; R53 

126 — Corrected by Doctores regentes of Montpellier 
1480. French presses [Paris type Caillaut 1483] 4 ° 
830.3; R63 

127 Regimen sanitatis, Schul von Paris (German) 
Strasburg Brant „im V® ior“ [1505] 4° 832.11; R52 


128 Calendarium [Niirnberg] Regiomontanus [1474] 4 ° 
2 copies. 836.1; R87 

129 — Venice Ratdolt 13 Sept. 1483. 4 ° 836.4; R90 

130 Calendario (Italian) Venice Maler, Ratdolt and 
Loslein 1476. 4° 838.1; R99 

131 Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta 
[Niirnberg Regiomontanus 1475] fol. 840.1; R100 With 

132 Epitoma in Almagestum Ptolemaci. Venice Ham- 
man 31 Aug. 1496. fol. 841.1; R106 


133 Regula falsi [Leipzig Landsberg 1495] 4 ° 843.1; 
R114 With 11 


134 Liber Almansoris etc. Venice Locatellus for O.S. 
7 Oct. 1497. fol. 826.2; R170 

See also 157; 158 
ROBERT the Englishman 

135 De astrolabio canones. Perugia [Epon. press 1477] 4 ’ 
850.1; R197 



136 - 168 

RODRIGO de Zamora 

136 Speculum vitae humanae. Augsburg G. Zainer 11 
Jan. 1471. fol. 857.3; R209 

ROELANS Cornelius 

137 De aegritudinibus infantium [Louvain Veldener 
after 1488] 4° 4 11. forming end papers for IV: B275 
861.1; R235 [about 1484] 


138 Rudimentum noviriorum. Liibeck L. Brandis 5 Aug. 
1475. fol. 867.1; R332 

SACROBOSCO Johannes de 

139 Sphaera mundi [Venice Argentina 1472] 4° 874.2; 

140 — Venice Renner 1478. 4° 874.6; J361 

141 — Venice Ratdolt 6 July 1482. 4° 874.9; J364 

142 — [Venice] Ratdolt 1485. 4° 874.10; J365 

143 —Venice [Locatellus] for O.S. 4 Oct. 1490. 4° 
874.14; J368 

144 — Venice Anima Mia 14 Jan. 1491. 4° 874.15; JJdP 

145 — Paris [Higman for] Hopyl 12 Feb. 1494 [1495] fol. 
874.18; 7372 

146 — [Leipzig] Landsberg (dev.) [1495] 4° 874.21; 7374 

147 — Venice Bevilaqua 23 Oct. 1499. fol. 874.26; 7376 

148 Compendium aromatariorum. Ferrara Belfortis 5 
Apr. 1488. fol. 876.2; S19 

SALERNO School of See Regimen 

SALICETO Guilielmus de See Guglielmo da Sa- 


149 Canonica de febribus. Venice Locatellus for O.S. 22 
Nov. 1498. fol. 885.3; S270 

150 De balneis et thermis. Ferrara Belfortis 10 Nov. 
1485. fol. 884.1; S265 

151 De pulsibus, urinis et egestionibus. Bologna H. Har¬ 
lem and Walbeck 8 May 1487. fol. 886.1; S274 

152 Practica medica. Venice Bonetis 10 May 1486. fol. 
882.2; S272 With 82 

SCOT John Duns See Duns Scot J. 

SCOTUS Michael 

153 Expos, super auctorem sphaerae. Bologna Ruberia 
16 Sept. 1495. 4° 900.1; M479 

154 Physiognomia. Louvain [Loeffs or Veldener] 14(84) 
4° 2 copies. 899.3; M484 [1487 or 1484?] 

SENENSIS Hugo See Ugo da Siena 
SEVILLE Isidore of See Isidore of Seville 
SIENA Ugo da See Ugo da Siena 

SILVIO Enea See Enea Silvio 

SPRENGER Jacobus and Institoris Henricus 

155 Malleus maleficarum [Speier Drach 1491] fol. 926.2; 
1138 [about 1490-91] 


156 La fontaine de toute science. Paris for 
V£rard [1496?] fol. 944.2; S780 

SYLLANUS de Nigris 

157 Expos, noni libri Almansoris [Razi] Venice Stagni- 
nus 30 March 1483. fol. 946.2; R176 

158 —Venice [Locatellus] for O.S. 10 Apr. 1490. fol. 
946.3; R177 

THIENE Gaetano da See Gaetano da Thiene 
THOMAS Aquinas 

159 Super de coelo et mundo Arist. [Pavia] Carcano 8 
Nov. 1486. fol. 964.1; T217 

160 Super de generatione et corruptione Arist. Pavia 
[Lavalle] 3 Dec. 1488. fol. 965.1; T220 With 159 

TORNAMIRA Johannes de See Tournemire J. 

161 Orthographia. Venice Liechtenstein 12 Nov. 1484. 
fol. T364 


162 Clarificatorium super nono Almansoris Razi. Lyon 
Trechsel 17 June 1490. 4° 984.1; T351 


163 Tractatus proportionum plusquam aureus [Leipzig 
Landsberg 1495] 4° 988.1; T379 With 11 

TUSSIGNANO Petrus de See Pietro da Tossignano 
UGO da Siena 

164 Super aphorismos Hippocratis et Galeni comm. 
Venice Locatellus for O.S. 23 May 1498. fol. 1002.2; 

VALLA Giorgio 

165 Collectio. Nicephoros, logica etc. Venice Bevilaqua 
30 Sept. 1498. fol. 1012.1; N33 


166 De pulsibus [Perugia] H.M. [after 5 Feb. 1480] fol. 
1026.1; V209 


167 Versehung von Leib, Seele, Ehre und Gut. Augsburg 
Schobsser 1490. 4° 1028.2; V211 

168 — Augsburg Schonsperger 1493. 4° 1028.3; V212 
VTLLANOVA Amaldo de See Arnaldo de Villanova 
VORAGINE Jacopo da See jAcopo da Voragine 
ZAMORA Rodrigo de See Rodrigo de Zamora 




A., J. See Astell J. 

A.M. See G2 

ABANO Pietro d* See Pietro d' Abano 
ABBE Robert 1851-1928 Biography See 16 

ABBOT Charles Greeley 1872— 

A1 [Miscellaneous papers 1935-36] 8° 

ABBOTT Maude Elizabeth Seymour 1869-1940 
A2 Classified and annotated bibliography of Sir William 
Osier’s publications, 2d ed. Montreal 1939. 8° 

A3 Florence Nightingale. Boston (1916) 8° 

A4 McGill’s heroic past 1821-1921. Montreal 1921. 8° 
ABDERHALDEN Emil 1877- See L171-73 
ABEILLE Scipion d. 1697 

A5 Le parfait chirurgien d’armEe. Paris 1696. 12° SG 
ABEL John Jacob 1857-1938 

A6 Chemistry in relation to biology & medicine (Balti¬ 
more 1939) 8° 

A7 [Miscellaneous papers 1897-1938] 8° 

ABELL Irvin 1876- 

A8 A retrospect of surgery in Kentucky. The heritage of 
Kentucky medicine [Louisville] 1926. 8° 

ABERCROMBIE John 1780-1844 
A9 The contest and the armour. Think on these things. 
From 14th Edinburgh ed. New York 1857. 24° 

ABERNETHY John 1764-1831 

A10 An enquiry into the probability and rationality of 
Mr. Hunter’s Theory of life, new ed. London 1818. 8° 
All The Hunterian oration for the year 1819. London 
1819. 8° With A10 

A12 The surgical and physiological works, from 6th 
London ed. Hartford 1825. 2 v. 8° 

A13 Surgical observations on injuries of the head. Phila¬ 
delphia 1811. 8° 2 copies 
Biography See M31 

ABRAHAMSON Isador 1872-1933 
A14 Lethargic encephalitis. New York 1935. 8° 


A15 An abridgement of anatomy taken from Titian & 
other the best Italian masters. London T. Bakewell 
[ca. 1750] fol. GHL 


A16 Liber theoricae (Augsburg S. Grimm & M. Wirsung 
1519) fol. SG 
See also P400 

ACAD £MIE DE medecine Paris 
A17 DeuxiEme centenaire de 1’AcadEmie royale de chi- 
rurgie (Paris 1931) 8° 

A18 Seance solennelle du 100. anniversaire de la mort de 
Jenner. Paris 1923. 8° 

ACADEMEEIMPERIALE des sciences St. Petersburg 
A19 Rapports concernant la nomination d’une commis¬ 
sion internationale pour la creation des prototypes 
Equivalents aux Etalons mEtriques. St. Petersburg 1870. 
8 ° 

ACADEMEE ROYALE de chirurgie Paris 
A20 MEmoires, ed. J. N. Marjolin. Paris 1838. 3 v. 8° 
See also A17 

ACADEMIE ROYALE des sciences Paris 
A21 Analyse des travaux. Partie physique par G. Cu¬ 
vier, 1813-29. 10 v. in 1. 4° 

A22 Recueil de plusieurs traitez de mathEmatique. 
Paris 1676. fol. BMC 

ACADEMY OF medicine of Philadelphia 
A23 Proofs of the origin of the yellow fever in Philadel¬ 
phia & Kensington, 1797. Philadelphia 1798. 8° SG 

ACAKIA Martin See Akakia M. 

ACCADEMIA DEL cimento Florence 
A24 Essayes of natural experiments, tr. R. Waller. Lon¬ 
don 1684. 4° FultonB 268 

R. ACCADEMIA delle scienze Naples 
A25 Atti dalla fondazione sino all’anno 1787. Naples 
1788. 4° JC 

R. ACCADEMIA delle scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna 
A26 Notizie dell’origine e progressi. Bologna 1780. 8° 

ACCOLTI Benedetto 1415-66 
A27 De bello contra barbaros. Basel R. Winter 1544. 8* 

ACCUM Friedrich Christian 1769-1838 
A28 Description of the process of manufacturing coal 
gas. London 1819. 8° 

A29 A system of theoretical and practical chemistry. 
London 1803. 2 v. 8° 

ACHILLINI Alessandro 1463-1512 See A315 

ACL AND Sir Henry Wentworth Dyke bart. 1815— 

A30 The Harveian oration, 1865. London 1865. 8° 

A31 The Oxford museum, J. Ruskin jt.auth. London 
1893. 8° 

A32 William Stokes. London 1882. 8* 

Biography See A304 

ACLAND Theodore Dyke 1851-1931 See G464 

ACOSTA Christovao 16th cent. 

A33 Aromatum & medicamentorum in orientali India 
nascentium liber, tr. C. de L’Ecluse. Antwerp C. 
Plantin 1582. 8° SG 

A34 Tractado de las drogas, y medicinas de las Indias 
orientales. Burgos M. de Victoria 1578. 4° SG 

ACREE Ellen Gray See M38 


A3 5 - A70 

ACREL Olof af 1717-1806 

A35 Chirurgiska handelser. Stockholm 1775. 8 SG 

ACTON George 

A36 Physical reflections upon a letter written by J. 
Denis concerning transfusion of blood. London 1668. 
4° BMC 


A37 Operum tomus 1.-2. Lyons J. de Tournes & 
G. Gazeau 1556. 12° BMC 
ADAIR John d . 1794? Biography See M94 
ADAIR Robert 1710P-90 Biography See M94 


A38 Adam’s luxury and Eve’s cookery or the kitchen- 
garden display’d. London 1744. 12 BMC 

ADAMI John George 1862-1926 
A39 Charles White of Manchester 1728-1813 [New 
York] 1923. 8° 

A40 Sir John Harington. Repr. Bull . Johns Hopk. 
Hosp. 1908, 19: 285-95 

A41 War story of the Canadian army medical corps, v. 1 
(London 1918) 8° 

A42 William Ernest Henley, poet and patient. Repr. 
Montreal med. J. 1903, 32: 660-68 
Biography See A43 

ADAMI Marie 

A43 J. George Adami. London 1930. 8° 

ADAMS Francis 1796-1861 See H344; P158 
ADAMS George 1750-95 

A44 An essay on electricity, 4th ed. London 1792. 8° 

ADAMS Henry 1838-1918 

A45 Seventeen letters, ed. F. B. Luquiens. Six letters, 
ed. A. S. Cook. Yale Rev. 1920, n.s. 10: 111-40 

ADAMS John Couch 1819-90 

A46 On the perturbations of Uranus. In The nautical 
almanac for 1851: 265-93. London 1847. 8° 

ADAMS John Quincy pres. U. S. 1767-1848 Biog¬ 
raphy See C251 

ADAMS Joseph 1756-1818 See H519 

ADAMS Samuel Hopkins 1871— 

A47 The great American fraud [New York?] °1906. 8° 

ADAMS Walter See H443 

ADAMS William Henry Davenport 1828-91 
A48 The healing art, 2d ed. London 1887. 2 v. 8° 

ADDISON Thomas 1793-1860 
A49 A collection of the published writings, ed. S. Wilks, 
T. M. Daldy. London 1868. 8° 2 copies 

ADELA Dragomir 

A50 Modific2.ri experimentale ale ipofizei. Jassy 1932. 8° 
ADLINGTON William fl. 1566 See A209 

ADRIAN Edgar Douglas 1889- 

A51 [Papers on the nervous system, 1933-36] 8° 

ADY Mrs. Julia Mary (Cartwright) d. 1924 

A52 Beatrice d’Este 1475-97 (3d ed.) New York 1903.8° 

AEGIDIUS Corboliensis Petrus See Gilles de Cor- 

AEGIDIUS Romanus See Egidio da Roma 

AEPINUS Franz Ulrich Theodor 1724-1802 
A53 Recueil de differents m6moires sur la tourmaline. 
St. Petersburg 1762. 8° BMC 

AESCULAPIUS Medicus Vetustissimus See H326 
AETIUS of Ami da 

A54 Contractae ex veteribus medicinae sermones XVI, 
tr. J. Hagenbut. Venice Farri 1543-44. 2 v. 8° v. 1 only. 

AFRICANUS Constantinus See Constantinus Afri- 

AGASSIZ Louis 1807-73 

A55 An introduction to the study of natural history. 
New York 1847. 8° 

A56 Le ph£nomene erratique dans les environs du Lac 
Superieur. Geneva 1851. 8° 

Biography See G498 

AGATHUS Petrus Angelus pseud. See Bonacci G. 

AGOTY Amaud filoy Gautier d’ See Gautier 
D’Agoty A. E. 

AGOTY Jacques Gautier d’ See Gautier d’Agoty J. 

AGRICOLA Cnaeus Julius 37-93 A.D. Biography 
See T3 

AGRICOLA Georg 1494-1555 

A57 De ortu & causis subterraneorum. Basel (H. Froben 
& N. Episcopius) 1546. fol. BO 674 
A58 De re metallica. Basel 1657. fol. SG 

A59 — tr. H. C. Hoover & L. H. Hoover. London 1912. 

A60 Libri quinque de mensuris & ponderibus. Basel 
(H. Froben & N. Episcopius) 1533. 4° 

A61 — Paris C. Wechel 1533. 8° BO 672 



A62 De beatissimae Annae monogamia, iuxta discep- 
tationem, J. d’E. Le Fevre [Cologne] 1534. 8° With A63 
A63 In artem brevem R. Lullij commentaria. Cologne J. 
Soter 1533. 8° BO 3285 

A64 Of the vanitie and uncertaintie of artes and sci¬ 
ences, tr. J. Sandford. London H. Wykes 1569. 4° BMC 
A65 Operum pars posterior. Lyons Bering brothers n.d. 
8° 1156 p.; imprint fictitious? 

AHLERS Cyriacus 

A66 Some observations concerning the woman of God- 
lyman in Surrey. London 1726. 8° BMC With S17 

AHLMANN Hans Wilhelmsson 1889- See D6 

AIKIN Charles Rochemont 1775-1847 
A67 A concise view concerning the cow-pox, 2d ed. Lon¬ 
don 1801. 12° 

A68 —3d ed. Charlestown [Mass.] 1801. 12° 

A69 Kurze Uebersicht uber die Kuhpocken. Berlin 
1801. 12° 

A70 — tr. J. Hunnemann. Hannover 1801. 8° 


A71 - A118 


AIKIN John 1747-1822 

A71 A description of the country round Manchester. 
London (1795) 2 v. 4° LC 

A72 An essay on the application of natural history to 
poetry. Warrington 1777. 12° BO 4302 
A73 Essays on song-writing, 2d ed. Warrington 1774. 8° 
BO 4301 

A74 Geographical delineations. London 1806. 2 v. 8° 
A75 The lives of John Selden and Archbishop Usher. 
London 1812. 8° 

A76 Memoir by L. Aikin, with a selection of his miscel¬ 
laneous pieces. London 1823. 2 v. 8° 

A77 Observations sur les hopitaux, tr. Verlac. London 
1788. 12° SG 

A78 Poems. London 1791. 8° LC 
A79 Select works of the British poets, 10th ed. Philadel¬ 
phia 1846. 8° 

A80 Thoughts on hospitals. London 1771. 8° BO 1753 
A81 A view of the character of the late John Howard. 
London 1792. 8* BO 1215 
See also A257; M362; T3; T86; T87; W162 
AIKIN Lucy 1781-1864 See A76 

AITKEN George Atherton 1860-1917 
A82 The life and works of John Arbuthnot. Oxford 1892. 
8 ° 

AKADEMIE DER Wissenschaften Berlin 

A83 Histoire avec les m6moires 1745. Berlin 1746. 4° JC 

AKAKIA Martin ft. 1526 See G17 

AKENSIDE Mark 1721-70 
A84 An epistle to Curio. London 1744. 4° BO 4311 
A85 An ode to the country gentlemen of England. Lon¬ 
don 1758. 4° 2 copies BO 4315 
A86 An ode to the Earl of Huntingdon. London 1748. 4 0 
BO 4314 

A87 Odes on several subjects. London 1745. 4° BO 4312 
A88 The pleasures of imagination, a poem [1st issue] 
London 1744. 4° 

A89 — A critical essay on the poem, A. L. Barbauld. 

New York 1813. 16° 

A90 — Boston 1816. 16° 

A91 The poetical works. London 1845. 12° 

Biography See B838 

ALBERT Maurice 1854-1907 

A92 Les m6decins grecs & Rome. Paris 1894. 8° 

ALBERTI Salomon 1540-1600 

A93 Historia plerarunque partium humani corporis 
(Wittenberg H. Krafft heirs 1585) 8° SG 2d copy with 

A94 Orationes duae. Wittenberg K. Schleich & A. 
Schoene (1575-76) 8° SG 

A95 Tres orationes. Nuremberg (K. Gerlach) 1585. 8° 

See also G65 

ALBERTOTTI Giuseppe 1851-1936 
A96 Un ritratto di Pietro d’Abano. Padua 1919. 8° With 


A97 Analysis of the spectrum of singly ionized sama¬ 
rium. Repr. Astrophys. J. 1936, 84: 26-72 


A98 Ein newer Albertus Magnus von Weibern und Ge- 
burten der Kinder, ed. Q. Apollinaris, pseud. [Frankfort 
H. Giilfferich] 1549. 4° 

A99 Tesaurus pauperum sopra la virtu de le herbe e de 
le prede (Milan P. M. Mantegatius 1504) 12° This work 
is his Liber aggregationis. 

A100 Der Weyber natiirliche Heymlichaiten. Kindspfle- 
gung, B. Metlinger [Augsburg H. Steiner?) (1531) 4° 
See also F80; L381 

A101 Revue Thomiste 1931, n.s. 14, no. 65 
ALBICINI Cesare conte b. 1825 See S77 

ALBINUS Bernhard Siegfried 1697-1770 
A102 Academicarum annotationum liber. Leyden 1754- 
58. 4 pts. in 1 v. 4° SG 

A103 A compleat system of the blood-vessels and 
nerves. London 1750. fol. GHL With A107 
A104 Dissertatio de arteriis et venis intestinorum homi- 
nis. Leyden 1736. 4° SG With A102 
A105 Dissertatio secunda de sede et caussa coloris 
aethiopum. Leyden 1737. 4° SG With A102 
A106 Historia musculorum hominis. Leyden 1734. 4° SG 
A107 Tables of the skeleton and muscles of the human 
body. London 1749. fol. LC 

A108 Tabulae ossium humanorum. Leyden 1753. fol. 

A109 Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani. 
Leyden 1747. fol. BMC 
See also B463; V107; V108 


A110 Albrecht von Haller, 1708-77. Denkschrift. Bern 
1877. 8° With K169 

ALBUCASIS See Abulcasis 
ALCANDRIN pseud. See Arcandam pseud. 

ALCESTE docteur 

Alll Les cahiers. Paris 1929. 8° 


A112 Libellus isagogicus, tr. Joannes Hispalensis, ed. 
J. Danck (Venice M. Sessa 1512) 4° BMC 

ALCIPHRON pseud. See Dickson S. 

ALCOTT Louisa May 1832-88 
A113 Hospital sketches. Boston 1863. 8° 

ALCOTT William Andrus 1798-1859 

A114 Sketches of William Penn. Boston 1839. 12° 

ALDINI Giovanni 1762-1834 

A115 An account of the late improvements in galva¬ 
nism. London 1803. 4° 

A116 De animali electricitate dissertationes duae. Bo¬ 
logna 1794. 4° SG 

A117 Essai th6orique et experimental sur le galvanisme. 

Paris 1804. 4° Fulton-Cushing 27 
A118 — : 2 v. 8° Fulton-Cushing 28 

[ 15 ] 



A119- A152 

ALDINI G. — continued 

A119 General views on the application of galvanism to 
medical purposes. London 1819. 8 
A120 Memoria intorno ad alcune elettriche esperienze. 
Bologna 1797. 4° 

See also F363; G91; G95 
ALDRIDGE Harold Richard See M371 

ALDROVANDI Ulisse 1522-1605 
A121 Dendrologiae naturalis libri duo, ed. O. Montal- 
bani. Bologna 1668. fol. BO 1774 
Biography See F32 

ALEMBERT Jean Lerond d* 1717-83 
A122 Discours sur la philosophic (New York 1928) 4 # 

A123 Trait6 de dynamique. Paris 1743. 4° JC 
ALEN B. Jan van See Jan van Alen B. 

ALENCE Joachim d’ 1707? 

A124 Curieux traitt6 de mathematique. Paris 1713. 8° 

ALETHOPHILE J. See Queriau F. G. 
ALEXANDER of Aphrodisias 

A125 Problemata, tr. G. Valla. Problemata, Aristoteles, 
tr. T. Gaza. Problemata, Plutarchus, tr. Joannes Petrus 
Lucensis (Venice A. Rossi 1501) fol. BMC 

ALEXANDER Elizabeth H. 

A126 A bibliography of John Ferguson (Glasgow) 
1920. 4° 

A127 A further bibliography of John Ferguson (Glasgow 
1934) 4° 

ALEXIS Pedemontanus pseud. 

A128 The secretes, tr. W. Warde. London (H. Sutton) 
1559-63. 3 v. in 1. 4° Lacks v. 3. BMC 
A129 — derni&re 6d. Lyons 1657. 8° 

A130 A verye excellent and profitable booke conteining 
sixe hundred foure score and odde experienced medi¬ 
cines, tr. R. Androse. London H. Denham 1569. BO 

ALFRED THE GREAT king of England 849-901 
See B470 


A131 Algorithmus demonstratus (Nuremberg J. Pe- 
treius) 1534. 4° BMC 

ALIIBN ISA of Baghdad 10th cent. 

A132 Memorandum book of a tenth-century oculist, a 
tr. of the Tadhkirat, 1st ed. in English C. A. Wood. 
Chicago 1936. 8° 

ALIBERT Jean Louis baron 1766P-1837 
A133 Description des maladies de la peau. Paris 1806. 

A134 A treatise on malignant intermittents, 3d ed. tr. 
C. Caldwell. Philadelphia 1807. 8° 

ALKINDUS Jacobus See E44 

ALLBUTT Sir Thomas Clifford 1836-1925 
A135 The historical relations of medicine and surgery to 
the end of the 16th century. London 1905. 8° 

A136 Notes on the composition of scientific papers. 
London 1904. 8° 

A137 — (3d ed.) London 1923. 8° 

A138 On professional education. London 1906. 8 
A139 Science and medieval thought. The Harveian ora¬ 
tion, 1900. London 1901. 8° 

Biography See R225 

ALLCHIN Sir William Henry 1846-1912 
A140 Structure and function. The Harveian oration, 
1903. London 1903. 8° 

ALLEN Dudley Peter 1852-1915 
A141 Pioneer medicine on the Western reserve. Mag. 
west. Hist. 1885/86, 3: 50- typescript 

ALLEN Mrs. Helen Mary (Allen) See E87 
ALLEN Herbert Warner 1881- See B291 

ALLEN Percy Stafford 1869-1933 
A142 Erasmus: lectures and wayfaring sketches. Oxford 
1934. 8° 

ALLUT Paul Auguste 1794-1880 
A143 £tude biographique & bibliographique sur Sym- 
phorien Champier. Lyons 1859. 8° 

ALLWOERDEN Heinrich von 

A144 Historia Michaelis Served. Helmstedt (1728) 8° 
BO 854 

A145 — Rotterdam 1729. 4° BMC 

ALMELOVEEN Theodoor Jansson van 1657-1712 

See CIO 

ALMENAR Juan fl. 1500 See C274 
ALPAGO Andrea See A326 
ALPINO Prospero 1553-1617 

A146 De medicina Aegyptiorum. De medicina Indorum, 
J. Bontius, ed. ultima. Paris 1645. 4’ SG 

ALPRUNI Joannes Baptista 

A147 De contagione viennensi. Vienna (1679) 8° 

ALSTED Johann Heinrich 1588-1638 
A148 Clavis artis Lullianae et verae logices. Strasbourg 
L. Zetzner 1609. 8° With L383 
See also L84 

ALSTON Charles 1683-1760 

A149 A dissertation on quick-lime and lime-water. 
Edinburgh 1752. 12‘ SG With 1V175 

ALTOMARI Donato Antonio 16th cent. See S25 

ALVARENGA Pedro Francisco da Costa See Costa 
Alvarenga P. F. da 

AMATUS Lusitanus pseud. 1511-68 
A150 Curationum medicinalium centuriae septem. Bar¬ 
celona S. & J. Mathevats 1628. fol. JC 
Biography See F333 

AMERBACH Veit 1503-57 See V161 


A151 The science of radiology (Springfield Ill. 1933) 8° 


A152 American medicine; expert testimony out of court. 
New York (°1937) 2 v. 8° 


A153 - A190 


AMERICAN INSTITUTE of electrical engineers. Li¬ 

A153 Catalogue of the Wheeler gift of books, ed. W. D. 
Weaver. New York 1909. 2 v. 8° 

A154 Centennial number 1818-1918. 4. s. 46, July 
1918. 8° 


A155 Exhibit commemorating the quater-centenary of 
the birth of Vesalius. n.p. (1914) 8° 

A156 A manual for the meeting in New Haven, June 5 
1860. New Haven 1860. 16* 

A157 Medical ethics and etiquette, ed. A. Flint. New 
York 1883. 8° 

AMERICAN MEDICAL association. Council on 
pharmacy and chemistry 

A158 Glandular physiology and therapy. Chicago 
(1936) 8° 

A159 Glandular therapy. Chicago 1927. 8° 


A160 Semi-centennial anniversary volume (Albany) 
1924. 8° 

AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL society Philadelphia 
A161 Mankind advancing. Philadelphia 1929. 8° 

A162 The record of the celebration of the 200th anni¬ 
versary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia 
1906. 8° 

A163 When Aristotle comes again. Philadelphia 1929. 8° 


A164 History 1887-1937. Baltimore 1938. 8° 


A165 American poems, selected and original, v. 1 [Ed. 
E. H. Smith] Litchfield [Conn.] (1793) 8° LC 


A165a [Amerikanische Reiseeindrucke, 1905-34: cover- 
title for bound collection of 44 reprints and pamphlets] 

AMES Nathaniel 1741-1822 

A166 An astronomical diary or almanack for 1767. 
Boston [1766] 12° 

AMES William 1576-1633 Biography See K105 
AMMAN Johann Conrad 1669-1724 See CIO 
AMMANN Paul 1634-91 

A167 Supellex botanica. Leipzig 1675. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8° 

AMPfiRE Andre Marie 1775-1836 
A168 Description d’un appareil 61ectro-dynamique, 2. 
ed. Paris 1826. 8° 

A169 Expos6 des nouvelles decouvertes sur r£lectricit6 
et le magn6tisme, J. Babinet jt.auth. Paris 1822. 8° 
A170 Precis de la th£orie des ph6nom£nes 61ectro- 
dynamiques. Paris 1824. 8° 

A171 Th6orie des ph£nomenes 61ectro-dynamiques. 
Paris 1826. 4° 

AMSTERDAM. Collegium privatum 
A172 Observationes anatomicae selectiores, 1667-73, 
ed. F. J. Cole. Reading Eng. 1938. 12° 

AMSTERDAM. Universiteit 

A173 Verslag van de herdenking van het derde eeuw- 
feest. Amsterdam 1933. fol. 

AMSTERDAM. Universiteit. Bibliotheek 
A174 Gids met catalogus van incunabelen. Amsterdam 
1919. 8* 


A175 Anatomical fugitive sheets, 5, ascribed to B. 
Schonborn of Wittenberg, 1573-1630. fol. 


A176 Les anciens et renomm£s aucteurs de la medicine 
et chirurgie, ed. G. Guidi. Lyons G. Roville 1555. 8° 

ANCONA Augustinus de See Augustinus de Ancona 

ANDERNACH Johann Guenther von See Guen¬ 
ther J. 

ANDERSON Carl David 1905- 
A177 [Miscellaneous papers 1932-38, S. H. Nedder- 
meyer jt.auth.] 2 v. 8° 

ANDERSON Rudolf John 1879- 
A178 [Miscellaneous papers 1912-37] 

ANDRE Henry- See Henry-Andre 
ANDRE Nathanael St. See St. Andre N. 


A179 Andr6 Vesale. In Die illustrirte Welt 1858: 87-88 

ANDREW James 1829-97 

A180 The Harveian oration, 1890. London 1891. 8° 

ANDREWES Sir Frederick William 1859-1932 
A181 The birth and growth of science in medicine. The 
Harveian oration, 1920. London 1920. 8° 

ANDREWS Mrs. Marian 

A182 The most illustrious ladies of the Italian renais¬ 
sance. New York 1904. 8° 

ANDREWS Thomas F. 

A183 De vasis absorptioni servientibus. Edinburgh 
1819. 8° Thesis 

ANDREWS William ft. 1656-83 
A184 News from the stars or an ephemeris for 1678, 
1688, 1708. London (1677)-1708. 3 v. 8° 

ANDREWS William 1848-1908 ed. 

A185 The doctor in history, literature, folk-lore, etc. 
Hull 1896. 8° 

ANDROSE Richard See A130 

A186 [Miscellaneous papers 1897-1927] 8° 

A187 [Popular papers 1865-1911] 8° 

A188 [Typescript holdings in University of California 
Medical school library] 1937. 8° 

ANGELI Luigi 1739-1829 

A189 Sulla vita e su gli scritti di alcuni medici imolesi. 
Imola 1808. 8° 

ANGELL James Rowland 1869- 

A190 American education. New Haven 1937. 8° 

ANGELUS Johann See Engel J. 

[ 17 ] 


A191 - A234 

ANGLADA Charles 1809-78 

A191 £tude sur les maladies 6teintes. Paris 1869. 8’ 

ANNIJAL CONGRESS on medical education, medical 
licensure, public health and hospitals 
A192 Proceedings Mar. 3-5, 1924. Chicago 1924. 8° 

ANSTEY Christopher 1724-1805 
A193 A translation of Anstey's ode to Jenner, J. Ring, 
2d ed. London 1804. 4° 

ANTHONY Francis 1550-1623 
A194 The apologie, or defence of a verity concerning 
aurum potabile. London J. Legatt 1616. 4* STC 666 
A195 Panacea aurea, tr. M.B.F.B. Hamburg Froben 
1618. 8° BMC 

ANTINORI Vincenzio 1792-1865 
A196 Necrologia di Alessandro Volta. Repr. Antologia 
1827, 26: 3-21 

ANTOMMARCHI Francesco 1780-1838 See M171 
APIANUS Petrus 1495-1552 

A197 Astronomicum caesareum (Ingolstadt 1540) fol. 

A198 Cosmographia, ed. Gemma Frisius. Antwerp A. 

Birckmann heirs 1564. 4° LC 
A199 Cosmographiae introductio (Venice M. Sessa) 
1533. 8° YU 


A200 Cookery and dining in imperial Rome, ed. J. D. 
Vehling. Chicago 1936. 8° 

APOLLINARIS Quintus pseud. 

A201 Kurtzs Handtbiichlein unnd Experiment viler 
Artzneyen. Strasbourg J. Rihel 1583. 8° SG 
See also A98; Ryff W. H. 


A202 Opera, tr. G. B. Memo (Venice B. Bindoni 1537) 
fol. GHL 


A203 An appeal to the public, by members of the medi¬ 
cal profession in New York. New York 1858. 8° 

APPIA P. Louis 1818-98 

A204 The ambulance surgeon. Edinburgh 1862. 8° 

APPLETON publishers New York 

A205 Of the making of a book. New York 1904. 12* 

APPLEYARD Rollo 1867- 

A206 A tribute to Michael Faraday. London 1931. 8* 
APULEIUS Barbarus 

A2C77 The Herbal, ed. R. W. T. Gunther. Oxford 1925.4° 
A208 — ed. F. W. T. Hunger. Leyden 1935. fol. 

See also G51 

APULEIUS Madaurensis 

A209 The XI bookes of the golden asse, tr. W. Adling- 
ton. London T. Harper 1639. 4° STC 721 

AQUINAS Thomas See Thomas Aquinas 

AQUITANUS Prosper See Prosper Aquitanus 

ARAGO Dominique Francois Jean 1786-1853 
A210 Elogio storico di Alessandro Volta. Como 1835. 8° 

ARANZIO Giulio Cesare 1530-89 
A211 De humano foetu, 3. ed. Venice G. Britannaci 
1587. 4° SG 

See also H351 

ARBER Mrs. Agnes (Robertson) 

A212 Herbals, their origin and evolution (2d ed.) Cam¬ 
bridge 1938. 8° 

ARBER Edward 1836-1912 

A213 An English garner, v. 3. Westminster 1897. 8* 


A214 Simon Arborsellus Angelo Fortio. S.P.D. n.p. 
[middle 16th cent.] 8° Vesaliana 

ARBUTHNOT John 1667-1735 
A215 An appendix to John Bull still in his senses. Lon¬ 
don 1712. 8* LC With A219 

A216 A continuation of the history of the Crown-Inn. 

London n.d. 8° YU With A223 
A217 An essay concerning the effects of air on human 
bodies. London 1751. 8° SG 

A218 A farther continuation of the history of the Crown- 
Inn. London n.d. 8° YU With A223 
A219 John Bull in his senses, 4th ed. London 1712. 8* 

A220 John Bull still in his senses, 3d ed. London 1712. 
8° LC With A219 

A221 Lewis Baboon turned honest. London 1712. 8° LC 
A222 Oratio anniversaria Harvaeana, 1727. London 
1727. 4° BMC 

A223 A postscript to John Bull, 6th ed. London n.d. 8* 

A224 Specimen edfectuum aeris in humano corpore, tr. 

F. Fortunatus de Felici. Naples 1753. 4* SG 
Biography See A82; B204 


A225 Arcana Fairfaxiana manuscripta. Newcastle upon 
Tyne 1890. 4° facsim. 

ARCANDAM pseud. 

A226 The most excellent, profitable and pleasant book 
of the famous doctor, tr. W. Warde [London] W. W. 
for W. Thackeray [17th cent.] 8° 

ARCEO Francisco 1493-1573? 

A227 A most excellent and compendious method of 
curing woundes in the head, tr. J. Read. Treatise of the 
fistulae, tr. out of J. Arderne. London T. East 1588. 4° 

ARCHER John 1777-1830 

A228 An inaugural dissertation on cynanche trachealis. 
Philadelphia 1798. 8° SG 

ARCHER John 20th cent. See L391 


A229 Opera. Commentaria, Eutocius of Ascalon. 
Basel J. Herwagen 1544. fol. Greek & Latin. LC 

A230 — tr. F. Commandino. Venice P. Manutius 1558. 
fol. BO 277 

A231 cum commentariis, Eutocius of Ascalon, ed. 

G. Torelli. Oxford 1792. fol. Greek & Latin. LC 
A232 Oeuvres, tr. F. Peyrard, 2. 6d. Paris 1844. 2 v. 8° 

ARCOLANI Giovanni d. 1484 
A233 Expositio in primam fen quarti canonis Avicenne 
(Venice F. Pincio 1512) fol. SG 

A234 — ed. S. Champier (Lyons J. Myt 1518) fol. BP57 

[ 18 ] 

A235 - A281 


ARDERNE John ft. 1307-70 

A235 De arte phisicali et de cirurgia (1412) Stockholm 
1929. fol. facsim. 

A236 — tr. D’A. Power. New York 1922. 8° 

A237 Treatises of fistula in ano, haemorrhoids and clys¬ 
ters, ed. D’A. Power. London 1910. 8° 

See also A227 

ARENTS George 1875- 

A238 Books, manuscripts and drawings relating to to¬ 
bacco from his collection (Washington 1938) 8° 

A239 Early literature of tobacco [New York] 1938. 8° 

ARICI Cesare 1782-1836 

A240 Vita di Carlo Linneo. n.p. n.d. 4° 


A241 [Opera] Venice Aldi sons 1551-53. 6 v. 8° Greek. 

A242 De natura animalium, De partibus animalium, De 
generatione animalium, tr. T. Gaza (Venice Aldi & 
A. Torresani 1513) fol. BMC 
A243 The metaphysics, tr. T. Taylor. London 1801. 4° 
A244 Minor works, tr. W. S. Hett. Cambridge Mass. 
1936. 12° 

A245 On the parts of animals, tr. W. Ogle. London 1882. 
8° 2 copies 

A246 The physics, tr. P. H. Wicksteed & F. M. Corn- 
ford. London 1929-34. 2 v. 12° 

A247 The problemes. London E. Griffin 1614. 8° 

A248 The treatises on the parts and progressive motion 
of animals, tr. T. Taylor. London 1810. 4° 

A249 The works, ed. J. A. Smith & W. D. Ross, v. 4-5. 
Oxford 1910-12. 2 v. 8° 

See also A125 
Biography See S79; T23 
ARISTOTLE pseud . 

A250 Aristoteles master-piece. London 1684. 12° 

A251 — 30th ed. 1766. 8° 

A252 — New York 1793. 24° SG 
ARMAGH James abp. of See Ussher J. 

ARMES Ethel Marie 1876- See L305 
ARMITAGE Angus See 1V262 

ARMSTRONG George Dodd 1813-99 
A253 The summer of the pestilence. Philadelphia 1856. 
12 ° 

ARMSTRONG John 1709-79 

A254 The art of preserving health: a poem. London 
1744. 4° BO 4335 
A255 —1754 . S° BMC 
A256 —Philadelphia 1786. 8° 

A257 — A critical essay on the poem, J. Aikin. London 
1795. 12° BMC 

A258 — Kennebunk Me. 1804. 12° 

ARMSTRONG John 1784-1829 
A259 Facts, observations relative to puerperal fever, 
scarlet fever, pulmonary consumption and measles, 1st 
American ed. Hartford 1823. 8° 

ARNALDO de Villanova 

A260 Le tresor des pouvres. Lyons C. Nourry (1527) 4 
2 copies 

A261 The conservation of youth and defense of age, tr. 
J. Drummond, ed. C. L. Dana. Woodstock Vt. 1912. 8° 

See also R76-78; 82 
Biography See P169 

ARNAUD Alexander See D283; D288; H352; 


ARNOLD William Harris 1854-1923 

A262 Ventures in book collecting. New York 1923. 8* 

ARNOLDUS Novicomensis See Arnaldo de Vil¬ 

ARRAES Duarte Madeira See Madeira Arraes D. 

ARRHENIUS Svante August 1859-1927 
A263 Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Leipzig 1903. 
2 v. 8° 

A264 Recherches sur la conductibilitE galvanique des 
Electrolytes. Stockholm 1884. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8° 


A265 Ars moriendi (W. Caxton? 1491?) London [1891] 
8° photolithograph 

A266 — (L. von Ulm, 1470. Munich 1922) 8° facsim. 

PART ANCIEN S. A. booksellers Lugano 
A267 Early books on medicine, natural sciences and 
alchemy. Lugano 1928. 8° 

ART et 

A268 Lart et instruction de bien dancer, ed. V. Schol- 
derer [London] 1936. 8° facsim. 

ARTEPHIUS ft. 1150 See F 179; S35 

ARTHUR King Biography See R185 


A269 Articella (Venice J. & G. de Gregoriis 1502) 8° 

A270 — (Pavia G. Pocatela 1506) 8° ChH 

A271 — (Venice P. J. de Quarengis 1507) 8° ChH 

A272 — (Venice 1513) fol. SG 

A273 — (Lyons J. Myt 1519) 8° SG 

A274 — (Lyons A. Du Ry 1525) 8° SG 

A275 — (Lyons J. Moylin 1534) 8° SG 

ARZRUNI Andreas 1847-98 

A276 Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die 
Brechungsexponenten. Repr. Z. Krystallogr. 1877, 1: 

ASCHOFF Ludwig 1866-1942 

A277 Kurze Ubersichtstabelle zur Geschichte der Medi- 
zin, P. Diepgen jt.auth. 3. Aufl. Munich 1936. 8° 


A278 Fragmenta, ed. C. G. Gumpert. Weimar 1794. 8° 
BO 1844 

ASCLEPIUS Her metis disci p ulus See H282 
ASELLI Gaspare 1581-1626 

A279 De lactibus sive lacteis venis. Milan G. B. Bidelli 
1627. 4° BO 1846 

A280 — Basel Henricpetri 1628. 4° GHL 
ASH John 1723-98 

A281 Oratio anniversaria ex Harveii instituto, 1790. 
London 1790. 4° BMC 



A282 - A319 

ASHBURN Percy Moreau 1872-1940 
A282 A history of the Medical department of the U. S. 
army. Boston 1929. 8° 

ASHER Leon 1865— 

A283 Die Entwicklung und Erfolge der experimentellen 
Medizin in den Vereinigten Staaten. Repr. Schweiz, 
med. Wschr. 1925, 55: 234-40. In A165a 

ASHHURST John 1839-1900 Biography See H115 

ASHLEY Frederick William 1863- 

A284 The Vollbehr incunabula (Washington 1932) 4° 

ASHLEY George Hall 1866- 

A285 The emergence of ideas as illustrated from geol¬ 
ogy. In J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1937, 27: 45-56 
A286 Geological survey founded in commonwealth just 
50 years after Hutton founded science. In Pennsylva¬ 
nia. Dept, of internal affairs. Monthly bulletin 1936, 
2: 3-13 

ASHLEY-MONTAGU Montague Francis 1905- 
A287 The premaxilla in the primates. Repr. Quart. Rev. 
Biol. 1935, 10: 32-59, 181-208 

ASHM OLE Elias 1617-92 See N120 

ASHTON Helen 1891- 

A288 Doctor Serocold. Garden City 1930. 8° 

ASHWELL George 1612-95 See II 
ASK-UPMARK Erik 1901- 

A289 The carotid sinus and the cerebral circulation. 
Lund 1935. 8° 

A290 On periodic fever. Stockholm 1938. 8° 

ASKEW Anthony 1722-74 

A291 Bibliotheca Askeviana [London 1775] 8° BO 6873 

ASQUITH Herbert Henry See Oxford and 
Asquith H. H. A. 

ASSALINI Paolo 1759-1840 

A292 Essai m6dical sur les vaisseaux lymphatiques. 
Turin 1787. 12° SG 

ASSISI Francesco d* Saint See Francesco D’Assisi 
ASTELL James See S389 

ASTON Francis William 1877— 

A293 Isotopes. London 1922. 8° 

ASTRUC Jean 1684-1766 

A294 De morbis venereis, ed. 1. Veneta. Venice 1741. 4° 

A295 Tractatus pathologicus. Geneva 1743. 8° SG 

A296 Tractatus therapeuticus, 2. ed. Geneva 1750. 8° 

A297 Trait6 des maladies des femmes. Paris 1770. 5 v. 
16° SG 

A298 A treatise of venereal diseases. London 1754. 4’ 

ATKINSON F. M. See 045 

ATKINSON Frederick Richard Breeks See S406 

ATKINSON James 1759-1839 
A299 Catalogue of his valuable and curious medical & 
miscellaneous library [London 1851] 8° photostat 
A300 Medical bibliography, A and B. London 1834. 8° 

ATKINSON William Biddle 1832-1909 ed. 

A301 The physicians and surgeons of the United States. 
Philadelphia 1878. 8° 


A302 The Atlantic almanac 1869. Boston (1868) 8° 

A303 The Atlantic telegraph. London 1857. 8° 

ATLAY James Beresford 1860-1912 

A304 Sir Henry Wentworth Acland. London 1903. 8° 

AUBER Theophile 1804-73 

A305 Institutions d’Hippocrate. Paris 1864. 8° 

AUBERT Antoine 

A306 Rapport sur la vaccine, nouv. 6d. Paris [1801] 8° 

AUBREY John 1626-97 

A307 Miscellanies, 2d ed. London 1721. 8° SG 


A308 Catalogue des v£getaux cultiv6s dans les jardins a 
Tonelle. Tarascon 1817. 4° BN 

AUDIRAC Jacobus Josephus 

A309 Quaestio medica: assignari queat animalis caloris 
origo? (Paris 1788) 4° BMC 


A310 Jehan Canape. In Lyon m£d. 1926, 138: 490-96 

AUDUBON John James 1785-1851 Biography 
See P188; R266 

AUENBRUGGER Leopold 1722-1809 

A311 Inventum novum, Faksim. nach der 1. Ausg. 

M. Neuburger. Vienna 1922. 8° 

A312 Neue Erfindung mittelst des Anschlagens an den 
Brustkorb 1761. Leipzig 1912. 8° LC 
See also C431 

AUGHINBAUGH William Edmund 1871-1940 
A313 I swear by Apollo. New York ( c 1938) 8° 

AUGUSTIN Friedrich Ludwig 1776-1854 
A314 Vom Galvanismus und dessen medicinischer An- 
wendung. Berlin 1801. 8° 


A315 Opusculum perutile de cognitione animae. Ques- 
tio, Prosper Aquitanus (ed. A. Achillini. Bologna 
G. G. de Benedetti 1503) 4° BMC 

AUGUSTIS Quiricus de 

A316 Lumen apothecariorum. Venice Bernardinus Ver- 
cellensis 1504. fol. Lacks al-a3, a8. SG With U2 

AUNGERVILLE Richard known as Richard de Bury 

bp. of Durham 1287-1345 
A317 The Philobiblon, ed. & tr. E. C. Thomas. London 
1888. 8° 

AURELIANUS Caelius See Caelius Aurelianus 

A318 Ausslegung und Beschreybung der Anatomi 
(Nuremberg H. Guldenmund) 1539. 4° SG 

AUSTONI Amatore 

A319 Ipofisiectomia. Padua 1912. 8° 

[ 20 ] 

A320 -B21 


AUSTREGESILO Antonio 1876- 
A320 Os progressos da neurologia na America do Norte. 
Arch, brasil Neuriat . Psychiat. 1928, 10: 65-76. In 
A165 a 

AUSTRIUS Sebastianus d. 1550 
A321 De puerorum morbis. Lyons G. Roville 1549. 12° 

AVEBURY John Lubbock baron 1834-1913 
A322 Pre-historic times. London 1865. 8’ 

AVELING James Hobson 1828-92 
A323 Memorials of Harvey. London 1875. 8° KeynesH 


A324 The dyspeptic’s monitor, 2d ed. New York 1830. 8’ 


A325 De corde, tr. J. B. Bruyerin. Lyons S. Gryphe 
heirs 1559. 8° BMC 

A326 Liber canonis medicine, ed. A. Alpago (Venice L. 
A. Giunta 1527) fol. ChH 

A327 A treatise on the Canon of medicine, tr. of 1st 
book O. C. Gruner. London 1930. 8° 

See also A233; A234; R134 
Biography See S331 

AVILA Luis Lobera de See Lob era de Avila L. 

AVILA Y ZUNIGA Luis de 1500-64 

A328 Commentariorum de bello germanico libri duo, 
tr. G. van Male. Antwerp J. Stellsius 1550. 8° BMC 
With M214 

AVOINE Pierre Joseph d* 1803-54 

A329 £loge de Rembert Dodoens. Malines 1850. 8° 

AXENFELD Auguste 1825-76 See B223 

AYKROYD Wallace Ruddell 

A330 Three philosophers. London 1935. 8* 

AZYR Felix Vicq d* See Vicq-d’Azyr F. 


B., J. See Bulwer J. 

B., M. B. F. See A195 
B., R. See Bostock R. 

B., W. See Bremer W. 

B*** See H288 

B***, J. See Bonhomme J. 

B. L. M. See Bruzen de la Martiniere A. A. 

BAAS Johann Hermann 1838-1909 
Bl Leitfaden der Geschichte der Medicin. Stuttgart 
1880. 8* 

B2 Outlines of the history of medicine, tr. H. E. Hander- 
son. New York 1889. 8° 2 copies 

BAASTRUP Christian I. 

B3 Os Vesalianum tarsi and fracture of tuberositas ossis 
metatarsi V. Acta radiol. Stockh. 1922, 1: 334-48 

BABCOCK William Henry 1849-1922 
B4 Legendary islands of the Atlantic. New York 1922. 8° 

BABINET Jacques 1794-1872 See A169 

BABINGTON Benjamin Guy 1794-1866 SeeF117; 

BABINSKI Joseph Francois Felix 1857-1932 
B5 Du ph£nom£ne des orteils et de sa valeur s6miolo- 
gique. In Sem. m6d., Paris 1898, 18: 321-22 
B6 Oeuvre scientifique. Paris 1934. 8° 

Biography See C192 

B7 De consensu medicorum. Paris C. Estienne 1554. 16° 
With G434 


B8 Luigi Galvani docente di ostetricia a Bologna. Milan 
(1937) 8° 

BACK Jacobus de fl. 1617 

B9 Dissertatio de corde. Rotterdam 1648. 12’ BMC 
See also H137; H138; H150; H154; H155 

BACMEISTER Matthaeus 1580-1626 See J75 

BACON Delia Salter 1811-59 

B10 Tales of the puritans. New Haven 1831. 8° 

BACON Francis viscount St. Albans 1561-1626 
Bll Bacons essaies, 1597. New York 1904. 16° facsim. 
B12 New Atlantis, n.p. n.d. fol. With B16 
B13 Novum organum. London 1850. 12* 

B14 Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning, tr. 
G. Wats. London 1674. fol. LC 

B15 Resuscitatio, 2d ed. W. Rawley. London 1661. fol. 

B16 Sylva sylvarum, ed. W. Rawley. London for W. Lee 
1631. fol. With engr. t.-p. only 

Biography See L195 
BACON Roger 1214P-94 

B17 The cure of old age and preservation of youth, tr. 
R. Browne. A physical account of the Tree of life, 
D. Madeira Arraes. London 1683. 8° BO 501 

B18 De 1’admirable pouvoir et puissance de 1’art & de 
nature, tr. J. Girard de Tournus. Lyons M. Bonhomme 
1557. 12° NL 

B19 Opera hactenus inedita, ed. R. Steele. Oxford 
[1909J-13. 4 v. 8° 

B20 Opus majus, ed. S. Jebb. London 1733. fol. BMC 

B21 Thesaurus chemicus. Frankfort J. K. Unckel 1620 
12° BMC 

See also N59; S35 
Biography See L301; Ml 14 

BADE Josse 1462-1535 See M60 

[ 21 ] 


B22 - B60 

BADEN Andrew fl. 1699 See L113 
BADIANO Juan See C512; C513 

BAER Karl Ernst von 1792-1876 
B22 Biographie de Cuvier. Repr. Ann. Sci. nat. 1907, 
9. s. 6: 263-347 

B23 De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi. Leipzig 
1827. 4° 

B24 Kupfertafeln nebst Erklarung derselben zu den 
Vorlesungen uber Anthropologie. Konigsberg 1824. obi. 

B25 Uber die Bildung des Eies der Saugetiere und des 
Menschen, ed. B. Ottow. Leipzig 1927. 4° 

B26 tiber doppelleibige Missgeburten. St. Petersburg 
1845. 4° 

B27 Uber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Ko¬ 
nigsberg 1828-37. 2 v. in 1. 4° 

B28 Uber Prof. Nic. Wagner’s Entdeckung von Larven. 

In Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-P6tersb. 1865, 9: 64-137 
B29 Untersuchungen ueber die Gefaessverbindung 
zwischen Mutter und Frucht. Leipzig 1828. fol. 

B30 Zum Streit uber den Darwinismus. Dorpat 1873. 8* 
See also S82 
Biography See S414 

BAERSDORP Corneille van d. 1565 Biography 
See M336 

BAIER Johann Jacob 1677-1735 
B31 Rerum fossilium descriptio. Nuremberg 1708. 4° 
BMC With HI 19 

BAILEY James Blake 

B32 The diary of a resurrectionist 1811-12. London 
1896. 8* 

See also M135 # 

BAILEY Walter See Bayley W. 

BAILLET Adrien 1649-1706 

B33 La vie de Mr. Descartes. Paris 1692. 12* MU 

BAELLIE Joanna 1762-1851 

B34 The dramatic and poetical works. London 1851. 8* 

BATLLEE Matthew 1761-1823 
B35 Anatomie pathologique, tr. D. F. N. Guerbois. 
Paris 1815. 8* 

B36 Lectures and observations on medicine. London 
1825. 8’ 2 copies 

B37 The morbid anatomy of the human body. London 
1793. 8° SG 

B38 — 1st American ed. Albany 1795. 8* SG 
B39 — 2d American ed. Walpole N.H. 1808. 8’ 

B40 —4th ed. London 1812. 8* 

B41 A series of engravings to illustrate the morbid 
anatomy of the human body, 2d ed. London 1812. 4° 

BAILLON Henri Ernest 1827-95 
B42 The natural history of plants, tr. M. M. Hartog. 
London 1871-88. 8 v. 8° 

BAILLOU Guillaume de 153S-1616 
B43 Das Rheumabuch, ed. W. Ruhmann. Mittenwald 
1938. 8° 

BAILLY Jean Sylvain 1736-93 
B44 Histoire de l’astronomie ancienne et moderne, ed. 
V. D. de Comeyras. Paris 1805. 2 v. 8° 

BAINBRIDGE William Seaman 1870- 
B45 Report on medical and surgical developments of the 
war. Washington 1919. 8° 

BAINES Sir Thomas 1622 ?—80 Biography See 


BAINTON Roland Herbert 1894- 
B46 The present state of Servetus studies. Repr. J. mod. 
Hist. 1932, 4: 72-92 
See also C200 

BAKER Frank 1841-1918 

B47 The two Sylviuses. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 
1909, 20: 329-39 

BAKER George 1540-1600 See G217; G219 

BAKER Sir George hart. 1722-1809 
B48 An inquiry into the merits of a method of inoculat¬ 
ing the small-pox. London 1766. 8’ SG 
B49 — 2d ed. 8° SG 

B50 Medical tracts 1767-85. London 1818. 8° 

BAKER Thomas 1625 ?-90 

B51 The geometrical key. London 1684. 4“ BMC 

BALAMIO Ferdinando See G43-45 

BALDE Jakob 1604-68 

B52 Medicinae gloria. Munich 1651. 12° SG 

BALESCON de Tarente See Valascus de Tarenta 

BALFOUR Sir Andrew 1630-94 

B53 Bibliotheca Balfouriana. Edinburgh 1695. 4* 

BALFOUR Francis Maitland 1851-82 
B54 On the development of the spinal nerves in elasmo- 
branch fishes. Philos. Trans. 1876, 166: 175-95 

BALL James Moores 1862-1929 
B55 Andreas Vesalius, the reformer of anatomy. St. 
Louis 1910. fol. 

B56 The sack-’em-up men. Edinburgh 1928. 8° 

BALLANCE Sir Charles Alfred 1856-1936 
B57 The Lister memorial lecture. Dundee (1933) 8* 

BALLANTYNE John William 1861-1923 
B58 The “Byrth of mankynde.” London [1907] 8* 

BALLARD James Francis 1878- See B848 

BALLHORN Georg Friedrich 1770-1805 See J40: 

BALLISTA Christophe See P290 

BALLONIUS Gulielmus See Baillou G. de 

BALTIMORE. Municipal art society See Municipal 
Art society of Baltimore 

BALTIMORE. University club 

B59 Memorial meeting in honor of William Henry 
Welch. Baltimore 1935. 8* 

BANCROFT Wilder Dwight 1867- 
B60 The methods of research. In The Rice institute 
pamphlet 1928, 15: 167-352 

BANESTER John See Banister J. 

[ 22 ] 

B61 - B101 


BANG Fridtjof 1883- See F128 
BANISTER John 1533-1610 

B61 The histone of man. London J. Day 1578. fol. BMC 
B62 A needefull, new and necessarie treatise of chyrur- 
gerie. London T. Marshe 1575. 8° SG 
B63 The workes. To which is added a Treatise for dis¬ 
tilling of oyles. London T. Harper 1633. 4°^ 

BANISTER Richard See G460 

BANKS Sir Joseph bart. 1743-1820 
B64 Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis, auctore 
J. Dryander. London 1796-1800. 5 v. in 3. 8° BO 6584 

BANTING Sir Frederick Grant 1891-1941 
B65 [Early pamphlets on insulin 1922-37] 8° 

BANTING William 1797-1878 

B66 Letter on corpulence, 3d ed. London 1864. 8° 

BARANY Robert 1876-1936 

B67 Nobel-Vortrag. Nord. Tidskr. Oto-Rhino-Laryngol. 
1916, 1: 157-74 

BARBARUS Apuleius See ApuLEius Barbarus 

BARBAULD Mrs. Anna Letitia (Aikin) 1743-1825 
See A89 


B68 Catalogue des livres de feu M. Barbe. Paris 1776. 
8° With M58 


B69 Elementi di matematica generale. Florence 1936. 8° 

BARBER John Warner 1798-1885 
B70 City guide to New Haven, L. S. Punderson jt.auth. 
New Haven 1860. 16° With A156 

BARBETTE Paul 1629-99 

B71 The chirurgical and anatomical works. London 
1672. 8* SG 

B72 Opera chirurgico-anatomica. Leyden 1672. 12° LC 
B73 — Rome 1682. 8* BNed 

BARB IE RI Lodovico 

B74 Descrizione dei manoscritti galvaniani. Bologna 
1937. 8° 

B75 Mostra di cimeli documenti ricordi di Luigi Gal- 
vani. Bologna 1937. 8° With B74 
B76 La scoperta delTelettriciti animale nella corrispon- 
denza inedita fra Luigi Galvani. Bologna 1938. 8° With 

BARBOUR Orville Everett 1893- 

B77 The life of Sir William Osier [Peoria 1933] 16* 

BARCLAY Alexander 1475?-1552 See B633 

BARCLAY Andrew Whyte 1817-84 

B78 The Harveian oration, 1881. London 1881. 8’ 

BARCLAY John 1758-1826 

B79 Number second, being remarks on the first volume 
of Mr. Benjamin Bell’s System of surgery. London 
1799. 8° SG With B272 

BARD Samuel 1742-1821 Biography See D293; 

BARDEEN Charles Russell 1871-1935 
B80 Anatomy in America. Madison Wis. 1905. 8° 

B81 Human types, n.p. n.d. 8° typescript 
BARIGOZZI Claudio See F235 

BARKER Creighton 1892- 

B82 Thunder in the north [New Haven] 1932. 8° 

BARKER J. Ellis 1870- See L222 

BARKER Lewellys Franklin 1867-1943 

B83 The young man and medicine. New York 1928. 8° 

BARKER Vernon Duckworth 

B84 Frigyes Karinthy 1888-1938. Hungarian Quart. 
1939, 5: 124-34 
See also K6 

BARKLEY Archibald Henry 1872- 

B85 Kentucky’s pioneer lithotomists. Cincinnati 1913.8* 


B86 Les nouvelles decouvertes sur toutes les parties 
principales de l’homme & de la femme. Lyons 1673. 6° 

BARON John 1786-1851 

B87 The life of Edward Jenner. London 1827-38. 2 v. 8* 

BARONIO Giuseppe 1759-1811 
B88 Saggio di naturali osservazioni sulla elettriciti vol- 
tiana. Milan 1806. 8° 

BARRfeRE Pierre 1690-1755 

B89 Question de m&lecine: si la th£orie de la botanique 
est n^cessaire k un m6decin? Narbonne 1740. 8° BMC 

BARRIE Sir James Matthew bart. 1860-1937 
B90 Courage. New York 1922. 8° 

BARROUGH Philip fl. 1590 

B91 The method of physick, 8th ed. London G. Miller 
1639. 4* STC1516 

BARTAS Guillaume de Salluste du See Du Bartas 
G. de S. 

BARTHOLIN Albert 1620-63 

B92 De scriptis danorum, ed. T. Bartholin. Copenhagen 
1666. LC With B121 

BARTHOLIN Caspar 1585-1629 
B93 Anatomicae institutiones. Oxford W. Turner 1633. 
12° BMC 

B94 Enchiridion ethicum. Oxford W. Turner 1633. 12* 
With B93 

B95 Exercitatio de stellarum natura, 3. ed. Wittenberg 
J. Gormann 1609. 12° 

B96 Institutiones anatomicae, ed. T. Bartholin. Leyden 
1641. 8° SG 

B97 — tr. A. Du Prat. Paris 1647. 4° SG 
See also B102-106 

BARTHOLIN Caspar 1655-1738 
B98 De inauribus veterum syntagma. De annulis na- 
rium, T. Bartholin. Amsterdam 1676. 12° SG 
B99 De ovariis mulierum. Amsterdam 1678. 12* BO 

B100 — Nuremberg 1679. 8° 

B101 Specimen philosophiae naturalis. Amsterdam 
1695. 12° BMC 
See also B109; B116; B117 

[ 23 ]) 


B102 - B149 

BARTHOLIN Erasmus 1625-98 See B114 

BARTHOLIN Thomas 1616-80 
B102 Anatome ex institution!bus C. Bartholini. Leyden 
1673. 8° GHL 

B103 — Lyons 1684. 8° BO 1954 
B104 Anatomia ex C. Bartholini institutionibus. Leyden 
1651. 8° GHL 

BIOS — The Hague 1660. 8’ GHL 
B106 —Leyden 1669. 8° 2 copies. YU 
B107 Anatomy, tr. N. Culpeper & A. Cole. London 1663. 

BIOS —1668. fol. SG 

B109 Antiquitatum veteris puerperii synopsis, ed. C. 

Bartholin. Amsterdam 1676. 12° SG With B116 
B110 De bibliothecae incendio. Copenhagen 1670. 8* 
BMC 2d copy with B121 

Bill De libris legendis. Copenhagen 1711. 8° BMC 
With B113 

B112 De medicis poetis. Copenhagen 1669. 8“ SG With 

B113 De morbis biblicis miscellanea medica, 2. ed. 
Frankfort (1672) SG 

B114 De nivis usu medico observationes variae. De 
figura nivis dissertatio, E. Bartholin. Copenhagen 1661. 
8° BO 1933 

B115 De transplantatione morborum. Copenhagen 
1673. 8* BO 1948 

B116 De unicornu observationes novae, 2. ed. C. 

Bartholin. Amsterdam 1678. 12’ BO 1953 
B117 Dissertatio de cygni anatome, ed. C. Bartholin. 

[Copenhagen] 1668. 8* BO 1942 
B118 Historiarum anatomicarum rariorum centuria I. & 
II. Amsterdam 1654. 8° 2 copies. SG 
B119 — centuria III. & IV. Copenhagen 1657. 8* 

B120 Vasa lymphatica. Copenhagen 1653. 4* BMC 
See also B92; B96-98; P160; P193; T58; V118 

BARTHOLIN Thomas 1659-90 
B121 De Holgero dano dissertatio historica. Copen¬ 
hagen 1677. 8° UC 

BARTHOLOMEW the Englishman ft. 13th cent . 

B122 Batman uppon Bartholome, his booke De pro- 
prietatibus rerum. London T. East 1582. fol. BMC 
B123 Le propri£taire (tr. J. Corbichon) Paris (N. Cous¬ 
teau) 1539. fol. BMC 

BARTISCH Georg 1535-1607 

B124 ’0<t>6a\no8ov\eia, das ist Augendienst (Dresden 
M. Stockel) 1583. fol. BMC 

BARTLETT Elisha 1804-55 

B125 An address delivered at the anniversary celebra¬ 
tion of the birth of Spurzheim. Boston 1838. 8° 2 copies 
B126 A brief sketch of the life, character and writings 
of William Charles Wells. Philadelphia 1849. 8° 

B127 Centennial celebration of Washington’s birth. 
Ode [1832?] broadside 

B128 A discourse on the times, character and writings 
of Hippocrates. New York 1852. 8° 

B129 The head and the heart, or the relative importance 

of intellectual and moral education. Philadelphia 1844. 
12 ° 

B130 The history, diagnosis and treatment of fevers of 
the United States, 4th ed. A. Clark. Philadelphia 
1856. 8° 

B131 An inquiry into the degree of certainty in medi¬ 
cine. Philadelphia 1848. 8° 

B132 A lecture on the sense of the beautiful. Lexington 
Ky. 1843. 8° 

B133 An oration delivered before the municipal authori¬ 
ties and the citizens of Lowell. Lowell 1848. 8* 

B134 Original hymn written for the opening of the Sun¬ 
day school of the South Congregational society, Sunday, 
April 9, 1837. Norton [Mass.] broadside 
B135 Simple settings, in verse, from Mr. Dickens’s gal¬ 
lery. Boston 1855. 8° 

Bl36 Valedictory address to the graduating class of 
Transylvania university 1843 (Lexington Ky. 1843) 8° 
B137 A vindication of the character and condi tion of the 
females employed in the Lowell mills. Lowell 1841. 8° 
See also C420; P199 
Biography See B748; HS29 

BARTLETT Henrietta Collins 1873- ed. 

B138 A census of Shakespeare’s plays in quarto, A. W. 
Pollard jt.ed. New Haven 1939. 8* 

BARTLETT Robert Merrill 1898- 
B139 They dared to live. New York 1937. 8° 

BARTOLI Adolfo Giuseppe 1851-96 
B140 Sopra i movimenti prodotti dalla luce e dal calore. 
Florence 1876. 8° 

BARTON Benjamin Smith 1766-1815 
B141 Collections for an essay towards a materia medica 
of the United States. Philadelphia 1801-04. 2 v. in 1. 
8’ v. 1: 2d ed. 

B142 A memoir concerning the fascinating faculty 
which has been ascribed to the rattle-snake. Philadel¬ 
phia 1796. 8° SG 

B143 Specimen of a geographical view of the trees and 
shrubs of North America [Philadelphia] 1809. 8° 

See also C526 

BARTON John ft. 1812-30 

B144 A lecture on the geography of plants. London 
1827. 8° 

BARTON William Paul Crillon 1786-1856 
B145 Vegetable materia medica of the United States. 
Philadelphia 1818-25. 2 v. 4° v. 1: 2d ed. 1825 

BARTSCH Jacob 1600-33 See K40; K41 

BASHFORD Sir Henry Howarth 1880- 

B146 The corner of Harley street. London 1911. 8° 

2 copies 

B147 The Harley street calendar. London 1929. 8° 

2 copies 


B148 Commentarius in currum triumphalem antimonii, 
ed. T. Kerckring. Amsterdam 1671. 12° BMC 
B149 His triumphant chariot of antimony, ed. T. Kerck¬ 
ring. The true book, Synesius. London 1678. 8° SG 

[ 24 ] 



B150 The last will and testament. To which is added 
two treatises. London 1670-71. 8° SG 
B151 Tractat von dem grossen Stein der Uhralten, ed. 

J. Tholde [Leipzig] J. Apel 1612. 8° BMC 
B152 Triumph Wagen Antimonii, ed. J. Tholde. Leipzig 
J. Apel 1611. 8° With B153 

B153 Von den natiirlichen unnd ubernatiirlichen 
Dingen, ed. J. Tholde. Leipzig J. Apel 1611. 8° BMC 

BASKERVILLE John 1706-75 Biography See 

BASSAND Jean Baptiste 1680-1742 See B458 

BASSET Charles Antoine See P315 

BAST Theodore Hieronymus 1890- 
B154 The life & time of Adolf Kussmaul. New York 
1926. 8* 


B155 Bastiment de receptes. Lyons J. de Tournes 1544. 
12 ° 

BASTIONY Jose A. Presno y See Presno y Bas- 
tiony J. A. 

BATCHELDER John Davis See U1S 
BATE George 1608-69 

B156 Pharmacopoeia Bateana, ed. altera. Arcana God- 
dardiana, J. Goddard, ed. J. Shipton. London 1691. 12° 

B157 — or Bate’s dispensatory, tr. W. Salmon. London 
1694. 8° BMC 

B158 — 2d ed. 1700. 8° BMC 
See also G291 

BATEMAN S. See Batman S. 

BATEN Carel 

B159 Handtboeck der chirurgyen. Vande wonden int 
hooft, Hippocrates. Amsterdam H. Laurensz 1631. 8° 

See also G2; G453; P65-68 

BATESON William 1861-1926 
B160 Materials for the study of variation. London 
1894. 8° 

B161 Mendel’s principles of heredity. Cambridge 
1902. 8° 

B162 —1909.8° 

B163 — (3d impr.) 1913. 8° 

BATMAN Stephen d. 1584 See B122 

BATTIE William 1704-76 

B164 A treatise on madness. London 1758. 4° SG 

BATTUS Carolus See Baten C. 

BAUDA Abraham 

B165 Discours curieux contre l’abus des saign6es. Sedan 
[1672] 8° Haller 


B166 La d6couverte de la circulation du sang. Repr. 
Scientia , Bologna 1935, 57: 420-30 

BAUER Georg See Agricola G. 

BAUHIN Caspar 1560-1624 

B167 Anatomes, liber primus, 3. ed. et liber secundus, 
ed. altera. Basel S. Henricpetri (1597) 8° BMC 
B168 De corporis humani fabrica. Basel S. Henricpetri 
(1590) 8° SG 

B169 De corporis humani partibus externis. Basel Epis- 
copius 1588. 8° BMC 

B170 De hermaphroditorum monstrosorumque partuum 
natura. Oppenheim H. Galler 1614. 8° LC 
B171 De lapidis bezaar ortu. Basel C. von Waldkirch 
1613. 8° SG 2d copy with B170 
B172 De remediorum formulis. Frankfort P. Jacob 1619. 
8° With B170 

B173 Institutiones anatomicae corporis, 4. ed. Basel J. 
Schroter 1609. 8° SG 

B174 Theatri botanici. Basel L. Konig 1623. 4° LC 
B175 — ed. J. C. Bauhin. Basel 1658. fol. LC 
B176 — Basel 1671. 4° SG 

B177 Theatrum anatomicum. Frankfort M. Becker 
1605. 8° 2 copies. GHL 

B178 — [Frankfort?] J. T. de Bry 1621. 4° GHL 
B179 Vivae imagines partium corporis humani [Oppen¬ 
heim?] J. T. de Bry 1620. 4° SG 
B180 — [Frankfort?] M. Merian 1640. 4° UC With 

BAUHIN Johann Caspar 1606-85 See B175 

B181 Johan van Beverwijck in leven en werken ge- 
schetst. Dordrecht 1910. 8° 

BAUMANN Jacob 1521-86 See V95-97 

BAUMER Johann Wilhelm 1719-88 

B182 Bibliotheca chemica. Giessen 1782. 8° Ferguson 

BAUMGARTNER Leona 1902- 
B183 A bibliography of the poem Syphilis by G. Fra- 
castoro, J. F. Fulton jt.auth. New Haven 1935. 8° 

B184 Handlist of editions of the poem Syphilis by 
G. Fracastoro (J. F. Fulton jt.auth.) Oxford 1933. 8° 

BAUSCH Johann Lorenz 1605-65 
B185 Schediasmata bina curiosa de lapide haematite et 
aetite. Leipzig 1665. 8° GHL With S7 

BAXTER John See M69 
BAY Jens Christian 1871- 

B186 Bibliotheca Thordarsoniana. Repr. Pap. bibliogr. 
Soc. America 1929, 23: 1-17 

B187 Dr. Daniel Drake 1785-1852. Repr. Filson Club 
Hist. Quart. 1933, 7: 1-17 

B188 A second handful of western books. Cedar Rapids 
la. 1936. 8° 

BAY William 1773-1865 

B189 An inaugural dissertation on the operation of 
pestilential fluids upon the large intestines. New York 
1797. 8° SG 

BAYER Johann fl. 1600 

B190 Explicatio characterum uranometrias. Augsburg 
1654. 4° BMC 

BAYERLAND Ortolff von See Ortolff von Bayer• 



B191 -B228 

BAYLE Antoine Laurent Jesse 1799-1858 
B191 Biographie medicale, A. J. Thillaye, jt. auth. 
Paris 1855. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

BAYLE Gaspard Laurent 1774-1816 See C431 

B192 The drama of life and lyrical breathings, 2d ed. 
London 1856. 8° 

BAYLEY Walter 1529-92 See P369; V50 
BAYLIES William 1724-87 

B193 Nachrichten iiber die Pocken-Inoculation, tr. 
J. G. Kriinitz. Dresden 1776. 8° 

BAYNARD Edward b. 1641 

B194 Health; a poem. The doctor’s decade. London 
J. Roberts n.d. 8° 

B195 — 4th ed. London 1731. 8° BMC 
B196 — 8th ed. 1749. 8° BMC 
See also F210 

BAYNE-JONES Stanhope 1888- 
B197 Man and microbes. Baltimore 1932. 8° 

BAYNES Ernest Harold 1868-1925 
B198 Polaris, the story of an Eskimo dog. New York 
1922. 8° 

See also G328 

BAYO Jaime Pi-Sufier See Pi-Suner Bayo J. 

BAYON Henry Peter George 1876- 
B199 The authorship of Carlo Ruini’s “Anatomia del 
cavallo.” Repr. J. comp. Path. 1935, 48: 138—48 
B200 William Gilbert, Robert Fludd, William Harvey as 
medical exponents of Baconian doctrines. Proc. R. Soc. 
Med. 1938, 32: 31-42 


B201 Vecchio Peru. Bologna (1933) 8° 


B202 The chart of the elements, 2d ed. London 1912. 
8° chart & text 

BEADLE Clayton See C497 

BEAMAN Alexander Gaylord 1885— 

B203 A doctor’s odyssey, a sentimental record of LeRoy 
Crummer. Baltimore 1935. 8° 

BEATRICE D’ESTE consort of Lodovico Sforza il Moro 
duke of Milan 1475-97 See A52 

BEATTIE Lester Middleswarth 

B204 John Arbuthnot. Cambridge Mass. 1935. 8° 

BEAUMONT Samuel See B211 

BEAUMONT William 1785-1853 
B205 A case of wounded stomach. In Med. Recdr. 1825, 
8: 14-19, 840; attributed to Joseph Lovell 
B206 Experiments and observations on the gastric juice 
and the physiology of digestion. Plattsburgh 1833. 8* 
B207 — facsim. A pioneer American physiologist, 
W. Osier. Boston 1929. 8° 

B208 — Boston 1834. 8° 

B209 — ed. A. Combe. Edinburgh 1838. 8* 

B210 Neue Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber den 
Magensaft, tr. B. Luden. Leipzig 1834. 8° 

B211 The physiology of digestion with experiments on 
the gastric juice, 2d ed. S. Beaumont. Burlington 
1847. 8° 

Biography See M591; 0111 


B212 Constitution — by-laws [New Haven] 1937. 8° 

BEAUVAIS Vincent de See Vincent de Beauvais 
BEAUZEE Nicolas See N82 

BECCARIA Giovanni Battista 1716-81 
B213 Della elettricita terrestre atmosferica (Turin 
1775) 4° BMC With B214 

B214 Elettricismo artificial (Turin 1772) 4° BMC 
B215 Experimenta, atque observationes, quibus elec- 
tricitas vindex (Turin 1769) 4° YU 
B216 Nuovi sperimenti. Turin 1780. 4* With B214 
BECH Philipp d. 1560 See M474 

BECHAMP Pierre Jacques Antoine 1816-1908 
B217 La generation dite spontan6e. Montpellier 
1865. 8* 

BECHER Johann Joachim 1635-82 
B218 Institutions chimicae prodromae. Amsterdam 
1664. 12° BO 1976 
See also P255 


B219 A catalogue of early herbals, mostly from his well- 
known library. Lugano 1925. 8° 2 copies 

BECK Lewis Caleb 1798-1853 
B220 Botany of the northern and middle states. Albany 
1833. 8° 

BECK Theodoric Romeyn 1791-1855 
B221 On the utility of country medical institutions. Al¬ 
bany 1825. 8* 

BECKFORD William 1760-1844 
B222 The Hamilton palace libraries. Catalogue of the 
Beckford library. London [1882-83] 4 v. in 3. 8° 2d copy 
4 v. in 1 

BECLARD Jules Auguste 1817-87 
B223 Rapport sur les progr£s de la m&lecine en France, 
A. Axenfeld jt.auth. Paris 1867. 8° 

BECLARD Pierre Auguste 1785-1825 
B224 Additions to the General anatomy of Xavier 
Bichat, tr. G. Hayward. Boston 1823. 8’ 

B225 Elements of general anatomy. Critical and bio¬ 
graphical memoir of the author, C. P. Ollivier, tr. 
J. Togno. Philadelphia 1830. 8° 

See also B372 

BliCLllRE Antoine 1856-1939 Biography See 012 

BECQUEREL Antoine Cesar 1788-1878 
B226 Trait6 experimental de l'electricit6 et du magne- 
tisme. Paris 1834-40. 7 v. in 4. 8° 

BECQUEREL Antoine Henri 1852-1908 
B227 Recherches exp6rimentales sur la polarisation ro- 
tatoire magn£tique dans les gaz. Repr. Ann. Chim . 
{Phys.) 1888, 5. s. 21: 289-370 
B228 Recherches sur une propri£t6 nouvelle de la ma¬ 
ture. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 1903, 46: 1-360 


B229 - B276 


B229 Sur le rayonnement de ruranium. Paris 1900. 8° 
B230 [Miscellaneous papers. In C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris. 
1896, 122] 8° 

BECQUEREL Edmond 1820-91 
B231 La lumi^re. Paris 1867-68. 2 v. 8° 

B232 Recherches sur la determination des hautes tem¬ 
peratures. Ann. Chim. (Phys .) 1863, 3. s. 68: 49-143 
2 copies 

BEDDEVOLE Dominique d. 1692 
B233 Essais d’anatomie. Leyden 1686. 12° SG With 

BEDDOES Thomas 1760-1808 
B234 The authentic history of Isaac Jenkins. Cambridge 
Mass. 1822. 8° 

B235 Considerations on the medicinal use of factitious 
airs, J. Watt jt.auth. Bristol (1794) 8° SG 
B236 Hygeia or essays, moral and medical. Bristol 
1802-03. 3 v. 8° Lacks v. 2 

B237 A letter to Erasmus Darwin on pulmonary con¬ 
sumption. Bristol (1793) 8° BO 1979 
B238 A letter to Sir Joseph Banks. London 1808. 8° 
B239 Observations on the medical and domestic man¬ 
agement of the consumptive. London 1801. 8° 

B240 —Troy 1803. 12° 

B241 Observations on the nature and cure of calculus. 
London 1793. 8° SG 

B242 Researches, anatomical and practical concerning 
fever. London (1807) 8’ With B238 
See also B70S 

BEDDOES Thomas Lovell 1803-49 

B243 The letters, ed. E. Gosse. London 1894. 12° 

B244 The poems, posthumous and collected. London 
1851. 2 v. 12° 

BEDINGFLELD Thomas d. 1613 See C71 
BEEKMAN Fenwick 1882- 

B245 Bidloo and Cowper. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1935, 
n.s. 7: 113-29 

B246 The rise of British surgery in the 18th century. 
Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1937, n.s. 9: 549-66 

BEER Gavin Rylands de See De Beer G. R. 

BEEVOR Charles Edward 1854-1908 
B247 A minute analysis of movements produced by 
stimulating in the monkey different regions of the 
cortical centre, V. Horsley jt.auth. Philos. Trans. 1887, 
178: 153-67 

B248 A further minute analysis, V. Horsley jt.auth. 
Philos. Trans. 1888, 179: 205-56 

BfiGUIN Jean fl. 17th cent. 

B249 Tyrocinium chymicum. Amsterdam 1659. 12* 

See also P148 

BEHRING Emil Adolph von 1854-1917 

B250 Die Geschichte der Diphtherie. Leipzig 1893. 8° 

BELIN Jean Albert 1610 ?-77 

B251 Les aventures du philosophe inconnu en l’inven- 
tion de la pierre philosophale. Paris 1646. 12* BMC 

BELL Benjamin 1749-1806 

B252 A system of surgery, ed. N. B. Waters. Philadel¬ 
phia 1791. 8° SG 

B253 A treatise on gonorrhoea virulenta and lues 
venerea. Philadelphia 1795. 2 v. in 1. 8° SG 

B254 A treatise on the theory and management of ul¬ 
cers. Boston 1791. 8° SG 
See also B79 

BELL Sir Charles 1774-1842 

B255 The anatomy of the brain. London 1802. 4° 

B256 Engravings of the arteries, 3d American ed. Phila¬ 
delphia 1833. 8° 

B257 Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting. 
London 1806. 4° 

B258 The hand, its mechanism and vital endowments 
(3d ed.) London 1834. 8° 

B259 Idee einer neuen Hirnanatomie 1811. Leipzig 
1911. 8° 

B260 Illustrations of the great operations of surgery. 

London 1821. fol. 2 copies 
B261 Letters. London 1870. 8° 

B262 Letters concerning the diseases of the urethra. 
Boston 1811. 8° 

B263 The nervous system of the human body. London 
1830. 4° 

B264 A series of engravings of the nerves. London 
1803. 4* 

B265 — 1st American ed. Philadelphia 1818. 4* 

B266 A system of operative surgery, 1st American ed. 
Hartford 1812. 2 v. 8* Lacks v. 2 
Biography See B632; C427; K22; P266 

BELL Eric Temple 1883- 

B267 The handmaiden of the sciences. Baltimore 
1937. 8° 

B268 Men of mathematics. New York 1937. 8° 

B269 The search for truth. Baltimore (1935) 8° 

BELL George 

B270 A treatise on the cow-pox. Edinburgh 1802. 8’ 

2 copies 

B271 — 2ded. 1807. 12° 

BELL John 1763-1820 

B272 Answer for the junior members of the Royal col¬ 
lege of surgeons of Edinburgh to the memorial of Dr. 
James Gregory. Edinburgh 1800. 8° SG 

B273 Letters on professional character and manners to 
James Gregory. Edinburgh 1810. 8° 

B274 The principles of surgery. Edinburgh 1801-08. 

3 v. in 4. 4° Lacks v. 3 

Biography See C426 

BELLAMERA Aegidius de d. 1392 
B275 Decisionum opus, ed. G. Ferrari da Gradi (Lyons 
J. de Vingle 1508) 4° 

BELLEFOREST Francois de 1530-83 
B276 L’histoire universelle du monde. Paris G. Malot 
1577. 4° LC 

BELLEMERE Aegidius de See Bellamera A. de 

[ 27 ] 


B277 -B317 

BELLEVAUX Burchardus abbot of See Burchardus 
abbot of Bellevaux 

BELLOC Hippolyte See T167 
BELLON Peter See N50 

BELLOSTE Augustin 1654-1730 
B277 The hospital-surgeon, 4th ed. A treatise of band¬ 
ages, L. Verduc. London 1732. 12° JC 

BELLUNENSIS Andreas Alpagus See Alpago A. 
BELTRAMI Luca 1854-1933 

B278 La “destra mano” di Leonardo da Vinci. Milan 
(1919) fol. 

BENEDETTI Alessandro 1460-1525 
B279 Anatomice sive historia corporis humani. Col- 
lectiones medicinales. Paris H. Estienne (1514) 4° SG 
B280 De re medica. Basel (H. Petri 1549) fol. BMC 
B281 Historia corporis humani sive anatomice. Venice 
B. Guerralda 1502. 4° BMC 

B282 Omnium a vertice ad calcem morborum signa. 
Basel H. Petri (1539) 4° BMC 


B283 Malati - medici e farmacisti. Milan 1924-25. 2 
v. 8* 

BENEDICT Mrs. Cornelia (Golay) See B284 

BENEDICT Francis Gano 1870- 
B284 Mental effort in relation to gaseous exchange, 
heart rate, and mechanics of respiration, C. G. Benedict 
jt.auth. Washington 1933. 8° 

B285 Old age and basal metabolism. Repr. New Engl. 

J. Med. 1935, 212: 1111-22 With B286 
B286 The physiology of extreme old age, H. F. Root 
jt.auth. Repr. New Engl. J. Med. 1934, 211: 521-36 

BENEDICT Friedrich See G353 

BENEDICTUS Saint abbot of Monte Cassino See 

BENEDICTUS XIV pope 1675-1758 See M160 

BENEDICTUS OLAI d. 1582 Biography See 

BENIVTENI Antonio 1443-1502 See G51 

BENNET James Henry 1816-91 
B287 Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediter¬ 
ranean, 4th ed. New York 1870. 8° 

BENNETT Arnold 1867-1931 
B288 Literary taste. New York [1927] 8° 

BENNETT James O’Donnell 1870-1940 
B289 Much loved books. New York 1927. 8° 

BENOlT Jean Rene 1844-1922 See M345 

BENTLEY Edmund Clerihew 1875- 
B290 Trent’s last case (4th impr.) London (1935) 8° 
B291 Trent’s own case, H. W. Allen jt.auth. London 
(1936) 8° 

BENTLEY Richard 1662-1742 See W282 

BENZENBERG Johann Friedrich 1777-1846 
B292 Versuche uber das Gesetz des Falls und iiber die 
Umdrehung der Erde. Dortmund 1804. 8° 

BENZO Ugo See Ugo da Siena 

BERARD Frederic Joseph 1789-1828 
B293 Doctrine m6dicale de l’licole de Montpellier. 
Montpellier 1819. 8° 

BERDOE Edward 1836-1916 

B294 St. Bernard’s, the romance of a medical student. 
London 1887. 8’ 

BERENGARIO Jacopo d. 1550 
B295 De fractura cranii, ed. nova. Leyden J. Maire 
1629. 8° SG 

B296 —Leyden 1715. 8° SG 

B297 A description of the body of man, tr. H. Jackson. 

London 1664. 8° photostat. GHL 
B298 Isagoge breves (Bologna B. Hectoris 1522) 4° 

B299 — (1523) 4° 2d copy incomplete. BMC 
B300 — n.p. (1530) 8° BO 2017 
B301 — Venice (B. Vitali) 1535. 4° BO 2018 
B302 Tractatus de fractura calve sive cranei (Bologna 
G. de Benedetti 1518) 4° BMC 
B303 —(Venice G. A. Niccolini da Sabbio) 1535. 8* 
BO 2019 

See also L65; M161; M451; M453; M456 
Biography See P429; P432 


B304 Religion und Heilkunde im Wandel der Zeiten. 
Vienna 1937. 8° 

BERGLUND Hilding 1887- See S430 

BERGMANN Ernst von 1836-1907 
B305 Die chirurgische Behandlung von Hirnkrank- 
heiten, 3. Aufl. Berlin 1899. 8° 

BERKELEY George bp. of Cloyne 1685-1753 
B306 Siris. Dublin 1744. 8° BO 1070 
B307 —2d ed. 1744. 8° BO 1071 

BERLIN. Akademie der Wissenschaften See Aka- 
demie der Wissenschaften Berlin 

BERLU John Jacob 

B308 The treasury of drugs unlock’d. London 1690. 12° 

BERN. Universitat 

B309 Die naturwissenschaftlichen und medicinsichen 
Institute. Biel [1896] 8° 

BERNARD Charles 1650-1711 

B310 Bibliotheca Bernardiana [London 1710?] 8° SG 

BERNARD Claude 1813-78 

B311 Du sue gastrique et de son role dans la nutrition. 
Paris 1843. 8° 

B312 Fr. Magendie. Paris 1856. 8° 

B313 Introduced 4 l’estudi de la medicina experimental. 
El naixement del m£tode experimental, J. F. Fulton. 
Tr. J. Pi-Suner Bayo. Barcelona [1936] 2 v. 8° 

B314 An introduction to the study of experimental 
medicine, tr. H. C. Greene. New York 1927. 8° 

B315 Lemons de pathologie experimental. Paris 1872. 8° 
B316 Lemons de physiologie exp£rimentale. Paris 1855- 
56. 2 v. 8° 

B317 Lemons de physiologie op6ratoire. Paris 1879. 8° 
2 copies 

28 ] 

B318 -B365 


B318 Lemons sur la chaleur animale. Paris 1876. 8° 
B319 Lemons sur la physiologie et la pathologie du sys¬ 
tem e nerveux. Paris 1858. 2 v. 8° 

B320 Lemons sur le diab^te. Paris 1877. 8° 

B321 Lemons sur les effets des substances toxiques et 
m&iicamenteuses. Paris 1857. 8° 

B322 M6moire sur le pancreas. C. R. Acad. Sci. y Paris 
1856, 1 suppl.: 379-563 

B323 Philosophic, manuscrit in6dit, ed. J. Chevalier. 
Paris [1937?] 8° 

B324 Precis iconographique de m£decine op6ratoire, 
C. Huette jt.auth. Paris 1846. 2 v. 8° 

B325 —1848. 2 v. 8° 

B326 Rapport sur les progr^s de la physiologie g£n£rale 
en France. Paris 1867. 8° With B223 
See also Oil 

BERNARD Francis 1627-98 

B327 A catalogue of his library. London 1698. 8° BMC 

BERNARD de Gordon ft. 1285-1305 

B328 Practica (Venice L. A. Giunta 1521) fol. SG 

BERNHEIM Bertram Moses 1880- 

B329 Medicine at the crossroads. New York 1939. 8° 

BERNOULLI Jacques 1654-1705 
B330 Dissertatio de gravitate aetheris. Amsterdam 
1683. 8° SG 

B331 Solutio tergemini problematis. Basel [1687] 4° 

BERNOULLI Jean 1667-1748 
B332 Nouvelles pens6es sur le systeme de M. Descartes. 
Paris 1730. 4° BMC 

B333 Recherches physiques et g6om£triques. Paris 
1736. 4° 

BEROALDO Filippo 1453-1505 See S470 
BERRETTINI Pietro b. 1669 

B334 Tabulae anatomicae, ed. G. Petrioli. Rome 1741. 
fol. SG 

B335 —ed. F. Petraglia. Rome 1788. fol. 2 issues, one 
with col. pi. ChF 

BERRY William Turner 

B336 Catalogue of specimens of printing types, 1665- 
1830, A. F. Johnson jt.auth. London 1935. 8° 

BERTHELOT Marcellin Pierre Eugene 1827-1907 
B337 Chimie organique fond6e sur la synthase. Paris 
1860. 2 v. 8° 

B338 — La revolution chimique: Lavoisier. Paris 
1890. 8° 

Biography See C245 

BERTHOLLET Claude Louis comte 1748-1822 
B339 Essai de statique chimique. Paris 1803. 2 v. 8° 

See also G499; G500 

BERTHOLON Pierre 1742-1800 
B340 Memoire sur la thSorie des incendies (Montpellier 
1787) 4° BMC With B341 

B341 Nouvelles preuves de l’efficacitS des paraton- 
nerres (Montpellier 1783) 4° BMC 

BERTOLONI Antonio 1775-1869 
B342 Oratio de laudibus Marcelli Malpighii. Bologna 
1830. 8° 

BERTRAND Elie 1712-90 

B343 Recueil de divers trails sur l’histoire naturelle de 
la terre. Avignon 1766. 4° LC 
BERZELIUS Jons Jakob friherre 1779-1848 
B344 Autobiographical notes, tr. O. Larsell. Baltimore 
1934. 8° 

B345 De l’analyse des corps inorganiques. Paris 1827. 8° 
B346 De l’emploi du chalumeau dans les analyses 
chimiques, tr. F. Fresnel. Paris 1821. 8° 

BESSEL Friedrich Wilhelm 1784-1846 

B347 Fundamenta astronomiae. Konigsberg 1818. fol. 

BESSY Bernard Frenicle de See Frenicle de 
Bessy B. 

BEST Carolus 

B348 De vaccina. Edinburgh 1801. 8° With 03 

BESTERMAN Theodore 1904- 
B349 The beginnings of systematic bibliography. Lon¬ 
don 1935. 8° 

B350 The publishing firm of Cadell & Davies 1793-1836. 
London 1938. 8° 

BETTANY George Thomas 1850- See W192 

BEUGHEM Cornelius k ft. 1678-1710 
B351 Bibliographia medica & physica. Amsterdam 1681. 
12° GHL 


B352 Een bezoek aan verschillende amerikaansche 
ziekenhuizen. Repr. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1920, 64: 
2159-60. In A165a 

B353 Chirurgencongres te Montreal. Repr. Ned. 

Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1920, 64: 2418-19. In A165a 
B354 Harvey Cushing. Repr. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk . 
1921, 65: 334-35. In A165a 

B355 Het heelkundige Mekka in Amerika. Repr. Ned. 
Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1920, 64: 1713-14. In A165a 

BEUREN Frederick Theodore van See Van Beuren 
F. T. 

BEUTNER Reinhard 1885- 

B356 The relation of life to electricity, J. Lozner jt.auth. 
[Louisville] 1933. 8° 

BEVAN Edward John 1856-1921 See C497 

BEVERWIJCK Jan van 1594-1647 
B357 Epistolicae quaestiones. Rotterdam 1644. 8° BO 

B358 Heel-konste. Dordrecht 1645. 8° SG 
B359 — Amsterdam 1656. 4° BNed 
B360 Lof der medicine ofte genees-konste. n.p. n.d. 8° 
SG With B361 

B361 Schat der ongesontheyt ofte genees-konste van de 
sieckten. Dordrecht 1642. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8° SG 
B362 —v. 2. 1644 . 8° BNed 
Biography See B181 

BEW Charles 

B363 Opinions on the causes and effects of tic doulou¬ 
reux. London 1824. 8° 

BEYER Hartmann 1516-7 7 

B364 Quaestiones in libellum de sphaera J. de Sacro 
Bosco. Frankfort P. Brubach 1552. 8° With S10 
B365 — Paris G. Cavellat 1552. 8° 

[ 29 ] 


B366 - B403 

BIANCHI Simon Giovanni 1693-1755 See C342 
BIANDRATA Giorgio See Blandrata G. 


B366 The Bible. London R. Barker (1612) fol. 

BIBLE. 0. T. Ecclesiastes 

B367 The gentle cynic, being a translation of the book 
of Koheleth, M. Jastrow (San Francisco) 1927. 8° 

BIBLE. 0. T. Psalms 

B368 The whole booke of Psalmes. London Company of 
stationers 1609. fol. STC 2528 With B366 

B369 Handlist of books [Oxford] 1935. 8° 

R. Biblioteca Estense 


B370 Bibliotheca anatomica [London] 1711-14. 3 v. 4° 

Bibliotheque nationale 

BICARDO Ariele pseud. See Beyer H. 

BICHAT Xavier 1771-1802 

B371 Anatomie g£n£rale. Paris 1900-01. 2 v. 8° 

B372 Pathological anatomy, from an autographic MS 
of P. A. B6clard. An account of the life and labours 
of Bichat, F. G. Boisseau, tr. J. Togno. Philadelphia 
1827. 8° 

B373 Physiological researches on life and death, tr. 

F. Gold. London [1815] 8° 2 copies 
B374 — ed. F. Magendie, tr. F. Gold, G. Hayward. 
Boston 1827. 8° 

B375 Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort, 
3. 6d. Paris 1805. 8° 

See also B224 

BIDLOO Govard 1649-1713 

B376 Anatomia humani corporis. Amsterdam 1685. fol. 

B377 Ontleding des menschelyken lichaams. Amsterdam 
1690. fol. SG 
See also B245 

BID WELL Shelford 1848-1909 
B378 Selenium and its applications to the photophone 
and telephotography. In Not. Proc. roy. Instn. 1881, 9: 

BIEDL Artur 1869-1933 

B379 Innere Sekretion, 2. Aufl. Berlin 1913. 2 v. 8* 
BIENEWITZ Peter See ApiANus P. 

BIGELOW Henry Jacob 1818-90 

B380 Insensibility during surgical operations. Repr. 

Boston med. surg. J. 1846, 35: 306-16 
B381 The mechanism of dislocations. Litholapaxy. Bos¬ 
ton 1900. 8° 

B382 Orthopedic surgery and other medical papers. 
Boston 1900. 8° 

B383 Surgical anaesthesia, addresses and other papers. 
Boston 1900. 8° 

Biography See M285 

BIGELOW JACOB 1787-1879 
B384 American medical botany. Boston 1817-21. 3 v. 
in 6. 8° 

B385 Brief expositions of rational medicine. Boston 
1858. 8° 

B386 The classical Mother Goose. Cambridge Mass. 
1871. 12° 

B387 A discourse on self-limited diseases. Boston 
1835. 8° 

B388 Elements of technology. Boston 1829. 8° 

B389 Eolopoesis. American rejected addresses. New 
York (°1855) 8° 

B390 Florula bostoniensis, a collection of plants of Bos¬ 
ton and its environs. Boston 1814. 8° 

B391 Modern inquiries. Boston 1867. 8° 

B392 Nature in disease. Boston 1854. 8° 

B393 A treatise on the materia medica. Boston 1822. 8° 
See also H56 
Biography See E42 

B394 Mataeotechnia medicinae praxecos. The vanity 
of the craft of physick. London 1651. 4° BMC 

BILGUER Johann Ulrich 1720-96 
B395 Dissertation sur l’inutilit6 de l’amputation des 
membres, tr. S. A. A. D. Tissot. Lausanne 1784. 12° 
2 copies. JC 

BILLINGS John Shaw 1838-1913 
B396 The history and literature of surgery. From F. S. 
Dennis. System of surgery, I, 1895: 17-144 
See also M204 
Biography See G115 

BILLINGSLEY Sir Henry d. 1606 See E102 

BILLROTH Otto Gottlieb- See Gottlieb-Bill- 
roth O. 

BILLROTH Theodor 1829-94 
B397 Billroth und Brahms im Briefwechsel (ed. O. Gott- 
lieb-Billroth) Berlin 1935. 8° 

B398 Briefe, 5. Aufl. Hannover 1899. 8° 

B399 Historical studies on the nature and treatment of 
gunshot wounds, tr. C. P. Rhoads. Repr. Yale J. Biol. 
Med. 1931, 4: 3-36 etc. 

B399a — New Haven 1933. 8* 

B400 Historische Studien iiber die Beurtheilung und 
Behandlung der Schusswunden. Berlin 1859. 8° 

B401 The medical sciences in the German universities. 
New York 1924. 8° 

B402 Ober das Lehren und Lernen der medicinischen 
Wissenschaften an den Universitaten der deutschen 
Nation. Vienna 1876. 8° 

BINDER Ulrich See Pin der U. 

BINEAU Amand 1812-61 See D322 
BINOSQUE Isnard Rostan de See Rostan de 
Binosque I. 

BIONDO Michelangelo 1497-1565 
B403 De partibus ictu sectis citissime sanandis et medi- 
camento aquae nuper inuento (Venice G. A. & P. 
Niccolini da Sabbio) 1542. 8° BO 2059 

[ 30 ] 

B404 - B441 


BIRCH John 1745P-1815 

B404 Serious reasons for uniformly objecting to the 
practice of vaccination. London 1806. 8° 

See also R211 

BIRMINGHAM. Museum of natural history 
B405 A systematic catalogue of British birds. Birming¬ 
ham (1832) 8° With K78 


B406 The marrow of astrology, v. 2, 2d ed. London 
1688. 4° 

BISHOP Joseph Bucklin 1847-1928 See R232 
BISHOP Morris 1893- 

B407 Pascal, the life of genius. Baltimore (°1936) 8° 

BISMARCK Otto FUrst von 1815-98 
B408 Bismarck, the man & the statesman, tr. A. J. 
Butler. New York 1899. 2 v. 8° 

BIZZARRI Pietro 16th cent. 

B409 Pannonicum bellum. Basel S. Henricpetri (1573) 
8° BMC 

BJORCK & BORJESSON booksellers Stockholm 
B410 Linn6ana. Stockholm (1925) 8° 

BLACK Charles Christopher d. 1819 See HI99 

BLACK Davidson 1884-1934 

B411 The Croonian lecture. On the discovery, morphol¬ 
ogy and environment of Sinanthropus pekinensis. 
Philos. Trans. 1934, ser. B, 223: 57-120 
B412 Fossil man in China. Peiping 1933. 8° 

B413 On an adolescent skull of Sinanthropus pekinensis 
in comparison with an adult skull of the same species. 
Peiping 1930. 8° 

Biography See G193 

BLACK Joseph 1728-99 

B414 Experiments upon magnesia alba. Edinburgh 
1893. 8° 

B415 Lectures on the elements of chemistry, ed. J. 
Robison. Edinburgh 1803. 2 v. 4° 

Biography See R18 

BLACKHAM Robert James 1868- 

B416 Scalpel, sword and stretcher. London [1931] 8° 

BLACKMORE Sir Richard d. 1729 
B417 Creation, a philosophical poem. London 1712. 8° 

B418 The kit-cats, a poem. London 1708. 8° BO 4377 
B419 A treatise of the spleen and vapours. London 1725. 
8° SG 


B420 The world of books. New York (1932) 16° 

BLACKWELL Elizabeth 1821-1910 
B421 The laws of life with special reference to the physi¬ 
cal education of girls. New York 1852. 8° 

BLAES Gerard See B la si us G. 

BLAEU Willem Janszoon 1571-1638 
B422 Institutio astronomica, tr. M. Hortensius. Amster¬ 
dam J. & C. Blaeu 1640. 8° LC 

B423 Tweevoudigh onderwiis van de hemelsche en 
aerdsche globen. Amsterdam 1655. 4° LC 

BLAGRAVE Joseph 1610-82 

B424 Astrological practice of physick. London 1689. 8* 

B425 Supplement or enlargement to N. Culpeper’s Eng¬ 
lish physician, 2d impr. A new tract of chirurgery. 
London 1677. 8° SG 

BLAIKIE William Garden 1820-99 
B426 The personal life of David Livingstone. London 
1880. 8° 

BLAKER Richard 1893- 

B427 Medal without bar. London (1930) 8° 

BLAKEY Dorothy 

B428 The Minerva press 1790-1820. London 1939. 4° 
BLANC Richard le See Le Blanc R. 

BLANCARD Stephen See B lankaart S. 

BLANCHERE Henri de la See La Blanchere 
H. DE 

BLAND-SUTTON Sir John hart. 1855-1936 
B429 Orations and addresses. London 1924. 8° 

B430 The story of a surgeon, 4th ed. London (1931) 8* 
BLANDIN Phillippe Frederic 1798-1849 
B431 Trait6 d’anatomie topographique, 2. 6d. Paris 
1834. 8° atlas, fol. 

BLANDRATA Giorgio 1515 ?—88 Biography See 

BLANKAART Steven 1650-1702 

B432 Anatomia reformata. Leyden 1695. 8° SG 

BLANTON Wyndham Bolling 1890- 
B433 Medicine in Virginia in the 17th, 18th, 19th cen¬ 
turies. Richmond 1930-33. 3 v. 8° 

BLASIUS Gerardus 1626-82 
B434 Anatome animalium. Amsterdam 1681. 4° SG 
B435 Zootomiae seu anatomes variorum animalium 
pars 1. Amsterdam 1676 (1677) 8° BMC 

BLECH Gustavus Maximilian 1870- 
B436 Clinical electrosurgery. London (°1938) 8° 

B437 Medical tactics and logistics, C. Lynch jt.auth. 
Springfield Ill. (°1934) 8’ 

BLfiGNY Nicolas de 1652-1722 
B438 Le remade anglois pour la gu6rison des fi^vres. 
Paris 1682. 12° BMC 

BLENKINSOP Henry See W220 

BLISS Arthur Ames 1859-1913 
B439 Blockley days 1883-84 [Springfield Mass.] 1916. 
8° 2 copies 

BLIZARD Sir William 1743-1835 

B440 The Hunterian oration, 1823. London 1823. 4° 

BLODGETT Albert Novatus 1848-1923 See S67; 

BLOESCH Hans 1878- See F15 
BLOGG Minnie Wright 

B441 Bibliography of the writings of Sir William Osier, 
rev. ed. Baltimore 1921. 8° 



B442 - B477 

BLONDEL Francois 1618-86 

B442 Histoire da calendrier romain. The Hague 1684. 
12 # BMC 

B443 Resolution des quatre principaux problemes 
d’architecture. In A22 

BLONDEL Jacques See G295 

BLONDUS Michaelus Angelus See Biondo M. 

BLOOMFIELD Robert 1766-1823 
B444 Good tidings, or news from the farm, a poem. 
London 1804. 8° 2 copies 

BLUMENBACH Johann Friedrich 1752-1840 
B445 De generis humani varietate. Gottingen 1776. 8° 

B446 Introductio in historiam medicinae litterariam. 
Gottingen 1786. 8° BO 6921 

BOAISTUAU Pierre d. 1566 

B447 Histoires prodigieuses. Paris V. Sertenas 1560. 4° 

BOCK Hieronymus 1498-1554 
B448 Kreiiter Buch. Strasbourg (J. Rihel) 1560. fol. 

BODENSTEIN Adam von 1528-77 See P56 

BODERIE Guy Le Fevre de la See Le Fevre de la 
Boderie G. 

BODLEIAN LIBRARY See Oxford. University. 
Bodleian library 

BODLEY Sir Thomas 1545-1613 
B449 Letters to Thomas James, ed. G. W. Wheeler. 
Oxford 1926. 4° 

B450 The life of Bodley (Edinburgh) 1894. 16° 

See also 0132 

BODONI Giovanni Battista 1740-1813 See 1V108 
BOE Frans de le 1614-72 

B451 Opera medica, ed. nova. Casus medicinales, 
J. Merian. Utrecht 1695. 4* SG 
See also B47 

BOHM Johann Georg See L165 
BOEKE Jan 1874- 

B452 Andr6 V£sale comme r£formateur de Tanatomie. 

Janus 1914, 19: 508-22 With L124 
B453 Andreas Vesalius als hervormerder ontleedkunde. 
Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 59: 31-45. 2 copies. With 

BOKEL Johannes 1535-1605 

B454 Anatome vel descriptio partium humani corporis. 

Helmstedt J. Lucius 1585. 8° BMC 
B455 — 1588. 8° SG With D266 

BOERHAAVE Herman 1668-1738 
B456 Aphorismi de cognoscendis et curandis morbis, 
3. ed. Leyden 1722. 8° SG 

B457 — Bibliotheca Boerhaaviana. Leyden 1739. 8° 
BO 1123 

B458 Briefe an J. B. Bassand, ed. E. Darmstaedter. 
Munich 1927. 8° BO 7678 

B459 Elementa chemiae. Leyden 1732. 2 v. 4° BO 1094 

B460 Elements of chemistry, tr. T. Dallowe. London 
1735. 2 v. 4° SG 

B461 Historia plantarum, ed. novissima. London 1738. 
2 v. in 1. 12° SG 

B462 Institutions medicae. Leyden 1727. 8° LC 
B463 The life and work of Andreas Vesalius, B.S. 

Albinus jt.auth., tr. B. Farrington. Cape Town 1930. 4° 
B464 A method of studying physick, tr. R. Samber. 

London 1719. 8° 2 copies. BO 1117 
B465 Methodus studii medici, ed. 1. Veneta, A. von 
Haller. Venice 1753. 2 v. 4° Lacks v. 2. SG 
B466 A new method of chemistry, tr. P. Shaw & E. 

Chambers. London 1727. 4° BO 1095 
B467 Opuscula omnia. The Hague 1738. 4° SG With 

B468 Tractatus medico-practicus de lue aphrodisiaca. 
Venice 1765. 8° SG 

B469 A treatise on the powers of medicines, tr. J. Mar- 
tyn. London 1740. SG 

See also C297; C353; K183; M287; S487; V107; V108 
Bibliography See H298 
Biography See C296; M205; S152 

BOETHIUS d. 524 

B470 King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of De conso¬ 
lation philosophiae, tr. J. S. Cardale. London 1829. 8° 
Anglo-Saxon & English 

B471 The theological tractates, tr. H. F. Stewart & 
E. K. Rand. London 1926. 12° 

See also P144 

BOHEMIA. Schutzpocken commission 
B472 Geschichte der Vaccination in Bohmen. Prague 
1804. 8° 

BOHN Henry George 1796-1884 See H496 
BOHN Johannes 1640-1718 

B473 Circulus anatomico-physiologicus. Leipzig 1710. 
4° SG 

B474 De renunciatione vulnerum. Leipzig 1711. 4° SG 
With B473 

BOHR Niels Henrik David 1885- 
B475 Abhandlungen iiber Atombau 1913-16, tr. 
H. Stintzing. Braunschweig 1921. 8° 

B476 On the quantum theory of line-spectra. Copen¬ 
hagen 1918. 4° 

BOILEAU-DESPREAUX Nicolas 1636-1711 
B477 Poesies. Paris 1781. 2 v. in 1. 18° BMC 
See also G140 

BOIS Eugene Floyd du See Du Bois E. F. 

BOIS Theodora du See Dubois T. M. 

BOIS-REYMOND See Du Bois-Reymond 

BOISE Margaret Galt See S242 

BOISSEAU Francois Gabriel 1791-1836 See B372 

BOLOGNA. R. Accademia delle scienze dell’Istituto 
di Bologna See Accademia delle scienze dell’Is- 
tituto di Bologna 

[ 32 ] 

B478 -B518 


BOLOGNA. University 

B478 L’Universife de Bologne autrefois aujourd’hui, 
tr. A. de Carli. Bologna (1922) 8° 

BOLTON William See WZ17 

BOLYAI Farkas 1775-1856 

B479 Tentamen juventutem studiosam in elementa 
matheseos purae introducendi. Maros-Vdsarhely 1832. 
8 ° 



BONACCI Giovanni See F28 

BONAVERA Domenico Maria b. 1650? ed. & engr. 
B480 Notomie di Titiano. n.p. n.d. fol. 3 copies. F VI. 

BOND Allen Kerr 1859- 

B481 When the Hopkins came to Baltimore. Baltimore 
1927. 8’ 

BONET Theophile 1620-89 

B482 Medicina septentrionalis collatitia. Geneva 1686- 
87. 2 v. fol. BN 

B483 Mercurius compitalitius sive index medico- 
practicus. Geneva 1683. fol. BN 
B484 Polyalthes sive thesaurus medico-practicus. Ge¬ 
neva 1691-93. 3 v. fol. SG 

B485 Sepulchretum sive anatomia practica, ed. altera, 
J. J. Manget. Lyons 1700. 3 v. fol. v. 2-3, Geneva 
See also M228 


B486 Traife de la c6phalatomie. Avignon 1748. 4’ SG 

BONNEFOY Jean Baptiste 1756-90 
B487 Analyse raisonnSe des rapports de l’examen du 
magn£tisme animal [Lyons?] 1784. 8* 

BONOMO Giovanni Cosimo fl. 1687 
18488 Bonomo’s letter to Redi, ed. J. E. Lane. Chicago 
°1928. 8* facsim. 

BONTIUS Jacobus 1598-1631 See A146 

B489 The book of Manchester and Salford written for 
the British medical association. Manchester [1929?] 8’ 
B490 The book of Oxford (Oxford) 1936. 8° 

B491 The book of quinte essence, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 
London 1866. 8* 2 copies 


B492 [Books and men; papers by various authors] 
6 v. 8* 

BOORDE Andrew 1490?-1549 
B493 The breviarie of health. London T. East 1575. 4° 

B494 The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge 
(London 1814) 4° facsim. BO 2083 
B495 Here followeth a compendious regiment or dietarie 
of health. London H. Jackson 1576. 8° BMC 

BOOS Heinrich 1851- See P313 
BORDES Guillaume des See Des Bor des G. 

BORDEU Theophile de 1722-76 
B496 Recherches anatomiques sur la position des glan- 
des, nouv. 6d. Paris (1800) 12° SG 
B497 Recherches sur le pouls. Paris 1779-86. 3 v. in 4. 
12 0 SG 

BORDIER Arthur b. 1841 

B498 La g£ographie nfedicale. Paris 1884. 8° 

BORELLI Giovanni Alfonso 1608-79 
B499 De motu animalium. Rome 1680-81. 2 v. 4° BO 


B500 Della con tern platione anatomica. Venice V. Val- 
grisi 1564. 8° SG 

B501 Andreae Vessalii chirurgia magna. Venice V. Val- 
grisi 1568. 8° Pref. dated Sept. 1568. F X. 2; BO 588 
B502 — Pref. dated Oct. 1568. F X. 2 
B503 — 1569. 8° Pref. dated Sept. 1568 
B504 — Pref. dated Oct. 1568 

B505 — MS translation of certain sections, W. F. 

B506 —Typewritten translation of certain sections, 
E. Gladstone, 1935 

BORGO Pietro d. 1491 

B507 Libro de abacho (Venice F. Bindoni & M. Pasini) 
1550. 4* MV 

BORN MAN Zacharias 

B508 Astrolabium tetragonum. Breslau G. Baumann 
1595. 4* LC 


B509 [Anatomico-surgical tables. St. Petersburg 1843] 
fol. Russian 


B510 An inaugural dissertation on the cynanche 
trachealis. New York 1793. 8° SG 

BOSCHI Ippolito b. 1540 

B511 De vulneribus. Ferrara V. Baldini 1596. 4’ SG 

BOSSCHA Johannes 1831-1911 
B512 La Commission international du nfetre et la con¬ 
ference. Amsterdam 1876. 8° 

B513 Les Equations des nouvelles copies du nfetre des 
archives. Repr. Arch, nierl. Set. 1891, 25: 165-226 

BOSSCHE Guillaume van den 

B514 Historia medica. Brussels J. Mommart 1639. 4° 


B515 The difference betwene the auncient phisicke and 
the latter phisicke. London R. Walley 1585. 8° BMC 

BOSTON. Massachusetts general hospital See Mas¬ 
sachusetts General hospital Boston 

BOSTON. Public library. Fine arts dept. 

B516 Exhibit of early medical texts, E. C. Streeter 
(New Haven 1921) 8’ 


B517 Annual report, 2, 6-11, 26-28, 1876-1903 
B518 Celebration of the 50th anniversary (Norwood 
Mass. 1926) 8* 




BOSTON MEDICAL library — continued 
B519 Dedication of the new building Dec. 3 1878. Cam¬ 
bridge 1881. 4° With B517 

B520 Dedication of the new building Jan. 12 1901. Bos¬ 
ton 1901. 4° 

B521 October 1881, broadside. 2 copies 
B522 Special meeting to raise funds for a new building 
[Boston 1898] 8° 

See also B848 

BOSTON SOCIETY of natural history 

B523 The Boston society of natural history, 1830-1930. 
Boston 1930. 8° 

BOSWELL James 1740-95 See 123; P357; T119 
BOTALLO Leonardo b. 1530 

B524 De curandis vulneribus sclopettorum. Venice F. 
Rampazetto (1564) 8° SG 

B525 De curatione per sanguinis missionem. Lyons J. 

Huguetan 1577. 8° BMC 
B526 — Antwerp C. Plantin 1583. 8* GHL 
See also F103; G357 
BOTTER Heinrich See V98; V99 

BOTTOME Phyllis 1884- 

B527 Private worlds (7th impr.) Boston (1935) 8° 

BOUCHARDON Edme 1698-1762 
B528 L’anatomie n£cessaire pour l’usage du dessein. 
Paris n.d. fol. With T140 

BOUCHHOLZ Friedrich Georg August 
B529 Vollstandige Abhandlung iiber die Kuhpocken. 
Berlin 1802. 8° 

BOUCHOT Henri 1849-1906 

B530 The book, ed. H. Grevel. London 1890. 8° 

BOIJDON Benedict See P35 

BOUMAN Leendert 1869-1936 
B531 Diffuse sclerosis. Bristol 1934. 8° 

BOURGEOIS Louise 1563-1636 
B532 Observations diverses sur la sterili t6. Paris 
A. Saugrain 1617. 2 v. in 1. 8° SG 

BOURGERY Marc Jean 1797-1849 
B533 Descriptive or physiological anatomy. Paris 1832. 

B534 Trait6 complet de l’anatomie de l’homme, v. 1-7. 

Paris 1832-40. 7 v. in 2 & plates 4 v. fol. incomplete 
B535 The whole anatomy of the human body, tr. R. Wil¬ 
lis. Paris 1833. fol. 

BOURKE Michael 

B536 A review of the subject of canine madness. Phila¬ 
delphia 1792. 8° LC 

BOURSIER Louise See Bourgeois L. 

BOURSIER DU COUDRAY Angelique Marguerite le 

See Le Boursier du Coudray A. M. 

BOVES Hugh de See Hugh de Boves d. 1164 

BOWDITCH Henry Ingersoll 1808-92 
B537 Memoir of Amos Twitchell. Boston 1851. 8° 

B538 A treatise on diaphragmatic hernia. Buffalo 
1853. 8* 

B539 The young stethoscopist, 2d ed. New York 1848. 8° 

BOWDITCH Henry Pickering 1840-1911 
B540 The advancement of medicine by research [Bos¬ 
ton? 1896] 8° 

See also E41 

BOWDITCH Nathaniel 1773-1838 
B541 The new American practical navigator, 2d ed. 
Newburyport Mass. 1807. 8° 

See also L61; fV166 

BOWDITCH Nathaniel Ingersoll 1805-61 
B542 A history of the Massachusetts general hospital. 
Boston 1851. 8° 

BOWIE Alexander See H169 

B543 An almanack 1678. London 1678. 8* 

BOWKER Pierpont F. 

B544 The Indian vegetable family instructed Boston 
1836. 12° 

BOWMAN Isaiah 1878- 

B545 A design for scholarship. Baltimore 1936. 8° 

BOWNE Peter 1575-1624? 

B546 Pseudo-medicorum anatomia. London A. Math- 
ewes 1624. 4° BMC 

BOYD Ernest Augustus 1887- See F300 


B547 Les 6tudiants en m6decine de Paris au XVI. si£cle. 
Versailles 1905. 8“ 

BOYKIN Edward Carrington 1889- ed. 

B548 Facsimiles of famous American documents & let¬ 
ters. New York ( c 1934) fol. 

BOYLE Robert 1627-91 

B549 Apparatus ad historiam naturalem sanguinis hu- 
mani. Geneva 1686. 4° FultonB 148 
B550 Certain physiological essays. London 1661. 4* 
FultonB 25 

B551 The Christian virtuoso [London] 1690. 8° FultonB 
191 2d copy with R34 

B552 A continuation of new experiments physico- 
mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air; 
v. 1. Oxford 1669. 4° FultonB 16 
B553 — v. 2. London 1682. 4° FultonB 18 With B552 
B554 De specificorum remediorum cum corpusculari 
philosophia concordia. Geneva 1687. 4* FultonB 168 
B555 A discourse of things above reason. London 1681. 
8° FultonB 145 

B556 A disquisition about the final causes of natural 
things. To which are subjoyn’d some uncommon obser¬ 
vations about vitiated sight. London 1688. 8° FultonB 

B557 An essay about the origine & virtues of gems. 
London 1672. 8° FultonB 96 

B558 Essays of the strange subtilty of effluviums. Lon¬ 
don 1673. 8° Lacks Gems & Prodromus. FultonB 107 
B559 The excellency of theology. London 1674. 8* Ful¬ 
tonB 116 

B560 Exercitationes de atmo-sphaeris corporum consis- 
tentium. Leyden 1675. 12° FultonB 110 date variation 


B561 - B614 


B561 Experimenta et notae circa producibilitatem 
chymicorum principiorum. Geneva 1693. 4° 2d part 
only. FultonB 40 

B562 Experimenta & observationes physicae. London 
1691. 8° FultonB 193 

B563 Experimenta nec non observationes circa variarum 
particularium qualitatum originem. Geneva 1694. 4° 
FultonB 126 

B564 Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum 
continuatio secunda. Geneva 1682. 4° FultonB 17A 
B565 Experiments and considerations about the poros¬ 
ity of bodies. London 1684. 8° FultonB 149 
B566 Experiments and considerations touching colours* 
London 1664. 8° FultonB 57 

B567 Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical 
origine of divers particular qualities. London 1675. 8* 
FultonB 123 

B568 A free discourse against customary swearing. 

London 1695. 8° FultonB 197 
B569 A free enquiry into the vulgarly receiv’d notion of 
nature. London 1685/6. 8° FultonB 170 
B570 General heads for the natural history of a country. 

London 1692. 12° FultonB 195 
B571 The general history of the air. London 1692. 4° 
FultonB 194 

B572 An historical account of a degradation of gold, 2d 
ed. London 1739. 4* FultonB 137 
B573 Hydrostatical paradoxes, made out by new experi¬ 
ments. Oxford 1666. 8° 2 copies. FultonB 72 
B574 The martyrdom of Theodora and of Didymus. 

London 1687. 8° FultonB 173 
B575 Medicina hydrostatica. London 1690. 8° 3 copies. 
FultonB 189 

B576 — Geneva 1693. 4° FultonB 190 
B577 Medicinal experiments. London 1692. 12° FultonB 

B578 — v. 3. 1694. 12° FultonB 180 

B579 Memoirs for the natural history of humane blood. 

London 1683/4. 8° FultonB 146 
B580 New experiments and observations touching cold. 
London 1665. 8° FultonB 70 

B581 New experiments, and observations, made upon 
the icy noctiluca. London 1681/2. 8° FultonB 139 
B582 New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching 
the spring of the air. Oxford 1660. 8° FultonB 13 

B583 Noctiluca aeria. Geneva 1693. 4* FultonB 142 
B584 Nova experimenta pneumatica respirationem 
spec tan ti a. Geneva 1686. 4° FultonB 222B 

B585 Observationes de salsedine maris. Geneva 1686. 
4° FultonB 115 

B586 Occasional reflections upon several subjects. Lon¬ 
don 1665. 8° FultonB 64 

B587 “Occasionall reflections.” London 1808. 8° Ful¬ 
tonB 66 With B598 

B588 Of the high veneration man’s intellect owes to 
God. London 1685. 8° FultonB 152 
B589 Of the reconcileableness of specifick medicines. 
London 1685. 8° FultonB 166 

B590 Opera omnia. Venice 1696-97. 3 v. 4° FultonB 242 
B591 Opera varia. Geneva 1677. 4° FultonB 246 
B592 The origine of formes and qualities. Oxford 1666. 
8° FultonB 77 

B593 Origo formarum et qualitatum. Geneva 1688. 4° 
FultonB 82 

B594 The sceptical chymist. London 1661. 8° FultonB 33 
B595 — Oxford 1680. 8° FultonB 34 
B596 — London [1911] 8° FultonB 35 
B597 Short memoirs for the natural experimental his¬ 
tory of mineral waters. London 1684/5. 8° FultonB 159 
B598 Some considerations about the reconcileableness 
of reason and religion by T. E. To which is annex’d A 
discourse of Mr. Boyle about the possibility of the 
resurrection. London 1675. 8° FultonB 122 
B599 Some considerations touching the style of the H. 

Scriptures. London 1661. 8° 2 copies. FultonB 41 
B600 — 1663. 8° FultonB 42 

B601 Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of 
experimental naturall philosophy. Oxford 1663. 4* 
FultonB 50 

B602 Some motives and incentives to the love of God, 
9th ed. London 1708. 8° FultonB 9 
B603 Tentamen porologicum. Geneva 1686. 4° FultonB 

B604 Tractatus de ipsa natura. Geneva 1688. 4° FultonB 

B605 Tracts about the cosmicall qualities of things. 
Oxford 1671. 8’ FultonB 83 

B606 Tracts consisting of observations about the salt¬ 
ness of the sea. London 1674. 8° FultonB 113 
B607 Tracts containing I. Suspicions about some hidden 
qualities of the air . . . London 1674. 8° FultonB 119 
B608 Tracts touching the relation betwixt flame and air. 

London 1673. 8° FultonB 102 
B609 Two tracts on electricity and magnetism. London 
1898. 16° 2 copies. FultonB 128 
See also B868 

Bibliography See F364; F365 
Biography See M197 

BOYLE lectures See Robert Boyle lectures 

BOYLSTON MEDICAL society See Harvard Uni¬ 
versity. Boylston medical society 

BRABANTINUS Thomas See Thomas de Cantimpri 

BRADFORD Gamaliel 1863-1932 
B610 The letters, 1918-31, ed. V. W. Brooks. Boston 
1934. 8° 

B611 The quick and the dead. Boston 1931. 8° 

BRADFORD Sir John Rose 1863-1935 
B612 The debt of medicine to the experimental method 
of Harvey. The Harveian oration, 1926. London 
1926. 8° 

BRADLEY James 1693 P-1762 
B613 Discovery of the aberration of light. Isis 1931, 
16: 233-65 

BRADSHAW Henry 1831-86 

B614 Collected papers. Cambridge 1889. 8° 

[ 35 ] 



B615 - B656 

BRADY Samuel 

B615 Some remarks upon Dr. Wagstaffe’s letter, and 
Mr. Massey’s sermon against inoculating the small-pox. 
London 1722. 8° SG 

BRAGG Sir William Henry 1862-1942 

B616 Concerning the nature of things. London 1925. 8° 

B617 The universe of light. London 1933. 8’ 

BRAGG William Lawrence 1890- 

B618 Atomic structure of minerals. Ithaca 1937. 8° 

B619 Electricity. London 1936. 8° 

B6Z0 [Miscellaneous papers 1914-38] 

BRAHE Tycho 1546-1601 

B621 Astronomiae instauratae mechanica. Wandsbek 
(P. von Ohr) 1598. 4° BMC 
B622 — Nuremberg L. Hulsius 1602. fol. BO 2116 
B623 Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata. Ura- 
nienborg 1602. 4* 

B624 Astronomicall coniectur of the new and much 
admired [star] London B. Alsop & T. Fawcett 1632. 4° 
STC 3538 

B625 De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis. 

Uranienborg (C. Weida 1588) 4" BMC 
B626 —Frankfort G. Tampach 1610. 4° BMC With 

B627 De nova Stella (1573) Copenhagen 1901. 8’ facsim. 
B628 Epistolarum astronomicarum libri. Frankfort 
G. Tampach 1610. 4* BMC 
B629 Historia coelestis (Augsburg 1666) fol. BMC 
Biography See D267; G157 

BRAHMS Johannes 1833-97 Biography See 

BRAIN Walter Russell 1895- 

B630 Galatea or the future of Darwinism. London 
(1927) 12° 

BRAINERD Ira Hutchinson 

B631 Edwin Davis French, a memorial. New York 
1908. 8* 

BRAMWELL Edwin 1873- 

B632 Sir Charles Bell. Repr. Edinb. med. J. 1935, 4.s. 
42: 252-64 

BRANISS Friedrich b. 1798 See H504 
BRANT Gualter See Bruele G. 

BRANT Sebastian 1458-1521 
B633 The ship of fools, tr. A. Barclay. Edinburgh 1874. 
2 v. 4’ 

BRASCH Frederick Edward 1875— 

B634 Commemoration of the tercentenary of the death 
of Johann Kepler. Repr. Pop. Astr. 1931, 39: no. 6. 
With B636 

B635 Report commemorating the death of Sir Isaac 
Newton. Repr. Pop. Astr. 1928, 36: no. 1 & 2. With 

B636 The Royal society of London. Repr. Sci. Mon. 
N.Y. 1931, 33: 336-55 etc. 


B637 Remarks on a short narrative of an extraordinary 
delivery of rabbets, 2d ed. London 1726. 8° With S17 

BRAUNFELS Otho See Brunfels O. 
BRAUNSCHWEIG Hieronimus See Brunschwig H. 
BRAY Charles William 1904- See IV144 

BREASTED James Henry 1865-1935 
B638 The Oriental institute (2d impr.) Chicago (1933). 8° 
See also E18 

BRfiCHE Jean 1514P-83? See G23; H337 

BREE Robert 1759-1839 

B639 Oratio Harveiana 1827. London 1828. 4° 

B640 A practical inquiry into disordered respiration, 
from 4th London ed. Philadelphia 1811. 8° 


B640a Ane breif descriptioun of the qualiteis and eP 
fectis of the Well of the Woman hill, 1580. Aberdeen 
1884. 4* facsim. 

BREMER Johann Immanuel 

B641 Die Kuhpocken, 2. Aufl. Berlin 1804. 8° 

BREMER William See V125; V126 
BREMOND Felix b. 1843 See R2 
BREMOND Francois de 1713-42 See H185 

BREND William Alfred 1873- 

B642 Health and the state, 2d impr. London 1917. 8° 

BRENNAN William Augustine 1867- See G493 

BRENT Charles Henry bp. 1862-1929 
B643 A victor, Nathaniel Bowditch Potter (1st ed.) 
Boston (°1930) 8° 

BRERETON Frederick Sadleir 1872- 

B644 The great war and the R.A.M.C. London 1919. 8° 

BRETTAUER Josef 1835-1905 See V132 

BREWER Ebenezer Cobham 1810-97 
B645 Dictionary of phrase and fable, new ed. 110th 
thousand. London 1899. 8* 

B646 The reader’s handbook of allusions, references, 
plots and stories. Philadelphia 1896. 8’ 

BREWSTER Sir David 1781-1868 
B647 The stereoscope. London 1856. 8* 

B648 A treatise on the kaleidoscope. Edinburgh 1819. 8* 
BRIAN Thomas 

B649 The pisse-prophet. London E. Purslowe 1637. 8’ 
BO 2125 

BRIDGES Calvin Blackman 1889-1938 
B650 [Papers on genetics 1923-36] 8* 

BRIDGES John Henry 1832-1906 
B651 Harvey and his successors. The Harveian oration 
1892. London 1892. 8’ 

BRIDGES Robert 1858-1941 

B652 Overheard in Arcady, 3d ed. New York 1894. 8* 

BRIDGES Robert Seymour 1844-1930 
B653 Achilles in Scyros. London 1892. 8* 2 copies 
B654 The Augustan books of modern poetry: Robert 
Bridges. London n.d. 8° 

B655 Demeter. Oxford 1905. 8* 

B656 Eros & Psyche. London 1885. 8° 

[ 36 ] 

B657 - B700 


B657 —1894. 8 8 

B658 Nero (London 1885) 8° 

B659 New verse written in 1921. Oxford 1925. 8° 

B660 Ode for the bicentenary commemoration of Henry 
Purcell. London 1896. 8° 

B661 Palicio. London 1890. 8° 

B662 The return of Ulysses. London 1890. 8° 

B663 The shorter poems. London 1890. 8° 

B664 The spirit of man; an anthology in English & 
French. London 1916. 8* 

B665 The testament of beauty. Oxford 1929. 8° 

B666 — (4th impr.) 1929. 8° 

B667 — [2d edj 1930. 4° 

B668 Verses written for Mrs. Daniel. Oxford 1932. 8° 

B669 [Memorabilia and reviews, prepared for Dr. 
Cushing by Dr. Fulton at Oxford in 1930] 8° 

BRIDIE James pseud. See Mavor O. H. 


B670 A brief review of Dr. Horner’s “Necrological no¬ 
tice” of Philip Syng Physick. Philadelphia 1838. 8° 

BRIGGS Henry 1561-1630 See N8; V165 

BRIGHAM Amariah 1798-1849 

B671 A treatise on epidemic cholera. Hartford 1832. 8° 

BRIGHT Richard 1789-1858 

B672 Address on the practice of medicine. London 
1832. 8° 

B673 Original papers on renal disease, ed. A. A. Osman. 
London 1937. 4° 


B674 Guy’s hospital reports, Bright centenary number 
July & Oct. 1927. 8° 

See also H34; H35 

BRIGHT Timothy 1551 P-1615 
B675 A treatise of melancholy. London J. Windet 1586. 
8° BO 2128 

BRILLAT-SAVARIN Jean Anthelme 1755-1826 
B676 The physiology of taste. London 1925. 8° 
BRINTON John Hill 1832-1907 
B677 Personal memoirs. New York 1914. 8° 2 copies 
See also E91 

BRIOT Pierre Francois 1773-1829 
B678 Histoire de l’6tat et des progres de la chirurgie 
militaire en France. Besangon 1817. 8° 

BRISSEAU Pierre 1631-1717 See P35 
BRISSOT Pierre 1478-1522 

B679 Apologetica disceptatio. Paris S. de Colines 1525. 
4° SG 

BRITISH MEDICAL association 
B680 British medicine in the war 1914-17. London 
1917. 8° 

B681 Vaccination facts and problems. London 1902. 
8° With J64 

BRITISH MUSEUM. Dept, of printed books 
B682 A guide to the exhibition in the King’s library 
[London] 1926. 8° 

B683 Short-title catalogue of books printed in France 
and French books. London 1924. 8* 

B684 Short-title catalogue of books printed in Spain and 
Spanish books by H. Thomas. London 1921. 8’ 

BRITWELL COURT See Christie-Miller Family. 

BROCK Arthur John See G37 

BROCKBANK Edward Mansfield 1866- 
B685 A centenary history of the Manchester medical 
society. Manchester Eng. 1934. 8° 

B686 A short history of Cheadle Royal from its founda¬ 
tion in 1766. Manchester 1934. 8 # 

B687 Sketches of the lives and work of the honorary 
medical staff of the Manchester infirmary. Manchester 
1904. 8° 

BROCKWAY Wallace 1905- See M84 

BRODIE Sir Benjamin Collins bart. 1783-1862 
B688 Clinical lectures on surgery. Philadelphia 1846. 8° 
B689 Lectures on the diseases of the urinary organs, 
from 3d London ed. Philadelphia 1843. 8° 

B690 Pathological and surgical observations on the dis¬ 
eases of the joints, from 4th London ed. Boston 1842. 8° 
B691 The works, ed. C. Hawkins. London 1865. 3 v. 8° 

BROEK Amoldus Johannes Petrus van den 1877— 
B692 lets over de verhouding van de ontleedkunde van 
Vesalius tot die van Leonardo da Vinci. Ned. Tijdschr. 
Geneesk. 1915, 1: 74-85. With R156 

BROEKHUIZEN Daniel van fl. 16th cent. 

B693 Secreta alchimiae magnalia D. Thomae Aquinatis, 
3. ed. Leyden T. Basson 1612. 8° Ferguson 

BROGLIE Louis prince de 1892- 
B694 [Miscellaneous papers 1922-30] 8° 

BROMFIELD William 1712-92 
B695 Thoughts arising from experience, of treating per¬ 
sons inoculated for the small-pox. London 1767. 8° SG 

BRONTfi Charlotte 1816-55 Biography See G152 

BROOK Richard 19th cent. 

B696 A new family herbal, 4th ed. Huddersfield n.d. 12° 
BROOKES Richard fl. 1750 

B697 The general dispensatory. London 1753. 12° BMC 

B698 Land ownership in Brookline from the first settle¬ 
ment (Brookline) 1923. 8° 

BROOKS Van Wyck 1886- See B610 

BROSTER Lennox Ross 1889- 
B699 The adrenal cortex, H. W. C. Vines jt.auth. Lon¬ 
don 1933. 8* 


BROUCHUISIUS Daniel See Broekhuizen D. van 

BROUSSAIS Francois Joseph Victor 1772-1838 
See C361; G76; M480 

BROUWER Bernard 1881- 

B700 Over de toekomst der neurologie. Repr. Psychiat. 
neurol. Bl. Amst. 1930, 35: 23-32. In A165a 

[ 37 ] 


B701 - B756 

BROWALLIUS Johan 1707-55 See L247 
BROWN Alfred Jerome 1878— 

B701 Old masterpieces in surgery. Omaha 1926. 8° 
B702 —1928. 8° 

BROWN Andrew 

B703 A vindicatory schedule, concerning the new cure 
of fevers. Edinburgh 1691. 8* BMC 

BROWN Edward See S76 

BROWN Isabella Cranston 1812-88 See M41; M42 
BROWN James Wood 

B704 An enquiry into the life and legend of Michael 
Scot. Edinburgh 1897. 8° 

BROWN John 1735-88 

B705 The elements of medicine, new ed. T. Beddoes. 

Portsmouth N. H. 1803. 2 v. in 1. 8* 

B706 Observations on the principles of the old system of 
physic. Edinburgh 1787. 8° BO 2152 undated 

BROWN John 1784-1858 See Cll 
BROWN John 1810-82 

B707 The enterkin. Edinburgh 1865. 12° In Odds and 
ends. 1866 

B708 Health; five lay sermons to working people. Edin¬ 
burgh 1862. 12° 

B709 Horae subsecivae, 2d ser. Edinburgh 1861. 8* 
B710 — 6th ed. 1866. 8° 

B711 — 9th ed. 1876. 8° 

B712 — new ed., 1st ser. London 1910. 8* 

B713 Jeems the doorkeeper and other essays. London 
1912. 12° 

B714 John Leech and other papers. Edinburgh 1882. 8’ 
B715 — 3ded. 1882. 8° 

B716 Letters, ed. J. Brown, D. W. Forrest. London 
1907. 8° 2 copies 

B717 Locke and Sydenham. Repr. North Brit. Rev. 1849, 
12: 53-85 

B718 — Edinburgh 1858. 8° 

B719 — newed. 1866. 8° 

B720 — new ed. 1882. 8° 

B721 Marjorie Fleming (8th thousand) Edinburgh 1863. 
12 ° 

B722 —(10th thousand) 1863. 12° 

B723 —(11th thousand) 1864. 12° 

B724 — (16th thousand) 1875. 12° 

B725 — new ed. 1884. 4° 

B726 Minchmoor. Edinburgh 1864. 12° 3d copy with 

B727 Our dogs. Edinburgh 1862. 12° 

B728 — (10th thousand) 1862. 12° With B731 
B729 Pet Marjorie. Edinburgh 1858. 12° 

B730 —(3d thousand) 1864. 12° 

B731 Rab and his friends. Edinburgh 1859. 12° 

B732 — (10th thousand) 1859. 12° 

B733 — (2ded.) 1859. 12° 

B734 —1862.4° 

B735 Spare hours [1st ser.] Boston 1865. 8° 

B736 —1st ser. 1873. 8° 

B737 — n.d. 8° 

B738 — 2d ser. 1866. 8° 

B739 — 1873.8° 

B740 — 24th ed. 1897. 8° 

B741 — 3d ser., 6th ed. 1890. 8° 

B742 “With brains, Sir.” Edinburgh 1860. 12° With 

See also M5 

Biography See B744; M41; M42; P5; P195 

BROWN John b. 1846 See B716 

BROWN John Taylor 1811-1901 
B743 Bibliomania. Edinburgh 1867. 12° In Odds and 
ends. 1867 

B744 Dr. John Brown, ed. W. B. Dunlop. London 1903. 
8° 2 copies 

BROWN John William 

B745 The life of Leonardo da Vinci. London 1828. 8° 
2 copies 

BROWN Percy 1875- 

B746 American martyrs to science through the Roent¬ 
gen rays. Springfield Ill. (°1936) 8° 

BROWN Philip King 1869-1940 
B747 A review of the early vaccination controversy. 
Repr. Calif. St. J. Med. 1914, 12: 172-77 

BROWN Mrs. Rebecca (Bartlett) 

B748 A brief memoir of Dr. Elisha Bartlett. Providence 
1878. 4° 

BROWN Robert 1773-1858 

B749 A brief account of microscopical observations. In 
Edinb. new philos. J. 1828, 2. s. 5: 358-71 

BROWN Samuel 1817-56 

B750 Lectures on the atomic theory. Edinburgh 1858. 
2 v. 8° 

BROWN Thomas 1663-1704 

B751 Physick lies a bleeding or the apothecary turned 
doctor. London 1697. 4° LC 

BROWN Thomas 1778-1820 

B752 The paradise of coquettes, a poem. London 
1814. 8° 

B753 Poems. Edinburgh 1804. 2 v. 8° 

BROWN Thomas of Musselburgh 
B754 An inquiry into the antivariolous power of vacci¬ 
nation. Edinburgh 1809. 8° 

BROWN Sir Walter Langdon- See Langdon- 
Brown W. 

BROWN, LITTLE & company See Little, Brown 
& company 

BROWN-SEQUARD Charles Edouard 1817-94 

B755 Course of lectures on the physiology and pathol¬ 
ogy of the central nervous system. Philadelphia 1860. 8° 
B756 Lectures on paralysis of the lower extremities. 
Philadelphia 1861. 8° 

38 ] 

B757 - B804 


BROWNE Edward 1644-1708 
B757 Durch Niederland, Teutschland, Hungarn gethane 
gantz sonderbare Reisen. Nuremberg 1685. 4* 

B758 Journal of a visit to Paris in 1664, ed. G. Keynes. 
London 1923. 8° KeynesB 521 

BROWNE Edward Granville 1862-1926 

B759 Arabian medicine. Cambridge 1921. 8° 2 copies 

BROWNE Sir George Buckston 1850- 
B760 Life of Edward Jenner 1749-1823. Repr. P367 
B761 University college hospital medical school [London 
1933] 8° 

BROWNE John 1642-1700? 

B762 A compleat treatise of the muscles as they appear 
in the human body [London] 1681. fol. GHL 
B763 Myographia nova sive musculorum descriptio. 
London 1684. fol. BO 2155 

BROWNE Joseph 

B764 An account of the wonderful cures perform’d by 
the cold baths. London 1707. 12° BMC 
B765 A lecture of anatomy against the circulation of the 
blood. London (1701) 4° SG 

BROWNE Richard fl. 1674-94 See B17 

BROWNE Sir Thomas 1605-82 
B766 Certain miscellany tracts. London 1683. 8° 1684 
t.-p. added. KeynesB 127 
B767 — 1684. 8° KeynesB 128 

B768 Christian morals, ed. J. Jeffery. Cambridge 1716. 
12° KeynesB 163 

B769 Hydriotaphia, urne-buriall. The garden of Cyrus. 

London 1658. 8° KeynesB 93 
B770 — ed. W. A. Greenhill. London 1896. 12* KeynesB 

B771 Letter to a friend, 1690. London 1924. fol. facsim. 
B772 Notes for a lecture on the skin, ed. G. L. Keynes. 

London 1924. 4* KeynesB 200 
B773 On dreams. London [1920] 8° KeynesB 198 
B774 Pseudodoxia epidemica or enquiries into very 
many received tenents and commonly presumed truths. 
London 1646. fol. KeynesB 73 
B775 — 2d ed. London 1650. fol. KeynesB 74 
B776 Religio medici. Strasbourg 1652. 8° Latin. KeynesB 

B777 —4th ed. London 1656. 8° English. KeynesB 6 
B778 — new ed. Observations, Sir K. Digby. London 
1736. 12* KeynesB 15 
B779 — Oxford 1831. 12° KeynesB 18 
B780 — (2d ed.) Boston 1862. 8° 2 copies. KeynesB 30 
B781 — ed. W. A. Greenhill. London 1898. 8° KeynesB 

B782 —Observations, K. Digby [Oxford] 1909. 8° 
facsim. KeynesB 55 

B783 La religion du medecin. n.p. 1668. 12° 2 copies. 
KeynesB 71 

B784 The works, ed. C. E. Sayle. Edinburgh 1927. 3 v. 
8° KeynesB 207 re-issue 
See also K25; K70 

Bibliography See K67; W199; W200 

Biography See B887; F341; T114; 1V201 

BROWNE Sir William 1692-1774 

B785 Oratio Harveiana, 1751. London [1751] 4* BO 795 

BROXHOLME Noel 1689?-1748 
B786 Oratio anniversaria Harvaeana, 1731. London 
1731. 4* BMC 

BRUCE Alexander 1854-1911 

B787 Multiple neuromata of the central nervous sys¬ 
tem, J. W. Dawson jt.auth. Edinburgh 1913. fol. 

BRUCE John Mitchell 1846-1929 
B788 The Harveian oration on the influence of Harvey’s 
work, 1913. London 1913. 8* 

BRUELE Gualter 

B789 Praxis medicinae or the physicians practise, 2d ed. 
London J. Norton 1639. 4* SG 

BRUGIS Thomas fl. 1640 

B790 Vade mecum or a companion for a chyrurgion, 2d 
ed. London 1653. 8° SG 

BRUGNATELLI Luigi Valentino 1761-1818 ed. 

B791 Memorie sull elettricit^ animale. Pavia 1792. 8’ 
Contains Galvani-Carminati correspondence and Vol¬ 
ta’s Memoria. SG 

BRUNET Jacques Charles 1780-1867 
B792 Manuel du libraire, 4. 6d. Brussels 1839-45. 
5 v. 8° 

BRUNET Pierre 1893- 

B793 Histoire des sciences: antiquit6, A. Mieli jt.auth. 
Paris 1935. 8* 

BRUNFELS Otto 1488-1534 

B794 Herbarum vivae eicones. Strasbourg J. Schott 
1532-36. 3 v. in 1. fol. SG 

B795 Lexicon medicinae simplicis. Strasbourg J. Schott 
1543. fol. SG 

B796 Moris fuit hactenus ut qui in disciplina aliqua 
affectarent coronam [1532?] broadside 
See also G47; L40; L42 

BRUNI Francesco 

B797 Storia dell’I. e R. spedale di S. Maria degl'Inno- 
centi di Firenze. Florence 1819. 2 v. 4° 

BRUNN Johann Jakob 1591-1660 See M505 

BRUNN Walter von 1876- 

B798 Kurze Geschichte der Chirurgie. Berlin 1928. 8* 
See also S444 

BRUNNER Johann Conrad 1653-1727 
B799 De glandula pituitaria. Heidelberg 1688. 4“ SG 
B800 Experimenta nova circa pancreas. Amsterdam 
1683. 8° BO 2163 2d copy with L34 

BRUNNGRABER Rudolf 1901- 

B801 Radium: Roman eines Elements. Berlin (1937) 8° 

BRUNO Giordano 1548-1600 

B802 De compendiosa architectura. Paris G. Gourbin 
1582. 16° BMC 

B803 De gl* heroici furori. Paris A. Baio [London J. 

Charlewood] 1585. 8° STC 3937 
B804 De la causa, principio et uno. Venice [London 
J. Charlewood] 1584. 8° STC 3936 



B805 - B848 

BRUNO G .—continued 

B805 De lampade combinatoria Lulliana. Wittenberg 
1587. 8° BMC 

B806 De monade numero et figura. Item De innumera- 
bilibus. Frankfort J. Wechel & P. Fischer 1591. 8° BMC 
B807 De progressu et lampade venatoria logicarum. n.p. 
1587. 8" BMC 

B808 De triplici minimo et mensura. Frankfort J. 

Wechel & P. Fischer 1591. 8 # BMC 
B809 De umbris idearum. Paris G. Gourbin 1582. 2 pts. 
in 1 v. 8' BMC 

B810 Del’infinito uni verso et mondi. Venice [London 
J. Charlewood] 1584. 8* STC 3938 
B811 The expulsion of the triumphant beast. London 
1713. 8' YU 

B812 Spaccio de la bestia trionfante. Paris [London 
J. Charlewood] 1584. 8° STC 3940 

BRUNSCHWIG Hieronymus 1450 P—1512 ? 

B813 The book of cirurgia, Strasbourg J. Griininger 
1497, ed. H. E. Sigerist. Milan 1923. 8° facsim. 

B814 Das Buch der Cirurgia. Strasbourg J. Griininger 
1497, ed. G. Klein. Munich 1911. fol. facsim. 

B815 Das Distilierbuoch (Strasbourg J. Griininger 
1521) fol. SG 

B816 Haussarmen Schatz. Gute gebreuchliche und be- 
werte Artzneien. Frankfort (N. Basse) 1568. 8° With 

B817 A most excellent and perfecte homish apothecarye 
tr. J. Hollybush. Cologne A. Birckmann 1561. fol. 
BO 2164 With T192 

B818 The noble experyence of the vertuous handywarke 
of surgeri (London P. Treveris 1525) fol. GHL 
B819 The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters 
of all maner of herbes (London L. Andrewe 1527) fol. 
STC 13435 

BRUNTON Sir Thomas Lauder hart. 1844-1916 
B820 Modern developments of Harvey’s work, The 
Harveian oration, 1894. London 1894. 8° 

BRUSCH Caspar 1518-59 

B821 In divorum Caroli V & Ferdinandi, schediasmata 
(Augsburg P. Ulhart 1550) 4° 

BRUYERIN Jean Baptiste 16th cent. See A325 

BRUZEN DE LA MARTINlfiRE Antoine Augustin 

1662-1746 See R74 

BRYAN Cyril Phillips 

B822 Roundabout Harley street. London 1932. 8* 
BRYANT Mrs. Mary (Broad) See P357 
BRYCE James 

B823 Practical observations on the inoculation of cow- 
pox. Edinburgh 1802. 8’ 

B824 — 2ded. 1809. 8° 

BRYK Felix 1882- 

B825 Bibliotheca Linnaeana. Stockholm 1923. 2 v. in 1. 
8° BML 3704 

BUCHAN William 1729-1805 

B826 Domestic medicine. Edinburgh 1769. 8° BMC 

B827 — 14th ed. Boston 1793. 8° SG 

B828 —ed. I. Cathrall. Philadelphia 1797. 8’ SG 
B829 — 1st Vermont ed. Fairhaven 1798. 8° LC 
B830 —ed. I. Cathrall. Philadelphia 1799. 8° 

B831 — A dissertation on the cow-pox. Glasgow 1808. 8* 
B832 — from 22d English ed. Exeter N. H. 1828. 8° 
B833 Every man his own doctor. New Haven 1816. 8* 

BUCHANAN Scott Milross 1895- 

B834 The doctrine of signatures. New York 1938. 8* 

BUCHNER Eduard 1860-1917 
B835 Die Zymasegarung, H. E. A. Buchner & M. Hahn 
jt.auth. Munich 1903. 8* 

BUCHNER Hans Ernst August 1850-1902 See 


BUCHNER Maximilian 1881- See W289 

BUCK Albert Henry 1842-1922 
B836 The dawn of modern medicine. New Haven 
1920. 8° 

B837 The growth of medicine from the earliest times to 
about 1800. New Haven 1917. 8° 

BUCKE Charles 1781-1846 

B838 On the life, writings and genius of Akenside. Lon¬ 
don 1832. 8* 

BUCKLAND Francis Trevelyan 1826-80 
B839 Curiosities of natural history, popular ed. London 
1890-93. 4 v. 8° 

BUCKLE Henry Thomas 1821-62 
B840 History of civilization in England. London 1857- 
61. 2 v. 8° 


B841 De inventione et amplificatione oratoria. Stras¬ 
bourg (J. Albert) 1534. 8° With S9 

BUCRETIUS Daniel See Clll; C112; C114; C115; 

S361; S362 

BUDAPEST. Tudomdny-egyetem 
B842 Le tricentenaire de l’Universit6 royale hongroise 
Pierre Pazmany de Budapest, ed. G. Kornis. Budapest 
1936. 8° 

BUDDLE John 1773-1843 

B843 The first report of a society for preventing acci¬ 
dents in coal mines. Newcastle upon Tyne 1814. 8° 

BUFFALO SOCIETY of natural sciences 

B844 Seventy-five years. Buffalo 1938. 8* 

BUGGE Gunther 1885- ed. 

B845 Das Buch der grossen Chemiker. Berlin (®1929-30) 
2 v. 8° 2 copies, v. 1 


B846 Tacuini aegritudinum et morborum ferme omnium 
corporis humani. Strasbourg J. Schott 1532. fol. SG 
With E44 

BULL Peter 1869- 

B847 Lord Lister 1827-1912. Oslo (1927) 8° 

BULLARD William Norton 1853-1931 
B848 A catalogue of medical incunabula in his loan col¬ 
lection, comp. J. F. Ballard. Boston 1929. 8° 

[ 40 ] 

B849 - B888 


BULLEIN William d. 1576 

B849 Bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes. London 
J. Kingston 1562. fol. STC 4033 
B850 — London T. Marshe 1579. fol. SG 

B851 A newe boke of phisicke. London J. Day (1558) 8* - 
STC 4040 

BULLEN Arthur Henry 1857-1920 See C53 
BULLEN Henry Lewis 1857- 

B852 The Nuremberg chronicle. San Francisco 1930. fol. 
BULWER John fl. 1654 

B853 Anthropometamorphosis: man transform’d. Lon¬ 
don 1653. 4° BO 2179 

B854 Pathomyotomia or a dissection of the significative 
muscles of the affections of the minde. London 1649. 

12 0 BO 2178 

B855 Philocophus or the deafe and dumbe mans friend. 
London 1648. 12° BO 2177 

BUNSEN Robert Wilhelm Eberhard 1811-99 
B856 Gasometrische Methoden. Braunschweig 1857. 8° 

BUNTS Frank Emory 1861-1928 
B857 Letters from the Asiatic station 1881-83. Cleve¬ 
land 1938. 8° 

BURCHARDUS abbot of Bellevaux d. 1163? 

B858 Apologia de barbis, ed. E. P. Goldschmidt. Cam¬ 
bridge 1935. 8° 

BURE Guillaume de See Debure G. 

BURGGRAEVE Adolphe Pierre 1806-1902 
B859 litudes sur Andr6 V6sale. Gand 1841. 8° 

B860 Monument a Edw. Jenner. Brussels 1875. 4° 

BURGGRAV Johann Ernst 

B861 Biolychnium seu lucerna. Cura morborum mag- 
netica, Paracelsus. Franeker U. D. Balck 1611. 8* BO 
2185 With B693 

BURKE Richard Michael 1903- 
B862 A historical chronology of tuberculosis. Springfield 
Ill. (°1938) 8° 

BURKE William 1792-1829 

B863 The official confessions. Edinburgh 1829. 8* With 

B864 Trial of William Burke and Helen M’Dougal. 
Edinburgh 1829. 8° With W140 

BURKET Walter Cleveland 1888- 
B865 Bibliography of William Henry Welch. Baltimore 
1917. 8° 2 copies 


B866 The poor man’s physician. Norwich N. Y. 1826. 

BURMAN Pieter 1668-1741 ed. 

B867 Poetae latini minores. Leyden 1731. 2 v. 4° YU 

BURNET Gilbert bp. of Salisbury 1643-1715 
B868 A sermon preached at the funeral of the Honour¬ 
able Robert Boyle. London 1692. 4° FultonB 251 

BURNS Allan 1781-1813 

B869 Observations on some of the most frequent and 
important diseases of the heart. Edinburgh 1809. 8° 

BURR Mrs. Anna Robeson (Brown) 1873-1941 
B870 Weir Mitchell, his life and letters. New York 
1929. 8° 

BURRAGE Walter Lincoln 1860-1935 
B871 A history of the Massachusetts medical society 
(Norwood Mass.) 1923. 8° 

See also K30 

BURRES Lorentz 

B872 Ein new Wund Artzney Biichlein (Frankfort 
H. Giilfferich) 1549. 4 # SG With V167 

B873 Anaesthetics antient and modern. London [1907] 
12 * 

B874 From ergot to ‘ernutin.’ London (1908) 8° 2 copies 
B875 The history of inoculation and vaccination. Lon¬ 
don [1913] 8° 

B876 Medicine in antient Erin. London [1909] 12° 

B877 Oxford medical lore. London (1904) 8’ 

B878 The romance of exploration and emergency first- 
aid from Stanley to Byrd. New York [1934?] 

See also Wellcome Foundation ltdt London 
BURTON John 1710-71 See T65 
BURTON Robert 1577-1640 

B879 The anatomy of melancholy. Oxford J. Lichfield & 
J. Short 1621. 4° BO 4621 
B880 — 2d ed. 1624. fol. BO 4622 
B881 — 10th ed. London 1804. 2 v. 8* 

B882 — ed. F. Dell & P. J. Smith. New York (°1927) 
2 v. 8° 

See also 098 

BURY Richard de See Aungerville R. 

BUSHNELL Edward 1865- 

B883 The truthful traveller. Cleveland 1936. 8* 

BUSSY Antoine Alexandre Brutus 1794-1882 See 

BUTLER Arthur John 1844-1910 See B408 

BUTLER Charles St. John 1875- 

B884 Syphilis sive morbus humanus. Brooklyn 1936. 8° 

BUTLER Samuel 1612-80 

B885 Hudibras, 2d ed. London 1819. 3 v. 8° English & 

BUTLER Samuel 1835-1902 

B886 Evolution old and new. London 1879. 8* 

BUTLER Samuel Worcester 1823-74 See D70 
BUWMAUN Jacob See Baumann J. 

BUXTON Dudley Wilmot 1855-1931 
B887 Concerning Sir Thomas Browne. London 1909. 8° 
KeynesB 361 With IV200 

BUXTON Ethel Mary Wilmot- See Wilmot-Buxton 
E. M. 

BUZAGLO Abraham 

B888 A treatise on the gout. London 1778. 8° 
BYNGEZLA See Buhahylyha B. 



Cl - C35 


C., G. See Carleton G. 

C., G. W. See Concklin G. W. 

C., H. See Crooke H. 

C., J. E. See E 88 

C., J. L. M. See Lange J. 

C., N. See F13 
C., T. 

Cl An hospitall for the diseased. London J. Beale 1638. 
4* STC4310 

C., V. See Comeyras C. D. de 
C., W. See Cooper W. 

CABANfeS Augustin 1862-1928 

C2 Marat inconnu, 4. 6d. Paris n.d. 4* 3. 6d. pub. 1924 

CABEO Niccold 1585-1650 

C3 Philosophia magnetica. Ferrara F. Succi 1629. fol. 

CABOT Richard Clarke 1868-1939 
C4 The achievements of the Massachuseits general hos¬ 
pital [Boston 1919] 8* 

CABROL, Barthelemy b. 1529 
C5 Alphabet anatomic, demise 6d. Lyons P. Rigaud 
1624. 4° GHL 

C6 Ontleeding des menschlycken lichaems, tr. V. F. 
Plemp. Amsterdam H. Laurensz 1633. fol. SG 
See also C330 

CADBURY William Warder 1877- 
C7 At the point of a lancet, 100 years of the Canton 
hospital 1835-1935, M. H. Jones jt.auth. Shanghai 
1935. 8° 

CADILHAC Paul £mile 

C8 La vie et l’oeuvre exemplaires du Dr. Roux. In 
L’lllustration 1933, 91: 333-34 

CADOGAN William 1711-71 

C9 An essay upon nursing and the management of chil¬ 
dren, 5th ed. London 1752. 8* SG 

CADRfeS Eugene See M70 

CIO De morbis acutis & chronicis, ed. J. C. Amman. 
Notae & animadversiones, T. J. van Almeloveen, ed. 
nova. Amsterdam 1722. 4° LC 

CAESARIUS Joannes 1460-1551 See S190 
CAIRNS John 1818-92 

Cll Memoir of John Brown, D.D. Edinburgh 1860. 8° 
CAIUS John 1510-73 

Cl2 A boke or counseill against sweatyng sicknesse 
(London R. Grafton) 1552. 8° STC 4343 
C13 — ed. A. Malloch. New York 1937. 8° 

C14 De antiquitate cantabrigiensis academiae. Assertio 
antiquitatis oxoniensis, T. Caius. London H. Bynne- 
man 1568. 8° Lacks t.-p. BO 4643 
CIS — London J. Day 1574. 4° BO 4644 With C23 
C16 De canibus britannicis. De rariorum animalium 

historia. De libris propriis. London W. Seres 1570. 8* 
BO 2212 With C18 

C17 De ephemera britannica. London 1721. 8 BO 2216 
C18 De medendi methodo. Basel (H. Froben & N. Epis- 
copius) 1544. 8° 2 copies. SG 
C19 De pronunciatione. London J. Day 1574. 4’ Greek 
& Latin. BO 4645 With C23 

C20 Historiae cantebrigiensis academiae liber. London 
J. Day 1574. 4* BO 4644A With C23 
C21 Opera aliquot et versiones. Louvain A. M. Ber- 
gainge 1556. 8° SG 

C22 The works with a memoir of his life, J. Venn, ed. 
E. S. Roberts. Cambridge 1912. 8° 

Biography See VS8 
CAIUS Thomas d. 1572 

C23 Assertio antiquitatis oxoniensis academiae. London 
J. Day 1574. 4° BMC 
See also C14 

CAJAL Santiago Ram6n y See Ram6n y Cajal S. 

CAJORI Florian 1859-1930 See N80 

CALCAGNINI Celio 1479-1541 
C24 Opera aliquot. Basel (H. Froben & N. Episcopius) 
1544. fol. BMC 

CALCAR Jan Stephan van 1499-1546? 

C25 [Calcar’s landscape for Vesal's plates: cover-title for 
2 sets of 14 plates mounted fol. and 8°] 

See also F121; K179 

CALDANI Floriano 1772-1836 
C26 Delle glorie della University di Padova. Padua 
1828. fol. 

C27 Pro funere instaurato viri clarissimi L. M. A. Cal- 
danii. Padua 1816. fol. 

C28 Riflessioni sopra un nuovo sistema de’ vasi assor- 
benti. Padua 1792. 8 # SG 

CALDANI Leopoldo Marco Antonio 1725-1813 
C29 Lettera terza sopra l’irritabilitA e insensitiviti Hal- 
leriana (Bologna 1759) 4° BMC 
See also C27 

CALDWELL Charles 1772-1853 
C30 An attempt to establish the original sameness of 
three phenomena of fever. Philadelphia 1796. 8° 2 cop¬ 
ies. SG 

C31 Autobiography, ed. H. W. Warner. Philadelphia 
1855. 8° 

C32 Medical & physical memoirs. Philadelphia 1801. 8° 
See also A134; S178 


C33 A calendar of feasts and fasts [17th cent.?] 12° 

CALIFORNIA. University. History of science club 
C34 Exhibition of first editions. Berkeley 1934. 12° 


C35 California’s medical story in fresco. San Francisco 
1939. 8° 

42 ] 

C36 - C69 


CALISSE G. L. See E27 

CALL Richard Ellsworth 1856-1917 
C36 The life and writings of Rafinesque. Louisville 
1895. 4° 

CALVIN Jean 1509-64 

C37 Defensio orthodoxae fidei de sacra Trinitate contra 
errores M. Serveti [Geneva] R Estienne 1554. 8’ BO 

See also W209 

CALVO Jose Maria Castro y See Castro y Calvo 
J. M. 

CAM AC Charles Nicoll Bancker 1868-1940 comp . 
C38 Epoch-making contributions to medicine. Philadel¬ 
phia 1909. 8° 

CAMBRIDGE. University 

C39 Order of the proceedings at the Darwin celebration 
June 22-24 1909. Cambridge 1909. 8° 


C40 The book of the Cambridge review 1879-97. Cam¬ 
bridge 1898. 8° 


C41 Four centuries of printing 1534-1934. Cambridge 
1934. 8° 

CAMERARIUS Joachim 1500-74 See P417 

CAMERON Sir Hector Clare 1843-1928 
C42 Reminiscences of Lister. Glasgow 1927. 8° 

CAMPANA Niccold 

C43 Lamento di quel tribulato sopra el mali incognito 
(Venice F. de Leno 1564) 8° 

CAMPANIUS HOLM Johan 1601-83 See L389 
CAMPEGIUS Symphorianus See Champier S. 
CAMPER Adriaan Gilles 1759-1820 See C48; C49 
CAMPER Petrus 1722-89 

C44 Anmerkungen iiber die Einimpfung der Blattern. 
Leipzig 1772. 8° 

C45 De emolumentis, et optima methodo insitionis vari- 
olarum. Groningen 1774. 8° SG 
C46 Demonstrationum anatomico-pathologicarum libri 
II. Amsterdam 1760-62. fol. SG 
C47 leones herniarum, ed. S. T. von Sommerring. 
Frankfort 1801. fol. 

C48 Redenvoeringen, ed. A. G. Camper. Utrecht 1792. 
4° SG 

C49 Uber den natiirlichen Unterschied der Gesichtsziige, 
ed. A. G. Camper, tr. S. T. von Sommerring. Berlin 
1792. 4° BNed 

C50 The works on the connexion between the science of 
anatomy and the arts of drawing, tr. T. Cogan. London 
1794. 4° SG 
See also D33 

CAMPERDOWN Robert Adam Duncan earl of 


C51 Admiral Duncan. London 1898. 8° 

CAMPI Baldasarre 

C52 Spicilegio botanico, M. Campi jt.auth. Lucca 1669. 
4 ° BMC 

CAMPI Michele See C52 

CAMPION Thomas 1567-1620 

C53 The works, ed. A. H. Bullen. London 1889. 8° 


C54 Der kleine Scanzoni, 5. Aufl. Leipzig [ca. 1885] 8* 
CAMPY David Planis de See Planis Campy D. de 

CANANO Giovanni Battista 1515-79 
C55 Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio, 
illus. G. da Carpi [Ferrara 1541?] 4° 

C56 —ed. H. Cushing & E. C. Streeter. Florence 
1925. 4° 

See also C108; C136; Z1 

CANAPE Jean See A310; G49; G50; G56; G57; 
G494; V40-42 

CANAVAN Myrtelle Moore 1879- See D218 
CANNAN Charles 1858-1919 Biography See S327 

CANNON Walter Bradfrod 1871- 

C57 Digestion and health. New York 1936. 8° 

C58 The mechanical factors of digestion. London 
1911. 8° 

C59 Some modern extensions of Beaumont’s studies on 
Alexis St. Martin. Repr. J. Mich. med. Soc. 1933, 32: 
155-64, etc. 

C60 The wisdom of the body (1st ed.) New York 
(°1932) 8° 

Biography See H122 
CANO Juan 1890- See R14 

CANTIMPRE Thomas de See Thomas de CantimprS 
CANUTE See Knutsson B. 

CAPELLA Antonio See P3 

CAPELLUTI Rolando fl. 1230? 

C61 La chirurgia, ed. G. Carbonelli. Rome 1927. fol. 

CAPPARONI Pietro 1868- 

C62 Intorno ad una copia delle scene raffiguranti l’es- 
trazione della mandragora. Repr. La Bibliojilia 1937, 
39: 152-68 

C63 Luigi Galvani. Terni 1937. 8° 

C64 “Magistri salernitani nondum cogniti.” London 
1923. 8“ 

C65 Profili bio-bibliografici di medici e naturalisti 
celebri italiani, 4. migliaio, v. 1. Rome 1932. 8° 

CAPPEL Jacques 1570-1624 

C66 De mensuris. Frankfort W. Richter 1607. 4° 

CARBONELLI Giovanni 1859-1933 
C67 Bibliographia medica typographica pedemontana 
saeculorum XV. et XVI. Rome 1914(1919) fol. 

See also C61 

CARD ALE J. S. See B470 
CARDANO Girolamo 1501-76 

C68 Artis magnae sive de regulis algebraicis lib. unus 
(Nuremberg J. Petreius 1545) fol. BO 2237 With A230 
C69 The book of my life, tr. J. Stoner. New York 
(°1930) 8° 

[ 43 ] 



CARDANO G. — continued 
CIO — London [1931] 8* 

C71 Com forte, tr. T. Bedingfield. London T. Marshe 
1573. 4* BO 4655 

C7Z Contradicentium medicorum liber. Venice G. Scoto 
1545. 8* 2 copies. BO 2236 
C73 — Lyons S. Gryphe 1548. 2 v. in 1. 4* SG 
C74 De causis, signis, ac locis morborum. Bologna 
A. Benacci 1569. 8° 

C75 De malo recentiorum medicorum. Venice G. Scoto 
1545. 8° 2d copy with C72. SG 
C76 De propria vita. Paris 1643. 8* GHL 
C77 De rerum varietate. Avignon M. Vincens 1558. 8° 
BO 2240 

C78 De sapientia (Nuremberg J. Petreius) 1544. 4* BO 

C79 De subtilitate. Nuremberg J. Petreius 1550. fol. 
C80 — Lyons G. Roville 1559. 8° BN 
C81 — Lyons E. Michel 1580. 8° SG 
C82 Libelli duo. Nuremberg J. Petreius 1543.4° BO2228 
C83 Libelli quinque. Aphorismorum astronomicorum 
segmenta VII. Nuremberg J. Petreius 1547. 4° BO 2230 
C84 Les livres intitules de la subtilit6 & subtiles inven¬ 
tions, tr. R. Le Blanc. Paris G. Le Noir 1556. 4° BMC 
C85 Metoposcopia. De naevis corporis, Melampus, tr. 

C. M. de Lavrendi^re. Paris 1658. fol. BMC 
C86 Opus novum de proportionibus numerorum. Basel 
(H. Petri 1570) fol. HU 

C87 Practica arithmetice & mensurandi singularis 
(Milan J. A. Castiglioni 1539) 8° BO 2235 
Biography See M521; IV74 
CARE Henry 1646-88 See SI87 
CARENO Luigi b. 1766. See J37; J38 
CAREY Mathew 1760-1839 

C88 Kort berigt wegens de kwaadaartige koorts welke 
onlangs in Philadelphia, tr. N. C. de Fremery. Haarlem 
1794. 8° BNed 

C89 Observations on Dr. Rush’s enquiry into the origin 
of the late epidemic fever in Philadelphia. Philadelphia 
1793. 8° SG 

C90 A short account of the malignant fever lately preva¬ 
lent in Philadelphia, 2d ed. Philadelphia 1793. 8° SG 

CARLETON George bp. of Chichester 1559-1628 
C91 The madnesse of astrologers. London W. Jaggard 
1624. 4° STC 4630 

CARLI Alarico 

C92 Bibliografia Galileiana, A. Favaro jt.auth. Rome 
1896. 8° 

CARLI Antonio de See B478 

C93 A memoir of the life and philosophy of Spurzheim, 
1st American ed. Boston 1833. 8° 

CARMINATI Bassiano 1750-1830 See B791 
CARNICER Juan Lorenzo See G487 

CARNRICK G. W. co. New York 
C94 Organotherapy in general practice. New York 
(°1924) 8° 

CARPI Berengario da See Berengario J. 

CARPI Girolamo da 1501-56 See C55; C56; C136 

C95 Seconde apologie de l’Universit6 en medecine de 
Montpellier envoy6e £ M. Riolan. Paris 1653. 4° 

CARR Ada M. 

C96 The early history of the hospital and the training 
school. In Johns Hopk. Nurses alum. Mag. 1909, 8: 

CARRADORI Gioachimo 1758-1818 
C97 Istoria del galvanismo. Florence 1817. 8° 

C98 Lettere sopra PelettricitA animale scritte al F. Fon¬ 
tana. Florence 1793. 8* Pogg 

C ARRAN RAIS E. de Marin de See Marin de Car- 


CARREL Alexis 1873- 

C99 The culture of organs, C. A. Lindbergh jt.auth. New 
York 1938. 8° 

C100 The culture of whole organs, C. A. Lindbergh jt. 

auth. Repr. Science 1935, 81: 621-23 
C101 Man the unknown (1st ed.) New York 1935. 8* 
C102 [Miscellaneous papers 1908-11] 8° 
CARRINGTON Hereward 1880- See E92 

CARRINGTON Richard Christopher 1826-75 
C103 Observations of the spots on the sun. London 
1863. 4° 

CARRO Jean de 1770-1857 

C104 Observations et experiences sur la vaccination, 
2. 6d. Vienne 1802. 8° 

See also L375 

CARROLL James 1854-1907 Biography See H246 
CARTWRIGHT Julia Mary See Ady J. M. C. 
CARUS Titus Lucretius See Lucretius Carus T. 
CASAUBON Meric 1599-1671 

C105 A treatise proving spirits, witches, and supernat¬ 
ural operations. London 1672. 8° 

See also D95 

CASE Arthur Ellicott 1894- 

C106 A bibliography of English poetical miscellanies 
1521-1750. Oxford 1935. 4° 

CASE John 

C107 Compendium anatomicum. Amsterdam 1696. 12* 


C108 Contributo alia iconografia di Giambattista Ca- 
nano. Rome 1931. 8° With Cl36 

CASPAR Max 1880- 

C109 Bibliographia Kepleriana. Munich 1936. fol. 

CASSELS John Lang 1808-79 
C110 An introductory lecture delivered before the Medi¬ 
cal department of the Western Reserve college in 
Cleveland. Cleveland 1846. 8° 

CASSERIO Giulio 1561 P-1616 
Clll Anatomische Tafeln, ed. D. Bucretius, tr. S. 
Paulli. Frankfort 1656. 4° SG 

[ 44 ] 

C112 - C148 


C112 — Von der Frucht in Mutter-Leibe, A. van den 
Spieghel, tr. S. Paulli. Nebst einem Anhang, J. J. 
Ficken. Frankfort 1707. 4° SG 
Cl 13 De vocis auditusque organis historia anatomica 
(Ferrara V. Baldini 1600-01) fol. GHL 
C114 Tabulae anatomicae, ed. D. Bucretius. Venice 
(E. Deuchino) 1627. fol. BMC With S361 
C115 — Frankfort M. Merian 1632. 4° SG 

CASSINI Giovanni Domenico 1625-1712 
C116 La meridiana del tempio di S. Petronio tirata. 
Bologna 1695. fol. LC 

CASSINI Jacques 1677-1756 

C117 Tables astronomiques du soleil. Paris 1740. 4* LC 
CASSIUS Jean Jacques Joseph 

C118 Precis succinct des principaux ph6nom£nes du 
galvanisme, C. J. B. L. Larcher Daubancourt & de 
Saintot jt.auth. Paris 1803. 8° 

CASTALDI Luigi 1890- 

C119 Nel bicentenario della nasciti di Luigi Galvani. 
Repr. Rif. med. 1937, 53: 937-43 

CASTELLIO Sebastian See Chateillon S. 

CASTELLO Tura de See Tura de Castello 

CASTIGLIONI Arturo 1874- 

C120 Panorama della medicina americana. Repr. Mi¬ 
nerva med. y Roma 1934, 25. In A165a 
C121 The renaissance of medicine in Italy. Baltimore 
1934. 8° 2 copies 

C122 Storia della medicina, nuova ed. Milan (1936) 8° 
CASTLE George 1635 ?-73 

C123 The chymical Galenist. London 1667. 8° BO 2253 

CASTLE William Ernest 1867- 
C124 [Papers on heredity 1935-36] 8° 

CASTLETON MEDICAL college Castleton Vt. 

C125 Catalogue of the students and graduates, 1842. 
Albany 1842. 8° 

CASTRO Ezechiele di See M300 

C126 Contribution al estudio de Miguel Servet. Uni- 
versidad 1931, 8: 797-830 etc. 


C127 A catalogue of a very curious collection of rare old 
medical books. London 1808. 4° photostat 

CATHRALL Isaac 1764-1819 See B828; B830 

CATON Richard 1842-1926 

C128 I-em-hotep and ancient Egyptian medicine. The 
Harveian oration, 1904. London 1904. 8* 

Cl29 The temples and ritual of Asklepios, 2d ed. London 
1900. 8* 

CATTAN Christopher 

C130 The geomancie. London J. Wolf 1591. 4* 2 incom¬ 
plete copies. STC 4864 

CATULLUS C. Valerius 

Cl31 Opera, C. V. Catullus, A. Tibullus & S. A. Proper¬ 
tius Birmingham 1772. 4° YU 

CAUCHY Augustin Louis baron 1789-1857 
C132 Nouveaux exercices de math6matiques. Prague 
1835. 4° 

CAULAINCOURT Armand Augustin Louis marquis de 
due de Vincence 1773-1827 
C133 With Napoleon in Russia, ed. J. A. Hanoteau & 
G. Libaire. New York (°1935) 8° 

CAULFIELD Ernest Joseph 1893— 

C134 A true history of the terrible epidemic throat dis¬ 
temper. New Haven 1939. 8° 

CAULFIELD James 1764-1826 
C135 Memoirs of the celebrated persons composing the 
Kit-cat club. London 1821. fol. 

CAUSTIC Christopher pseud. See Fessenden T. G. 

C136 Un ritratto dell’anatomico Canano di Gerolamo da 
Carpi. Torino 1931. 8° 

CAVALLO Tiberius 1749-1809 
C137 Trattato completo d’elettricitL Florence 1779. 8° 

CAVENDISH George 1500-61 ? 

Cl38 The life and death of Thomas Woolsey. London 
1667. 8° BMC 

CAVENDISH Henry 1731-1810 
C139 The electrical researches, ed. J. C. Maxwell. Cam¬ 
bridge 1879. 8* 

C140 Experiments on air. Philos. Trans. 1784, 74: 119— 
53 etc. 

C141 On the conversion of a mixture of dephlogisticated 
and phlogisticated air into nitrous acid. Philos. Trans. 
1788, 78 pt. 1: 261-76 
Biography See W226 

CAXTON William 1422 ?-91 See W238 
CELANO Thomas of See Thomas of Celano 

C142 Celebrazione del secondo centenario della nascita 
di Luigi Galvani, Bologna, 18-20 Ottobre 1937. Faenza 
1937. 8* 

CELSUS Aulus Cornelius 

C143 De medicina, tr. W. G. Spencer. Cambridge Mass 
1935-38. 3 v. 12* 

C144 De re medica. Medica, Q. Serenus Sammonicus. 
De ponderibus & mensuris, Q. R. F. Palaemon. Ha- 
genau J. Secerius 1528. 8° GHL 

C145 — Thesaurus compositionum medicamentorum, 
Scribonius Largus, ed. J. Ruel. Paris C. Wechel 1529* 
fol. SG With PI56 

C146 The first four books of De re medica, tr. J. Steg- 
gall. London 1837. 12° 

C147 Medicinae libri viii (Venice Aldi 1528) 4° 2 copies 
BO 291 

See also P163 

CENTRAL HANOVER bank and trust company 

New York * J 

C148 The mental hygiene movement. New York 
(°1939) 8* 

[ 45 ] 



C149 Elihu Root: addresses made in his honor. New 
York 1937. 8° 

C150 Theodore Roosevelt: memorial addresses. New 
York 1919. 8° 


Cl 51 A century of American medicine 1776-1876. 
Philadelphia 1876. 8° 

CESALPINO Andrea 1519-1603 
C152 De metallicis. Rome A. Zannetti 1596. 4° YU 
C153 De plantis. Florence G. Marescotti 1583. 4° BO 

C154 Praxis universae artis medicae. Treviso R. Me- 
gietti 1606. 8° 2 copies. SG 

C155 Quaestionum peripateticarum lib. V, 2. ed. Venice 
Giunta 1593. 4° SG 

CESIO Carlo 1626-86 

C156 Abr6g6 de l’anatomie a l’usage des peintres, tr. de 
l’allemand de J. D. Preissler. Paris n.d. fol. With T142 
C157 Eine herrliche Anweisung von der Anatomie dess 
gantzen menschlichen Corpers. Augsburg 1708. fol. SG 
C158 [Wash drawings attributed to Cesio or one of his 
students; 4 signed Romolo Papini] fol. 

CHABERT Jean Louis 

C159 Reflecciones m6dicas, obcervaciones sobre la fiebre 
amarilla. Mexico 1828. 8* 

C160 Reflexions m&iicales sur la maladie spasmodico- 
lipyrienne. New Orleans 1821. 8° 

CHADWICK James 1891- 

C161 [Miscellaneous papers 1932-38] 8° 

CHADWICK James Read 1844-1905 See S140 

C162 Recherches de l’origine et du mouvement du sang. 
Paris 1675. 12° BN 


Cl63 Chair of midwifery. Testimonials in favour of 
James Y. Simpson. Edinburgh 1839. 8° 

C164 Chair of midwifery in the University of Edin¬ 
burgh. Testimonials in favour of James Y. Simpson. 
Edinburgh 1840. 8° 

CHALES Claude Francois Milliet de 1621-78 
C165 Cursus seu mundus mathematicus, ed. A. Varcin. 
Lyons 1690. fol. 4 v. LC 

CHALMERS Lionel 1715P-77 

Cl66 An essay on fevers. Charleston S. C. 1767. 4° 

CHALMETTE Antoine See Chaumette A. 

CHALON Renier Hubert Ghislain 1802-89 
C167 Catalogue d’une tr£s-riche mais peu nombreuse 
collection de livres provenant de la biblioth£que de 
J. N. A. de Fortsas, 4. 6d. (Brussels) 1863. 8* See BO 
6964. With H483 

CHAMBARDEL Louis Dubreuil- See Dubreuil- 
Chambardel L. 

CHAMBERLAYNE John 1666-1723 See D338 
CHAMBERLEN Hugh fl. 1720 See M211 
CHAMBERS Ephraim 1680.M740 See B466 

CHAMBERS Robert 1802-71 

C168 Vestiges of the natural history of creation. London 
1844. 8* 

C169 Explanations: a sequal to “Vestiges of the natural 
history of creation." London 1845. 8° 

CHAMBERS Thomas King 1818-89 
C170 Restorative medicine. An Harveian annual ora¬ 
tion, 1871. Philadelphia 1871. 8° 

CHAMPEER Symphorien 1472-1539 

C171 Li belli duo: 1. De medicine Claris scriptoribus . .. 

(Lyons) [J. de Campis] (1506) 8° BP 61 
C172 Le recueil des histoires des royaulmes daustrasie 
[place?] (1510?) fol. Lacks ql, si BP 86 variant 
C173 Rosa gallica [Paris] J. Bade (1514) 8° BP 89 

C174 Speculum Galeni (Lyons S. Vincent 1512) 8° BP 

C175 Symphonia Galeni ad Hippocratem, Cornelii Celsi 
ad Avicennam (Lyons 1528) 8° BP 95 
See also A143; A234 

CHAMPIONNIERE Just Marie Marcellin Lucas- 

See Lucas-Championniere J. M. M. 

CHANCE Burton 1868- 

C176 Nicholas Culpeper, gent. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 
1931 n.s. 3: 394^03 

CHANDLER John fl. 1662 See H240 
CHANIN P. See P318 

CHANNING Walter 1786-1876 
C177 A physician’s vacation or a summer in Europe. 
Boston 1856. 8° 

CHAPIN William Andrew Robertson 1890- 
C178 The lost legion. Springfield Mass. 1926. 8’ 

CHAPIN LIBRARY See Williams College. Chapin 

CHAPLIN Arnold 1864- 

C179 The Harveian oration on medicine in the century 
before Harvey, 1922. London [1922] 8* 

CHAPMAN John Jay 1862-1933 See S329 

CHAPMAN Robert William 1881— 

C180 The portrait of a scholar and other essays. London 
1920. 8° 

CHARAS Moyse 1618-98 

C181 New experiments upon vipers. Letter, F. Redi. 
London 1673. 8° BO 2279 

C182 The royal pharmacopoea. London 1678. fol. BO 

CHARCOT Jean Martin 1825-93 
C183 Les difformes et les malades dans l’art, P. Richer 
jt.auth. Paris 1889. 4° 

See also C232 

CHARETANUS Joannes See Ketham J. de 
CHARLES H king of Gt. Brit. 1630-85 See C469 
CHARLES V emperor of Germany See Karl V 
CHARLETON Rice 1710-89 

C184 An inquiry into the efficacy of warm bathing in 
palsies. Oxford 1770. 8° SG 

[ 46 ] 

C185 - C222 


C185 A treatise on the Bath waters. Bath 1754. 8° BO 
2286 With 026 

CHARLETON Walter 1619-1707 
C186 De scorbuto. London 1672. 8° BO 2293 
C187 Enquiries into human nature. London 1680. 4° 
BO 2296 

C188 Natural history of nutrition, life and voluntary 
motion. London 1659. 4° SG 
C189 Oratio anniversaria, 1680. In commemorationem 
beneficiorum a Harveo. London 1680. 4° BO 793 
C190 Physiologia epicuro-gassendo-charltoniana. Lon¬ 
don 1654. fol. BO 2289 

C191 Spiritus gorgonicus. Leyden 1650. 8° BO 2288 
See also H238; H243 

CHARLTON Margaret 1858-1931 Biography See 

CHARPENTEER Albert 1872- 

C192 Un grand m6decin, J. Babinski. Paris (1934) 4° 

CHARPENTEER Johann von 1786-1855 
C193 Essai sur les glaciers. Lausanne 1841. 8° 

CHASLES Michel 1793-1880 

C194 Aper^u historique sur l’origine et le d£veloppement 
des m6thodes en g6om£trie, 2. id. Paris 1875. 4° 

C195 £nonc6 de deux th£or£mes g£n£raux sur l’attrac- 
tion des corps et la th£orie de la chaleur. Repr. C. R. 
Acad. Sci., Paris 1839, 8: 209-11. With C132 
C196 Note sur les Equations ind£termin£es. Repr. J. 

Math, pures appl. 1837, 2: 37-55. With C132 
C197 Nouvelle solution du probl£me de l’attraction d’un 
ellipsoide h6t6rog£ne. Repr. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 
1838, 6: 902-15. With C132 

C198 Sur l’origine de notre syst&ne de numeration. 
Repr. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 1839, 8: 73-81. With C132 

C199 Traite des sections coniques. Paris 1865. 8° 

CHATEELLON Sebastien 1515-63 
C200 Concerning heretics, tr. R. H. Bainton. New York 
1935. 8° 

CHATFIELD Paul pseud. See Smith Horatio 

C201 Coelestial observations or a compleat ephemeris. 
London 1708. 8° 

CHAULLAC Guy de See Guy de Chauliac 

CHAUMETTE Antoine 16th cent. 

C202 Enchiridion ou livret portatif pour les chirurgiens. 
Lyons L. Cloquemin 1572. 16° 

CHAVANNES Mile. Herminie 

C203 Biographie de Albert de Haller, 2. id. Paris 1845. 8° 
CHERBULIEZ Joel 1806-69 

C204 Geneve: ses institutions, ses moeurs. Geneva 
1867. 8° 

CHESELDEN William 1688-1752 
C205 The anatomy of the human body, 2d American ed. 
Boston 1806. 8° 

C206 Engravings of the human bones, 4th ed. London 
1822. 8° 

C207 Osteographia or the anatomy of the bones. London 
1733. 2 v. fol. plates only. SG 
See also L118 

CHESKY Victor Ernest 1884- See H300 

CHESNE Joseph du See Duchesne J. 

CHESTER John bp. of See Wilkins J. 

CHEVALIER Jacques 1882- See B323 

CHEVALIER Jean Damien 1682-1755 
C208 Reflexions critiques sur le trait6 de 1’usage des 
diflferentes saign6es. Paris 1730. 12° SG 

CHEW Beverly 1850-1924 

C209 Essays and verses about books. New York 1926. 8° 
CHEYNE George 1671-1743 

C210 The English malady or a treatise of nervous dis¬ 
eases. London 1733. 8° BO 2304 

C211 An essay of health and long life. London 1724. 8° 

C212 — 2d ed. 1725. 8° BO 2303 

C213 An essay of the true nature and due method of 
treating the gout, 6th ed. London 1724. 8° YU 
C214 An essay on regimen. London 1740. 8° LC 

C215 Fluxionum methodus inversa. London 1703. 4° 

C216 The natural method of cureing the diseases of the 
body. London 1742. 8° SG 

CHEYNE John 1777-1836 

C217 An essay on hydrocephalus acutus or dropsy in the 
brain. Edinburgh 1808. 8° 2 copies 

CHEYNE Sir William Watson bart. 1852-1932 See 

CHICAGO. Institute for psychoanalysis 

C218 Review for the year 1933/34 (Chicago 1934) 8° 

CHICHESTER George bp. of See Carleton G. 

CHICOYNEAU Francois 1672-1752 

C219 Trait6 des causes de la peste. Paris 1744. 4° GHL 

CHIENE John 1843-1923 

C220 Looking back, 1907-1860. Repr. (Edinburgh 
1908) 8° 

CHILD Robert 1613-54 Biography See K106 

CHINA. Geological society See Geological Society 
of China 

CHIVERS Thomas Holley 1809-58 Biography See 
G466; P264 

CHOISY Henri de Boyer de See Boyer de Choisy 
H. DE 

CHOLMELEY Henry Patrick 1859-1927 
C221 John of Gaddesden and the Rosa medicinae. Ox¬ 
ford 1912. 8° 

CHORINSKY von LEDSKE Ignatz Dominik 1729-90 
C222 Bibliothek v. Chorinsky [Hamburg 1930-31] 3 v. 
in 1. 8° 2 copies 

CHOUL Jean du See Du Choul J. 



Cu A P ^ y 3 - 

C223 - C260 

CHOULANT Johann Ludwig 1791-1861 
C223 Additamenta ad bibliothecam medico-historicam, 
ed. J. Rosenbaum. Halle 1842. 8° 

C224 Die anatomischen Abbildungen des XV. und XVI. 

Jahrhunderts. Dresden [1843] 4° 

C225 Drei anthropologische Vorlesungen. Leipzig 
1834. 8° 

C226 Geschichte und Bibliographic der anatomischen 
Abbildung. Leipzig 1852. 8° 

C227 Graphische Incunabeln fiir Naturgeschichte und 
Medicin. Leipzig 1858. 8° 

C228 Handbuch der Biicherkunde fiir die altere Medicin. 

Leipzig 1828. 8° 

C229 — 2. Aufl. 1841. 8° 

C230 History and bibliography of anatomic illustration, 
tr. M. Frank. Chicago (1920) 8* 

C231 Tafeln zur Geschichte der Medizin. Leipzig 1822. 

Set also F286 

CHRESTIEN Guillaume d. 1560? See D284; G39; 

CHRISTIANSEN Viggo 1867-1939 

C232 Centenaire de J.-M. Charcot (Paris 1925) 4° 

CHRISTIE Richard Copley 1830-1901 
C233 Etienne Dolet the martyr of the renaissance 1508- 
46, new ed. London 1899. 4° 

See also V129 

CHRISTIE-MILLER Sydney Richardson 1874-1931 
C234 Catalogue of a further portion of the renowned li¬ 
brary. London [1925] 8* 2 copies 

C235 Catalogue of a further selection of extremely rare 
& valuable works. London [1923-26] 4 v. 8* 

C236 Catalogue of rare & interesting books. London 
[1924] 8° 

C237 Catalogue of the final portion of the renowned li¬ 
brary. London [1927] 8* 

C238 Catalogue of valuable early English & Scottish 
works on law and history. London [1926] 8° 



C239 Specimen of a proposed catalogue. Edinburgh 
1852. 8° 

CHURCH Samuel Harden 1858- 
C240 The American verdict on the war. Baltimore 
(°1915) 8* 

CHURCH Sir William Selby 1837-1928 
C241 The rise of physiology in England. The Harveian 
oration, 1895. London 1896. 8° 

CHURCH OF England. Book of common prayer 
C242 The booke of common prayer. London R. Barker 
1611. fol. STC 16336 With B366 

CHURCHILL James Morss See S405 



C243 Chymical, medicinal and chyrurgical addresses 
made to Samuel Hartlib. London 1655. 8° SG 

CICERO Marcus Tullius 

C244 Synonimorum libellus [Paris] J. Petit [early 16th 
cent.] 8° 

See also M60 

CINCINNATI. Western museum society See West¬ 
ern Museum society Cincinnati 


C245 Cinquantenaire scientifique de M. Berthelot, 24 
nov. 1901. Paris 1902. 8* 

CIUCCI Antonio Filippo ca. 1652 
C246 Filo d’Arianna alii esercenti di chirurgia. Trat- 
tato della circulazione del sangue. Macerata 1681. 12* 

C247 —1689. 12° 

C248 Promptuarium chirurgicum. Macerata 1679-80. 
4’ BMC 

CLAIRMONT Paul Johann 1875-1942 

C249 Chirurgische Eindrucke aus Nordamerika. Repr. 

- (Tif^ kliruWschr. 1908, 21: 1100 etc. In A165a 

CLAPPERTON Robert Henderson ^ V.J. 

C250 Paper and its relationship to books. Lbndon (1934) 

CLARK Alonzo 1807-87 See B130 

CLARK Bennett Champ 1890- 

C251 John Quincy Adams. Boston 1933. 8* 

CLARK Charles Upson 1875- See V74 
CLARK David W. 

C252 Clinical remarks on fever, W. Tenney jt.auth. 
Concord 1814. 12’ 

CLARK J. Edmund 

C253 A scientist in the bud, Silvanus Phillips Thompson 
at Bootham. Bootham 1916: 73-79 

CLARK Kenneth McKenzie 1903- 
C254 A catalogue of the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci 
at Windsor castle. New York 1935. 2 v. 4* 

CLARK Oscar Castello Branco 
C255 Estados-Unidos e medicina. Rio de Janeiro 1922. 
8* In A165a 

CLARK Wilfred Edward LeGros 1895- 
C256 The hypothalamus. Edinburgh 1938. 8* 

CLARK-KENNEDY Archibald Edmund 

C257 Stephen Hales. Cambridge 1929. 8* 

CLARKE Clement Cobb 1904- 
C258 Henri de Mondeville. Repr. Yale J. Biol. Med. 
1931, 3: 458-81 

CLARKE Edward 1649 P-1710 See L319 
CLARKE John Henry 1852-1931 See H13 
CLAROMONTIUS Carolus See Clermont C. 

CLAUSIUS Rudolf Julius Emmanuel 1822-88 
C259 Abhandlungen uber die mechanische Warmethe- 
orie. Braunschweig 1864-67. 2 v. 8’ 

CLAVEUS Gaston Dulco See Duclo G. 

CLAYTON Philip Thomas Byard 1885— 

C260 Tales of Talbot house in Poperinghe & Ypres, rev. 
ed. London 1925. 8° 

[ 48 ] 

C261 - C296 



C261 Erorterung einiger Fragen was von der ietzigen 
Seuche der Pestilentz zu halten. Berlin 1714. 8° 

CLELAND John 1835-1925 

C262 Scala naturae and other poems. Edinburgh 1887. 8° 

CLEMENCEAU Georges 1841-1929 
C263 De la g6n6ration des 616ments anatomiques. Paris 
1867. 8* 

See also M3S2 

C264 L’lllustration. Num6ro consacr6 & G. Clemenceau, 
1841-1929, Nov. 30, 1929. fol. 

CLEMENT VON GRACZ pseud. See Folz H. 

CLEMENTS William Lawrence 1861-1934 
C265 The William L. Clements library of Americana at 
the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 1923. 8° 

CLERC Charles Gabriel le See Le Clerc C. G. 

CLERC Daniel le See Le Clerc D. 


C266 De aere, locis, & aquis terrae Angliae. London 
1672. 12* SG With B218 

CLEVELAND David Ernest Howell 1890- 
C267 Kipling and the doctors. Repr. Bull. Vancouver 
med. Ass . 1938, 18: 44-49 

CLIFFORD Sir Hugh Charles 1866- 

C268 The further side of silence. Garden City 1927. 8’ 

CLINTON De Witt 1769-1828 Biography See 

CLOBERY Robert See Glynn R. 

CLOQUET Jules Germain baron 1790-1883 
C269 Manuel d’anatomie descriptive. Paris 1825. 4 v. 4° 

CLOWES William 1540?-1604 
C270 A briefe and necessarie treatise touching the cure 
of the disease called morbus gallicus. London T. Cad- 
man 1585.4° STC5448 
C271 — photostat HEH 

C272 A profitable and necessarie booke for all those that 
are burned with the flame of gun powder. Treatise for 
the cure of lues venerea. London E. Bollifant 1596. 4° 
BO 2325 

C273 — 3d ed. London M. Dawson 1637. 4° LC 
C274 A prooved practice for all young chirurgians con¬ 
cerning burnings with gunpowder. A treatise of the 
French or Spanish pockes, J. Almenar [London] T. Or- 
win 1588. 4° STC 5444 

C275 A right frutefull and approoved treatise for the 
artificiall cure of struma. London E. Allde 1602. 8° 
photostat HEH 

CLOYNE George bp. of See Berkeley G. 

CLUB OF odd volumes Boston 

C276 Constitution and by-laws (Boston) 1904. 8* 

C277 [Notice of meeting. Boston 1915] broadside. With 

CLUSIUS Carolus Atrebatensis See L’Iicluse C. de 

COATES Reynell 1802-86 

C278 Leaflets of memory: an illuminated annual for 
1851. Philadelphia 1851. 8° 

C279 Oration on the defects in the present system of 
medical instruction in the United States. Philadelphia 
(1835) 8° 

COBBE Frances Power 1822-1904 
C280 The modern rack: papers on vivisection. London 
1889. 8° 

COCCHI Antonio 1695-1758 

C281 Dei discorsi toscani. Florence 1761-62. 2 v. in 1. 
4° SG 

C282 Discorso primo sopra Asclepiade. Florence 1758. 
4° SG With C281 

COCCIO Marco Antonio called Sabellico See Sabel- 
lico M. A. C. 

COCK Frederick William 1858— 

C283 The first operation under ether in Europe. Unio . 
Coll. Hasp. Mag. Lond. 1911, 1: 127-44 

COCK Thomas 

C284 A plain and practical discourse upon the first of 
the six non-naturals, viz. air. London 1665. 4° BMC 

COCKAYNE Thomas Oswald 1807-73 
C285 Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early 
England. London 1864-66. 3 v. 8“ 

COCKCROFT John Douglas 1897- 
C286 [Miscellaneous papers, E. T. S. Walton jt.auth. 
1932-36] 8° 


C287 Bookbinding. New York 1903. 8° 


C288 A concise treatise on operative surgery. London 
1837. 8“ 

C289 Illustrations of Mr. S. Cooper’s surgical diction¬ 
ary. London 1833. 8° With C288 

CODMAN Charles R. 

C290 Contact. Boston 1937. 8° 

CODMAN Ernest Amory 1869-1940 
C291 The shoulder. Boston 1934. 8° 

CODMAN John Sturgis 1868- 
C292 Human vivisection and the American medical 
association. Boston 1923. 8° 2 copies 

COFFIN Robert Peter Tristram 1892— 

C293 Laud, storm center of Stuart England. New York 
1930. 8° 

COGAN Thomas 1545 P-1607 

C294 The haven of health. London T. Orwin 1589. 4° 
BO 2332 
See also C50 

COHEN Barnett 1891- See L129 
COHEN Ernst Julius 1869- 

C295 Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, W. A. T. Cohen-De 
Meester jt.auth. Amsterdam 1936. 8° 

C296 Herman Boerhaave en zijne beteekenis voor de 
chemie (Utrecht 1918) 8° With C353 

[ 49 ] 


C297 - C333 

COHEN E. J. — continued 

C297 Der vermisste Brief Antoni Leeuwenhoeks an 
Herman Boerhaave vom 26. Aug. 1717, W. A. T. 
Cohen-De Meester jt.auth. Amsterdam 1939. 8* 

COHEN Jacob da Silva Solis- See Solis-Cohen 
J. da S. 

COHEN-DE MEESTER W. A. T. See C295; C297 
COHN Alfred Einstein 1879— 

C298 The development of the Harveian circulation. 

Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1929, n.s. 1: 16-36 
C299 Medicine, science and art. Chicago (1931) 8* 

COHN Ferdinand Julius 1828-98 
C300 Bacteria, tr. C. S. Dolley. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 
1939, 7: 49-92 

C301 Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen. 1. Bd., 2. Hft., 
2. Bd., 3. Hft. Breslau 1872-77. 8° 

C302 Ueber Bacterien. Berlin 1872. 8° 

COIGNARD John pseud. 

C303 The spectacle of a man. New York 1937. 8* 

COIT Henry Augustus 1830-95 Biography See 

COITER Volcher 1534-1600? 

C304 Externarum et internarum principalium humani 
corporis partium tabulae. Nuremberg D. Gerlach 1573. 
fol. GHL 
See also F24 

COLBATCH Sir John 1670-1728 
C305 The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases. Lon¬ 
don 1698. 8° SG 

C306 Novum lumen chirurgicum or a new light of 
chirurgery. London 1695. 8° JC 
C307 Novum lumen chirurgicum vindicatum or the new 
light of chirurgery vindicated. London 1695. 8* SG 
With C306 

C308 A physico medical essay concerning alkaly and 
acid. London 1696 8° S.G With C306 
C309 Some farther considerations concerning alkaly and 
acid. London 1696. 8° SG With C306 

COLDEN Cadwallader 1688-1776 
C310 The history of the Five Indian nations of Canada, 
2d ed. London 1750. 8* LC 

COLE Abdiah 1610P-70? See B107; B108; P312; 
R175-77; S182; S186; S188; S189 

COLE Francis Joseph 1872— 

C311 Bibliographical reflections of a biologist. Repr. 

Proc. Oxj. bibliogr. Soc. 1938, 5: 169-86 
C312 Leeuwenhoek’s zoological researches. Repr. Ann. 
Sci. 1937, 2: 1-46 etc. 

C313 Microscopic science in Holland in the 17th cen¬ 
tury. Repr. J. tyuekett micr. Cl. 1938, 4. s. 1: no. 22 
See also A172 

COLE William 1635-1716 

C314 A physico-medical essay concerning the late fre¬ 
quency of apoplexies. Oxford 1689. 8’ BO 2347 
See also M531; M532 

COLEBROOK Leonard 1883- 
C315 Treatment with prontosil of puerperal infections, 
M. Kenny jt.auth. Repr. Lancet 1936, 2: 1319-22 

COLES Abraham 1813-91 

C316 The microcosm, a poem. New York 1866. 8° 

See also D156 

COLEY Henry 1633-90 

C317 Clavis astrologiae elimata, 2d ed. London 1676. 8° 

C3J8 Merlinus anglicus junior or an ephemeris 1688, 
1708. London 1688-1708. 2 v. 8* 

C319 Nuncius sydereus or the starry messenger for 1688. 
London 1688. 8* 

COLHOUN Samuel 1787-1841 See P412 
COLINES Simon de d. 1546 See R109 

C320 Collectanea chemica: select treatises on alchemy 
and hermetic medicine. London 1893. 8* 

COLLECTANEA chymica See E19 


C321 Collectio ophtalmologica veterum auctorum, ed. 
P. Pansier. Paris 1903-08. 6 pts. in 1 v. 8* 


C322 Collection depuis Andr6 Vesal d’anatomie du 
corps de 1’homme et de la femme. Paris 1792. fol. 

C323 A collection of all the letters which have appeared 
in the Newcastle papers relating to the safety lamps. 
London 1817. 8° 

C324 A collection of very valuable and scarce pieces re¬ 
lating to the last plague in 1665. London 1721. 8° SG 

COLLEGE OF physicians of Philadelphia 
C325 A record for the commemoration of the 150th an¬ 
niversary [Philadelphia 1937] 8" 

COLLEGE OF physicians of Philadelphia. Library 
C326 Catalogue of the incunabula, comp. C. P. Fisher 
[New York 1923] 8° 

C327 — rev. to June 5 1926, comp. C. P. Fisher [New 
York 1923] 8’ typescript revisions 
C328 Census of incunabula. Repr. its Trans. 6? Stud. 
1938, 4. s. 6: 159-93 

C329 A descriptive list of the incunabula, comp. C. P. 
Fisher. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1931, n.s. 3: 228-40 etc. 


C330 Collegium anatomicum, G. Jasolini, M. A. Seve- 
rino, B. Cabrol. Frankfort 1668. 4° SG 

COLLES Abraham 1773-1843 
C331 Selections from the works, ed. R. McDonnell. 
London 1881. 8* 

COLLIER George Frederick 1799-1877 See R282 

COLLIER James Stansfield 1870-1935 
C332 Inventions and the outlook in neurology. The 
Harveian oration, 1934. Oxford 1934. 8° 

COLLIJN Isak Gustaf Alfred 1875- See L389 

COLLIN Remy 1880- 

C333 Les hormones. Paris (°1938) 8° 


C334 - C371 



C334 Choice and rare experiments in physick and chi- 
rurgery. London 1658. 12* BMC 

COLLIS Robert 1900- 

C335 The silver fleece, an autobiography (1st ed.) Gar¬ 
den City 1937. 8° 

COLLOP John 1630-60 Biography See D269 

COLMAN Walter Stacy 1864-1934 
C336 Three distinguished amateur physicians. London 
1903. 8* 


C337 II bomprovifaccia per sani & amalati. Padua P. P. 
Tozzi 1621. SG 

COLOMBO Michele See V17; V19 
COLOMBO Realdo 1494?-1559? 

C338 Anatomia, das ist: Sinnreiche kunstliche begriindte 
Auffschneidung, tr. J. A. Schenck. Frankfort M. 
Becker 1609. fol. SG 

C339 De re anatomica. Venice N. Bevilacqua 1559. fol. 
BO 897 
See also C425 

COLON Francois 1764-1812 

C340 Histoire de Introduction et des progr^s de la 
vaccine en France. Paris 1801. 8* 

COLONNA Fabio 1567-1650 

C341 $uTopa<rai'os sive plantarum aliquot historia. Na¬ 
ples G. G. Carlino & A. Pace 1592. 4° LC 
C342 —Vita Fabi et Lynceorum notitia adnotatio- 
nesque, S. G. Bianchi. Florence 1744. 4° LC 

COLORADO STATE medical society 
C343 The 58th annual banquet 1928 [Colorado Springs 
1928] 8° fVilliam Harvey tercentenary , 1928 

COLVIN Sir Sidney 1845-1927 See S410 
COMASCO Patrizio 

C344 Della vita del conte Alessandro Volta. Como 
1829. 8° 

COMBE Andrew 1797-1847 

C345 The physiology of digestion, 1st American ed. 
Boston 1836. 8° 

See also B209 
Biography See C347 
COMBE George 1788-1858 

C346 Elements of phrenology, 4th ed. Edinburgh 
1836. 8* 

C347 The life and correspondence of Andrew Combe. 
Edinburgh 1850. 8° 

See also G76 

COMEGYS Cornelius George 1816-96 See R110 

COMENIUS Jan Amos 1592-1670 
C348 The history of the Bohemian persecution. London 
1650. 8° 

C349 Janua linguarum trilinguis. London 1662. 8’ YU 
C350 — 1670. 8* BO 4679 

C351 Naturall philosophic reformed by divine light. 
London 1651. 12° NL 

COMEYRAS Victor Delpuech de See B44 

COMITfi CENTRAL de vaccine Paris 
C352 Rapport 1803, 1808-10. Paris 1803-12. 3 v. in 2. 
8° 1808-10 with C340 

COMMANDING Federigo 1509-75 See A230 

C353 A la commemoration du 250. anniversaire de la 
naissance de Herman Boerhaave. Repr. Janus 1918, 
23: 193-369 


C354 [Miscellaneous pamphlets 1864-75] 8* 

tion frangaise 

C355 Proc^s-verbaux des stances de 1869-72, 1878-82. 
Paris 1871-83. 8* 2 copies of 1878-82 

COMMISSION ON medical education 

C356 Final report. New York 1932. 8* 

COMMITTEE ON the celebration of the 80th birth¬ 
day of Dr. William Henry Welch 

C357 The eightieth birthday of William Henry Welch. 
New York 1930. 8* 

C358 William Henry Welch at eighty, ed. V. O. Free- 
burg. New York 1930. 8’ 


C359 Complainte sur les poids et mesures. Paris 1840. 
12 * 


C360 The compleat midwife’s practice enlarged, 5th ed. 
J. Pechey. London 1698. 8° SG 


C361 Compte rendu de Inauguration de la statue de 
F. J. V. Broussais. Paris 1841. 8° With M480 

COMPTON Arthur Holly 1892- 
C362 [Miscellaneous papers 1925-34] 8° 

COMPTON Karl Taylor 1887- 

C363 The electron, its intellectual and social signifi¬ 
cance. Repr. Science 1937, 85: 27-37 

COMRIE John Dixon 1875-1939 

C364 Early anatomical instruction at Edinburgh. Repr. 

Edinb. med. J. 1922 n.s. 29: 273-96 
C365 An eighteenth century consultant [William Cul¬ 
len] Repr. Edinb. med. J. 1925, 32: 17-30 
C366 History of medicine, specimen extracts, 2d ser. 
[Edinburgh n.d.] 9° proof 

C367 History of Scottish medicine to 1860. London 
1927. 8* 

C368 — 2ded. 1932. 2 v. 8* 

C369 Michael Scot. Repr. Edinb. med. J. 1920, 25: 50H50 
See also S496 

COMSTOCK John Lee 1789-1858 

C370 Elements of chemistry, 45th ed. New York 1842. 8* 

COMTE Auguste 1798-1857 Biography See 

CONCKLIN G. W. See C371 
CONCKLIN Isaac 1780 P-1824 

C371 Selections from my scrap book, ed. G. W. Conck- 
lin. New Haven 1883. 8* 

[ 51 ] 


C372 - C406 

CONFEDERATE STATES of America. Surgeon- 
general’s office 

C372 A manual of military surgery. Richmond 1863. 12' 


C373 Discorso inaugurate (Intorno agli scritti del cav. 
Antonio Vallisneri) Padua 1836. fol. 

CONFIGLIACHI Pietro 1777-1844 See V173 
CONGRfiS INTERNATIONAL d’histoire de la mede- 
cine See International Congress of the history 
of medicine 

CONGRfiS INTERNATIONAL pour ^unification des 
poids, mesures et monnaies Paris 1878 
C374 Comptes rendus. Paris 1880. 8* 

CONNECTICUT. General hospital society See Gen¬ 
eral Hospital society of Connecticut New Haven 

C375 Constitution. Hartford 1824. 8° 

C376 Proceedings 1816-24, 1826-27, 1832-34. 8’ 2 cop¬ 
ies of 1832 

CONNOR Ralph pseud. See Gordon C. W. 
CONRADINUS Balthasarus 

C377 Febris miscellanea Ungarica. Kurtzer Unterricht 
(Strasbourg C. Muller) 1574. 8° SG 

CONSTANTINUS Africanus d. 1087 
C378 Breviarium (Lyons G. de Villiers 1510) 8* ChH 
With R128 


C379 Contemplationes idiote, ed. B. Jan van Alen 
(Antwerp W. Vorsterman) [ca. 1535] 8* 


C380 Contributions to medical and biological research, 
dedicated to Sir William Osier. New York 1919. 
2 v. 8’ 

C381 Contributions to the science of medicine dedicated 
to William Henry Welch. Baltimore 1900. 8° 

CONWAY Anne (Finch) Conway viscountess 1631- 

C382 Conway letters; the correspondence of Anne, vis¬ 
countess Conway, Henry More and their friends, ed. 
M. H. Nicolson. New Haven 1930. 8° 

See also 0125 

CONYBEARE William Daniel 1787-1857 
C383 Outlines of the geology of England and Wales, 
W. Phillips jt.auth., v. 1. London 1822. 8’ 

COOK Albert Stanburrough 1853-1927 See A45 

COOK Sir Edward Tyas 1857-1919 
C384 The life of Florence Nightingale. London 1913. 
2 v. 8° 

COOK Hugh See Faringdon H. 

COOK James 1728-79 

C385 A voyage to the Pacific ocean, J. King jt.auth. 
London 1784. 3 v. & atlas 4° LC 

C386 A voyage towards the South pole and round the 
world, 3d ed. London 1779. 2 v. 4° 

COOK Sir Theodore Andrea 1867-1928 
C387 The curves of life. New York 1914. 8° 

C388 Spirals in nature and art. London 1903. 8° 

COOKE Francis See H257 
COOKE James 1614-85 

C389 Mellificium chirurgiae or the marrow of many 
good authors. London 1648. 12° SG 
C390 — 4th ed. T. Gibson. 1693. 4° SG 
See also H48; H49 

COOLIDGE Calvin pres. U. S. 1872-1933 
C391 Address on secondary education (New York) 
1929. 8° 

COOLIDGE William David 1873- 
C392 [Papers on X-ray tubes 1913-23] 4* 

COOPER Sir Astley Paston hart. 1768-1841 
C393 Die Bildung und Krankheiten des Hodens. Wei¬ 
mar 1832. 2 v. in 1. 4* 

C394 The lectures on the principles and practice of 
surgery, ed. F. Tyrrell. Philadelphia 1826. 2 v. in 1. 8* 
C395 A series of lectures on the most approved principles 
and practice of modern surgery, comp. C. W. Jones, 1st 
American ed. C. M. Syder. Boston 1823. 8° 

C396 A treatise on dislocations and fractures of the 
joints, 2d American ed. J. D. Godman. Boston 1832. 8° 
Biography See K73 
COOPER Samuel 1780-1849 

C397 The first lines of the practice of surgery, 2d Amer¬ 
ican ed. A. H. Stevens. Philadelphia 1828. 2 v. 8° 

COOPER William 

C398 The philosophical epitaph. A brief of the golden 
calf, J. F. Helvetius. The golden ass, J. R. Glauber. 
Jehior or the day dawning. A catalogue of chymical 
books. London 1673. 8* SG 

COP Guillaume d. 1532 See G40; P157 

COPENHAGEN. Universitet. Bibliotek 
C399 Prominent Danish scientists, ed. V. Meisen. Co¬ 
penhagen 1932. 8° 

COPENHAGEN. Universitet. Laboratorium for 
medicinsk bakteriologi 

C400 Contributions, ed. C. J. Salomonsen. Copenhagen 
1902. 4° 

COPERNICUS Nicolaus 1473-1543 
C401 Astronomia instaurata, ed. N. Mulerius. Amster¬ 
dam W. Janson 1617. 4° YU 

C402 De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. Nuremberg 
J. Petreius 1543. fol. BO 566 
C403 — De libris revolutionum narratio prima, G. J. 

Rhaticus. Basel H. Petri (1566) fol. HU 
C404 —Torun 1873. fol. 

See also R127 

Biography See G157; P415 


C405 De arte medendi. Hagenau (V. Kobian) 1532. 8 # 

COPINGER Harold Bernard 1881- See M305 
COPINGER Walter Arthur 1847-1910 See M305 

COPLAND James 1791-1870 

C406 Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1857. London 1857. 4° 

CORBEIL Gilles de See Gilles de Corbeil 


C407 - C436 


CORBICHON Jean See B123 

CORBOLIENSIS Petrus Aegidius See Gilles de 

CORDUS Euricius 1486-1535 
C407 Ain Regiment: wie man sich vor der newen Plage 
(Marburg 1529) 4° SG 

CORDUS Valerius 1515-44 

C408 Annotationes in P. Dioscoridis De medica materia, 
comp. C. Gesner (Strasbourg J. Rihel) 1561. fol. SG 
C409 Dispensatorium sive pharmacorum conficiendorum 
ratio, ed. P. Coudenberg. Antwerp C. Plantin 1568. 16° 

C410 Stirpium description^ liber quintus. Strasbourg 
J. Rihel 1563. fol. With C408 

CORLETT William Thomas 1854- 
C411 The medicine-man of the American Indian. 
Springfield Ill. (°1935) 8° 

CORLEEU Auguste 1825-1907 See G427 

CORNACCHINI Horatius See C412 



C412 Tabulae medicae, ed. M. Cornacchini & H. Cor- 
nacchini. Padua P. P. Tozzi 1605. fol. SG With F7 

CORNARIUS Janus See Ha gen but J. 


C413 Les relations de la circulation labyrinthique avec 
les circulations de l’hypophyse et de l’epiphyse. Jassy 
1935. 4* 

CORNELIO Tommaso 1614-84 

C414 Progymnasmata physica. Venice 1683. 4° 

CORNER George Washington 1889- 
C415 Anatomical texts of the earlier middle ages. Wash¬ 
ington 1927. 8° 

C416 Anatomy. New York 1930. 12° 

C417 On early Salernitan surgery. Repr. Bull. Hist. 
Med. 1937, 5: 1-27 

C418 Salernitan surgery in the 12th century. Repr. 

Brit. J. Surg. 1937, 25: 84-99 
C419 A thirteenth century medical cryptogram. Repr. 
Bull. Hist. Med. 1936, 4: 745-50. With C417 

CORNFORD Francis Macdonald 1874- See A246 
CORNIL Victor 1837-1908 See L8 

C420 Corporations and operatives, being an exposition 
of the condition of factory operatives, and a review of 
the “Vindication” by E. Bartlett, by a citizen of Lowell. 
Lowell 1842. 8° 

CORPUT Bernard van den 1821-1908 
C421 Bibliotlfeque de feu Van den Corput [Amsterdam 
1911] 3 v. in 1. 8° 

See also C432 

CORRADI Alfonso 1833-92 

C422 Della minutio sanguinis. Repr. Mem. 1st. lombardo 
1887, 16: 117-71 

CORSINI Andrea 1875- 

C423 Andrea Vesalio nello studio di Pisa. Siena 1915. 
8’ 2 copies 

C424 —Typewritten translation 
C425 Nuovi documenti riguardanti Andrea Vesalio e 
Realdo Colombo nello studio Pisano. Siena 1918. 8° 
With C423 

CORSON Eugene RoJlin 1855- 
C426 John Bell surgeon. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 
1912, 23: 241-50 

C427 Sir Charles Bell. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 
1910, 21: 171-82 

CORTESI Giovanni Battista 1554-1636 See V34 

CORTI Alfonso marchese 1822-76 
C428 Recherches sur l’organe de l’ouie des mammiferes. 
Repr. Z. wiss. Zool. 1851, 3: 109-69 

CORTI Matteo 1475-1542 

C429 De venae sectione (Venice M. Sessa 1539) 12* 
C430 Questio de phlobotomia in pleuresi. Venice (G. Pa- 
dovano & V. Ruffinello) 1534. 8* GHL 
See also M458; M459 

CORVISART Jean Nicolas 1755-1821 
C431 Essai sur les maladies du coeur. Nouvelle nfethode 
pour reconnaitre les maladies internes de la poitrine, 
L. Auenbrugger. Recherches sur la phthisie pulmonaire, 
G. L. Bayle. Paris 1855. 8° 

See also S435 

COSMAS Saint Biography See M323 
COSTA Christ6v5o da See Acosta C. 

COSTA Jacob Mendez da See da Costa J. M. 
COSTA John Chalmers da See da Costa J. C. 

COSTA ALVARENGA Pedro Francisco da 1828-83 
C432 De l’utilife de l’historie de la nfedecine, tr. B. van 
den Corput. Antwerp 1869. 8° With N121 
C433 Parecer de alguns medicos estrangeiros e nacionaes 
acerca da anatomia pathologica. Lisbon 1862. 8° With 

C434 Parecer de alguns medicos nacionaes e estrangeiros 
acerca da memoria sobre a insufficiencia das valvulas 
aorticas. Lisbon 1856. 8° With N121 
Bibliography See N121; N 123-25 

COSTE Jean Francois 1741-1819 Biography See 

COSTE Pierre 1668-1747 See R60 
COTTA John 1575P-1650? 

C435 Cotta contra Antonium. Oxford J. Lichfield & 
J. Short 1623. 4° STC 5832 

COTTEREAU DUCLOS Samuel See Duclos S. C. 

COTUGNO Domenico 1736-1822 
C436 De ischiade nervosa. Carpi 1768. 4° 

Biography See 034 

COUDENBERG Pierre 1525-90 See C409 
Biography See M322\ 

COUDRAY Angelique Marguerite Le Boursier du 

See Le Boursier du Coudray A. M. 

[ 53 ] 


C437 - C476 

COULTON George Gordon 1858— 

C437 H. W. Fowler, 2d impr. [Oxford] 1935. 8* 2 copies 

C438 Ten medieval studies. Cambridge 1930. 8° 
COUPER Robert 1750-1818 

C439 Poetry chiefly in the Scottish language. Inverness 
1804. 2 v. 8* 

COUPER William 1884- 

C440. Claudius Crozet. Charlottesville Va. 1936. 8’ 

COUPLAND Sidney 1849-1930 

C441 The Harveian oration, 1915. London 1915. 8* 

COURTIN Germain d. 1587 See G456; G457 

COURTNEY Joseph William 1868-1928 
C442 Benjamin Waterhouse. Geneva 1926. 8° In J65 
C443 Gabriel Naud6. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1924, 6: 
303-11. With C445 

C444 Moli^re and the faculty. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 
1923, 5: 309-36 

C445 The multiple personality of Dr. Guy Patin. Repr. 
Ann. med. Hist. 1924, 6: 1-15 

COUTTS James 1852- 

C446 A history of the University of Glasgow, 1451 to 
1909. Glasgow 1909. 4° 

COVENTRY John pseud. See Palmer J. W. 

COW POCK institution London 
C447 [Broadside pub. 1803 or later, soliciting pecuniary 
support] 8* 

COWDRY Edmund Vincent 1888- 
C448 A comparison of ancient Chinese anatomical 
charts. Repr. Anat. Ree. 1921, 22: 1-25 
C449 Problems of ageing. Baltimore 1939. 8° 

COWGILL George Raymond 1893- 
C450 The vitamin B requirement of man. New Haven 
(1935) 8° 

COWLEY Abraham 1618-67 

C451 The works, 10th ed. London 1707-08. 3 v. 8° v. 3, 
8th ed. LC 

COWPER William 1666-1709 
C452 The anatomy of humane bodies. Oxford 1698. fol. 

See also B245 

COWPER William 1731-1800 

C453 Poems, new ed. London 1800. 2 v. 8* HU 

COX Jacob Dolson 1828-1900 

C454 The second battle of Bull Run. Cincinnati 1882. 8° 

COX Robert 1810-72 ed. 

C455 Selections from the Phrenological journal. Edin¬ 
burgh 1836. 8* 

COXE John Redman 1773-1864 
C456 An inquiry into the claims of Dr. William Harvey 
to the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Phila¬ 
delphia 1834. 8* 

C457 Practical observations on vaccination. Philadel¬ 
phia 1802. 8* 

COYECQUE Ernest 1864- 

C458 L’Hotel-Dieu de Paris au moyen age. Paris 1889- 
91. 2 v. 8* 

CRABBE George 1754r-1832 

C459 The life and poetical works, ed. G. Crabbe. Lon¬ 
don 1847. 8 # 

CRABBE George 1785-1857 See C459 
CRAIGEE Edward Home 1894- See R14 

CRAKANTHORPE Richard 1567-1624 
C460 Introductio in metaphysicam. Oxford J. Lichfield 
&J. Short 1619. 8* STC 5976 

CRAMP William 1876-1939 

C461 Michael Faraday and some of his contemporaries. 
London 1931. 8° 

CRANE Charles Frederick 1870- 

C462 The land of inner light. New York (°1912) 8° 

CRANE Vemer Winslow 1889- 
C463 The southern frontier 1670-1732. Durham N. C 
1928. 8 # 

CRASSO Girolamo 

C464 Diario empirico. Venice F. Rampazetto heirs 1577. 
8° With B524 

CRASSO Giulio Paolo d. 1574 See G42; G435- 
G436; T45 

CRATO von KRAFFTHEIM Johann 1519-85 
C465 Consiliorum & epistolarum medicinalium liber, ed. 
L. Scholtz von Rosenau. Frankfort A. Wechel heirs 
1591. 8° SG 

C466 In Cl. Galeni divinos libros methodi therapeutices. 
Perioche methodica. Basel (P. Perna) 1563. 8° 

See also M475; M476 

CRAVEN James Brown 

C467 Doctor Robert Fludd; life and writings. Kirkwall 
1902. 8* 

CRAWFORD Francis Marion 1854-1909 
C468 Ave Roma immortalis. London 1928. 8* 

CRAWFURD Sir Raymond Henry Payne 1865-1938 
C469 The last days of Charles II. Oxford 1909. 8 # 

C470 On forerunners of Harvey in antiquity. The Har¬ 
veian oration, 1919. London 1919. 8* 

CRAWLEY Chetwode 

C471 From telegraphy to television. London (°1931) 8* 
CRELLIUS Jacobus See R76; R77 
CREMONA Gerardo di See Gerardo di Cremona 
CREUTZ Walter 

C472 Die Neurologie des 1.-7. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig 

1934. 8° 

CREW Henry 1859- 

C473 The rise of modern physics, 2d ed. Baltimore 

1935. 8° 

See also G69 

CREYERE W. Watson 

C474 Obituary notice of Lord Lister 1827-1912. Repr. 
Proc. roy. Soc. 1913, s.B, 86: 1-21 

CRILE George Washington 1864-1943 
C475 The phenomena of life, ed. A. F. Rowland. New 
York (°1936) 8° 

C476 Phylogenetic association in relation to certain 
medical problems (Boston 1910) 8° 

[ 54 ] 

C477 - C520 


CROCE Giovanni Andrea della 1509 ?—75 
C477 Chirurgiae libri septem. Venice G. Ziletti 1573. 
fol. SG 

C478 Chirurgiae universalis opus. Venice R. Megietti 
1596. fol. SG 

C479 Cirugia universale. Venice G. Ziletti 1583. fol. 

CROLL Oswald 1580-1609 

C480 Basilica chymica. De signaturis rerum internis. 

Frankfort G. Tampach 1620. 8* 

C481 — Tractat von den innerlichen Signaturn. Frank¬ 
fort G. Tampach [1629?] 4* 

C482 — or royal and practical chymistry. The practice 
of chymistry, J. Hartmann. London 1670. fol. SG 

CRONIN Archibald Joseph 1896- 
C483 The citadel. Boston 1937. 8° 

C4S4 Hatter’s castle. Boston 1931. 8* 

C485 The stars look down. Boston 1935. 8* 

CROOKE Helkiah 1576-1635 

C486 A description of the body of man. London W. 

Jaggard 1615. fol. STC 6062 
C487 — 1616. fol. 

C488 — 1618. fol. SG 

C489 — 2d ed. London T. & R. Cotes 1631. fol. STC 

C490 — London 1651. fol. JC 
See also P72 

CROOKES Sir William 1832-1919 
C491 Elements and meta-elements. J. chem. Soc. 1888, 
53: 487-504 

C492 Genesis of the elements. London 1887. 8° 

C493 Researches on the atomic weight of thallium. Lon¬ 
don 1874. 8* 

See also F36-38 

CROOKSHANK Edgar March 1858-1928 
C494 History and pathology of vaccination. Philadel¬ 
phia 1889. 2 v. 8* 

CROONE William 1634-84 

C495 De ratione motus musculorum. London 1664. 4° 
BO 2396 

CROSBY Henry Grew 1898- 
C496 War letters. Paris 1932. 4* 

CROSS Charles Frederick 1855— 

C497 Cellulose, E. J. Bevan, C. Beadle jt.auth. London 
1895. 8° 

CROSS Mrs. Marian (Evans) See Eliot George 

CROSS Wilbur Lucius 1862- 
C498 Proclamations. Hartford 1937. 8* 

See also T197 

CROSSE John Green 1790-1850 
C499 A history of the variolous epidemic . . . protection 
afforded by vaccination. London 1820. 8* 

C500 Sketches of the medical schools of Paris. London 
1815. 8° 

CROVA Andr6 1833-1907 

C501 Sur l’analyse de la lumi^re diffus^e par le ciel. 
Repr. Ann. Chim. (Phys.) 1890, 6. s. 20: 480-504 

CROWTHER James Gerald 

C502 British scientists of the 19th century. London 
1935. 8° 

C503 Men of science (1st ed.) New York (1936) 8* 

CROZET Claudius 1789-1864 Biography See 

CRUCE Joannes Andreas a See Croce G. A. della 
CRUCELLI Father See Sidey J. A. 

CRUIKSHANK William Cumberland 1745-1800 
C504 The anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the hu¬ 
man body. London 1786. 4* SG 
C505 Anatomie des vaisseaux absorbans du corps hu- 
main, tr. P. Petit-Radel. Paris 1787. 8* SG 

CRUMMER LeRoy 1872-1934 
C506 The anatomical compendium of Loys Vasse (1540) 
J. B. de C. M. Saunders jt.auth. Ann. med. Hist. 1939, 
3. s. 1: 351-69. With T187 

C507 A catalogue: MSS and medical books printed be¬ 
fore 1640. Omaha 1927. 8 # 

C508 A list of old medical books, comp. M. A. K. 

Crummer [Omaha?] 1925. 8’ mimeograph 
C509 An original drawing of the title page of Vesalius’ 
Fabrica. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1930, n.s. 2: 20-30. 
With K179 
Biography See B203 

CRUMMER Mrs. Myrtle A. (Kelley) See C508 

CRUVEILHIER Jean 1791-1874 

C510 Anatomie descriptive. Paris 1834-36. 4 v. 8* 

C511 Anatomie pathologique du corps humain. Paris 
1829-42. 2 v. fol. 

CRUZ Martin de la 

C512 The Badianus manuscript, tr. E. W. Emmart, 
Baltimore 1940. 4* 

C513 The de la Cruz-Badiano Aztec herbal of 1552, tr. 
W. Gates. Baltimore 1939. 8* 

CSOMA S&ndor korosi 1784-1842 Biography See 


C514 Le cuer de philozophie (Paris A. V6rard) [1504?] 
4° Incomplete. BR 

CULLEN George Matheson 

C515 The passing of Vesalius. Repr. Edinb. med. J. 
1914, n.s. 13: 324-39 etc. 

CULLEN Thomas Stephen 1868- 
C516 Dr. Howard A. Kelly. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. 
Hosp. 1919, 30: 287-302 

C517 Early medicine in Maryland [Baltimore 1927] 8° 
C518 Henry Mills Hurd. Baltimore 1920. 8* 

CULLEN William 1710-90 

C519 First lines of the practice of physic, new ed. 

Worcester Mass. 1790. 3 v. 12° Lacks v. 2. SG 
C520 — ed. J. Rotheram. New York 1793. 2 v. 4° Lacks 
v. 1. YU 



C521 - C608 

CULLEN W. — continued 
C521 — 1801. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

C522 Lectures on the materia medica. Philadelphia 
1775. 4° 2 copies. LC 

C523 A methodical system of nosology, tr. E. Lewis. 

Stockbridge Mass. (1808) 12° 

C524 Synopsis nosologiae methodicae, 5. ed. Edinburgh 

1792. 2 v. 8° 

C525 Synopsis and nosology, 2d ed. Springfield Mass. 

1793. 8° SG 

C526 Treatise of the materia medica, ed. B. S. Barton. 
Philadelphia 1812. 2 v. 8° 

Biography See C365 

CULLINGWORTH Charles James 1841-1908 
C527 Catalogue of the Radford library. Manchester 
1877. 8° 

C528 Charles White. London 1904. 8’ 

C529 Oliver Wendell Holmes and the contagiousness of 
puerperal fever. London 1906. 8° 2 copies 

CULM ANN Leonhart d. 1562 See D220 
CULPEPER Nicholas 1616-54 

C530 Astrologicall judgment of diseases. Treatise of 
urine. London 1655. 8° BMC 
C531 The British herbal and family physician. Halifax 
Nicholson and co. n.d. 8° 2 copies 
C532 — Halifax J. Nicholson n.d. 8° 

C533 — entire new & comp. ed. G. A. Gordon. London 
H. Hogg n.d. 2 v. 8° 

C534 — London [ca. 1872] 16° 

C535 —London W. Nicholson [1922?] 8* 

C536 Catastrophe magnatum or the fall of monarchic. 
London 1652. 4° BMC 

C537 Complete herbal. London Milner and co. n.d. 12° 
C538 — Manchester Milner and co. n.d. 8° 

C539 — new ed. London Virtue & co. n.d. 4° 

C540 Complete herbal and^English physician. Burslem 
1813-14. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

C541 —London 1819. 4° 

C542 — 1824. 4° 2 copies 

C543 —Manchester 1825-26. 2 v. in 1. 4° 

C544 —London [1833?] 16° 

C545 — new ed. 1846. 4° 

C546 — newed. 1850. 4° 

C547 —Halifax 1853. 16° 

C548 A directory for midwives. London 1651. 8° SG 
C549 —1653.8° 

C550 —1660.8° 

C551 —v. 2. 1662. 8° 

C552 — 1671. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

C553 — 1681. 2 v. in 1. 8° SG 
C554 — 1693. 12° BMC 
C555 — 1701. 12° SG 
C556 —1716.12° 

C557 —1724.12 ° SG 
C558 —1762.12° 

C559 — 1777. 12° 2 copies. SG 

C560 The English physitian. London 1652. fol. 2 copies. 

CS61 — 1652. 16° SG 

C562 The English physitian enlarged. London 1653. 8° 
LC With C615 
C563 —1656.8“ 

C564 —1661 .8° BMC 
C565 — 1662. 8° With C618 
C566 —1665.8° 

C567 —1666.8° 

C568 — 1669. 8° SG 
C569 — 1671.8° 

C570 —1676.8° 

C571 — 1681. 8° 2 copies. SG 
C572 —1683.8° 

C573 —1684.8° 

C574 —1703. 12° 2 copies 
C575 —1708.12° 

C576 — 1718.12° 

C577 — 1725. 12° BMC 
C578 — 1733. 12 ° 2 copies. BMC 
C579 —[1740?] 12° 

C580 —1741.12“ 

C581 — 1765. 12° SG 
C582 —1775.12“ 

C583 — 1777. 12° SG With C559 
C584 — 1778. 12 ° 2 copies 
C585 —1785.12° 

C586 —1788. 12° 

C587 — London J. Walker 1790. 12“ 

C588 —London J. Scatcherd etc. [1790?] 12° 

C589 — London 1792. 12° BMC 
C590 —1794.12“ 

C591 — 1799. 12° 2 copies. SG 

C592 — London J. Barker [ca. 1800] 12° 

C593 —London 1801. 8° 

C594 —Taunton Mass. 1826. 8° 

C595 English physician; and complete herbal, ed. 

E. Sibly. London The author n.d. 4° 

C596 — London Lewis and Roden n.d. 4° 

C597 — 12th ed. London 1809-10. 2 v. in 1. 4° 

C598 —ed. Dr. Parkins. London 1809. 12° 

C599 —1814.8° 

C600 —1826.8° 

C601 — ed. W. J. Ferrier. London 1932. obi. 16° 

C602 Family physician; the English physician enlarged, 
ed. J. Scammon. Exeter N.H. 1824. 8° 

C603 Last legacy [London] 1655. 8° LC 
C604 —1657.8° 

C605 — 4th impr. London 1668. 8° SG 
C606 —5th impr. 1676. 8° 

C607 — 6th impr. 1685. 8° SG 
C608 —7th impr. 1702. 8° 

[ 56 ] 

C609 - C662 


C609 Medicaments for the poor. Health for the rich and 
poor, 2d ed. London 1662. 8° SG 
C610 — 2d ed. Edinburgh 1664. 8° 2 copies 
C611 — first written in Latin, J. Prevost. London 1670. 
8° SG 

C612 A new method of physick, written in Latin, S. 

Partliz. London 1654. 8° BMC 
C613 Pharmacopoeia Londinensis or the London dis¬ 
pensatory. London 1653. fol. SG 
C614 — 1654. 12° BMC 
C615 — 6th ed. 1654. 8° 

C616 — 6th ed. 1655. 8° 

C617 — 6th ed. 1656. 8° 

C618 — 6th ed. 1658? 8° t.-p. lacking 
C619 — 6th ed. 1659. 8° SG 
C620 — 1667. 8° Incomplete. BMC 
C621 — 1672. 8 ° 2d copy incomplete 
C622 — 1675. 8° 2 copies 
C623 —1679.8° 

C624 —1683.8° 

C625 — 1695. 8° SG 
C626 — 1702. 12“ SG 
C627 — 1718. 12° 

C628 — Boston 1720. 8° LC 

C629 A physicall directory or a translation of the Lon¬ 
don dispensatory. London 1649. 4° LC 
C630 — 2d ed. 1650. fol. 2 copies 
C631 —3d ed. 1651. fol. LC 
C632 School of physick. London 1659. 8° SG 
C633 —2d ed. 1678. 8° SG 

C634 Semeiotica uranica or an astrological judgment of 
diseases. London 1651. 8° BMC 
C635 — Treatise of urine, 3d ed. London 1658. 8° SG 
C636 —4th ed. [London] 1671. 8° 

C637 Testament oder letzter Wille. Hamburg 1675. 8° 
C638 Two books of physick, I. Medicaments for the 
poor, first written in Latin, J. Prevost. II. Health for 
the rich and poor. Culpepers ghost. London 1656. 8° 

C639 Works, entire new & comp. ed. G. A. Gordon. Lon¬ 
don [1805?] 3 v. 8° 

See also B107; BIOS; B425; J116; M505; P246; P312; 
R169; R170; R173; R17S-77; S182; S186; S188; S189; 
V116; V117 

Biography See C176; M32 

CULPEPER HOUSE See Society of herbalists 
London . Culpeper house 

CULPEPPER Nathaniel 

C640 Culpepper revived, being an almanack for 1688. 
Cambridge 1688. 8° 

CUMMINGS Emma Gertrude 1856- 
C641 Brookline’s trees [Brookline] 1938. 8° 

CUMMINS Stevenson Lyle 1873— 

C642 A Dinka story and other Sudan poems. London 
1909. 12° 

C643 The Mahdi and other poems. London 1910. 12° 

CUMSTON Charles Greene 1868-1928 
C644 An introduction to the history of medicine to the 
end of the 18th century. New York 1927. 8° 

See also P271 

CUNEO Gabriele 

C645 Apologiae Francisci Putei pro Galeno in anatome 
examen. Venice F. de Franceschi 1564. 4° F X. 1; BO 

CUNNINGHAM Daniel John 1850-1909 
C646 The skeleton of the Irish giant, Cornelius Magrath. 
Trans. R. Irish Acad. 1891, 29, 553-612 

CURIE Eve 1904- 

C647 Madame Curie, tr. V. Sheean. Garden City 1937. 8° 
CURIE Irene See Joliot I. C. 

CURIE Mme. Marie (Sklodowska) 1867-1934 
C648 Pierre Curie, tr. C. Kellogg and V. L. Kellogg. 
New York 1923. 8° 

C649 Recherches sur les substances radioactives. Paris 
1903. 8° 

C650 — Repr. Ann. Chim. (Phys .) 1903, 30: 99-203, 

C651 —2. 6d. Paris 1904. 8° 

Biography See C647 

CURIE Pierre 1859-1906 
C652 Oeuvres. Paris 1908. 8° 

C653 Propri6t6s magn^tiques des corps & diverses 
temperatures. Paris 1895. 8° 

Biography See C648 
CURIO Joannes d. 1561 See R76-78 
CURRIE William 1754-1828 

C654 A description of the malignant, infectious fever 
prevailing in Philadelphia. Philadelphia 1793. 8° SG 
C655 An historical account of the climates and diseases 
of the United States of America. Philadelphia 1792 8° 

C656 Memoirs of the yellow fever. Philadelphia 1798. 
8° SG 

C657 Observations on the causes and cure of remitting 
or bilious fevers. Philadelphia 1798. 8° SG 

C658 A view of the diseases most prevalent in the Uni ted 
States of America. Philadelphia 1811. 8° 

CURRY Walter Clyde 1887— 

C659 Chaucer and the mediaeval sciences. New York 
1926. 8° 

CURTIS John Green 1844-1913 
C660 Harvey’s views on the use of the circulation of the 
blood. New York 1915. 8° 

CURTIUS Matthaeus See Corti M. 

CUSANUS Nicolaus See Nicolaus Cusanus 
CUSHING Harvey 1869-1939 

C661 Haller and his native town. Repr. Amer Med 
1901, 2: 542-44 etc. With K169 

See also B354; C56; F363; 090; Section V 

CUTBUSH Edward 1772-1843 
C662 An address delivered before the Columbian insti¬ 
tute. Washington 1817. 8° 

[ 57 ] 


C663 - D25 

CUTHBERTSON David 1856-1935 

C663 A tragedy of the reformation. Edinburgh 1912. 8° 

CUTLER Elliott Carr 1888- 

C664 Atlas of surgical operations, R. Zollinger jt.auth. 
New York 1939. fol. 

CUVIER Georges baron 1769-1832 
C665 The animal kingdom, new ed. London 1849. 8° 
C666 Iiloge historique de M. le comte de Lac6p£de. In 

C667 Lemons d’anatomie compare, ed. A. M. C. Du- 
m£ril. Paris [1800] 2 v. 8’ 

C668 —2. 6d. A. M. C. Dum6ril. Paris 1835-46. 8 v. in 

C669 Rapport fait sur un m6moire de M. Flourens, in¬ 

titule Determination des propri6t£s du syst£me ner- 
veux [Paris? 1822?] 8* With F207 

C670 Rapport historique sur les progr£s des sciences 
naturelles depuis 1789. Paris 1810. 8° 

C671 Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadru¬ 
ples. Paris 1812. 4 v. 4* 

See also A21 

Biography See B22; F200 

CUYER Edouard 1852- See D340 

CZERMAK Johann Nepomuk 1828-73 
C672 Bemerkungen fiber die Kuh- oder Schutzpocke in 
Galizien. Lemberg 1810. 8* 

C673 Der Kehlkopfspiegel. Leipzig 1860. 8* 


D., J. See S70 

D. R. See Rouviere de 

DA COSTA Christ6v3o See Acosta C. 

DA COSTA Jacob Mendez 1833-1900 
Dl Harvey and his discovery. Philadelphia 1879. 8* 

DA COSTA John Chalmers 1863-1933 
D2 Dickens’s doctors. Philadelphia 1905. 8* 

D3 The old Blockley hospital. Chicago °1908. 8* 

See also G367a 

DA COSTA ALVARENGA Pedro Francisco See 

Costa Alvarenoa P. F. da 

DADE William 

D4 A new almanack 1678. London 1678. 8* 

DAGUERRE Louis Jacques Mande 1789-1851 
D5 Historique et description des proc6d6s du daguerreo¬ 
type, nouv. 6d. Paris 1839. 8* 

DAHLGREN Erik Wilhelm b. 1848 
D6 Sven Hedins forskningar i Sodra Tibet 1906-08, 
K. D. P. Rosen & H. W. Ahlmann jt.auth. Stockholm 
1918. 8* 

DALDY Thomas M. See A49 

DALE Antonius van 1638-1708 

D7 De oraculis ethnicorum. Amsterdam 1683. 8* BMC 

DALE Sir Henry Hallett 1875— 

D8 The Harveian oration on “Some epochs in medical 
research,” 1935. London 1935. 8° 

D9 [Miscellaneous papers 1933-38] 8* 

D10 Progress in autopharmacology. Repr. Bull. Johns 
Hopk. Hosp. 1933, 53: 297-347 

DALECHAMPS Jacques 1513-88 

Dll Chirurgie franjoise. Lyons G. Roville 1573. 8* 

See also G20; G61 

DALLA CROCE Giovanni Andrea See Croce G. A. 


DALLAS William Sweetland 1824-90 See H493- 

DALLOWE Timothy See B460 
DALTON John 1766-1844 

D12 Experiments and observations of rain and dew. 
Mem. Manchr. lit. phil. Soc. 1802, 5 pt. 2 : 346-72 2d 
copy J. nat. Phil. 1803, n.s. 4: 159-75 
D13 Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours. 
In Mem. Manchr. lit. phil. Soc. 1798, 5 pt. 1: 28-45 

D14 Meteorological observations and essays. London 
1793. 8’ LC 

D15 Meteorological observations for 1801. Mem. 

Manchr. lit. phil. Soc. 1802, 5 pt. 2: 666-74 
D16 Ein neues System des chemischen Theiles der Na- 
turwissenschaft, tr. F. B. Wolff. Berlin 1812-13. 2 v. 
in 1. 8* 

D17 A new system of chemical philosophy. Manchester 
1808-27. 2 v. in 3. 8° Lacks v. 2 
Biography See H268; S293 
DALTON John Call 1825-89 

D18 History of the College of physicians and surgeons, 
Columbia college. New York 1888. 8* 

D19 John Call Dalton (Cambridge Mass.) 1892. 8* 

D20 Prize essay. On the corpus luteum of menstruation 
and pregnancy. Philadelphia 1851. 8* 

D21 Topographical anatomy of the brain. Philadelphia 
1885. 3 v. fol. 

DAMIAN Saint Biography See M323 

DAMPIER Margaret Dampier See D22 

DAMPIER Sir William Cecil Dampier 1867- 
D22 Cambridge readings in the literature of science, 
M. D. Dampier jt.auth. Cambridge 1924. 8° 

DAM PIERRE Antoine Esmonin marquis de 1743— 

D23 Reflexions impartiales sur le magn6tisme animal. 
Geneva 1784. 8° YU 

DAMRAU Frederic 1892- 

D24 Pioneers in neurology (St. Louis °1937) 8* 

DANA Charles Loomis 1852-1935 
D25 Fragments from Parnassus, 3d ed. Woodstock Vt. 
1922. 8° 

[ 58 ] 

D26 - D66 


D26 Poetry and the doctors. Woodstock Vt. 1916. 8° 

See also A261 

DANA James Freeman 1793-1827 
D27 An epitome of chymical philosophy. Concord N.H. 
1825. 8° 

DANA Richard Henry 1815-82 
D28 (The ether discovery) Littel's living Age 1848, 16: 

See also M186 

DANCK Joannes 14th cent. See A112 
DANCKERTS Comelis 1561-1634 See R106 
DANCKERTS Justus 1630 ?-95? See R107 

DANIELL John Frederic 1790-1845 
D29 On voltaic combinations. Philos. Trans. 1836, 126: 

DANIELL William C. 

D30 Observations upon the autumnal fevers of Savan¬ 
nah. Savannah 1826. 8° 

DANIELS Carel Eduard 1839-1909 
D31 Andr6 V6sale. Repr. Rev. I'art flam. holland. 1905, 
4: 16-21 

D32 Andreas Vesalius. Repr. Onze kunst , 1905, VIII: 
16-21. With D31 

D33 Het leven en de verdiensten van Petrus Camper. 
Utrecht 1880. 8° 

See also 125 

DANNEMANN Friedrich 1859- See IV262 


D34 Le terze rime (Venice Aldi 1502) 8° BMC 

DANTI Ignazio 1537-86 See E103 

DARAN Jacques 1701-84 

D35 Observations chirurgicales sur les maladies de 
l’urethre, nouv. id. Paris 1748. 12* SG 

DARDIER Mme. A. (Picheral) See T129 

DARDIER Charles 

D36 Michel Servet d’apr^s ses plus rScents biographes. 
Paris 1879. 8* 

DAREMBERG Charles Victor 1817-72 
D37 Histoire des sciences m£dicales. Paris 1870. 2 v. 8* 
D38 La m6decine, histoire et doctrines. Paris 1865. 8° 
D39 — 2. id. 1865. 8° 2 copies 
DARMSTAEDTER Ernst 1877- See B458; G175 

DARMSTAEDTER Ludwig b. 1846 
D40 4000 Jahre Pionier-Arbeit in den exakten Wissen- 
schaften, R. Du Bois-Reymond jt.auth. Berlin 1904. 8° 

DARROW Karl Kelchner 1891- 

D41 The renaissance of physics. New York 1936. 8° 

DARWIN Charles 1758-78 

D42 Experiments establishing a criterion between mu- 
caginous and purulent matter. Lichfield 1780. 8° BO 

DARWIN Charles Robert 1809-82 

D43 The descent of man. London 1871. 2 v. 8° 

D44 The expression of the emotions in man and animals. 
London 1872. 8° 2 copies 

D45 The formation of vegetable mould, 3d thousand. 
London 1881. 8° 

D46 The foundations of the Origin of species, ed. F. Dar¬ 
win. Cambridge 1909. 8° 

D47 Insectivorous plants. London 1875. 8’ 

D48 Journal of researches into the natural history & 
geology, new ed. London 1890. 8’ 

D49 The life and letters, ed. F. Darwin. New York 1898. 
2 v. 8° 

D50 On the origin of species. London 1859. 8° 

D51 —6th ed. (1929) 12° 

D52 On the tendency of species to form varieties, A. R. 

Wallace jt.auth. Isis 1930, 14: 133-54 
D53 On the various contrivances by which British and 
foreign orchids are fertilised by insects. London 1862. 8° 
D54 The power of movement in plants, F. Darwin jt. 
auth. London 1880. 8° 

D55 The variation of animals and plants under domesti¬ 
cation. London 1868. 2 v. 8° 

See also C39; N56; R229 

DARWIN Erasmus 1731-1802 
D56 The botanic garden. London 1790-91. 2 v. in 1. 4* 
v. 2, 2d ed. 1790 

D57 The temple of nature. New York 1804. 8* 

D58 Zoonomia. London 1794-96. 2 v. 4° BO 2413 
D59 — 3ded. 1801. 4 v. 8* 

Biography See K177; P185 

DARWIN Sir Francis 1848-1925 See D46; D49; 


D60 Darwin and modern science, essays ed. A. C. 
Seward. Cambridge 1909. 8* 

D’ASSISI Francesco Saint See Francesco d’Assisi 

DAUBANCOURT C. J. B. L. Larcher See Larcher 
Daubancourt C. J. B. L. 

DAUBENY Charles Giles Bridle 1795-1867 
D61 An introduction to the atomic theory. Oxford 
1831. 8° 

DAVID Jean Pierre 1737-84 

D62 Dissertation sur la figure de la terre, nouv. id. The 
Hague 1771. 8° 

D63 Recherches sur la manure d’agir de la saign£e, 
2. id. Paris 1763. 12° BN 

DAVID Neculai I. 

D64 Ipofiza si vecin&tatea ei. Jassy 1932. 8* With A50 
DAVIDOFF Leo Max 1898- 

D65 The normal encephalogram, C. G. Dyke jt.auth. 
Philadelphia 1937. 8° 

DAVIDS L. See J54 


D66 Herschel’s geometrical inch. Leeds 1938. 8° 
DAVIES John 1627?-93 See N24 

[ 59 ] 


D67 - DlOI 

DAVIES Samuel W. 

D67 A refutation of sundry unfounded accusations from 
Dr. Daniel Drake (Cincinnati 1933) 8° With T52 

DAVIS David Daniel 1777-1841 See P287 
DAVIS Loyal Edward 1896- 

D68 J. B. Murphy, stormy petrel of surgery. New York 
(°1938) 8° 

DAVIS Nathan Smith 1817-1904 

D69 History of medicine. Chicago (°1903) 8° 

D70 History of the American medical association, ed. 
S. W. Butler. Philadelphia 1855. 8* 

DAVIS William 

D71 News out of the west from the stars or a new 
ephemeris for 1688. London [1687?] 8 

DAVISSON Clinton Joseph 1881— 

D72 [Miscellaneous papers, L. H. Germer jt.auth. 
1928-38] 8° 

DAVY Sir Humphry bart. 1778-1829 
D73 The Bakerian lecture on some chemical agencies of 
electricity. Philos. Trans. 1807, 97: 1-56 
D74 The Bakerian lecture on some new phenomena of 
chemical changes produced by electricity. Philos. 
Trans. 1808, 98: 1-14. With D73 
D75 Elements of agricultural chemistry. London 1813.4* 
D76 Essays on heat, light, and the combinations of 
light, n.p. n.d. 8° Apparently from Contributions to 
physical and medical knowledge, collected by T. Bed- 
does. Bristol 1799 

D77 Practical hints on the application of wire-gauze to 
lamps. London 1816. 8° 

D78 Researches, chemical and philosophical. London 
1800. 8° 

D79 A syllabus of a course on chemistry. London 
1802. 8° 

DAWNE Dabry pseud. See Baynard E. 
DAWPLUCKER Jonathan pseud. See Barclay J. 

D80 The mirror of Oxford. London 1912. 8° 

DAWSON James Walker 1870-1927 
D81 The histology of disseminated sclerosis. Trans, roy . 
Soc. Edinb. 1916, 50 pt. 3: 517-740 
See also B787 

D82 [Miscellany bound in 1 v.] 8° 

DAWSON Percy Millard 1873- 
D83 A biography of Francois Magendie. Brooklyn 
1908. 8° 

DAWSON Warren Royal 1888- 
D84 The beginnings: Egypt & Assyria. New York 1930. 
12 “ 

See also M264 

DAY L. Meeker 

D85 The botanic family physician. New York 1833. 8° 
With D86 

D86 The improved American family physician. New 
York 1833. 8° 

DAYE Stephen 1611-68 See U36 
DVAZYR Felix Vicq- See Vicq-d’Azyr F. 

DE ANCONA Augustinus See Augustinus de An¬ 

DEARDEN Harold 1882- 

D87 The wind of circumstance. London (1938) 8’ 

DE AVILA Luis Lobera See Lobera de Avila L. 

D88 De balneis omnia quae extant. Venice Giunta 1553. 
fol. BO 1902 

DE BEER Gavin Rylands 1899- 
D89 The comparative anatomy of the pituitary body. 
Edinburgh 1926. 8° 

DEBOVE Georges Maurice 1845-1920 
D90 Ambroise Par£. Paris [1905] 8° 

DEBURE Guillaume 1734-1820 
D91 Catalogue des livres rares. Paris 1785-86. 3 v. in 1. 
8° BMC 

DEBYE Peter 1884- 

D92 Die Frage nach der atomistischen Struktur der 
Energie. Vjschr. naturj. Ges. Zurich 1911, 56: 156-67 
D93 [Miscellaneous papers 1912-37] 8“ 

DE CASTELLO Tura See Tura de Castello 
DE CHARY Pauline See K107 
DE CHAULLAC Guy See Guy de Chauliac 

DE CHOISY Henri de Boyer See Boyer de Choisy 
H. de 

DEE John 1527-1608 

D94 Parallaticae commentationis praxeosque nucleus 
quidam. London J. Day 1573. 4° STC 6462 
D95 A true & faithful relation of what passed between 
Dr. John Dee and some spirits, ed. M. Casaubon. 
London 1659. fol. BO 4708 
See also R54 
Biography See F56 

DEEPING Warwick 1877- 

D96 No hero — this. London (1936) 8° 

D97 — (1st American ed.) New York 1936. 8° 

D98 Sorrell and son. London (1925) 8° 

DEFFAND DE LA LANDE Marie Anne du See 
Du Deffand de la Lande M. A. 

DEFOE Daniel 1661 P-1731 

D99 The history of the devil. London n.d. 8° Incomplete 
D100 The history of the great plague in London in 1665. 
London 1754. 8° SG 

DE GIVRY Emile Angelo Grillot See Grillot de 
Givry £. A. 

DEJERINE Mme. Augusta (Klumpke) 1859-1927 
D101 Trouble de la sensibility, E. Gauckler jt.auth. 
From G. H. Roger. Nouveau trait£ de m£decine 18 , 
1928: 639-96 

Biography See M62; R269 

DEJERINE Joseph Jules 1849-1917 Biography 
See G160 


D102 -D131 


DE KRUIF Paul Henry 1890- 

D102 Our medicine men. New York 1922. 8° 

DE LA MARE Walter John 1873- See K85 

DE LA MARTINlfiRE Antoine Augustin Bruzen See 

Bruzen de la Martiniere A. A. 


D103 L’Universit6 de Louvain. Paris 1915. 8° 

DE LA TOURETTE Georges Gilles See Gilles de 
la Tourette G. 

DELEBOE Francois See Boe F. de le 

DELL Floyd 1887- See B882 

DELLA CROCE Giovanni Andrea See Croce G. A. 


DELLA MIRANDOLA Giovanni Pico See Pico 


DELLA TORRE Marco Antonio 1478-1511 See 
Ml 65 


D104 La chirurgia dell’ipofisi. Treviglio 1923. 8° 

DELUC Jean Andre 1727-1817 
D105 Introduction a la physique terrestre. Paris 1803. 
2 v. 8° 

D106 Trait6 £l£mentaire sur le fluide 6lectrico-galva- 
nique. Paris 1804. 2 v. 8° 

DE MATTOS Alexander Louis Teixeira See Tei- 


DE MEESTER W. A. T. Cohen- See Cohen-de 
Meester W. A. T. 

DE MENDOZA Luys Hurtado See Hurtado de 
Mendoza L. 


DEMOCRITUS junior pseud. See Burton R. 

DE MONSERRATE Bernardino Montafla See Mon¬ 
tana de Monserrate B. 

DE MORGAN Augustus 1806-71 
D107 Arithmetical books. London 1847. 8° 

DEMOURS Antoine Pierre 1762-1836 
D108 Trait6 des maladies des yeux, v. 4 [Paris] 1818. 
4° SG 

DEMPSTER Jesse Herbert 1873— 

D109 John Locke. Repr. Ann. med. Hist . 1932, n.s. 4: 
12-60 etc. 

DEMPSTER Wilfrid Taylor 1905- 
D110 European anatomy before Vesalius. Repr. Ann. 
med. Hist. 1934, n.s. 6: 307-19, 448-69 

DENNIS Frederic Shepard 1850-1934 
Dill A memoir of James R. Wood. New York 1884. 8° 
D112 Selected surgical papers 1876-1914. New York 
1934. 2 v. 8° 

DEPPING Georg Bernhard 1784-1853 
D113 La vaccine combattue dans le pays. Paris 1807. 8° 
2 copies 

DE QUINCEY Thomas 1785-1859 
D114 Confessions of an English opium-eater. Boston 
1841. 12° 


D115 De re medica (Basel A. Cratander 1528) fol. SG 
With B794 

D’EREMITA Donato See Donato d' Eremit a 
DE RENZY George Webb 

D116 Enchiridion or a hand for the one-handed. London 
1822. 8’ SG 

DERHAM William 1657-1735 See R35 
DES BORDES Guillaume See S13 

DESCARTES Rene 1596-1650 

D117 De homine, tr. F. Schuyl. Leyden 1662. 4° BO 931 

D118 —1664.4 9 LC 

D119 Discours de la methode pour bien conduire sa 
raison. Leyden J. Maire 1637. 4° BO 928 
D120 A discourse of a method for the well guiding of 
reason. London 1649. 8° 

D121 L’homme et un traitte de la formation du foetus, 
ed. L. de La Forge. Paris 1664. 4° GHL 
D122 The passions of the soule. London 1650. 12* UC 
D123 Principia philosophiae. Amsterdam 1644. 4° 2 cop¬ 
ies. BMC 

D124 Specimina philosophiae. Amsterdam 1644. 4’ SG 
With D123 

D125 — 1650. 4° With D123 

D126 Tractatus de homine et de formatione foetus. 
Amsterdam 1677. 4° BO 932 
Biography See B33; H22 

DESMAREST Nicolas 1725-1815 See H185 
DESPREAUX Nicolas Boileau- See Boileau-Des- 


D’ESTE Beatrice See Beatrice d’Este 
DEUSING Anton 1612-66 

D127 Idea fabricae corporis humani. Groningen 1659. 
12° 2 copies. SG 

DEUTSCH Albert 1905- 

D128 The mentally ill in America. Garden City 1937. 8’ 

DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE der naturforscher zu 
Halle See Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deut¬ 
sche Akademie der Naturforscher 

DEVfiZE Jean 1753-1829 

D129 An enquiry into, and observations upon the epi¬ 
demic disease which raged in Philadelphia, 1793. Phila¬ 
delphia 1794. 8° English & French. SG 

DE VILLALOBOS Francisco Lopez See Lopez de 
Villalobos F. 

DE VILLAMIL Richard 1850- 

D130 Newton, the man. London [1931] 8° 2 copies 

DE VINNE Theodore Low 1828-1914 
D131 The practice of typography: correct composition, 
2d ed. New York 1902. 8° 



D132 -D174 

DE VINNE T. L. — continued 

D132 —modern methods of book composition. New 
York 1904. 8° 

DEVONSHIRE Mrs. Henriette Caroline See V8-10 
DEWEY John 1859- 

D133 Psychology. New York 1887. 8° 2 copies 
DEWEZ Franz Olivier 1735-1814 See M539 
DIADOCHUS Proclus See Proclus Diadochus 

D134 Dialogus de libertate ecclesiastica, London J. Let- 
tou & W. de Machlinia 1483, ed. R. Juchhoff. Berlin 

1932. 8* facsim. 

DIBDIN Thomas FrognaU 1776-1847 
D135 Bibliomania, new ed. London 1876. 4* 

D136 The library companion. London 1824. 8* 

DICKINSON Goldsworthy Lowes 1862-1932 
D137 Is immortality desirable? Boston 1909. 8° 

DICKINSON Henry Winram 

D138 James Watt and the steam engine, R. Jenkins jt. 
auth. Oxford 1927. 8 # 

DICKINSON William Howship 1832-1913 
D139 The Harveian oration on Harvey in ancient and 
modern medicine. London 1891. 8* 

DICKSON Samuel 1802-69 

D140 Physic and its phases. London 1857. 8° 

D141 — 2d ed. 1858. 8° 


D142 Dictionaire des sciences m6dicales. Biographie 
m^dicale, ed. (A. J. L. Jourdan) Paris 1820-25. 7 v. 8* 


D143 Dictionary of national biography. New York 
1908-12. 24 v. 8* 

D144 A dictionary of the printers and booksellers in 
England, Scotland and Ireland, 1557-1775. London 
1907-32. 4 v. 4° 


D145 Recueil complet de l’osteologie. Lyons 1751. 16° 

DIDIER Franklin James 1794-1840 
D146 Letters from Paris and other cities of France, 
Holland &c. New York 1821. 8° 

DIDOT Ambroise Firmin 1790-1876 
D147 Catalogue des livres pr£cieux de la biblioth^que de 
Didot. Paris 1878-84. 6 v. in 2. 8* 

DIEHL Robert 1891- 

D148 Erhard Ratdolt, ein Meisterdrucker. Vienna 

1933. 8° 

DIEMERBROECK Timannus van See D153; D154 

DIEMERBROECK Ysbrand van 1609-74 
D149 Anatome corporis humani. Lyons 1679. 4° BNed 
D150 — ed. novissima. Geneva 1679. 4° 2 copies. SG 
D151 The anatomy of human bodies, tr. W. Salmon. 

London 1689. fol. SG 
D152 — 1694. fol. SG 

D153 Opera omnia, comp. T. van Diemerbroeck. 
Utrecht 1685. fol. SG 

D154 — Padua 1688. 2 v.4* BNed 
DIEPGEN Paul 1878- 

D155 Die Frauenheilkunde der alten Welt. Munich 
1937. 8* 

See also A277 


D156 Dies irae in 13 original versions [Thomas of 
Celano, supposed author] ed. A. Coles. New York 
1859. 8* 

DIESTEL-LAMMER Waldemar 1873- 
D157 Schusswundenbehandlung nach Heinrich von 
Mondeville. Berlin (1896) 8 # With P14 

DIETERICHS Johann Georg Nicolaus 1681-1737 
D158 Genaue Untersuchung der Seuche. Regensburg 
1714. 8* SG With C261 

DIETRICHSTEIN Fiirsten von. Bibliothek See 
Furstlich Dietrichstein’sche Fideicommiss-Bib- 
liothek Nikolsburg 

DIEZ Juan 

D159 The Sumario compendioso, tr. D. E. Smith. Bos¬ 
ton 1921. 8* 

DIGBY Sir Kenelm 1603-65 

D160 Choice and experimented receipts in physick and 
chirurgery, tr. G. Hartman. London 1668. 8° BO 2464 
D161 Discours touchant la poudre de sympathie. Paris 
1658. 8° BO 2453 

D162 A discourse concerning the vegetation of plants. 

London 1661. 12° 2 copies. BO 2462 
D163 A late discourse touching the cure of wounds by 
the powder of sympathy, tr. R. White, 2d ed. London 

1658. 12° GHL 

D164 Observations upon Religio medici, 3d ed. London 

1659. 8* SG With B777 

1)165 Of bodies, and of mans soul. Of the powder of 
sympathy and Of the vegetation of plants. London 
1669. 4* SG 

D166 Private memoirs. London 1827. 8° 

D167 Two treatises: in the one of which, the nature of 
bodies; in the other, the nature of mans soule is looked 
into. London 1645. 4° BO 2461 
D168 — 1665. 4* 

See also B778; B782; F374 

DIGGES Leonard d. 1571? 

D169 A geometrical practise named pantometria, ed. 
T. Digges. London H. Bynneman 1571. 4* STC 6858 

D170 — London A. Jeffes 1591. fol. STC 6859 

DIGGES Thomas d. 1595 See D169; D170; J95 

DIMSDALE Thomas 1712-1800 
D171 The present method of inoculating for the small¬ 
pox, 3d ed. London 1767. 8° 2 copies. SG 
D172 — 7th ed. 1779. 8° SG 

D173 Tracts on inoculation. London 1781. 8’ BO 2467 


D174 Dinner to Dr. William Osier May 2, 1905 [Phila¬ 
delphia 1907] 8* 

[ 62 ] 

D175 -D215 


DIONIS Pierre d. 1718 

0175 Anatomia corporis humani. Geneva 1696. 8° BO 

0176 A course of chirurgical operations, 2d ed. London 
1733. 8* UC 


0177 De facile parabilibus medicamentis, tr. J. A. 
Saracenus [Frankfort] A. Wechel heirs 1598. fol. Greek 
& Latin. SG With 0183 

0178 De medicinali materia, tr. J. Ruel, ed. W. H. Ryff. 
Scholia nova, J. Lonitzer. Frankfort C. Egenolff (1543) 

0179 — Lyons B. Amoullet 1552. 8° HU 

0180 I discorsi ne i sei libri della materia medicinale, 
ed. P. A. Mattioli. Venice V. Valgrisi 1555. fol. Pritzel 

0181 The Greek herbal, tr. J. Goodyer, ed. R. W. T. 
Gunther. Oxford 1934. 8* 

D182 Historia plantarum, ed. P. A. Mattioli. Lyons G. 
Cotier 1561. 12* Pritzel 5994 

0183 Opera quae extant omnia, tr. & ann. J. A. Sara¬ 
cenus. Frankfort A. Wechel heirs 1598. fol. Greek & 
Latin. SG 

0184 Les six livres de la matiere medicinale. Lyons 
B. Amoullet 1553. fol. BMC 

DIRAC Paul Adrien Maurice 1902- 

0185 [Miscellaneous papers 1930-37] 8* 

DI SANTA SOFIA Marsilio See Marsilio di Santa 

DISDIER Francois Michel 1708-81 

0186 Exposition exacte ou tableaux anatomiques. Paris 
1758. fol. F VI. O. 19 

0187 —1784. fol. 

0188 — n.d. fol. 

DISNEY Dorothy Cameron 

0189 Strawstack. New York (°1939) 8" 


0190 The dispensary transvers’d or the consult of phy¬ 
sicians. London 1701. 8° BMC 


0191 Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum Austriaco-Vien- 
nense. Vienna 1744. fol. SG 


0192 Distinct notions of the plague, by the Explainer. 
London 1722. 8° SG With M250 


0193 Distinguished men of modern times. New York 
1862. 2 v. 12* 

DITTRICK Howard 1877- comp. 

0194 Pioneer medicine in the Western reserve. Cleve¬ 
land 1932. 8° 

DIVERSO Pietro Salio See Salius Diversus P. 

DOBELL Clifford 1886- 

D195 Antony van Leeuwenhoek and his “Little ani¬ 
mals.” New York 1932. 8’ 2 copies 

DOBSON Matthew d. 1784 

0196 A medical commentary on fixed air. Chester 1779. 
8° BMC 

DOCK George 1860- 

0197 The “Primitive physic’' of Rev. John Wesley. 
Chicago °1915. 8* 

0198 The works of Edward Jenner. Repr. N.Y. med. J. 
1902, 76: 925-78 


0199 The doctor dissected or Willy Cadogan in the 
kitchen, by a Lady. London 1771. 4* Ascribed to Mrs. 
Ireland. LC 

0200 Doctor Thomson vindicated or cursory reflections 
on the case of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Winnington. Lon¬ 
don 1746. 8° SG With T78 

DOD Peirce 1683-1754 

0201 Several cases in physick, together with small-pox 
cases. London 1746. 8° SG 

DODD Joseph Arthur 

0202 A historical guide to Ewelme church, 2d ed. Bath 
1916. 8° 

DODGSON Campbell 1867- See J83 
DODOENS Rembert 1517-85 

0203 De frugum historia. Epistolae duae. Antwerp J. 
vander Loe 1552. 8° JC 

0204 De stirpium historia. Antwerp J. vander Loe 
1553. 8* 

0205 Histoire des plantes, tr. C. de L’^cluse. Antwerp 
J. vander Loe 1557. fol. 

0206 Medicinalium observationum exempla rara. Co¬ 
logne M. Cholinus 1581. 8° SG 
0207 A niewe herball, tr. H. Lyte. London G. Dewes 
1578. fol. STC 6984 

0208 Purgantium aliarumque eo faciendum libri IIII* 
Antwerp C. Plantin 1574. 8° SG 
Biography See A329; M278 

DOE Janet 1895- 

0209 A bibliography of the works of Ambroise Par6. 
Chicago 1937. 8° 

0210 Two early Dutch editions of Ambroise Par6. 
Amer. J. Surg. 1935, n.s. 27: 178-82 

DOEVEREN Wouter van 1730-83 
0211 Observations physico-m£dicales sur les vers. 
Lyons 1764. 12° SG 

DOHMEYER Wilhelm Friedrich See Domeier 
W. F. 

DOLAEUS Johann 1651-1707 

0212 Systema medicinale, a compleat system of phys¬ 
ick, tr. W. Salmon. London 1686. 8* BMC 

DOLCE Lodovico 1508-68 

0213 Giornale delle historic del mondo, ed. G. Rinaldi. 
Venice 1572. 8° BN 

DOLET fitienne 1508-46 

0214 Carminum libri quatuor. Lyons [S. Gryphe] 1538. 
4* BMC 

D215 Orationes duae in Tholosam [Lyons S. Gryphe 
1534] 8° BMC 
Biography See C233 

[ 63 ] 



DOLLEY Charles Sumner 1856- See C300 
DOLLO Louis See T204 
DOMEIER Wilhelm Friedrich See H304 

D216 The domestic physician, by a physician of Maine. 
Wiscasset 1832. 8“ 

DOMINIS Marco Antonio de abp. 1566-1624 
D217 De radiis visus et lucis. Venice T. Baglioni 1611. 
4° BMC With E103 

DONALDSON Henry Herbert 1857-1938 
D218 A study of the brains of three scholars [Osier, etc.] 
M. M. Canavan jt.auth. Repr. J. comp. Neurol. 1928, 
46: 1-95 

DONATO Antonio ab Altomari See Altomari D. A. 
DONATO d' Eremita 

D219 Dell’elixir vitae. Naples S. Roncaglioli 1624. fol. 


D220 De octo partibus orationis methodus, ed. L. Cul- 
mann. Ingolstadt A. Weissenhorn 1541. 8° With S9 

DONDERS Frans Comelis 1818-89 
D221 On the anomalies of accommodation and refrac¬ 
tion of the eye, tr. W. D. Moore. London 1864. 8° 

DONKIN Sir Horatio Bryan 1845-1927 
D222 On inheritance of mental characters. The Har- 
veian oration, 1910. London 1910. 8° 

DONLEY John Edward 1880- 

D223 John James Wepfer, a Renaissance student of 
apoplexy. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1909, 20: 1-9 
D224 John Riolan, the son, conservative. Repr. N.Y. 
med. J. 1907, 86: 719-22 

DONNE John 1573-1631 

D225 Letter to Sir Nicholas Carey 1625, printed from 
MS (Cambridge Mass. 1930) 4° 

DONNER Heinrich Hoffman- See Hoffmann-Don- 
ner H. 

DONOGHUE Francis Dennis 1871— 

D226 Bernardo Ramazzini 1633-1714. Repr. New Engl. 
J. Med. 1932, 207: 695-700 

DONZELLINI Girolamo d. 1588 See M474 
DOPPLER Christian 1803-53 

D227 Ueber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne [Prague 
1842] 4° 

DORLIX See P263 

DORN Gerhard 16th cent. See P43 

DORSEY John Syng 1783-1818 

D228 Elements of surgery. Philadelphia 1813. 2 v. 8° 

DORVEAUX Paul 1851-1938 See N92; P309 
DOUBLE Anatole Felix le See Le Double A. F. 

DOUGLAS Charles Edward 1855— 

D229 Two medical humorists. Repr. Edinb. med. J. 
1920, n.s. 25: 209-27 

DOUGLAS James 1675-1742 

D230 Bibliographiae anatomicae specimen, ed. 2. Ley¬ 
den 1734. 8° BO 7012 

D231 Descriptio comparata musculorum corporis hu- 
mani. Historia musculorum feminae singularium. Ley¬ 
den 1729. 8° SG 

D232 A description of the peritonaeum. London 1730. 
4’ BO 2493 

D233 Nine anatomical figures. London 1748. fol. photo¬ 

DOUGLAS James 1753-1819 

D234 A dissertation on the antiquity of the earth. Lon¬ 
don 1785. 8° LC 

DOUGLAS John d. 1743 

D235 Animadversions on a late pompous book, intituled 
Osteographia. London 1735. 8° SG 

DOUGLASS William 1691 ?-1752 
D236 A summary, historical and political of the British 
settlements in North-America, v. 1. Boston 1749. 8° SG 
Biography See JV82 

DOVE Jonathan 

D237 Speculum anni or an almanack 1678, 1688, 1708. 
Cambridge 1678-1708. 3 v. 8° 

DOVER Thomas 1660-1742 

D238 The ancient physician’s legacy to his country, 2d 
ed. London 1732. 8* 

DOWNMAN Hugh 1740-1809 

D239 Infancy, a didactic poem, 6th ed. Exeter 1803. 8* 

DOYLE Sir Arthur Conan 1859-1930 
D240 The history of spiritualism. New York (°1926) 
2 v. 8° 

D241 Round the red lamp. New York 1923. 8° 

D242 Uncle Bernac. London 1897. 8° 

D243 Waterloo. London °1907. 8° 

Biography See E92 

DRAKE Charles Daniel 1811-92 See D255 
DRAKE Daniel 1785-1852 

D244 Analytical report of a series of experiments in 
mesmeric somniloquism. Louisville 1844. 8° 

D245 An anniversary discourse on the state and pros¬ 
pects of the Western museum society. Cincinnati 1820. 
12 * 

D246 A discourse on intemperance. Cincinnati 1828. 8° 
D247 A discourse on the philosophy of discipline. Cin¬ 
cinnati 1834. 8° 

D248 Discourses delivered by appointment before the 
Cincinnati medical library association. Cincinnati 
1852. 8° 

D249 An inaugural discourse on medical education. 
Cincinnati 1820. 12" 

D250 An introductory lecture at the opening of the thir¬ 
tieth session of the Medical college of Ohio. Cincinnati 
1849. 8° 

D251 An introductory lecture on the necessity and value 
of professional industry, 1823. Chicago 1937. 8° 2 copies 
D252 Natural and statistical view or picture of Cincin¬ 
nati. Cincinnati 1815. 8’ 

D253 The northern lakes a summer residence for in¬ 
valids of the South. Louisville 1842. 8° 

D254 The people’s doctors. Cincinnati 1830. 8° 

[ 64 ] 

D255 - D294 


D255 Pioneer life in Kentucky, ed. C. D. Drake. Cin¬ 
cinnati 1870. 8° 

D256 Practical essays on medical education. Cincinnati 
1832. 8° 

D257 Remarks on the importance of promoting literary 
and social concert, in the valley of the Mississippi 
(Louisville) 1833. 8° 

D258 A systematic treatise on the principal diseases of 
the interior valley of North America. Cincinnati 
1850. 8° 

D259 — 2d ser. ed. S. H. Smith, F. G. Smith. Philadel¬ 
phia 1854. 8° 

See also D67; W141 
Biography See B187; M122 
DRAKE James 1667-1707 See L113 

DRAKE Joseph Rodman 1795-1820 
D260 The culprit fay. New York 1870. 4° 

D261 The life and works, ed. F. L. Pleadwell. Boston 
1935. 8* 

Biography See R192 


D262 Linn6s disputationer. Nassjo 1939. 8* 

DRAN Henri Franf ois le See Le Dran H. F. 

DRELINCOURT Charles 1633-97 

D263 De partu octimestri vivaci, diatriba. Lacks t.-p.; 

ed. not identified, probably 4th, Leyden, 1680. 12° 
D264 Praeludium anatomicum, 3. ed. Leyden 1680. 12* 
SG With D263 

DRESSER Matthaeus 1536-1607 
D265 De parti bus corporis humani et de anima. Frank¬ 
fort N. Basse 1584. 8* 

D266 — Leipzig (J. Steinman) 1586. 8* 

DREYER John Louis Emil 1852-1926 
D267 Tycho Brahe. Edinburgh 1890. 8° 

DRINKER Cecil Kent 1887- 

D268 Vesalius. Typewritten lecture, Boston 1926. 4* 

DRINKWATER John 1882-1937 
D269 An unknown poet [John Collop] Yale Rev. 1921, 
10 , n.s.: 323-37 

DROZ Eugenie 1893- See K121; K122 
DRUMMOND Hamilton 1882-1925 See MS15 
DRUMMOND Jonas See A261 

DRUMMOND William Hamilton 1778-1865 
D270 The life of Michael Servetus. London 1848. 8* 

DRUMMOND William Henry 1854-1907 
D271 The habitant and other French-Canadian poems, 
12th thousand. New York 1899. 8* 

D272 Johnnie Courteau and other poems, 10th thou¬ 
sand. New York 1901. 8° 

DRURY Samuel Smith 1878- 

D273 Draw near with faith. New York 1936. 8* 

DRYANDER Johann 1500-60 

D274 Anatomia capitis humani. Marburg E. Hirtzhorn 

1536. 4° photostat. SG 

D275 Anatomiae pars prior. Marburg E. Hirtzhorn 

1537. 4° 2d copy photostat. SG 

D276 Artzenei Spiegel. Frankfort C. EgenolfF (1547) fol. 
SG With F339 

D277 — Frankfort G. EgenolfF heirs (1557) fol. 2d copy 
incomplete. SG 

D278 Der gantzen Artzenei Inhalt. Frankfort C. Ege¬ 
nolfF (1542) fol. part photostat. SG 
D279 Von rechtem christlichen Brauch des Artzes. 
Frankfort C. Jacob (1543) 8° SG 
See also M452 
Biography See T186 

DRYANDER Jonas 1748-1810 See B64 
DRYDEN John 1631-1700 

D280 Religio laici or a layman’s faith. London 1683. 4* 

DU BARTAS Guillaume de Salluste seigneur 1544- 

D281 His divine weekes and workes, tr. J. Sylvester. 
London 1641. fol. BMC 

DU BOIS Eugene Floyd 1882- 

D282 Basal metabolism in health and disease. Philadel¬ 
phia 1924. 8" 

DUBOIS Francois See Boe F. de le 
DUBOIS Jacques 1478-1555 

D283 De mensibus mulierum, ed. A. Arnaud. Basel J. 

Derbilley 1556. 16° SG With H354 
D284 Livre de la g£n£ration de l’homme, tr. G. Chres- 
tien. Paris G. Morel 1559. 8° 2 copies. SG 
D285 Methodus sex librorum Galeni. Venice V. Valgrisi 
1554. GHL 

D286 Morborum internorum prope omnium curatio. 

Lyons J. de Tournes & G. Gazeau 1554. 16* SG 
D287 Vaesani cuiusdam calumniarum in Hippocratis 
Galenique rem anatomicam depulsio. Paris C. Barb6 
1551. fol. 

D288 — tr. A. Arnaud. Basel J. Derbilley 1556. 16* 

See also G32; G33; G35; G36; G41; G45; G46; H352-55 
Biography See B47 

DUBOIS Mrs. Theodora (McCormick) 1890- 
D289 Armed with a new terror. Boston 1936. 8’ 

DU BOIS-REYMOND Emil Heinrich 1818-96 
D290 Jugendbriefe an Eduard Hallmann, ed. E. Du 
Bois-Reymond. Berlin 1918. 8* 

D291 Ober die Grenzen des Naturerkennens. Leipzig 
1872. 8° 

DU BOIS-REYMOND Estelle See D290 

DU BOIS-REYMOND Rene 1863- See D40 

D292 Les m6decins dans l’ouest de la France aux XI. et 
XII. si^cles. Paris 1914. 8* 

DUCACHET Henry William 1796-1865 
D293 A biographical memoir of Samuel Bard. Philadel¬ 
phia 1821. 8* 

DUCHENNE Guillaume Benjamin Amand 1806-75 
D294 De la paralysie musculaire. Paris 1868. 8* 

DUCHESNE Joseph 1544P-1609 See F151; P52 


D295 - D335 

DU CHOUL Jean See G211 

DUCKWORTH Sir Dyce bart. 1840-1928 
D295 The influence of character and right judgment in 
medicine. The Harveian oration, 1898. London 1898. 4° 

DUCLO Gaston b. ca. 1530 

D296 Philosophia chymica tribus tractatibus compre- 
hensa. Lyons 1612. 8° With B693 

DUCLOS Samuel Cottereau <7.1715 
D297 Dissertation sur les principes des mixtes naturels. 
Amsterdam 1680. 12° BMC 

DU COUDRAY Angelique Marguerite Le Boursier 

See Le Boursier Du Coudray A. M. 

DU DEFFAND DE LA LANDE Marie Anne (de Vichy- 
Chamrond) marquise 1697-1780 
D298 Letters to and from Madame du Deffand and 
Julie de Lespinasse, ed. W. H. Smith. New Haven 
1938. 8° 

DURER Albrecht 1471-1528 

D299 De symmetria partium humanorum corporum. 

Paris C. Perier 1557. fol. GHL 
D300 Vier Bucher von menschlicher Proportion [Nurem¬ 
berg H. Formschneider] 1528. fol. BMC 

DUFF Edward Gordon 1863-1924 
D301 A century of the English book trade. London 
1905. 4° 

D302 The printers, stationers and bookbinders of West¬ 
minster and London 1476-1535. Cambridge 1906. 8° 

DUFF-GORDON Lucie (Austin) lady 1821-69 See 

DUFFOUR Joseph 1761-1820 See T106 

DUHAMEL Georges 1884— 

D303 Vie des martyrs. Paris 1922. 8* 

DUHAMEL Jean Baptiste 1624-1706 

D304 De corporum affectionibus. Paris 1670. 12° BN 

DUKES Cuthbert Esquire 1890- 

D305 Lord Lister 1827-1912. London (1924) 8° 

DU LAURENS Andre 1558-1609 
D306 L’anatomie universelle rev. M. H****. Paris 1741. 
fol. BN 

D307 — 1781. fol. 

D308 De mirabili strumas sanandi vi. Paris M. Orry 
1609. 8° GHL 

D309 Discours de la conservation de la veue. Paris J. 

Mettayer 1597. 12° Lacks t.-p. SG 
D310 A discourse of the preservation of the sight, tr. 
R. Surphlet. London R. Jackson 1599. 4° 2 copies. 
STC 7304 

D311 Historia anatomica humani corporis. Frankfort 
M. Becker (1600) fol. SG 
D312 — n.d. fol. 

D313 — Paris M. Orry 1600. fol. BO 3174 
D314 — Frankfort J. Rhodius 1602. 8° SG 
D315 —Venice J. A. & J. de Franceschi 1606. 8° SG 
D316 — Lyons J. Cardon 1623. 8° 

D317 Les oeuvres, tr. T. Gel6e. Paris P. Mettayer 1613. 

D318 —ed. G. Sauvageon. Paris J. Petit-pas 1639. fol. 

D319 —Paris 1646. fol. 

D320 Opera anatomica. Lyons J. B. Buysson 1593. 8“ 

D321 —ed. altera. Frankfort P. Fischer 1595. 8° 
Biography See T182 
DULCO Gaston See Duclo G. 

DUMAS Jean Baptiste Andre 1800-84 
D322 Legons sur la philosophic chimique, 2. 6d. A. Bi- 
neau. Paris 1878. 8° 

DUMERIL Andre Marie Constant 1774-1860 See 

C667; C668 

DUMESNIL Rene 1879- 

D323 Histoire illustr6e de la m6decine. Paris (°1935) 8* 

DUNANT Jean Henri 1828-1910 Biography See 

DUNCAN Adam Duncan viscount 1731-1804 Biog¬ 
raphy See C51 

DUNCAN Alexander 1832-1928 
D324 Memorials of the Faculty of physicians and sur¬ 
geons of Glasgow 1599-1850. Glasgow 1896. 8° 

DUNCAN Andrew 1744-1828 

D325 Medical cases, 2d ed. De laudibus Gulielmi Harvei 
oratio 1778. An account of Alex r . Monro. Edinburgh 
1781. 8° 

D326 Observations on the distinguishing symptoms of 
three different species of pulmonary consumption, 1st 
American ed. Philadelphia 1819. 8° 

D327 [Miscellaneous papers 1805-32] 8° 

DUNCAN Robert Adam See Camperdown R. A. D. 

DUNGLISON Robley 1798-1869 
D328 Address to the medical graduates of the Jefferson 
medical college. Philadelphia 1837. 8° 

D329 Human physiology. Philadelphia 1832. 2 v. 8° 
Lacks v. 2 

DUNKER Balthasar Anton 1746-1807 
D330 Zur Erinnerung. Bern 1907. 8° 

DUNLAP Orrin Elmer 1896- 

D331 Marconi, the man and his wireless. New York 
1937. 8° 

DUNLOP W. B. See B744 
DUNN George 1864-1912 

D332 Catalogue of his valuable and extensive library. 
[London 1913-17] 4 v. in 2. 8° 

D333 A list of the incunabula, ed. F. J. H. Jenkinson 
[Oxford] 1923. 4° 

DUNO Taddeo 1523-1613 

D334 Nova constitutio arris revellendi per venae sec- 
tionem (Zurich Froschauer 1560) 8° GHL 

DU NOUY Pierre Lecomte See Lecomte du Nouy 

DUNS John 1820-1909 

D335 Memoir of Sir James Y. Simpson. Edinburgh 
1873. 8° 


D336 - E24 


DU PRAT Abr. See B97 

DUPUYTREN Guillaume baron 1777-1835 
D336 Trait6 th£orique et pratique des blessures, ed. 
A. L., M. Paillard & E. Marx. Brussels 1835. 8° 

DURANTE Castore 1529-90 

D337 Hortulus sanitatis, tr. P. Uffenbach. Frankfort 
N. Hoffmann 1609. 4° SG 

D338 A treasure of health, tr. J. Chamberlayne. London 
1686. 12° SG 

DURHAM Richard bp. of See Aungerville R. 
DUTT Clemens Palme See S359 
DUVAL Jacques 

D339 Des hermaphrodits, accouchemens des femmes. 
Rouen D. Geuffroy 1612. 8° SG 

DUVAL Mathias Marie 1844-1907 
D340 Histoire de l’anatomie plastique, iL Cuyer jt.auth. 
Paris [1898] 8° 

See also L158 


DUVERNEY Joseph Guichard 1648-1730 See 
G167; G169 

DU VTVTER Daniel See P57 

DWIGHT Thomas 1843-1911 

D341 The anatomy of the head. Boston 1876. 8° 

DYCK Cornelius Van Alen van See Van Dyck C. 
Van A. 

DYKE Cornelius Gysbert 1900-43 See D65 


E., T. See B598 

E. P. L. See Leavy E. P. 

EBERHARD Johann Peter 1727-79 
El Gedanken vom Feuer. Halle 1750. 8° JC 

EBSTEIN Erich Hugo 1880- ed. 

E2 Arzte-Briefe aus vier Jahrhunderten. Berlin 1920. 8° 
2 copies 

ECCLESIASTES See Bible. 0. T. Ecclesiastes 
ECKER Alexander 1816-87 

E3 On the convolutions of the human brain, tr. J. C. 
Galton. London 1873. 8* 

ECKSTEIN Gustav 1890- 

E4 Canary; the history of a family. New York 1936. 8° 
E5 Hokusai; play. New York 1935. 8° 

E6 Noguchi. New York 1931. 8° 
fiCLUSE Charles de P See L’£cluse C. de 

ECONOMO Constantin Freiherr von 1876-1931 
E7 [Fifteen papers on encephalitis lethargica 1917-32] 8° 
See also E8 

ECONOMO Karoline Freifrau von 1892- 
E8 Baron Constantin von Economo, J. von Wagner- 
Jauregg jt.auth., tr. R. Spillman. Burlington Vt. 
1937. 8° 

EDDINGTON Sir Arthur Stanley 1882- 
E9 New pathways in science. Cambridge 1935. 8° 

EDDY George Simpson 

E10 Dr. Benjamin Franklin’s library. Worcester Mass. 
1925. 8° 


Ell The development of Greek anatomy. Repr. Bull. 
Hist. Med. 1935, 3: 235-48 

EDINBURGH. Theatre royal 

E12 Playbill for The miller’s maid Jan. 28,1848. broad¬ 
side. Sir J. Y. Simpson item 

EDISON Thomas Alva 1847-1931 
E13 On a magnetic bridge and on the pyromagnetic 
dynamo. Repr. Proc. Amer. Ass. Ado. Sci. 1887, 36: 

E14 On the use of the tasimeter. Repr. Proc. Amer. Ass. 
Ado. Sci. 1878, 27: 109-12 

EDISON ELECTRIC light company ltd. 

E15 The Edison-Hopkinson dynamo. London [1886?] 8° 

EDMONDS Cecil Kay See H271 
EDWARDES Edward Joshua 

E16 A concise history of small-pox and vaccination in 
Europe. London 1902. 8° 

EDWARDS Harry Stillwell 1855-1938 
E17 Eneas Africanus. Macon 1920. 12° 


E18 The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus, ed. J. H. 
Breasted. Chicago 1930. 2 v. 4° & fol. 


E19 Eenige philosophische en medicinale tractaatjes, tr. 
J. van de Velde. Amsterdam 1688. 8° A translation of 
Collectanea chymica, 1684, for which see Ferguson 
With S391 
See also C320 

EGENOLFF Christian 1502-55 Biography See 

EGIDIO da Roma 1247P-1316 

E20 De formatione humani corporis in utero matris 
(Venice J. Pentius de Leuca 1523) 8° SG 

EGIDIUS Corboliensis Petrus See Gilles de Corbeil 
EHRLICH Paul 1854-1915 

E21 Beitrage zur experimentellen Pathologie und 
Chemotherapie. Leipzig 1909. 8° 

E22 The experimental chemotherapy of spirilloses, 
S.Hata jt.auth., tr. A. Newbold, rev. R. W. Felkin* 
London 1911. 8* 

EICHMANN Johann See Dryander J. 
EIGINHARD See Einhard 

E23 Abt Maximilian Pagl von Lambach und sein Tage~ 
buch 1705-25. Salzburg 1920. 8° 

EINHARD 7 70 P-840 

E24 The history of the translation of the blessed martyrs 



E25 - E57 

EINHARD — continued 

of Christ, Marcellinus and Peter, tr. B. Wendell. Cam¬ 
bridge Mass. 1926. 8° 

EINSTEIN Albert 1879- 

E25 Relativity, tr. R. W. Lawson. London (1920) 8* 
E26 Sidelights on relativity, tr. G. B. Jeffery & W. Per- 
rett. London (1922) 8* 

E27 Sulla teoria speciale e generale della relativiti, tr. 
G. L. Calisse. Bologna (1921) 8° 

See also L354; L355 
Bibliography See W 102 
Biography See R91 

The Cushing Collection includes a large number of 
Einstein’s original papers not listed in this Catalogue. 
For holdings a checked copy of Weil’s Bibliography 
fV102 is available for loan. 

EIRENAEUS ORANDUS See Orandus Eirenaeus 

EISELSBERG Anton Freiherr von 1860-1939 
E28 Aerztliche Reiseeindrucke aus Nordamerika. Repr. 

Wien klin. Wschr. 1910, 23: 1038-42. In A16Sa 
E29 Lebensweg eines Chirurgen. Innsbruck (1938) 8* 
2 copies 

EISENHARDT Louise 1891- See R261 
ELDER William 1806-85 

E30 Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia 
1858. 8° 

ELEANOR of Castile queen consort of Edward I d. 
1290 Biography See G80 

ELFINGER Anton 1822-64 See H203 

E31 Elihu Thomson 80th birthday celebration (Cam¬ 
bridge Mass.) 1933. 8° 

ELIMITHAR Elluchasem See Elluchasem Elimi- 

ELIOT Charles William 1834-1926 

E32 Education for efficiency. Boston (°1909) 8* 

E33 The fruits of medical research with the aid of 
anaesthesia (Boston 1909) 8° 

E34 Some roads towards peace. Washington (°1913) 8* 
See also H124 

ELIOT George pseud, i.e. Marian Evans afterwards 
Cross 1819-80 

E35 The mill on the Floss. Edinburgh 1860. 3 v. 8’ 

ELIZABETH queen of England 1533-1603 See 

ELLENBOG Ulrich d. 1499 

E36 Von den gifftigen besen Tempffen und Reuchen, 
Augsburg 1524, ed. F. Koelsch & F. Zoepel. Munich 
1927. 8° facsim. 2d copy with T5 
E37 [Photostat copy of British Museum MS 27307. 
1470-86] fol. 

See also T5 

ELLIOTSON John 1791-1868 
E38 The Harveian oration, 1846. London 1846. 8° Latin 
& English 

ELLIOTT Sir John hart. 1736-86 
E39 An account of the nature of the principal mineral 
waters of Great Britain and Ireland. London 1781. 8* 

E40 The medical pocket-book, 3d ed. New York 1793. 
12 * 

See also F263 

ELLIS Alexander John 1814-90 See H234 

ELLIS Frederick Warren 1857- 
E41 Henry Pickering Bowditch and the development of 
the Harvard laboratory of physiology. Repr. New 
Engl. J. Med. 1938, 219: 819-28 

ELLIS George Edward 1814-94 
E42 Memoir of Jacob Bigelow. Cambridge Mass. 1880. 
8° 2 copies 

ELLIS Thomas T. 

E43 Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. New 
York 1863. 4* 


E44 Tacuini sanitatis de sex rebus non naturalibus. De 
rerum gradibus, J. Alkindus. Strasbourg J. Schott 1531. 
fol. SG 

fiLOY Nicolas Francois Joseph 1714-88 
E45 Dictionnaire historique de la m^decine. Mons 1778. 
4 v. 4° BO 6649 

ELSHOLTZ Johann Sigismund 1623-88 
E46 Anthropometria, ed. altera. Frankfort on the Oder 
1663. 8° LC With H244 

E47 Clysmatica nova, 1665, tr. E. Gladstone. Repr. 
Calif. West. Med. 1933, 38-39 

ELTON Charles Isaac 1839-1900 
E48 The great book-collectors, M. A. Elton jt.auth. 
London 1893. 8’ 

ELTON Mrs. Mary Augusta (Strachey) b. 1838. 

See E48 

EL WANG William Wilson See P1S1 

ELYOT Sir Thomas 1490.M546 
E49 The boke named the governour. London T. East 
1580. 8* BMC 

E50 The castell of helthe, 1534. 8* date in t.-p. border; 

no colophon; T. Cromwell dedication 
ESI The castel of helth, 1541 (London In aed. T. Ber- 
theleti n.d.) 4* 

E52 The castell of helth, 1541 (London T. Powell) [not 
before 1556] 8° 1534 in t.-p. border. BO 4773 
E53 — (London In the house late T. Berthelettes n.d.) 
8’ 1534 in t.-p. border 

E54 The castel of helthe, 1541. New York 1937. 8* 

E55 [Photostat copies of the title-pages of 10 editions of 
Castell of helth in British Museum] 

EMERSON Edward Waldo 1844-1930 
E56 The early years of the Saturday club. Boston 
1918. 8* 

E57 Essays, addresses and poems [Cambridge Mass.] 
1930. 8° 

[ 68 ] 

E58 - E96 


EMERSON Edwin 1869- 

E58 Incunabulum incunabulorum. New York (°1928) 8* 
With U17 

EMERSON Haven 1874- 

E59 Preparedness for health [Boston 1916] 8° 

EMGE Lawrence B. 

E60 The Johns Hopkins hospital. Baltimore 1932. 8° 

EM MART Emily Walcott 1898- 
E61 Concerning the Badianus manuscript. Washington 
1935. 8* 

See also C512 

EMMONS Arthur Brewster 1875- ed. 

E62 The profession of medicine. Cambridge Mass. 
[1915?] 8° 

ENCHIRIDION medicum See V6 

E63 Encyclopaedia britannica, 14th ed. London (°1937) 
24 v. 8° 


E64 Encyclopedic ou Dictionnaire raisonn6 des sciences, 
des arts et des metiers. Recueil de planches. Paris 
1762-72. 11 v. fol. i/. 1 only. LC 
E65 — nouv. ed. Geneva 1778-79. 3 v. 4 ° v. 2 only. LC 

ENDECOTT John 1588 P-1665 Biography See 

ENDICOTT William Crowninshield 1860-1936 
E66 John Endecott and John Winthrop. Boston 1930. 8° 

ENGEL Johann 1463-1512 

E67 Astrolabium planum in tabulis ascendens (Venice 
L. A. Giunta 1502) 4° 

ENGELMANN Wilhelm 1808-78 
E68 Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica. Supplement. Leip¬ 
zig 1868. 8° 


E69 The English chapman’s and traveller’s almanack 
for 1708. London 1707. 8° 

ENT Sir George 1604^89 

E70 Animadversiones in Malachiae Thrustoni diatribam 
de respirationis usu primario. London 1685. 8° BMC 
E71 Apologia pro circulatione sanguinis. London 1641. 
8° BO 731 

EOBANUS Hessus Helius See Hessus Helius Eo- 
banus 1488-1540 
EPHRAIM Jerome William 1901- 
E72 Take care of yourself. New York 1937. 8° 


E73 An epistle to *** *** [Cromwell Mortimer] Doctor 
of physick. London 1744. fol. BO 4775 
E74 An epistle to Sir Samuel Garth occasion’d by the 
landing of the pretender. London 1716. fol. 2 copies. 


E75 Epistolae obscurorum virorum: Latin text with 
English tr. F. G. Stokes (2d impr.) London 1925. 8° 


E76 Epistolarum ab eruditis viris ad Alb. Hallerum 
scriptarum pars I. Berne 1773-75. 6 v. 8° SG 

EPPINGER Hans 1846-1916 

£77 Innere Sekretion und Nervensystem. Berlin 1913. 8* 
E78 Vagotonia, L. Hess jt.auth., tr. W. M. Kraus & 
S. E. Jelliffe. New York 1915. 8° 

EPPS John 1805-69 

E79 Horae phrenologicae, being three phrenological es¬ 
says, ed. J. Pierpont. Boston 1835. 8° 

E80 The life of John Walker, 2d ed. London 1832. 8‘ 

ERASMUS Desiderius d. 1536 
ESI £loge de la folie. Paris (1877) 8* 

E82 Encomium matrimonii (Basel J. Froben 1518) 4° 
BO 4780 

E83 Encomium moriae i.e. Stultitiae laus, praise of 
folly, Basel 1515 ed. H. A. Schmid, tr. H. H. Tanzer. 
Basel 1931. 2 v. 4° facsim. 

E84 Epistolae. Basel (B. Westheimer) 1541. 8° 

E85 In evangelium lucae paraphrasis [Basel] Froben 
1548. 8° 

E86 A playne and godly exposy tion or declaration of the 
commune crede (London 1735) 8° Repr. 1533 ed. 

E87 The praise of folly, tr. J. Wilson, ed. H. M. A. Allen. 
Oxford 1913. 8° 

See also P323 

Biography See A142; F345; S80 

ERCKER Lazarus d. 1593 

E88 Aula subterranea domina dominantium das ist un- 
tererdischeHofhaltung, 5. Aufl. J. E. C. Frankfort 1736. 
fol. BMC 

ERDHEIM Jakob 1874-1937 

E89 Die Lebensvorgange im normalen Knorpel und 
seine Wucherung bei Akromegalie. Berlin 1931. 8° 

EREMITA Donato d* See Donato d'Eremita 

ERICHSEN Sir John Eric hart. 1818-96 
E90 On concussion of the spine, new ed. New York 
1886. 8° 

E91 The science and art of surgery, ed. J. H. Brinton. 
Philadelphia 1854. 8° 

ERNST Bernard Morris Lee 1879- 
E92 Houdini and Conan Doyle, H. Carrington jt.auth. 
London (1933) 8° 

ERNST Harold Clarence 1856-1922 
E93 Animal experimentation. Boston 1902. 8* 

ESCHEVANNES Carlos comte d’ 1886- 

E94 La vie d’Ambroise Par6, 7. 6d. Paris 1930. 8° 

E95 Essays on the history of medicine, presented to 
Karl Sudhoff, ed. C. Singer & H. E. Sigerist. London 
1924. 8° 

ESSEX Henry de 12th cent. Biography See H535 

ESSEX SOUTHERN district medical society See 
Massachusetts Medical society. Essex southern 
district medical society 

ESTE Beatrice d’ See Beatrice d’Este 

E96 Florilegio medicinal de todas las enfermedades. 
Amsterdam [1719?] 4° 

[ 69 ] 


E97 - F5 

ESTEYNEFFER J. — continued 
E97 —Madrid (1729) 4° 

ESTIENNE Charles 1504-64 

E98 De dissectione partium corporis humani. Paris S. de 
Colines 1545. fol. BO 2541 

E99 La dissection des parties du corps humain. Paris 
S. de Colines 1546. fol. SG 
Biography See R260; R261 

ESTIENNE Henri 1528-98 

E100 Dictionarium medicum [Geneva] H. Estienne 
1564. 8° BO 7028 
See also M257 

STAPLES Jacques Le Fevre d* See Le Fevre J. 

E101 Vivisection investigated and vindicated. Edin¬ 
burgh 1842. 8° 

ETIENNE Charles See Estienne C. 

ETIENNE Henri See Estienne H. 


E102 The elements of geometrie, tr. H. Billingsley. Lon¬ 
don J. Day (1570) fol. STC 10560 
E103 La prospettiva, tr. I. Danti. La prospettiva, 
Heliodorus of Larissa. Florence Giunta 1573. 4° LC 
See also T59 

EULER Johann Albrecht 1734-1800 
E104 Meditationes de perturbatione motus cometarum. 
St. Petersburg 1762. 4° Pogg 

EULER Leonhard 1707-83 

E105 Letters on different subjects in physics and philos¬ 
ophy, tr. H. Hunter, 2d ed. London 1802. 2 v. 8* 

E106 Novae tabulae lunares. St. Petersburg 1772. 8* LC 
E107 Opusculorum tomus III. Berlin 1751. 4° BR 
E108 Recherches et calculs, A. J. Lexell jt.auth. St. 
Petersburg 1770. 4° BMC 

E109 Theoria motuum lunae. St. Petersburg 1772. 4* 

E110 Theoria motuum planetarum et cometarum. Ber¬ 
lin (1744) 4° LC 

EUONYMUS Philiatrus pseud. See Gesner C. 

EUSTACCHIO Bartolomeo 1520-74 
Elll Opuscula anatomica. Venice V. Lucchino 1563. 4* 

E112 Romanae archetypae tabulae anatomicae, ed. 

A. Maximinus. Rome 1783. fol. BO 2545 
E113 Tabulae anatomicae, ed. G. M. Lancisi. Rome 
1714. fol. BO 2543 

E114 —Amsterdam 1722. fol. SG With V98 

EUTOCIUS of Ascalon See A229; A231 

EUTRAPELOPHILE pseud. See Bruzen de la 
Martiniere A. A. 

EVANS Herbert McLean 1882- 
E115 The growth and gonad-stimulating hormones of 
the anterior hypophysis. Berkeley 1933. 8* 

E116 A library of source materials. Berkeley 1930. 8° 
See also L346 

EVANS Joan 1893- 

E117 Life in mediaeval France [London] 1925. 8’ 

EVANS Marian See Eliot George pseud. 

EVELYN John 1620-1706 
E118 Fumifugium. Oxford 1930. 8° 

El 19 A philosophical discourse of earth. London 1676. 
8 ° BMC 

Bibliography See K71 
Biography See K72 

EVERAERT Martyn See R304 

EVEREST Charles William 1814-77 ed. 

E120 The poets of Connecticut, 6th ed. New York 
1864. 8* 

EWELL James 1773-1832 

E121 The medical companion, 3d ed. Philadelphia 
1817. 8° 

EYEREL Joseph 1745-1821 

E122 Praktische Beytrage zur Geschichte der Kinder- 
pocken und Kuhpocken. Vienna 1800. 8° BMC 

EYRE Leonard Bucknall See N113 

EYRE Richard 

El23 A sermon preached on the anniversary meeting, of 
the governors of the small-pox hospitals. London [1765] 
4 9 LC 


F., J. See French J. 

F., P. See Fletcher P. 

FABER Jacobus See Le Fevre J. 

FABER Johannes 1570-1640 

FI Praescriptiones Lynceae accademiae. In V31 

FABER Karl & See Karl & Faber booksellers 

FABER Knud Helge 1862- 

F2 Nosography in modern internal medicine. New York 

1923. 8* 

FABRE Antoine Francois Hippolyte 1797-1854? 

F3 N6m6sis m6dicale illustr6e; recueil de satires. Brus¬ 
sels 1841. 8° 

FABRE Jean Henri Casimir 1823-1915 

F4 Fabre’s book of insects, tr. A. L. Teixeira de Mattos, 
ed. M. M. Stawell. New York (1936) 8* 2 copies 
Biography See L133 

FABRICIUS Hieronymus ab Aquapendente 1533?- 

F5 De formato foetu. Venice F. Bolzetta 1600 (1604) fol. 
SG; Adelmann 2 

[ 70 ] 

F6 - F47 


F6 De venarum ostiolis, 1603, ed. K. J. Franklin. 

Springfield Ill. 1933. 8° facsim. 

F7 De visione, voce, auditu. Venice F. Bolzetta 1600. 
fol. SG 

F8 Oeuvres chirurgicales, derni^re 6d. Lyons 1666. 8° 

F9 Opera chirurgica. Padua 1647. 2 v. in 1. fol. SG 
F10 — 25. ed. Padua 1666. fol. 

Fll Tractatus quatuor. Frankfort J. de Zetter 1624. fol. 

FABRY VON HILDEN Wilhelm 1560-1634 
F12 Cista militaris or a military chest. London 1674. 8’ 

F13 Lithotomia vesicae, that is, an accurate description 
of the stone in the bladder, tr. N. C. London J. Norton 
1640. 8° SG 

F14 Selectae observationes chirurgicae [Geneva] G. Car- 
tier 1598. 8° 

FI5 Von der Fiirtrefflichkeit und Nutz der Anatomy, 
2. Aufl., F. de Quervain, H. Bloesch, T. de Quervain. 
Leipzig 1936. 8° 

Biography See $9 


F16 Facts, proving water to be the only beverage fitted 
to give health and strength to man. London [early 19th 
cent.] 8° With K78 

FAHIE John Joseph 1846-1934 
F17 Memorials of Galileo Galilei 1564-1642. London 
1929. 4° 

FAHRAEUS Robin 1888- 

F18 Blodet i lakekonstens historia. Stockholm (1924) 8° 

FAHRENHEIT Daniel Gabriel 1686-1736 Biogra¬ 
phy See C295 

FAIRFAX family See A225 

F19 Facts and observations on liver complaints, 1st 
American ed. Philadelphia 1820. 8° 

FALCON Jean See G487 

FALCONET Camille 1671-1762 
F20 Catalogue de la biblioth^que de Falconet. Paris 
1763. 2 v. 8 8 SG 

FALLOPPIO Gabriele 1523-62 
F21 De compositione medicamentorum. Venice P. & 
A. Megietti 1570. 8° SG With F26 
F22 De medicatis aquis atque de fossilibus. Venice 
G. Ziletti 1564. 4 - BO 2563 With L170 
F23 De morbo gallico, 2. ed. Venice F. Laurentino 1565. 
8° GHL 

F24 Lectiones de partibus similaribus humani corporis, 
ed. V. Coiter. Diversorum animalium sceletorum expli- 
cationes, V. Coiter. Nuremberg D. Gerlach 1575. fol. 
BMC With C304 

F25 Li belli duo: alter de ulceribus, alter de tumoribus. 

Venice D. Bertelli 1563. 4° SG With L170 
F26 — 2. ed. 1566. 4° GHL 

F27 Observationes anatomicae. Venice M. A. Ulmus 
1561. 8° BO 593 

F28 Opuscula. Tractatus de fucis, G. Rondelet. Ed. G. 
Bonacci. Padua L. Bertelli 1566. BO 2562 With L170 
See also VI14; V115 

FALTA Wilhelm 1875- 

F29 Die Erkrankungen der Blutdriisen. Berlin 1913. 8° 
F30 The ductless glandular diseases, tr. M. K. Meyers. 
Philadelphia ( c 1915) 8° 

FAMULUS pseud. See Blodgett A. N. 

FANNIUS Rhemnius See Palaemon Q. R. F. 
FANOIS Guido See S401 

FANTONI Giovanni 1675-1758 
F31 Opuscula medica et physiologica. Geneva 1738. 4° 

FANTUZZI Giovanni d. 1646 

F32 Memorie della vita di Ulisse Aldrovandi. Bologna 
1774. 8° SG 

FANZAGO Francesco Luigi 1770-1832 
F33 Memoria storica e ragionata sopra l’innesto del 
vajuolo vaccino. Padua [1801] 8° 

F34 Trattati teorico-pratici e medicina legale. Padua 
1808. fol. 

FARADAY Michael 1791-1867 

F35 Chemical manipulation. London 1827. 8“ 

F36 A course of six lectures on the chemical history of a 
candle, ed. W. Crookes. London 1861. 12° 2 copies 
F37 —A lecture on platinum, ed. W. Crookes. New 
York 1861. 12* 

F38 A course of six lectures on the various forces of 
matter, 2d ed. W. Crookes. London 1860. 12* 

F39 Experimental researches in chemistry and physics. 
London 1859. 8“ 

F40 Experimental researches in electricity. London 
1839. 8* 

F41 Manipulations chimiques, tr. R. B. Maiseau, ed. 

A. A. B. Bussy. Paris 1827. 2 v. 8° 

F42 A reproduction of some portions of Faraday’s diary 
(Cambridge 1931) 8° 


F43 The Times, London. Faraday number. Sept. 21, 

See also A206; C461; J109; T75 
FARINGDON Hugh d. 1539 See H533 

FARLOW John Woodford 1853-1937 
F44 The history of the Boston medical library. Norwood 
Mass. 1918. 8° 


F45 Royal charities. London 1919-22. 4 v. in 1. 8* 
FARRAND Max 1869- 

F46 Benjamin Franklin’s memoirs. Repr. Huntington 
Libr. Bull. 1936, no. 10: 49-78 

FARRE Arthur 1811-87 

F47 The Harveian oration 1872. London 1872. 8° 

FARRINGTON Benjamin 1891- See B463; V83; 

FATTORINI Mauro See S77 

[ 71 ] 


F48 - F94 

FAU Julien 

F48 The anatomy of the external forms of man, ed. 
R. Knox. London 1849. fol. 

FAUST Bernhard Christoph 1755-1842 
F49 Oeffentliche Anstalten: die Blattern, durch die 
Einimpfung der Kuhpocken. Buckeburg 1804. 8* 

F50 Uber einige Versuche der Kuhpocken-Materie. 
Hannover 1802. 8° 

FAUSTIUS Johannes Michael 1663-1707 See P2S5 
FAVARO Antonio 1847-1922 See C92 

FAYRER Sir Joseph bart. 1824-1907 

F51 Recollections of my life. Edinburgh 1900. 8° 

FEBIGER Lea & See Lea & Febiger publishers 

FEDERIGO Gaspare 1769-1840 
F52 Dei meriti dei pih celebri professori. Padua 1835. 

FEIGEL Johann Theodor Anton 1804-48 
F53 Umfassende Abbildungen aus der Geburtshulfe 
[Wurzburg 1841] fol. plates only 

FEIJOO Y MONTENEGRO Benito Ger6nimo 1675- 

F54 Rules for preserving health. London [1800?] 8° SG 

FELDHAUS Franz Maria 1874- 

F55 Die Technik der Vorzeit. Leipzig 1914. 8° 

FELICI F. Fortunatus de See Fortunatus de 
Felici F. 

FELKIN Robert William 1853-1926 See E22 

FELL-SMITH Charlotte 1898- 

F56 John Dee 1527-1608. London 1909. 8° 

FELTOE Charles Lett See S333 

FELTON Cornelius Conway 1807-62 See G497 

FENNER Erasmus Darwin 1807-66 
F57 An account of the yellow fever in New Orleans in 
1848. N. Orl. Med. Surg. J. 1849, 6: 9-67 

FERCKEL Christoph 1873- See T54 

FERGUS Andrew Freeland 1858-1932 
F58 The origin and development of the Glasgow school 
of medicine. Glasgow 1911. 8° 

FERGUSON Frederic Sutherland 1878— 

F59 A bibliography of the works of Sir George Macken¬ 
zie (Edinburgh) 1937. 8° 

See also M37 

FERGUSON James 1710-76 

F60 Lectures on select subjects. London 1760. 8* BMC 

FERGUSON John 1837-1916 
F61 The academic element in medicine. Glasgow 
1895. 8* 

F62 Account of a copy of “Speculum majus” of Vincent 
de Beauvais 1473. Glasgow 1885. 8* 

F63 Address on vacating the presidency of the Archae¬ 
ological society of Glasgow. Glasgow 1895. 8° 

F64 Bibliographia Paracelsica. Glasgow 1896. 6 pts. 8* 
2 copies pts. 3-6 

F65 Bibliographical note on the “De triumpho stulti- 
tiae” of Perisaulus Faustinus. London 1890. 8’ 2 copies 
F66 Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and 
books of secrets. Glasgow 1883-1915. 15 pts. 8* 4th 
suppl. lacking 

F67 — [2d ed.] 1896. 2 pts. 8 # 

F68 Bibliographical notes on the English translation of 
Polydore Vergil’s work “De inventoribus rerum.” 
Westminster 1888. 4* 

F69 Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft literature of 
Scotland. Edinburgh 1897. 4* 

F70 Bibliotheca chemica. Glasgow 1906. 2 v. 4* 

F71 Books of secrets. London 1914. 8° 

F72 The brothers Foulis and early Glasgow printing. 
London 1889. 8° 

F73 The connection of chemistry and medicine. Glasgow 
1895. 8° 

F74 The first history of chemistry [Glasgow 1886] 8* 
F75 Historical introduction. Glasgow 1913. 8* 

F76 The historical study of medicine. Glasgow 1880. 8° 

F77 Joannes Matthaeus and his tract “De rerum in¬ 
ventoribus.” Glasgow 1916. 8° 2 copies pt. 1 

F78 Lord Kelvin. In Glasg. Univ. Mag. 1908, 20: 276-82 
F79 “The marrow of alchemy.” London 1915. 8’ 

F80 On a copy of Albertus Magnus’ De secretis mu- 
lierum. Westminster 1886. 4° 

F81 On some of the constituents of the atmosphere. 
Repr. Sanit. J. Scotland 1877: 1-12 

F82 On some relations of chemistry to medicine. Glas¬ 
gow 1878. 8° 

F83 On the 1st ed. of the chemical writings of Democri¬ 
tus and Synesius. Glasgow 1894. 8° 

F84 On universities and libraries. Glasgow 1878. 8° 

F85 Pierre Thibaut. Repr. Arch. Gesch. Naturw. Tech . 
1913, 6: 83-96 

F86 Recent zoo-chemistry. Repr. Glasg. med. J. 1871, 4: 

F87 The secrets of Alexis. Proc. R. Soc. Med. 1930, 24: 

F88 Seventeenth century receipts. Repr. Scot. hist. Rev. 
1916, 13: 219-28 

F89 Some aspects of bibliography. Edinburgh 1900. 8 # 
F90 Some early treatises on technological chemistry. 

Glasgow 1888-1916. 6 pts. 8’ 1st suppl. lacking 
F91 Some English alchemical books. London 1913. 8* 
F92 Three addresses delivered to the Philosophical so¬ 
ciety of Glasgow. Glasgow 1897. 8* 

F93 Three presidential addresses to the Chemical sec¬ 
tion of the Philosophical society of Glasgow. Glasgow 
1879. 8* 

F94 Torture & punishment. Glasgow 1915. 8° 

See also K36 

Bibliography See A126; A127 
FERGUSSON James 1808-86 See F95 

[ 72 ] 

F95 - F136 


FERGUSSON William 1773-1846 
F95 Notes and recollections of a professional life, ed. 
J. Fergusson. London 1846. 8* 

FERGUSSON Sir William 1808-77 
F96 A system of practical surgery, 4th American ed. 
Philadelphia 1853. 8° 

FERNEL Jean 1497-1558 

F97 La chirurgie, tr. S. de Provanch^res. Paris G. Chau- 
di£re 1579. 12* 

F98 Cosmotheoria. Paris S. de Colines 1528. fol. 

F99 De naturali parte medicinae. Venice 1547. 8° SG 
F100 De proportionibus. Paris S. de Colines 1528. fol. 
With F98 

F101 Le meilleur traitement du mal v6n£rien, 1579; tr. 

L. LePileur. Paris ,1879. 8* Latin & French 
F10Z Monalosphaerium. Paris S. de Colines 1526. fol. 
With F98 

See also R173; R175-77 
Biography See F134 

FERRARI DA GRADI Gianmatteo d . 1472 See 

Bibliography See K120 
FERRERIUS Augerius See Ferrier A. 

FERRI Alfonso 1515-95 

F103 De curandis vulneribus, G. F. Rota, L. Botallo 
jt.auth. Antwerp A. Conincx 1583. 3 v. in 1. 4° GHL 
F104 De 1’administration du sainct boys, tr. N. Michel. 

Poitiers (J. & E. de Marnef) 1546. 16* BMF 
F105 De sclopetorum sive archibusorum vulneribus. 
Rome V. & L. Dorico 1552. 4* GHL 

FERRIAR John 1764-1815 

F106 Illustrations of Sterne: with other essays, 2d ed. 
London 1812. 2 v. in 1. 8* 

F107 Medical histories and reflections. London 1810-13. 
4 v. 8* 

FERRIER Auger 1513-88 
F108 De lue hispanica. Paris A. Gilles 1564. 8° SG 
F109 De pudendagra lue hispanica. Antwerp M. Nutius 
widow 1564. 8° GHL 

FERRIER Sir David 1843-1928 
F110 The functions of the brain. New York 1880. 8* 
Fill The heart and nervous system. The Harveian ora¬ 
tion, 1902. London 1902. 8* 

F112 The localisation of cerebral disease. London 
1878. 8° 

FERRIER William J. See C601 

FESSENDEN Thomas Green 1771-1837 
FI 13 Terrible tractoration!! A poetical petition against 
galvanising trumpery, 2d ed. London 1803. 12° 2 copies 
F114 — 1st American ed. New York 1804. 8° 


F115 Festschrift zur Feier seines 60. Geburtstages Max 
Neuburger. Vienna 1928. 8° 

FETTICH Theobald fl . 1529 

F116 Ordnung und Regiment wie man sich vor der 
Pestilentz bewaren sol. Munich 1573. 4° SG 

FEUCHTERSLEBEN Ernst Freiherr von 1806-49 
F117 The principles of medical psychology, tr. H. E. 
Lloyd, ed. B. G. Babington. London 1847. 8* 

FfiVRE Jacques de Etaples le See Le F£vre J. 

FfiVRE DE LA BODEREE Guy le See Le F£vre de 
la Boderie G. 

FEYENS Thomas 1567-1631 

F118 De formatrice foetus. Antwerp G. i Tongris 1620. 
8° GHL 

FEYFER Francois Martin Gerard de 1873- 
F119 Bemerkungen zu Harvey’s Exercitatio tertia de 
circulatione sanguinis. Repr. Janus 1909, 14: 335-46 
F120 Die historische Ausstellung der Natur- und Heil- 
kunde in Leiden. Repr. Janus 1907, 12-13: 605-15 etc. 
F121 Jan Steven van Calcar (Joannes Stephanus) 1499- 
1546. Repr. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk . 1933, 77: 3562-79 
F122 Lijst der geschriften van Andreas Vesalius. Ned. 

Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 59: 86-113. 2d copy with R156 
F123 Een onbekend portret van Andreas Vesalius. 

Repr. Meded. ned. hist. Inst. Rome 1926, 6: 123-32 
F124 Een portret van Andreas Vesalius. Repr. Ned. 

Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1932, 76: 60-73 
F125 Die Schriften des Andreas Vesalius. Janus 1914, 
19: 435-507. With L124 

F126 William Harvey, 1578-1657. Repr. Ned. Tijdschr. 
Geneesk. 1928, 22: 2196-220 

F127 Zur Geschichte des Schamfungenschnittes in Hol¬ 
land. Repr. Janus 1914, 19: 312-79 

FIBIGER Johannes Andreas Grib 1867-1928 
F128 Experimental production of tar cancer in white 
mice, F. Bang jt.auth. Copenhagen 1921. 8° 

FICINO Marsilio 1433-99 

F129 Das Buoch des Lebens. Strasbourg J. Gruninger 
1521. fol. SG With B815 

F130 Les trois livres de la vie, tr. G. Le F£vre de la 
Boderie. Paris A. L’Angelier 1582. 8° BN 

FICKEN Johann Jacob See Cl 12 
FIELD Eugene 1850-95 

F131 The love affairs of a bibliomaniac. New York 
1896. 8° 

FIELD Henry 1755-1837 

F132 Memoirs, historical and illustrative, of the bo- 
tanick garden at Chelsea. London 1820. 8° 

FIELDING Una See P343 
FEENUS Thomas See Feyens T. 


F133 Fifteenth century books. In Harv. Libr. Notes 
1921, no. 5 

FIGARD Leon 1859-1907 

F134 Un m6decin philosophe au XVI. si&cle, Jean Fer- 
nel. Paris 1903. 8° 

FIGULUS Benedictus pseud.} 

F135 A golden and blessed casket of nature’s marvels. 
London 1893. 8° 


F136 Les figures et portraicts des parties du corps hu- 



F137 - F176 

FIGURES — continued 

main [several plates signed Jollat] Paris J. Kerver 1557. 

F137 — 1575. fol. BMC 
FILSON John 1747 ?-88 

F138 The discovery, settlement and present state of 
Kentucky. London 1793. 8° LC 

FINCH Anne (Kingsmill) countess oj Winchilsea See 
Winchilsea A. K. 

FINCH Heneage Wynne- See Wynne-Finch H. 
FINCH Sir John 1626-82 Biography See M93 
FINfi Oronce 1494-1555 

F139 Les canons & documens tresamples touchant l*u- 
sage des almanachz. Paris G. Cavellat 1557. 8° With 

F140 Canonum astronomicorum libri II. Paris M. de 
Vascosan 1553. 4° BN With F145 
F141 De duodecim caeli domiciliis. Paris M. de Vasco¬ 
san 1553. 4° BMF With F145 

F142 De mundi sphaera. Paris S. de Colines 1542. fol. 

F143 De rectis in circuli quadrante subtensis. Paris 
R. & C. Chaudiere 1550. 4° With F145 
F144 Quadrans astrolabicus. Paris S. de Colines 1534. 
fol. BMF 

F145 Sphaera mundi sive cosmographia. Paris M. de 
Vascosan 1551. 4° 

F146 La th£orique des cieulx et sept planetes. Paris G. 
Cavellat 1558. 8° 

FINK Johann Heinrich 

F147 Beschreibung der Pocken-Krankheit der Schaafe. 
Halle 1798. 8’ 

FINLAYSON James 1840-1906 
F148 Account of the life and works of Maister Peter 
Lowe. Glasgow 1889. 4’ 

FINNEY John Miller Turpin 1863-1942 
F149 The significance and effect of pain (Boston 
1914) 8* 

FINSEN Niels Ryberg 1860-1904 

F150 Phototherapy, tr. J. H. Sequeira. London 1901. 8* 

FIORAVANTI Leonardo d. 1588 
F151 Three exact pieces. Rationall secrets, and Chi- 
rurgery. One hundred and fourteen experiments, Para¬ 
celsus. Works, B. G. Penot. Secrets, Johannes Isaaci. 
Spagyrick antidotary, J. Duchesne. London 1652. 4* 
BO 2593 
See also R255 

FISCHER Alfons 1873- 

F152 Andre V6sale et Ambroise Pare au chevet de 
Henri II. Feuill. med. 1933, 2: 181-83 

FISCHER Bernhard 1887- 

F153 Hypophysis, Akromegalie und Fettsucht. Wies¬ 
baden 1910. 8° 

FISCHER Martin Henry 1879- 
F154 Christian R. Holmes, man and physician. Spring- 
field Ill. 1937. 8° 

FI55 William B. Wherry. Springfield Ill. 1938. 8° 

See also G351 

FISHBEIN Morris 1889- 

F156 Medicine in the changing social order. Repr. New 
Engl. J. Med. 1936, 215: 916-21 

FISHER Alexander 

F157 A journal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic 
regions. London 1821. 8° 

FISHER Charles 1908- 

F158 Diabetes insipidus, W. R. Ingram, S. W. Ranson 
jt.auth. Ann Arbor 1938. 8° 

FISHER Charles Perry 1857-1940 See C326; C327; 
C329; M414 

FISHER Herbert Albert Laurens 1865-1940 
FI59 A history of Europe. London (1936) 8° 

FISHER John Dix 1797-1850 

F160 Description of the distinct, confluent, and inocu¬ 
lated small pox. Boston 1829. fol. 

FISKE John 1842-1901 

F161 The American revolution. Boston 1901. 2 v. 8° 

FI62 The critical period of American history 1783-89. 
Boston 1899. 8° 

F163 Essays, historical and literary. New York 1902. 
2 v. 8° 

FITZ Reginald 1885- 

F164 Diabetes mellitus. Oxford medicine, 4 [1928?]: 

FITZ Reginald Heber 1843-1913 See R84 

FITZROY Robert 1805-65 

F165 The weather book. London 1863. 8" 

FIZEAU Armand Hippolyte Louis 1819-96 
F166 Discours. Paris 1879. 4* 

F167 Des effets du mouvement sur le ton des vibrations 
sonores. Repr. Ann. Chim. (Phys.) 1870, 4. s. 19: 211— 
21. 2 copies 

F168 Mouvement de translation de la terre autour du 
soleil. Cosmos Rev. encycl. hebd. Paris 1852, 1: 689-92 
F169 Notes pratiques sur les operations de la photogra¬ 
phic pendant le prochain passage de Venus [Paris 
1873?] 4° 

F170 On the effect of the motion of a body upon the ve¬ 
locity with which it is traversed by light. Phil. Mag. 
1860, 4. s. 19: 245-60. With F168 
F171 Rapport sur le concours du grand prix des sciences 
mathematiques. Repr. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 1874, 79: 
1531-34. 2 copies 

F172 Recherches sur la dilatation et la double refraction 
du cristal de roche echauffe. Paris 1864. 8 ’ 2 copies 
F173 Recherches sur les modifications que subit la vi- 
tesse de la lumiere. Paris 1862. 8° 2 copies 
F174 Recherches sur plusieurs phenomenes relatifs £ la 
polarisation de la lumi^re, 2. pt. Repr. C. R. Acad. Sci., 
Paris 1861, 52: 267-78 etc. 

F175 Remarques sur l’influence que Taberration de la 
lumiere peut exercer par l’analyse spectrale. Repr. 
C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 1891, 113: 353-8 
F176 Sur la dilatation des corps solides par la chaleur, 

[ 74 ] 

F177 - F213 


2. m£moire. Repr. C. R. Acad. Sci ., Paris 1868, 66: 
1005-14 etc. 

F177 Sur une m6thode propre i rechercher si 1’azimut de 
polarisation du rayon r6fract6 est influence par le 
mouvement du corps refringent. Repr. Ann. Chim. 
(Phys.) 1859, 3. s. 58: 129-63 

In 1937 Dr. Cushing purchased a large collection of 
scientific papers which had belonged to the Jussieu 
family and to Fizeau. A great many of these, illustrat¬ 
ing the development of science in France in the 19th 
century, are author’s presentation copies, only a few of 
which are listed in this catalogue. 

FLACCUS Aulus Persius See Persi us Flaccus A. 

FLACCUS Quintus Horatius See Horatius Flac¬ 
cus Q. 

FLACK Isaac Harvey 1912- 
F178 Surgeons all. London (1939) 8° 

FLAMEL Nicolas d. 1418 

F179 His exposition of the hieroglyphicall figures upon 
an arch in St. Innocents church-yard together with The 
secret booke of Artephius and The epistle of J. Pon- 
tanus, tr. E. Orandus. London T. Snodham 1624. 12° 
STC 11027 
See also S35 

Biography See P329; V 149 

FLAMSTEED John 1646-1719 
F180 Historiae coelestis libri duo. London 1712. fol. 

FLAVEL John 1596-1617 

F181 Tractatus de demonstratione methodicus & po- 
lemicus. Oxford J. Lichfield & J. Short 1624. 8° With 

FLAXMAN Nathan 1907- See V169 

FLECHSIG Paul Emil 1847-1929 
F182 Die Leitungsbahnen im Gehirn und Riickenmark 
des Menschen. Leipzig 1876. 8° 

F183 Plan des menschlichen Gehirns. Leipzig. 1883. 8° 

FLEMMING Walther 1843-1905 
F184 Zur Kenntniss der sensiblen Nervenendigung. 
Arch. mikr. Anat. 1881, 19: 513-22 

FLETCHER Phineas 1582-1650 
F185 The purple island or the isle of man. Cambridge 
Printers to the University 1633. 4° BO 4810 
See also L29 

FLETCHER Robert 1823-1912 
F186 On prehistoric trephining. Washington 1882. 4° 
See also 099 

FLETCHER Sir Walter Morley 1873-1933 
F187 John Newport Langley, in memoriam. Repr. 
J. Physiol. 1926, 41: 1-27 

F188 Medical research: the tree and the fruit. London 
(1929) 8° With M286 
See also M286 

FLETT Sir John Smith 1869- 

F189 The first hundred years of the Geological survey of 
Great Britain. London 1937. 8° 

FLEXNER Abraham 1866- 

F190 The American college. New York 1908. 8° 

F191 Medical education: a comparative study. New 
York 1925. 8° 

F192 Medical education in Europe. New York 1912. 8* 
F193 Medical education in the United States and Can¬ 
ada. New York (°1910) 8° 

FLEXNER James Thomas 1907- 

F194 Doctors on horseback. New York 1937. 8° 

FLEXNER Simon 1863- 

F195 The biological basis of specific therapy (Boston 
1911) 8° 

FLINT Austin 1812-86 

F196 Medicine of the future. New York 1886. 8° 

See also A157 

FLINT Joshua Barker 1801-64 
F197 A discourse introductory to a course of clinical 
surgery. Louisville 1856. 8° 


F198 Flora medica: containing coloured delineations of 
the various medicinal plants. London 1829-30. 2 v. 8* 

FLORENCE. Accademia del cimento See Accademia 
del cimento Florence 

FLORIDUS Macer See Macer Floridus 

FLOURENS Pierre 1794-1867 
F199 Analyse de la philosophic anatomique. Paris 1819. 
8° 2d copy with F207 

F200 Cuvier, histoire de ses travaux, 2. ed. Paris 1845. 
12° 2 copies 

F201 De la phr^nologie et des etudes vraies sur le cer- 
veau. Paris 1863. 8° 

F202 £loge historique d’Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu. 

MSm. Acad. Sci. Paris 1840, 17: i-lx 
F203 Histoire de la d£couverte de la circulation du sang. 
Paris 1854. 8° 

F204 —2. ed. Paris 1857. 8° 

F205 A history of the discovery of the circulation of the 
blood, tr. J. C. Reeve. Cincinnati 1859. 8° 

F206 Observations sur le m£moire inititul£: Recherches 
physiques, n.p. n.d. 8° With F207 
F207 Recherches experimental sur les propri6t6s du 
syst^me nerveux. Paris 1824. 8° 

F208 Recherches physiques sur les propri6t6s du sys- 
teme nerveux. n.p. n.d. 8° W^th F207 
F209 Th6orie experimental de la formation des os. 
Paris 1847. 8° 

See also C669 

FLOYER Sir John 1649-1734 

F210 The history of cold-bathing, E. Baynard jt.auth. 
6th ed. London 1732. LC 

F211 The physician’s pulse-watch, v. 1. London 1707* 
12" BO 2618 

F212 The touch-stone of medicines. London 1687-90. 
2 v. 8" Lacks v. 2. BO 2612 

F213 A treatise of the asthma, 2d ed. London 1717. 8* 

[ 75 ] 



FLUDD Robert 1574-1637 

F214 Anatomiae amphitheatrum. Frankfort J. T. de 
Bry 1623. fol. BMC 2d copy with F229 
F215 Clavis philosophiae et alchymiae. Frankfort W. 

Fitzer 1633. fol. BMC With F223 
F216 De morborum signis [Frankfort] 1631. fol. BO 2627 
With F223 2d copy with F218 
F217 Doctor Fludds answer unto M. Foster or, The 
squeesing of Parson Fosters sponge. London N. Butter 
1631. 4* BO 2631 

F218 Integrum morborum mysterium. Frankfort W. 

Fitzer 1631. fol. 2 copies. SG 
F219 Medicina catholica. Frankfort W. Fitzer 1629. fol. 

F220 Mosaicall philosophy. London 1659. fol. Craven 
F221 Philosophia moysaica. Gouda P. Rammazen 1638* 
fol. BO 2629 

F222 Philosophia sacra & vere Christiana seu Mete- 
orologia cosmica. Frankfort Bry 1626. fol. 2d copy lacks 
t.-p. SG 

F223 Pulsus seu Nova et arcana pulsuum historia 
[Frankfort] (W. Hoffmann 1630) fol. BO 2628 2d copy 
with F218 

F224 Responsum ad Hoplocrisma-spongum M. Fosteri. 

Gouda P. Rammazen 1638. fol. BO 2632 With F221 
F225 Sophiae cum moria certamen [Frankfort? W. Fit¬ 
zer?] 1629. fol. BMC With F219 
F226 Summum bonum [Frankfort? W. Fitzer?] 1629. 
fol. Craven With F219 

F227 Tomi secundi tractatus: De praeternaturali utri¬ 
usque mundi historia. Frankfort E. Kempffer 1621. fol. 
BO 2625 With F229 

F228 Tomi secundi tractatus: De technica microcosmi 
historia [Oppenheim? J. T. de Bry? 1620?] fol. BO 2624 
With F229 

F229 Tomus secundus: De supernaturali. Oppenheim 
J. T. de Bry 1619. fol. BO 2623 
F230 Tractatus secundus: De naturae simia. Oppenheim 
J. T. de Bry 1618. fol. With F231 
F231 Utriusque cosmi historia. Oppenheim J. T. de Bry 
1617. fol. BO 2621 

F232 Veritatis proscenium. Frankfort E. Kempffer 1621. 
fol. BO 2626 With F229 
Biography See C467 

FLtfGGE Karl 1847-1923 

F233 Die Mikroorganismen, 2. Aufl. Leipzig 1886. 8* 


F234 An almanack 1678, 1688. London 1678-88. 2 v. 8° 
FOA Carlo 1880- 

F235 Trattato di endocrinologfa, v. 1, C. Barigozzi, 
E. Martini jt.auth. Milan 1939. 8° 

FOCARD Jacques 

F236 Paraphrase de Tastrolabe. Lyons J. de Tournes 
1546. 8° BMF 

FOCH Ferdinand 1851-1929 

F237 The memoirs, tr. T. B. Mott. Garden City 1931. 8° 
FOERSTER Otfrid 1873- 

F238 Motorische Felder und Bahnen. Repr. Handbuch 
der Neurologie 6 , 1936: 1-357 

F239 Sensible corticale Felder. Repr. Handbuch der 
Neurologie 6 , 1936: 358-449 

F240 Spezielle Physiologie und Pathologie der quer- 
gestreiften Muskeln. Repr. Handbuch der Neurologie 
J, 1937: 1-639 

F241 Symptomatologie der Erkrankungen des Riicken- 
marks. Repr. Handbuch der Neurologie 5, 1936: 1-403 

FOfiS Anuce 1528-95? See H341; H350 

FOL'BORT Georgii Vladimirovich See P165 

FOLIGNO Gentile da See Gentile da Foligno d . 

FOLZ Hans 15th cent. 

F242 Von alien paden dye von natur hayss sint, Brunn 
1495. 4° facsim. Klebs 416.2 is original 

FONAN Adolf Mauritz 1873- 

F243 Zur Quellenkunde der persischen Medizin. Leipzig 
1910. 8° 

See also L162 

FONSECA Roderigo de d. 1622 
F244 De calculorum remediis. Rome J. A. Ruffinelli 
1586. 8° BMC With B303 

FONTANA Felice 1730-1805 

F245 Ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno della vipera. Lucca 
1767. 8° SG 
See also C98 

FONTEYN Nicolaas fl. 1630 See V100 
FOOT Jesse 1744-1826 

F246 The life of John Hunter. London 1794. 8° BO 1236 
FORBES Sir John 1787-1861 See L9; L10 
FORD Worthington Chauncey 1858-1941 See J34 

FORDYCE Sir William 1724-92 
F247 A new inquiry into the causes, symptoms and cure 
of putrid and inflammatory fevers. London 1773. 8* 

FOREEST Pieter van 1522-97 
F248 Observationum et curationum medicinalium liber 
8.-10. Leyden Plantiniana 1590. 8* BNed 
F249 —liber 21.-23. 1596. 8° BNed 
F249a — liber 24.-25. 1596. 8 # BNed With F249 

FOREL Auguste Henri 1848-1931 

F250 Riickblick auf mein Leben (Zurich °1935) 8’ 

F251 Out of my life and work, tr. B. Miall (1st ed.) New 
York (1937) 8° 

Biography See M585 

FOREL Oscar Louis 1891— 

F252 Aphorismes. Paris (1937) 8° 

FORGE Louis de la See La Forge L. de 

FORGUE Emile 1860— 

F253 Au seuil de la chirurgie. Paris 1927. 8* 

F254 Pr6cis d’anesth&ie chirurgicale. Paris 1934. 8° 
F255 Pr6cis de pathologie externe, 9. 6d. Paris 1935. 
2 v. 8’ 

FORLI Jacopo da See Jacopo da Forli 
FORMAN Maurice Buxton See K12 

[ 76 ] 

F256 - F296 


FORREST David William d. 1918 See B716 
FORSSMAN John 1868- See L214 
FORTE Angelo di fl. 1543-55 See A214 
FORTOLO Antonio See G10 

FORTSAS Jean Nepomucene August de See C167; 

FOSSEL Viktor 1846-1913 

F256 Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin. Stuttgart 
1909. 8° 

See also F278 

FOSTER Mrs. Hannah (Webster) 1759-1840 
F257 The coquette or the history of Eliza Wharton, 3d 
ed. Newburyport 1811. 16° 

FOSTER Mary Louise 1865- 

F258 Bernard Palissy, 16th-century scientist. Repr. 
J. chem. Educ. 1931, 8: 1045-59 

FOSTER Sir Michael 1836-1907 
F259 Lectures on the history of physiology. Cambridge 
1901. 8° 

FOSTER William 1591-1643 See F217; F224 

FOTHERGILL Anthony 1735 P-1813 
F260 Cautions to the heads of families. Bath 1790. 8* 

F261 Essay on the nature of the disease occasioned by 
the bite of a mad-dog. Bath and West of England Society 
Memoirs 1799, 9: 166-211. proof 

FOTHERGILL John 1712-80 

F262 An account of the putrid sore throat, 6th ed. Lon¬ 
don 1777. 8° SG 

F263 A complete collection of the works. An account of 
his life, J. Elliott. London 1781. 8° SG 
F264 [Various botanical papers from the Works 1784] 4° 
Biography See L186; T66 

FOUCAULT Jean Bernard L6on 1819-68 
F265 Sur les vitesses relatives de la lumi^re dans Fair et 
dans l’eau. Paris 1853. 4° 

FOULIS Andrew 1712-75 See F72 
FOULIS Robert 1707-76 See F72 

FOURCROY Antoine Francois de comte 1755-1809 
F266 Philosophic chimique, 3. £d. Paris 1806. 8° 

See also G499; G500 

FOURNIER Alfred 1832-1914 See V140 

FOURNIER Denis d. 1683 

F267 L’alphabet chirurgical [Paris] 1672. 4* 

F268 L’antiloimotechnie ou Tart qui chasse la peste. 
Paris 1669. 12° BMC 

FOVELLE Achille Louis 1799-1878 
F269 Trait6 complet de l’anatomie du syst^me nerveux 
c6r6bro-spinal. Paris 1844. fol. atlas 

FOWLER Henry Watson 1858-1933 Biography 
See C437 

FOWLER Richard 1765-1863 

F270 Experiments and observations relative to the in¬ 

fluence lately discovered by Galvani. Edinburgh 1793. 
8* SG 

FOX Richard Hingston 1853-1924 

F271 William Hunter 1718-83. London 1901. 8° 3 copies 

FRACANZANO Antonio d. 1569 
F272 De morbo gallico fragmenta. Padua C. Griffio 
1563. 4° SG With LUO 

F273 —2. ed. Venice F. Laurentino 1565. 8° 
FRACASSATI Carlo See M102 a 

FRACASTORO Girolamo 1483-1553 
F274 De contagione et contagiosis morbis et eorum cu- 
ratione, tr. W. C. F. Wright. New York 1930. 8° Latin 
& English. BF 205 

F275 De sympathia et antipathia rerum liber unus. De 
contagione et contagiosis morbis. Venice (L. A. Giunta 
heirs) 1546. 4° BO 2652 
F276 — Lyons G. Gazeau 1550. 16° SG 
F277 — Lyons J. de Tournes & G. Gazeau 1554. 16° SG 
F278 Drei Bucher von den Kontagien, tr. V. Fossel. 
Leipzig 1910. 8° BF 135 

F279 The maidens blush or Joseph, tr. J. Sylvester. In 
D281 2d copy separate 

F280 Opera omnia. Orationes duae carminaq. nonnulla, 
A. Navagero. Venice Giunta 1555. 4° 2 copies. BF 32 
F281 — 2. ed. 1574. 4° BF 33 

F282 La sifilide, tr. G. L. Zaccarelli. Parma 1829. fol. 
BF 59 

F283 The sinister shepherd: a translation of Syphilidis, 
W. Van Wyck. Los Angeles 1934. 8° BF 83 
F284 Syphilis sive morbus gallicus. Verona [S. Niccolini 
da Sabbio] 1530. 4° BF 1 
F285 — Basel (J. Bebel) 1536. 8 0 BF 4 
F286 — ed. J. L. Choulant. Leipzig 1830. 8* BF 31 
F287 Syphilis, tr. N. Tate (From Dryden, J. Miscellany 
poems. London 1693) 8° BF 73 
F288 — St. Louis 1911. 8° BF 80 
F289 — tr. H. Wynne-Finch. London 1935. 8° Latin & 
English. BF 84 

F290 — Paris 1753. 8° Latin & French. BF 85 
Bibliography See B183; B184 
Biography See K115; 070 


F291 Tratado de cirugia. Madrid (1672) 8° 

FRAMBESARIUS Nicolas Abraham 

F292 The art of physick. This entry changed to LlOa 

FRAMPTON John fl. 1577-96 See M444; M446; 

FRANCE. Commission temporaire des poids et mesures 

F293 Instruction sur les mesures, 6d. originale. Paris 
[1794] 8* LC 2d copy with F295 
F294 — Incomplete reprint ed. 

F295 [Miscellaneous papers, 1794-1803] 2 v. 8° 
FRANCE. Laws statutes etc. 

F296 [Pamphlets on the status of surgeons 1668-1772] 
6 v. 4° 

[ 77 ] 


F297 - F335 

FRANCE. Minist&re de l’agriculture 
F297 Rapport sur la revision des 6talons des bureaux de 
verification des poids et mesures. Paris (1871) 8° 

FRANCE. Minist&re du commerce et de l’industrie 
F298 Le syst£me m6trique decimal. Paris 1930. 8° 

FRANCE Anatole 1844-1924 

F299 L’affaire Crainquebille. Stamford 1937. fol. 

F300 Rabelais, a biography, tr. E. Boyd. Forum 1928, 
80: 481-88 etc. 

FRANCESCO D’ASSISI Saint 1182-1226 Biogra¬ 
phy See W222 

FRANCIS John Wakefield 1789-1861 
F301 Anniversary discourse before the New-York acad¬ 
emy of medicine. New York 1847. 8* 

F302 Old New York. New York 1858. 8° 

Biography See M546 

FRANCIS Samuel Ward 1835-86 
F303 Biographical sketches of distinguished living New 
York surgeons. New York 1866. 8° 

FRANCIS William Willoughby 1878- 
F304 Margaret Charlton and the early days of the Medi¬ 
cal library association. Repr. Bull. med. Libr. Ass . 1936, 
25: 58-63 
See also 063 

FRANCO Pierre fl. 1550-80 
F305 Chirurgie, nouv. 6d. E. Nicaise. Paris 1895. 8° 
F306 Trait6 des hernies. Lyons T. Payen 1561. 8° GHL 
FRANK Mortimer 1874-1919 See C230 

FRANKAU Gilbert 1884- 

F307 Peter Jackson. London (1919) 8* 


FRANKLAND Sir Edward 1825-99 
F308 On a new series of organic bodies containing met¬ 
als. Philos. Trans. 1852, 142: 417-44 

FRANKLIN Alfred Louis Auguste 1830-1917 
F309 Recherches sur la Bibliotheque de la Faculty de 
m£decine de Paris. Paris 1864. 8° 2 copies 

FRANKLIN Benjamin 1706-90 

F310 The autobiography. New York 1901. 8° 

F311 Experiences et observations sur 1’eiectricite. Paris 
1752. 8° 2 copies. LC 

F312 Experiments and observations on electricity. Lon¬ 
don 1769. 8° 2 copies. LC 

F313 A letter on catheters, ed. E. L. Keyes. Fulton N.Y. 
1934. fol. 

F314 Poor Richard’s almanack, ed. B. E. Smith. New 
York 1898. 16° 

F315 Some account of the Pennsylvania hospital. Phila¬ 
delphia 1754-61. 4° Includes Continuation of the ac¬ 
count, not written by Franklin, and pub. 1761. LC 
F316 Some account of the success of inoculation for the 
small-pox in England and America. London 1759. 4° 

Biography See A162; F46; P207; T147 

FRANKLIN Kenneth James 1897- 

F317 A monograph on veins. Springfield Ill. 1937. 8° 

F318 A short history of the International congresses of 
physiologists. Ann. Sei. 1938, 3: 241-335 
F319 A short sketch of the history of the Oxford medical 
school. Repr. Ann. Sci. 1936, 1: 431-46 
See also F6 

FRASER-HARRIS David Fraser 1867- 
F320 Harvey versus Caesalpinus: the controversy con¬ 
tinued. Repr. Int. Congr. Med. Proc. y Hist. Med. 1913: 

FRASIN loan 

F321 La structure de l’hypophyse. Jassy 1935. 8 # 

FRAUNHOFER Joseph von 1787-1826 
F322 Bestimmung des Brechungs- und Farbenzer- 
streuungs-Vermogens verschiedener Glasarten. Denk - 
schr. Akad. Wiss. Miinch. 1814-15, 5: 193-226 


F323 Histoire de la m^decine, v. 1. Paris 1870. 8* 

FREEBORN George Cornell 1849-1911 
F324 History of the Association of the alumni of the 
College of physicians and surgeons, New York. Lan¬ 
caster Pa. 1909. 8° 

FREEBURG Victor Oscar 1882- See C358 
FREHER Paul 1611-82 

F325 Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum. Nurem¬ 
berg 1688. 2 v. fol. LC 

FREIND John 1675-1728 

F326 The history of physick, 4th ed. London 1750. 2 v. 
8° BO 5894 

FREMERY Nicolaas Comelis de 1770-1844 See 


FRENCH Edwin Davis 1851-1906 See L145 

Biography See B631 

FRENCH John 1616P-67 
F327 The art of distillation. London 1651. 4* LC 
F328 — 2d ed. To which is added The London-distiller. 
London 1652-53. 2 v. in 1. 4° BMC 
See also S179 

FRENICLE DE BESSY Bernard 1605-75 

F329 Traite des triangles rectangles en nombres. In A22 

FRESNEL Fulgence 1795-1855 See B346 

FREUCHEN Peter 1886- 

F330 Arctic adventure. New York (°1935) 8° 

FREUD Sigmund 1856-1939 

F331 Die Traumdeutung. Leipzig 1900. 8° 

FRICK George 1793-1870 

F332 A treatise on the diseases of the eye. Baltimore 
1823. 8° 

FRIEDENWALD Harry 1864- 
F333 Amatus Lusitanus. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1937, 5: 

F334 The bibliography of ancient Hebrew medicine. In 
Bull. med. Libr. Ass. 1935, 23: 124-57 
F335 Moses Maimonides the physician. Repr. Bull. 
Hist. Med. 1935, 3: 555-84 

FRIEDRICH III German emperor 1831-88 See M35 

[ 78 ] 

F336 - F377 


FRIEDRICH Walter 1883- 

F336 Interferenz-Erscheinungen bei Rontgenstrahlen, 
P. Knipping & M. Laue, jt.auth. In S. B. bayer. Akad. 
Wiss. 1912, 2: 303-22 

FRIES Lorenz 

F337 Epitome opusculi de curandis pusculis ulceribus & 
doloribus morbi Gallici. Basel H. Petri (1532) 4° GHL 
With T179 

F338 Spiegel der Artzny (Strasbourg J. Griininger 1518) 

F339 — (Strasbourg B. Beck) 1546. fol. SG 


F340 Family physician. Boston 1847. 8* 

FRISIUS Gemma See Gemma Reinerus Frisius 
FRISIUS Laurentius See Fries L. 

FRISWELL James Hain 1825-78 
F341 Varia: readings from rare books. London 1866. 8° 
2 copies. KeynesB 293 

FRITSCH Ahasuerus 1629-1701 
F342 Medicus peccans sive tractatus de peccatis medi- 
corum. Nuremberg 1684. 24° SG 

FRIZIUS Joachimus pseud. See Fludd R. 

FROBES Johann Nikolaus 1701-56 See M280 
FROHSE Fritz 1871- 

F343 Die oberflachlichen Nerven des Kopfes. Berlin 
1895. fol. 

FROREEP August von 1849-1917 
F344 Zur Kenntniss der Lagebeziehungen zwischen 
Grosshirn und Schadeldach. Darstellung der cranio- 
cerebralen topographie, H. Maier. Leipzig 1897. fol. 

FROSCH Paul 1860-1928 See L333 
FROST Percival 1817-98 See N84 

FROUDE James Anthony 1818-94 

F345 Life and letters of Erasmus. New York 1912. 8° 

FRY Clements Collard 1892- 

F346 The anatomy of personality, H. W. Haggard jt. 

auth. New York 1936. 8° 

FUCHS Ernst 1851-1930 

F347 Aerztliches aus Amerika. Repr. Wien. klin. Wschr. 
1923, 36: 660-3. In A165a 

FUCHS Leonhard 1501-66 

F348 Ad quinque priores suos libros de curandi ratione. 

Lyons G. Roville 1554. 12° BN 
F349 Le benefice commun de tout le monde. Paris N. 
Bonfons 1574. 16° 

F350 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes. Basel 
Isengrin 1542. fol. SG 
F351 _ Basel (J. Bebel) 1545. 8° BMC 
F352 — Lyons J. de Tournes & G. Gazeau 1555. 12° LC 
F353 De humani corporis fabrica. Tubingen U. Morhart 
1551. 2 v. in 1. 8° SG 

F354 — Lyons A. Vincent 1551-55. 2 v. in 1. 8° GHL 
F355 De medendis singularum humani corporis. Basel 
(R. Winter 1539) 4° SG . 

F356 De sanandis totius humani corporis. Venice A. 
Arrivabene 1543. 8° BMC 

F357 New Kreiiterbiich. Basel M. Isengrin 1543. fol. LC 
See also G28; G29 
Biography See H369 

FULOP-MILLER Rene 1891- 

F358 Triumph over pain tr. E. Paul & C. Paul. Indian¬ 
apolis (°1938) 8° 

miss-Bibliothek Nikolsburg 
F359 Bibliothek Fiirst Dietrichstein. Lucerne [1933-34] 

2 v. 8* 

FUGGER Marcus 1529-97 

F360 Bibliophile Kostbarkeiten aus der Bibliothek Fug- 
gers. Munich [1933-35] 4 v. in 1. 8° 

FUGGER family See K107 
FULLER Thomas 1608-61 

F361 The holy state, 2d ed. Cambridge 1648. fol. YU 
F362 —London 1840. 12° 

FULTON John Farquhar 1899- 
F363 A bibliographical study of the Galvani and the 
Aldini writings on animal electricity, H. W. Cushing 
jt.auth. Repr. Ann. Sci. 1936, 1: 239-68 
F364 A bibliography of the Honourable Robert Boyle. 
Oxford 1932. 8° 

F365 — Addenda. Repr. Oxf. Bibliogr. Soc. Proc. Papers 
1933, 3: 339-65 

F366 A bibliography of two Oxford physiologists, Rich¬ 
ard Lower 1631-91, John Mayow 1643-79. Oxford 
1935. 4° 

F367 The history of the physiology of muscle. Baltimore 
1930. 8° 2 copies 

F368 The influence of Boerhaave’s “Institutiones medi- 
cae” on modern physiology. Repr. Ned. Tijdschr . 
Geneesk. 1938, 82: 4860-66 
F369 Physiology. New York 1931. 12° 

F370 Physiology of the nervous system. New York 
1938. 8° 

F371 Robert Boyle and his influence on thought in the 
seventeenth century. Repr. Isis 1932, 18: 77-102. 2 cop¬ 
ies With F364 

F372 Selected readings in the history of physiology. 
Springfield Ill. 1930. 8° 

F373 The sign of Babinski, A. D. Keller jt.auth. Spring- 
field Ill. 1932. 8° 

F374 Sir Kenelm Digby. New York 1937. 4’ 

See also B183; B184; B313; B669 

FUNK Casimir 1884- 

F375 Die Vitamine. Wiesbaden 1914. 8° 

FURNAS Clifford Cook 1900- 

F376 The next hundred years. Baltimore (1936) 8° 

FURNIVALL Frederick James 1825-1910 See 
B491; V124 

FURNIVALL Percy 1868- See V124 

FUTCHER Palmer Howard 

F377 Giants and dwarfs. Cambridge Mass. 1933. 8° 

FYENS Thomas See Feyens T. 

[ 79 ] 


Gl - G38 


G., J. A. See Guerin J. A. 

G. C. See Carleton G. 

G. H. See Hartman G. 

G. W. C. See Concklin G. W. 

GADBURY John 1627-1704 

Gl A diary, astronomical and meteorological for 1678, 
1688, 1708. London 1678-1708. 3 v. 8° 

GADDESDEN John of See John of Gaddesden 

GAEBELKHOVER Oswald 1539-1616 
G2 The boock of physicke, tr. C. Baten & A. M. Dor¬ 
drecht I. Canin 1599. fol. 2 copies. STC 11513 

GAFFKY Georg 1850-1918 See K150; K158 

GALDSTON Iago 1895- See N54 


G3 Electricity or ethereal fire. Troy 1802. 12* 

GALE Thomas 1507-87 

G4 Certaine workes of chirurgerie. London R. Hall 
(1563) 8* STC 11529 

G5 An enchiridion of chirurgerie. London R. Hall 1563. 
16° SG 

See also G15; V148 


De alimentorum facultatibus 

G18 De alimentorum facultatibus, tr. M. GrEgoire. 
Lyons G. Roville 1570. 16* 

De anatomicis administrationibus 
G19 De anatomicis administrationibus, tr. J. Guenther. 

Lyons G. Roville 1551. 16° SG 
G20 Administrations anatomiques, tr. J. Dalechamps. 
Lyons B. Rigaud 1572. 8° BN 

De compositione medicamentorum 

G21 De medicamentorum compositione, tr. J. Guenther. 

Venice (L. A. Giunta) 1536. 8* 

G22 De compositione pharmacorum localium, tr. J. 

Hagenbut. Paris G. Chevallon 1539. 16° SG 
G23 Les troys premiers livres de la composition des 
medicamens en gEnEral [tr. J. BrEche] Tours J. Rousset 
1545. 8° BN 

De constitutione artis medicae 
G24 De constitutione artis medicae. Lyons G. Roville 
1552. 16’ 

De crisibus 

G25 De crisi i. de judicationibus, tr. L. Laurenziani 
(Bologna G. de Benedetti 1522) 4* Putts V 
G26 De crisibus, tr. N. Leoniceno. Lyons G. Roville 
1549. 16° SG 

Collected Works 

G6 Opera omnium utilissima, tr. J. Tectander. Basel A. 
Cratander 1536. fol. SG 

G7 Opera omnia. Basel (A. Cratander) 1538. 5 v. in 3. 
fol. Greek. SG 

G8 Omnia opera. Venice L. A. Giunta heirs 1541-42. 

bound in 7 v. fol. ChH 
G9 — 4. ed. v. 1. Venice Giunta 1565. fol. 

De curatione per sanguinis missionem 
G27 De la raison de curer par Evacuation de sang, tr. 

P. Tolet. Lyons E. Dolet 1542. 8’ BMC With V41 
G28 De curatione per sanguinis missionem, ed. L. Fuchs. 

Lyons J. & F. Frellon 1546. 8* Kuhn 60 
G29 — Lyons T. Payen 1550. 16* SG 
G30 De curandi ratione per sanguinis missionem, tr. 
T. Gerardus. Lyons G. Roville 1549. 12° BN With G14 

Two or More Single Works 

G10 Dissectionis venarum arteriarumque commen- 
tarium. De nervis compendium, tr. A. Fortolo. n.p. 
1528. 8° 

Gil Libri anatomici (Bologna G. B. Faelli 1529) 4° 

G12 Opera diversa, tr. J. Guenther. Paris S. de Colines 
1536. fol. GHL 

G13 Introductio in pulsus ad Teuthram, tr. M. GrEgoire. 
De pulsuum usu, tr. T. Linacre. Lyons G. Roville 1549. 
16° BN 

G14 De ossibus ad tyrones. De musculorum dissectione 
libellum, ed. Oribasius. Lyons G. Roville 1551. 12° SG 
G15 Certaine workes, tr. T. Gale. London T. East 1586. 
4* SG 

G16 De temperamentis et De inaequali intemperie, tr. 
T. Linacre. Cambridge 1521, ed. J. F. Payne [Cam¬ 
bridge] 1881. 4’ facsim. 

Individual Works 
Ars medicinalis 

G17 Ars medica, quae et ars parva dicitur, tr. M. 
Akakia. Lyons G. Roville 1548. 16* 2 copies. BMC 

De diebus decretoriis 

G31 De diebus decretoriis, tr. J. Guenther. Lyons G. Ro¬ 
ville 1550. 16* SG With G26 

De dijferentiis febrium 

G32 De differentiis febrium, ed. J. Dubois. Basel 
[J. Derbilley] 1556. 16’ With H354 

G33 — Venice V. Valgrisi 1556. 8’ With H355 

G34 De febribus commentarius, ed. H. Gibaltus. Lyons 
G. Roville 1561. 16’ SG 

De elementis 

G35 De elementis, tr. V. Trincavella. De elementis, 
Hippocrates, ed. J. Dubois. Lyons G. Roville 1548. 16* 
SG With G17 

G36 —Lyons G. Roville 1550. 16’ 

De facultatibus naturalibus 

G37 On the natural faculties, tr. A. J. Brock. London 
1916. 12° 2 copies 

De fasciis 

G38 De fasciis, tr. G. Guidi [Lyons G. Roville 1553] 16* 
BMP With L13 

[ 80 ] 

G39 - G82 


De foetuum formatione 

G39 De la formation des enfans au ventre de la mere, tr. 
G. Chrestien. Paris M. Le Jeune 1556. 8* BN With 

De locis affect is 

G40 De locorum affectorum notitia, tr. G. Cop. Lyons 
G. Roville 1549. 16° SG 

De motu musculorum 

G41 De motu musculorum, tr. N. Leoniceno, ed. J. Du¬ 
bois. Lyons G. Roville 1549. 16° SG 

De musculorum dissectione 

G42 De musculorum dissectione, ed. Oribasius, tr. G. P. 
Crasso. Paris J. Gazeau 1548. fol. 

De ossibus 

G43 De ossibus, tr. F. Balamio. Lyons S. Vincent heirs 
1535. 8° BN 

G44 —Venice D. Bernardino 1538. 12* With M451 
G45 — ed. J. Dubois. Paris J. Gazeau widow 1549. fol. 

G46 — Paris G. Gourbin 1561. 8° BO 383 

G47 —ed. O. Brunfels. Padua J. Fabriano 1551. 8° 

G48 — Ex bibliotheca J. van Horne. Leyden 1665. 12* 
Greek & Latin. SG 

G49 L’anatomie des os du corps humain, tr. J. Canape. 

Lyons E. Dolet 1541. 8° SG 
G50 — Lyons B. Rigaud & J. Saugrain 1558. 16° 

De plentitudine 

G51 Liber de plenitudine. De salubri victus ratione 
privatorum, Polybius, tr. J. Guenther. De herbarum 
virtutibus, Apuleius Barbarus. Libellus de abditis mor- 
borum causis, A. Benivieni [Paris] C. Wechel 1528. fol. 
SG 2d copy with PI56 

De ratione curandi ad Glauconem 
G52 Le 2. livre de Part curatoire k Glaucon. Lyons G. de 
Guelques n.d. 8° BN 

De sanitate tuenda 

G53 De sanitate tuenda, tr. T. Li nacre. Paris C. Cheval- 
lon (1526) 8° Kuhn 65 
G54 — Lyons G. Roville 1549. 16° BO 378 

De simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus 

G55 De simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus, tr. 

T. Gerardus. Lyons G. Roville 1547. 16° Kuhn 49 
G56 Deux livres des simples, tr. J. Canape. Lyons 
E. Dolet 1542. 8° BMC 
G57 — Paris J. Ruelle 15[?] 16° 

De tumoribus praeter naturam 

G58 Des tumeurs oultre le coustumier de nature, tr. 
P. Tolet. Lyons E. Dolet 1542. 8° BN With V41 

De usu partium corporis humani 
G59 De usu partium corporis humani, tr. Nicolaus de 
Reggio. Paris S. de Colines 1528. 4° SG 
G60 — Lyons G. Roville 1550. 16° SG 
G61 De l’usage des parties du corps humain, tr. [J. Dale- 
champs] Lyons G. Roville 1566. 8° SG 

Methodus medendi 

G62 Le 3.-6., 13. livre de la th^rapeutique. Lyons 
(J. Barbou 1539) 8° BN With G52 
G63 Le 14. livre de la m£thode th6rapeutique. Lyons 
G. de Guelques 1538. 8“ SG With G52 
G64 Methodus medendi, tr. T. Linacre [Lyons 1553?] 
16° Lacks t.-p. 

Supposititious Work 
/ De urinis 

G65 Liber de urinis, tr. S. Alberti. Wittenberg H. Krafft 
heirs 1586. 8’ Greek & Latin. SG 


G66 Papers on Galen. 2 v. cover-title 
See also T198; W63 

Cross References 

See H337; H346; H353-58; Ill; J16; L13; L350 
GALILEI Galileo 1564-1642 

G67 Dialogo. Florence G. B. Landini 1632. 4* Carli 128 
G68 —2. impr. Florence 1710. 4° Carli 413 
G69 Dialogues concerning two new sciences, tr. H. Crew 
& A. de Salvio. New York 1933. 4° 

G70 Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche. Leyden 
Elzevir 1638. 4° Carli 162 

G71 Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari. 

Rome G. Mascardi 1613. 4° Carli 60 
G72 Nov-antiqua doctrina. Strasbourg Elzevir 1636. 4* 
Carli 155 

G73 Sidereus nuncius. Venice T. Baglioni 1610. 4* 
Carli 30 

G74 — Frankfort Palthenius 1610. 8° Carli 31 
G75 Systema cosmicum. Strasbourg Elzevir 1635. 4* 
Carli 148 

See also G155; K44; K45 
Bibliography See C92; L226 
Biography See F18 

GALL Franz Joseph 1758-1828 
G76 On the functions of the cerebellum, J. Vimont, 
F. J. V. Broussais jt.auth., tr. G. Combe. Edinburgh 
1838. 8° 

GALLENBERG Hugo Graf von 

G77 Leonardo da Vinci. Leipzig 1834. 8* 

GALLINI Stefano 1756-1836 

G78 La superiority dell’uomo. Padua 1831. fol. 

GALLIOT Maurice 

G79 La maison natale de Pasteur; po6sie (Dole 1911) 8* 
2 copies 

GALLO Pietro Paola da San See San Gallo P. P. da 

GALLOWAY Sir James 1862-1922 
G80 Eleanor of Castile (London 1909) 8" 

GALLUS Paschalis See Lecocq. P. 

GALTON Sir Francis 1822-1911 
G81 Finger prints. London 1892. 8° 

G82 Hereditary genius. London 1869. 8° 



G83 - G123 

GALTON F. — continued 

G83 Inquiries into human faculty and its development. 
London 1883. 8* 

G84 Memories of my life. London (1908) 8° 

G85 Natural inheritance. London 1889. 8° 

GALTON John Charles 1840-1908 See E3 
GAL VAN I Dominico 

G86 Delle fontanele (Padua G. Crivellari 1620) 4* SG 

GALVANI Lucia Galeazzi 

G87 Luigi Galvani. Elogio. Bologna 1937. 8° Latin & 

GALVANI Luigi 1737-98 

G88 Abhandlung liber die Krafte der thierischen Elek- 
trizitat, tr. J. Mayer. Prague 1793. 8° Fulton-Cushing 9 
G89 De Manzoliniana supellectili oratio. Bologna 
(1777) 4* 

G90 De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari. Bo¬ 
logna 1791. 4° Fulton-Cushing 3 
G91 — ed. G. Aldini. Modena 1792. 4° Fulton-Cushing 5 
G92 Dell’uso e deH’attivit^ dell’arco conduttore nelle 
contrazione dei muscoli. Bologna 1794. 4° Fulton- 
Cushing 19 

G93 Lettera al prof, don Bassiano Carminati. Repr. 

G. Fisico-Med. 1792, 2: 131-45. Fulton-Cushing 12 
G94 Memorie ed esperimenti inediti. Bologna 1937. 8* 
G95 Memorie sulla elettricit^ animale al celebre abate 
Lazzaro Spallanzani. Alcune elettriche esperienze, 
G. Aldini. Bologna 1797. 4° Fulton-Cushing 22 
G96 Opere edite ed inedite. Bologna 1841. fol. Fulton- 
Cushing 6 

G97 II “Taccuino.” Bologna 1937. 16° facsim. 

See also B791; C142; F363; 038; R5 

Bibliography See B74-76; G409 

Biography See B8; C63; C119; G87; M272; M310; 


GAMPER Eduard 1887- 

G98 Die intrakraniellen Neubildungen. Repr. Fortschr. 
Neur. Psychiat. 1930, 2: 183-214. In A 165a 

GANTT William Andrew Horsley 1892- 
G99 A medical review of soviet Russia. London 1928. 8* 
See also P165 

GARCIA de Orta See Orta G. de 

GARDNER Augustus Kinsley 1821-76 
G100 Old wine in new bottles or spare hours of a student 
in Paris. New York 1848. 8° 

GARENClltRES Theophilus de fi. 1670 See N127; 

GARENGEOT Rene Jacques Croissant de 1688- 

G101 A treatise of chirurgical operations, ed. N. St. 
Andr6. London 1723. 8° SG 

GARET Henri d. 1602 

G102 De arthritidis praeservatione et curatione. Frank¬ 
fort J. Wechel & P. Fischer 1592. 8° SG 

GARIBALDI Giuseppe 1807-82 Biography See 
T160; T161 

GARNETT Thomas 1766-1802 
G103 A lecture on the preservation of health, 2d ed. 
London 1800. 8 # SG 

GARNETT William 1850-1932 See M219 
GARNIER Pierre b. 1819 

G104 Apontamentos dcerca das ectocardias descripta a 
trochocardia, P. F. da Costa Alvarenga. Repr. Un. mbd. 
nouv. s6r. 1866 With N121 

GARRISON Fielding Hudson 1870-1935 
G105 Available sources and future prospects of medical 
biography. Repr. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1928, 4: 586- 

G106 The bone called “luz.” Repr. N.Y. med. J. 1910, 
92: 149-51 

G107 Ductless glands, internal secretions and hormonic 
equilibrium. Repr. Pop. Sci. Mon. 1914-15, 85-86: 
531-40, etc. 

G108 An epitome of the history of Spanish medicine. 

Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1931, 7: 589-634 
G109 The German medical history of the war. Repr. 
Milit. Surg. 1920, 46: 427-55 

G110 The high cost of current medical periodicals. Bull, 
med. Libr. Ass. 1932, 20: 165-69 With G116 

Gill History of endocrine doctrine. From L. F. Barker. 
Endocrinology and metabolism, 7, 1922: 45-78 

G112 In defense of Vesalius. Bull. Soc. med. Hist. Chi¬ 
cago 1916, 1: 47-65 2d copy with W63 

G113 An introduction to the history of medicine. Phila¬ 
delphia 1913. 8° 

G114 — 4th ed. 1929. 8 # 

G115 John Shaw Billings. New York 1915. 8* 

G116 The medical and scientific periodicals of the 17th 
and 18th centuries. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1934, 2: 

G117 Moritz Steinschneider as a contributor to the his¬ 
tory and bibliography of medical literature. Repr. 
Emanuel Libman anniversary volumes 1932 

G118 The principles of anatomic illustration before 
Vesalius. New York 1926. 8° 

G119 Progress in the cataloguing of medical incunabula. 
Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1930, 6: 365-^35. proof 

G120 Ramon y Cajal. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1929, 5: 

G121 Revised students* check-list of texts illustrating 
the history of medicine. Bull. Hist. Med. 1933, 1: 333- 

G122 Russian medicine under the old r6gime. Bull. N.Y. 
Acad. Med. 1931, 7: 693-734 

See also IV267 

G123 Johns Hopkins university. Institute of the history 
of medicine. Bulletin. Fielding H. Garrison memorial 
number, April 1937. 8° 

See also Kl 

GARRISON William Lloyd 1805-79 Biography 
See J101 

[ 82 ] 

G124 - G173 


GARROD Sir Archibald Edward 1857-1936 
G124 The debt of science to medicine. The Harveian 
oration, 1924. Oxford 1924. 8° 


G125 Gart der Gesundheit. Mainz P. Schoeffer 1485 
(Munich 1924) 4° facsim. 

G126 — (Strasbourg R. Beck 1515) fol. With B815 

GARTH Sir Samuel 1661-1719 
G127 Claremont, address’d to the Earl of Clare. London 
1715. fol. YU 

G128 The dispensary; a poem. London 1699. 4° BO 4839 

G129 — 2d ed. 1699. 8’ BO 4840 

GUO — 3d ed. 1699. 8 # BO 4841 

G131 — 4th ed. 1700. 8° YU 

G132 — 5th ed. 1703. 8° 2 copies 

G133 — 6th ed. 1706. 8° 2 copies. LC 

G134 — London H. Hills 1709. 8° YU 

G135 — London J. Bradford 1709. 8* 

G136 — 7th ed. London 1714. 12° LC 
G137 — 8th ed. 1718. 12 * JC 
G138 — 9th ed. 1726. 12° 2 copies. LC 
G139 — 10th ed. 1741. 12° NL 

G140 — (12th ed.) The lutrin, N. Boileau-Despr6aux 
(4th ed.) Dublin 1730. 12° 

G141 A compleat key to the 8th ed. of the Dispensary. 

London 1718. 12° With G137 
G142 — 1726. 12° LC With G138 
G143 —3d ed. 1734. 12° BMC 2d copy with G138; 3d 
copy with G139 

G144 A poem to the Earl of Godolphin. n.p. 1710. fol. 
G145 A poem upon His Majesties accession. London 
1714. fol. 

G146 The poetical works. Glasgow 1771. 12° BMC 
G147 — Cooke’s ed. London (1800) 12° 

G148 — ed. T. Park. 1808. 16° 

G149 A prologue for the 4th of Nov. 1711, being the 
anniversary of K. William [London?] 1711. 4° BMC 

G150 The works. Dublin 1769. 8° LC 
See also E74; 0123; 0124; Rll 

GASK George Ernest 1875- 

G151 John Hunter in the campaign in Portugal 1762-3. 
Bristol 1937. 8° 

GASKELL Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghom (Stevenson) 


G152 The life of Charlotte Bronte. New York 1901. 8° 

GASKELL Hugh Selwyn 

G153 Pot-pourri. Stowmarket 1932. 8° 

GASKELL Walter Holbrook 1847-1914 
G154 On the vasomotor nerves of striated muscles. 
Repr. J. Anat. } Lond. 1877, 11: 132-65 

GASKILL Silas See M472 

GASSENDI Pierre 1592-1655 

G155 Institutio astronomica. Nuntius sidereus, G. Gali¬ 
lei. Dioptrice, J. Kepler. 2. ed. London 1653. 8° LC 

G156 Romanum calendarium compendios£ expositum. 

Paris 1654. 4° BMC With G157 
G157 Tychonis Brahei vita. Accessit Nicolai Copernici, 
Georgii Peurbachii & Ioannis Regiomontani vita. Paris 
1654. 4* JC 

GASSER Achilles Pinninius 1505-77 See P232 
GATAKER Thomas <7.1769 

G158 Observations on the internal use of the solanum 
or nightshade [London] 1757. 8’ GHL 
See also LI 18 

GATES William Edmond 1863-1940 See C513 

G159 Restauri della Roma imperiale. Rome 1924. obi. 

GAUCKLER Ernest 1876- 

GUO Le professeur J. Dejerine 1849-1917. Paris 1922. 8° 
See also D101 

GAUDIN Marc Antoine Augustin 1804-80 
G161 Recherches sur le groupement des atomes. Paris 
1847. 8° 

GAURICO Pomponio d. 1530 See 18 

GAUSS Karl Friedrich 1777-1855 
G162 Theoria motus corporum coelestium. Hamburg 
1809. 4° 

G163 —(ed. E. C. J. Schering. Gotha 1871) 4* his 
Werke v. 7 
See also M76 


G164 Catalogue des livres. Paris 1781. 8° With M58 

GAUTIER Johann Ludwig 

G165 De irritabilitatis notione, natura et morbis. Halle 
(1793) 8° Inaug.-diss. SG 

GAUTIER D’AGOTY Araaud filoy d. 1771 
G166 Cours complet d’anatomie, ed. N. Jadelot. Nancy 
1773. fol. SG 

GAUTIER D’AGOTY Jacques 1717-85 
G167 Anatomie de la tete, ed. J. G. Duverney. Paris 
1748. fol. ChF With G169 

G168 Chroa-g6n6sie (Paris) 1749. 8° 2 copies. BN 
G169 Essai d’anatomie, ed. J. G. Duverney. Paris 1745. 
fol. ChF 

GAVINELLUS Faustinus See M103 

GAY Frederick Parker 1874-1939 
G170 The open mind: Elmer Ernest Southard 1876-1920 
[Chicago] 1938. 8° 

GAY Martin 1803-50 

G171 A statement of the claims of Charles T. Jackson. 
Boston 1847. 8* 2 copies 

GAY-LUSSAC Joseph Louis 1778-1850 
G172 Cours de chimie. Paris 1828. 2 v. 8° 

GAZA Theodorus 1398-1478 See A125; A242 

GAZZAM Antoinette Elizabeth 

G173 A brief synopsis of the problem of vivisection. 
New York 1908. 8* 

[ 83 ] 


G174 - G213 

GEBELE Hubert 1873- 

GJ74 Ueber die deutsche artzliche Studienreise nach 
Amerika im Jahre 1912. Repr. Beitr. klin. Chir. 1912, 
82: 462-73. In A165a 


G175 Die Alchemie, ed. E. Darmstaedter. Berlin 1922. 8* 
See also S35 


G176 Gedenkschrift zur Eroffnung des Vesalianum. 
Leipzig 1885. 8* 

GEIGER Malachias b. 1606 

G177 Microcosmus hypochondriacus sive de melan¬ 
cholia. Munich 1652. 4° SG 

GEIKIE Sir Archibald 1835-1924 

G178 The founders of geology. London 1897. 8* 

G179 Geological map of the British Isles. Edinburgh 
1879. fold. 8° 

G180 Geological sketches at home and abroad. London 
1882. 8° 

G181 A long life’s work: an autobiography. London 
1924. 8° 

G182 Text-book of geology. London 1882. 8° 

See also H551 

GEINATS N. See Heinatz N. 

GEISBERG Max 1875- See V72 

GEISER Karl See H59 

GELfeE Theophile 1566-1650 

G183 L’anatomie fran^oise, dernidre 6d. Lyons 1665. 8 # 

See also D317-19 

GELEN Sigmund 1497-1554 See N126 

G184 The Attic nights, tr. J. C. Rolfe. London 1927. 
3 v. 12° 

GEMINUS Thomas fl. 1540-60 See L66; V89-91 

GEMMA Reinerus Frisius 1508-55 
G185 De principiis astronomiae & cosmographiae. Lou¬ 
vain S. Zassenus (1530) 4° NL 

G186 His method of determining differences of longi tude 
by transporting timepieces 1530, ed. A. Pogo. Bruges 
[1935] 8° 

See also A198 


G187 An account of its activities 1902-14. New York 
1915. 8° 

GENERAL HOSPITAL society of Connecticut, New 


G188 1826-1926, centenary. New Haven 1926. 8* 

GENGA Bernardino 1655-1734 

G189 Anatomia chirurgica. Rome 1686. 8° SG 

G190 Anatomia per uso et intelligenza del disegno. 
Rome 1691. fol. SG 

GENTILE da Foligno d. 1348 See G261; G262 
Biography See G268 


G191 The gentleman’s diary or an almanack for 1805. 
London 1805. 8* 

G192 Considerations g£n6rales sur les mammiferes. 
Paris 1826. 12° 


G193 Davidson Black 1884-1934 (Peiping 1934) 8° 

GERARD John 1545-1612 

G194 A catalogue of plants in the garden of J. Gerard, 
ed. B. D. Jackson. London 1876. 8° 

G195 The herball, ed. T. Johnson. London A. Islip, 
J. Norton & R. Whitaker 1633. fol. JC 

GERARDO di Cremona 1114-87 See R128 
GERARDUS Theodoricus d. 1530? See G30; G55 

GERHARD William Wood 1809-72 
G196 On the diagnosis of diseases of the chest. Philadel¬ 
phia 1836. 8° 

GERMER Lester Halbert 1896- See D72 

G197 Chirurgia ofte veldt-boeck, tr. J. Pauwels-zoon. 
Amsterdam 1651. 4° BNed 

G198 Feldtbuch der Wundtartzney. Strasbourg J. 

Schott (1517) fol. SG With F338 
G199 — (Strasbourg J. Schott 1528) 4* ChF 
G200 —1530.4° 

G201 — Strasbourg J. Schott 1540. fol. SG 

GERSTER Arpad Geyza Charles 1848-1923 
G202 Recollections of a New York surgeon. New York 
1917. 8° 

G203 What was the English sweating sickness? Repr. 
Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1916, 27: 332-37 

GERSUNY Robert 1844-1924 

G204 Arzt und Patient, 5. Aufl. Stuttgart 1904. 8° 

GERVTS Frederick Heudebourck 

G205 On the sweating sickness. London 1887. 12° 

GfiRY Joseph Saint- See Saint-G£ry J. de 
GESNER Conrad 1516-65 

G206 Apparatus et delectus simplicium medicamen- 
torum. Lyons J. & F. Frellon 1542. 8° SG 
G207 Bibliotheca instituta, ed. J. Simmler. Zurich C. 

Froschauer 1574. fol. BO 629 
G208 Bibliotheca universalis. Zurich C. Froschauer 
1545. fol. BO 623 

G209 Chirurgia. De chirurgia scriptores. Zurich A. & J. 

Gesner 1555. fol. 2 copies. BO 643 
G210 De omni rerum fossilium genere. Zurich J. Gesner 
1565(1566) 8° BO 646 

G211 De raris et admirandis herbis. Descriptio montis 
Fracti. Pilati montis in Gallia descriptio, J. Du Choul. 
Stockhornias, J. Muller. Zurich A. & J. Gesner (1555) 
4° BO 642 With P54 

G212 De remedijs secretis [Zurich C. Froschauer] n.d. 
8° 2 copies. BO 638 

G213 — liber secundus, ed. C. Wolff [Zurich Froschauer] 
(1569) 8° BO 639 With G212 

[ 84 ] 

G214 - G263 


G214 leones animalium, 2. ed. Zurich C. Froschauer 
1560. fol. 2 copies. SG 

G215 leones avium omnium, 2. ed. Zurich C. Froschauer 
1560. fol. BO 637 With G214 
G216 A new booke of destillatyon of waters, called the 
treasure of Euonymus, tr. P. Morwyng. London J. Day 
(1565) 4° STC 11801 With G217 
G217 The newe jewell of health, tr. G. Baker. London 
H. Denham 1576. 4° 2 copies. SG 
G218 Nomenclator aquatilium animantium. Zurich 
C. Froschauer 1560. fol. LC With G214 
G219 The practise of the new and old phisicke, tr. 

G. Baker. London P. Short 1599. 4° BO 641 
G220 Thesaurus de remediis secretis. Zurich A. Gesner 
& R. Wyssenbach 1552. 8° 

G221 —Lyons B. Arnoullet 1555. 12° BMF 
G222 —Lyons B. Arnoullet widow 1557. 12° 

G223 —Lyons A. Vincent 1558. 12° 

G224 The treasure of Euonymus, tr. P. Morwyng. Lon¬ 
don J. Day [1559] 4° BO 640 
G225 Tresor des remedes secretz. Lyons A. Vincent 
1557. 8° BN 
See also C408; V161 
Biography See S245 

G226 Michel Servet et ses id£es religieuses. Geneva 
1892. 8° 

GHENT Percy 

G227 John Reade and his friends (Toronto 1925) 8 # 
G228 Roentgen, a brief biography. Toronto 1929. 8* 
GIACOMO della Torre See Jacopo da Forli 
GIACOSA Piero 1853-1928 

G229 Magistri salernitani nondum editi. Torino 1901. 
8° & atlas fol. 

GIAUQUE William Francis 1895- 
G230 [Miscellaneous papers 1929-36] 8* 

GIBALTUS Hector See G34 

GIBBS Josiah Willard 1839-1903 
G231 Graphical methods in the thermodynamics of 
fluids. In Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 1873, 2: 309-42 
G232 A method of geometrical representation of the 
thermodynamic properties of substances. In Trans. 
Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 1873, 2: 382-104 
G233 Notes on the electromagnetic theory of light. Repr. 

Amer. J. Sci. 1882/3, 23: 262-75 etc. 

G234 On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances. 
In Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 1875-76, 3: 108-248 

G235 The scientific papers, v. 2. London 1906. 8° 

G236 Thermodynamische Studien, tr. W. Ostwald. Leip¬ 
zig 1892. 8° 

GIBBS Sir Philip Hamilton 1877— 

G237 Blood relations. Garden City 1935. 8° 

G238 Cities of refuge. London [1936] 8° 

GIBSON Adelno 

G239 Chemical warfare as developed during the World 
war. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med . 1937, 13: 397-421 

GIBSON Alexander George 1875- 

G240 The physician’s art. Oxford 1933. 8° 2 copies 

GIBSON James Edgar 

G241 Dr. Bodo Otto and the medical background of the 
American revolution. Springfield Ill. (°1937) 8° 

GIBSON Richard 

G242 Astrologus Britannicus or an almanack for 1708. 
London 1708. 8° 

GIBSON Thomas 1647-1722 

G243 The anatomy of humane bodies epitomized. Lon¬ 
don 1682. 8° SG 
G244 — 2ded. 1684 . S* SG 
G245 — 3d ed. 1688. S° JC 
G246 — 6th ed. 1703. 8° SG 
See also C390 

GIBSON William 1788-1868 

G247 Lecture, introductory to a course on the principles 
& practice of surgery. Philadelphia 1841. 8° 

G248 Rambles in Europe in 1839. Philadelphia 1841. 8° 
G249 Three lectures, preliminary to a course on the 
principles and practice of surgery. Philadelphia 1850. 8° 


G250 The general receipt book. London 1845. 16° With 

GILBERT William 1540-1603 

G251 De magnete. London P. Short 1600. fol. BO 675 

G252 — London 1600 [Berlin 1892] fol. facsim. 

G253 De mundo nostro sublunari philosophia nova. 
Amsterdam 1651. 4° GHL 

G254 On the loadstone and magnetic bodies, tr. P. F. 
Mottelay. London 1893. 8° 

G255 A reprint of the chapter on electrics from De 
magnete, ed. S. P. Thompson. London 1903. 8° 

G256 Tractatus sive physiologia nova de magnete, ed. 

W. Lochman. Stettin Gotz 1628. 4° BMC 
G257 — 1633. 4° BMC 
Biography See T69-71; T77 

GILBERTUS Anglicus 13th cent. 

G258 Compendium medicine (Lyons J. Sacon 1510) 4° 

Biography See H96 

GILCREEST Edgar Lorrington 1882— 

G259 Lord Lister, the man and his achievements. Repr. 
Trans. Sth. surg. gynec. Ass. y Nashville , Tenn. 1927, 40: 

GILFORD Hastings 1861— 

G260 The disorders of post-natal growth and develop¬ 
ment. London 1911. 8° 

GILLES de Corbeil fl. 1200 

G261 Carmina de urinarum iudiciis, ed. Gentile da 
Foligno (Lyons F. Fradin 1505) 8° 2 copies. BMC 
G262 De urinis & pulsibus, ed. Gentile da Foligno. De 
urinis, P. Leo (Venice O. Scoto heirs 1414) [1514] fol. SG 

GILLES DE LA TOURETTE Georges 1857-1904 
G263 Th6ophraste Renaudot d’apr^s des documents 
in6dits. Paris 1884. 8° 

[ 85 ] 


G264 - G307 

GILLIES Harold Delf 1882- 

G264 Plastic surgery of the face. London 1920. 4° 

GILMAN Daniel Coit 1831-1908 
G265 The launching of a university. New York 1906. 8° 
Biography See J89 

GIMBERNAT Antonio de b. 1734 
G266 Nuevo m6todo de operar en la hernia crural. Ma¬ 
drid 1793. 4° 

GIRARD Jacques de Tournus d. 1583 See B18 
GIRARDI Michele 1731-97 See S66 

G267 Discours du coeur du petit monde. Langres J. 
Chauvetet 1613. 4° photostat 

GIROLAMI Giuseppe 1809-78 

G268 Sopra Gentile da Fuligno. Naples 1844. 8* 

GIVRY Emile Angelo Grillot de See Grillot de 
Givry £. A. 

GLADSTONE Ethel See B506; E47; H256 
GLANVILL Joseph 1636-80 

G269 A praefatory answer to Mr. Henry Stubbe. Lon¬ 
don 1671. 8° BO 6109 

GLAREANUS Henricus 1488-1563 

G270 Liber de asse. Basel M. Isengrin 1551. fol. BMC 

GLASER Christoph fl . 1663 

G271 Chimischer Wegweiser. Jena 1684. 12° BMC 

GLASGOW. University. Hunterian museum 
G272 Catalogue of the anatomical and pathological 
preparations of Dr. William Hunter, by J. H. Teacher. 
Glasgow 1900. 2 v. 8° 

GLASGOW. University. Hunterian museum. Library 
G273 The printed books. Glasgow 1930. fol. 

GLASGOW LISTER memorial committee 
G274 Lister & the Lister ward in the Royal infirmary of 
Glasgow. Glasgow 1927. 8* 

GLASS Thomas 1709-86 

G275 A second letter from Dr. Glass to Dr. Baker on the 
small-pox. London 1767. 8° SG 

GLASSE Mrs. Hannah fl. 1747 
G276 The art of cookery, made plain and easy, 4th ed. 
London 1751. 8* 

GLASSER Otto 1895- 

G277 Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen und die Geschichte der 
Rontgenstrahlen. Berlin 1931. 8* 

G278 Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen and the early history of 
the Roentgen rays. Springfield Ill. (°1934) 8* 

GLAUBER Johann Rudolf 1604?-68 
G279 De auri tinctura. Amsterdam 1651. 8° SG 2d copy 
with G284 

G280 — 1662. 8* SG With G285 

G281 De igne secreto philosophorum. Amsterdam 1669. 
8* SG 

G282 De lapide animali. Amsterdam 1669. 8° SG 
G283 De tribus lapidibus ignium secretorum. Amster¬ 
dam 1668. 8* 

G284 Furni novi philosophici sive descriptio artis destil- 
latoriae novae. Amsterdam 1658-61. 6 pts. in 1 v. 8° 
G285 Pharmacopaeae spagyricae 1.-7. Theil. Amster¬ 
dam 1656-68. 10 pts. in 1 v. 8° SG 

G286 Tractatus de medicina universali. Amsterdam 
1657. 8° SG With G285 

G287 The works, tr. C. Packe. London 1689. fol. BO 

See also C398 

GLISSON Francis 1597-1677 
G288 Anatomia hepatis. London 1654. 8° SG 
G289 — Amsterdam 1659. 12° BO 2759 
G290 — ed. nova. 1665. 12° SG 

G291 De rachitide, G. Bate & A. Regimorter jt.auth 
3. ed. Leyden 1671. 8° SG 

G292 Tractatus de ventriculo et intestinis. Amsterdam 
1677. 12° SG 

GLYNN Robert 1719-1800 

G293 The day of judgment, 2d ed. Cambridge 1757. 4° 

GNUDI Martha Teach See IV86 

GOCLENIUS Rudolph 1572-1621 
G294 Mirabilium naturae liber. Frankfort E. Emmel 
1625. 8° BMC 

See also S177 

GODDARD Jonathan 1617?—75 See B156 
GODIN Nicolas 16th cent. 

G295 La chirurgie militaire, tr. J. Blondel. Antwerp J. 
Bellere 1558. 8° BMC With P76 
See also V139 

GODLEE Sir Rickman John bart. 1849-1925 
G296 The foundation oration on Lister and his work 
London [1913] 8° With C42 

G297 The Hunterian oration 1913. London (1913) 8’ 
G298 Introductory address in the Faculty of medicine at 
University college. London [1889] 8* 

G299 Lord Lister. London 1917. 8* 

G300 Our attitude towards modern miracles (Birming¬ 
ham? 1919) 8° 

G301 The past, present and future of the School for ad¬ 
vanced medical studies of University college. London 
(1907) 8° 

G302 Thomas Wharton Jones. London 1921. 8* 

G303 A village on the Thames. London (1926) 8° 

See also L297 

GODMAN John Davidson 1794-1830 

G304 Rambles of a naturalist. Philadelphia 1859. 8* 

See also C396 

GOEDAERT Johannes 1620-68 

G305 De insectis, ed. M. Lister. London 1685. 8* LC 

GOELICKE Andreas Ottomar 1671-1744 
G306 Historia medicinae universalis. Frankfort on the 
Oder 1721. 2 v. 8 # BO 5925 

GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von 1749-1832 
G307 Zur Farbenlehre. Tubingen 1810. 2 v. 8° & atlas 4* 
Biography See V156 

[ 86 ] 

G308 - G347 


GOFFRES Joseph Marie 1808-67 
G308 [Manual of surgical bandages, devices and dress¬ 
ings, tr. from the French by A. Hausmann and N. 
Heinatz (or Geinats) St. Petersburg 1859] 2 v. 8° Rus¬ 

GOLD F. See B373; B374 


G309 The golden cabinet: being the laboratory, or hand¬ 
maid to the arts, 3d ed. Dublin 1790. 12° 

GOLDMAN Raymond Leslie 1895- 
G310 Out on bail. New York (°1937) 8° 

GOLDMANN Edwin Ellen 1862-1913 
G311 Vitalfarbung am Zen tralnervensys tern. Berlin 
1913. 4° 

GOLDSCHMID Edgar 1881- 

G312 Entwicklung und Bibliographic der pathologisch- 
anatomischen Abbildung. Leipzig 1925. fol. 


G313 Hieronymus Miinzer und seine Bibliothek. Lon¬ 
don 1938. 8° 

G314 Hieronymus Muenzer and other 15th century 
bibliophiles. Repr. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1938, 2. s. 
14: 491-508 
See also B858 

GOLDSCHMIDT Heymann Joseph 1761-1835 
G315 Algemeene beschouwing van de geschiedenis der 
koepokken. Amsterdam 1802. 8° 

GOLDSMITH Middleton 1818-87 

G316 A report on hospital gangrene. Louisville 1863. 8° 

GOLDSMITH Oliver 1728-74 
G317 The deserted village, London 1770 (London 1927) 
4* facsim. 

G318 An history of the earth. London 1774. 8 v. 8° NL 
G319 The traveller. London 1770. 4* BO 4865 
GOMEZ Jorge 

G320 De ratione minuendi sanguinem (Toledo J. de 
Ayala 1539) 4° SG 

GOftALONS Guillermo P. 

G321 Estudio fisioldgico clmico y terap6utico de las 
funciones del ovario. Buenos Aires 1914. 8° 

GONTHIER Jean See Guenther J. 

GOOD John Mason 1764-1827 

G322 The history of medicine. London 1795. 8° SG 

GOODALE W. F. See B505 

GOODE George Brown 1851-96 See S298 

GOODHART Sir James Frederic bart. 1845-1916 
G323 The passing of morbid anatomy. The Harveian 
oration, 1912. London 1912. 8* 2 copies 

GOODMAN Nathan Gerson 1899- 
G324 Benjamin Rush, physician and citizen 1746-1813. 
Philadelphia 1934. 8° 

GOODSPEED Charles Eliot 1867- 
G325 Yankee bookseller. Boston 1937. 8* 

GOODYER John 1592-1664 See D181 
GORDON Bernard de See Bernard de Gordon 

GORDON Charles William 1860-1937 
G326 The doctor. New York (°1906) 8° 

GORDON George Alexander See C533; C639 

GORDON Lucie (Austin) lady Duff- See Duff- 
Gordon L. A. 

GORDON Richard 

G327 F. Rabelais. Montpellier 1876. 4° 

GORGES Raymond 

G328 Ernest Harold Baynes. Boston 1928. 8* 

GORRIS Jean de 1505-77 See H358 
GOSS Charles Mayo 1899- 

G329 The historical background of Schwann’s cell the¬ 
ory. Repr. Yale J. Biol. Med. 1937, 10: 125-44 

GOSSE Sir Edmund William 1849-1928 
G330 Father and son, biographical recollections. New 
York 1907. 8° 

See also B243; R125 
GOSSE Philip 1879— 

G331 Go to the country (2d ed.) London (1936) 8° 

G332 Memoirs of a camp-follower. London 1934. 8’ 
G333 St. Helena 1502-1938. London (1938) 8 - 
G334 Traveller’s rest. London (1937) 8° 

G335 A visit from George Moore (Jamestown St. 
Helena) 1937. 8° 

GOSSE Philip Henry 1810-88 
G336 A naturalist’s sojourn in Jamaica. London 1851. 8* 
Biography See G330 
GOTCH Francis 1853-1913 

G337 Two Oxford physiologists Richard Lower, John 
Mayow. Oxford 1908. 8° 

GOTTLIEB Rudolph 1864-1924 See M335 

GOTTSCHALK Louis Reichenthal 

G338 Jean Paul Marat. New York (°1927) 8* 


G339 Die Buchkunst Gutenbergs und Schoffers. Berlin 
1918. fol. 

GOUDY Frederic William 1865- 
G340 The alphabet. New York 1922. fol. 

GOULD George Milbry 1848-1922 
G341 An autumn singer. Philadelphia 1897. 8* 


G342 L’organisation de l’enseignement clinique dans 
quelques hopitaux universitaires des litats-Unis. Brus¬ 
sels 1926. 8° In A165a 

GOYANES Jose 1876- 

G343 Miguel Serveto, 1. ed. Madrid 1933. 8* 

GRAAF Reinier de 1641-73 

G344 De mulierum organis generationi inservientibus. 

Leyden 1672. 8° Catchpole 11 3d copy with G346 
G345 De virorum organis generationi inservientibus. 

Leyden 1668. 8* Catchpole 7a 
G346 — 1668. 8° Catchpole 7b 

G347 Partium genitalium defensio. Leyden 1673. 8* 
Catchpole 13 With G348 2d copy with G346 

[ 87 ] 


G348 - G380 

GRAAF R. — continued 

G348 Tractatus anatomico-medicus de sued pancreatid 
natura & usu. Leyden 1671. 8° Catchpole 4 2d copy with 

GRACHT Jacob van der 

G349 Anatomie der wtterlicke deelen van het mensche- 
lick lichaem. The Hague The author 1634. fol. SG 
G350 — 2. dr. Rotterdam 1660. fol. BMC 

GRAClAN Y MORALES Baltasar 1601-58 
G351 A truthtelling manual and the art of worldly wis¬ 
dom, tr. M. Fischer. Springfield Ill. (°1934) 16° 

GRACZ Clement von See Folz H. 

GRADI Gianmatteo Ferrari da See Ferrari da 
Gradi G. 

GRAEFE Albrecht von 1828-70 
G352 Heilwert der Iridektomie bei Glaukom, ed. H. Sat- 
tler. Leipzig 1911. 8° 

GRASSE Johann Georg Theodor 1814-85 

G353 Orbis latinus, 3. Aufl. F. Benedict. Berlin 1922. 8° 

GRAETZ Johannes Henricus 

G354 Epistola anatomica. Amsterdam 1724. 4° SG 

GRAETZ Leo 1856- See M219 
GRAHAM Harvey pseud. See Flack I. H. 
GRAHAM Thomas 1805-69 

G355 Liquid diffusion applied to analysis. Philos. Trans. 
1861, 151: 183-224 

GRAMATICA Luigi See M237 

GRAMONT Philibert comte de 1621-1707 Biogra¬ 
phy See H85 

GRANDAMI Jacques 1588-1672 
G356 Le parallele des deux cometes 1664 & 1665. Paris 
1665. 4° Pogg 

GRANGE Charles D’Oyly See M515 

GRANGIER Bonaventure d. 1589 
G357 In defensionem libelli Leon. Botalli de curandi 
ratione per sang, missionem. Paris J. Du Puys 1581. 8° 


G358 Ad inveniendum novam lunam (1507-50) 8° 

GRANT Madison 1865-1937 

G359 The passing of the great race. New York 1916. 8° 


G360 Le grant herbier en fran^oys. Paris (P. Le Noir) 
[1540?] 4* 

GRASSI Benvenuto fl. 12th cent. 

G361 De oculis, tr. from 1st printed ed., Ferrara, 1474, 
C. A. Wood. Stanford university 1929. 8° 

GRATAROLI Guglielmo 1516-68 See 18 
GRATIANUS Justus See Danckerts J. 

GRAUPE Paul bookseller Berlin 

G362 Inkunabeln deutscher Pressen. Berlin [1926] 8* 

GRAVES Robert 1895- 

G363 Good-bye to all that. London (1929) 8° 

GRAVES Stuart 1879- See W31 

GRAVESANDE Willem Jacob van ’s 1688-1742 

See H562 

GRAY Asa 1810-88 

G364 A manual of the botany of the northern United 
States. Boston 1848. 8° 

G365 Natural science and religion. New York 1880. 8° 
GRAY Ernest 

G366 The diary of a surgeon in the year 1751-52, by 
John Knyveton. New York 1937. 8° 

GRAY George John 1863- 

G367 A bibliography of the works of Sir Isaac Newton, 
2d ed. Cambridge 1907. 8° 

GRAY Henry 1825-61 

G367a Anatomy, descriptive and surgical, new Ameri¬ 
can ed. T. P. Pick, R. Howden & J. C. Da Costa. Phila¬ 
delphia 1905. 8" 

GRAY Samuel Frederick fl. 1780-1836 
G368 Trait6 pratique de chimie, tr. T. Richard. Paris 
1828-29. 4 v. 8° 

GT. BRIT. General board of health 
G369 Papers relating to the history and practice of 
vaccination. London 1857. 4° 

GT. BRIT. Laws statutes etc. 

G370 An act for incorporating the executors of the last 
will and testament of Thomas Guy. London 1725. 8* 
BO 6068 With G482 

GT. BRIT. Local government board 
G371 Report on venereal diseases, R. W. Johnstone. 
London 1913. 8° With G375 

GT. BRIT. Ministry of health 

G372 Report of the committee of inquiry on venereal 
disease. London 1923. 8° With G375 

GT. BRIT. National health insurance joint commit¬ 
tee. Medical research committee 
G373 National health insurance. Annual report, 1-5, 
1914/15-1918/19. London (1915)-19. 5 v. in 1. 8° 

GT. BRIT. Royal commission on university educa¬ 
tion in London 

G374 Report, 1-5, final, 1910-13. fol. 

GT. BRIT. Royal commission on venereal diseases 
G375 Reports. London 1914-16. fol. 

GT. BRIT. Royal commission on vivisection 
G376 Reports, 1-6, 1906-10. fol. 

GT. BRIT. Vaccination commission 
G377 A report on vaccination and its results 1889-97, 
v. 1. London 1898. 8° 

GREATRAKES Valentine 1629-83 
G378 A brief account of the strange cures by him lately 
performed. London 1666. 4° 2 copies. FultonB 265 

GREEN George 1793-1841 

G379 An essay on the application of mathematical anal¬ 
ysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism. Not¬ 
tingham 1828. 4“ 

GREEN John d. 1778 

G380 Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1771. London 1772. 4° 

[ 88 ] 

G381 - G422 


GREEN Joseph Reynolds 1848-1914 
G381 A history of botany in the United kingdom. Lon¬ 
don 1914. 8* 

GREEN Robert 

G382 Geometria solidorum. Cambridge 1712. 8° BMC 
With G383 

G383 The principles of natural philosophy. Cambridge 
1712. 8° BMC 

GREEN Samuel Abbott 1830-1918 
G384 History of medicine in Massachusetts. Boston 
1881. 8* 

G385 Notes on a copy of Dr. Wm. Douglass’s almanack 
for 1743. Cambridge [Mass.] 1884. 8° 

GREENAWAY, A. J. See M292 

GREENE Mrs. Eunice (Chace) 

G386 Anatomy of the rat. Philadelphia 1935. 4* 

GREENE Henry Copley 1871- See B314 

GREENHILL William Alexander 1814-94 See 
B770; B781; R133; S497 

GREENLEAF Charles Ravenscroft 1838-1911 
G387 A manual for the medical officers of the U. S. army. 
Philadelphia 1864. 8° 

GREGOIRE Martin d. 1552 See G13; G18 
GREGORY David 1661-1708 

G388 Astronomiae physicae & geometricae elementa. 
Oxford 1702. fol. LC 

GREGORY James 1638-75 

G389 Optica promota. London 1663. 4* JC 

GREGORY James 1753-1821 
G390 Answer to Dr. James Hamilton. Edinburgh 1793. 
8’ 2 copies. With H91 

G391 Epigrams and poems. Edinburgh 1810. 8° 
GREGORY William 1803-58 See L218 

GRENFELL Sir Wilfred Thomason 1865-1940 
G392 Adrift on an ice-pan. Boston 1909. 8° 

G393 Down to the sea. New York (°1910) 8° 

G394 A Labrador doctor. Boston 1919. 8“ 

G395 Labrador looks at the Orient. Boston 1928. 8° 

GRESHAM Sir Thomas 1519?—79 Biography See 


G396 The grete herball whiche geueth parfyt knowlege 
and understandyng of all maner of herbes (London 
P. Treveris 1526) fol. STC 13176 

GREVEL H. See B530 
GRfiVIN Jacques 1538-70 

G397 Een corte verclaringe vande partien oft deelen des 
lichaems. 2 copies. In V22 
G398 —In V23 

G399 De venenis. Antwerp C. Plantin 1571. 4° SG 
G400 Partium corporis turn simplicium, turn composi- 
tarum, brevis elucidatio. 2 copies. In V27 
G401 —In V28 
See also N86; V92-94 

GREW Nehemiah 1641-1712 

G402 Museum Regalis societatis or, A catalogue of the 
rarities belonging to the Royal society. London 1681. 
fol. BO 2840 

GREYERZ Otto Aime Alphonse von 1863- 
G403 Albrecht Haller als Dichter, 2. Ausg. Bern 1908. 8° 
With L288 

GRIDLEY Selah 1767P-1826? 

G404 The mill of the muses. Exeter N.H. 1828. 12° 2 

GRIFFITH Robert Eglesfeld 1798-1850 
G405 Medical botany. Philadelphia 1847. 8° 

GRILLOT DE GIVRY £mile Angelo 1870- 
G406 Witchcraft, magic & alchemy, tr. J. C. Locke. 
Boston 1931. 4° 

GRILLUS Laurentius See Gryllus L. 

GRIMALDI Francesco Maria 1618-63 

G407 Physico-mathesis de lumine. Bologna 1665. 4’ SG 

GRIMAUX Edouard 1835-1900 
G408 Lavoisier 1743-94. Paris 1888. 8 # 

GRIMELLI Geminiano 1802-78 
G409 Articolo analitico sull’aggiunta alia collezione delle 
opere del professore Luigi Galvani. Repr. G. Lett. 
Scient. Modenese 1842 

G410 Memoria sul galvanismo. Bologna 1849. 8° JC 

GRINKER Roy Richard 1900- 
G411 Neurology. Springfield Ill. (1934) 8* 

G412 — 2d ed. (1937) 8° 

GRISWOLD Rufus Wilmot 1815-57 comp. 

G413 Gems from the American poets. Philadelphia 
1848. 24° 


G414 Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry 
[New York 1891] 8° 

GROSS Albert Haller 1844-1918 See G415 

GROSS Samuel David 1805-84 
G415 Autobiography, ed. S. W. Gross & A. H. Gross. 
Philadelphia 1887. 2 v. 8° 

G416 History of American medical literature. Philadel¬ 
phia 1876. 8° 

G417 John Hunter and his pupils. Philadelphia 1881. 8° 
G418 Lives of eminent American physicians and sur¬ 
geons of the 19th century. Philadelphia 1861. 8° 

GROSS Samuel Weissell 1837-89 See G415 

GROTE Louis Ruyter Radcliffe 1886- ed. 

G419 Die Medizin der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen. 
Leipzig 1923-28. 8 v. 8° 

GROTEFEND Hermann b. 1845 
G420 Christian Egenolff. Frankfort 1881. 8° 


G421 Den groten herbarius met al sijn figueren der 
Cruyden. Antwerp S. Cock 1547. fol. Becher 44 

GROVE Robert bp. of Chichester 1634—96 
G422 Carmen de sanguinis circuitu. London 1685. 4° 
BO 742 

[ 89 ] 


G423 - G465 

GROVES Abraham 1847-1935 

G423 All in the day’s work. Toronto 1934. 8° 

GRUBE Hermann 1637-98 

G424 Analysis mali citrei. Copenhagen 1668. 8 SG 

GRUDIUS Nicolaus 

G425 Piorum poematum libri duo. Antwerp G. Silvius 
1566. 8° With A27 

GRUNBECK Joseph See Grunpeck J. 

GRUENBERG Benjamin Charles 1875— 

G426 Science and the public mind. New York 1935. 8 

GRUNPECK Joseph 1473?-1532? 

G427 De la mentulagre, tr. A. Corlieu. Paris 1884. 8 

GRUNDY W. H. R. See H13 

GRUNER Christian Gottfried 1744-1815 
G428 Morborum antiquitates. Breslau 1774. 8° SG 

GRUNER Oskar Cameron 1877- See A327 

GRUNPECK Joseph See Grunpeck J. 

GRYLLUS Laurentius d. 1561 

G429 De sapore dulci & amaro, ed. A. Landau. Oratio. 
Prague G. Melantrichus 1566. 4* SG 

GUARDIA Joseph Michel 1830-97 

G430 La m6decine k travers les si^cles. Paris 1865. 8° 

GUENTHER Johann 1487-1574 
G431 De medicina veteri et nova faciunda. Basel Henric- 
petri 1571. fol. BO 2851 

The “Institutiones” 

G432 Institutionum anatomicarum libri quatuor. Basel 
(B. Rauch & T. Platter) 1536. 8* BO 2848 
G433 — ed. A. Vesalius. Venice D. Bernardino 1538. 12° 
Fill. 1; BO 582 

G434 —Venice [M. Sessa?] n.d. 16’ 2 copies 
G435 Anatomicarum institutionum libri iiii. De corporis 
humani fabrica, Theophilus Protospatharius, tr. G. P. 
Crasso. De medicamentis purgatoriis, Hippocrates, tr. 
G. P. Crasso. Basel (R. Winter 1539) 4’ F III. 2 
G436 — Lyons S. Gryphe 1541. 8° BO 2849 
G437 Institutionum anatomicarum, ed. A. Vesalius. 

n.p. 1585. 8° F III. 5 2d copy with D266 
G438 —Wittenberg S. Selfisch 1613. 8’ F III. 6 
See also G12; G19; G21; G31; G51; 042; P156 
Biography See H281; T184 

GUERBOIS Denis Francois Noel See B35 

GUERICKE Otto von 1602-86 
G439 Experimenta nova de vacuo spatio. Amsterdam 
1672. fol. SG 

gu£rin j. a. 

G440 Le chirurgien charitable. Lyons 1651. 8° BN 
GUEROULT Guillaume See M23 

G441 Una epidemia di peste narrata in versi. Milan 
[1925?] 8’ 

GUGLIELMO da Saliceto 

G442 Chirurgie, tr. P. Pifteau. Toulouse 1898. 8* 

G443 Guielmo vulgar in cirugia (Venice G. Tacuino 
1517) fol. 

GUIBERT Philibert d. 1633 

G444 The charitable physitian, tr. J. W. London T. 
Harper 1639. 4° STC 12457 

GUIDI Guido 1500?-69 

G445 Chirurgia h graeco in latinum conversa. Paris 
P. Gaultier 1544. fol. BO 155 
See also A176; G38 

GUIDO de Vigevano 14th cent. See M455 
GUIDOTT Thomas fl. 1698 

G446 De thermis Britannicis. Observationes hydrostati- 
cae. London 1691. 4° SG 

GUIFFART Pierre 1597-1658 
G447 Cor vindicatum seu tractatus de cordis officio. 
Tractatus de proxima lactis materia. Rouen 1652. 4* 

GUILLAIN Georges 1876- 

G448 La Salp6tri£re, P. Mathieu, jt.auth. Paris 1925. 4* 

GUILLEMEAU Jacques 1550-1613 
G449 Der auffrichtige Augen- und Zahn-Artzt, tr. 
J. Verbrugge & M. Schurig. Dresden 1710. 8° SG With 

G450 Child-birth, or The happy deliverie of women. 

London A. Hatfield 1612. 4’ GHL 
G451 — London A. Griffin 1635. 4° GHL 
G452 La chirurgie frangoise. Paris N. Gilles 1594. fol. SG 
G453 De fransoysche Chirurgie, tr. C. Baten. Dordrecht 
1652. fol. BNed 

G454 De la grossesse et accouchement des femmes. Paris 
1643. 8’ SG 

G455 Les oeuvres de chirurgie. Paris N. de Louvain 
1598. fol. GHL 

G456 — ed. G. Courtin. Paris N. Buon 1612. fol. SG 
G457 — Rouen 1649. fol. SG 

G458 Tables anatomiques. Paris J. Charron 1586. fol. 

G459 Trait6 des maladies de l’oeil. Paris C. Mac6 1585. 
8’ SG 

G460 A treatise of one hundred and thirteene diseases of 
the eyes, 2d ed., tr. R. Banister. London F. Kingston 
1622. 16’ SG 

See also P88; P89 

GUILLEMIN Claude Marie 

G461 M6moire sur la propagation des courants. Paris 
1860. 8’ 

GUILLIE Sebastien 1780-1865 

G462 Essai sur Instruction des aveugles. Paris 1817. 8’ 

ther J. 

GULEKE Nicolai 1878- 

G463 Chirurgische Reiseeindrucke aus Nordamerika. 
Repr. Munch, med. Wschr. 1909, 56: 2321 etc. In A 165a 

GULL Sir William Withey 1816-90 

G464 A collection of the published writings, ed. T. D. 

Acland. London 1894-96. 2 v. 8° Lacks v. 1 
G465 The Harveian oration, 1870. London (1870) 8° 

[ 90 ] 

G466 - H2 


GULLIVER Henry Strong 1853-1923 
G466 The poet of the Tontine, Dr. T. H. Chivers. Yale 
Alumni Weekly 1915, 24: 435-36 

GULLIVER Lemuel pseud. 

G467 The anatomist dissected, 3d ed. Westminster 1727. 
8° With S17 

GULLSTRAND Allvar 1862-1930 

G468 Die reelle optische Abbildung. Uppsala 1906. 8° 

GUMPERT Christian Gottlieb 1772-1832 See A278 
GUMPERT Martin 1897- 

G469 Dunant, the story of the Red cross. New York 
1938. 8 8 2 copies 

G470 Hahnemann (4. Aufl.) Berlin (1934) 8° 

G471 Das Leben fur die Idee. Berlin (1935) 8° 

G472 Trail-blazers of science, tr. E. L. Shuman. New 
York 1936. 8° 

GUNTHER Robert William Theodore 1869-1940 
G473 The astrolabes of the world. Oxford 1932. 2 v. 4° 
G474 Early science in Oxford. Oxford 1923-39. 13 v. 8° 
See also A207; D181 

GUPPY Henry 1861- 

G475 A brief sketch of the history of the transmission of 
the Bible. Manchester 1926. 8° 

G476 The reconstruction of the library, University of 
Louvain. Manchester 1926. 8° 

See also J82 

GURLT Ernst Julius 1827-99 

G477 Geschichte der Chirurgie. Berlin 1898. 3 v. 8° 

GURNEY Hudson 1775-1864 

G478 Memoir of the life of Thomas Young. London 
1831. 8* 

GUTCH John 1746-1831 See W265 

GUTHRIE George James 1785-1856 
G479 Commentaries on the surgery of the war, 6th ed. 
Philadelphia 1862. 8° 

GUTHRIE Leonard George 1858-1918 
G480 Contributions to the study of precocity in children. 
The history of neurology. London 1921. 8° 

GUTHRIE Samuel 1782-1848 Biography 
G481 Medical life. Guthrie number. March 1927. 8° 

GUY Thomas 1645?-1724 

G482 A copy of the last will and testament. London 
1725. 8* BO 6067 

0483 —with an Act for incorporating the executors of 
the said will. London 1815. 8 

G484 A true copy of the last will and testament. London 
1725. 8° LC 

GUY William Augustus 1810-85 

G485 The Harveian oration, 1875. London 1875. 8° 


G486 Chyrurgia. Recepta aque balnei de Porecta, Tura 
de Castello [Lyons] V. de Portonariis n.d. 4° See Klebs 

G487 Colectorio 6 inventario en cirujia (ed. J. Falcon, 
tr. J. L. Carnicer. Zaragoza G. Coci 1533) fol. Lacks 
t.-p. Gurlt 

G488 La grande chirurgie, ed. L. Joubert. Rouen R. de 
Beauvais 1615. 8° 

G489 — ed. £. Nicaise. Paris 1890. 8* BO 2855 

G490 Le Guidon en fran^oys. Paris J. Petit 1537. fol. 

G491 Le Guidon pour les barbiers et chiurgiens. Lyons 
P. Rigaud 1609. 16° 

G492 Le maistre en chirurgie, nouvelle 6d. L. Verduc. 
Paris 1740. 12° MU 

G493 On wounds and fractures, tr. W. A. Brennan. 
Chicago 1923. 8° 

G494 Prologue & chapitre singulier, tr. J. Canape. Lyons 
E. Dolet 1542. 8° SG 

G495 The questyonary of cyrurgyens. London R. Wyer 
(1541) 4° SG 
See also J123; J124 

GUYBERT Philibert See Guibert P. 

GUYON Louis sieur de la Nauche 

G496 Le cours de medecine. Theorie avec un accomplis- 
sement de practique, L. Meyssonnier, 5. 6d. Lyons 
1671. 4° 

GUYOT Arnold Henry 1807-84 

G497 The earth and man, tr. C. C. Felton, 7th ed. Lon¬ 
don 1870. 8° 

G498 Memoir of Louis Agassiz 1807-73. Princeton 
1883. 8° 

GUYTON DE MORVEAU Louis Bernard baron 

G499 M6thode de nomenclature chimique, A. L. La¬ 
voisier, C. L. Berthollet, A. F. de Fourcroy jt.auth. 
Paris 1787. 8° LC 

G500 A translation of the table of chemical nomencla¬ 
ture, A. L. Lavoisier, C. L. Berthollet, A. F. de Four¬ 
croy jt.auth. London 1794. 4° 


G501 Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus com¬ 
mentary (v. 1) Basel C. von Waldkirch 1586. 4° SG 

HAAGENSEN Cushman Davis 1900- 
H1 An exhibit of important books. Repr. Amer. J. Can¬ 
cer 1933, 18: 41-128 

HABER Fritz 1868-1934 

H2 Thermodynamik technischer Gasreaktionen. Mu¬ 
nich 1905. 8° 


H., G. See Hartman G. 
H., P. See Holland P. 
H., S. See V6 
H**** See D306; D307 
H. C. See Crooke H. 

[ 91 ] 


H3 - H47 

HABERSHON Samuel Osborne 1825-89 
H3 The advancement of science by experimental re¬ 
search. The Harveian oration, 1883. London [1883] 

HABICOT Nicolas 1550-1624 

H4 Gygantost6ologie ou discours des os d’un geant. 

Paris J. Houz6 1613. 8° SG With H5 
H5 Semaine ou practique anatomique. Paris J. Houz6 
1610. 8* BN 
Biography See V44 

H6 A forgotten chapter in the history of the circulation 
of the blood, A. A. Khairallah th. Repr. Ann. Surg. 
1936, 104: 1-8 

HADEN Sir Francis Seymour 1818-1910 Biogra¬ 
phy See K51 

HADLEY Arthur Twining 1856-1930 
H7 Education and government. New Haven 1934. 8° 

HAEBLER Konrad 1857- 

H8 Die deutschen Buchdrucker des XV. Jahrhunderts. 
Munich 1924. fol. 

HAECKEL Ernst 1834-1919 
H9 Anthropogenic. Leipzig 1874. 8 # 

HlO The evolution of man, tr. from 5th ed. J. McCabe. 
London 1905. 2 v. 8° 

Hll Ueber Arbeitstheilung. Berlin 1869. 8° 

H12 Das Weltbild von Darwin und Lamarck. Leipzig 
1909. 8* 

HAEHL Richard 

H13 Samuel Hahnemann, his life and work, tr. Mrs. 
M. L. Wheeler & W. H. R. Grundy, ed. J. H. Clarke & 
F. J. Wheeler. London (1922) 2 v. 8° 

HAESER Heinrich 1811-84 

H14 Grundriss der Geschichte der Medicin. Jena 
1884. 8° 

HIS Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin, 3. Bearb. 
Jena 1875-82. 3 v. 8° 

See also P245 

HAGEBY Lizzy Lind af See Lind af Hageby L. 

HAGEDORN Hermann 1882- 

H16 Leonard Wood. New York 1931. 2 v. 8° 

HAGELSRUM Gustaf Drake af See Drake af 
Hagelsrum G. 

HAGENBUT Johannes 1500-58 
H17 In divi Hippocratis laudem praefatio ante eiusdem 
Prognostica [Basel Froben] 1523. 4° GHL 
H18 Vulpecula excoriata. Frankfort C. Egenolff 1545. 
4° SG 

See also A54; G22; H356 

HAGGARD Howard Wilcox 1891— 

H19 Devils, drugs, and doctors. New York 1929. 8° 

H20 The doctor in history. New Haven 1934. 8° 

H21 Mystery, magic, and medicine. Garden City 
1933. 8° 

See also F346 

HAHN Martin 1865- See B835 

HAHNEMANN Samuel 1755-1843 Biography See 
G470; H13 

HALDANE Elizabeth Sanderson 1862-1937 
H22 Descartes, his life and times. London 1905. 8° 

H23 From one century to another. London 1937. 8° 

HALDANE Sir James Aylmer Lowthrop 1862- 
H24 The Haldanes of Gleneagles. Edinburgh 1929. 8° 

HALDANE John Burdon Sanderson 1892— 

H25 Daedalus. New York (1926) 12" 

HALDANE John Scott 1860-1936 
H26 Materialism. London (1932) 8* 

H27 Organism and environment as illustrated by the 
physiology of breathing. New Haven 1917. 8* 

H28 The philosophy of a biologist. Oxford 1935. 8° 

HALDANE Richard Burdon Haldane viscount 1856- 

H29 Higher nationality. London 1913. 8° 2 copies 

HALE George Ellery 1868-1938 
H30 The earth and sun as magnets. Washington 1914. 8* 
2 copies 

H31 The fields of force in the atmosphere of the sun. 
Repr. Nature 1927, 119: 708-14. With H30 

HALE Sir Matthew 1609-76 

H32 Magnetismus magnus. London 1695. 8° BMC 

HALE-WHITE Sir William 1857- 
H33 Bacon, Gilbert and Harvey. The Harveian oration, 
1927. London 1927. 8° 

H34 Richard Bright and his discovery of the disease 
bearing his name. Guy s Hosp. Rep. 1921, 71: 1-20 
H35 Richard Bright and his work. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 
Suppl. July 1927 

HALES Stephen 1677-1761 

H36 Statical essays, containing haemastaticks, v. 2. 
London 1733. 8° SG 
Biography See C257 

HALFORD Sir Henry hart. 1766-1844 
H37 Essays and orations. London 1831. 8’ 

H38 — 2d ed. 1833. 8" 

H39 Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1800. London 1822. 4* 
H40 — In H37 
H41 — In H38 

H42 Oratio ex Harveii instituto 1835. London 1835. 8° 
HALL Mrs. Charlotte 

H43 Memoirs of Marshall Hall. London 1861. 8" 

HALL Edwin Herbert 1855-1938 
H44 On a new action of the magnet on electric currents. 
Repr. Amer. J. Math. 1879, 2: 287-92 

HALL Francis See Line F. 

HALL Herbert James 1870-1923 
H45 The sea world waits. Boston 1922. 8° 

HALL John 1529 ?-66 

H46 Goodlye doctrine & instruction [New York 1916] 8’ 
H47 An historicall expostulation against the beastlye 
abusers of chyrurgerie and physyke, ed. T. J. Pettigrew. 
London 1844. 8° 

[ 92 ] 

H48 - H92 


See also L41 
Biography See P374 
HALL John 1575-1635 

H48 Select observations on English bodies, tr. J. Cooke. 

London 1657. 12° SG 
H49 — 1679. 8° SG 
HALL Marshall 1790-1857 

H50 Commentaries principally on those diseases of fe¬ 
males which are constitutional, 2d ed. London (1830) 8° 
H51 A critical and experimental essay on the circulation 
of the blood. London 1831. 8° 

H52 A descriptive, diagnostic and pratical es^ay on dis¬ 
orders of the digestive organs and general health. Lon¬ 
don 1820. 8° 

H53 — 2d ed. Keene N. H. 1823. 8° 

H54 Memoirs on the nervous system. London 1837. 4° 
H55 Observations on blood-letting. London 1836. 8° 
2 copies 

H56 Principles of the theory and practice of medicine, 
1st American ed. J. Bigelow, O. W. Holmes. Boston 
1839. 8° 

H57 Prone and postural respiration in drowning, ed. 
M. Hall. London 1857. 8° 

Biography See H43 
HALL Marshall b. 1831 See H57 
HALL Richard Willmott 1785-1847 See L68 

HALLE J. bookseller Munich 
H58 Wiegendrucke. Munich 1926. 8° 

HALLE John See Hall John 1529-66 

HALLER Albrecht von 1708-77 

H59 Die Alpen, ed. K. Geiser. Bern 1902. fol. 

H60 Anatomical description of the arteries of the human 
body. Boston 1813. 8° 

H61 Bibliotheca chirurgica. Basel 1774-75. 2 v. 4° 

H62 De monstris dissertatio II. Gottingen n.d. 4° SG 
H63 De partibus corporis humani sensilibus et irritabili- 
bus. Com. Soc. Gott. 1752, 2: 113-58 
H64 De respiratione experimenta anatomica. Lausanne 
1761. 8* 

H65 Deux m6moires sur le mouvement du sang. Lau¬ 
sanne 1756. 8° BO 747 

H66 Disputationes chirurgicae selectae. Lausanne 1755- 
56. 5 v. 4° GHL 

H67 A dissertation on the sensible and irritable parts of 
animals, tr. S. A. A. D. Tissot. London 1755. 8° SG 
H68 —London 1755. Baltimore 1936. 8° 

H69 First lines of physiology, 1st American ed. Troy 
1803. 8° 

H70 Gedichte, ed. L. Hirzel. Frauenfeld 1882. 8° 

H71 Nomenclator ex Historia plantarum indigenarum 
Helvetiae. Berne 1769. 8° LC 
H72 Observationes botanicae. Gottingen (1738) 4° 

H73 Opera minora, v. 1. Lausanne 1763. 1 v. in 2. 4° 
H74 Opuscula sua anatomica de respiratione. Gottingen 
1751. 8° BO 1155 

H75 Physiology. London 1754. 2 v. 8° 2 copies. SG 

See also A110; B465; E76 

Biography See C203; C661; G403; H219; H245; H265; 
120; K169; K181; L288; R69; W97 

HALLEY Edmund 1656-1742 

H76 Tabulae astronomicae. London 1749. 4° LC 


H77 A sermon preached before the governors of the hos¬ 
pitals for the small-pox and inoculation. London [1768] 
4° BMC 

HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS James Orchard 1820-89 

ed . 

H78 A collection of letters illustrative of the progress of 
science in England. London 1841. 8° 

HALLMANN Eduard 1813-55 See D290 

HALSEY Robert Hurt in 1873— 

H79 How the President, Thomas Jefferson, and Doctor 
Benjamin Waterhouse established vaccination as a pub¬ 
lic health procedure. New York 1936. 8° 

HALSTED George Bruce 1853-1922 See P328 

HALSTED William Stewart 1852-1922 
H80 Ligations of the left subclavian artery in its first 
portion. Repr. Johns Hopk. Hosp. Rep. 1920/24, 21: 

H81 The operative story of goitre. Repr. Johns Hopk. 

Hosp. Rep. 1920, 19: 71-257 
H82 Surgical papers. Baltimore 1924. 2 v. 8° 

Biography See M10 
HALY ABBAS d. 982 See R134 
HAMEL Jean Baptiste du See Duhamel J. B. 

HAMILTON Alexander 1739-1802 
H83 A treatise on the management of female com¬ 
plaints, new ed. New York 1792. 12* SG 

HAMILTON Allan McLane 1848-1919 
H84 Types of insanity. New York 1883. 4° 

HAMILTON Anthony count 1645 ?—1719 
H85 M6moires du comte de Grammont. London [1793] 
4° YU 

HAMILTON Lord Ernest William 1858-1939 
H86 The first seven divisions, 18th ed. London (1916) 8’ 

HAMILTON Frank Hastings 1813-86 
H87 Introductory lecture before the surgical class of the 
College of physicians and surgeons, Fairfield N.Y. Al¬ 
bany 1839. 8* 

H88 Introductory lecture before the surgical class of 
Geneva medical college. Geneva N.Y. 1840. 8* 

H89 A practical treatise on military surgery. New York 
1861. 8° 

HAMILTON Godfrey Heathcote 

H90 Queen square. London 1926. 8° 

HAMILTON James d. 1839 

H91 Reply to Dr. Gregory. Edinburgh 1793. 8° 2 copies 

HAMILTON William 1772-1808 
H92 Observations on the preparation, utility, and ad¬ 
ministration of the digitalis purpurea or foxglove. Lon¬ 
don 1807. 8’ 2 copies 

[ 93 ] 


H93 - H125 

HAMILTON Sir William Rowan 1805-65 
H93 On a general method in dynamics. Philos. Trans. 
1834, 124: 247-308, 1835, 125: 95-144 

HAMMER Edwin Wesley 1867- 
H94 Etheric force. New York 1922. 8* 

HAMOND Walter fl. 1643 See P74 
HAND William M. 

H95 The house surgeon and physician, 2d ed. New 
Haven 1820. 8* 

HANDERSON Henry Ebenezer 1837-1918 
H96 Gilbertus Anglicus; medicine of the 13th century. 
Cleveland 1918. 8° 

See also B2 

HANOTEAU Jean Adolphe 1869- See C133 
HANSON Laurence 

H97 Government and the press 1695-1763. London 
1936. 8° 

HARASZTI Zoltan 1892- 

H98 Ireland’s Shakespeare forgeries. More books 1934, 9: 

HARDEN Sir Arthur 1865-1940 See R233 
HARDING Peter pseud. See Bashford H. H. 

HARDY Sir Reginald bars. 1848-1938 
H99 Ipra opulenta: the earlier history of Ypres. London 
1915. 8° 

HARE Christopher pseud. See Andrews M. 

HARE Robert 1781-1858 See H266 
HARINGTON Henry 1755-91 See H103 
HARINGTON Sir John 1561-1612 
H100 The metamorphosis of Ajax. Chiswick 1814. 8° 
H101 A new discourse of a stale subiect called The 
metamorphosis of Aiax. n.p. 1596. 8° 

H102 Nugae antiquae. London 1769-75. 2 v. in 1. 12* 
H103 —ed. H. Harington & T. Park. London 1804. 
2 v. 8° 

See also R79; R83 
Biography See A40 

HARPER Henry Howard 1871— 

H104 Merely the patient. New York 1930. 8° 

HARPER Lathrop C. bookseller New York 
H105 A selection of incunabula. New York 1930. 8° 

HARRINGTON Francis Bishop 1854-1914 Biogra¬ 
phy See 14 

HARRIS David Fraser See Fraser-Harris D. F. 
HARRIS Henry 1874- 

H106 California’s medical story. San Francisco 1932. 8° 

HARRIS James Rendel 1852-1941 

H107 The ascent of Olympus. Manchester 1917. 8" 

HARRIS Thaddeus William 1795-1856 
H108 A report on the insects of Massachusetts, injurious 
to vegetation. Cambridge Mass. 1841. 8° 

HARRIS Walter 1647-1732 See L138; M531; 

HARRISON Ross Granville 1870- 
H109 [Miscellaneous papers 1904-35] 8* 

HARRISON Tinsley Randolph 1900- 

H110 Failure of the circulation. Baltimore 1935. 8° 

HART Alan 

Hill Doctor Mallory. New York (°1935) 8* 

HI 12 The undaunted. New York 1936. 8* 

HART Basil Henry Liddell See Liddell Hart B. H. 

HART Francis Russell 1868-1938 
H113 Personal reminiscences of the Caribbean sea and 
the Spanish main. Boston 1914. 8* 

HART Ivor Blashka 1889- 

H114 Makers of science. London 1923. 8* 

HARTE Richard Hickman 1855-1925 

HI 15 John Ashhurst, junior. Cambridge Mass. 1902. 8* 

HARTIG Otto 1876- See S395 

HARTLEY Sir Percival Horton-Smith 1867- See 

HARTLIB Samuel d. 1662 See C243 
HARTLIEB Johann fl. 1450 

H116 Die Kunst Chiromantia, ein Blockbuch, ed. 
E. Weil. Munich 1923. 8° facsim. 

HARTMAN George 17th cent. See D160 

HARTMANN Friedrich 1888- 
H117 Die Literatur von Fruh- und Hochsalerno. Boma 
1919. 8° 

HARTMANN Georg 1489-1564 See P190 

HARTMANN Johann 1568-1631 See C482 

HARTMANN Johann Friedrich d. 1800 
H118 Abhandlung von der Verwandschaft der elec- 
trischen Kraft. Hannover 1759. 8° Pogg 

HARTMANN Philipp Jacob 1648-1707 
HI 19 Succincta succini prussici historia. Berlin 1699. 4* 

HARTOG Marcus Manuel 1851- See B42 
HARTWELL Robert See R54 

H120 Catalogus senatus academici. Cambridge Mass. 
1815. 8° 

H121 Harvard tercentenary exhibition [Cambridge 
Mass. °1936] 8° 

H122 Walter Bradford Cannon, exercises celebrating 25 
years as George Higginson professor of physiology 
(Cambridge Mass. °1932) 8° 

HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Boylston medical society 
H123 Catalogue, May 1936. Cambridge Mass. 1936. 8° 

HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard alumni associa¬ 

H124 The ninetieth birthday of Charles William Eliot. 
Cambridge Mass. 1925. 8° 

H125 [Announcement] 1819/20-1821/22. 8° With H127 

[ 94 ] 

H126 - H176 


H126 Annual circular of the Massachusetts medical col¬ 
lege. Boston 1846. 8* 

H127 Medical school at Boston (Boston 1823) 4* 

H128 The new Harvard medical school. Repr. Harv. 
Grad. Mag. 1906 , 14: 616-51 

H129 Some account of the Medical school in Boston and 
of the Massachusetts general hospital. Boston 1824. 8° 
2d copy with H126; 3d copy with M185 

HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Medical school. Dept, of 
tropical medicine 

HI30 Report of first expedition to South America, 1913. 
Cambridge [Mass.] 1915. 8* 

HARVEIAN orations See under Harvey W. 

HARVEY Edward Hooker 

H131 Notes on the life of John Baskerville. The Plantin- 
Moretus museum, F. H. Neff. Cleveland 1901. 8° 

HARVEY Gideon 1640?-l700? 

H132 The family-physician and the house-apothecary, 
2d ed. London 1678. 12* BO 2903 

HARVEY Mrs. Kate Benedict (Hanna) Ireland 1871- 

H133 A brief biography of Perry Williams Harvey. 
Cleveland 1936. fol. 

HARVEY Perry Williams 1869-1932 See Hi33 

HARVEY Samuel Clark 1886- 

H134 The history of hemostasis. New York 1929. 8° 

HARVEY William 1578-1657 

H135 An anatomical disquisition on the motion of the 
heart & blood in animals, tr. R. Willis. London [1907] 8° 
2 copies. KeynesH 24 

H136 An anatomical dissertation upon the movement 
of the heart and blood in animals; facsim. from the 
original ed. [G. B. Morgan] Canterbury 1894. 4* 
KeynesH 23 

H137 The anatomical exercises concerning the motion of 
the heart and blood. Discourse of the heart, J. de Back. 
London 1653. 8* KeynesH 19 
H138 — 1673. 8° 2 copies. KeynesH 20 
Hi39 — ed. G. L. Keynes. London [1928] 8° 2 copies. 
KeynesH 25 

H140 Anatomical exercitations concerning the genera¬ 
tion of living creatures. London 1653. 8° 2 copies. 
KeynesH 43 

H141 Die Bewegung des Herzens und des Blutes 1628, 
tr. R. von Toply. Leipzig 1910. 8* KeynesH 27 
H142 Der Blutkreislauf. Ciba Zeitschrijt , 1937, 4: no. 41 
H143 La circulation du sang. Deux r6ponses a Riolan, 
tr. C. R. Richet. Paris 1879. 8° KeynesH 28 
H144 De motu cordis & sanguinis in animalibus. Cum 
refutationibus, E. Parisano & J. Primrose. Leyden 
J. Maire 1639. 4° KeynesH 3 
H145 —Epistolae duae, J. de Wale. Padua 1643. 12° 
KeynesH 4 

H146 — Bologna 1697. 12° KeynesH 13 
H147 Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis 
in animalibus. Frankfort W. Fitzer 1628. 4° KeynesH 1 
H148 — facsim. (Florence 1928) 4° KeynesH 17 

H149 — English tr. C. D. Leake. Springfield Ill. 1928. 8* 
H150 — Dissertatio de corde, J. de Back. Rotterdam 
1648. 2 v. in 1. 12° KeynesH 7 
H151 —Exercitationes duae anatomicae ad J. Riolan. 

Leyden 1736. 4° KeynesH 14 
H152 Exercitatio anatomica de circulatione sanguinis. 
Ad J. Riolanum. Cambridge 1649. 12° KeynesH 30 or 31 

Hi53 Exercitationes anatomicae de motu cordis & 
sanguinis circulatione. Dissertatio de corde, J. de Back. 
Rotterdam 1654. 12* Lacks Back, J. de. Dissertatio. 
KeynesH 8 

H154 — (3. ed.) 1660. 12° KeynesH 9 
H155 — (4. ed.) 1671. 12° KeynesH 11 
H156 —Glasgow 1751. 8° KeynesH 15 variant 

Hi57 Exercitationes de generatione animalium. London 
1651. 4’ KeynesH 34 

H158 —Amsterdam 1651. 12° 2 copies. KeynesH 35 

H159 — 1651. 12* KeynesH 36 

H160 — 1651. 12° 2 variant issues. KeynesH 37 

H161 — 1651. 12° KeynesH 38 

H162 — 1662. 12° KeynesH 39 

H163 —Padua 1666. 12° KeynesH 40 

H164 —The Hague 1680. 12° KeynesH 42 

H165 Exercitationes duae anatomicae de circulatione 
sanguinis ad J. Riolanum. Rotterdam 1649. 12* 
KeynesH 32 

H166 An extract of the anatomical account concerning 
Thomas Parre. Philos. Trans. 1669, 3: 886-88 See 
KeynesH 49 

H167 [Letters to Basil Feilding, 2d Earl of Denbigh, 
1636] In Gt. Brit. Historical manuscripts commission. 
Report on the manuscripts of the Earl of Denbigh, 
pt. 5, 1911: 28-41 

H168 Observationes et historiae De generatione ani¬ 
malium excerptae. De generatione animalium observa¬ 
tiones, W. Langli, ed. J. Schrader. Amsterdam 1674. 
12° KeynesH 41 

H169 On the motion of the heart and blood in animals, 
tr. R. Willis, ed. A. Bowie. London 1889. 8° 2 copies. 
KeynesH 22 

H170 Opera, ed. novissima (Leyden 1737) 4’ KeynesH 

H171 — Lacks general t.-p. KeynesH 46 variant 

H172 Opera omnia, ed. Royal college of physicians of 
London (London 1766) 4° KeynesH 47 

H173 Prelectiones anatomiae universalis, ed. by a com¬ 
mittee of the Royal college of physicians of London. 
London 1886. 4° 2 copies. KeynesH 52 

H174 Two anatomical exercitations concerning the cir¬ 
culation of the blood to J. Riolan. London 1653. 8* In 

H175 — 1673. 8° In H138 

H176 The works, tr. R. Willis. London 1847. 8* KeynesH 

See also P22; P174 

[ 95 ] 


H177 - H196 

HARVEY W. — continued 

H177 Correspondence concerning the copy of Harvey’s 
De motu cordis of 1628 stolen from Erik Waller, June- 
December 1937. 8° typescript 
See also K68; K185; L227; M328; P18 
Biography See A323; Dl; H285; 128; K23; M95; 
M413; M414; N4S; P370; P379; P384; R221; R298; 
W210; W293 

Harveian Orations 

For title see author entry 


Charleton W. 


Dickinson W. H. 


Mead R. 


Bridges J. H. 


Arbuthnot J. 


Pye-Smith P. H. 


Broxholme N. 


Brunton T. L. 


Lee M. 


Church W. S. 


Browne W. 


Payne J. F. 


Taylor R. 


Roberts W. 


Monro J. 


Duckworth D. 


Warren R. 


Poore G. V. 


Green J. 


Allbutt T. C. 


Ash J. 


Moore N. 


Halford H. 


Ferrier D. 


Powell R. 


Allchin W. H. 


Heberden W. 


Caton R. 


Warren P. 


Roberts F. T. 


Bree R. 


Osler W. 


Halford H. 


Taylor F. 


Latham P. M. 


Ormerod J. A. 


Mayo T. 


Savage G. H. 


Ogle J. A. 


Donkin H. B. 


Elliotson J. 


Williams C. T. 


Wilson J. A. 


Goodhart J. F. 


Copland J. 


Bruce J. M. 


Sutherland A. J. 


Powell R. D. 


Ackland H. W. 


Coupland S. 


Paget G. E. 


Saundby R. 


Rees G. O. 


Kidd P. M. 


Gull W. W. 


Crawfurd R. H. P. 


Chambers T. K. 


Andrewes F. W. 


Farre A. 


Spencer H. R. 


Rolleston G. 


Chaplin A. 


West C. 


Starling E. H. 


Guy W. A. 


Garrod A. E. 


Parkes E. A. 


Mott F. W. 




Bradford J. R. 


Wilks S. ^ 


Hale-White W. 


Ogle J. W. 


Rolleston H. D. 


Barclay A. W. 


Herringham W. P. 


Johnson G. 


Leathes J. B. 


Habershon S. O. 


Hutchison R. 


Reynolds J. R. 


Newman G. 


Quain R. 


Lewis T. 


Pavy F. W. 


Collier J. S. 


Stone W. H. 


Dale H. H. 


Latham P. W. 


Langdon-Brown W. 


Pollock J. E. 


Hurst A. F. 


Andrew J. 


Mellanby E. 


H178 Celebrating the 300th anniversary of the publica¬ 
tion of De motu cordis, 1628 [New York 1928] 8° Pro¬ 

H179 Supper in celebration of the 25th anniversary 
[New York 1930] 8° 


H180 Das kleine Krauterbuch. Leipzig [1936?] 8° 

HASKINS Charles Homer 1870-1937 
H181 Studies in the history of mediaeval science, 2d ed. 
Cambridge Mass. 1927. 8’ 

HASSARD Pierre 16th cent. See P46 
HASTINGS Charles Sheldon 1849-1932 See H393 
HAT A Sahachiro 1873- See E22 
HATFIELD Henry Stafford See L146 

HAUY Rene Just abbS 1743-1822 
H182 Essai d’une thSorie sur la structure des crystaux. 
Paris 1784. 8° 

H183 Tableau comparatif des r6sultats de la cristal- 
lographie. Paris 1809. 8° 

HAUFF Wilhelm 1802-27 

H184 The wine-ghosts of Bremen. New York 1889. 8* 
HAUKSBEE Francis d. 1713? 

H185 Experiences physico-mechaniques, tr. F. de Br6- 
mond, ed. N. Desmarest. Paris 1754. 2 v. 12° Wheeler 

HAVERS Clopton d. 1702 See R108 

HAWEIS Hugh Reginald 1839-1901 
H186 Sir Morell Mackenzie, physician and operator. 
London 1893. 8° 

HAWKESWORTH John 1715P-73 
H187 An account of the voyages in the Southern hemi¬ 
sphere. London 1773. 3 v. 4° GHL 

HAWKINS Charles See B691 

HAWORTH Walter Norman 1883- 
H188 The structure of carbohydrates and of vitamin C. 
Stockholm 1938. 8° 

HAY John 1838-1905 

H189 Letters and extracts from diary. Washington 
1908. 3 v. 8° 

H190 A poet in exile, early letters, ed. C. Ticknor. Bos¬ 
ton 1910. 8° 

HAYDEN Arthur 1868- 

H191 Chats on old prints. New York 1906. 8° 

HAYES Irving Benjamin 1862-1909 
H192 Work of the mystic seven (Florence Mass.) 
1897. 4° 

HAYGARTH John 1740-1827 

H193 Of the imagination as a cause and as a cure of dis¬ 
orders of the body. Bath 1800. 8° SG 
H194 A sketch of a plan to exterminate the casual small¬ 
pox from Great Britain. London 1793. 8° SG 
Biography See W81 

HAYWARD George 1791-1863 
H195 Remarks on the comparative value of the different 
anaesthetic agents. Boston 1850. 8° 

H196 Surgical reports, and miscellaneous papers on 
medical subjects. Boston 1855. 8° 

See also B224; B374 

HAZEN Allen Tracy 1904r- See J103 

[ 96 ] 

H197 - H238 


HEAD Sir Henry 1861-1940 

H197 Destroyers and other verses. London 1919. 12° 

HI98 Songs of La Mouche and other verses. London 
1910. 12° 

HEATON Mrs. Mary Margaret (Keymer) 1836-83 
H199 Leonardo da Vinci and his works, C. C. Black 
jt.auth. London 1874. 8° 

HEAVISIDE John 1748-1828 Biography See 

HEBERDEN William 1710-1801 
H200 Commentarii de morborum historia et curatione. 
London 1802. 8° 

H201 Plain instructions for inoculation in the small¬ 
pox. London 1759. 4° SG With F316 

HEBERDEN William 1767-1845 
H202 Oratio Harveiana, 1809. London 1810. 4* With 

HEBRA Ferdinand Ritter von 1816-80 
H203 Atlas of portraits of diseases of the skin, A. El- 
finger th. London 1860-75. fol. Lacks t.-p. 

HECKER Justus Friedrich Karl 1795-1850 
H204 The epidemics of the middle ages, tr. B. G. Bab- 
ington. London 1844. 8° 

H205 — 3d ed. 1859. 8° 2 copies 

HECKSCHER August 1913- 

H206 These are the days 1935: 1936. New Haven 

1936. 8° 

HEDGE Thomas b. 1844 

H207 Charles Elliott Perkins (Manchester Mass. 
1931) 8° 

HEDIN Alma Isabel Sofia 1876- 
H208 Mein Bruder Sven. Leipzig 1925. 8* 

HEDIN Sven Anders 1750-1821 
H209 Minne af von Linn6, fader och son. Stockholm 
1808. 2 v. 8° BML 2647 

H210 Utkast til en handbok for brunnsgaster. Stock¬ 
holm 1803. 8’ 

HEDIN Sven Anders 1865- 

H211 Auf grosser Fahrt, 2. Aufl. Leipzig 1929. 8° 

H212 The flight of “Big Horse,” tr. F. H. Lyon. New 
York 1936. 8* 

H213 Gobioknens gator. Stockholm (1930) 8° 

H214 My life as an explorer, tr. A. L. Huebsch. New 
York 1925 (1926) 8° 

H215 The Silk road, tr. F. H. Lyon. New York (°1938) 8° 
See also D6; H208 

HEGER Paul Francois Xavier 1846-1925 
H216 Notes sur Andr6 V6sale. Brussels 1903. 8° 

HEIDEL William Arthur 1868- 

H217 The frame of the ancient Greek maps. New York 

1937. 8° 

HEIDENSTAM Vemer von 1859-1940 
H218 The Charles men, tr. C. W. Stork. New York 
1920. 2 v. 8° 

HEINATZ N. See G308 

HEINEMANN Franz 1870- 

H219 Albrecht von Haller als Vivisektor. Bern 1908. 8* 
With L288 

HEINSIUS Nicolaas 1620-81 

H220 Bibliotheca Heinsiana. Leyden 1682. 12° pt. 1 
only. BO 7108 

HEISER Victor George 1873- 

H221 An American doctor’s odyssey. New York 
(°1936) 8° 

HEISTER Lorenz 1683-1758 
H222 Chirurgie, 2. Aufl. Nuremberg 1724. 4° YU 
H223 A general system of surgery, 7th ed. London 1763. 
4° SG 

H224 M6moires pour servir £ l’histoire de la chirurgie du 
XVIII. si£cle, tr. Paul. Avignon 1773. 8 # SG 

HELIODORUS of Larissa See E103 

HELLER Joachim 16th cent. See M312 

HELLMAN C. Doris 1910- 

H225 Jefferson’s efforts towards the decimalization of 
United States weights and measures. Isis 1931, 16: 
266-314. With B613 

H226 An unpublished diary of Edward Jenner 1810-12. 
Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1931, n.s. 3: 412-38. In J65 

HELLOT Jean 1685-1766 

H227 Catalogue des livres. Paris 1766. 8° With M58 

HELL WIG Christoph von 1663-1721 
H228 Nosce te ipsum oder Kurtz gefastes anatomisches 
Werck. Frankfort (1720?) fol. 2 variant issues with 
preface & dedication dated 1720. JC 

HELMHOLTZ Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von 


H229 Beschreibung eines Augenspiegels, ed. H. Sattler. 
Leipzig 1910. 8° 

H230 The description of an ophthalmoscope, tr. T. H. 
Shastid. Chicago 1916. 8° 

H231 Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. Leipzig 
1867. 8° 2 copies 

H232 Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen. Braun¬ 
schweig 1863. 8° 

H233 Die Mechanik der Gehorknochelchen und des 
Trommelfells. Bonn 1869. 8° 

H234 On the sensations of tone, tr. A. J. Ellis. London 
1875. 8’ 

H235 Ober die Erhaltung der Kraft. Berlin 1847. 8° 
H236 Ueber die Natur der menschlichen Sinnesemp- 
findungen. Naturw. Unterh. 1852, n.f. 1: 1-20. With 

H237 Ueber die Theorie der zusammengesetzten Far- 
ben. Berlin 1852. 8 # 

Biography See K170 

HELMONT Franciscus Mercurius van 1618-99 

See H241; H242 

HELMONT Jean Baptiste van 1577-1644 
H238 Deliramenta catarrhi, tr. W. Charleton. London 
1650. 4° 2 copies. BO 2933 

[ 97 ] 


H239 - H277 

HELMONT J. B. van — continued 
H239 Opuscula medica inaudita, 2. ed. Amsterdam 
1648. 4° BO 2932 With H241 
H240 Oriatrike or Physick refined, tr. J. Chandler. Lon¬ 
don 1662. 8° SG 

H241 Ortus medicinae, ed. F. M. van Helmont. Amster¬ 
dam 1648. 4° BO 2929 
H242 — ed. nova. 1652. 4° YU 

H243 A ternary of paradoxes, tr. W. Charleton (2d 
impr.) London 1650. 4° BO 2934 
Biography See P128 

HELVETIUS Johann Friedrich 1631-1709 
H244 Microscopium physiognomiae medicum. Amster¬ 
dam 1676. 8° BO 2940 
See also C398 

HEMMETER John Conrad 1863-1931 

H245 Albrecht von Haller. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. 

Hosp. 1908, 19: 65-74. With L288 
H246 Major James Carroll of the United States army. 

Repr. Janus 1908, 13: 57-72 etc. 

H247 Master minds in medicine. New York 1927. 8° 
H248 Michael Servetus, discoverer of the pulmonary 
circulation. Repr. Janus 1915, 20: 331-60 

HENDERSON Lawrence Joseph 1878-1942 
H249 The order of nature. Cambridge Mass. 1917. 8° 
H250 Physician and patient as a social system. Repr. 
New Engl. J. Med. 1935, 212: 819-23 

HENDERSON William 1810-72 
H251 Reply to Dr. Simpson’s pamphlet on homoeopa¬ 
thy. Edinburgh 1852. 8° With S252 

HENDERSON Yandell 1873- 

H252 Adventures in respiration. Baltimore 1938. 8* 

HENDRICK Ellwood 1861-1930 
H253 The Langmuir postulates. Repr. Chem. metall. 
Engng. 1919, 21: 73-81 

HENDRICKSON George Lincoln 1865— 

H254 The “Syphilis” of Girolamo Fracastoro. Repr. 
Bull. Hist. Med. 1934, 2: 515-46 

HENERUS Renatus 

H255 Adversus Iacobi Sylvii depulsionum anatomi- 
carum calumnias pro Andrea Vesalio apologia. Venice 
1555. 8° SG 

H256 —English translation, E. Gladstone, 1935-36. 

HENISCH Georg 1549-1618 

H257 The principles of geometrie, ed. F. Cooke. London 
J. Windet [1591] 8° STC 13070 

HENKEL Johann Friedrich 1679-1744 
H258 Henkelius in mineralogia redivivus das ist Unter- 
richt von der Mineralogie ed. (J. E. Stephani) Dresden 
1747. 8° BMC 

HENLE Jakob 1809-85 

H259 Pathologische Untersuchungen. Berlin 1840. 8° 

HENLEY William Ernest 1849-1903 
H260 Echoes of life and death (2d ed.) Portland Me. 
1916. 8° 

H261 In hospital: rhymes and rhythms (3d ed.) Port¬ 
land Me. 1921. 8° 

Biography See A42 

HENNIN Heinrich Christian de 1655 ?—1703 See 


HENRY I king of England 1068-1135 See H534 

HENRY Frederick Porteous 1844-1919 
H262 A notice of the life and writings of Valescus de 
Tarenta. Repr. Maryland med. J. 1901, 24: 237-52 

HENRY John F. 

H263 An exposure of the conduct of the trustees and 
professors of the Medical college of Ohio. Cincinnati 
1833. 8° 

HENRY Joseph 1797-1878 

H264 Contributions to electricity and magnetism, no. 
3-4, Electro-dynamic induction. Repr. Trans. Amer. 
phil. Soc. 1838, 6: 303-37, 1841, 8: 1-35 

HENRY Patrick 1736-99 Biography See W247 

HENRY Thomas 1734-1816 

H265 Memoirs of Albert de Haller. Warrington 1783. 
8° BO 1171 
See also L88 

HENRY William 1774-1836 

H266 The elements of experimental chemistry, 1st 
American ed. An account of Dr. Wollaston’s scale of 
chemical equivalents, R. Hare. Philadelphia 1819. 2 v. 
8* Lacks v. 2 

H267 An epitome of chemistry. Philadelphia 1802. 16° 

HENRY William Charles 1804-92 
H268 Memoirs of the life and scientific researches of 
John Dalton. London 1854. 8° 

HENRY E. HUNTINGTON library and art gallery 

San Marino Calif . 

H269 Incunabula medica. Repr. Huntington Libr. Bull. 
1931: 107-151 

H270 Medical knowledge in Tudor England [San Ma¬ 
rino 1932] 8’ 

H271 Supplement to the record of its books in the Short 
title catalogue, comp. C. K. Edmonds. Huntington 
Libr. Bull. 1933, 3: no. 4. 2 copies 

HENRY-ANDRE 1857-1932 

H272 Les ex-libris de m6decins et de pharmaciens. 
Paris 1908. 8° 

HENSCHEN Folke 1881- 

H273 Morgagnis Syndrom. Jena 1937. 8" 

H274 Nagra blad ur sjukdomarnas historia och geografi. 
Stockholm (1934) 8° 

HENSCHEN Salomon Eberhard 1847-1930 
H275 Klinische und anatomische Beitrage zur Pathol¬ 
ogic des Gehirns, v. 5-v. 8 pt. 1. Stockholm 1920-30. 

4 v. in 2. 4* 

HENSHAW Nathaniel d. 1673 
H276 Aero-chalinos or a register for the air. Dublin 
1664. 8° BMC 


H277 Herbarum, arborum, fruticum, frumentorum ac 

[ 98 ] 

H278 - H316 


leguminum imagines. Frankfort C. Egenolff (1546) 4° 


HERBSTER Johannes See Oporinus J. 
HERCULANUS Joannes See Arcolani G. 

HERE begynneth See S206; T153 
HERFELD Heinrich Gerhard 

H278 Philosophicum hominis, de corporis humani ma¬ 
chine Leyden 1687. 8° BMC With N132 

HERING Constantin 1800-81 

H279 Catalogue of a very rare and curious collection of 
the works of Paracelsus. Philadelphia 1881. 8° 

HERING Honorius 

H280 Syntagma medicum de arthritide. Bremen Hois- 
mann heirs 1639. 12° SG With H165 

Hl£RISSANT Louis Antoine Prosper 1745-69 
H281 £loge historique de J. Gonthier d’Andernach. 
Paris 1765. 16° SG 

HERMES Trismegistus 

H282 Poemander. Definitiones ad Ammonem regem, 
Asclepius. Paris A. Turn^be 1554. 4° Greek & Latin. 

See also S35; W205 

HERRICK Robert 1868-1938 

H283 The master of the inn. New York 1926. 8° 

HERRINGHAM Sir Wilmot Parker 1855-1936 
H284 Circumstances in the life of William Harvey. The 
Harveian oration, 1929. Oxford 1929. 8’ 

H285 The life and times of Dr. William Harvey. Repr. 

Ann. med. Hist. 1932, n.s. 4: 109-25 etc. 

H286 A physician in France. London 1919. 8° 

H287 William Harvey at St. Bartholomew’s. London 
1928. 8° 

HERSCHEL Sir John Frederick William hart. 1792- 

H288 Discours sur l’6tude de la philosophic naturelle, 
tr. B***. Paris 1834. 8* With H378 
H289 Outlines of astronomy, new ed. London 1878. 8° 
H290 Physical geography. Edinburgh 1861. 8° 

H291 Publication complete des nouvelles d&rouvertes. 
Paris 1836. 8° 

H292 Results of astronomical observations at the Cape 
of Good Hope. London 1847. 4° 

Bibliography See H393 

HERSCHEL Sir William 1738-1822 
H293 Experiments on the solar, and on the terrestrial 
rays that occasion heat. Philos. Trans. 1800, 90: 293- 
326, 437-538 

HERTER Christian Archibald 1865-1910 
H294 On infantilism from chronic intestinal infection. 
New York 1908. 8° 

HERTZ Heinrich Rudolph 1857-94 

H295 Electric waves, tr. D. E. Jones. London 1893. 8* 

H296 [Miscellaneous papers 1883-89] 8° 

H297 Untersuchungen ueber die Ausbreitung der elek- 
trischen Kraft. Leipzig 1892. 8° 2 copies 
Biography See L330; P300 


H298 Short-title catalogue of books by Herman Boer- 
haave, E. J. van der Linden, jt.auth. Amsterdam 1927. 
8° With C353 

HERTZLER Arthur Emanuel 1870— 

H299 The horse and buggy doctor. New York 1938. 8* 
2 copies 

H300 Surgery of a general practice, V. E. Chesky jt. 
auth. St. Louis 1934. 8° 

HERWIG Henning Michael 

H301 The art of curing sympathetically. London 1700. 
12° SG 

HERY Thierry de d. 1599 

H302 La m£thode curatoire de la maladie v6nerienne. 

Paris M. David 1552. 8° 2 copies. SG 
H303 —Paris N. Pepingue 1660. 8° GHL 

HERZ Marcus 1747-1803 

H304 Einige Bemerkungen iiber Kuhpocken, W. F. 
Domeier jt.auth. Berlin 1801. 8° 

HERZFELD Marie 1855- 

H305 Leonardo da Vinci. Leipzig 1904. 8° 

HESS Leo 1879- See E78 

HESS Victor Franz 1883- 

H306 Beobachtungen der durchdringenden Strahlung 
bei sieben Freiballonfahrten. Repr. S. B. A had. Wiss . 
Wien 1912, 121 Abt. 2a: 2001-32 

HESSUS Helius Eobanus 1488-1540 
H307 De tuenda bona valetudine, ed. J. Placotomus. 
Frankfort C. Egenolff heirs 1571. 8° SG 

HESTER John d. 1593 See P50-53 

HETT Walter Stanley 1882- See A244 

HEURNE Johan van 1543-1601 

H308 De peste [Leyden] C. Raphelengien 1600. 4° UC 

HEURTELOUP Nicolas 1750-1812 
H309 Rapport de la commission m6dico-chirurgicale 
institute k Milan sur l’inoculation de la vaccine. Paris 
(1802) 8° 

HEUSTIS Jabez Wiggins 1784-1841 
H310 Physical observations and medical tracts and re¬ 
searches on the topography and diseases of Louisiana. 
New York 1817. 8° 

HEVEL Johann 1611-87 

H311 Firmamentum sobiescianum. Danzig 1690. fol. 
BMC With H313 

H312 The illustrated account in his “Machina celestis,” 
ed. C. L. Prince (Lewes) 1882. 8° 

H313 Prodromus astronomiae. Danzig 1690. fol. BMC 

HEWSON William 1739-74 

H314 Descriptio systematis lymphatici, tr. J. T. van de 
Wynpersse. Utrecht 1783. 8° BO 2961 
H315 An experimental inquiry into the properties of the 
blood. London 1771. 12° GHL 

HEY William 1736-1819 

H316 Practical observations in surgery. Philadelphia 
1805. 8° 

[ 99 ] 



HEY William 1772-1844 

H317 A treatise on the puerperal fever. London 1815. 8° 

HEYDON Sir Christopher d . 1623 
H318 A defence of judiciall astrologie [Cambridge] 
J. Legatt 1603. 4° STC 13266 

HEYDON John b. 1629 

H319 The harmony of the world. London 1662. 8° BMC 
H320 The holy guide. London 1662. 8° BMC 


H321 A treatise on cow-pox. New York 1835. 8° 
HICKMAN Henry Hill 1800-30 See W127 

HIGGINS Charles Michael 1854- 
H322 Horrors of vaccination exposed and illustrated. 
Brooklyn 1920. 8° 

HIGGINSON Francis 1587-1630 
H323 New England’s plantation, 1630 (New York 1930) 
8* facsim. 

HIGGINSON Henry Lee 1834-1919 
H324 The Soldier’s field [Boston? 1890?] 8° 

Biography See P221 

HIGHMORE Anthony 1758-1829 
H325 A treatise on the law of idiocy and lunacy, 1st 
American ed. Exeter N.H. 1822. 8° 

HILAIRE Isidore Geoffroy Saint- See Geoffroy 
Saint-Hilaire I. 

HILDANUS Gulielmus Fabricius See Fabry von 
Hilden W. 

HILDEGARD Saint 1098-1178? 

H326 Physica elementorum. De simplicibus, Oribasius. 
Dieta, Theodorus. Liber unus de morborum, Aescu¬ 
lapius. Strasbourg J. Schott 1533. fol. GHL 

HILDEN Wilhelm Fabry von See Fabry von 
Hilden W. 

HILDRETH Charles T. 

H327 Case of notencephale. Boston 1834. 8° 2 copies 

HILL Archibald Vivian 1886- 

H328 Adventures in biophysics. Philadelphia 1931. 8* 

H329 [Miscellaneous papers 1909-36] 

HILL John 1716?-75 

H330 The British herbal. London 1756. fol. T.-p. in 
photostat. SG 

H331 Lucina sine concubitu, a letter address’d to the 
Royal Society, 3d ed. London 1750. 8° SG 
H332 The virtues of wild valerian in nervous disorders. 
London 1758. 8° BMC 
Biography See W275 
HILL Reginald Harrison See 063 
HILLARY William d . 1763 

H333 Observations on the changes of the air in the is¬ 
land of Barbadoes, ed. B. Rush. Philadelphia 1811. 8* 

HILTON James 1900- 

H334 We are not alone. Boston 1937. 8* 

HINSDALE Guy 1858- 

H335 Acromegaly, syringomyelia, crossed knee-jerk, 
anterior poliomyelitis. Philadelphia 1900. 8° 

HINTON James 1822-75 

H336 Life and letters, 2d ed. E. Hopkins. London 
1878. 8° 


H337 Les aphorismes, avecq le commentaire de Galien, 
tr. J. Br£che. Lyons T. Payen 1557. 16° BMC 
H338 Les aphorismes mis en vers, tr. de Launay. Rouen 
1642. 8° LC 

H339 Aphorismorum sectiones septem, ed. F. Rabelais. 

Lyons S. Gryphe 1545. 16° Latin & Greek. SG 
H340 Coaca praesagia, ed. J. Houllier & D. Jacotius. 

Lyons G. Roville 1576. fol. BO 186 
H341 Coacae praenotiones, tr. A. Foes, ed. J. Jonston. 

Amsterdam 1660. 12° Greek & Latin. SG 
H342 De la nature de l’enfant au ventre de la m£re, tr. 
G. Chrestien. Reims N. Bacquenois 1553. 8° SG With 

H343 De morbis, tr. G. Pylander. Paris C. Wechel 1540. 
4° With T179 

H344 The genuine works, tr. F. Adams. New York n.d. 
2 v. in 1. 8° 

H345 Hippocrates, tr. W. H. S. Jones & E. T. Withing- 
ton. London 1923-31. 4 v. 12° 

H346 Hippocratis ac Galeni libri aliquot, tr. F. Rabelais. 

Lyons S. Gryphe 1532. 12° Latin & Greek. SG 
H347 Libri omnes. Basel Froben 1538. fol. Greek. BO 

H348 Die Natur der Knochen, ed. R. Kapferer. Stutt¬ 
gart (°1938) 8° 

H349 Omnia opera. Venice (Aldi & A. Torresani) 1526. 
fol. Greek. BO 142 

H350 Opera omnia, ed. A. Foes. Frankfort D. & D. Au- 
brior & C. Schleich 1624. fol. Greek & Latin. SG 


Aranzio Giulio Cesare 1530-89 
H351 De vulneribus capitis commentarius brevis, ed. 
C. Porralius. n.p. J. Stoer 1579. 8° BMC 

Dubois Jacques 1478-1555 
H352 De febribus commentarius ex libris aliquot Hip¬ 
pocratis & Galeni, ed. A. Arnaud. Basel J. Derbilley 
1556. 16° BO 203 With D288; 2d copy with H354 

H353 In Hippocratis et Galeni physiologiae partem 
anatomicam isagoge. Paris J. Hulpeau 1555. fol. BMF 

H354 — ed. A. Arnaud. Basel J. Derbilley 1556. 16“ SG 
H355 — Venice V. Valgrisi 1556. 8° 


H356 De Hippocratis et Platonis dogmatibus, tr. J. 
Hagenbut. Lyons P. Miraillet 1550. 16’ SG 

H357 De victus ratione in morbis acutis commentarii, 
tr. J. Vass£s. Lyons G. Roville 1549. 16° BO 183 

H358 In prognosticum commentarius, tr. J. de Gorris. 
Lyons G. Roville 1552. 16* BO 161 With G26 

See also A305; B128; B159; G35; G36; G435; G436; 
G445; L369; L370; L386; 042 

HIRSCH August 1817-94 

H359 Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden 
Aerzte. Vienna 1884-88. 6 v. 8* 

H360 - H396 


HIRSCH Oskar 1877- 

H360 Die operative Behandlung von Hypophysistu- 
moren. Repr. Arch. Laryn. Rhin. y Berl. 1912, 26: 529- 

HIRZEL Ludwig 1838-97 Sec H70 

H361 An historical account of the life and trial of 
Michael Servetus. In Memoirs of literature 7, 1710-11: 
349-52 etc. 

HISTORY OF science society 

H362 Johann Kepler 1571-1630. Baltimore 1931. 8° 

H363 Sir Isaac Newton 1727-1927. Baltimore 1928. 8° 

HITCHCOCK Edward 1793-1864 

H364 Utility of natural history. Pittsfield 1823. 8° 

HITCHENS Arthur Parker 1877- 
H365 The introduction of agar-agar into bacteriology 
M. C. Leikind th. Repr. J. Bact. 1939, 37: 485-93 

HITTORF Johann Wilhelm 1824-1914 
H366 De iontum migrationibus electrolyticis. Munster 
1853. 4° 

HITZIG Eduard 1838-1907 

H367 Hypertrophie und Atrophie des Gehirns. Hand- 
buch der speziellen Pathologie und Therapie, ed. H. W. 
v. Ziemssen, 2. Aufl. 77, pt. 1 n.d.: 1023-88 
H368 Untersuchungen fiber das Gehirn. Berlin 1874. 8° 


H369 Oratio de vita et morte Leonharti Fuchsij. 
Tfibingen 1566. 4° BMC 

HOBART Mrs. Alice Tisdale (Nourse) 1882- 
H370 Yang and yin. Indianapolis (°1936) 8° 2 copies 

HOBHOUSE Edmund 1860-1933 See M524 

HODGE Hugh Lennox 1796-1873 
H371 Cases and observations regarding puerperal fever. 
Amer. J. med. Set. 1833, 12: 325-52 

HODGES Nathaniel 1629-88 

H372 Loimologia. An essay on the different causes of 
pestilential diseases, J. Quincy, 3d ed. London 1721. 8° 

HODGES Richard Manning 1827-96 
H373 A narrative of events connected with the intro¬ 
duction of sulphuric ether into surgical use. Boston 
1891. 8° 

HODGKIN Thomas 1798-1866 
H374 Narrative of a journey to Morocco. London 
1866. 8° 

HODGSON James 1672-1755 

H375 The doctrine of fluxions. London 1758. 4° YU 

HODNETT Edward 1901- 

H376 English woodcuts 1480-1535. London 1935. 4° 

HOE Robert 1839-1909 

H377 Catalogue of the library [New York 1911-12] 4 v. 
in 8. 8° 

HOEFER Jean Chretien Ferdinand 1811-78 
H378 La chimie enseign6e par la biographie de ses fon- 
dateurs. Paris 1865. 8° 

HOPFNER Walter 1890- 

H379 Die Nfirnberger Arzte, DDr. Hermann und Hart¬ 
mann Schedel. Leipzig (1915) 8* With L190 & S395 

HOFF Jacobus Hendricus van’t 1852-1911 
H380 Lois de l’6quilibre chimique dans l’6tat dilu£, 
gazeux ou dissous. Stockholm 1886. 4° 

HOFFMAN Christian 

H381 Longevity. New York 1798. 12° LC 

HOFFMANN Erich 1868- See S115 

HOFFMANN Friedrich 1660-1742 
H382 A treatise on the virtues and uses of whey. London 
1761. 8* BMC 

HOFFMANN Heinrich See Hoffmann-Donner H. 

HOFFMANN Johann Moritz 1653-1727 
H383 De suturis cranii humani earumque usu [Altdorf 
1691] 4° BMC 

HOFFMANN-DONNER Heinrich 1809-94 
H384 Der Struwwelpeter oder lustige Geschichten und 
drollige Bilder, 275. Aufl. Frankfort n.d. 4° cover-title 

HOFMANN Caspar 1572-1648 
H385 Institutionum medicarum libri sex. Lyons 1645. 
4° SG 

HOFMANN Christian Gottlieb 1743-95 
H386 Succincta descriptio ossium et musculorum. Nu¬ 
remberg 1783. fol. Latin & German. JC 

HOGBEN Lancelot Thomas 1895— 

H387 The pigmentary effector system. Edinburgh 
1924. 8° 

HOHENHEIM Theophrast Bombast von See Para¬ 

HOLBEIN Hans 1497-1543 

H388 The dances of death. London 1803. 4* 

HOLCOMB Richmond Cranston 1874- 
H389 Christopher Columbus and the American origin of 
syphilis. Repr. Nav. med. Bull. y Wash. 1934, 32: 401-30 
H390 Who gave the world syphilis? New York 1937. 8° 

HOLCOMBE William Henry 1825-93 

H391 Southern voices: poems. Philadelphia 1872. 8° 

HOLCOT Robert of d. 1349 

H392 Super librum sapientie (Venice B. Locatelli 1509) 
fol. YU 

HOLCROFT Thomas 1745-1809 See L79 

HOLDEN Edward Singleton 1846-1914 
H393 A synopsis of the scientific writings of Sir William 
Herschel, jt. auth. C. S. Hastings. Smithsonian Rep. 
1880, 35: 509-622 

HOLDER William 1616-98 

H394 Elements of speech. London 1669. 8° BMC 

HOLGERUS Danus See Ogier the Dane 

HOLL Moritz 1852-1920 See V71 

HOLLANDER Eugen 1867- 

H395 Die Karikatur und Satire in der Medizin. Stutt¬ 
gart 1905. 8° 

7 1396 —2. Aufl. 1921. 8° 



H397 - H443 

HOLLANDER E. — continued 

H397 Die Medizin in der klassischen Malerei. Stuttgart 
1903. fol. 

HOLLAND Sir Henry hart. 1788-1873 
H398 Recollections of past life. London 1872. 8° 

HOLLAND Josiah Gilbert 1819-81 
H399 Kathrina. New York 1867. 8° 

HOLLAND Philemon 1552-1637 See P319; P320; 


H400 Medical life. Philemon Holland number July 
1937. 8° 

HOLLANDUS Johannes Isaacus See Johannes 
Isaaci Hollandus 

HOLLERIUS Jacobus See Houllier J. 


H401 A short account of the origin, symptoms, and most 
approved method of treating the putrid bilious yellow 
fever. Boston 1796. 8° SG 

HOLLYBUSH John See B817 

HOLM Johan Campanius See Campanius Holm J. 

HOLMAN Emile Frederic 1890- 

H402 Arteriovenous aneurysm. New York 1937. 8* 

HOLMBERG Arne 1889- 

H403 Anteckningar om K. Vetenskapsakademiens 
bibliotek. Stockholm 1939. 8° 

HOLME John Gunnlaugur 1878-1922 

H404 The life of Leonard Wood. Garden City 1920. 8° 

HOLMES Christian Rasmus 1857-1920 Biography 
See F154 

HOLMES Oliver Wendell 1809-94 
H405 Astraea: the balance of illusions. Boston 1850. 8° 
H406 The autocrat of the breakfast-table. Boston 
1858. 8° 

H4C7 Before the curfew, and other poems. Boston 
1888. 8° 

H408 Border lines of knowledge in some provinces of 
medical science. Boston 1862. 8* 

H409 Boylston prize dissertations for 1836-37. Boston 
1838. 8° 

H410 “The claims of dentistry” [Minneapolis] n.d. 8’ 
H411 Currents and counter-currents in medical science. 
Boston 1861. 8° 2 copies 

H412 A dissertation on acute pericarditis. Boston 1937. 
8° 2 copies 

H413 Elsie Venner. Boston 1861. 2 v. 8° 

H414 The guardian angel. Boston 1867. 8" 

H415 Homoe6pathy. Boston 1842. 8° 

H416 Humorous poems. Boston 1865. 12° 

H417 Medical essays 1842-82. Boston 1891. 8° 

H418 Our hundred days in Europe. Boston (°1887) 8* 
H419 Poems. Boston 1836. 8° 

H420 —London 1846. 12° 

H421 The professor at the breakfast-table. Boston 
1860. 8° 

H422 Soundings from the Atlantic. London 1864. 8° 
H423 Teaching from the chair and at the bedside. Bos¬ 
ton 1867. 8° 

H424 An unpublished poem. n.p. n.d. 8° 

See also H56 

Biography See C529; H476; M529 

HOLMES Oliver Wendell 1841-1935 
H425 An address delivered on Memorial day, 1895. 
Boston 1895. 8° 

H426 Speech at commencement, Harvard university, 
June 28, 1911. n.p. n.d. 8° 

H427 Speeches. Boston 1891. 8° 

HOLMES Timothy 1825-1907 
H428 Introductory address on the centenary of John 
Hunter’s death. London 1893. 8° 

HOLT Anne 1899- 

H429 A life of Joseph Priestley. London 1931. 8° 

HOLTROP Leonardus Stephanus Augustus 1810-59 
H430 Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica et pharmaceutico- 
chemica, pt. 2 [The Hague 1842] 8° 

HOLWELL John 1649-86? 

H431 An appendix to Catastrophe mundi. London 1683. 
4° LC 

HOLYOKE Edward Augustus 1728-1829 Biogra¬ 
phy See M194 

HOLYWOOD John See Sacrobosco J. 

HOLZMAIR Eduard See V132 
HOMANS John 1877- 

H432 A textbook of surgery (1st ed.) Springfield Ill. 
1931. 8° 

H433 — (rev. ed.) 1932. 8° 2 copies 
H434 — (3d ed.) 1935. 8° 2 copies 
H435 — 4th ed. 1936. 8° 

HOME Sir Everard hart. 1756-1832 
H436 The Croonian lecture. Experiments and observa¬ 
tions upon the nerves. Repr. Philos. Trans. 1799, 89: 

H437 A dissertation on the properties of pus. London 
1788. 4° SG 

H438 Lectures on comparative anatomy. London 1814— 
28. 6 v. 4° 2 copies 

H439 Practical observations on the treatment of the dis¬ 
eases of the prostate gland. London 1811. 8° 

H440 Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers 
on the legs, 1st American ed. Philadelphia 1811. 8° 

See also H515; H516 

HOMES Geoffrey pseud. See Mainwaring D. 

H441 Hommage au professeur E. Sergent, 13. f6vrier 
1938 (Paris 1938) 8° 

HONORS d'Autun 

H442 Mundi synopsis. Speyer B. Albinus 1583. 8° With 

HOOKE Robert 1635-1703 

H443 The diary 1672-80, ed. H. W. Robinson & W. 
Adams. London 1935. 8° 

[ 102 ] 

H444 - H479 


H444 Micrographia restaurata. London 1745. fol. LC 
H445 Philosophical collections (London 1679-82) 4° 

H446 Philosophical experiments and observations. Lon¬ 
don 1726. 8° BO 3002 

HOOPER Robert 1773-1835 

H447 The anatomist’s vade-mecum, 1st American ed. 
Boston 1801. 12° 

H448 — 4th ed. London 1802. 12° 

H449 — 2d American ed. Windsor Vt. 1809. 12° 

HOOPES Grace Gertrude 1879— 

H450 Out of the running. Springfield Ill. (°1939) 8° 

H451 Anaesthesia: an unusual collection. Indianapolis 
[1935?] 8° 

HOOVER Herbert Clark pres. U. S. 1874- See 

HOOVER Mrs. Lou (Henry) 1875- See A8S9 

HOPITAL Guillaume Francois Antoine de P See 
L’Hopital G. F. A. de 

HOPKINS Arthur John 1864-1939 
H452 Alchemy, child of Greek philosophy. New York 
1934. 8° 

HOPKINS Ellice 1836-1904 See H336 
HOPKINSON Edward See H453 
HOPKINSON John 1849-98 

H453 Dynamo-electric machinery, E. Hopkinson jt. 
auth. (London 1886) 8° With E15 

HOPSTOCK Half dan 1866- See LI 62 
HORATIANUS Octavius See P400 


H454 The satires, tr. A. Wood. Edinburgh 1870. 8° 

HORNE D. R. de b. 1740? 

H455 Exposition raisonn6e des differ£ntes m£thodes 
d’administrer le mercure dans les maladies v£n6riennes. 
Paris 1775. 8" SG 

HORNE Johannes van 1621-70 
H456 Brevis manuductio ad historiam corporis humani, 
2. ed. Leyden 1662. 12° SG 
H457 — 4. ed. 1675. 12" SG 
See also G48 

HORNER William Edmonds 1793-1854 See B670 
HORSCHT Jacob See Horst J. 

HORSLEY Sir Victor Alexander Haden 1857-1916 
H458 The function of the so-called motor area of the 
brain. London 1909. 4° 

H459 The structure and functions of the brain and 
spinal cord. London 1892. 8° 

See also B247; B248 
Biography See P31 
HORST Gregor 1578-1636 

H460 De natura humana. Frankfort E. Kempffer 1612. 
4° SG 

H461 Nobilium exercitationum de humano corpore et 

anima, libri duo, ed. nova. Wittenberg C. Berger 1607. 
8° GHL 

HORST Jacob 1537-1600 See L143; L144 

HORST Johann Daniel 1620-85 
H462 Judicium de chirurgia infusoria [Frankfort] 1665. 
12° SG 

HORT Sir Arthur Fenton hart. 1864-1935 See 
L248; T48 

HORTENSIUS Martinus 1605-39 See B422 
HORTO Garcia ab See Orta G. de 

H463 Hortus sanitatis [Strasbourg R. Beck] 1517. fol. 
Becher 50 

HOSACK David 1769-1835 

H464 Memoir of De Witt Clinton. New York 1829. fol. 
H465 Observations on the laws governing the commu¬ 
nication of contagious diseases. New York 1815. 4° 
H466 Observations on the medical character. New York 
1826. 8° 

H467 Observations on vision. New York 1813. 8* 

H468 A system of practical nosology. New York 1818. 8* 
See also T57 

HOST VON ROMBERCH Johann fl. 1485-1532 
H469 Congestorium artificiose memorie (Venice M. 
Sessa 1533) 8° LC 

HOUDINI Harry 1874-1926 Biography See E92 
HOUfiL Nicolas 1524 ?-87 

H470 Trait6 de la th&iaque et mithridat. Paris J. de 
Bordeaux 1573. 8* BMF 

HOUGH John Stockton b. 1845 

H471 Incunabula medica. Trenton N.J. 1889. 4’ 

HOULLLER Jacques d. 1562 See H340; T9-12; T14 
HOUSSAY Bernardo A. 

H472 Functions of the pituitary gland. Repr. New Engl. 
J. Med. 1936, 214: 913-26 etc. 

HOVEL Nicolas See Houel N. 

HOWARD John 1726-90 

H473 An account of the principal lazarettos in Europe. 
Warrington 1789. 4° SG 
Biography See A81 

HOWARD Leland Ossian 1857— 

H474 A fifty-year sketch history of medical entomology. 
Washington 1923. 8° 

HOWARTH Helen Ethel 1894- See S207 
HOWDEN Robert 1856-1940 See G367a 

HOWE Mark Antony De Wolfe 1864- 
H475 The Harvard volunteers in Europe. Cambridge 
Mass. 1916. 8° 

H476 Holmes of the breakfast-table. London 1939. 8* 
H477 The Humane society of the commonwealth of 
Mass. Boston 1918. 8° 

H478 James Ford Rhodes, American historian. New 
York 1929. 8’ 

H479 Later years of the Saturday club. Boston 1927. 8° 

[ 103 ] 


H480 - H523 

HOWE M. A. DeW. — continued 
H480 A partial semi-centennial history of the Tavern 
club (Cambridge Mass.) 1934. 8° 

HOWE Samuel Gridley 1801-76 
H481 An historical sketch of the Greek revolution. New 
York 1828. 8’ 

HOWELL William Boyman 1873- 

H482 F. J. Shepherd — surgeon. Toronto (1934) 8’ 

HOYOIS Emmanuel Henri Francois 1799-1877 
H483 Documents et particularity historiques sur le 
Catalogue du comte de Fortsas. Mons (1857) 8° BO 

HOYOIS Henri Joseph 1773-1841 
H484 Mus6e bibliographique. Mons 1837. 8* 

HRDLlCKA Ale§ 1869-1943 

H485 Biographical memoir of George Sumner Hunting- 
ton 1861-1927 [Washington 1937] 8° 

HUBBLE Edwin Powell 1889- 

H4S6 The realm of the nebulae. New Haven (1937) 8 # 

HUDSON O. Western reserve academy See West¬ 
ern Reserve academy Hudson 0. 

HUEBOTTER Franz 1881- 

H487 Die chinesische Medizin. Leipzig 1929. 8° 

HUEBSCH Mrs . Alfhild (Lamm) 1887- See H214 
HUETTE Charles See B324; B325 

HUFELAND Christoph Wilhelm 1762-1836 
H488 Some account of Dr. Gall’s new theory of physi¬ 
ognomy. London 1807. 8° 

HUGH de Boves d. 1164 See H533 

HUGHES William fl. 1665-83 
H489 The American physitian or a treatise of the roots, 
plants, trees etc. growing in America. London 1672. 12° 

HUGO Senensis See Ugo da Siena 

HULLMANDEL Charles Joseph 1789-1850 
H490 The art of drawing on stone. London 1833. 8° 

HULT Olof Thorgny 1868- 

H491 Nigra bilder ur Olof Rudbecks liv. Repr. Hygiea , 
Stockh. 1931, 93: 289-319 

H492 Vilhelmus Lemnius och Benedictus Olai. Stock¬ 
holm 1918. 8° 

HUMBOLDT Alexander Freiherr von 1769-1859 
H493 Cosmos, tr. E. C. Ott6, B. H. Paul, W. S. Dallas. 
London 1864-68. 5 v. 8° 

H494 Experiences sur le galvanisme, tr. J. F. N. Jadelot. 
Paris 1799. 8° SG 

H495 Versuche iiber die gereizte Muskel- und Nerven- 
faser. Posen 1797. 2 v. 8° SG 

H496 Views of nature, tr. E. C. Ott6, H. G. Bohn. Lon¬ 
don 1850. 8’ 

Biography See S419 

HUME Edgar Erskine 1889— 

H497 The medical book of merit. Washington 1925. 8° 

HUMPHREYS David 1752-1818 
H498 The anarchiad: a New England poem, ed. L. G. 
Riggs. New Haven 1861. 12° 

HUNDT Magnus 1449-1519 

H499 Antropologium de hominis dignitate (Leipzig 
W. Stoeckel 1500?) [1501] 4 # SG 
H500 Ein niitzliches Regiment wider etliche Kranckheit 
der Brust. Frankfort H. Giilfferich 1549. 4° SG With 

HUNGER Friedrich Wilhelm Tobias 1874- See 


HUNNEMANN Johann See A70 

HUNNEWELL James Frothingham 1832-1910 

H501 Collectors. Boston 1908. 4* 

HUNTER Mrs. Anne (Home) 1742-1821 
H502 Poems. London 1802. 8* 

HUNTER Dard 1883- 

H503 Papermaking. New York 1930. 8* 

HUNTER Henry 1741-1802 See E105 

HUNTER John 1728-93 

H504 Abhandlung iiber Blut, Entziindung und Schuss- 
wunden, 2. Ausg. J. F. Palmer & B. von Langenbeck, 
tr. F. Braniss. Berlin 1859. 8° 

H505 Essays and observations on natural history, ed. 

R. Owen. London 1861. 2 v. 8° 

H506 Hunterian reminiscences; lectures transcribed 
J. Parkinson, ed. J. W. K. Parkinson. London 1833. 4° 

H507 Naturliche Geschichte der Zahne. Leipzig 1780. 
8° SG 

H508 The natural history of the human teeth. London 
1771. 4° 

H509 — 2d ed. 1778. 2 pts. in 1 v. 4° 2d copy, pt. 2 with 
H508 LC 

H510 Observations on certain parts of the animal 
oeconomy. London 1786. 4° BO 1222 
H511 —2d ed. 1792. 4* SG 
H512 — ed. R. Owen. 1837. 8° 

H513 Oeuvres completes, tr. G. A. Richelot. Paris 1843. 
4 v. 8° atlas 4° 

H514 [Papers to the Royal Society, 1772-77] 8° 

H515 A treatise on the blood, inflammation and gun¬ 
shot wounds. A short account of the author’s life, 
E. Home. London 1794. 4° BO 1230 
H516 — Philadelphia 1796. 2 v. 8° SG 

H517 A treatise on the venereal disease. London 1786. 
4° BO 1227 

H518 — 2d ed. 1788. 4* SG 

H519 —ed. J. Adams. 1st American ed. Philadelphia 
1818. 8° 

H520 The works, ed. J. F. Palmer. London 1835-37. 4 v. 
8° plates 4° BO 1231 

H521 [Miscellany bound in 1 v.] 8° 

See also F246; G151; G417; H428; M199; P30; P183; 

HUNTER William 1718-83 

H522 Anatomia uteri humani gravidi. Birmingham 
1774. fol. Latin & English. BO 3026 
H523 —London 1851. fol. Latin & English 

[ 104 ] 

H524 - H569 


H524 An anatomical description of the human gravid 
uterus. London 1794. 4* BO 3028 

H525 — 2d ed. E. Rigby. 1843. 8° 

H526 Medical commentaries, pt. 1. London 1762. 4° 2d 
copy contains Suppl. 1764. BO 3024 
H527 — 2d ed. 1777. 4° BO 3025 

H528 Two introductory lectures. London 1784. 4° BO 

Biography See F271; M199; P183 

HUNTERIAN MUSEUM See Glasgow. University. 
Hunterian museum 

HUNTINGTON Elisha 1796-1865 
H529 An address on the life, character and writings of 
Elisha Bartlett. Lowell 1856. 8° 

HUNTINGTON George Sumner 1861-1927 Biog¬ 
raphy See H485 

HURD Henry Mills 1843-1927 
H530 Early days of the Johns Hopkins hopsital and 
medical school. In Johns Hopk. Alum. Mag. 1913, 1: 

Biography See C518 

HURDON Elizabeth 1869-1941 See K34a 

HURRY Jamieson Boyd 1857-1930 
H531 Imhotep, the vizier and physician of King Zoser 
[London] 1926. 8° 

H532 — 2d ed. 1928. 8° 

H533 In honour of Hugh de Boves and Hugh Cook 
Faringdon (Reading) 1911. 8* 

H534 King Henry Beauclerc and Reading abbey. Lon¬ 
don 1917. 8° 

H535 The trial by combat of Henry de Essex and Rob¬ 
ert de Montfort at Reading abbey. London 1919. 8° 

HURST Sir Arthur Frederick 1879— 

H536 The time has come. The Harveian oration, 1937. 
London [1937] 8° 

HURTADO DE MENDOQA Luys marquis de Mon¬ 
dejar See M473 


H537 Cases of neuralgia spasmodica, commonly termed 
tic douloureux, 2d ed. London 1822. 8° 2 copies 

HUTCHISON Robert 1871- 

H538 For and against doctors, G. M. Wauchope jt.auth. 
London (1935) 8° 

H539 Harvey, the man. The Harveian oration, 1931. 
Oxford 1931. 8° 

HUTTEN Ulrich von 1488-1523 
H540 De guaiaci medicina et morbo gallico (Mainz 
J. Schoffer 1524) 4° BO 4977 With T179 
H541 Febris. Dialogus. n.p. (1519) 4° SG; BO 4971 

H542 Livre sur la maladie frangaise, tr. F. F. A. Potton. 
Lyons 1865. 8° 

H543 Nemo (Augsburg Miller) [1518] 4° BMC 
H544 Of the wood called guaiacum, tr. T. Paynel. Lon¬ 
don T. Berthelet 1540. 4° STC 14027 
H545 The remarkable medicine guaiacum and the cure 

of the Gallic disease, tr. C. W. Mendell. Chicago 
(1931) 8° 

H546 Ueber die Heilkraft des Guaiacum und die 
Franzosenseuche, tr. H. Oppenheimer. Berlin 1902. 8° 
Biography See JV261; Zll 

HUTTON Charles 1737-1823 

H547 Mathematical tables, 3d ed. London 1801. 8° 

HUTTON James 1726-97 

H548 The theory of rain. In Trans, roy. Soc. Edinb. 
1788, 7, pt. 2: 41-86 

H549 Theory of the earth. In Trans, roy. Soc. Edinb. 

1788, 7, pt. 2: 209-304. With H548 
H550 — Edinburgh 1795. 2 v. 8° BMC 
H551 — ed. A. Geikie, v. 3. London 1899. 8° 

See also P315 

HUXHAM John 1692-1768 

H552 An essay on fevers, 3d ed. London 1757. 8° LC 

HUXLEY Julian Sorell 1887- 

H553 Scientific research and social needs. London 
(1934) 8* 

HUXLEY Leonard 1860-1933 See H556 

HUXLEY Thomas Henry 1825-95 
H554 Evidence as to man’s place in nature. London 
1863. 8° 

H555 Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. New York 
1871. 8° 

H556 Life and letters, ed. L. Huxley. New York 1901. 

2 v. 8° 

Biography See 051 


H557 A corner-stone. London 1675. 4“ SG 

HUYGENS Christiaan 1629-95 
H558 The celestial worlds discover’d, 2d ed. London 
1722. 8° 

H559 De circuli magnitudine inventa. Leyden 1654. 4° 

H560 Horologium. The Hague 1658. 4° With H563 
H561 — Paris 1673. fol. BMC 

H562 Opera, ed. W. J. van's Gravesande. Leyden 1751. 
4° BMC 

H563 Systema saturnium. The Hague 1659. 4° BO 3042 
H564 Theoremata de quadratura. Leyden 1651. 4 With 

H565 Trait6 de la lumiere. Leyden 1690. 4° JC 

HUZARD Jean Baptiste 1755 P-1838 

H566 Catalogue des livres, ed. P. Leblanc. Paris 1842. 

3 v. 8° 

HUZARD Jean Baptiste 1793-1878 
H567 A propos des mots g£n£ration spontan6e (Paris 
n.d.) 8° 

HYDE Walter Woodbum 1870- 

H568 The Alpine passes in nature and history. Repr. 

Sci. Mon. N.Y. 1937, 45: 317-30. With H569 
H569 The Alps in history. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. 1935, 
75: 431-42 

[ 105 ] 

HYDE - J. L. H. P. 

H570 - 128 

HYDE W. W. — continued 

H570 The great St. Bernard pass and its hospice. Repr. 

Isis 1937, 27: 306-20. With H569 
H571 Roman Alpine routes. Philadelphia 1935. 8° 

IBNTUFAIL d. 1185 

l 1 The history of Hai Eb’n Yockdan, Latin version, 
E. Pococke, tr. into English (G. Ashwell) London 1686. 
8° BMC 

IMHOTEP See H531; H532 


I 2 An impartial history of Michael Servetus. London 
1724. 8° LC 

IMPERIALI Giovanni 1602-54? 

I 3 Musaeum historicum et physicum. Venice Giunta 
1640. 4° BO 6686 


14 In memoriam Francis Bishop Harrington, 1854-1914. 
Boston 1915. 8° 

I 5 In memoriam Franklin H. Martin 1857-1935 [Chi¬ 
cago 1935] 8° 

16 In memory of Dr. Robert Abbe. Portland Me. 1928. 

INDAGINE Joannes ab 

I 7 The book of palmestry and physiognomy, tr. F. 

Withers. London 1651. 8° BMC 
I 8 Introductions apotelesmaticae in physiognomiam. 
Opuscula, G. Grataroli. Tractatus de symmetriis, 
P. Gaurico. Strasbourg L. Zetzner heirs 1630. 8* BO 


I 9 Index medicus, Washington, v. l-3d ser. v. 6, 1879- 
1926. Lacks 2d ser. v. 1, 1903 

INGRAM Walter Robinson 1905- See F158 

INGRASSIA Giovanni Filippo 1510-80 
I 10 De tumoribus (Naples M. Canzer 1553) fol. SG 
I 11 In Galeni librum de ossibus commentaria. Palermo 
J. B. Maringhi 1603. fol. F VI. D. 35; SG With P311 
I 12 Informatione del pestifero (Palermo G. M. Mayda 
1576) 4° GHL 

I 13 Quaestio de purgatione per medicamentum. Venice 
A. Patessi 1568. 4 # SG 

INSTITORIS Henricus See Kramer H. 

I 14 1822-1922, Pasteur [Paris 1923?] 8° 2 copies 

J. A. See Astell J. 

J. A. G. See Gu£rin J. A. 

J. B. See Bulwer J. 

J. B.*** See Bonhomme J. 


HYGINUS C. Julius 

H572 De mundi et sphere declaratione (Venice G. B. 
Sessa 1502) 4° 

INSTITUTE FOR psychoanalysis Chicago See Chi¬ 
cago. Institute for psychoanalysis 


7 15 Sir William Osier. Montreal 1926. 8* 

I 16 — 2d impr. Montreal (1927) 8° 

medicine. 6th Leyden 1927 

I 17 Catalogue d’une collection d’art medico-historique 
(Amsterdam 1927) 8" 

IRELAND Mrs. Samuel See D199 

IRELAND William Henry 1777-1835 
I 18 The confessions; containing particulars of his fabri¬ 
cation of the Shakspeare manuscripts. London 1805. 8* 
I 19 Miscellaneous papers and legal instruments of 
William Shakspeare from the original MSS. London 
1796. 8° LC 

IRSAY Stephen d’ 1894-1934 
7 20 Albrecht von Haller. Leipzig 1930. 8° With L288 

ISAAC Francis Swinton 1882- 
7 21 English & Scottish printing types [London] 1930-32. 
2 v. 4* 

7 22 English printers’ types of the 16th century. London 
1936. 8° 

ISHAM Ralph Heyward 1890- 
7 23 Catalogue of an exhibition of the private papers of 
James Boswell (New York °1930) 8’ 

ISRAELS Abraham Hartog 1822-83 
7 24 Catalogue de la biblioth&que de feu Israels. Amster¬ 
dam 1884. 8° 

7 25 De verdiensten der Hollandsche geleerden ten op- 
zichte van Harvey’s leer van den bloedsomloop, C. E. 
Daniels jt. auth. Utrecht 1883. 8* 


7 26 Istruzione sul metodo d’inoculare il vajolo vaccino. 

Siena 1809. 8° 

7 27 — 1822. 8" 

IVES George Burnham 1856-1930 See T145 

IZQUIERDO Jose Joaquin 1893- 
7 28 Harvey, iniciador del m£todo experimental. Mexico 
1936. 8° 

J. D. See S70 
J. E. C. See E88 
J. F. See French J. 

J. L. H. P.*** See Peisse L. 


J1 - J35 

J. L. M. C. - JENKINS 

J. L. M. C. See Lange J. 

J. N. See Nl 
J. P. See F292 
J. T. See Tiling J. 

J. W. See Wilkins J. 

J. W. See G444 
J. W. See Tl; T2 
JACK Richard 

J1 Elements of conic sections. Edinburgh 1742. BMC 

JACKSON Andrew pres. U. S. 1767-1845 Biogra¬ 
phy See J22 

JACKSON Benjamin Daydon 1846-1927 SeeG194; 

JACKSON Chevalier 1865- 

J2 The life, an autobiography. New York 1938. 8° 

JACKSON Henry See B297 
JACKSON Holbrook 1874- 

J3 The anatomy of bibliomania. London 1930-31. 2 v. 8° 
J4 The fear of books. London 1932. 8° 

JACKSON James 1777-1867 

J5 Another letter to a young physician. Boston 1861. 8° 
J6 Letters to a young physician. Boston 1855. 8° 

J7 A memoir of James Jackson, jr. Boston 1835. 8° 

J8 — 1836. 12° 

J9 Memoir on the last sickness of General Washington. 
Boston 1860. 8° 

J10 Remarks on the Brunonian system. Boston 1809. 8° 
Jll A syllabus of the lectures delivered at the Massa¬ 
chusetts medical college (Boston 1816) 8* 

J12 A syllabus of the lectures delivered to the senior 
sophisters in Harvard university. Boston 1816. 12° 
Biography See P427 

JACKSON James 1810-34 See J7; J8 
JACME Jean d. 1384 

J13 A litil boke for the pestilence [London 1485?] Man¬ 
chester 1910. 4° facsim. 

Bibliography See K108 
JACOBUS Forliviensis See Jacopo da Forli 

JACOBY George W. 1856-1940 

J14 Physician, pastor and patient. New York 1936. 8° 

JACOBY Mrs. Olga Sara (Me) 1876-1913 
J15 Words in pain [London] 1919. 8° 2 copies 

JACOPO da Forli 

J16 Expositio super libros techni Galeni. Venice L. A. 
Giunta 1520. fol. BN 

J17 Expositio supra capitulum de generatione embri- 
onis. Venice B. Locatelli 1502. fol. SG 

JACOTIUS Desiderius See H340 
JADELOT Jean Francois Nicolas See H494 
JADELOT Nicolas 1738-93 See G166 
JAGER Karl 1877- 

J18 Beitrage zur friihzeitlichen Chirurgie. Wiesbaden 
1907. 2 v. 8° 

JAFFE Bernard 1896- 
J19 Crucibles. London 1931. 8° 

J20 Outposts of science. New York 1935. 8* 
JAGGARD William 1569-1623 See fV219 
JAKOB Christfried 1866- 

J21 Atlas del cerebro de los mamiferos de la Republica 
Argentina, C. Onelli jt.auth. Buenos Aires 1913. fol. 

JALLAT L. See W129 
JAMES Marquis 1891— 

J22 The life of Andrew Jackson. Indianapolis (°1938) 8* 
JAMES Robert 1705-76 

J23 A dissertation on fevers. London 1748. 8° SG 
J24 — 8th ed. 1778. 8° SG 

J25 A treatise on canine madness. London 1760. 8° 
2 copies. LC 

JAMES Thomas 1573P-1629 See B449 


J26 James Clerk Maxwell; u commemoration volume, 
1831-1931. New York 1931. 8° 


J27 Le jardin de sant6. Paris (P. Le Noir) [1529?] fol. 
Becher 53 

JASOLINI Giulio fl. 1668 See C330 

JASTROW Morris 1861-1921 See B367 

JAUREGG Julius von Wagner- See Wagner- 
Jauregg J. von 

JEAFFRESON John Cordy 1831-1901 
J28 A book about doctors. New York 1862. 8° 

JEAN de Paris 

J29 Ein new Wund Artzney. Frankfort H. Gulfferich 
(1549) 4° SG 

JEANS Sir James Hopwood 1877— 

J30 Eos. London 1929. 12° 

731 Through space & time. New York 1936. 8° 

JEANSELME Edouard 1858- 

732 Histoire de la syphilis (Paris 1931) 8* 

JEBB Samuel 1694?-1772 See B20 
JEFFERSON Geoffrey 1886- 

733 Jacksonian epilepsy. Repr. Post Grad. med. 7- 1935, 
11: 150-62 

JEFFERSON Thomas pres. U. S. 1743-1826 

734 Correspondence, ed. W. C. Ford. Boston 1916. 4° 

JEFFERY George Barker 1891- See E26; L354 
JEFFERY John 1647-1702 See B768 
JEFFRIES John 1796-1876 

735 An account of the last illness of the late Hon. Daniel 
Webster. Philadelphia 1853. 8* 

JEHIOR or The day dawning See C398 

JELLIFFE Smith Ely 1866- See E78 

JENKINS Rhys See D138 


J36 - J77 

JENKINSON Francis John Henry 1853-1923 See 

JENNER Edward 1749-1823 

J36 Beobachtungen iiber eine Krankheit bei Hunden. 
In 050 

J37 Continuatio disquisitionis et observationum in 
variolas vaccinas, tr. L. Careno. Vienna 1801. 4° 

J38 Disquisitio de caussis et effectibus variolarum vac- 
cinarum, tr. L. Careno. Vienna 1799. 4* SG 
J39 Facts, for the most part unobserved, or not duly 
noticed, respecting variolous contagion. London 1808. 
4° With J42 

J40 Fortgesetzte Beobachtungen iiber die Kuhpocken, 
tr. G. F. Ballhorn. Hannover 1800. 8° 

J41 Further observations on the variolae vaccinae. Lon¬ 
don 1799. 4° BO 1255 

J42 An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae 
vaccinae. London 1798. 4° 2 copies. BO 1251 
J43 — facsim. (Milan 1923) 4° 

J44 — 2d ed. London 1800. 4° 2 copies. BO 1252 
J45 — facsim. (Sydney 1884) 4° photostat. BO 1253 
J46 — from 2d London ed. Springfield [Mass.] 1802. 8° 
J47 — 3d ed. London 1801. 4° 2 copies 
J48 Instructions for vaccine inoculation [London] n.d. 
broadside. With J47 

J49 A letter to Charles Henry Parry on the influence of 
artificial eruptions. London 1822. 4° 2 copies 
J50 The note-book. London 1931. 4° 

J51 Observations on the natural history of the cuckoo. 

Philos. Trans. 1788, 78: 219-37 
J52 — Repr. Philos. Trans. 1788, 78: 219-37. 2d copy 
with J42 

J53 On the varieties and modifications of the vaccine 
pustule. Cheltenham 1806. 4° With J42 
J54 Onderzoek naar de oorzaaken en uitwerkselen der 
variolae vaccinae, tr. L. Davids. Haarlem 1801. 8° 

J55 The origin of the vaccine inoculation. London 1801. 
4° With J42 

J56 Over den invloed van den door kunst voortgebrag- 
ten uitslag. Rotterdam 1822. 8° 

J57 Recherches sur les causes et les effets de la variolae 
vaccinae, tr. L. C. de Laroque. Lyons 1800. 8° SG 
J58 Signs of foul weather [poem] Youth's companion 
1854, 28: 128 

J59 Some observations on the migration of birds, G. C. 
Jenner & G. C. Jenner jr. jt.auth. Chipping Sodbury 
1882. 8° 

J60 Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen und Wirkungen 
der Kuhpocken, tr. G. F. Ballhorn. Hannover 1799. 8° 

J61 Zwei merkwiirdige Falle von Pocken-Ansteckung 
des Fotus im Mutterleibe. In 050 
See also L362; S357 

J62 The Gentleman’s magazine, 1799, 69: 876 etc. 

J63 Review of J42 Mon. Rev. 1798, 2. s. 27: 447-51 
See also 0198 

J64 British medical journal. Jenner centenary number. 
May 23, 1896. 2 copies 

J65 [Inoculation and vaccination varia] 8° cover-title 
See also B87; B760; B860; H226; T188 

JENNER George Charles See J59 
JENNER George Charles jr. See J59 

J66 Address to the inhabitants of Bristol on the subject 
of vaccine inoculation. Bristol 1801. 4’ With J42 
J67 An address to the public on the advantages of vac¬ 
cine inoculation. Bristol (1799) 4° With J42 

JENNINGS David 1691-1762 

J68 An introduction to the use of the globes, 3d ed. 
London 1766. 8° YU 

JERGER Joseph Ambrose 1880- 

J69 Doctor — here’s your hat! New York 1939. 8° 


J70 The world in maps. New York 1937. 8° 

JESSE John Heneage 1815-74 See S450 

JESSEN Johann von 1566-1621 
J71 Anatomiae, Pragae, anno MDC. De ossibus trac- 
tatus. Wittenberg L. Seuberlich 1601. 8° GHL 
*]72 Institutions chirurgicae. Wittenberg L. Seuberlich 
1601. 8° GHL With J71 
See also M168 
Biography See P267 

JOANNES de Mediolano fl. 1100 See R82 
JOANNES Hispalensis See A112 
JOANNES PETRUS Lucensis See A125 
JOB of Edessa fl. 817-32 

J73 Encyclopaedia of philosophical and natural sciences 
or Book of treasures, ed. A. Mingana. Cambridge 
1935. 8° 

JOBLOT Louis 1645-1723 Biography See W274 
JOBST DE NECKER See Necker J. de 

J74 Oratio de ortu, vita et obitu Ioannis Oporini. 
Strasbourg T. Rihel 1569. 8° 

JOCOSERIUS Opizius pseud. See Zaunschliffer 
O. P. 

JOfiL Franz 150&-79 

J75 Opera medicorum, ed. M. Bacmeister. Rostock 
1648-52. 3 v. in 1. 4° 

JOHANNES XXI pope d. 1277 

J76 Thesaurus pauperum (Venice G. Rusconi 1518) 4° 

JOHANNES ISAACI Hollandus 15th cent. 

J77 Phoenix atropicus de morte redux. Frankfort 1744. 
8° With V48 

See also F151; P52; S380 
JOHANNITIUS 809-73 See S15 
JOHN of Gaddesden 1280P-1361 See C221 


J78 - J115 


JOHN CRERAR library Chicago 

J78 A list of books, Senn collection. Chicago 1907. 8° 

JOHN RYLANDS library Manchester Eng. 

J79 A brief historical description. Manchester 1906. 8° 
J80 Catalogue of an exhibition of Greek and Latin 
classics. Manchester 1926. 8° 

J81 Catalogue of an exhibition of mediaeval and other 
manuscripts. Manchester 1924. 8° 

J82 The John Rylands library by H. Guppy. Manches¬ 
ter 1924. 8* 

J83 Woodcuts of the 15th century, reproduced in fac- 
sim., ed. C. Dodgson. Manchester 1915. fol. 2 copies 


J84 Addresses at the opening of the hospital May 7, 
1889. Baltimore 1889. 8° 

JOHNS HOPKINS hospital. Wilmer ophthalmologi- 
cal institute 

J85 Dedication. Baltimore (1929) 8* 

JOHNS HOPKINS university 

J86 Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding 
of the university. Baltimore 1902. 8° 

J87 [Dedication of the Welch medical library] Johns 
Hopk. Alum. Mag. 1930, 18, no. 2 
J88 The endowment and extension fund of 1910 (Balti¬ 
more 1910) 4° 

J89 Daniel Coit Gilman. Baltimore 1908. 8° 

J90 The William H. Welch medical library. Repr. Bull. 
Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1930, 46: 3-152 

JOHNSON Abraham pseud. See Hill J. 

JOHNSON Alfred Forbes 

J91 A catalogue of engraved and etched English title- 
pages [London] 1934. 4° 

See also B336 

JOHNSON Douglas Wilson 1878- 
J92 Battlefields of the world war. New York 1921. 
2 v. 8° 


J93 Liber chronicarum; a folio of the Nuremberg chron¬ 
icle. Greenwich Conn. 1932. fol. 

JOHNSON Francis Rarick 1901- 
J94 Robert Recorded mathematical teaching and the 
anti-Aristotelian movement, S. V. Larkey jt.auth. 
Repr. Huntington Libr. Bull. 1935, 7: 59-87 
J9S Thomas Digges, the Copernican system, etc., S. V. 
Larkey th. Repr. Huntington Libr. Bull. 1934, 5: 

JOHNSON Sir George 1818-96 
J96 A defence of Harvey as the discoverer of the circu¬ 
lation of the blood. London 1884. 8° 

J97 The Harveian oration, 1882. London 1882. 8° 

JOHNSON George Lindsay 1853- 
J98 Contributions to the comparative anatomy of the 
mammalian eye. Philos. Trans. 1901, B. s. 194: 1-82 

JOHNSON John 1882- 

J99 The printer. London (1933) 16° 

JOHNSON Laurence 1845-93 
J100 A manual of the medical botany of North America. 
New York 1884. 8° 

JOHNSON Oliver 1809-89 

J101 William Lloyd Garrison and his times. Boston 
1879. 8° 

JOHNSON Samuel 1709-84 

J102 A dictionary of the English language. Philadelphia 
1813. 8° 

J103 Prefaces & dedications ed. A. T. Hazen. New 
Haven 1937. 8° 

JOHNSON Thomas d. 1644 See G195; P97-100 

J104 Musa medica. London 1897. 8° 

JOHNSTONE James 1754-83 

J10S A treatise on the malignant angina. Worcester 
1779. 8° SG 

JOHNSTONE John See Jonston J. 

JOHNSTONE Ralph William 1866-1915 See G371 
JOLIOT Frederic See J106 

JOLIOT Mme. Irene (Curie) 1897- 
J106 [Miscellaneous papers 1932-36, F. Joliot jt. 
auth.] 8° 

JOLLAT Mercure See F136; F137 
JONAS Richard fl. 1540 See R204 
JONES Charles Williams See C395 
JONES Daniel Evan See H295 

JONES Harold Wellington 1877- 
J107 The Faculty of medicine of Paris. Repr. Ann. med. 
Hist. 1939, 3. s. 1: 1-29 

J108 A portrait gallery of physicians. Repr. Ann. med. 
Hist. 1937, n.s. 9: 517-32 

JONES Henry Bence 1814-73 
J109 The life and letters of Faraday. London 1870. 2 
v. 8° 

J110 On animal chemistry. London 1850. 8° 

JONES John 1729-91 

Jill Plain, concise, practical remarks on the treatment 
of wounds and fractures. Philadelphia 1776. 8° With 

JONES Joseph 1833-96 

J112 Investigations relative to certain American Verte- 
brata (Washington 1856) 4° 

J113 Medical and surgical memoirs. New Orleans 1876- 
90. 3 v. in 4. 8“ 

See also L362 

JONES Mary Hoxie See C7 
JONES Richard 1800-80 

J114 Concise narrative of an ophthalmia. Warwick 
1824. 8° 

JONES Richard Foster 1886- 

J115 Ancients and moderns. St. Louis 1936. 8° 

JONES Stanhope Bayne- See Bayne-Jones S. 

JONES Thomas Wharton 1808-91 Biography See 

JONES William Henry Samuel 1876- See H345 




JONSTON John 1603-75 

J116 The idea of practical physick, tr. N. Culpeper & 
W. R. London 1657. fol. 

See also H341 

JORDAN Mrs. Helen Rosaline See Ashton H. 
JORDAN-SMITH Paul See Smith P. J. 


J117 Die Krankheiten des Hypophysenzwischenhirn- 
systems. Repr. Handbuch der Neurologie ed. O. Bumke 
& O. Foerster, 15 , 1937: 261-388 

JOSEFSON Arnold 1870- 

J118 Dentition und Haarentwicklung. Repr. Dtsch. 

Arch. klin. Med. 1914, 113: 591-606 
J119 Die Klinik der hypophysaren Storungen. Repr. 
Handbuch der inneren Sekretion ed. M. Hirsch, 3> 
1928: 203^6 

J120 Om endokrina skelett- och utvecklingsrubbningar. 
Stockholm 1915. 8° 

J121 Studier ofver akromegali och hypofystumorer. 
Stockholm 1903. 8° 

JOSEPH of Arimathea See R185 
JOSSELYN John fl. 1630-75 

J122 New-Englands rarities discovered. London 1672. 
8° SG 

JOST DE NECKER See Necker J. de 
JOUBERT Laurent 1529-83 

J123 Annotations sur toutte la chirurgie de M. Gui de 
Chauliac. Lyons E. Michel 1584. 8° 

J124 — Rouen R. de Beauvais 1615. 8* With G488 
J125 Erreurs populaires au fait de la m6decine et regime 
de sant6. Bordeaux S. Millanges 1578. 8° BN 
J126 Trait£ du ris. Paris N. Chesneau 1579. 8° BO 3103 
See also G488 

JOULE Janies Prescott 1818-89 

J127 The scientific papers. London 1884-87. 2 v. 8 8 

JOURDAN Antoine Jacques Louis 1788-1848 See 
D142; S370 


J128 Journal du galvanisme, v. 1-2, 1803. 8’ 

JUAN RODERIGO See Amatus Lusitanus pseud. 

J129 Jubil£ de Th. Tuffier 23 avril 1925 (Paris 1925) 8’ 

JUCHHOFF Rudolf 1894- See D134 

JUNGKEN Johann Helfrich 1648-1726 

J130 Chirurgia manualis, 4. ed. Nuremberg 1718. 16* 

J131 Chymia experimentalis curiosa. Frankfort 1681. 
8* LC 

JUETTNER Otto 1865-1922 

J132 1785-1909. Daniel Drake and his followers. Cin¬ 
cinnati (°1909) 8* 

JUKES Edward 

J133 Remarks on the invention of the stomach-pump. 
London [1823?] 12* 

JUNCKER Johann 1679-1759 
J134 Chirurgie. Halle 1722. 4° 

J135 Conspectus chemiae theoretico-practicae. Halle 
1749-53. 3 v. 4° BMC 

JURIN James 1684-1750 

J136 A letter to the learned Caleb Cotesworth. London 
1723. 8* BO 3104 

JUSSIEU Antoine Laurent de 1748-1836 
J137 Genera plantarum. Paris 1789. 8* LC 
See also note pertaining to Fizeau A. H. L. 

Biography See F202 

KAGAN Solomon Robert 1881— 

Kl Life and letters of Fielding H. Garrison. Boston 
1938. 8° 


K2 Das ist der Teiitsch Kalender mit den Figuren 
(Augsburg J. Froschauer 1508) 4° 


KALKAR Jan Stephan van See Calcar J. S. van 

KAMENSKI! Iurfl Gavrilovich See M292 

KANE Elisha Kent 1820-57 

K3 Arctic explorations. Philadelphia 1856. 2 v. 8“ 

K4 The U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John 
Franklin. New York 1854. 8° 

Biography See E30 

KAPFERER Richard 1884- See H348 
KARETHANUS Joannes See Ketham J. de 

KARINTHY Frigyes 1888-1938 
K5 Utazas a koponyim koriil (Budapest 1936) 8° 2 cop¬ 

K6 A journey round my skull, tr. V. D. Barker. London 
(1939) 8* 

Biography See B84 

KARL V emperor of Germany 1500-58 Biography 
See M214; S423-25; S427 

KARL & FABER booksellers Munich 

K7 Medizin u. Naturwissenschaften. Munich [1931] 8° 

KARNOSH Louis Joseph 1892- 

K8 A psychiatrist’s anthology. Cleveland 1931. fol. 

KARRER Paul 1889— 

K9 [Miscellaneous papers 1935-38] 8* 


K10 Katalog einer Bilderausstellung zur Geschichte der 
Brille (Amsterdam 1929) 8° German, French & English 

KAUFFMAN Junius 1872- 

Kll Uber Incisionen nach Heinrich von Mondeville. 
Berlin 1897. 8° With P14 

KAYE Frederick Benjamin 1892-1930 See M108 


K12 - K53 


KEATS John 1795-1821 

K12 Anatomical and physiological note book, ed. M. B. 
Forman (Oxford) 1934. 8° 

K13 The poetical works, ed. F. T. Palgrave. London 
1901. 12’ 

Biography See 077 

KEEN William Williams 1837-1932 
K14 Address at the dedication of the Mitchell memorial 
building of the Philadelphia orthopaedic hospital. 
Repr. Science 1916, 44: 255-59 
K15 Addresses and other papers. Philadelphia 1905. 8° 
K16 Animal experimentation and medical progress. Bos¬ 
ton 1914. 8° 

K17 The dangers of ether as an anesthetic (Boston 
1915) 8° 

K18 Medical research and human welfare. Boston 
(1917) 8’ 

K19 Misstatements of antivivisectionists. Repr. J. 
Amer. med. Ass, . 1901, 37: 400-3. With U12 
See also M397 

KEILL James 1673-1719 See S71 
KEILL John 1671-1721 

K20 An introduction to natural philosophy, 2d ed. Lon¬ 
don 1726. 8° 

K21 An introduction to the true astronomy, 6th ed. 
London 1769. 8° YU 

KEITH Sir Arthur 1866- 

K22 An address on the position of Sir Charles Bell 
amongst anatomists. Repr. Lancet 1911, 290-93 
K23 An appreciation of Harvey as anatomist. Lancet 
1928, 214: 999-1000 

K24 Menders of the maimed. London 1919. 8* 

K25 Phrenological studies of the skull and brain cast of 
Sir Thomas Browne of Norwich. Edinburgh 1924. 8° 

KEITH George Skene 1819-1910 
K26 Plea for a simpler life and Fads of an old physician. 
London 1900. 2 v. in 1. 8’ 


K27 Keith Lucas. Cambridge 1934. 8° 

KELLER Allen Dudley 1901- See F373 
KELLEY Edward 1555-95 

K28 Tractatus duo egregii: De lapide philosophorum, 
ed. J. Lange. Hamburg 1676. 8° LC 


K29 De apoplexia. Edinburgh 1814. 8° Thesis 
KELLOGG Mrs. Charlotte (Hoffman) See C648 

KELLOGG Vernon Lyman 1867-1937 See C648 
Biography See V63 

KELLY Howard Atwood 1858-1943 
K30 American medical biographies, W. L. Burrage 
jt.auth. Baltimore 1920. 8° 

K31 Catalogue of the mycological library of H. A. 

Kelly, comp. L. C. C. Krieger. Baltimore 1924. 4° 

K32 A cyclopedia of American medical biography 1610— 
1910. Philadelphia 1912. 2 v. 8 
K33 A scientific man and the Bible. Philadelphia 
(1926) 8’ 

K34 Some American medical botanists. New York 
1929. 8° 

K34a The vermiform appendix and its diseases, E. Hur- 
don jt.auth. Philadelphia 1905. 8° 

K35 Walter Reed and yellow fever. New York 1906. 8° 
See also T36 
Biography See C516 

KELVIN William Thomson baron 1824-1907 
K36 Elements of dynamics, pt. 1, 2d ed. J. Ferguson. 
Glasgow 1869. 8° 

K37 The size of atoms. Not. Proc. roy. Instn. 1883, 10: 

Biography See F78; T72; T74 

KENDALL Edward Calvin 1886- 
K38 [Miscellaneous papers 1915-37] 8’ 

KENNEDY Archibald Edmund Clark- See Clark- 
Kennedy A. E. 

KENNELLY Arthur Edwin 1861-1939 
K39 Proposed reforms of the Gregorian calendar. Proc . 
Amer. phil. Soc. 1935, 75: 71-110 

KENNY Meave See C315 

KENT Roland Grubb 1877- See N59 

KEPLER Johann 1571-1630 

K40 Ad epistolam J. Bartschii (Sagan) 1629. 4* Caspar 

K41 Admonitio ad astronomos, ed. J. Bartsch. Frank¬ 
fort G. Tampach 1630. 4° Caspar 83 With K40 
K42 Astronomia nova [Prague 1609] fol. Caspar 31 
K43 De Stella nova. Prague P. Sessius 1606. 4° Caspar27 
K44 Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo a G. Galilaeo. 

Florence J. A. Canaeus 1610. 4° Caspar 35 With G73 
K45 — Frankfort Z. Palthenius 1611. 8° Caspar 37 With 

K46 Harmonices mundi libri V. Linz G. Tampach 1619. 
fol. Caspar 58 

K47 Nova stereometria doliorum vinariorum. Linz J. 
Plancus 1615. fol. Caspar 48 

K48 Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum con- 
tinens mysterium cosmographicum. Tubingen G. Grup- 
penbach 1596. 4* Caspar 6 

K49 Tabulae Rudolphinae. Ulm J. Sauer 1627. fol. 
Caspar 79 

K50 — ed. J. B. Morin. London 1675. 8° Caspar 97 In 

See also G155; T35 
Bibliography See C109 
Biography See B634; H362 

KEPPEL Frederick 1845-1912 

K51 Sir Seymour Haden. New York n.d. 16° 

KERCKRING Theodor 1640-93 
K52 Anthropogeniae ichnographia. Amsterdam 1671. 4° 
GHL 2d copy with K53 

K53 Spicilegium anatomicum. Amsterdam 1670. 4° 

See also B148; B149 

KERR Robert 1755-1813 See L85-87 



K54 - K102 

KETHAM Johannes de 15th cent. 

K54 Fasciculo di medicina (tr. S. Manilio. Venice G. de 
Gregoriis 1508) fol. 

K55 — [Milan] (J. A. Castiglioni 1509) photostat bound 
obi. 8° Hough 954 

K56 —Venice 1493, ed. C. Singer. Florence 1925. 2v. 
fol. facsim. 

K57 Fasciculus medicinae (Venice G. de Gregoriis 1513) 
fol. BMC 

K58 — (Venice C. Arrivabene 1522) fol. Hough 958 
K59 —Venice 1491, ed. K. Sudhoff, tr. C. Singer. 
Milan 1924. fol. facsim. 

K60 Libro de medicina (Seville J. Cromberger 1517) fol. 
Hough 956 

K61 Wundartzney zu alien gebrechen des gantzen 
Leibs. Frankfort H. Gulfferich 1549. 4° With V167 
K62 —1552.4° 

KEY Axel 1832-1901 

K63 Om svulstmetastaser inom centrala nervsystemets 
serosa banor (Stockholm 1879) 8° 

K64 Studien in der Anatomie des Nervensystems und 
des Bindegewebes, G. Retzius jt.auth. Stockholm 
1875-76. 2 v. fol. 

K65 Studier i nervsystemets anatomi, G. Retzius jt. 
auth. Repr. Nord. med. Ark. 1872, 4: no. 21, 25 
Biography See S62 

KEYES Edward Lawrence 1843-1924 

K66 Lewis Atterbury Stimson. New York 1918. 8° 

KEYES Edward Loughborough 1873- See F313 

KEYNES Geoffrey Langdon 1887— 

K67 A bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne. Cambridge 
1924. 8° 2 copies 

K68 A bibliography of the writings of William Harvey. 
Cambridge 1928 8° 

K69 Blood transfusion. London (1922) 8° 

K70 The commonplace book of Elizabeth Lyttelton, 
daughter of Sir Thomas Browne. Cambridge 1919. 8° 
KeynesB 197 

K71 John Evelyn. New York 1937. 4° 

K72 John Evelyn as a bibliophil. London 1931. 4° 

K73 The life and works of Sir Astley Cooper. London 
1922. 8° 

See also B758; B772; H139; W34 

KIBRE Pearl 1903- 

K74 The library of Pico della Mirandola. New York 
1936. 8° 

KIDD Percy Marmaduke 1851-1942 
K75 The Harveian oration on the doctrine of consump¬ 
tion in Harvey’s time and to-day, 1918. London 
1918. 8° 

KILLPATRICK James See Kirkpatrick J. 

KING James 1750-84 See C385 

KING Peter King baron 1776-1833 
K76 The life of John Locke. London 1829. 4° 

KINGLAKE Robert 1765-1842 
K77 Cases and observations on digitalis purpurea 
(Bristol) n.d. 8° With B239 


K78 A treatise on razors, 11th ed. London 1830. 8° 

KINGSLEY Charles 1819-75 

K79 Health and education, new ed. London 1887. 8° 

KINGSLEY Sidney 1906- 

K80 Men in white. New York (°1933) 8° 

KINKAID Thomas See P292 
KIPLING Rudyard 1865-1936 
K81 The day’s work. New York 1898. 8° 

K82 Doctors. London 1908. 8° 

K83 Rewards and fairies. Garden City 1910. 8° 

K84 Royal college of surgeons of England: Hunterian 
festival. Address. Lancet 1923, 1: 402-3 
K85 St. Andrews: two poems by Kipling & W. J. De La 
Mare. London (1926) 8° 

K86 Something of myself. London 1937. 8° 

Biography See C267; M174 

KIRCHER Athanasius 1602-80 
K87 Arithmologia. Rome 1665. 4° BMC 
K88 Iter exstaticum coeleste, 2. ed. G. Schott. Wurz¬ 
burg 1671. 4° LC 

K89 Magnes. Cologne 1643. 4° LC 
K90 Magneticum naturae regnum. Amsterdam (1667) 
12° BMC 

K91 Mundus subterraneus. Amsterdam 1665. 2 v. in 1. 
fol. LC 

K92 Musurgia universalis. Rome 1650. 2 v. in 1. fol. LC 
K93 Primitiae gnomonicae catoptricae. Avignon J. Piot 
1635. 4° BMC 

K94 Scrutinium physico-medicum. Rome 1658. 4° SG 
KIRCHHEIM Johannes von See Ketham J. de 

KIRCHHOFF Gustav Robert 1824-87 

K95 Untersuchungen uber das Sonnenspectrum, 2. 

Ausg. Berlin 1862-63. 2 v. 4° 

K96 Vorlesungen fiber Electricitat und Magnetismus, 
ed. M. Planck. Leipzig 1891. 8° 

KIRCHMAIER Georg Caspar 1635-1700 
K97 Noctiluca constans. Wittenberg 1676. 4° BMC 

KIRCHNER Martin 1854-1925 

K98 Die Entdeckung des Blutkreislaufs. Berlin 1878. 8° 

KIRKPATRICK James d. 1770 
K99 A full and clear reply to T. Dale in the first fever 
of the small-pox, Charleston [S.C.] 1739 (Ann Arbor 
1938) 4° facsim. 

K100 The sea-piece. London 1750. 8° BMC 
See also T121; T121a 
Biography See W45 

KIRKPATRICK Thomas Percy Claude 1869- 
K101 The early history of the Medical school in Trinity 
college, Dublin. Dublin 1926. 8° 

K102 The history of Doctor Steevens’ hospital, Dublin, 
1720-1920. Dublin 1924. 4“ 


K103 - K146 


KIRWAN Richard 1733-1812 

K103 Conclusion of the experiments and observations 
concerning the attractive powers of the mineral acids. 
London 1783. 4° 


K104 [Kitchener’s mob and other early papers on the 
Great war. From various American magazines 1915— 
16] 8° 

KITTREDGE George Lyman 1860-1941 
K105 George Stirk, minister, and a note on Dr. William 
Ames. Cambridge Mass. 1910. 8° 

K106 Doctor Robert Child the remonstrant. Cambridge 
Mass. 1919. 8° 

KLARWILL Victor 1873- 

K107 The Fugger news-letters, tr. P. De Chary. London 
(1924) 8° 

KLEBS Arnold Carl 1870-1943 
K108 A Catalan plague-tract of April 24 1348 by Jacme 
d’Agramont. Antwerp 1929. 8° 

K109 Desiderata in the cataloguing of incunabula. 

Repr. Pap. bibliogr. Soc. Amer. 1916, 10: 143-63 
K110 Die ersten gedruckten Pestschriften, K. Sudhoff 
jt.auth. Munich 1926. 8° 

Kill Gleanings from incunabula of science and medi¬ 
cine. Repr. Pap. bibliogr. Soc. Amer. 1932, 26: 52-88 
K112 Herbal facts and thoughts (Lugano 1925) 8° 
K113 The historic evolution of variolation. Repr. Bull. 

Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1913, 24: 69-83 
K114 The history of medicine as a subject of teaching 
and research. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1914, 25: 

K115 Iconographic notes on Girolamo Fracastoro. 

Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1915, 26: 378-80 
K116 Incunable editions of Pliny’s Historia naturalis* 
Repr. Isis , 1935, 24: 120-21 

K117 Incunabula scientifica et medica. Bruges 1938. 8° 
K118 Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519 (Boston 1916) 8° 
K119 Leonardo da Vinci and his anatomical studies. 
Bull. Soc. med. Hist. Chicago 1916, 1: 66-83. With 
G112; 2d copy with W63 

K120 The Practica of Gianmatteo Ferrari da Gradi. 
Repr. Essays on the history of medicine presented to 
K. Sudhoff, 1924 

K121 Rem£des contre la peste, E. Droz jt.auth. Paris 
1925. 8* 

K122 Remedies against the plague, E. Droz jt.auth. 

Paris 1925. 8° 

K123 — proof 

K124 Ueber odematose Veranderungen des vorderen 
Hornhaut-Epithels. Jena 1895. 8° 

K125 Die Variolation im 18. Jahrhundert. Giessen 
1914. 8° 

KLEBS Edwin Theodor Albrecht 1834-1913 
K126 Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der Schuss- 
wunden. Leipzig 1872. 8° 

KLEIJ J. J. van der 

K127 Von wo Stammen die Vorfahren von Vesalius her? 
Janus , 1914, 19: 523. With L124 

KLEIN Felix 1849-1925 

K128 La guerre vue d’une ambulance. Paris 1915. 8* 
K129 Lectures on mathematics, ed. A. Ziwet. New York 
1894. 8° 

KLEIN Gustav 1862-1920 

K130 Geburtshilfliche und gynakologisch-anatomische 
Abbildung des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Leonardo da 
Vinci, Vesal, Roesslin. Repr. Verb, dtsch. Gyndk.-Kong. 
[1905?] 11: 415-20. With M53 
K131 Verzeichnis der medizinischen und medizin- 
geschichtlichen Bibliothek [Berlin 1921] 8° 

See also B814; 049; R208 

KLEIN Jacob Theodor 1685-1759 

K132 Doutes ou observations. Paris 1754. 8° BMC 

KLOSE Wolf Friedrich Wilhelm 1775-1813 
K133 Die Kuhpokken und ihre Wirkungen in Lande- 
shut. Landeshut 1801. 8° 

KLOSS George Franz Burkhard 1787-1854 
K134 Catalogue of the library of Dr. Kloss. London 
1835. 8° 

KNAPPERT Laurentius 1863- 
K135 L’6glise et la science au temps de V6sale. Janus 
1914, 19: 420-34. With L124 
K136 Kerk en wetenschap in Vesalius’ dagen. Ned. 
Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 59: 17-30. 2 copies. With R156 

KNIGHT Jonathan 1789-1864 
K137 An eulogium on Nathan Smith. New Haven 
1829. 8° 

KNIPPING Paul 1883- See F336 

KNITTEL John 1891- 

K138 Dr. Ibrahim. New York 1935. 8° 


K139 Disputationes anatomicae et psychologicae. n.p. 
P. Helwig 1612. SG 

K140 Disputationes institutionum anatomicarum. Wit¬ 
tenberg Muller 1607. 23 pts. in 1 v. 8° 

K141 Institutiones anatomicae et psychologicae. Wit¬ 
tenberg 1661. 8° 

KNOTT Cargill Gilston 1856- See Nil 

KNOWLTON Charles 1800-50 
K142 Elements of modern materialism. Adams Mass. 
1829. 8° 

KNOX James Carter 

K143 Henry Augustus Coit. New York 1915. 8" 

KNOX Robert 1791-1862 

K144 Great artists and great anatomists. London 
1852. 8° 

See also F48; SI 10 
Biography See L351 

KNUTSSON Bengt bp. of Vesteras fl. 1461 See J13 

KOCH Karl Richard Robert 1852-1924 
K145 Untersuchungen iiber die Elasticitat der Krystalle. 
Repr. Ber. naturf. Ges. Freiburg i.B. 1881, 8: 144-69 

KOCH Robert 1843-1910 

K146 Die Atiologie der Milzbrand-Krankheit 1876. 
Leipzig 1910. 8° 



K147 - K183 

KOCH R. — continued 

K147 Die Aetiologie der Tuberculose. Berl. klin. Wschr. 
1882, 19: 221-30 

K148 — Mitt. k. GesundhAmt. 1884, 2: 1-88 
K149 Die Bekampfung der Infektionskrankheiten. Ber¬ 
lin 1888. 8* 

K1S0 Bericht fiber die Thatigkeit der zur Erforschung 
der Cholera, ed. G. Gaffky. Berlin 1887. 8* 

K151 Heilmittel gegen die Tuberculose. Berlin 1890-91. 
12 v. 8’ 

K152 Investigations into the etiology of traumatic in¬ 
fective diseases, tr. W. W. Cheyne. London 1880. 8* 
2 copies 

K153 Ueber Desinfection. Mitt. k. GesundhAmt. 1881, 1: 

K154 Ueber die Milzbrandimpfung. Kassel 1882. 8° 
K155 Untersuchungen fiber Bacterien, VI. In C301 
K156 Untersuchungen fiber die Aetiologie der Wundin- 
fectionskrankheiten. Leipzig 1878. 8° 

K157 Untersuchungen fiber die Desinfection mit heisser 
Luft, G. Wolffhfigel jt.auth. Mitt. k. GesundhAmt. 1881, 
1: 301-21. With K153 

K158 Versuche fiber die Verwerthbarkeit heisser Wasser- 
dampfe, G. Gaffky, F. Loeffler th. Mitt. k. Gesundh¬ 
Amt. 1881, 1: 322-40. With K153 
K159 Zur Aetiologie des Milzbrandes. Mitt. k. Gesundh¬ 
Amt. 1881, 1: 49-79 

K160 Zur Untersuchung von pathogenen Organismen. 
Mitt. k. GesundhAmt. 1881, 1: 1-48 

K161 Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift [Robert 
Koch-Gedenknummer] v. 58, no. 13, March 25, 1932. 

KOCH Rudolf 1876- 

K162 Das kleine Blumenbuch. Leipzig [1933] 8° 

KOCHER Theodor 1841-1917 
K163 Hirnerschfitterung, Hirndruck und chirurgische 
Eingriffe. Vienna 1901. 8* 

K164 Die Lasionen des Rfickenmarks bei Verletzungen 
der Wirbelsaule. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir. 1896, 1: 
481-660. With K165 

K165 Die Verletzungen der Wirbelsaule. Mitt. Grenzgeb. 
Med. Chir. 1896, 1: 415-80 

K166 [Miscellany bound in 1 v.] 8° 

KOLLIKER Albert von 1817-1905 
K167 Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. Leipzig 
1861. 8° 

K168 A manual of human microscopic anatomy. Lon¬ 
don 1860. 8° 

KOELSCH Franz 1876- See E36 

K169 Festrede auf Albrecht von Haller. Bern 1877. 8° 

KOENIGSBERGER Leo 1837-1921 
K170 Hermann von Helmholtz, tr. F. A. Welby. Oxford 
1906. 8* 

KOSTER Karl 1886- 

K171 Zur Geschichte der Physiologie des Blutumlaufes 
insbesondere fiber die Frage der Durchgangigkeit der 
Kammerscheidewand bei Andreas Vesalius. Tfibingen 
1915. 8* 

KOITER Volcher See Coiter V. 

KOMENSKY Jan Amos See Comenius J. A. 
KONING P. de See R132; R134 
KORNIS Gyula 1885- See B842 

KRABBE Knud Haraldsen 1885- 
K172 Les maladies des glandes endocrines. Paris 1925.8’ 
K173 Neurokirurgiske afdelinger. Repr. Ugeskr. Laeg. 
1924, 86: 550-2. In A165a 

K174 Studies on the morphogenesis of the brain in rep¬ 
tiles. Copenhagen 1939. fol. 

KRAFFT Johann See Crato von Krafftheim J. 
KRAHMER Hugo 1874- 

K175 Die Prognostik und Heilmittel der Verletzungen 
nach Heinrich von Mondeville. Berlin (1897) 8* With 

KRAMER Heinrich 15th cent. See S372 

KRAUS Walter Max 1889- See E78 

KRAUSE Allen Kramer 1881-1941 

K176 Tuberculosis and public health. Baltimore 1928. 8° 

KRAUSE Ernst Ludwig 1839-1903 
K177 Erasmus Darwin, tr. W. S. Dallas. New York 
1880. 8° 

KRAUTWADEL Michael See L317 
KREBS Niklas See Nicolaus Cusanus 
KREMER Gerhard See Mercator G. 

K178 Das Krefiterbuch oder herbarius. Augsburg H. 
Steiner 1534. fol. 

KRIEGER Louis Charles Christopher 1873- See 

KRISTELLER Paul 1863-1931 
K179 Eine Zeichnung von Johann Stephan von Calcar, 
zum Titelblatte der Anatomie des Andreas Vesalius. 
Mitt. Ges. vervielfaltigende Kunst 1908: 19-24 

KROGH August 1874— 

K180 [Miscellaneous papers 1918-21] 8* 

KROHN George Herman Monrad- See Monrad- 
Krohn G. H. 

KRONECKER Hugo 1839-1914 
K181 Hallers Wohnungen und seine Arbeitsart: Fest- 
vortrag. Bern 1908. 8° With 1288 

KRONFELD Peter Clemens 1899- 
K182 Introduction to ophthalmology. Springfield Ill. 
(°1938) 8* 

KROON Just Emile 

K183 Catalogus van de ten toons telling gehouden te 
Leiden 30 dec. 1918 tot 31 jan. 1919, ter gelegenheid 
van den 250. geboortedag van Boerhaave. Leiden 
[1918] 8° With C353 


K184 - L27 


KRUGER Marcus Salomon 

K184 Synchronistische Tabellcn zur Geschichte der 
Mcdicin. Berlin 1840. 4° 

KRUNITZ Johann Georg 1728-96 See B193 

KRUIF Paul Henry de See De Kruif P. H. 

KRUMBHAAR Edward Bell 1882- 
K185 Bibliographical matters pertaining to the discov¬ 
ery of the circulation of the blood. Repr. Ann. med. 
Hist. 1929, n.s. /: 57-86 

KUBIE Lawrence Schlesinger 1896- 

L., E. P. See Leavy E. P. 

L****** See Laroque L. C. de 

LA BLANCHfeRE Henri de 1821-80 
LI L’art du photographe. Paris 1859. 8* 

LACEPEDE Bernard Germain fitienne de La Ville 
sur Ulon comte de 1756-1825 Biography See 

LACHMUND Friedrich 1635-76 
L2 De ave diomedea dissertatio. Amsterdam 1674. 12° 
SG With R64 

LACUNA Andres de See Laguna A. de 

L3 The ladies diary or the womens almanack for 1708, 
1805 [London] 1708-[1805?] 2 v. 8° 

LADMIRAL Joannes 1698-1773 
L4 Icon durae matris in concava superficie visae. Am¬ 
sterdam 1738. 4° Latin, French & Dutch. SG 

LADY See D199; G276 

LAMMER Waldemar Diestel- See Diestel-Lam- 
mer W. 

LAENNEC Rene Theophile Hyacinthe 1781-1826 
L5 De l’auscultation mediate. Paris 1819. 2 v. 8° 

L6 Documents in6dits (Paris) 1926. 8° 

L7 Propositions sur la doctrine d’Hippocrate. Paris 1804 
[Paris 1923?] 8° facsim. 2 copies 
L8 Trait6 in£dit sur l’anatomie pathologique, ed. V. 
Cornil. Paris 1884. 8° 

L9 A treatise on the diseases of the chest and on mediate 
auscultation, tr. J. Forbes, 3d ed. London 1829. 8° 

L10 — from 3d rev. London ed. New York 1830. 8° 
Biography See JV84 

LA FORGE Louis de 1632-66 See D121 

LA FRAMBOISIERE Nicolas Abraham de 1577— 

LlOa The art of physick made plain & easie, tr. J. P. 
London 1684. 12° 

LAGRANGE Joseph Louis comte 1736-1813 
Lll M£chanique analitique. Paris 1788. 4* YU 
L12 Th6orie des fonctions analytiques. Paris [1797] 4° 
2 copies. LC 


K186 Practical aspects of psychoanalysis (1st ed.) New 
York (°1936) 8° 

KUTTLINGER Johann Friedrich 1778-1851 See 


K187 Ein kurtz Regiment wie sich zu Zeiten der Pesti- 
lentz zu halten sey. Nuremberg J. Petreius 1533. 4* SG 

KUSSMAUL Adolf 1822-1902 
K188 Jugenderinnerungen eines alten Arztes, 5. Aufl. 
Stuttgart 1902. 8* 

Biography See B154 

LAGUNA Andres de 1499-1560 
L13 Annotationes in Galeni interpretes. Lyons G. Ro- 
ville 1553. 16° SG 2d copy with G36 

LAING Alexander Kinnan 1903- See P34 

L14 A rod for the back of the binder (Chicago 1928) fol. 
LALAMANT Jean 16th cent. 

L15 Disputationes metaphysicae. Munich 1645. fol. 
With F222 

LALANDE Joseph Jerdme LeFranfois de 1732-1807 
L16 Catalogue des livres composant la biblioth£que. de 
Lalande. Paris 1808. 8° 

LALEMANDET Joannes See Lalamant J. 

L17 [13 Chinese medical drawings in color on rice paper 
from Dr. Peter Parker’s collection done in Canton 
about 1838] bound fol. 

LAMARCK Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de 


L18 Flore frangoise. Paris 1778. 3 v. 8° LC 
L19 Hydrog6ologie. Paris [1802] 8° 

L20 Philosophic zoologique. Paris 1809. 2 v. 8° 

L21 Recherches sur les causes des principaux faits 
physiques. Paris [1794] 2 v. 8* LC 
L22 Systeme des animaux sans vert^bres. Paris 1802. 8° 

LA MARTINIERE Antoine Augustin Bruzen de 

See Bruzen de la Martiniere A. A. 

LAMB Charles 1775-1834 

L23 The essays of Elia. Boston 1896. 8° 

LAMB Daniel Smith 1843-1929 
L24 Report of the post-mortem examination of the body 
of Chas. J. Guiteau. Philadelphia 1882. 12° 

LAMBACH Maximilian Pagl von See Pagl von 
Lambach M. 

LAMBERT George 1823P-1901 

L25 The Barbers’ company [London 1882?] 8° 

LAMBERT Johann Heinrich 1728-77 
L26 Insigniores orbitae cometarum proprietates. Augs¬ 
burg 1761. 8° YU With 127 
L27 Photometria. Augsburg 1760. 8° JC 



L28 - L63 

LAMBERT Samuel Waldron 1859-1942 
L28 Description of the vermiform appendix from the 
“De fabrica” of Vesalius. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1937, 
n.s. 9: 422-27 

L29 Phineas Fletcher and Francis Quarles. Repr. Ann. 

med. Hist. 1931, n.s. 3: 568-78 
L30 A reading from Vesalius and The physiology of 
Vesalius. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1936, 2. s. 12: 345-415. 
2 copies 

L31 When Mr. Pickwick went fishing. New York 
1924. 8° 

LAMBERTINI Prospero Lorenzo See Benedictus 

LAMZWEERDE Jan Baptist van fl. 1657-83 See 

LANCELOT Antoine 1675-1740 See P146 

LANCISI Giovanni Maria 1654-1720 
L32 De motu cordis et aneurysmatibus. Rome 1728. fol. 
BO 3152 

L33 De noxiis paludum effluviis. Rome 1717. 4° BO 3151 
L34 De subitaneis mortibus. Rome 1709. 8° SG 
See also El 13; El 14 

LANDAU Adam See G429 

LANDE Marie Anne (de Vichy-Chamrond) marquise 
du Deffand de la See Du Deffand de la Lande 
M. A. 

L35 [Miscellaneous papers 1900-31] 8’ 

L36 The specificity of serological reactions. Springfield 
Ill. (°1936) 8° 

LANE John Edward 1872-1933 
L37 Jean-Fran^ois Coste. Repr. Americana 1928, 22: 

See also B488 

LANFRANCHI Guido d. 1315 
L38 La chirurgie, tr. G. Yvoire. Paris P. Le Dru 1508.4* 
t.-p. in photostat 

L39 In diesem Biechlin find man gar ain schone Under- 
wysung [Cologne Arnd von Aich 1515?] 4° SG 
L40 Klein Wundartznei, tr. O. Brunfels. Frankfort 
C. Egenolff heirs 1569. 8’ SG 
L41 A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgie, 
tr. J. Hall. London T. Marshe 1565. 4° SG 
L42 Ein nutzliches Wund Artzney Biichlein, tr. O. 
Brunfels [Frankfort H. Gulfferich] 1552. 4° 

LANG Andrew 1844-1912 

L43 Books and bookmen. London 1887. 8° 

L44 — 2d ed. 1887. 8° 

LANGDON-BROWN Sir Walter 1870- 
L45 The background to Harvey. The Harveian oration, 
1936. London 1936. 8° 

L46 The integration of the endocrine system. Cambridge 
1935. 8° 

LANGE Fritz 1864- 

L47 Amerikanische Reiseerinnerungen. Repr. Munch, 
med. Wschr. 1911, 58: 1404-9. In A 165a 

LANGE Johann 1485-1565 

L48 Medicinalium epistolarum miscellanea. Basel J. 
Oporinus (1554) 4° SG With P54 

LANGE Johann 17th cent. See K28; P252; P256 
LANGENBECK Bernhard von 1810-87 See H504 
LANGENHAN Henry August 

L49 Liquor potassii arsenitis. Bull. Univ. Wis. serial no. 
1153, 1918 

LANGERHANS Paul 1847P-88 
L50 Contributions to the microscopic anatomy of the 
pancreas, tr. H. Morrison. Baltimore 1937. 8° 

LANGHAM William 

L51 The garden of health. London 1579. 4° SG 
LANGHORNE John 1735-79 See P324 
LANGHORNE William 1721-72 See P324 

LANGLEY John Newport 1852-1925 Biography 
See F187 

LANGLEY Samuel Pierpont 1834-1906 
L52 Langley memoir on mechanical flight, C. M. Manly 
jt.auth. Washington 1911. 4° 

L53 The temperature of the moon, F. W. Very jt.auth. 
Washington 1889. 4° National academy of sciences. 
Memoirs, v. 4 (3d memoir) pt. 2 
L54 —National academy of sciences. Memoirs, v. 4 
(9th memoir) pt. 2. With L53 

L55 — F. W. Very jt.auth. Repr. Amer. J. Sci. 1889, 38: 

L56 [Miscellaneous papers 1881-1905] 8° 

LANGLI Willem b. 1614 See H168 

LANGMUIR Irving 1881— 

L57 [Miscellaneous papers 1919-21] 8° 

Biography See JV 174 

LANGWORTHY Orthello Richardson 1897— 

L58 Development of behaviour patterns and myeliniza- 
tion of the nervous system in the human fetus and in¬ 
fant (Washington 1933) 8° 

LANQUETIN Eugene See L352 

LANZONI Giuseppe 1663-1730 
L59 Tractatus de balsamatione cadaverum. Naples 
1765. 12° 

LAPLACE Pierre Simon marquis de 1749-1827 
L60 Exposition du syst^me du monde. Paris [1796] 2 v. 
8° BMC 

L61 M6canique c61este, tr. N. Bowditch. Boston 1829— 
39. 4 v. 4° 

See also P314 

LA RAMfiE Pierre de 1515-72 

L62 Dialecticae libri duo. Paris A. Wechel 1572. 8° 

See also T19 

LARGUS Scribonius See Scribonius Largus 

LARISCH von MOENNICH Marie Luise Elisabeth 

(Freiin von Wallersee) Graf in 1858— 

L63 My past. New York 1913. 8° 

[ 116 ] 

L64 - L102 


LARKEY Sanford Vincent 1898- 
L64 Astrology and politics in the first years of Eliza¬ 
beth’s reign. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1935, 3: 171-86 
L65 Jackson’s English translation of Berengarius of 
Carpi’s “Isagogae breves” 1660 and 1664, L. Turn 
Suden jt.auth. Repr. Isis 1934, 21: 57-70. 2 copies 
L66 The Vesalian compendium of Geminus and Nicho¬ 
las Udall’s translation. London 1933. 4° 

See also J94; J95 

LARMOR Sir Joseph 1857- See M220 
LAROQUE L. C. de See J57 

LARREY Dominique Jean baron 1766-1842 
L67 Dissertation sur les amputations des membres. 
Paris 1803. 4° 

L68 Memoirs of military surgery, tr. R. W. Hall, 1st 
American ed. Baltimore 1814. 2 v. 8° 

L69 — tr. J. Waller, pt. 1. London 1815. 8° 

L70 Relation historique et chirurgicale de l’exp6dition 
de l’arm6e d’orient. Paris 1803. 8° 

L71 Relation m6dicale de campagnes et voyages 1815— 
40. Paris 1841. 8° 

Biography See T164 

LARRIEU Felix 1863- 

L72 Gui Patin 1601-72. Paris 1889. 8 # 

LARSELL Olof 1886- See B344 

LASCARIS Constantinus fl. 1476 
L73 De octo partibus orationis (Venice A. Manutius 
1512) 4° BR 

LATHAM Peter Mere 1789-1875 

L74 Oratio ex Harveii institute, 1839. London [1839] 4* 

LATHAM Peter Wallwork 1832-1923 

L75 The Harveian oration, 1888. Cambridge 1888. 8* 

LATHAM Robert Gordon 1812-88 See S497 

LA TOURETTE Georges Gilles de See Gilles de 
la Tourette G. 

LAUD William abp. of Canterbury 1573-1645 Bi¬ 
ography See C293 

LAUE Max Theodor Felix von 1879- See F336 

LAUFER Berthold 1874-1934 

L76 The prehistory of aviation. Chicago 1928. 8° 

LAUNAY de fl . 1642 See H338 

LAUNOIS Pierre Emile 1856-1914 
L77 Les origines de l’histologie: Malpighi, 1628-94; 
Ruysch, 1638-1731. Paris 1903. 8° 

LAUREMBERG Peter 1585-1639 
L78 Pasicompse nova [Leipzig?] 1672. 8* BMC With 

LAURENTIUS Andreas See Du Laurens A. 
LAURENZIANI Lorenzo See G25 
LAURO Pietro See L316 
LAUTERBACH Hieronymus See V96 

LAVATER Johann Caspar 1741-1801 
L79 Essays on physiognomy, tr. T. Holcroft. London 
1789. 3 v. 8° 

L80 Physiognomik. Vienna 1829. 4 v. in 2. 8° 

L81 Physiognomische Fragmente. Leipzig 1775-78. 
4 v. 4° BO 3177 

LAVERAN Alphonse 1845-1922 
L82 Du paludisme. Paris 1891. 8° 

L83 Trait6 des fi^vres palustres. Paris 1884. 8° 

LAVINHETA Bernard de 15th cent. 

L84 Opera omnia quibus tradidit artis R. Lulli, com- 
pendiosam explicationem, ed. J. H. Alsted. Cologne 
L. Zetzner 1612. 8° 2 copies. UC 

LAVOISIER Antoine Laurent 1743-94 
L85 Elements of chemistry, tr. R. Kerr. Edinburgh 
1790. 8° SG 

L86 — 3ded. 1796. 8° 

L87 — From 5th Edinburgh ed. New York 1806. 2 v. in 
1 . 8 ° 

L88 Essays physical and chemical, tr. T. Henry. London 

1776. 8° SG 

L89 Instruction sur l’6tablissement des nitrides. Paris 

1777. 4° BN 

L90 Opuscules physiques et chymiques. Paris 1774. 8° 

L91 Trait6 616mentaire de chimie. Paris 1789. 2 v. 8° LC 
See also G499; G500 
Biography See B338; G408 

LAVRENDlfeRE Claude Martin de See C85 

LAWRENCE Ernest Orlando 1901- 

L92 [Miscellaneous papers 1930-36] 8’ 

LAWRENCE Sir William hart. 1783-1867 
L93 Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural 
history of man, 3d ed. London 1823. 8° Lacks t.-p. 

LAWRENCE William bp. 1850-1941 
L94 Fifty years. Boston 1923. 12° 

LAWSON Robert W. See E25 

LAX Gaspar 1487-1560 

L95 Arithmetica speculativa. Paris (N. de La Barre 
1515) fol. BMF With III: 80 
L96 Proportions. Paris (N. de La Barre 1515) fol. BMF 
With III: 80 

LEA & FEBIGER publishers Philadelphia 
L97 One hundred and fifty years of publishing 1785— 
1935. Philadelphia 1935. 8° 

LEACH John Albert 1870- 

L98 An Australian bird book, 5th ed. Melbourne 1923. 8° 

LEAGUE OF Red cross societies. Typhus research 
commission to Poland 

L99 The etiology and pathology of typhus. Cambridge 
Mass. 1922. 4° 

LEAKE Chauncey Depew 1896- 
L100 1938 travelog, E. N. Leake jt.auth. San Francisco 
1938. 8° 

L101 Percival’s code. Chicago °1923. 8° 

L102 Percival’s medical ethics. Repr. Boston med. surg. 
J. 1927, 197: 357-61 
See also H149; P211 

[ 117 ] 


L103 - L136 

LEAKE Mrs. Elizabeth Nancy (Wilson) See L100 
LEANDER Richard pseud. See Volkmann R. von 

LEATHES John Beresford 1864- 
L103 The birth of chemical biology. The Harveian ora¬ 
tion, 1930. Repr. Lancet 1930, 2: 889-968 

LEAVITT Robert Greenleaf 1865- 
L104 The forest trees of New England. Jamaica Plain 
Mass. 1932. 8° 

LEAVY Edward Peter 

L105 Rhyming research. Printed in Gt.Brit. [20th 
cent.] 8° 

LEBLANC P. See H566 

LE BLANC Richard 1510P-80? See C84 

LE BO£ Frans de See Boe F. de le 

LEBON Ernest 1846-1922 

L106 Gabriel Lippmann. Paris 1911. 8° 

LE BOURSIER DU COUDRAY Angelique Marguerite 


L107 Abbr6g6 de Tart des accouchemens, nouv. 6d. 

Saintes 1769. 8* SG 
L108 — nouv. 6d. Paris 1777. 8* SG 

LECfeNE Paul 

L109 L’6volution de la chirurgie. Paris 1923. 8* 

LE CLERC Charles Gabriel b. 1644 
LI 10 La chirurgie complette. Paris 1696. 12* 

LE CLERC Daniel 1652-1728 

Llll Bibliotheca anatomica, J. J. Manget jt.auth. 

Geneva 1685. 2 v. fol. BO 3192 
L112 Histoire de la m6decine. Amsterdam 1723. 4° BO 

LI 13 The history of physick, tr. Dr. Drake & Dr. Baden. 
London 1699. 8° BO 6037 

L’fiCLUSE Charles de 1526-1609 
L114 Aliquot notae in Garciae aromatum historiam. 
Antwerp C. Plantin 1582. 8’ BMNH With A33 
See also A33; D205; M44S; M448; 047; 048 

LECOCQ Pascal 1567-1632 

L115 Bibliotheca medica. Basel C. von Waldkirch 1590. 
8’ LC 

LECOMPTE Philip Medford 1907- See 4V244 

LECOMPTE DU NOUY Pierre 1883- 
L116 Biological time. New York 1937. 8* 

LECOQ Pascal See Lecocq. P. 

LE DOUBLE Anatole Felix 1848-1913 
L117 Rabelais, anatomiste et physiologiste. Paris 1899. 
8* 2 copies 

LE DRAN Henry Francois 1685-1770 
L118 The operations in surgery, tr. T. Gataker, 2d ed. 
W. Cheselden. London 1752. 8’ 2 copies. SG 

LEDSKE Ignatz Dominik Chorinsky von See Cho- 


LEE Edwin d. 1870 

LI 19 Observations on the principal medical institutions 

and practice of France, Italy and Germany. Philadel¬ 
phia 1837. 8* 

LEE Mathew 1694-1755 

L120 Oratio anniversaria ex Harvaei instituto, 1736. 
London 1736. 4° BO 794 

LEE Robert Edward 1807-70 Biography See 

LEE Sir Sidney 1859-1926 

L121 Great Englishmen of the 16th century. New York 
1904. 8° 

LEECH John 1817-64 Biography See B714; 

LEEDS. University 

L122 The Brotherton collection of books and manu¬ 
scripts (Leeds 1936) 8° With L123 
L123 Opening of the Brotherton library (Leeds 1936) 8* 

LEERSUM Evert Comelis van 
L124 Andre V6sale. Janus 1914, 19: 397-409 
L125 Andreas Vesalius. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 
59: 4-16. 2 copies. With R156 

LEEUWEN Willem Storm van See Storm van 
Leeuwen W. 

LEEUWENHOEK Anthony van 1632-1723 
L126 An abstract of a letter to Mr. R. H. concerning the 
appearances of several woods. Philos . Trans. 1683, no. 
148, 197-235 

L127 Anatomia et contemplatio nonnullorum naturae 
invisibilium secretorum. Leyden 1685. 4* 

L128 Arcana naturae. Delft 1695-97. 2 v. in 1. 4* BO 

L129 The Leeuwenhoek letter, tr. B. Cohen. Baltimore 
1937. 8* 

See also C297 

Biography See D195; M331 

LEFEBURE Joseph Toussaint 

L130 Precis th£orico-pratique sur la vaccine. Lille 
1829. 8* 

LE FEVRE Jacques d'Etaples d. 1537 See A62 

LE FfiVRE DE LA BODERIE Guy 1541-98 See 

LEGALLOIS Julien Jean Cesar 1770-1814 
L131 Experiences sur le principe de la vie. Paris 1812. 8* 

LEGENDRE Adrien Marie 1752-1833 
L132 Nouvelles m6thodes pour la determination des 
orbites des com^tes. Paris 1806-20. 3 v. in 1. 4’ 

LEGROS Georges Victor 1862- 
L133 Fabre, poet of science, tr. B. Miall. London 
(1913) 8* 

LEIBNIZ Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von 1646-1716 
L134 [Charta volans] 29. Julii 1713. 4* photostat 

LEICHNER Eckard 1612-90 

L135 De cordis et sanguinis motu. Jena 1653. 12* 

LEIGHTON Alexander 1800-74 
L136 The court of Cacus or the story of Burke and Hare. 
London 1861. 12* 

[ 118 ] 

L137 - L179 



L137 Modern bookbinding. New York (1935) 16° 
LEIKIND Morris Cecil 1905- See H365 
LEITE de Souza- See Souza-Leite de 
LfiMERY Nicolas 1645-1715 

L138 A course of chymistry, 2d ed. tr. W. Harris. Lon¬ 
don 1686. 8° SG 

L139 — 3d ed. London 1698. 8* SG 
L140 Pharmacop6e universelle, 3. 6d. Amsterdam 1717. 
4° UC 

LE MIRE Aubert 1573-1640 

L141 Elogia illustrium belgii scriptorum. Antwerp J. 
Bellere widow & heirs 1602. 8° BN 

LEMNIUS Levinus 1505-68 

L142 De miraculis occultis naturae. Frankfort Palthe- 
nius 1598. 16° BMC 

L143 Occulta naturae miracula. Von den wunderbar- 
lichen Geheimnissen der Natur, ed. J. Horst (Leipzig 
J. Steinman 1572) 2 v. in 1. 4° 

L144 — Frankfort C. Guth 1672. 4° 

Biography See H492 

LEMPERLY Paul 1858-1939 comp. 

L145 A list of book-plates engr. E. D. French. Cleveland 
1899. 8° 

LENARD Philipp Eduard Anton 1862- 
L146 Great men of science, tr. H. S. Hatfield. New York 
1933. 8° 

L147 Ober Kathodenstrahlen. Leipzig 1906. 8° 

LEO Petrus See G262 

LEONARD Jonathan Norton 1903- 
L148 Tools of tomorrow. New York 1937. 8* 

LEONARD Robert Maynard 

L149 Echoes from the classics. London 1914. 12* 

LEONARD Sterling Andrus 1888-1931 ed. 

L1S0 The Atlantic book of modern plays. Boston 
(°1921) 8* 

L151 Das Buch von der Malerei, ed. H. Ludwig. Vienna 
1882. 3 v. 8° German & Italian 
L152 —deutsche Ausg. 1882. 8* 

L153 — neues Material. Stuttgart 1885. 8* 

L154 Cinquante-six dessins reproduits en fac-simil£, 
L. Marotte. Paris 1928. fol. 

L155 Del moto e misura dell’acqua. Bologna 1828. 8* 
LI56 Desseins (Milan 1784) fol. YU 
LI57 Feuillets in6dits. Biblioth^que du Chateau du 
Windsor. Paris 1901. 22 v. in 23. fol. Lacks v. 8 
LI58 I manoscritti della Reale biblioteca di Windsor. 
Dell’anatomia, ed. F. V. Sabashnikov & G. Piumati, 
tr. M. M. Duval. Paris 1898-1901. 2 v. fol. 

L159 Les manuscrits B-G, I, K-M de la Biblioth^que 
de l’lnstitut, tr. C. Ravaisson-Mollien. Paris 1883-90. 
4 v. fol. 

L160 Note-books, ed. E. McCurdy. London 1906. 8* 
L161 — New York 1938. 2 v. 4° 

L162 Quaderni d’anatomia . . . fogli della Royal library 
di Windsor, ed. C. L. Vangensten, A. M. Fonahn, H. 
Hopstock. Christiania 1911-16. 6 v. fol. 

L163 Sciences physico-math6matiques. Paris 1901. 4 
v. 8° 

L164 Tabula anatomica. Liineberg 1830. 4° 

L165 Tractat von der Mahlerey, tr. J. G. Bohm. Nurem¬ 
berg 1724. 4* 

L166 Trattato della pittura. Rome 1817. 2 v. 4* 3d copy 
lacks v. 1 

L167 A treatise on painting, tr. J. F. Rigaud, new ed. 

London 1877. 8* 

L168 —1910.8* 

See also B278; B692; C254 
Bibliography See S408; V59 

Biography See B745; G77; H199; H305; K118; K119; 
K130; M16; M53; M54; M165; M237; M302; M572; 
R260; R261; S269; S464; U38; W63 


L169 Ad Vergilii opera omnia loci aliquot. Ingolstadt 
A. Weissenhorn 1542. 8° BMC With S9 

LEONE Domenico 

L170 Methodus curandi febres. Bologna J. Rossi 1562. 
4° SG 

LEONICENO Nicold See Lonigo N. da 

Akademie der Naturforscher 
L171 Bericht uber den Verlauf der Feier der 250. 
Wiederkehr des Tages der Erhebung, ed. E. Abder- 
halden. Halle 1937. 8* With L173 
L172 Bericht uber die Tatigkeit 1933-37, ed. E. Abder- 
halden (Halle 1937) 8* With L173 
L173 Festgabe aus Anlass der 250. Wiederkehr des 
Tages der Erhebung, ed. E. Abderhalden. Halle 1937. 8* 

Akademie der Naturforscher. Bibliothek 
L174 Verzeichnis der periodischen Schriften, ed. R. 
Rauch. Halle 1937. 8* With L173 

LE PAULMIER Claude Stephen 1828-1903 
L175 Ambroise Par6 d’apr^s de nouveaux documents. 
Paris 1887. 8* 

L176 Julien Le Paulmier. Paris 1894. 8* 

LE PAULMIER Julien 1520-88 See L176 
LE PELLETIER Jean 1633-1711 See S387 
LE PILEUR Louis 1839- See F101 

LERICHE Rene 1879- 

L177 La chirurgie de la douleur. Paris 1937. 8* 

L178 L’oeuvre de William Halsted. Lyon mid. 1914, 
122: 1014-19. In A165a 

L’ESCLUSE Charles de See L’^cluse C. de 

LESPINASSE Julie Jeanne Eleonore de 1732-76 
See D298 

LESSHAFFT Hans 1868- 

L179 Die Behandlung der Kopfwunden nach Heinrich 
von Mondeville. Magdeburg (1895) 8° With P14 



L180 - L221 

LESSIUS Leonard 1554-1623 

L180 The temperate man. London 1678. 12° 


L181 A letter addressed to a republican member of the 
House of Representatives of Mass, on “A college of 
physicians.” Boston 1812. 8° 2 copies 
L182 A letter to Dr. Sangrado in answer to Thomsonus 
redivivus. London [1746] 8° BMC With T78 
L183 A letter to the Rev. Mr. Massey occasion’d by his 
sermon against inoculation. London 1722. 8° SG 

LETTSOM John Coakley 1744-1815 
L184 Grove-hill. London 1804. 4° 

L185 Hints designed to promote beneficence, temper¬ 
ance & medical science, v. 3. London 1801. 8° 

L186 Memoirs of John Fothergill, 4th ed. London 1786. 

L187 The naturalist’s and traveller’s companion, 3d ed. 
London 1799. 8° BMC 

L188 Observations on the cow-pock (2d ed.) [London] 
1801. 8* 

L189 Reflections on the general treatment and cure of 
fevers. London 1772. 8° SG 
Biography See P236 

LEUCHTENBERG Georg Herzog von 1872-1929 
L190 Die Bibliothek. Berlin [1929] 8° 

LEVADITI Constantin 

L191 [Miscellaneous papers 1935-37] 8° 

LEVELING Heinrich Palmaz 1742-98 
L192 Anatomische Erklarung der Original-Figuren von 
Andreas Vesal. Ingolstadt 1783. fol. F VI. C. 14; BO 

L193 Historia chirurgico-anatomica facultatis medicae 
ingolstadiensis. Ingolstadt 1791. 4° SG 

LEVENS Peter ft. 1587 

L194 A right profitable booke for all diseases, called 
The path-way to health. London J. Beale 1632. 4° SG 

LEVINE Israel 

L195 Francis Bacon 1561-1626. London (1925) 8° 

LEVINE Samuel Albert 1891- 

L196 Clinical heart disease. Philadelphia 1937. 8° 

LEVINSON Abraham 1886- 

L197 Cerebrospinal fluid in health and in disease. St. 
Louis 1919. 8° 

LfiVY-VALENSI Joseph 1879- 
L198 La m6decine et les m6decins fran^ais au XVII. 
si£cle. Paris 1933. 8° 

LEWENHAIMB Philipp Jakob Sachs von See 

Sachs Von Lewenhaimb P. J. 

LEWIS Cecil 1898- 

L199 Sagittarius rising. New York (1936) 8° 

LEWIS Charles Thomas Courtney 1856- 
L200 The story of picture printing in England during 
the 19th century. London [1928?] 8° 

LEWIS Eldad d. 1825 See C523 

LEWIS Gilbert Newton 1875— 

L201 [Papers on chemistry 1907-16] 8° 

LEWIS Lawrence 1879- 

L202 A tribute to Dr. Herbert Putnam. Washington 
1939. 8° 

LEWIS Sir Thomas 1881— 

L203 The Harveian oration on ‘‘clinical science,” 1933. 
London 1933. 8° 

LEWIS Timothy See fV132 

LEWIS Wilmarth Sheldon 1895- 
L204 Bentley’s designs for Walpole’s Fugitive pieces. 
Farmington Conn. 1936. 8° 

L205 Horace Walpole’s letter from Madame de S£vign6 
(Farmington Conn. 1933) 8° 

L206 Private charity in England, 1747-57, R. M. Wil¬ 
liams jt.auth. New Haven 1938. 8° 

See also S450 

LEWY Fritz Heinrich 1885— 

L207 The first authentic case of major trigeminal 
neuralgia. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1938, n.s. 10: 247-50 

LEXELL Anders Johan 1740-84 See E108 

LEYDEN John 1775-1811 

L208 Poems and ballads, with a memoir of the author by 
Sir W. Scott, and supplement by R. White. Kelso 
1858. 8° 

L209 Scenes of infancy: descriptive of Teviotdale, 2d ed. 
Edinburgh 1811. 12° 

L210 Scotish descriptive poems. Edinburgh 1803. 12° 

L’HOPITAL Guillaume Francois Antoine de marquis 
de St. Mesme 1661-1704 
L211 Analyse des infiniment petits. Paris 1696. 4° 

LIBAIRE George See C133 

LIBAVIUS Andreas 1540-1616 
L212 Alchymia triumphans. Frankfort J. Sauer 1607. 
8° BMC 


L213 Liber de morbo gallico, in quo diversi celeberrimi 
in tali materia scribentes, medicine continentur auc- 
tores. Venice (G. Padovano & V. Ruffmelli) 1535. 8° 
BO 3231 

L214 Liber gratulatorius in honorem John Forssman. 
Lund 1933. 8° 

L215 Liber novem judicum in judiciis astrorum (Venice) 
P. Liechtenstein 1509. 4° MU 


L216 Vorstellung der Gebeine und Muskeln des mensch- 
lichen Korpers [Nuremberg] 1774. fol. SG 

LIDDELL HART Basil Henry 1895- 
L217 The real war 1914-18. Boston 1930. 8° 

LIEBIG Justus Freiherr von 1803-73 
L218 Animal chemistry, ed. W. Gregory. London 1842. 
8° SG 

L219 Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf 
Agricultur und Physiologie. Brunswick 1840. 8° 2 copies 
L220 Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf 
Physiologie und Pathologie. Brunswick 1842. 8° 

LIEK Erwin Gustav 1878— 

L221 Der Arzt und seine Sendung. Munich (°1926) 8° 

[ 120 ] 

L222 - L274 


1222 The doctor’s mission, tr. J. E. Barker. London 
(1930) 8° 

L223 Studienreise eines deutschen Chirurgen nach den 
Vereinigten Staaten. Berlin 1912. 8° In A165a 

LlfiNARD Rene Albert 1907- 
L224 Paracelse, 1493-1541; sa vie, son oeuvre. Lyons 
1932. 8° 2 copies 

LIER R. & co. booksellers Florence 
L225 Early medical books v. 4—5 [Florence 1926-27] 8° 
L226 Unique collection of works of Galileo Galilei 
[Florence 1931] 8° 

L227 William Harvey 1628-1928. Florence [1928] 8’ 

LIGHT Richard Upjohn 1902- 
L228 Journal of a seaplane cruise around the world, 
R. F. Wilson jt.auth. (n.p. °1937) 4° multigraph 

LILIENTHAL Otto 1848-96 

L229 Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst. Ber¬ 
lin 1889. 8° 

LILLARD John F. B. comp. 

L230 The medical muse, grave and gay. New York 
(°1895) 8° 

LILLY William 1602-81 

L231 Merlini Anglici ephemeris or astrological judg¬ 
ments for 1678. London 1678. 8° 

LILLY, ELI & company Indianapolis 
L232 Lilly research laboratories: dedication. Indianapo¬ 
lis 1934. 4° 

LINACRE Thomas 1460-1524 
L233 De emendata structura latini sermonis. Paris R. 
Estienne 1550. 8° BO 5056 
See also G13; G16; G53; G54; G64; P155 
Biography See N69; 0105 

LIND AF HAGEBY Lizzy 1878- 

L234 The shambles of science, L. K. Schartau jt.auth. 

London 1903. 8’ 

L235 — 4th ed. (1904) 8° 

LINDAU Arvid Vilhelm 1892- 

1236 Nagra medicinska intryck fran U.S.A. Repr. 
Soenska Lakartidn 1932. In A165a 

LINDBERGH Charles Augustus 1902- See C99; 

LINDEBERG Peter 1562-96 

1237 Hypotyposis arcium, palatiorum, librorum ab 
Henrico Ranzovio. Frankfort J. Wechel 1592. 4° BMC 

LINDEN E. J. van der See H298 

LINDEN Johannes Antonides van der 1609-64 
L238 De scriptis medicis, ed. altera. Amsterdam 1651. 
8° SG 

L239 — 3. ed. 1662. 8° BMC 

1240 — ed. G. A. Mercklin. Nuremberg 1686. 4° BO 

See also S363 

LINE Francis 1595-1675 

L241 Tractatus de corporum inseparabilitate. London 
1661. 8° FultonB 262 

LINNE Carl von 1707-78 

L242 Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae, 
v. 1. Stockholm 1749. 8° BML 1282 
L243 Amphibia gyllenborgiana. Uppsala [1745] 4° BML 

L244 Bibliotheca botanica. Amsterdam 1736. 8° BML 

L245 Classes plantarum. Leyden 1738. 8° BML 332 
L246 Corollarium generum plantarum. Methodus sex- 
ualis. Leyden 1737. 8° BML 285 With L260 
L247 Critica botanica. De necessitate historiae naturalis 
discursus, J. Browallius. Leyden 1737. 8° BML 276 
L248 — tr. A. Hort. London 1938. 8° 

L249 Dissertatio botanica de planta sceptrum carolinum 
dicta. Uppsala [1731] 4° BML 1334 

1250 Dissertatio botanica metamorphoses plantarum 
sis tens. Stockholm [1755] 4° BML 1857 

1251 Dissertatio de materia medica in regno animali. 
Uppsala [1750] 4° BML 1605 With L263 

L252 Dissertatio de materia medica in regno lapideo. 

Uppsala [1752] 4° BML 1663 With L263 
L253 Dissertatio medica odores medicamentorum ex- 
hibens. Stockholm [1752] 4° BML 1678 With L263 
L254 Dissertatio medico botanica, sistens rhabarbarum. 

Uppsala [1752] 4° BML 1686 With L263 
L255 The families of plants. Lichfield 1787. 2 v. 8* 
BML 24 

L256 Flora lapponica. Amsterdam 1737. 8* BML 279 
With 1258 

1257 Flora svecica. Stockholm 1745. 8’ BML 407 
L258 — Leyden 1745. 8° BML 408 
L259 Fundamenta botanica. Amsterdam 1736. 8’ BML 
250 With 1244 

1260 Genera plantarum. Leyden 1737. 8° BML 284 
L261 Hortus cliffortianus. Amsterdam 1737. fol. BML 

L262 Lachesis lapponica or a tour in Lapland, ed. J. E. 

Smith. London 1811. 2 v. in 1. 8° BML 192 
L263 Materia medica liber I. Stockholm 1749. 8° BML 

L264 Minnesbok. Stockholm 1919. 8° facsim. BML 1080 
L265 Oratio qua peregrinationum intra patriam asseri- 
tur necessitas. Uppsala [1741] 4° BML 1354 
1266 Orbis eruditi judicium [Stockholm 1741] 8° BML 

L267 Philosophia botanica. Stockholm 1751. 8° BML 

L268 Species plantarum. Stockholm 1753. 2 v. in 1. 8° 
BML 480 

L269 Systema naturae. Leyden 1735. fol. BML 39 
L270 — facsim. Stockholm 1907. fol. BML 43 
L271 — ed. 4. Paris 1744. 8° BML 48 With L260 

L272 — facsim. v. 1, 10th ed. Stockholm 1758. London 
1939. 8° 

L273 — Halle 1760-70. 3 v. 8° Lacks v. 3. BML 60 
L274 Vires plantarum. Uppsala [1747] 4° BML 1461 
Bibliography See B410; B825; D262; P421 

[ 121 ] 



L27S - L317 

LINNE C. — continued 

L275 New York academy of sciences. Annals. Jan. 1908 
See also A240; H209 

LINNfi Carl von 1741-83 Biography See H209 


L276 Transactions, v. 1. London 1791. 4° LC 

LINT Jan Gerard de 1867- 

L277 Atlas of the history of medicine: anatomy. New 
York 1926. fol. 

L278 Catalogus van de tentoonstelling over oude anato- 
mie van den geboortedag van Andreas Vesalius (Gorin- 
chem 1914) 4° 4 copies 

L279 Fugitive anatomical sheets. Repr. Janus 1924, 28: 

L280 lets over de portretten van Vesalius. Ned. Tijdschr. 

Geneesk. 1915, 59: 62-74. 2 copies. With R156 
L281 Les portraits de V6sale. Janus 1914, 19: 410-19. 
3 copies. With L124 

L282 Some unknown anatomical sheets. Repr. Proc. Int. 
Congr. Hist. Med. 1922, 3: 91-93 
See also S365 


L283 Histoire des femmes m£decins. Paris 1900. 8* 

LIPPMANN Gabriel 1845-1921 
L284 Unites 61ectriques absolues. Paris 1899. 8* 
Biography See L106 

LIPSCOMB George 1773-1846 
L285 A dissertation on the failure and mischiefs of cow- 
pox. London 1805. 8° 

L286 Inoculation for the small-pox vindicated. London 
1805. 8* 

LIPSCOMB William 1754-1842 
L287 Beneficial effects of inoculation. In Oxford. Uni¬ 
versity. Oxford prize poems, 1807: 27-38 

LISSAUER Abraham b. 1832. 

L288 Albrecht von Haller. Berlin 1873. 8* 

LISTER Joseph Lister baron 1827-1912 
1289 The collected papers. Oxford 1909. 2 v. 4* 

L290 Illustrations of the antiseptic system of treatment 
in surgery. Lancet 1867, 2: 668-69. With 1293 

1291 Observations on ligature of arteries on the anti¬ 
septic system. Edinburgh 1869. 8° 

1292 Observations on the contractile tissue of the iris. 
Quart. J. micr. Sci. 1853, 1: 8-17 

1293 On a new method of treating compound fracture, 
abscess, etc. Lancet 1867, 1: 326-29 etc. 

1294 On the antiseptic principle in the practice of sur¬ 
gery. Lancet 1867, 2: 353-56. With L293 

1295 On the use of carbolic acid. Lancet 1867, 2 :444 etc 
With 1293 

1296 Remarks on a case of compound dislocation of the 
ankle. Edinburgh 1870. 8° 

L297 Six papers, ed. R. J. Godlee. London 1921. 8° 

1298 The third Huxley lecture. London 1907. 8* 

L299 [Lister centenary papers 1927] 8° 

See also B847; C42; C474; D305; G259; G274; G296- 
G299; S412; S500; T95; T158; T180; 1V125 

LISTER Martin 1638 P-1712 
L300 A journey to Paris in the year 1698. London 1699 
8° BO 5070 

See also G305; M531; M532 

LITTLE Andrew George 1863— 

L301 Roger Bacon: essays contributed by various writ¬ 
ers. Oxford 1914. 8° 2 copies 

LITTLE, BROWN & company publishers Boston 
L302 One hundred years of publishing 1837-1937. Bos¬ 
ton (1937) 8* 

LITTRfi fimile 1801-81 

L303 M6decine et m6decins. Paris 1872. 8° 


L304 The lives of the ancient philosophers. London 
1702. 8° Lacks t.-p. LC 

LIVINGSTON Mrs. Anne Home (Shippen) 1763- 

L305 Nancy Shippen: her journal book, ed. E. Armes. 
Philadelphia 1935. 8’ 

LIVINGSTON William Kenneth 1892- 
L306 The clinical aspects of visceral neurology. Spring- 
field Ill. (°1935) 8° 

LIVINGSTONE David 1813-73 
L307 The last journals, from 1865 to his death, ed. 
H. Waller. London 1874. 2 v. 8* 

L308 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa* 
London 1857. 8’ 

Biography See B426 

LIVINGSTONE Sir Richard Winn 1880- 
L309 The Greek genius and its meaning to us (2d ed.) 
London (1933) 8* 

L310 Greek ideals and modern life. Oxford 1935. 8* 
L311 The legacy of Greece. Oxford (1928) 8* 


L312 Le livre de sant6. Troyes C. Gamier 1581. 8* 
LIZARS John 1787.M860 

L313 A system of anatomical plates of the human body. 
Edinburgh (1825) fol. plates only. SG 
See also S498 

LLOYD Hannibal Evans 1771-1847 See FI 17 
LLUELYN Martin 1616-82 

L314 To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty (London 
1660) fol. UC 

L’Obel Matthias de 1538-1616 
L315 Plantarum seu stirpium historia. Antwerp C. 
Plantin 1576. 2 v. fol. Pritzel 5548 
See also P203 


L316 Libro delle quatro infermita cortigiane, tr. P. 

Lauro (Venice G. B. & M. Sessa 1558) 8’ SG 
L317 Ein nutzlich Regiment der Gesundtheit, tr. 
M. Krautwadel (Augsburg H. Steiner 1531) 4* SG 

[ 122 ] 

L318 - L350 


LOCHET, J. P. F. See M17 

LOCHMAN Wolfgang 1594-1643 See G256; G257 

LOCKE John 1632-1704 

L318 An answer to remarks concerning humane under¬ 
standing. n.p. n.d. 8° See BO 1046 With L322 
L319 The correspondence of John Locke and Edward 
Clarke, ed. B. Rand. Cambridge Mass. 1927. 8° 

L320 An essay concerning the understanding, knowl¬ 
edge, opinion, and assent, ed. B. Rand. Cambridge 
Mass. 1931. 8° 

L321 A letter concerning toleration, 2d ed. London 1690. 
12 " 

L322 A letter to Edward Ld. Bishop of Worcester. Lon¬ 
don 1697. 8° BO 1045 

L323 Reply to the Bishop of Worcester’s answer. Lon¬ 
don 1697. 8° BO 1046 With L322 
L324 Reply to the Bishop of Worcester’s answer to his 
second letter. London 1699. 8’ BO 1047 
L325 Some thoughts concerning education, 14th ed. 
London n.d. 12* 

L326 The works. London 1714. 3 v. fol. YU 
Biography See B 717-20; D109; K76; M45 

LOCKE John Courtenay 1880- See G406 

LOCKYER Sir Joseph Norman 1836-1920 
L327 The chemistry of the sun. London 1887. 8* 

1328 The dawn of astronomy. London 1894. 8° 

LODGE Sir Oliver Joseph 1851-1940 
L329 Pioneers of science. London 1893. 8* 

L330 The work of Hertz. London n.d. 8* 

See also R146 

LOEB Jacques 1859-1924 

L331 Einleitung in die vergleichende Gehirnphysiologie. 
Leipzig 1899. 8* 

1332 [Miscellaneous papers 1900-17] 

LOEFFLER Friedrich 1852-1915 
L333 Berichte der Kommission zur Erforschung der 
Maul- und Klauenseuche, P. Frosch jt.auth. Zbl.Bakt. 
I. Abt. 1898, 23: 371-91 

1334 Untersuchungen uber die Bedeutung der Mikro- 
organismen fur die Entstehung der Diphtherie. Mitt, 
k. GesundhAmt. 1884, 2: 421-99 

L335 Vorlesungen uber die geschichtliche Entwickelung 
der Lehre von den Bacterien, 1. T. Leipzig 1887. 8° 
See also K158 

LOEWENFELD Kurt 1880- 

L336 Contributions to the history of science. Manches¬ 
ter 1913. 8* 

LOEWI Otto 1873- 

L337 [Miscellaneous papers 1924-37] 8* 

LOGA Valerian von 1861— 

1338 Die Stadteansichten in Hartman Schedels Welt- 
chronik. Berlin 1888. fol. 

LONDON. British museum See British Museum 

LONDON. Cow pock institution See Cow Pock 
institution London 

LONDON. National vaccine establishment See 
National Vaccine establishment London 

LONDON. Research defence society See Research 
Defence society London 

LONDON. Royal college of surgeons of England 
See Royal College of surgeons of England 

LONDON. Royal medical and chirurgical society 
See Royal Medical and chirurgical society of 

LONDON. Royal society See Royal Society of 

LONDON. Royal society of medicine See Royal 
Society of medicine London 

LONDON. Society of the mercurii See Society of 
the mercurii London 

LONDON. Stationers’ company 
L339 Records 1576-1602. London 1930. 4* 

LONDON. Wellcome foundation ltd. See Wellcome 
Foundation ltd. London 

LONDON. Wellcome historical medical museum See 
Wellcome Historical medical museum London 

LONDON practice 

L340 The London practice of midwifery, 1st American 
ed. New York 1820. 12* 

LONDON VACCINE institution 
1341 Plan. London 1814. 8* 

LONE Emma Miriam 1872- 

L342 Some noteworthy firsts in Europe during the 15th 
century. New York 1930. 8° 2 copies 

LONG Crawford Williamson 1815-78 Biography 
See T25 

LONG Esmond Ray 1890- 

1343 The development of our knowledge of arterio¬ 
sclerosis. Repr. E. V. Cowdry. Arteriosclerosis. NY. 
1933: 19-52. 8* 

1344 A history of pathology. Baltimore 1928. 8’ 

L345 Selected readings in pathology. Springfield Ill. 
1929. 8° 

LONG Joseph Abraham 1879- 
1346 The oestrous cycle in the rat, H. M. Evans jt. 
auth. Berkeley 1922. 4* 

LONG Perrin Hamilton 1899- 
L347 [Miscellaneous papers 1937] 8* 

LONGMORE Sir Thomas 1816-95 
L348 Richard Wiseman, surgeon and sergeant-surgeon 
to Charles II. London 1891. 8* 

LONIGO Nicold da (Leoniceno) 1428-1524 
L349 De Plinii et aliorum medicorum erroribus liber 
Basel H. Petri 1529. 4* BO 3213 With T179 
L350 In libros Galeni e graeca in latinam linguam a se 
translatos praefatio communis (Ferrara G. Mazzocchi 
1509) fol. SG 

See also G26; G41 
Biography See S442 



L351 - L378 

LONITZER Johann 1499-1569 See D178; N87 
LONSDALE Henry 1816-76 

L351 A sketch of the life and writings of Robert Knox. 
London 1870. 8° 2 copies 

LOPEZ DE VILLALOBOS Francisco 1473-1549 
L352 Sur les contagieuses et maudites bubas, tr. E. Lan- 
quetin. Paris 1890. 8° 

LORD Henry C. See L353 

LORD Joseph L. 

L353 A defence of Dr. Charles T. Jackson’s claims to the 
discovery of etherization, H. C. Lord jt.auth. Boston 
1848. 8° 

LORENTZ Hendrik Antoon 1853-1928 
L354 The principle of relativity, A. Einstein, H. Min¬ 
kowski & H. Weyl jt.auth., ed. A. Sommerfeld, tr. 
W. Perrett & G. B. Jeffery. London (1923) 8° 

L355 Das Relativitatsprinzip, A. Einstein, H. Minkow¬ 
ski jt.auth., 5. Aufl. Leipzig 1923. 8° 

L356 La th6orie 61ectromagn6tique de Maxwell et son 
application aux corps mouvants. Leyden 1892. 8° 

L357 Versuch einer Theorie der electrischen und op- 
tischen Erscheinungen in bewegten Korpern. Leyden 
1895. 8° 

LORENZINI Stefano fl . 1678 

L358 Osservazioni intorno alle torpedini. Florence 1678. 
4° GHL 

LORIMER John 1732-95 

L359 A concise essay on magnetism, 2d ed. London 
1800. 8° 

LORITI Heinrich Glareanus See Glareanus H. 

LORME Charles de 1584-1678 

L360 [These - Montpellier] Paris A. Beys 1608. 8° £loy 

LORRY Anne Charles 1726-83 See M247 

LOUIS Pierre Charles Alexander 1787-1872 
L361 Anatomical, pathological and therapeutic re¬ 
searches on the yellow fever of Gibralter, tr. G. C. 
Shattuck. Boston 1839. 8* 

LOUISIANA. Board of health 

L362 Contagious and infectious diseases. Baton Rouge 
1884. 8° Report made by Joseph Jones; contains re¬ 
prints of works of Jenner and others on vaccination 

LOUVAIN. University catholique 
L363 L’University de Louvain, coup d’oeil sur son his- 
toire 1425-1900. Brussels 1900. 8° 


L364 Preisfrage: ist die Durchbohrung der Hirnschale 
bey Kopfverletzungen nothwendig, oder nicht? Vienna 
1800. 4° SG 

LOVELL Archibald See T127 
LOVELL Joseph 1788-1836 See B205 
LOVELL Robert 1630P-90 

L365 Enchiridion botanicum or a compleat herball, 2d 
ed. Oxford 1665. 12° 2 copies. SG 
L366 Panzoologicomineralogia or a compleat history of 
animals and minerals. Oxford 1661. 8° BO 3274 

LOW Nathanael 

L367 An astronomical diary or almanack for 1799. Bos¬ 
ton n.d. 8“ 

LOWDER William Lane 1861- 
L368 The passing of the historic McDowell building at 
Danville, Kentucky. Phys. Surg.> Ann Arbor 1902, 
24: 241-58 

LOWE Mrs. Helen Tracy (Porter) 1876- See Ml 17 
LOWE Peter 1550P-1612 

L369 A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. The 
presages of divine Hippocrates, 3d ed. London T. Pur- 
foot 1634. 4° 2 copies. STC16871 
L370 — 4th ed. London 1654. 4° BO 3275 
L371 The whole course of chirurgerie. London T. Purfoot 
1597. 4 8 

Biography See F148 

LOWER Richard 1631-91 

L372 Tractatus de corde. London 1669. 8 8 With cancel 
A6. FultonLM 5 
Bibliography See F366 
Biography See G337 

LOWRY Charles Doak 1896- See L373; L374; 

LOWRY Mrs. Lucia M. H. 

L373 Count Rumford a youthful meteorologist, C. D. 

Lowry, J. R. Miner jt.auth. Repr. Isis 1937, 27: 264-67 
L374 The graveyard fort, a disputed incident in the life 
of Count Rumford, C. D. Lowry, J. R. Miner jt.auth. 
Repr. Isis 1937, 27: 268-85. With L373 
See also R316 

LOY John Glover 1774-1865 

L375 Experiences sur l’origine de la vaccine, tr. J. de 
Carro. Vienne 1802. 16° 

LOZNER J. See B356 

LUBBOCK Sir John See Avebury J. L. 

LUBLIN Valentin von 16th cent . See M474; M477; 

LUC Jean Andre de See Deluc J. A. 

LUCAS Keith 1879-1916 Biography See K27 



L376 Les origines de la trepanation decompressive. 
Trepanation n6olithique. Paris 1912. 8° 

LUCENSIS Joannes Petrus See Joannes Petrus 

LUCIANUS Samosatensis See P290 


L377 De rerum natura. Birmingham 1772. 4° YU 
L378 Of the nature of things. London 1743. 2 v. 8° BMC 
LUDEN Bernhard See B210 
LUDOVICI M. C. See Ludwig M. C. 

LUDWIG Heinrich 1829-97 See L151-53 
LUDWIG M. C. See R7 

[ 124 ] 

L379 - M12 


LUISINI Luigi 16th cent. 

L379 Aphrodisiacus sive de lue venerea. Leyden 1728. 
fol. SG 

L380 De morbo gallico omnia quae extant apud omnes 
medicos. Venice G. Ziletti 1566-67. fol. SG 

LULL Ramon d. 1315 

L381 De secretis naturae. De mineralibus, Albertus 
Magnus, ed. W. H. Ryff (Strasbourg B. Beck) 1541. 8° 

L382 Introductorium magne artis generalis. n.p. (1515) 
4° See BMF 

L383 Opera. Strasbourg L. Zetzner 1609. 8° Ferguson 
See also A63; A148; L84; P55; P403 


L384 The life and adventures of Dr. Caleb. Boston 
1822. 16° 

LUND Fred Bates 1865- 

L385 Greek medicine. New York 1936. 12° 

LUPTON Joseph Hirst 1836-1905 See M503 

LUQUIENS Frederick Bliss 1875-1940 See A45 

LURJE Sawelli 1866- 

L386 Studien liber Chirurgie der Hippokratiker. Dorpat 
1890. 8° 

LUSCHKA Hubert von 1820-75 

L387 Die Nerven in der harten Hirnhaut. Tubingen 
1850. 4° 

LUSITANUS Amatus See Amatus Lusitanus pseud. 

LUSSAC Joseph Louis Gay- See Gay-Lussac J. L. 

LUSVERGH Domenico See L388 


L388 Di G. Galilei il compasso geometrico adulto, ed. 
D. Lusvergh. Rome 1698. 12° Carli 393 

M., A. See G2 

M., B. L. See Bruzen de la Martiniere A. A. 
M*** See Barrere P. 

M. B. F. B. See B., M. B. F. 

M. L. R. See Roman M. L. 

M. N. See Nedham M. 

MAAR Vilhelm See S403 

McADIE Alexander George 1863- 
Mi Making the weather. New York 1923. 8° 

M2 War weather vignettes. New York 1925. 8° 

M3 Wind and weather. New York 1922. 8° 

MacALISTER Sir Donald 1854-1934 
M4 Echoes, 3d ed. Glasgow 1923. 8° 

MacBEAN Lachlan 

M5 Marjorie Fleming; the .story of pet Marjorie. Mar¬ 
jorie Fleming; a story of child-life, J. Brown. New York 
1904. 8° 

LUTHER Martin 1483-1546 

L389 Little catechism, tr. into Algonquian Indian, 
J. Campanius Holm, Stockholm, 1696, ed. I. G. A. 
Collijn (Stockholm 1937) 8° facsim. 

Biography See T128 

LUVIGINI Aloisio See Luisini L. 

LUZZI Mondino dei See Mondino dei Luzzi 

LYBARGER Donald Fisher 1896- 
L390 The origin of the Western Reserve (Cleveland 
°1934) 8° 

LYDENBERG Harry Miller 1874- 
L391 The care and repair of books, J. Archer jt.auth. 
New York 1931. 8° 

LYELL Sir Charles hart. 1797-1875 
L392 The geological evidences of the aniquity of man. 
London 1863. 8° 

L393 Principles of geology. London 1830-33. 3 v. 8° 
LYGAEUS Joannes 16th cent. 

L394 De humani corporis harmonia. Paris M. de Vas- 
cosan 1555. 4° GHL 

LYLE S. See Cummins S. L. 

LYNCH Charles 1868- See B437 

LYON Francis Hamilton 1885- See H212; H215 

LYSER Michael 1626-59 

L395 Culter anatomicus. Copenhagen 1653. 8* GHL 
L396 —1665.8 9 BO 3290 
L397 — 4. ed. Utrecht 1706. 8° 

LYTE Henry 1529P-1607 See D207 

LYTTELTON Mrs. Elizabeth (Browne) b. 1648? 
See K70 

MACBRIDE David 1726-78 

M6 A methodical introduction to the theory and prac¬ 
tice of physic. London 1772. 4° BO 3296 

McCABE Joseph 1867- See H10 

MacCALLUM John Bruce 1876-1906 

M7 On the mechanism of the physiological action of the 
cathartics. Berkeley 1906. 8° 

M8 Short years; the life and letters, 1876-1906, by 
A. Malloch. Chicago 1938. 8° 

MacCALLUM William George 1874- 

M9 On the haematozoan infections of birds. J. exp. Med. 
1898, 3: 117-36 

M10 William Stewart Halsted, surgeon. Baltimore 
1930. 8° 

Mil [Miscellaneous papers 1902-25] 8° 

McCORD David Thompson Watson 1897- 

M12 Notes on the Harvard tercentenary. Cambridge 
Mass. 1936. 8° 


M13 - M47 

MacCORMAC Sir William bart. 1836-1901 
M13 An address of welcome, Royal college of surgeons. 
London 1900. 8* 2 copies 

McCRAE John 1872-1918 

M14 In Flanders fields and other poems. An essay in 
character, A. Macphail. New York 1919. 8° 

McCRAE Thomas 1870-1935 See 094; 095 

McCULLOCH Champe Carter 1869-1928 
M15 A check list of incunabula. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 
1918, 1: 301-15 

McCURDY Edward 1871- 

M16 Leonardo da Vinci. London 1908. 8° 

See also L160; L161 

MacDONALD Alexander Herrmann A 1774. 

M17 Abhandlung uber die jetzt fast allgemein einge- 
fiihrte Inokulation der Kuhpocken, tr. J. P. F. Lochet. 
Hamburg 1800. 8* With M18 
M18 Bemerkungen uber die gegen Einimpfung der 
Kuhpocken. Hamburg 1800. 8° 

M19 Kritische Uebersicht der Theorie und Praxis der 
Kuhpockenimpfung, v. 1. Hamburg 1802. 8* 


M20 A history of the Massachusetts department of pub¬ 
lic health. Repr. Commonhealth 1936, 23: 83-124 

MacDONALD William Rae 1843-1924 See N6 
McDONNELL Robert 1828-89 See C331 
M’DOUGAL Helen b. 1795? See B864 

McDOWELL Ephraim 1771-1830 Biography See 


M21 De herbarum virtutibus, ed. G. Pictor. Cum car¬ 
mine de herba quadam exotica, G. Pictor. Basel 
(H. Petri 1559) 8° BO 5100 

M22 De virtutibus herbarum (Venice B. Vi tali 1506) 4° 
BO 5097 

M23 Herbarum vires Macer tibi carmine dictae (ed. 
G. Gueroult) [Paris P. Baquelier? ca. 1510] 8° Becher 65 

MACEWEN Sir William 1848-1924 
M24 Pyogenic infective diseases of the brain and spinal 
cord. Glasgow 1893. 8° 

Biography See Y14 


M25 De dysenteria. Edinburgh 1755. 8° Thesis. SG 


M26 A few observations on the efficacy of cow-pox 
(Perth 1818) 8° 

M27 No. 3 Canadian general hospital in France. Mid¬ 
dlesbrough Eng. [1918] obi. 8° 

McGILL UNIVERSITY Montreal. Montreal neuro¬ 
logical institute 

M28 Neurological biographies and addresses. London 
1936. 8° 

McGILL UNIVERSITY Montreal. Museum of human 

M29 Exhibition of the history of anatomical illustration. 
Montreal [1930] 8° 

McGOWAN Frank Joseph 1897- See P340 
MACHLINIA William de See S283 
MACHT David Israel 1882- 

M30 Moses Maimonides, physician and scientist. Repr. 
Bull. Hist. Med. 1935, 3: 585-98 

MacILWAIN George 1797-1882 
M31 Memoirs of John Abemethy, 3d ed. London 
1856. 8* 

MACKAILE Matthew 1657-96 
M32 Moffet-well. The Oyly-well. A character of Mr. 
Culpeper. Edinburgh 1664. 8* SG 

MACKENZIE Sir George 1636-91 
M33 Religio stoici. With a friendly addresse to the 
phanaticks. Edinburgh 1665. 8 # KeynesB 395 
Bibliography See F59 

MACKENZIE James 1680P-1761 
M34 The history of health and the art of preserving it. 
Edinburgh 1758. 8° SG 
See also T121a 

MACKENZIE Sir James 1853-1925 Biography 
See W231 

MACKENZIE Sir Morell 1837-92 
M35 The fatal illness of Frederick the Noble. London 
1888. 8° 

Biography See H186 

McKERROW Ronald Brunlees 1872-1940 
M36 An introduction to bibliography. Oxford 1927. 8° 
M37 Title-page borders, F. S. Ferguson jt.auth. London 
1932. 4 

McKINLEY Earl Baldwin 1894- comp. 

M38 Bibliography of Theobald Smith, E. G. Acree 
jt.comp. [n.p. 1936] 8° mimeograph 

MACLAGAN Sir Andrew Douglas 1812-1900 
M39 Nugae canorae medicae: lays by the poet laureate 
of the New Town dispensary. Edinburgh 1850. 8* 

M40 — 2ded. 1873. 8° 

M’LAREN Elizabeth T. 

M41 Dr. John Brown and his sister Isabella. Edinburgh 
1889. 4 # 

M42 — 4th ed. 1890. 4 # 2 copies 
MACLAREN Ian pseud. See Watson J. 

MacLAURIN Charles 1872-1925 
M43 Post mortem; essays, historical and medical. New 
York [1923] 8° 

MACLAURIN Colin 1698-1746 
M44 A treatise of fluxions. Edinburgh 1742. 2 v. in 1. 
4° LC 

MACLEAN Charles fl. 1788-1824 See Y6 
MacLEAN Kenneth 1908- 

M45 John Locke and English literature of the 18th cen¬ 
tury. New Haven 1936. 8° 

MacLEISH Archibald 1892- 

M46 The fall of the city. New York (°1937) 8° 

MACLEOD Sir George Husband Baird 1828-92 
M47 Notes on the surgery of the war in the Crimea. 
London 1858. 8° 

[ 126 ] 

M48 - M89 


MACMICHAEL William 1784—1839 

M48 The gold-headed cane. London 1827. 8* 2 copies 

M49 — 2d ed. 1828. 8* 2 copies 

M50 — ed. W. Munk. 1884. 8* 

M51 — ed. W. Osier & F. R. Packard. New York 
1915. 8* 

M52 Lives of British physicians. London 1830. 12* 

McMURRICH James Playfair 1859-1939 
M53 Leonardo da Vinci and Vesalius. Repr. Med. Libr. 
hist. J. 1906, 4: 338-50 

M54 Leonardo da Vinci the anatomist 1452-1519. Balti¬ 
more (°1930) 8* 

MacNALTY Sir Arthur Salusbury 1880- 
M55 The doctor in politics and diplomacy (London 
1937) 8* 

MACPHAIL Sir Andrew 1864-1938 
M56 The medical services. Ottawa 1925. 8* 

See also M14 

MACPHERSON Sir William Grant 1858-1916 
M57 Medical services. Surgery of the war. London 1922. 
2 v. 8* 

MACQUER Pierre Joseph 1718-84 
M58 Notice des principaux articles qui composent la 
biblioth^que de Macquer. Paris 1784. 8* 

MACRAY William Dunn 1826-1916 
M59 Annals of the Bodleian library, 2d ed. Oxford 
1890. 8° 

MACROBIUS Aurelius Theodosius 

M60 In somnium Scipionis M. Tullii Ciceronis libri duo 
et Saturnaliorum lib. VII, ed. J. Bade (Paris) J. Bade 
(1524) fol. 

McVICKAR John 1787-1868 

M61 A domestic narrative of the life of Samuel Bard. 
New York 1822. 8* 


M62 Madame Dejerine 1859-1927 (Paris) 1929. 8* 

MADAN Falconer 1851-1935 

M63 The Bodleian library (London 1919) 8* 

M64 Books in manuscript. London 1893. 8" 

M65 A brief account of the University press at Oxford. 
Oxford 1908. 8* 

M66 Oxford books, v. 1. Oxford 1895. 8* 

M67 Oxford outside the guide-books. Oxford 1923. 8" 
See also 098 

MADDOX Isaac bp. of fVoreester 1697-1759 
M68 A sermon preached for the small-pox and for in¬ 
oculation. Boston 1752. 4’ SG 

MADEIRA ARRAES Duarte d. 1652 See B17 

MAGENDIE Francois 1783-1855 
M69 Formulary for the preparation and employment of 
many new medicines, tr. J. Baxter, 2d ed. New York 
1828. 8° 

M70 Lemons sur le choI6ra-morbus, ed. E. Cadres & 
H. Prevost. Paris 1832. 8° 

M71 Recherches physiologiques et cliniques sur l’emploi 
de l’acide prussique. Paris 1819. 8° 

M72 Recherches physiologiques et cliniques sur le li- 
quide c6phalo-rachidien. Paris 1842. 8’ 

See also B374 

Biography See B312; D83 

MAGGI Bartolomeo 1477—1552 
M73 De vulnerum sclopetorum curatione. Bologna 
B. Bonardi 1552. 4* SG 

MAGGS BROS, booksellers London 
M74 The art of writing, 2800 B.C. to 1930 A.D. London 
[1930] 8* 

MAGEE William Francis 1858- 

M75 A source book in physics, 1st ed. New York 1935. 8* 

MAGNASSIUS Josephus See Saint-Gery J. de 

M76 Resultate aus den Beobachtungen im Jahre 1836— 
41, ed. C. F. Gauss & W. Weber. Gottingen 1837-43. 
6 v. 8* atlas 3 v. 4° 

MAGNI Pietro Paolo b. 1525 

M77 Discorsi intomo al sanguinar i corpi humani. Rome 
(B. Bonfadino & T. Diani) 1584. 4° SG 
M78 Discorso sopra il modo di fare i cauterij 6 rottorij 
a corpi humani. Rome B. Bonfadino 1588. 4’ SG 

MAGNISCLOPUS Robertus Rupestris pseud. 

M79 Nugae rhythmicae magnisclopianae. Edinburgh 
1901. 4* 

MAGNUS Rudolf 1873-1927 

M80 Lane lectures on experimental pharmacology and 
medicine. Stanford university 1930. 8° 

MAIER Hermann See F344 

MAIMONIDES Moses 1135-1204 
M81 Regimen sanitatis, Florence 1481? Heidelberg 
(1931) 8° facsim. Klebs 643.1 is original 
Biography See F335; M30 
MAINE, Physician of See D216 

MAIN WARING Daniel 1902- 

M82 The doctor died at dusk. New York 1936. 8° 

MAISEAU Raymond Balthasar 1782-1843 See F41 

M83 Mr. Maitland’s account of inoculating the small 
pox vindicated. London 1722. 8’ SG 


M84 Life & death; the autobiography of a surgeon, tr. 
W. Brockway. New York 1937. 8* 

MAJOR Ralph Hermon 1884— 

M85 Classic descriptions of disease. Springfield III. 
1932. 8° 

M86 — 2d ed. (1939) 8° 2 copies 


M87 Memorie storiche di Michele Vincenzo Giacinto 
Malacarne. Padua 1819. 8° 

MALACARNE Vincenzo 1744-1816 
M88 Commentario delle opere e delle vicende di Giorgio 
Biandrata. Padua 1814. 8° 

M89 Encefalotomia nuova universale. Torino 1780. 12° 

Biography See M87 

[ 127 ] 


M90 - M128 

MALAGOLA Carlo 1855-1910 See S77 
MALE Guillaume van d. 1560 See A328 
MALFI Tiberio 

M90 II barbiere. Naples O. Beltrano 1626. fol. SG 

MALGAIGNE Joseph Francois 1806-65 
M91 Conseils pour le choix d’une biblioth£que (Stam¬ 
ford Conn.) 1936. 12° 

See also P87 

MALICE Martin Sans- See Akakia M. 

MALL Franklin Paine 1862-1917 Biography See 

MALLOCH Archibald 1887- 

M92 Certain old American medical works. Repr. Bull. 

N.Y. Acad. Med. 1936, 2. s. 12: 545-65 
M93 Finch and Baines, a 17th century friendship. Cam¬ 
bridge 1917. 8° 

M94 Robin and John Adair. Repr. Bull. N.Y. Acad. 

Med. 1937, 2. s. 13: 576-96 
M95 William Harvey. New York 1929. 8° 

See also Cl3; M8; 063 


M96 Le conservateur du sang humain. Paris 1766. 12* 
BO 7730 

MALPIGHI Marcello 1628-94 
M97 Anatome plantarum. London 1675-79. 2 v. fol. 
BO 985 

M98 De structura glandularum conglobatarum epistola. 
London 1689. 4° BMC 

M99 De viscerum structura. Dissertatio de polypo cor¬ 
dis. Bologna 1666. 4° BO 990 
M100 —London 1669. 12* GHL 
M101 Dissertatio epistolica de bombyce. London 1669. 
4* SG 

M102 Dissertatio epistolica de formatione pulli in ovo. 
London 1673. 4° BMC 

M102a Epistolae anatomicae, C. Fracassati jt.auth. 

Amsterdam 1669. 12’ SG 2d copy with M99 
M103 Opera posthuma, ed. novissima F. Gavinellus. 
Venice 1698. fol. BMC 

M104 Opuscula anatomica. Bologna 1680. 12* 

Biography See B342; L77 
MALTHUS Thomas Robert 1766-1834 
M105 An essay on the principle of population. London 
1798. 8* BO 1296 


M106 Catalogus familiae totius aulae caesareae. Co¬ 
logne H. Mameranus 1550. 8’ BMC With M214 

MANARDI Giovanni 1462-1536 
M107 Epistolarum medicinalium libri XX (Venice P. 
Schoffer 1542) fol. Lacks t.-p. SG 

MANCHESTER ENG. John Rylands library See 
John Rylands Library Manchester Eng. 

MANCHESTER ENG. Victoria university See 
Victoria University of Manchester 

MANDEVILLE Bernard 1676-1733 
M108 The fable of the bees, ed. F. B. Kaye. Oxford 
1924. 2 v. 8° 

M109 A treatise of the hypochondriack and hysterick 
passions. London 1711. 8° SG 
MHO — 2d ed. 1730. 8° GHL 

MANEC Pierre Joseph 1799-1884 
Mill Trait6 theorique et pratique de la ligature des 
art^res, 2. 6d. Paris 1836. fol. 

MANFREDI Gabriel 1681-1761 
M112 De constructione aequationum differentialium. 
Bologna 1707. 4° YU 

MANFREDI Geronimo d. 1492 
M113 Libro del homo in lingua materna (Venice S. de 
Luere 1514) 4’ SG 

MANGET Jean Jacques 1652-1742 See B485; 

MANILIO Sebastiano See K54; K55 
MANLY Charles Matthews 1876-1927 See L52 

MANLY John Matthews 1865-1940 
Ml 14 Roger Bacon and the Voynich MS. Repr. Specu¬ 
lum 1931, 6: 345-91 

MANN James 1759-1832 

Ml 15 A dissertation upon the cholera infantum. Boston 
1804. 8* Lacks t.-p. 

M116 Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812-14. 
Dedham Mass. 1816. 8* 

MANN Thomas 1875- 

M117 The magic mountain, tr. H. T. Lowe. New York 
1928. 8’ 

MANNING Anne 1807-79 

Ml 18 The household of Sir Thos. More. Boston 1901. 8" 
MANNING Charles 

M119 Sassafras and syphilis, M. Moore jt.auth. Repr. 
New Engl. Quart. 1936, 9: 473-75. With M494 
See also M494 

MANNINGHAM Sir Richard 1690-1759 
M120 An exact diary of what was observ’d during a 
close attendance upon Mary Toft, 2d ed. London 1726. 
8* BMC With S17 

MAN SELL Harry Edward 1901 ?-41 
M121 Andreas Vesalius. Repr. St Geo. Hosp. Gaz. 1931, 

MANSFIELD Edward Deering 1801-80 
M122 Memoirs of the life and services of Daniel Drake. 
Cincinnati 1860. 8* 

M ANSON Sir Patrick 1844-1922 See R250 
Biography SeeR249;W77 

M ARAN ON Gregorio 1887- 
M123 La edad critica. Madrid 1919. 8° 

M124 Las glandulas de secrecion interna, 2. ed. Madrid 
1916. 8’ 

M125 Nuevas orientaciones sobre la patogenia y trata- 
miento de la diabetes insi'pida. Madrid 1920. 8’ 

M126 Problemas actuales de la doctrina de la secre- 
ciones internas. Madrid 1922. 8* 

MARAT Jean Paul 1743-93 

M127 Les chaines de l’esclavage. Paris [1793] 8’ BMC 
M128 The chains of slavery. London 1774. 4* 

[ 128 ] 

M129 - M164 


M129 De l’homme ou des principes et des loix de l’in- 
fluence de l’&me sur le corps. Amsterdam 1775. 2 v. 12° 

M130 Memoire sur l’^lectricit6 m6dicale. Paris 1784. 8° 
BO 3322 

M131 M6moires acad£miques ou nouvelles decouvertes 
sur la lumiere. Paris 1788. 8° LC 
M132 Notions 616mentaires d’optique. Paris 1784. 8° 

M133 Recherches physiques sur l’61ectricit6. Paris 1782. 
8° BMC 

M134 Recherches physiques sur le feu. Paris 1780. 8° 

M135 Reprint of two tracts, ed. J. B. Bailey. London 
1891. 8° 

See also N82 

Biography See C2; G338 

MARCET Mrs. Jane (Haldimand) 1769-1858 
M136 Conversations on chemistry [Hartford] 1814. 12* 

MARCHETTI Domenico 1626-88 
Ml37 Anatomia, ed. altera Patavina corr. Harderwijk 
1656. 12° GHL 

MARCK Joannes a 1656-1731 
M138 Bibliotheca Marckiana. The Hague 1712. 8° 
BMC With B310 


MARCONI Guglielmo marchese 1874-1937 
M139 [Papers on wireless telegraphy 1899-1933] 8° 
Biography See D331 

MARCUS Henry Isac 1866- 

M140 Die Lokalisation des Geschmackszentrums. Repr. 
Acta psychiat ., Kbh. 1934, 9: 85-116 

MARE Walter John de la See De la Mare W. J. 

MARECHAL Philippe 1861- See M325 

MARGONINER Georg 1874- 

M141 Die Behandlung der Quetschungen nach Monde- 
ville. Berlin (1897) 8° With P14 


MARIE Etienne Sainte- See Sainte-Marie £. 
MARIE Pierre 1853-1940 

M142 Essays on acromegaly, de Souza-Leite it.auth. 
London 1891. 8’ 2 copies 

MARIE-DAVY Edme Hippolyte 1820-93 
M143 M6t6orologie. Les mouvements de l’atmosph£re 
et des mers. Paris 1866. 8° 


M144 Etudes sur les origines. Nimes 1875. 8* 

MARIOTTE Edme ca. 1620-84 
M145 De la nature des couleurs. Paris 1681. 12’ BN 
M146 Lettres d’une nouvelle d6couverte touchant la 
veue. In A22 

M147 Trait6 de la percussion ou choq des corps. In A22 
M148 Traite du nivellement. In A22 
MARJOLIN Jean Nicolas 1780-1850 See A20 

MARK Leonard Portal 1855-1930 
M149 Acromegaly. London 1912. 8° 

M150 Art and medicine. London 1906. 4° 

MARO Publius Vergilius See Vergilius Maro P. 
MAROTTE Leon See L154 

MARQUE Jacques de 1569 P-1622 
M151 M£thodique introduction k la chirurgie. Lyons 
C. Armand 1628. 12° 

MARSHALL Thomas Humphrey 

M152 James Watt 1736-1819. London (1925) 8* 

MARSILIO di Santa Sofia 

M153 Tractatus celeberrimus de febribus (Lyons F. 
Fradin 1507) 8° SG 

MARTHE Scevole de Sainte- See Sainte-Marthe 
S. DE 

MARTIN Edward Sandford 1856-1939 
M1S4 Abroad with Jane (Boston) 1918. 8° 

M155 Some account of family stocks involved in life at 
Willowbrook [New York] 1933. 8° 

MARTIN Franklin Henry 1857-1935 
Ml56 Digest of the proceedings of the Council of na¬ 
tional defense during the world war. Washington 
1934. 8° 

M157 Fifty years of medicine and surgery (Chicago) 
1934. 8° 

See also 15 

MARTIN Marianne R. See 0109 
MARTIN DE LA CRUZ See Cruz M. de la 
MARTINI Emilio See F235 

MARTINIERE Antoine Augustin de la See Bruzen 



M158 Francesco dal Pozzo e la sua critica di Vesalio. 
Bologna 1922. 4° 

M159 L’insegnamento dell’anatomia in Bologna. Bolo¬ 
gna 1911. 8° 2 copies 

M160 Prospero Lambertini (Benedetto XIV) e lo studio 
dell’anatomia in Bologna. Bologna 1911. 8* 

M161 II testamento di M.° Jacopo Barigazzi, o Beren- 
gario da Carpi. Repr. Rio. Stor. crit. Sci. med. nat. 1923, 


M162 Glandulas sexuaes e hypophyse anterior. Sao 
Paulo 1936. 8° 

MARTIUS Jeremias See N129 
MARTYN John 1699-1768 

Ml63 Historia plantarum rariorum. London 1728. fol. 

See also B469 

MARWOOD Thomas 1512 P-1617 Biography See 

MARX Edmond 1797-1865 See D336 
MARX Jakob 1855-1924 

M164 Verzeichnis der Handschriften-Sammlung des 
Hospitals zu Cues. Trier 1905. 8° With V 168 



Ml65 -M207 

MARX Karl Friedrich Heinrich 1796-1877 
M165 Uber Marc’ Antonio della Torre und Leonardo da 
Vinci. Gottingen 1849. 8° 

MARZIO Galeotto 15th cent. 

M166 De doctrina promiscua. Lyons J. de Tournes 
1552. 12° SG 

M167 De homine, G. Merulae annotationes (Basel J. 
Froben 1517) 4° SG 

Ml68 — De generationis & vitae humanae periodis, 
J. von Jessen. Oppenheim H. Galler 1610. 8° 2 copies 

MASCAGNI Paolo 1752-1815 

M169 Anatomia universale, ed. A. Serantoni. Florence 
1833. fol. 

M170 Prodrome d’un ouvrage sur le syst^me des vais- 
seaux lymphatiques. Siena 1784. 4° SG 
M171 Prodromo della grande anotomia, ed. F. Antom- 
marchi. Florence 1819. fol. 

MASCART Eleuthere £lie Nicolas 1837-1908 
M172 Recherches sur le spectre solaire ultra-violet. 
Paris 1864. 8° 

MASEFIELD John 1878- 

M173 Shakespeare & spiritual life. Oxford 1924. 8° 

MASON Julian Starkweather 1876- 

M174 A Yale footnote to Kipling [New Haven] 1937. 8’ 

MASON Simon 

M175 The good and bad effects of tea consider’d. Lon¬ 
don 1745. 8° BMC 

MASSA Niccold d. 1569 

M176 Anatomiae liber introductorius. Venice G. Ziletti 
1559. 4° GHL With V155 

M177 Liber de febre pestilentiali. Venice A. Arrivabene 
1556. r GHL With V155 

M178 Liber de morbo gallico, noviter ed. (Venice F. 

Bindoni & M. Pasini) 1536. 4* BO 3341 
M179 Liber introductorius anatomiae (Venice F. Bin¬ 
doni & M. Pasini) 1536. 4° BO 3342 

MASSACHUSETTS. Laws, statutes, etc. 

M180 The cow pox act. Boston 1810. 8° 

M181 Report concerning the small pox [Boston 1840] 8° 

MASSACHUSETTS. Select committee on legalizing 
the study of anatomy 
Ml82 Report. Boston 1831. 8* 2 copies 

MASSACHUSETTS. Special commission to study and 
investigate public health laws and policies 
M183 Report. Boston 1936. 8’ 

M184 Facsimile of the 1829 catalogue of the library. 
Repr. Bull. Mass. Coll. Pharm. 1934, 23: 16-21 

M185 Address of the trustees (Boston 1822) 8° 

M186 Rapport des administrateurs, l’histoire de la 
d£couverte de lather. M6moire, W. T. G. Morton, ed. 
R. H. Dana. Cambridge Mass. 1848. 8° 

M187 The semi-centennial of anaesthesia 1846-96. Bos¬ 
ton 1897. 4° 

M188 The trustees to the public (Boston 1816) 8* With 

M189 Handbook of the publications and photostats 
1792-1935 (2d ed.) Boston 1937. 8° 

M190 A short account. Boston 1918. 8° 


M191 Address to the community on the necessity of 
legalizing the study of anatomy. Boston 1829. 8° 
M192 The pharmacopoeia. Boston 1808. 8 # 

M193 A report on spasmodic cholera. Boston 1832. 8 # 

MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL society. Essex south¬ 
ern district medical society 
M194 Memoir of Edward A. Holyoke. Boston 1829. 8* 

MASSEY Edmund d. 1765 

M195 A sermon against the dangerous and sinfull prac¬ 
tice of inoculation. London 1722. 8° SG 
See also L183 


M196 Remarks on Dr. Jurin’s last yearly account of the 
success of inoculation. London 1727. 8° BMC 


M197 Robert Boyle. London 1914. 8° 


M198 [Mathematical and other tracts, 1856-69] 4 8 
MATHER Cotton 1663-1728 See M200 

MATHER George Ritchie 1839-95 
M199 Two great Scotsmen, the brothers William and 
John Hunter. Glasgow 1893. 4° 

MATHER Increase 1639-1723 
M200 Several reasons proving that inoculating is a law¬ 
ful practice. Sentiments on the small pox inoculated, 
C. Mather. Cleveland 1921. 8* 

Biography See 1V236 

MATHER & PLATT Manchester Eng. 

M201 Electric light machinery. Manchester [1886?] 8* 
With E15 


M202 The case of Johanna Southcott. London n.d. 8° 
MATHIEU P. See G448 

M203 Auto-photographie, nouv. 6d. Paris 1848. 8° 
MATTHAEUS Joannes See F77 

MATTHEWS Washington 1843-1905 
M204 Human bones of the Hemenway collection, J. L. 
Wortman & J. S. Billings jt.auth. [Washington 1893] 8° 

MATTIOLI Pietro Andrea 1500-77 See D180; 

MATTOS Alexander Louis Teixeira de See Tei- 

MATY Matthew 1718-76 

M205 Essai sur la caract^re du grand m6decin Herman 
Boerhaave. Cologne 1747. 8° SG 

MAUDEN David van d. 1596 

M206 Bedieninghe der anatomien. Antwerp C. Plandn 
1583. fol. SG 2d copy with V22 
M207 —Amsterdam 1646. fol. SG 


M208 - M254 


MAUGHAM William Somerset 1874— 

M208 Of human bondage. New York (°1915) 12* 

M209 Six stories written in the first person singular. 
London (1931) 8° 

MAURICE Sir Frederick Barton 1871- 
M210 Robert E. Lee. London (1930) 8° 

MAURICEAU Francois 1637-1709 

M211 The diseases of women with child, 8th ed., tr. 

H. Chamberlen. London 1755. 8° SG 
M212 Observations sur la grossesse et l’accouchement 
des femmes, nouv. 6d., v. 2. Paris 1738. 4° SG 
M213 Trait£ des maladies des femmes grosses, 7th ed., 
v. 1. Paris 1740. 4° SG 

MAURUS Hartmann 

M214 Coronatio Caroli V. Cologne H. Mameranus 
1550. 8* HU 

MAVOR Osborne Henry 1888- 
M215 The anatomist. London 1931. 8° 

M216 A sleeping clergyman. London 1933. 8° 
MAXIMINUS Andreas See El 12 

MAXWELL James Clerk 1831-79 
M217 The Bakerian lecture. On the viscosity or internal 
friction of air and other gases. Philos. Trans. 1866, 156: 

M218 A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field. 

Philos. Trans. 1865, 155: 459-512. 2 copies 
M219 Die Elektrizitat in elementarer Behandlung, ed. 

W. Garnett, tr. L. Graetz. Braunschweig 1883. 8* 
M220 Origins of electric ideas as described in letters to 
William Thomson, ed. J. Larmor. Cambridge 1937. 8° 
M221 A treatise on electricity and magnetism. Oxford 
1873. 2 v. 8° 

M222 [Miscellaneous papers 1860-78] 8° 

See also C139; J26 

MAXWELL Sir William Stirling- See Stirling- 
Maxwell W. 

MAY Frederick 1773-1847 

M223 An inaugural dissertation on the animating prin¬ 
ciple, or anima mundi. Boston 1795. 8° LC 

MAYER Claudius Frank 1899- 
M224 From drawing to photography in color. Mi lit. 
Surg. 1937, 80: 31-44 

MAYER Johann 1754r-1807 See G88; V178; V179 

MAYER Julius Robert von 1814-78 

M225 Die Mechanik der Warme. Stuttgart 1867. 8° 

M226 Ueber das Santonin. Heilbronn 1838. 8° 

MAYER Nathan 1838-1912 

M227 From age to age: a centennial poem. Hartford 
1892. 8° 

MAYERNE Sir Theodore Turquet de 1573-1655 
M228 Medicinal councels or advices, tr. T. Bonet & 
T. Sherley. London 1677. 8 BO 3354 
M229 A treatise of the gout, tr. T. Sherley. London 
1676. 8° SG 

MAYGRIER Jacques Pierre 1771-1835 
M230 Nouvelles demonstrations d’accouchements, 2. 
6d. Halmagrand. Paris 1840. 2 v. text 8° plates fol. 

MAYNWARING Everard 1628-99 ? 

M231 Medicus absolutus; the compleat physitian. Lon¬ 
don 1668. 8° SG 

MAYO Thomas 1790-1871 

M232 Oratio exHarveii instituto, 1841. London [1841] 4° 

MAYO William James 1861-1939 
M233 Contributions of the 19th century to a living 
pathology (Boston 1912) 8° 

MAYOW John 1640-79 

M234 Medico-physical works. Edinburgh 1907. 8° 
Fulton LM117 

M235 Opera omnia medico-physica, ed. novissima. The 
Hague 1681. 8* FultonLM 109 
M236 Tractatus quinque medico-physici. Oxford 1674. 
8° FultonLM 108 
Bibliography See F366 
Biography See G337; P149 

MAZENTA Giovanni Ambrogio 1565-1635 
M237 Le memorie su Leonardo da Vinci, ed. L. Gra- 
matica. Milan (°1919) fol. 

MAZZETTI Serafino 

M238 Memorie storiche sopra l’Universiti e l’lnstituto 
delle scienze di Bologna. Bologna 1840. 8° 

MEAD Mrs. Kate Campbell (Hurd) 1867-1941 
M239 Trotula. Isis 1930, 14: 349-67 

MEAD Richard 1673-1754 

M240 A catalogue of his collection of pictures [London 
1754] 4° 

M241 —London 1755. 8* 

M242 De imperio soljs ac lunae in corpora humana, ed. 

altera. London 1746. 8° BMC 
M243 De variolis et morbillis. Commentarius, Rhazes. 
London 1747. 8° BO 3365 

M244 A mechanical account of poisons, 3d ed. London 
1745. 8° SG 

M245 Medica sacra. London 1749. 8’ BO 82 
M246 Medical precepts and cautions, tr. T. Stack. Lon¬ 
don 1751. 8° SG 

M247 Opera, tr. A. C. Lorry. Paris 1751. 8° SG 
M248 Oratio anniversaria Harveiana, 1723. Dissertatio 
de nummis. London 1724. 4* 2 copies. SG 
M249 — [Leyden] 1725. 8* BO 6190 
M250 A short discourse concerning pestilential conta¬ 
gion, 8th ed. London 1722. 8° 2d copy incomplete. SG 
See also S475; 1V248 
Biography See JV241 
MEARS James Ewing 1838-1919 
M251 The evolution of the study of anatomy. Philadel¬ 
phia 1914. 8° 

MEASE James 1771-1846 

M252 An inaugural dissertation on the disease produced 
by the bite of a mad dog. Philadelphia 1792. 8* SG 

MECHNIKOV H'fa Il'ich 1845-1916 
M253 Etudes sur la nature humaine, 2. 6d. Paris 1903. 8° 
M254 The prolongation of life, ed. P. C. Mitchell. New 
York 1908. 8° 

Biography See M255 



M255 - M291 


M255 Vie d’tflie Metchnikoff 1845-1916. Paris 1920. 8“ 


M256 La m£decine pittoresque, mus6e m^dico-chirurgi- 
cal, v. 4. Paris 1837. 8° 


M257 Medicae artis principes post Hippocratem & 
Galenum, ed. H. Estienne [Paris] H. Estienne 1567. 
fol. JC 

MEDICAL AND chirurgical faculty of the state of 

M258 Dedication of the new library building. Its Bull. 
1909, l y no. 12 

MEDICAL AND chirurgical society of London See 
Royal Medical and chirurgical society of London 

MEDICAL bulletin See War medicine 


M259 Journal of the proceedings, 2d, 1838. Cincinnati 
1838. 8° 


M260 Educatio medicorum. OrvoskSpzes 1935, 25, 

M261 Irish journal of medical science 1926, 6. s. 10 y 

MEDICAL LIBRARY association of Brooklyn 

M262 Annual report, 8, 1910 

MEDICAL MISSIONARY society in China See 

MEDICAL records 

M263 Medical records and researches from the papers 
of a private medical association. London 1798. 8° SG 

MEDICAL SOCIETY of London. Library 

M264 A leechbook or collection of medical recipes of the 
15th century, ed. W. R. Dawson. London 1934. 8° 

MEDICAL SOCIETY of New Haven county See 

New Haven county medical association 

MEDICAL SOCIETY of the county of Kings Brook - 
lyn . Library 

M265 A descriptive list of the medical incunabula, 
comp. C. Frankenberger. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1924, 
6: 131-33 

M266 An index of the incunabula and other medical 
publications to 1600. In M262 

MEDICI Michele 

M267 Cenni fisiologici, patologici, e terapeutici intorno 
la malattia male del fegato. Bologna 1835. 8° 

M268 Cenno storico intorno le accademie scientifiche di 
Bologna. Bologna 1847. 8° 

M269 Compendio storico della scuola anatomica di 
Bologna. Bologna 1857. 8° 

M270 Della vita e degli scritti degli anatomici e medici 
fioriti in Bologna. Bologna 1853. 8° 

M271 DeH’importanza della fisiologia. Bologna 1835. 8° 

M272 Elogio di Luigi Galvani. Bologna 1845. 8° 

M273 Manuale di fisiologia, 2. ed. Bologna 1835. 8° 

M274 Memoriestoricheintornoleaccademiescientifiche 
e letterarie della citta di Bologna. Bologna 1852. 8° 

M275 Saggio di un analisi di alcune dottrine fondamen- 
tali risguardanti la vita. Bologna 1834. 8° 

M276 Sopra alcuni argomenti di fisiologia e di patologia. 
Venice 1842. 8° 

M277 Vita di Carlo Mondini, 2. ed. Bologna 1830. 8° 

MEDIOLANO Joannes de See Joannes de Medio - 

MEERBEECK Philippe Jacques van 1813-72 
M278 Recherches historiques et critiques sur la vie de 
Rembert Dodoens. Malines 1841. 8° 

MEESTER W. A. T. Cohen-De See Cohen-de 
Meester W. A. T. 

MEGGERS William Frederick 1888— 

M279 [Miscellaneous papers 1928-34] 8° 

MEIBOM Heinrich 1638-1700 
M280 Bibliotheca Meibomiana, comp. J. N. Forbes. 
Helms ted t [1742] 8° BMC 

MEINHOLD Wilhelm 1797-1851 
M281 Mary Schweidler, the amber witch, tr. L. A. 
DufF-Gordon. New York n.d. 8° 

MEISEN Valdemar 1878- See C399 

MELANCHTHON Philipp 1497-1560 
M282 Epistola de lipsica disputatione [Wittenberg 
1519] 4° 

M283 Liber de anima. Leipzig J. Rhamba 1562. 8° 

See also V161 

MELLANBY Sir Edward 1884- 
M284 The state and medical research. Harveian oration 
1938. Edinburgh 1939. 8° 

MELLIS Hugh See Mellis J. 

MELLIS John fl. 1586 See R54 
MELTZER Samuel James 1851-1920 See S311 
MEMO Giovanni Battista See A202 

M285 A memoir of Henry Jacob Bigelow. Boston 
1900. 8° 


M286 Memorial to the late Sir Walter Morley Fletcher, 
1873-1933. Oxford 1937. 8° 


M287 Memorialia Herman Boerhaave, optimi medici. 
Haarlem 1939. 8° 

MENDEL Gregor 1822-84 

M288 Meteorologische Beobachtungen. In Verh. na- 
turf. Ver. Brfinn 1865, 4: 318-30. With M289 
M289 Versuche fiber Pflanzen-Hybriden. In Verh. 
naturf. Ver. Brfinn 1865, 4: 3-47 

MENDEL Lafayette Benedict 1872-1935 
M290 An American contribution to the history of the 
physiology of digestion. Repr. Pop. Sci. Mon. 1909, 74: 

MENDELIEEV Dmitril Ivanovich 1834-1907 
M291 On the weight of a cubic decimetre of water. Proc. 
roy. Soc. 1895, 59: 143-55 


M292 - M332 


M292 The principles of chemistry, tr. I. G. Kamenskil, 
ed. A. J. Greenaway. London 1891. 2 v. 8° 

MENDELL Clarence Whittlesey 1883- See H545 

MENDOQA Luys Hurtado de See Hurtado de 
Mendoza L. 

MENNINGER Karl Augustus 1893- 
M293 Man against himself. New York (°1938) 8° 


M294 Alexander Read physician and surgeon 1580- 
1641. London 1931. 4° 

MERCATOR Gerardus 1512-94 
M295 Belgii inferioris geographicae tabulae. Duisburg 
[1585?] fol. 

M296 Germaniae tabulae geographicae. Duisburg 
[1585?] fol. With M295 

MERCKLIN Georg Abraham 1644-1702 See L240 
MERCURIALE Gerolamo 1530-1606 See V34 
MERCURIO Scipione 

M297 La commare o riccoglitrice. Venice G. B. Ciotti 
1601. 4° SG 

M298 — 1601 (1606) 4° 

M299 — 1621. 4° SG 

M300 — Uno del colostro, E. di Castro. Verona 1642. 
4 °GHL 

MEREDITH George 1828-1909 

M301 Modern love (Stamford Conn.) 1934. 8° 

MEREZHKOVSKlI Dmitri! Sergieevich 1865-1941 
M302 The romance of Leonardo da Vinci, tr. H. Trench. 
New York [1924?] 2 v. in 1. 8° 

MERIAN Joachim See B4S1 

MERLINGER Bartholomaeus See Metlinger B. 

MERRET Christopher 1614-95 
M303 Self-conviction; or an enumeration of the ab¬ 
surdities, railings, against the college, and physicians in 
general. London 1670. 4° LC 


M304 Catastasis mundi. London 1684. 4° BMC 

MERRYWEATHER Frederick Somner 1827-1900 
M305 Bibliomania in the middle ages, new & rev. ed. 
H. B. Copinger from comp. W. A. Copinger. London 
1933. 8° 

MERSENNE Marin 1588-1648 
M306 Questions harmoniques. Paris J. Villery 1634. 8° 
BMC With M307 

M307 Questions inouyes. Paris J. Villery 1634. 8° BMC 
MERTON Robert King 1910- 

M308 Science, technology and society in 17th century 
England. Osiris 1938, 4: 360-632 

MERULA Giorgio d. 1494 See M167; M168 

MERZ John Theodore 1840-1922 
M309 A history of European thought in the 19th cen¬ 
tury. Edinburgh 1903-14. 4 v. 8° v. 1 is 2d unaltered ed. 
1904; lacks v. 4 

MESINI P. Candido 

M310 L’uomo Galvani. Repr. LAvvenire d'Italia 1937, 
15 no. 241 

MESMER Friedrich Anton 1734-1815 

M311 Lettre k M. le Comte de C*** (Paris 1784) 4° SG 


M312 De elementis et orbibus coelestibus, ed. J. Heller. 

Nuremberg J. v. Berg & U. Neuber 1549. 4° BMC 
M313 De scientia motus orbis (Nuremberg J. Weissen- 
burger 1504) 4° BMC 

M314 Meseallach & Ptholemeus. De electionibus (Ven¬ 
ice) P. Liechtenstein 1509. 4° BMC With L215 

MESSEDAGLIA Luigi 1874- 

M315 Studi sull'acromegalia. Padua 1908. 8° 


M316 Die angebliche Chirurgie, ed. J. L. Pagel. Berlin 
1893. 8° 

M317 Les canons universelz. Paris J. Ruelle [1540?] 12° 
M318 Mesue cum expositione Mondini super canones 
universales (Venice B. Locatelli 1510) fol. BO 3400 

METCHNIKOFF Elie See Mechnikov I. I. 
METCHNIKOFF Olga See Mechnikova O. 

M319 The method of chemical philosophic and physick. 
London 1664. 8° 

METLINGER Bartholomaeus ^.1491? See A100 
METS A. de 

M320 Het boek van surgien van Thomaes Sellinck van 
Thienen. Art. mSd. y Anvers 1937; 17-32 
M321 Iconographie m£dicale anversoise (Antwerp 
1928) 8° 

M322 Pierre Coudenberg. Art. mSd. y Anvers 1936: 109- 

M323 S. S. Come et Damien. Art med. y Anvers 1938; 

M324 L’Universit6 Caroline de Prague. Art med. y Anvers 
1938; 181-96 
See also Y32 

METZGER Daniel 1850- 

M325 La vivisection, 2. 6d. P. Marechal. Paris 1906. 8° 

MEUNIER Leon 1870- 

M326 Histoire de la medecine. Paris 1924. 8° 


M327 Instruction formada para ministrar la vacuna. 
Mexico 1814. 4° 

MEYER Arthur William 1873- 
M328 An analysis of the De generatione animalium of 
William Harvey. Stanford University, Calif. (°1936) 8° 
M329 The discovery and earliest representations of 
spermatozoa. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1938, 6: 89-110 
M330 Essays on the history of embryology. Repr. Calif. 
West. Med. 1931-32: 35-37 

M331 Leeuwenhoek as experimental biologist. Osiris 
1937, 3: 103-22 

M332 Mr. John Hunter on generation. Repr. Calif. 
West. Med. 1935, 43: 145 etc. 



M333 - M368 

MEYER A. W. — continued 

M333 Some historical aspects of the recapitulation idea. 
Repr. Quart. Rev. Biol. 1935, 10: 379-96 

MEYER Arthur Woldemar 1885-1933 
M334 Chirurgie in Nordamerika. Repr. Dtsch. med. 
Wschr. 1930, 56: 1578-82. In A165a 

MEYER Hans Horst 1853-1939 
M335 Die experimentelle Pharmakologie, R. Gottlieb 
jt.auth. 8. Aufl. Berlin 1933. 8° 

MEYER Jean Joseph de 

M336 Notice sur Corneille van Baersdorp. Bruges 
1845. 8° 

M337 Origine des apothicaires de Bruges. Bruges 
1842. 8° 

MEYER-STEINEG Theodor 1873- 
M338 Geschichte der Medizin, K. Sudhoff jt.auth. Jena 
1921. 8° 

M339 Theodorus Priscianus und die romische Medizin. 
Jena 1909. 8° 

MEYERHOF Otto 1884- 

M340 Die Energieumwandlungen im Muskel. Stock¬ 
holm 1924. 8° 

M341 Uber die Synthese der Kreatinphosphorsaure im 
Muskel. Naturwissenscha/ten 1937, 25: 443-46 

MEYERS Milton Kayton 1882- See F30 
MEYSSONNIER Lazare 1602-72 See G496 

MEZLER Franz Xavier 1756-1812 
M342 Versuch einer Geschichte des Aderlasses. Ulm 
1793. 8° SG 

MIALL Bernard See F251; L133; S127 
MICANZIO Fulgenzio 

M343 The life of the most learned Father Paul. London 
1651. 8° BO 913 


MICHAELIS Christian Friedrich 1727-1804 See 

MICHEL Nicole See F104 

MICHELET Leon 1904- 

M344 La vie d’Ambroise Par6. Paris 1930. 8* 

MICHELSON Albert Abraham 1852-1931 
M345 Determination experimental de la valeur du 
metre, tr. J. R. Benoit. Paris 1894. 8° 

MICHELSPACHER Stephan See R99; R102; R108 

MIDDELDORPF Albrecht Theodor 1824-68 See 

MIDDLETON Digby Wentworth Bayard Willoughby 

baron 1844-1922 

M346 Catalogue of valuable books from the library of 
Wollaston Hall, Nottingham [London 1925] 8° 

MIDDLETON George W. 1866- 
M347 The three greatest surgeons, Par6, Hunter, Lister. 
Amer. Med. 1925, 31: 413-7 etc. 

MIDDLETON John fl. 1678 

M348 Practical astrology. London 1679. 8° BMC 

MIELI Aldo 1879- ed. 

M349 Gli scienziati italiani. v. 1 pt. 2. Rome 1923. 8* 

See also B793 

MIGNANI Vincenzo 

M350 Monografia di Luigi Galvani (Bologna 1879) 8’ 
MIGNAULT Claude 1536-1606 See T19 
MILES Alexander 1865- 

M351 The Edinburgh school of surgery before Lister. 
London 1918. 8° 

MILL John Stuart 1806-73 

M352 Auguste Comte et le positivisme, tr. G. Clemen- 
ceau. Paris 1868. 8° 

MILLER Hugh 1802-56 

M353 The old red sandstone. Edinburgh 1841. 8’ 

M354 The testimony of the rocks. Edinburgh 1857. 8° 
MILLER Philip 1691-1771 

M355 Figures of the most beautiful, useful, and un¬ 
common plants. London 1760. 2 v. fol. BMC 

MILLER Rene Fiilop- See FOlop-Miller R. 

MILLER Richard Henry 1884- 
M356 Tuberculosis of the lymphatic system. New York 
1934. 8° 

MILLER Sydney Richardson Christie See Christie- 
Miller S. R. 

MILLER William Snow 1853-1939 
M357 The lung. Springfield Ill. (°1937) 8° 

M358 Thomas Willis 1621-75. Repr. Bull. Soc. med. 
Hist. Chicago 1923, 3: 215-32 
See also W198 

MILLER William Whitfield 1880-1908 
M359 Hepatozoon perniciosum, a haemogregarine 
pathogenic for white rats. Washington 1908. 8° 

MILLIKAN Robert Andrews 1868- 
M360 [Miscellaneous papers 1916-38] 2 v. 8° 

MILTON John 1608-74 
M361 Areopagitica. London 1644. 4’ BMC 
M362 The poetical works, ed. T. Newton. A critical es¬ 
say, J. Aikin. Albany 1811. 12° 


M363 A collection of papers to promote a general inocu¬ 
lation of the cow pox. Boston 1809. 8* 

MINDERER Raymond d. \62\ 

M364 Medicina militaris. London 1674. 8’ SG 

MINER John Rice 1892- See L373; L374; R316 

MINER Leroy Matthew Simpson 1882— 

M365 The new dentistry. Cambridge Mass. 1933. 8* 

MING AN A Alphonse 1881- See J73 

MINGAZZINI Giovanni 1859-1929 
M366 Le afasie. Rome 1923. 8* 

MINKOWSKI Hermann 1864-1909 
M367 Raum und Zeit. Leipzig 1909. 8* 

See also L354; L355 

MINNITI Francesco 

M368 Armonia astro-medico-anotomica. Venice 1690. 
4° SG 

MINOIS Claude See Mignault C. 

[ 134 ] 

M369 - M426 


MINOT Charles Sedgwick 1852-1914 
M369 The problem of age, growth and death. Repr. 
Pop. Sci. Mon. 1907, 70: 481-96 etc. 

MINOT George Richards 1885— 

M370 [Early papers on pernicious anaemia 1926-33] 8° 

MIRAEUS Aubertus See Le Mire A. 

MIRANDOLA Giovanni Pico della See Pico Della 
Mirandola G. 

MIRFELD John d. 1407 

M371 Johannes de Mirfeld; his life and works by 
P. H.-S. Hartley & H. R. Aldridge. Cambridge 1936. 8° 

MIRIZZI Pablo L. 1893- 

M372 La chol£cystectomie sans drainage. Paris 1933. 8* 
MISACMOS See Harington J. 

M373 Annual report, 7, 1895. 8* 

M374 Proceedings of the celebration of the 300th anni¬ 
versary of the use of cinchona. St. Louis 1931. 8° 

M375 The Sturtevant Prelinnean library. In M373 
M376 Trustees dinner, Oct. 31, 1930 [St. Louis 1930] 4° 
MITCHELL Edward See S110 

MITCHELL John Kearsley 1793-1858 
M377 An oration delivered before the Philadelphia 
medical society. Philadelphia 1825. 8° 

M378 The value of the practical interrogation of nature. 
Philadelphia 1834. 8° 

MITCHELL Peter Chalmers 1864- See M254 

MITCHELL Silas Weir 1829-1914 
M379 Address dedicatory of the new buildings erected 
by the University of Pennsylvania for its dental school 
and medical laboratories. Philadelphia 1878. 8° Lacks 

M380 The adventures of Francois. New York 1898. 8° 
M381 The autobiography of a quack. Century Mag. 
1899, 59: 109-19 etc. 

M382 The autobiography of a quack and The case of 
George Dedlow. New York 1900. 8° 

M383 The birth and death of pain (New York 1896?) 8* 
M384 Characteristics. New York 1892. 8° 

M385 — 6th ed. London 1899. 8° 

M386 Clinical lessons on nervous diseases. Philadelphia 
1897. 8* 

M387 A comedy of conscience. New York 1903. 8° 
M388 The comfort of the hills. New York 1910. 8° 
M389 Constance Trescot. New York 1905. 8’ 

M390 A diplomatic adventure. New York 1906. 8° 
M391 Doctor and patient. Philadelphia 1888. 8° 

M392 — 2d ed. 1888. 8* 

M393 Dr. North and his friends. New York 1900. 8° 
M394 The early history of instrumental precision in 
medicine. Trans. Congr. Amer. Phys. Surg. 1891, 2: 

M395 Fat and blood and how to make them. Philadel¬ 
phia 1877. 8° 

M396 George Washington in biography, fiction, the 

drama and verse. In Johns Hopkins university. Circular 
no. 243, 1912 

M397 Gunshot wounds and other injuries of nerves, 
G. R. Morehouse, W. W. Keen jt.auth. Philadelphia 
1864. 8* 

M398 The hill of stones and other poems. Boston 1883. 
12 ° 

M399 Hugh Wynne. New York 1899. 2 v. 8° 

M400 In war time. Boston 1885. 8° 

M401 Injuries of nerves and their consequences. Phila¬ 
delphia 1872. 8° 

M402 John Sherwood. New York 1911. 8* 

M403 Lectures on diseases of the nervous system. Phila¬ 
delphia 1881. 8° 

M404 A madeira party. New York 1902. 16° 

M405 A masque and other poems. Boston 1887. 8* 
M406 (Minerva medica) Read at the dinner commemo¬ 
rative of the 50th year of the doctorate of D. H. Agnew 
[Philadelphia 1888] 8° 

M407 Nurse and patient, and Camp cure. Philadelphia 
1877. 16° 

M408 Ode on a Lycian tomb. Century Mag. 1907, 75: 

M409 Pearl. New York 1906. 8° 

M410 The red city. New York 1908. 8° 2 copies 
M411 Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake 
[Washington 1860] fol. * 

M412 Selections from the poems. London 1901. 8* 
M413 Some memoranda in regard to William Harvey. 
New York 1907. 8° 

M414 Some recently discovered letters of William Har¬ 
vey. Bibliography of Harvey’s works, C. P. Fisher. 
Philadelphia 1912. 8° KeynesH 53 
M415 Toast: to the surviving members of the Pathologi¬ 
cal society. Boston (1907) 8* 

M416 Two lectures on the conduct of the medical life. 
Philadelphia 1893. 4° 

M417 The wager and other poems. New York 1900. 8* 
M418 Wear and tear or hints for the overworked. 

Philadelphia 1871. 12* 

M419 Westways. New York 1913. 8“ 

M420 When all the woods are green. New York 1894. 8’ 
M421 William Osier from S. Weir Mitchell. Books and 
the man. n.p. (1905) 8* 

See also S2 
Biography See B870 

MIZAULD Antoine 1520-78 

M422 Alexikepus. Paris F. Morel 1565. 8’ SG With 

M423 Artificiosa methodus comparandorum hortensium 
fructuum. Paris F. Morel 1575. 8* BMC With M427 
M424 Asterismi. Paris C. Guillard 1553. 8* BMC With 

M425 De hortensium arborum insitione opusculum. 

Paris F. Morel 1560. 8° BMC With M431 
M426 Les ephemerides perpetuelles de Lair. Paris J. 
Kerver 1554. 12° 



M427 - M467 

MIZAULD A. — continued 

M427 Hortorum secreta. Paris F. Morel 1575. 8° 

M428 Nova et mira artificia comparandorum fructuum. 

Paris F. Morel 1565. 8° BMC With M431 
M429 Opusculum de sena. Paris F. Morel 1574. 8* SG 
M430 Planetologia. Lyons M. Roy & L. Pesnot 1551. 4 W 
M431 Secretorum agri enchiridion primum. Paris F. 
Morel 1560. 8° SG 

MODENA. R. Biblioteca Estense 
M432 Catalogo della mostra permanente. Modena 
1925. 8* 

MOEHSEN Johann Karl Wilhelm 1722-95 
M433 Verzeichnis einer Samlung von Bildnissen be- 
riihmter Aerzte. Berlin 1771. 2 v. in 1. 4° SG 

MOELLENBROCK Valentin Andreas d. 1675 
M434 Cochlearia curiosa: or, the curiosities of scurvy- 
grass, tr. T. Sherley. London 1676. 8° 

MOENNICH Marie Luise Elisabeth Larisch von See 

Larisch von Moennich M. L. E. 

MORLINGER Bartholomaeus See Metlinger B. 

MOFFETT Thomas 1553-1604 
M435 Insectorum sive mini mo rum animalium thea- 
trum. London T. Cotes 1634. fol. BO 3429 
See also T134 
MOHEAU fl . 1778 

M436 Recherches et considerations sur la population de 
la France. Paris 1778. 2 v. in 1. 8° BMC 

MOHRENHEIM Joseph Jacob von d. 1799 
M437 Abhandlung uber die Entbindungskunst. Leipzig 
1803. 2 v. fol. 

MOIGNO Francois Napoleon Marie 1804-84 
M438 Traite de tel6graphie 61ectrique. Paris 1849. 8° 

MOIVRE Abraham de 1667-1754 

M439 The doctrine of chances. London 1718. 4° LC 

MOLIERE Jean Baptiste Poquelin 1622-73 Bi¬ 
ography See C444 

MOLINES Allan d. 1690 

M440 An anatomical account of the elephant. London 
1682. 4° BMC With H445 


M441 Anatomical and practical observations in St. 
Thomas’s hospital 1674-77, ed. J. F. Payne. London 
1896. 8° 2d copy with P177 

MOLLER Daniel Wilhelm 1642-1712 praeses 
M442 Characteromantia ab H. Riidelio. Altdorf [1693] 4° 

MOLLER Thobias 

M443 Astrologia iudiciaria (Frankfort P. Schmid) 
1581. 4’ 

MOLLIEN Charles Ravaisson- See Ravaisson- 
Mollien C. 

MONARDES Nicolas 1493-1588 
M444 A booke which treateth of two medicines most 
excellent agynst all venome, tr. J. Frampton [London] 
1580. 4° His Joyfull newes. 1580. f. 111-170 
M445 De simplicibus medicamentis, tr. C. de L’licluse. 
Antwerp C. Plantin 1574. 8° SG 

M446 Joyfull newes out of the new-found worlde, tr. 
J. Frampton, newly corr. London E. Allde 1596. 4° SG 

M447 — London 1925. 2 v. 8* 

M448 Simplicium medicamentorum liber tertius, tr. 
C. de L’licluse. Antwerp C. Plantin 1582. 8* BMC 2d 
copy with A33 


M449 Tippermalluch’s receits. Edinburgh 1712. 8° 

MONDE JAR Luys Hurtado de Mendoga marquis de 
See Hurtado de Mendoqa L. 

MONDEVILLE Henri de 1260-1320 

M450 Die Chirurgie, ed. J. L. Pagel. Berlin 1892. 8" 

See also D157; Kll; K175; L179; M141; N46; N94; 
0117; R31; R32; R212; R303; R318; IV 1; W135; Z13 
Biography See C258 

MONDINO Carlo 1729-1803 Biography See 

MONDINO dei Luzzi d. 1326 
M451 Anathomia, ed. J. Berengario. Venice D. Ber¬ 
nardino 1538. 12° GHL 

M452 —ed. J. Dryander. Marburg C. Egenolff (1541) 
4° BO 3439 

M453 —ed. J. Berengario. Venice [M. Sessa?] n.d. 16° 
BO 3440 With G434 

M454 — ed. L. Sighinolfi. Bologna 1930. fol. 

M455 Anatomies de Mondino dei Luzzi et de Guido de 
Vigevano, ed. E. Wickersheimer. Paris 1926. 4° 

M456 Carpi commentaria cum amplissimis additionibus 
super anatomia Mundini (Bologna G. de Benedetti 
1521) 4° BMC 

M457 De omnibus humani corporis interioribus menbris 
anathomia (Strasbourg M. Flach 1513) 4° GHL 

M458 D. Matthaei Curtii in Mundini anatomen expli¬ 
cate. Pavia (F. Moscheni & J. B. Nigri) 1550. 8° SG 
M459 — Lyons T. Payen 1551. 16° GHL 
See also M318 

MONFALCON Jean Baptiste 1792-1874 

M460 Precis de bibliographic medicale. Paris 1827. 16° 

MONGE Gaspard comte de Piluse 1746-1818 
M461 Geom6trie descriptive. Paris [1799] 4° 


M462 [Mongolian anatomical plates. 8 photostat fac- 
sims. from Bendix collection] 4° 

MONIZ Egas 1872- 

M463 Tentatives op£ratoires dans le traitement de 
certaines psychoses. Paris 1936. 8° 

MONRAD-KROHN George Herman 1884- 
M464 The clinical examination of the nervous system, 
6th ed. London 1933. 8° 

M465 — 7th ed. 1938. 8° 

MONRO Alexander 1697-1767 
M466 An account of the inoculation of small pox in 
Scotland. Edinburgh 1765. 8° BO 3442 

M467 The works, ed. A. Monro. Edinburgh 1781. 4° SG 

[ 136 ] 

M468 - M504 


MONRO Alexander 1733-1817 
M468 Experiments on the nervous system. Edinburgh 
1793. 4° SG 
See also M467 

MONRO Alexander 1773-1859 
M469 The morbid anatomy of the human gullet, stom¬ 
ach and intestines. Edinburgh 1811. 8° 

MONRO John 1715-91 

M470 Oratio anniversaria ex Harveii instituto, 1757. 
London 1758. 4° GHL 

MONRO Thomas Kirkpatrick 1865— 

M471 The physician as man of letters, science & action. 
Glasgow 1933. 8° 2 copies 


M472 The American botanist and family physician, 
comp. S. Gaskill. Wheelock Vt. 1824. 12° 

MONSERRATE Bernardino Montafia de See Mon¬ 
tana de Monserrate B. 

MONTAGU Montague Francis Ashley- See Ashley- 
Montagu M. F. 

MONTALBANI Ovidio 1601-71 See A121 



M473 Libro de la anothomia del hombre. De un sueiio, 
L. Hurtado de Mendoza. Valladolid S. Martinez 1551. 
fol. SG 

MONTE Giovanni Battista 1498-1552 
M474 Consultationes de variorum morborum curationi- 
bus, ed. V. von Lublin, G. Donzellini & P. Bech. 
Basel M. Isengrin 1557. 8° 

M475 Consultationes medicae, ed. J. Crato von Krafft- 
heim (Basel, H. Petri & P. Perna 1565) 1572. fol. 2 cop¬ 
ies. SG 

M476 — 1583. fol. SG 

M477 Consultationum medicinalium, collecta, ed. V. 

von Lublin. Venice V. Valgrisi 1554. 8° SG 
M478 — 1556. 8° YU 

MONTE Guido Ubaldo marchese del 1545-1607 
M479 Perspectivae libri sex. Pesaro H. Concordi 1600. 
fol. Pogg 

M ONTEGRE Horace de 1805-64 
M480 Notice historique sur la vie de F. J. V. Broussais. 
Paris 1839. 8° 


M481 Tecnica operatoria esquematisada, v. 1 [Rio de 
Janeiro 1933] 8° 

MONTEIRO Aristides b. 1829 

M482 War reminiscences. Richmond Va. 1890. 8° 

MONTENEGRO Benito Geronimo Feijoo y See 
Feijoo y Montenegro B. G. 

MONTEREGIO Joannes de See Mueller J. 

MONTFORT Robert de 12th cent. Biography See 

MONTGOMERY William John 1873- 
M483 Theory and practice of mine ventilation, 1st ed. 
Columbus O. °1936. 8° 

gill University Montreal. Montreal neurological 


M484 Monument expiatoire du supplice de Michel 
Servet. Geneva 1903. 8° 

MOORE Francis 1657-1715? 

M485 Vox stellarum, being an almanack for 1708, 1805. 
London 1708-[1805?] 2 v. 8° 

MOORE George 1852-1933 Biography See G335 

MOORE James Carrick 1763-1834 
M486 The history and practice of vaccination. London 
1817. 8° 

M487 The history of the small pox. London 1815. 8° 
M488 Remarks on Mr. Birch’s “Serious reasons for uni¬ 
formly objecting to the practice of vaccination.” Lon¬ 
don 1806. 8° With M489 

M489 A reply to the anti-vaccinists. London 1806. 8° 

MOORE John Trotwood 1858-1929 
M490 Tom’s last forage. Nashville (°1926) 12° 

MOORE Merrill 1903- 

M491 15 poems from the Fugitive, 1922-26 (Boston 

°1938) 8° 

M492 Poems from the Fugitive, 1922-26 (New York 
°1936) 8° 

M493 Sonnets from the Fugitive, 1922-26 (Boston 
°1937) 8° 

M494 Syphilis and sassafras, C. Manning jt.auth. Repr. 
Amer. J. Syph. 1936, 20: 646-50 
See also M119 

MOORE Sir Norman 1847-1922 
M495 The church of St. Bartholomew the Great [Lon¬ 
don] 1892. 8° 

M496 The Harveian oration, 1901. London 1901. 8° 
M497 The physician in English history. Cambridge 
1913. 8° 

M498 The progress of medicine at St. Bartholomew’s 
hospital. London 1889. 8° 

M499 The Schola Salernitana. Glasgow 1908. 8° 
MOORE William Daniel 1813-71 See D221 

MORALES Baltasar Gracian y See Gracian v 
Morales B. 


M500 Morbi gallici curandi ratio exquisitissima, a varijs 
medicis conscripta. Basel J. Bebel 1536. 4° SG 

MORE Henry 1614-87 Biography See C382 

MORE Louis Trenchard 1870- 
M501 Isaac Newton. New York 1934. 8° 

MORE Sir Thomas Saint 1478-1535 
M502 Utopia. London 1684. 8° BMC 
M503 — tr. R. Robinson, ed. J. H. Lupton. Oxford 
1895. 8° 

Biography See Ml 18; B271 

MOREAU Jacques Louis 1771-1826 
M504 Trait6 historique et pratique de la vaccine. Paris 
1801. 8° 

[ 137 ] 


M505 - M540 

MOREHOUSE George Read 1829-1905 See M397 
MOREL Pierre 

M50S The expert doctors dispensatory. A compendium 
of the body of physick, J. J. Brunn (tr. N. Culpeper) 
London 1657. 8° BMC 

MORETON G. See Morgan G. B. 

MORGAGNI Giovanni Battista 1682-1771 
M506 De sedibus et causis morborum. Louvain 1766-67. 
4 v. in 2. 4° SG 

M507 — Leyden 1767. 4 v. in 2. 4° SG 
M508 Opuscula miscellanea. Epistolae anatomicae 
duae. Naples 1763. 4° SG 
Biography See T135 

MORGAN Augustus de See De Morgan A. 

MORGAN Charles 1894- 

M509 The fountain. New York 1932. 8* 

MORGAN George Blacker See Hi36 
MORGAN John 1735-89 

M510 A discourse upon the institution of medical 
schools in America. Philadelphia 1765. 8° SG 
Biography See W186 

MORGAN Mrs. Lilian V. (Sampson) 

M511 [Papers on genetics, 1922-33] 8° 

MORGAN Thomas Hunt 1866- 
M512 [Papers on heredity 1909-35] 2 v. 8* 

MORGAN LIBRARY See Pierpont Morgan library 

New York 

MORIN Jean Baptiste 1583-1656 See K50 

MORISON Basil Gordon 1854-1915 
M513 Life: a poem. London 1915. 8° 

MORISON Rutherford 1853-1939 

M514 Notes of an American trip. Univ. Durh. Coll. Med. 

Gaz. 1915, 15: 73-81. In A165a 
M515 A surgical visit to some American hospitals 
(1914) H. Drummond & C. D. Grange jt.auth. London 
1915. 8° In A165a 

MORISON Samuel Eliot 1887- 
M516 Three centuries of Harvard 1636-1936. Cam¬ 
bridge Mass. 1936. 8° 

MORISON Stanley 1889- 

M517 The art of the printer. London 1925. 4° 

M518 German incunabula in the British museum. Lon¬ 
don 1928. fol. 

MORLEY Henry 1822-94 

M519 Anatomy in long clothes, being an essay on An¬ 
dreas Vesalius. Repr. Interst. med. J. 1914, 21 
M520 — Chicago 1915. 8 # 

M521 Jerome Cardan. London 1854. 2 v. 8° 

M522 Palissy the potter. London 1852. 2 v. 8° 

MORO Giacopo 

M523 Anotomia. Venice 1679. fol. SG 
MORRIS Claver 1659P-1727 

M524 The diary of a west country physician, ed. 
E. Hobhouse. London 1934. 8° 

MORRIS Mrs. Helen 

M525 Portrait of a chef, the life of Alexis Soyer. New 
York 1938. 8° 

MORRIS J. Newman 

M526 Surgical clinics in North America. Med. J. Aust. 
1930, 17: 647-52. In A165a 

MORRIS William 1834-96 See T118 

MORRISON Abraham Cressy 1864- 

M527 Man in a chemical world. New York 1937. 8° 

MORRISON Alfred James 1876- See S145 

MORRISON Hyman 1881- See L50 

MORRISON Richard James 1795-1874 
M528 Zadkiel’s legacy. London 1842. 12° 

MORSE John Torrey 1840-1937 
M529 Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston 
1896. 2 v. 8° 

M530 Thomas Sergeant Perry, a memoir. Boston 
1929. 8° 

MORTIMER Cromwell d. 1752 See E73 
MORTON Richard 1637-98 

M531 Opera medica, ed. recens. De morbis chronicis. 
De variolis, M. Lister. De febribus. De secretione 
animali, W. Cole. De morbis infantum, W. Harris. 
Processus in morbis, T. Sydenham. Lyons 1697. 4° 
M532 —1718. 4° SG 

MORTON Mrs. Rosalie (Slaughter) 1876- 
M533 A woman surgeon. New York 1937. 8° 

MORTON Thomas George 1835-1903 
M534 The history of the Pennsylvania hospital 1751- 
1895, F. Woodbury jt.auth. Philadelphia 1895. 8* 

MORTON William James 1846-1920 
M535 Memoranda relating to the discovery of surgical 
anesthesia, and Dr. William T. G. Morton’s relation to 
this event. Repr. Post-Graduate 1905, 20: 333-53 

MORTON William Thomas Green 1819-68 
M536 Circular. Morton’s leth€on (5th ed.) Boston 
(1847) 8° 

M537 On the physiological effects of sulphuric ether. 
Boston 1850. 8’ 

M538 Statements, supported by evidence, of Wm. T. G. 
Morton on his claim to the discovery of ether. Washing¬ 
ton 1853. 8° 

See also M186 
Biography See R139 

MORVEAU Louis Bernard Guyton de baron See 

Guyton de Morveau L. B. 

MORWYNG Peter 1530?-73? SeeG216;G224 

MOSAN Jacob See IV248 


M539 De mulierum passionibus, ed. F. O. Dewez. 
Vienna 1793. 8° Greek & Latin. BO 322 

MOSELEY Benjamin 1742-1819 
M540 A treatise on tropical diseases, 2d ed. London 
1789. 8° SG 

[ 138 ] 

M541 - M580 


MOSELEY Henry Gwyn Jeffreys 1887-1915 
M541 The high-frequency spectra of the elements. In 
Phil. Mag. 1913, 26: 1024-34, 1914, 27: 703-13. 2 cop- 

MOSES BEN MAIMON See Maimonides 

MOSHEIM Johann Lorenz von 1694?—1755 
M542 Neue Nachrichten von Michael Serveto. Helm- 
stedt 1750. 4° BO 857 
See also A144; A145 

MOTHERBY George 1732-93 
M543 A new medical dictionary, 5th ed. G. Wallis. Lon¬ 
don 1801. fol. 

MOTT Sir Frederick Walter 1854-1926 
M544 The effects of high explosives upon the central 
nervous system. London 1916. 8° 

M545 The Harveian oration on some developments of 
Harvey’s doctrine “Omne vivum ex ovo,” 1925. London 
1925. 8° 

MOTT Thomas Bentley 1865- See F237 
MOTT Valentine 1785-1865 

M546 Eulogy on the late John W. Francis. New York 
1861. 8° 

M547 Pain and anaesthetics, 2d ed. Washington 1863. 8* 

M548 Travels in Europe and the East. New York 
1842. 8’ 

See also V54 
Biography See P352 

MOTTE Andrew d. 1730 See N80 
MOTTELAY Paul Fleury b. 1841 See G254 
MOTTEUX Peter Anthony 1660-1718 See R1 

MOTTRAM Ralph Hale 1883- 

M549 Journey to the western front. London 1936. 8* 

M550 The Spanish farm. New York 1924. 8° 

M551 The Spanish farm trilogy. London (1927) 8* 
M552 Ten years ago. London 1928. 8° 

MOTZFELDT Ketil 1883- 

M553 Studier over diabetes insipidus. Oslo 1924. 8* 

MOULTON John Fletcher Moulton baron 1844-1921 
M554 Law and manners. Atlant. Mon. 1924, 134: 1-5 

MOURIK Bemardus 

M555 Naamrol der medicinaale schryvers. Amsterdam 
(1728) 4° 

MOXON Joseph 1627-1700 

M556 A tutor to astronomy & geography. London 1665. 
4° BMC 

M557 — 3ded. 1674. 4 ' LC 
MOYLE John d. 1714 

M558 Chirurgus marinus or the sea-chirurgion, 4th ed. 
London 1702. 12° SG 

M559 The present ill state of the practice of physick in 
this nation (London 1702) 4* SG 

MOYNIHAN Berkeley George Andrew Moynihan 

baron 1865-1936 
M560 Truants. Cambridge 1936. 8° 

MtJLLER Friedrich von 1858-1941 

M561 Amerikanische Reiseeindriicke. Repr. Munch. 

med. Wschr. 1907, 54: 2388 etc. In A165a 
M562 — Repr. Munch, med. Wschr. 1927, 74: 1420-24 
etc. In A165a 

MtJLLER Hugo 1864- 

M563 Roentgen’s X-Strahlen, 1. Aufl. Berlin 1896. 8° 
MtJLLER Johann d. 1542 See G211 

MUELLER Johannes Regiomontanus 1436-76 
M564 Der deutsche Kalender. Nuremberg 1474. Leipzig 
1937. 8° facsim. 2 copies 

M565 Kalendarius teiitsch (Augsburg J. Sittich 1512) 4“ 

See also P242 
Biography See G157 
MULLER Johannes 1801-58 

M566 De glandularum secernentium structura. Leipzig 
1830. fol. 

M567 De respiratione foetus. Leipzig 1823. 8° 

M568 Cber den glatten Hai des Aristoteles. Berlin 1842. 

M569 Uber die Entwickelung der Eier im Eierstock bei 
den Gespenstheuschrecken. Repr. Nova Acta Leop. 
Carol. 1825, 12: 555-672 

M570 Ueber die phantastischen Gesichtserscheinungen. 
Coblenz 1826. 8° 

MULLER Ludwig Robert 1870- 
M571 Lebensnerven und Lebenstriebe, 3. Aufl. Berlin 
1931. 8° 

MUNTZ Eugene 1845-1902 

M572 Leonardo da Vinci. London 1898. 2 v. fol. 

MUNZER Hieronymus d. 1508? Biography See 
G313; G314 

MUIRHEAD James Patrick 1813-98 
M573 The origin and progress of the mechanical inven¬ 
tions of James Watt. London 1854. 3 v. 8° 

MULERIUS Nicolaus 1564-1630 See C401 

MULLEN Allen See Molines A. 

MUMFORD James Gregory 1863-1914 
M574 A doctor’s table talk. Boston 1912. 8" 

M575 A narrative of medicine in America. Philadelphia 
1903. 8° 

M576 Surgical memoirs. New York 1908. 8* 
MUNDINUS See Mondino dei Luzzi 

MUNICIPAL ART society of Baltimore 

M577 The annual meeting 1909 [Baltimore 1909?] 12’ 

MUNIER Jean Alcide 

M578 De venis t£m lacteis thoracicis. Geneva 1654. 8* 
BO 3471 

MUNK Hermann 1839-1912 

M579 Sehsphaere und Augenbewegungen. Repr. S. B. 

berl. A had. Wiss. 1890: 53-74. With M580 
M580 Uber die centralen Organe fur das Sehen und das 
Horen bei den Wirbelthieren. Repr. S. B. berl. Akad. 
Wiss. 1883: 793-827 etc. 

[ 139 ] 


M581 - N20 

MUNK William 1816-98 

M581 Euthanasia or medical treatment in aid of an easy 
death. London 1887. 8° 

M582 The roll of the Royal college of physicians, 2d ed. 

London 1878. 3 v. 8° 

MS83 Marvodia. Exeter 1885. 8° 

See also M50 

MUNTHE Axel Martin Fredrik 1857- 
M584 The story of San Michele. London (1929) 8° 

MURALT Alexander von 

M585 August Forel. Zurich [1929?] 8° 

MURAT G. Cavallari- See Cavallari-Murat G. 
MURDOCH Patrick d. 1774 See T86 

MURPHEY Eugene Edmund 1875- 
M586 Wings at dusk and other poems. New York 
1939. 8° 

MURPHY Gwendolen 

M587 A select bibliography of the writings of Alfred W. 
Pollard. Oxford 1938. 8“ 

MURPHY John Benjamin 1857-1916 Biography 
See D68 

N., J. 

Nl Remarks on Mr. Mason’s treatise upon tea. London 
1745. 8° With M175 

N., M. See Nedham M. 

N. C. See F13 

N. D. B. P. See S184 

NAGEL Paul d. \62\ 

N2 Himmels Zeichen. Halle E. Hynitzsch 1605. 4° Pogg 

NANSEN Fridtjof 1861-1930 

N3 Nerve-elementerne. Nord. med. Ark. 1887, 19: 1-24. 
With N5 

N4 A protandric hermaphrodite amongst the verte¬ 
brates. Bergen 1888. 8° With N5 

N5 The structure and combination of the histological 
elements of the central nervous system. Bergen 1887. 8° 

NAPIER Claude 1869- See JV259 

NAPIER John 1550-1617 

N6 The construction of the wonderful canon of loga¬ 
rithms, tr. W. R. MacDonald. Edinburgh 1889. 8° 

N7 De arte logistica. Edinburgh 1839. 4° 

N8 A description of the admirable table of logarithmes, 
tr. E. Wright. With an addition of the Instrumentall 
table, H. Briggs. London S. Waterson 1618. 12“ STC 

N9 Logarithmorum canonis descriptio. Lyons B. Vin¬ 
cent 1620. 8° MacDonald 

N10 Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio. Edin¬ 
burgh A. Hart 1614. 4° STC 18349 


Nil Napier tercentenary memorial volume, ed. C. G. 
Knott. London 1915. 8° 


MURRAY David 1842-1928 

M588 Memories of the old College of Glasgow. Glasgow 
1927. 4° 

MURRAY Gilbert 1866- 

M589 Religio grammatici. The religion of a man of let¬ 
ters. Boston 1918. 8° KeynesB 468 

MURRAY Sir James Augustus Henry 1837-1915 


M590 A new English dictionary on historical principles. 
Oxford 1888-1928. 10 v. in 12. fol. 

MURRAY John d. 1820 See P315 

MUSCIO See Moschion 

MYER Jesse Shire 1873-1913 
M591 Life and letters of Dr. William Beaumont, in- 
trod. W. Osier. St. Louis 1912. 8° 

MYERS Mrs. Grace Whiting 

M592 History of the Massachusetts general hospital 
1872-1900 (Boston 1929) 8° 

MYNORS Robert 1739-1806 * 

M593 A history of the practice of trepanning the skull. 
Birmingham 1785. 8° SG 

NAPLES. R. Accademia delle scienze See Ac- 
cademia Delle scienze Naples 

NAPOLEON I emperor of the French 1769-1821 
Biography See C133 

NARDI Giovanni fl. 1634 

N12 Noctes geniales. Bologna 1655. 4° 

NASO Publius Ovidius See Ovidius Naso P. 

NATIONAL ACADEMY of sciences Washington D. C. 

N13 A history 1863-1913. Washington 1913. 8° 

N14 Report of the committee on Panama canal slides 
(Washington 1924) 4° 

N15 The semi-centennial anniversary 1863-1913. Wash¬ 
ington 1913. 8° 

NATIONAL COMMITTEE for mental hygiene 

N16 Twenty years of mental hygiene [New York 
1929] 8° 

NATIONAL COMMITTEE on centennial celebration 
of the American patent system 

N17 Centennial celebration 1836-1936 (Washington 
1937) 8° 

NATIONAL VACCINE establishment London 

N18 [Instructions relating to vaccination. London 
1820?] 12° 


N19 The natural history of insects, comp, from Swam¬ 
merdam, Brookes, Goldsmith, etc. Perth 1792. 8° 


N20 La nature des douze signes. Lyons C. Dauphin 
lea. 1518] 8° 

NAUCHE Louis Guyon sieur de la See Guyon L. 


N21 - N52 


NAUDE Gabriel 1600-53 

N21 Advis pour dresser une biblioth^que. Paris F. Targa 
1627. 8° 2 copies. BO 7221 

N22 Apologie pour les grands hommes soup^onnez de 
magie, derni£re 6d. Amsterdam 1712. 8° BO 5214 
N23 Apologie pour tous les grands personnages qui ont 
est6 faussement soupgonnez de magie. Paris F. Targa 
1625. 8° BO 5213 

N24 The history of magick, tr. J. Davies. London 1657. 
8° BO 5215 

N25 Instructions concerning erecting of a library. Cam¬ 
bridge Mass. 1903. 8° 

Biography See C443 

NAUNYN Bernhard 1839-1925 
N26 Erinnerungen, Gedanken und Meinungen. Munich 
1925. 8° 

NAVAGERO Andrea 1483-1529 See F280 
NAY Winfield Scott 1850- 

N27 The old country doctor; an autobiography. Rut¬ 
land Vt. («>1937) 8° 

NEANDER Michael 1525-95 

N28 Synopsis mesurarum et ponderum. Basel J. Opori- 
nus (1555) 4° GHL With P54 

NECKER Jobst de See V68-70; V72 

NEDDERMEYER Seth Henry 1907- See A177 

dering der geneeskunst. Bibliotheek 
N29 Catalogus. Amsterdam (1930) 4° 

NEDHAM Marchamont 1620-78 
N30 Medela medicinae. A plea for the art of physick. 
London 1665. 8° SG 

NEEDHAM John Turberville 1713-81 
N31 Nouvelles observations microscopiques. Paris 1750. 
12 0 SG 

NEEDHAM Joseph 1900- 

N32 Background to modern science, W. Pagel jt.ed. 
New York 1938. 8° 

N33 A history of embryology. Cambridge 1934. 8° 
NEEDHAM Marchamont See Nedham M. 
NEEDHAM Walter 1631 ?-91 ? 

N34 Disquisitio anatomica de formato foetu. Amster¬ 
dam 1668. 12° SG 

NEFF Frank Howard See H131 

NEILL John 1819-80 

N35 Outlines of the veins and lymphatics. Philadelphia 
1847. 8° SG 

NELSON David 1793-1844 

N36 The cause and cure of infidelity, 2d stereotype ed. 
New York (<>1841) 8° 


N37 A nemzetkozi Semmelweis-Eml6k Budapesten. 
Budapest 1909. 8° Hungarian, German & French 


N38 The Netherlands. Amsterdam 1929. 8° 

NETTESHEIM Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von See 

Agrippa von Nettesheim H. C. 

NETTLETON George Henry 1874- ed. 

N39 The book of the Yale pageant. New Haven 1916. 8° 

NETZHAMMER Raymund Albin 1862- 
N40 Theophrastus Paracelsus. Einsiedeln 1901. 8° 

NEUBURGER Max 1868- 

N41 The early history of urology, tr. D. Riesman. Repr. 

Bull. med. Libr. Ass. 1937, 25: 147-65 
N42 Gomez Pereira. Repr. Archeion 1936, 18: 113-16 
N43 Die historische Entwicklung der experimentellen 
Gehirn- und Riickenmarksphysiologie vor Flourens. 
Stuttgart 1897. 8° 

N44 Die Lehre von der Heilkraft der Natur. Stuttgart 
1926. 8° 

N45 William Harvey: Gedenkworte anlasslich seines 
350. Geburtstages. Repr. fVien. klin. fVschr. 1928, 78: 

See also A311; F115 

NEUENAR Hermann von fl. 1529 See P400 
NEUHAUS Max 1870- 

N46 Uber Abscesse nach Heinrich von Mondeville. Ber¬ 
lin (1897) 8° With P14 

NEUMANN Arthur Henry 

N47 Pulvis effervescens compositus. Bull. Univ. JVis. 
1925, serial no. 1304 

NEUMANN Robert 1897- 

N48 The queen’s doctor. New York 1936. 8° 

gill University Montreal. Montreal neurological 

NEW HAVEN county medical association 
N49 1784-1934. Celebration of the 150th anniversary. 
New Haven 1934. 8° 

NEW mystery 

N50 A new mystery in physick discovered, by curing of 
fevers & agues by quinquina, tr. P. Bellon. London 
1681. 12° GHL 

NEW SYDENHAM society London 
N51 Lexicon of medicine, by H. Power & L. W. Sedg¬ 
wick. London 1881—99. 5 v. 4 

NEW YORK. Central Hanover bank and trust com¬ 
pany See Central Hanover bank and trust 
company New York 

NEW YORK. Century association See Century As¬ 
sociation New York 

NEW YORK. Rockefeller institute for medical re¬ 
search See Rockefeller Institute for medical 
research New York 

NEW YORK. Society of the New York hospital See 
Society of the New York hospital 

NEW YORK academy of medicine 
N52 Catalogue of an exhibition in celebration of the 
tercentenary of the publication of De motu cordis. 
Repr. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 1928, 2. s. 4: 906-34 

[ 141 ] 


N53 - N96 

NEW YORK academy of medicine — continued 
N53 Catalogue of an exhibition of early and later medi¬ 
cal Americana (New York 1927) 8° 

N54 Medicine and mankind, ed. I. Galdston. New York 
1936. 8° 

N55 Incunabula. Ann. med. Hist. 1930: 340-45 
N56 Darwin memorial celebration. In its Annals 1909, 
19 , pt. 1: 1^0 

N57 Quadricentennial of the birth of Vesalius, Jan. 7, 
1915 [New York 1915] 8° With A15S 

NEWBERY Thomas fl. 1563 

N58 A booke in Englysh metre called “Dives pragmati- 
cus” 1563. Manchester 1910. 4° facsim. 


NEWBOLD William Romaine 1865-1926 
N59 The cipher of Roger Bacon, ed. R. G. Kent. Phila¬ 
delphia 1928. 8° 

NEWCOMB Simon 1835-1909 
N60 The elements of the four inner planets. Washington 
1895. 8° 2 copies 

N61 The reminiscences of an astronomer. Boston 
(1903) 8 # 

N62 The stars. New York 1901. 8° 


N63 On the discovery of the periodic law. London 
1884. 8* 

NEWMAN Bernard 1897- 
N64 Spy. New York 1935. 8* 

NEWMAN Sir George 1870- 

N65 A century of medicine at Padua. London [1922 ?] 8° 
N66 The commemoration of Florence Nightingale 
(Brussels 1937) 8° 

N67 Harveian oration, 1932. The debt of preventive 
medicine to Harvey. London 1932. 8* 

N68 Interpreters of nature. London (1927) 8* 

N69 Linacre’s influence on English medicine [Cam¬ 
bridge?] 1928. 8° 

N70 Some notes on medical education in England. Lon¬ 
don 1918. 8° 

NEWSHOLME Sir Arthur 1857-1943 

N71 Fifty years in public health, v. 1. London (1935) 8° 

NEWTON Alfred Edward 1863-1940 
N72 The amenities of book-collecting. Boston 1918. 8° 
N73 [Ephemera issued as Christmas cards. 11 brochures] 
N74 A noble fragment being a leaf of the Gutenberg 
Bible with a bibliographical essay. New York 1921. fol. 
N75 This book-collecting game. Boston 1928. 8° 

NEWTON Sir Isaac 1642-1727 
N76 Arithmetica universalis, ed. 2. London 1722. 8° 
Gray 278 

N77 Catalogue of the Newton papers (London 1936) 8° 

2 copies 

N78 A catalogue of the Portsmouth collection. Cam¬ 
bridge 1888. 8° 

N79 Discovery of the dispersion of light and of the na¬ 
ture of color 1672, with facsim. reproduction. Isis 1930, 
14: 326-41 

N80 Mathematical principles, tr. A. Motte, rev. F. Ca- 
jori. Berkeley 1934. 8° 

N81 Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel. Lon¬ 
don 1733. 4° Gray 328 

N82 Optique, tr. J. P. Marat, ed. N. Beauz^e. Paris 
1787. 2 v. in 1. 8° Gray 188 

N83 Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Lon¬ 
don 1687. 4° Gray 7 

N84 Principia. Book I. Sections I—III, 5th ed. P. Frost. 
London 1900. 8° Gray 37 
Bibliography See G367 
Biography See B635; D130; H363; M501 
NEWTON Thomas 1704-82 See M362 

NIAS Joseph Baldwin 1857-1919 
N85 Dr. John RadclifFe, a sketch of his life. Oxford 
1918. 8° 

NICAISE Edouard 1838-96 See F305; G489 
NICANDER of Colophon 

N86 Les oeuvres. Deux livres des venins, J. Gr6vin. 
Antwerp C. Plantin 1567. 2 v. in 1. 4° 2d copy lacks 
Gr6vin: Deux livres. SG 

N87 Theriaca et alexipharmaca, tr. J. Lonitzer. Co¬ 
logne J. Soter 1531. 4° SG 


N88 Men and measures. London 1912. 8* 

NICHOLSON Henry Alleyne 1844-99 

N89 A manual of palaeontology, 2d ed. Edinburgh 1879. 

2 v. 8° 

NICHOLSON William 1753-1815 
N90 The first principles of chemistry. London 1790. 8° 

NICOLAIUS Nicolaus See Grudius N. 

NICOLAUS Cusanus cardinal 1401-64 

N91 The idiot in four books. London 1650. 12° LC 

NICOLAUS Leonicenus See Lonigo N. da 

NICOLAUS de Reggio See G59; G60 

NICOLAUS Salernitanus 12th cent. 

N92 L’antidotaire, tr. P. Dorveaux. Paris 1896. 8° 

NICOLSON Marjorie Hope 1894- See C382 

NIEMEYER Wilhelm Hermann 1788-1840 
N93 De origine paris quinti nervorum cerebri. Halle 
1812. 8° 

NIENDORF Erich 1869- 

N94 Zur Lehre von den Fisteln nach Mondeville. Berlin 
1896. 8* With P14 

NIEREMBERG Juan Eusebio 1595-1658 
N95 Historia naturae maxime peregrinae. De miris & 
miraculosis naturis in Europ4. Antwerp B. Moretus 
1635. fol. GHL 

NIEU-STADT RUTGERSZ. Pieter van See P276 
NIGER Antonius d. 1555 

N96 Consilium de tuenda valetudine. Wittenberg S. 
Gronenberg 1581. 8° SG 


N97 - N137 


NIGHTINGALE Florence 1820-1910 
N97 Notes on hospitals. London 1859. 8° 

N98 Notes on nursing. London [1859] 8° 

N99 — Another issue. London [1859] 8° 

N100 — new ed. 1860. 8° 

N101 — New York 1860. 8° 

N102 — 74th thousand. London 1898. 12° 

Biography See A3; C384; N66 
NIGRIS Syllanus de See Syllanus de Nigris 

NIVERNOYS Arthur Heulhard 

N103 Rabelais, chirurgien. Paris 1885. 8° 

NIXON John Alexander 1874— 

N104 The debt of medicine to the fine arts. Bristol 
[1923] 8° 

N105 Les prix Nobel en 1901-26, 1932-37. Stockholm 
1904-38. 25 v. 8° 

NOGUCHI Hideyo 1876-1928 
N106 Serum diagnosis of syphilis. Philadelphia (°1910) 8° 
Biography See E6 

NOLHAC Pierre de 1859-1936 

N107 Petrarch and the ancient world (Boston 1907) 8* 

NOLLET Jean Antoine 1700-70 
N108 Essai sur l’electricite des corps. Paris 1746. 8° 

N109 Lettres sur l’electricit^, nouv. 6d. Paris 1764. 2 v. 
in 1. 12° 

N110 Recherches sur les causes particulieres des ph£- 
nom£nes 61ectriques, 3. 6d. Paris 1753. 12 # 

Nlll Saggio intorno aU’elettriciti de’ corpi. Aggiuntevi 
alcune esperienze ed osservazioni, W. Watson. Venice 
1747. 8* 

NORDENMARK Nils 1867- 

N112 Pehr Wilhelm Wargentin. Uppsala 1939. 8* 

N113 The history of biology, tr. L. B. Eyre. New York 
1929. 8* 

NORRIS George Washington 1808-75 
N114 The early history of medicine in Philadelphia. 
Philadelphia 1886. 4° 

NORTH Elisha 1771-1843 

N115 A treatise on a malignant epidemic commonly 
called spotted fever. New York 1811. 8° 

NORTH Samuel 

N116 The family physician and guide to health. Water¬ 
loo N.Y. 1830. 12* 

NORTHCOTE James 1746-1831 

N117 The life of Titian. London 1830. 2 v. 8° 

NORTHCOTE William d. 1783? See S488 

NORTHROP Filmer Stuart Cuckow 

N118 The history of modern physics. Repr. Yale J . 
Biol. Med. 1938, 10: 209-32 



N119 Dedication of the Montgomery Ward memorial 
building (Chicago °1929) 8° 

NORTON Thomas fl. 1477 

N120 The ordinall of alchimy, from Theatrum chemi- 
cum britannicum by E. Ashmole. Baltimore 1929. 8° 

NOSTRADAMUS Michel See Notredame M. de 

N121 Notices analytiques des principaux ouvrages du 
Docteur Pedro Francisco da Costa Alvarenga. Lisbon 
1872. 8° 


N122 Noticia sobre a estatistica dos hospitaes de S. Jos6, 
S. Lazaro e Desterro no anno de 1865, direc^ao do P. F. 
da Costa Alvarenga. Lisbon 1868. 8° With N121 
N123 Noticia sobre os apontamentos acerca das ecto- 
cardias descripta a trochocardia, P. F. da Costa Al¬ 
varenga. Lisbon 1866. 8° With N121 


N124 Noticias Acerca do relatorio sobre a epidemia de 
cholera-morbus, P. F. da Costa Alvarenga. Lisbon 
1858. 8* With N121 

N125 Noticias analyticas do estudo sobre as perforates 
cardiacas, R. F. da Costa Alvarenga. Lisbon 1870. 8" 
With N121 


N126 Notitia utraque cum orientis turn occidentis (ed. 
S. Gelen) Basel (H. Froben & N. Episcopius) 1552. fol. 

NOTREDAME Michel de 1503-66 
N127 The true prophecies, tr. T. Garenci^res. London 
1672. fol. LC 
N128 —1685. fol. 

N129 Zwey Bucher, tr. J. Martius (Augsburg M. Man¬ 
ger) 1589. 8° BMC 

NOUY Pierre Lecomte du See Lecomte du NoOy P. 

NOVICOMENSIS Amoldus See Arnaldo de Vi /- 

NOYES Alfred 1880- 

N130 The torch-bearers. Edinburgh 1925-30. 3 v. 8° 
v. 1, 4th impr. 1926 

NOYES Winthrop Sargent Gilman 1869- 
N131 On the other side of the world, n.p. 1930. 8* 

NUCK Anton 1650-92 

N132 Adenographia curiosa et uteri foeminei anatome 
nova. Leyden 1691. 8* SG 

N133 Operationes & experimenta chirurgica, ed. J. 
Tiling. Leyden 1692. 8° 2d copy with N132 SG 

NUYENS Bernard Willem Theodoor 

N134 Het ontleedkundig onderwijs en de geschilderde 
anatomische lessen van het chirurgijns gilde te Amster¬ 
dam. Amsterdam [1928] 8° 2 copies 
N135 Kerk en wetenschap in Vesalius* dagen. Ned. 
Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 1: 364-66 With R156 

NYSTROM Gunnar 1877- 

N136 Fran en studieresa i Amerika. Repr. Soenska 
Ldkartidn. 1905, 3: 545-61. In A165a 
N137 — II. Repr. Soenska Ldkartidn. 1906. In A165a 

[ 143 ] 


01 - 036 



01 O. Henry memorial award prize stories, 1935. Garden 
City 1935. 8° 

OBEL Matthias de 1* See L’Obel M. de 
OCIORUS Tarquinius See Schnellenberg T. 
ODDI Marco degli 1526-91 

02 De componendis medicamentis. Padua P. Megietti 
1583. 4° BMC With A211 

ODIER Louis 1748-1817 

03 M6moire sur l’inoculation de la vaccine a Geneve. 
Geneva [1801] 8° 

ODY Francois 

04 Au temps des cannibales. Geneva 1939. 8° 

(ECOLAMPADIUS Joannes 1482-1531 
05 Dragmata graecae literaturae (Basel A. Cratander & 
S. Cruft 1518) 8° 

0RSTED Hans Christian 1777-1851 
06 The discovery of electromagnetism made in the year 
1820. Copenhagen 1920. 4° 

07 Experimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in 
acum magneticam (Copenhagen 1820) 4° 

08 — In Neues J. Chem. Phys. 1820, 29: 275-81 
09 Neuere electro-magnetische Versuche. In Neues J. 

Chem. Phys. 1820, 29: 364-69 
010 Recherches sur I’identi t6 des forces chimiques et 
61ectriques, tr. M. de Serres. Paris 1813. 8° 


Oil L’oeuvre de Claude Bernard. Paris 1881. 8° 

012 L’oeuvre scientifique du docteur Antoine B6clere, 
livre jubilaire. Paris (1936) 4° 

OGEER the Dane See B121 

OGILVTE William Heneage 1887— 

013 Grains and scruples. Repr. Lancet 1936, 2: 283 etc. 

OGLE James Adey 1792-1857 

014 Oratio [Harveian oration] 1844. Oxford 1844. 4° 

OGLE John William 1824-1905 

015 The Harveian oration, 1880. London 1881. 8° 

OGLE William 1827-1912 See A245 

O’HARA John 1905- 

Old The doctor’s son. New York (1935) 8’ 

OHIO. Medical convention See Medical Conven¬ 
tion of Ohio 

OHIO. Third district medical society See Third 
District medical society of the state of Ohio 

OHLY Kurt 1892- 

017 Die Proctor-Haeblersche Methode und der Versuch 
ihrer Widerlegung. Berlin 1931. 8* 

OHM Georg Simon 1789-1854 

018 Die galvanische Kette. Berlin 1827. 8° 2 copies 

OLAI Benedictus See Benedictus Olai 

OLIN Charles Henry 1871- 

019 Phrenology. Philadelphia 1918. 16° 

OLIVARIUS Petrus Joannes 

020 De prophetia & spiritu prophetico. Basel (J. Opori- 
nus 1543) 4° BMC With T179 

OLIVER John Rathbone 1872-1943 
021 Foursquare. New York 1929. 8° 

022 Medicine from the standpoint of history. Repr. 

Int. Clin. 1927, 37 s. 2: 158-70 etc. 

023 Priest or pagan. New York 1933. 8° 

OLIVER William 1659-1716 

024 A practical dissertation on Bath waters. A relation 
of a very extraordinary sleeper. London 1707. 8° BO 

025 A relation of a very extraordinary sleeper at Tins- 
bury. London 1707. 8° BMC 

OLIVER William 1695-1764 

026 A practical essay on the use and abuse of warm 
bathing in gouty cases, 2d ed. Bath 1753. 8° 2 copies. 
BO 3524 


027 M6decine et sant6 dans le pays de Vaud 1675-1798. 
Lausanne 1939. 2 v. 8° 

OLLIVIER Charles Prosper 1796-1845 See B225 

OLMEDILLA Y PUIG Joaquin 1843-1912? 

028 Andres Vesalio. Repr. Rev. Med. drug, prdct. 1913, 

OLMSTED Frederic Law 1822-1903 comp. 

029 Hospital transports. Boston 1863. 8° 

OLSCHKI booksellers Florence 

030 Incunabula medica [Florence 1923?] 8° 

031 I primi cinquanta anni di attiviti della Libreria 
antiquaria. Florence 1936. 8° 


032 Onchocerciasis, with special reference to the Cen¬ 
tral American form of the disease. Cambridge Mass. 
1934. 8*. 


033 The one hundredth anniversary of the Army medi¬ 
cal library. Washington 1936. 8° 

ONELLI Clemente 1864- See J21 


034 Onori funebri renduti a Domenico Cotugno. Naples 
1824. 8° 

OPIZIUS JOCOSERIUS pseud. See Zaunschliffer 
O. P. 

OPORINUS Johannes 1507-68 Biography See 

OPPENHEIMER Heinrich 1870-1933 
035 Medical and allied topics in Latin poetry. London 
1928. 8° 

See also H546 

OPPENHEIMER Jane Marion 1911- 
036 Guillaume Rondelet. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1936. 4: 

[ 144 ] 

037 - 088 


037 Historical introduction to the study of teleostean 
development. Osiris 1936, 2: 124-48 


038 Opuscoli scelti sulle scienze e sulle arti, v. 15, 19. 
Milan 1792-96. 2 v. 4° Contain articles by Galvani & 


039 Opuscula selecta neerlandicorum de arte medica, 
v. 1, 3, 8, 9, 15. Amsterdam 1907-39. 8° 

ORANDUS Eirenaeus See F179 

ORCUTT William Dana 1870- 

040 In quest of the perfect book. Boston 1926. 8° 

041 The kingdom of books. Boston 1927. 8° 
ORDRONAUX John 1830-1908 See R75 
ORFORD Horace Walpole earl of See Walpole H. 
ORFORD Robert Walpole earl of See Walpole R. 

042 Commentaria in Aphorismos Hippocratis hactenus 
non visa, ed. J. Guenther. Paris S. de Colines 1533. 8° 

043 Synopseos ad Eustathium filium libri novem, tr. 
G. B. Rasario. Venice (P. Manutius 1554) 8° SG 
See also G14; G42; H326 


044 The original Bodleian copy of the first folio of 
Shakespeare. Oxford 1905. fol. 

ORLIAC Jehanne d ’ 

045 The moon mistress, Diane de Poitiers, tr. F. M. 
Atkinson. London 1931. 8° 

ORMEROD Joseph Ardeme 1848-1925 
046 On heredity in relation to disease. The Harveian 
oration, 1908. London 1908. 8* 

ORTA Garcia de 16th cent. 

047 Aromatum et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum 
apud Indos nascentium historia, tr. C. de L’licluse. 
Antwerp C. Plantin 1567. 8° SG 
048 — 1574. 8° SG With M445 
See also LI 14 

ORTOLFF von Bayerland 15th cent . 

049 Das Frauenbiichlein gedruckt vor 1500, ed. G. 
Klein. Munich 1910. 8° facsim. 

OSANNEmil 1787-1842 ed. 

050 Medicinisch-chirurgische Abhandlungen der medi- 
cinisch-chirurgischen Gesellschaft zu London. Berlin 
1811. 8* 

OSBORN Henry Fairfield 1857-1935 
051 Huxley and education. New York 1910. 8 

OSBORNE Lucy Eugenia See IV207 

OSBORNE Marian (Francis) 1871-1931 
052 Poems. London 1914. 8° William Osier p. 63 

OSEEN Carl Wilhelm 1879- 

053 Johan Carl Wilcke. Uppsala 1939. 8° 

OSLER Edward 1798-1863 

054 The education of the people. London 1839. 8° 

OSLER Ellen Free Pickton 1806-1907 Biography 

See R57 

OSLER Featherstone Lake 1805-95 Biography 

See R57 

OSLER Sir William hart. 1849-1919 
055 [Address] In Bull. Harv. med. Alumni Ass. 1894, 
no. 7: 39-43 

056 An address on the hospital unit in university work. 

Repr. Lancet 1911, 1: 211-13 
057 Aequanimitas. Philadelphia 1904. 8 
058 — 2ded. 1906. 8° 

059 An Alabama student. New York 1908. 8 
060 Alfred Still6. Repr. Univ. Pa. med. Bull. 1902, 15: 

061 Annual oration on the campaign against syphilis. 

Repr. Lancet 1917, 1: 787-92 
062 The anti-venereal campaign. London 1917. 8° With 

063 Bibliotheca Osleriana, ed. W. W. Francis, R. H. Hill 
& A. Malloch. Oxford 1929. 4° 

064 Burton’s Anatomy of melancholy. Yale Rev. 1914, 
3: 251-71 

065 Chauvinism in medicine. Baltimore (1902) 8 
066 A concise history of medicine. Baltimore (°1919) 12 
067 Counsels and ideals from the writings of W. Osier. 
Boston 1905. 8° 

068 — 2d ed. London 1921. 8* 

069 The evolution of modern medicine. New Haven 
1921. 8° 

070 Fracastorius. Repr. Proc. Charaka Cl. 1906, 2: 5-20 
071 The growth of truth, Harveian oration 1906. Lon¬ 
don 1906. 8° 2 copies 

072 Incunabula medica [Oxford] 1923. 8° 2 copies 
073 In memoriam William Pepper. Repr. Philad. med. 
J. 1899, 3: 607-11 

074 Internal medicine as a vocation. Repr. Med. News 
N.Y. 1897, 71: 660-63 

075 Internal secretions, sporadic cretinism in America. 

Repr. Trans. Congr. Amer. Phys. Surg. 1897, 4: 169-206 
076 An introductory address on examinations, examin¬ 
ers and examinees. Repr. Lancet 1913, 2: 1047-50 
077 John Keats. Baltimore 1896. 8* 

078 The library school in the college. Aberdeen 1917. 8* 
079 The Lumleian lectures on angina pectoris. Repr. 

Lancet 1913, 1: 697-702 etc. 

080 Man’s redemption of man. London 1910. 16° 

081 — Amer. Mag. 1910, 71: 246-52 
082 — New York (1918) 16* 

083 The master-word in medicine. Baltimore 1903. 8* 
084 — Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1904, 15: 1-7 
085 Michael Servetus (Baltimore) 1909. 8° 

086 — German translation. Repr. Dtsch. Rev. 1909, 4: 

087 The nation and the tropics. Oxford (1909) 8° 3 vari¬ 
ant issues 

088 Old and new. Repr. Bull. med. chir. Fac. Md. 1909, 
1: 248-59 

[ 145 ] 


089 - 0137 

OSLER W. — continued 

089 The old humanities and the new science. London 
1919. 8° 2 copies 

090 —introd. H. Cushing. Boston 1920. 8* 

091 On the educational value of the medical society. 

Repr. Yale med. J. 1903, 9: 325-36 
092 On the library of a medical school. Repr. Bull. 

Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1907, 18: 109-11 
093 The principles and practice of medicine, 7th ed. 
New York 1909. 8 - 

094 — 8th ed. T. McCrae. New York 1912. 8* 

095 — 10th ed. 1925. 8° 

096 Religio medici. London 1906. 8* 

097 Remarks on the medical library in post-graduate 
work. Repr. Brit. med. J. 1909, 2: 925-28 
098 Robert Burton and the Anatomy of melancholy, ed. 

F. Madan. In Proc. Oxf. Bibliogr. Soc. 1925, 1: 163-90 
099 Robert Fletcher. Diseases bearing the names of 
saints, R. Fletcher. Bristol (1912) 8° 

0100 Science and immortality. Boston 1904. 8° 

O101 Science and war. Oxford 1915. 8° 

0102 Some aspects of American bibliography. Baltimore 
(1902) 8° 

0103 Specialism in the general hospital. Repr. Amer. J . 
Insan. 1913, 69: 845-55 

0104 The student life and other essays. London 
(1928) 8° 

0105 Thomas Linacre. Cambridge 1908. 8° 

0106 The treatment of disease. London 1909. 8° 

0107 Unity, peace and concord. Oxford [1905] 8° 

0108 A way of life. London 1913. 16° 

0109 — (Braille ed.) M. R. Martin. Norfolk Va. 1932. 
obi. 8° 

0110 What the public can do in the fight against tuber¬ 
culosis (Dublin) 1908. 8° 3 variant issues 
0111 William Beaumont. J. Amer. med. Ass. 1902, 39: 

0112 — Repr. J. Amer. med. Ass. 1902, 39: 1223-31 
0113 [Miscellaneous papers 1870-1906] 4 v. 8° 

See also B207; B492; C380; D174; D218; M51; M591; 

Bibliography See A2; B441 

0114 Canadian medical association journal. Memorial 
number July 1920. 8° 

0115 Maryland medical journal. Memorial number 
June 1905. 8° 

See also B77; 115; 116; R86; R226; S268; T43; V , p. 204 
OSLER family See R57 

0116 13, Norham gardens, Oxford [1928] obi. fol. photo¬ 

OSMAN Arthur Arnold See B673 

OSTERROHT Wilhelm 1873— 

0117 Ueber die specielle Abscessbehandlung nach Hein¬ 
rich von Mondeville. Berlin (1897) 8 # With P14 

OSTROGRADSKY Michel Auguste 1801-61 
0118 M6moire sur les d£placemens instantan£s. Repr. 
Mim. Acad. Sci. St-Pitersb. 1838, 6. s. 3: 565-600 With 

OSTWALD Wilhelm 1853-1932 
0119 Grosse Manner, 3. und 4. Aufl. Leipzig 1910. 8° 
0120 Individuality and immortality. Boston 1906. 8 # 
See also G236 

OTTS Elise C. 1818-1903 See H493; H496 
OTTOBodo 1711-87 Biography See G241 
OTTOW Benno Richard 1884- See B25 

OUTHWAITE Leonard 1892- 

0121 Unrolling the map. New York 1935. 4* 

OVERBROOK PRESS Riverbank Stamford Conn. 
0122 The types, borders, rules & devices. Stamford 
1934. 12° 


0123 Metamorphoses in 15 books (ed. S. Garth) London 
1717. fol. YU 

0124 — 2d ed. S. Garth. London 1720. 2 v. 8° YU 
OWEN Gilbert Roy 1877- 

0125 The famous case of Lady Anne Conway. Repr. 
Ann. med. Hist. 1937, n.s. 9: 567-71 

OWEN Sir Richard 1804-92 

0126 Antiquity of man. London 1884. 8° 

0127 Palaeontology. Edinburgh 1860. 8* 

See also H505; H512 

OXFORD. Local board of health 
0128 Memorials of the malignant cholera in Oxford, 
1832. Oxford 1835. 8° 

OXFORD. University 

0129 The Oxford historical pageant June 27-July 3 
1907. Book of words. Oxford 1907. 4° 

OXFORD. University. Bodleian library 
0130 A catalogue of the Shakespeare exhibition. Oxford 
1916. 4* 99 p. 

0131 — 1916. 8’ 72 p. 

0132 Trecentale Bodleianum. Oxford 1913. 8° 2 copies 


0133 Oxford; special number Feb. 1937. Oxford [1937] 4* 
0134 The Oxford dictionary 1884-1928. In Period. 
1928, 13 no. 143 


0135 Some account 1468-1921 (2d impr.) Oxford 
1922. 8° 

0136 — 1468-1926 (2d ed.) 1926. 8° 2 copies 

OXFORD AND ASQUITH Herbert Henry Asquith 

earl of 1852-1928 

0137 The war, 5th ed. London (1914) 8° 

[ 146 ] 

PI - P38 



P., J. See LlOa 
P., N. D. B. See S184 
P., R. See Pemel R. 

P*** J. L. H. See Peisse L. 

P. F. See Fletcher P. 

P. H. See Holland P. 

PAAW Pieter See Pauw P. 

PACCHIONI Antonio 1665-1726 
PI Dissertationes physico-anatomicae de dura meninge 
humana. Rome 1721. 8° SG 
P2 Opera, ed. 4. Rome 1741. 4* GHL 
PACCIOLI Luca </. 1514? 

P3 Divina proportione, ed. A. Capella (Venice) P. Pa¬ 
ganini (1509) fol. LC 

PACIAUDI Paolo Maria 1710-85 
P4 De sacris Christianorum balneis. Rome 1758. 4° 

PACKARD Francis Randolph 1870- 
Pi The author of “Rab and his friends,” Dr. John 
Brown of Edinburgh. Repr. Med. Libr. hist. J. 1903, 1: 

P6 Guy Patin. London (1924) 8° 

P7 Harvey and the tercentenary celebration of “De 
motu cordis et sanguinis hominis” by the Royal college 
of physicians. Bull. med. Libr. Ass. 1929, n.s. 18: 5-14. 
P8 The history of medicine in the United States. Phila¬ 
delphia 1901. 8° 

P9 Life and times of Ambroise Par6, 1510-1590. New 
York 1921. 8° 

P10 Some account of the Pennsylvania hospital. Phila¬ 
delphia 1938. 4° 

See also M51 

PACKE Christopher fl. 1711 See G287 
PADUA. Universita 

Pll Settimo centenario della university. Padua 1922. 

P12 La R. University di Padova e i suoi istituti scienti¬ 
fic. Padua 1900. 8° 

PAGEL Julius Leopold 1851-1912 
P13 Biographisches Lexikon hervorragender Arzte des 
19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 1901. 8° 

P14 Die chirurgische Hodegetik und Propadeutik des 
Heinrich von Mondeville. Berlin 1892. 8° 

P15 Die Entwickelung der Medicin in Berlin. Wies¬ 
baden 1897. 8° 

P16 Zeittafeln zur Geschichte der Medizin. Berlin 
1908. 8° 

See also M316; M450; S491 
PAGEL Walter 1898- See N32 

PAGET Sir George Edward 1809-92 
P17 The Harveian oration, 1866. Cambridge 1866. 8 
P18 Notice of an unpublished manuscript of Harvey. 
London 1850. 8* Typed copy of KeynesH 50 

PAGET Sir James bart. 1814-99 

P19 The Hunterian oration, 1877. London 1877. 8° 

P20 Lectures on surgical pathology. Philadelphia 
1854. 8* 

P21 Memoirs and letters, ed. S. Paget, 5th impr. Lon¬ 
don 1901. 8° 

P22 Records of Harvey : in extracts from the journals of 
the Royal hospital of St. Bartholomew. London 1846 
[1886] 8° 

PAGET Stephen 1855-1926 

P23 Ambroise Par6 and his times, 1510-1590. New York 
1897. 8° 

P24 Confessio medici. London 1908. 8° 

P25 — New York 1908. 8° 

P26 — London 1909. 8° 2 copies 
P27 Experiments on animals, 3d ed. London 1906. 8° 
P28 For and against experiments on animals. New 
York 1912. 8° 

P29 I have reason to believe. London 1921. 8° 

P30 John Hunter, man of science and surgeon 1728-93. 
New York 1898. 8° 

P31 Sir Victor Horsley. London 1919. 8° 

P32 The young people. London 1906. 8° 

See also P21 

PAGL von LAMBACH Maximilian Biography See 

PAI TA-SHUN pseud. See Peterson F. 

PAILLARD Alexandre Louis Michel 1803-35 See 

PAINTER Theophilus Shickel 1889- 
P33 [Papers on chromosomes 1933-35] 8° 


P34 The motives of Nicholas Holtz, A. K. Laing jt. 
auth. New York (°1936) 8° 

PALAEMON Quintus Rhemnius Fannius fl. A.D. 48 

See C144; S190 

PALFYN Jean 1650-1730 

P35 Anatomie chirurgicale, nouv. 6d. B. Boudon. Ob¬ 
servations anatomiques & chirurgicales, F. Ruysch & 
P. Brisseau. Paris 1734. 8° SG 

PAL GRAVE Francis Turner 1824-97 See K13 

PALISSY Bernard 1510P-90 Biography See F258; 

PALMER Sir James Frederick 1806-71 See H504; 

PALMER John Williamson 1825-1906 
P36 The new and the old. New York 1859. 8’ 

P37 Viator: a poem. London 1854. 8° 

PANCOAST Joseph 1805-82 

P38 A treatise on operative surgery. Philadelphia 
1844. 4° 

[ 147 ] 


P39 - P93 

PANDER Christian Heinrich 1794-1865 
P39 Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hiihn- 
chens im Eye. Wurzburg 1817. 4° 

PANETH Fritz 1887- 

P40 Chemical exploration of the stratosphere. Repr. 

Nature Loud. 1937, 139: 180, 220 
P41 Uber eine alchemistische Handschrift des 14. 
Jahrhunderts. Leipzig 1929. 8° With S460 

PANSIER Pierre 1864- See C321 

PANTALEON Heinrich 1522-95 

P42 Teutscher Nation. Basel L. Ostein 1578. fol. 

PAPIN I Romolo See C158 

PARACELSUS 1493-1541 

P43 Aurora thesaurusque philosophorum. Monarchia 
physica, G. Dorn. Anatomia viva. Basel [T. Guarin] 
1577. 8° FergusonPar 70 

P44 Cheirurgia. Warhafftiger Beschreibunge der Wun- 
dartzney. Basel C. von Waldkirch 1585. fol. SG 
P45 Drey Bucher, Cologne 1564 (Leipzig 1928) 4" 

P46 La grande vraye et parfaicte chirurgie, tr. P. Has- 
sard. Antwerp. G. Silvius 1567. 8° 

P47 Der grossenn Wundartzney. Augsburg H. Steiner 
1536. fol. 

P48 —1537. fol. 

P49 The hermetic and alchemical writings, ed. A. E. 
Waite. London 1894. 2 v. 4° 

P50 His archidoxis, tr. J. Hester. London 1660. 8° 
FergusonPar 8 

P51 His aurora & treasure of the philosophers, tr. 
J. Hester. London 1659. 12° FergusonPar 108 

P52 A hundred and foureteene experiments and cures. 
Certaine works, B. G. Penot. Secrets, Johannes Isaaci. 
Spagericke antidotarie, J. Duchesne, tr. J. Hester. 
London V. Simmes 1596. 4° FergusonPar 86 

P53 The key of philosophic, tr. J. Hester. London 

R. Day 1580. 8° FergusonPar 12 

P54 Labyrinthus medicorum errantium (Nuremberg 
U. Neuber 1553) 4* BMC 

P55 Of the chymical transmutation of metals and min¬ 
erals. Philosophical and chymical experiments, R. Lull, 
tr. R. Turner. London 1657. 8° FergusonPar 6 
P56 Opus chyrurgicum, Wund und Artzney Buch, ed. 
A. von Bodenstein. Frankfort 1566 (S. Feyerabend & 

S. Hutter 1565) fol. FergusonPar 20 

P57 La petite chirurgie, ed. D. Du Vivier. Paris O. de 
Varennes 1623. 8* 

P58 La prognostication, tr. J. Chuzeville. Paris 1933. 8° 
See also B861; F1S1; S179 
Bibliography See F64; H279; S156 
Biography See L224; N40 


P59 Correspondence and papers 1889-1901. 8° 

PARE Ambroise 1510-90 

P60 Anatomie universelle du corps humain, I. Rostan 
de Binosque jt.auth. Paris J. Le Royer 1561. 8° Doe 11 

P61 Die Behandlung der Schusswunden (1545) tr. H. E. 

Sigerist. Leipzig 1923. 8° Doe 4 & 6 
P62 Briefve collection de l’administration anatomique. 

Paris G. Cavellat 1549. 8° Doe 9 
P63 — 1550. 8° Incomplete. Doe 10 
P64 Cinq livres de chirurgie. Paris A. Wechel 1572. 8° 
Doe 19 

P65 De chirurgie ende alle de opera, tr. C. Baten. 

Dordrecht J. Canin 1592. fol. Doe 58 
P66 — Rotterdam M. Bastiaensz widow 1636. fol. Doe 

P67 — Amsterdam 1649. fol. Doe 65 
P68 — 1655. fol. Doe 67 

P69 Deux livres de chirurgie. Paris A. Wechel 1573. 8° 
Doe 20 

P70 Discours a s^avoir, de la mumie, de la licorne, des 
v^nins, et de la peste. Paris G. Buon 1582. 4° Doe 24 
P71 Dix livres de la chirurgie. Paris J. Le Royer 1564. 

8° 2d copy lacks port. Doe 13 
P72 An explanation of the fashion and use of three and 
fifty instruments of chirurgery, tr. H. Crooke. London 
M. Sparke 1634. 8° 2 copies. Doe 75 With R43 
P73 La manure de traicter les playes. Paris J. de Brie 
widow 1551. 8° Printed on vellum. Doe 2 
P74 The method of curing wounds made by gun-shot, 
tr. W. Hamond. London I. Jaggard 1617. 4° Incom¬ 
plete. Doe 5 

P75 La m£thode curative des playes et fractures de la 
teste humaine. Paris J. Le Royer 1561. 8° 2d copy in¬ 
complete. Doe 12 

P76 La m£thode de traicter les playes. Paris V. Gaulthe- 
rot 1545. 8° Incomplete. Doe 1 
P77 Les oeuvres. Paris G. Buon 1575. fol. Doe 29 
P78 — 2. €d. 1579. fol. Doe 30 
P79 — 4. €d. 1585. fol. 2 copies. Doe 31 
P80 — 5. 6d. Paris G. Buon widow 1598. fol. Doe 32 
P81 — 6. 6d. Paris B. Mac6 1607. fol. Doe 34 
P82 — 7. ed. Paris N. Buon 1614. fol. Doe 35 
P83 — 8. ed. 1628. fol. Doe 37 

P84 — 9. 6d. Lyons C. Rigaud widow & C. Obert 1633. 
fol. Doe 38 

P85 — 10. 6d. Lyons 1641. fol. Doe 40 
P86 — 11. 6d. 1652. fol. Doe 42 variant 

P87 —ed. J. F. Malgaigne. Paris 1840-41. 3 v. 8* 
Doe 45 

P88 Opera, tr. J. Guillemeau. Paris J. Du Puys 1582. 
fol. t.-p. imperfect. Doe 46 

P89 Opera chirurgica, tr. J. Guillemeau. Frankfort 
J. Feyerabend 1594. fol. Doe 48 

P90 Responce aux calomnies [Paris? 1575 ?] 4* Photostat 
from BN copy. Doe 21 

P91 Selections from the works, ed. D. W. Singer. Lon¬ 
don 1924. 8° Doe 94 

P92 Een suuerlick tractaet. Antwerp J. Roelants (1547) 
8° Photostat from BUG copy. Doe 7 

P93 — 1556. 4° Photostat from UBC copy. Doe 8 

[ 148 ] 

P94 - P133 


P94 Traicfe de la peste. Paris A. Wechel 1568. 8° 2 cop¬ 
ies. Doe 14 

P95 — Paris G. Buon 1580. 8° Doe 15 

P96 Voyages et apologie. Discours de la licorne, 2. 6d. 

(Paris °1928) 8° See Doe 88: 3. 6d. 

P97 The workes, tr. T. Johnson. London T. Cotes & 
R. Young 1634. fol. Doe 51 

P98 —Three tractates, A. van den Spieghel. London 
1649. fol. Doe 52 
P99 — 1665. fol. Doe 53 
P100 — 1678. fol. Doe 54 

P101 Wundt Artzney, tr. P. Uffenbach. Frankfort Z. 
Palthenius 1601. fol. Doe 56 

P102 — Frankfort C. Rotell 1635. fol. Incomplete; sup¬ 
plied in photostat. Doe 57 
Bibliography See D209; D210 
Biography See D90; E94; F152; L175; M344; P9; 
P23; R171; T185; V45 

PARIS Johan von See Jean de Paris 

PARIS William Francklyn 1871- 
P103 Napoleon’s legion. New York 1927. 8° 

PARIS. Acad6mie de nfedecine See Academie de 
m6decine Paris 

PARIS. Academie royale de chirurgie See Academie 
Royale de chirurgie Paris 

PARIS. Academie royale des sciences See Academie 
Royale des sciences Paris 

PARIS. Bibliotheque nationale 

P104 Collection de chirurgiens grecs avec dessins at- 
tribu£s au Primatice. Paris [1908] 8* 

P105 Les plus belles reliures. Paris (1929) fol. 

PARIS. Universit6. Facult6 de nfedecine 
P106 Conferences historiques faites pendant 1865. 
Paris 1866. 8° 

PARISANO Emilio 1567-1643 See H144 
PARK Roswell 1852-1914 

P107 An epitome of the history of medicine. Philadel¬ 
phia 1898. 8° 

PARK Thomas 1759-1834 See G148; H103 
PARKER George 1853-1937 

P108 The early history of surgery in Great Britain. Lon¬ 
don 1920. 8* 

PARKER George Howard 1864- 
P109 The passage of sperms and of eggs through the 
oviducts in terrestrial vertebrates. Philos. Trans. 1931, 
B.s. 219: 381-419 

PI 10 The relation of smell, taste, and the common 
chemical sense in vertebrates. Philadelphia 1912. 4 

PARKER Peter 1804-88 

Pill Minutes of the annual meeting of the Medical 
missionary society in China. Canton 1850. 8 
P112 [Miscellaneous correspondence, pamphlets, etc.] 
See also L17 

PARKES Edmund Alexander 1819-76 

P113 The Harveian oration, 1876. London [1876] 8° 

PARKINS Dr. See C598-600 

PARKINS Leroy Edward 1889- 
P114 The Harvard medical school and its clinical op¬ 
portunities. Boston 1916. 8° 

PARKINSON J. W. K. See H506 

PARKINSON James 1755-1824 
Pi 15 The chemical pocket-book or memoranda chemica, 
from 2d London ed. The principal objections to the 
antiphlogistic system of chemistry, J. Woodhouse. 
Philadelphia 1802. 12* 

Pi 16 An essay on the shaking palsy, London 1817. 
(Chicago) n.d. 8° facsim. 

P117 The hospital pupil, 2d ed. London 1817. 8° 

See also H506 

PARKINSON John 1567-1650 
P118 Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, 1629. London 
1904. fol. facsim. 

PARKMAN George 1790-1849 See W90; W91 
PARKMAN Samuel 1816-54 

PI 19 The present tendency of investigation in medicine. 
Boston 1851. 8° 

PARRY Caleb Hillier 1755-1822 
P120 Cases of tetanus and rabies contagiosa. Bath 1814. 
8* 2 copies 

P121 An inquiry into the symptoms and causes of the 
syncope anginosa, commonly called angina pectoris. 
Bath 1799. 8* 

PARRY T. Wilson 

P122 The prehistoric trephined skulls of Great Britain. 
Proc. R. Soc. Med., Hist. Med. 1921, 14: 27-12 

PARSONS Charles Grandison 1807-64 
P123 Inside view of slavery. Boston 1855. 8* 

PARSONS Frederick Gymer 1863- 
P124 The history of St. Thomas’s hospital. London 
(1932-36) 3 v. 8* 

PARSONS Julia Stoddard 

P125 Scattered memories. Boston (°1938) 8° 

PARSONS Usher 1788-1868 

P126 A lecture on the connexion between the brain and 
stomach. Providence 1841. 8° 

PARTINGTON James Riddick 1886- 
P127 The discovery of bronze. Repr. Scientia , Bologna 
1936, 60: 197-204 

P128 Joan Baptista van Helmont. Repr. Ann. Sci. 1936, 
1: 359-84 

PARTLIZ Simeon von Spitzberg See C612 

PARTRIDGE John 1644-1715 
P129 Annus mirabilis, being an almanack for 1688. 
London [1688?] 8° 

P130 An astrological vade mecum. London 1679. 12* 

P131 Calendarium Judaicum or an almanack 1678. Lon¬ 
don 1678. 8° 

P132 Defectio geniturarum, proving the true old prin¬ 
ciples of astrology. London 1697. 4° BMC 
P133 Mene mene, tekel upharsin. London 1689. 4° 

[ 149 ] 


P134 - P173 

PARTRIDGE J. — continued 

P134 Merlinus liberates, being an almanack for 1708, 
1798, 1805. London [1708?-1805?] 3 v. 8° 

P135 Opus reformatum or a treatise of astrology. Lon¬ 
don 1693. 4° BMC 

PARTRIDGE Seth 1603-86 

P136 The description and use of an instrument called 
the double scale of proportion. London 1671. 8° BMC 

PASCAL Blaise 1623-62 

PI37 Traitez de l’equilibre des liqueurs, 2. 6d. Paris 
1664. 12° YU 
Biography See B407 


P138 De alea. Amsterdam 1642. 18° 

PASTEUR Louis 1822-95 

P139 Etudes sur la bi£re. Paris 1876. 8° 

P140 Etudes sur la maladie des vers £ soie. Paris 1870. 
2 v. 8° 

P141 Etudes sur le vin. Paris 1866. 8° 

P142 Examen critique d’un 6crit posthume de Claude 
Bernard sur la fermentation. Paris 1879. 8° 


P143 LTllustration. Centenaire de Pasteur. 1922, 80: 
622-42. 2 copies 
See also G79; 114; V8-12 

PASTEUR INSTITUTE See Institut Pasteur 

PATCH Howard Rollin 1889- 

P144 The tradition of Boethius. New York 1935. 8° 

PATERSON Robert 1814-89 

P145 Memorials of the life of James Syme. Edinburgh 
1874. 8° 

PATIN Guy 1601-72 

P146 L’esprit de Guy Pa tin, ed. [A. Lancelot] Amster¬ 
dam 1709. 8° BN 

Biography See C445; L72; P6; P264 

PATTEN Nathan van See Van Patten N. 

PATTERSON David Nelson 1854-1908 
P147 Reminiscences of the early physicians of Lowell 
and vicinity. In Old residents’ historical association of 
Lowell. Contributions 1883, 2: 329-448 
PATTERSON Robert 1743-1824 See W88 

PATTERSON Thomas Stewart 1872— 

P148 Jean B6guin and his ‘Tyrocinium chymicum.’ 

Repr. Ann. Sci. 1937, 2: 243-98 
P149 John Mayow in contemporary setting. Repr. Isis 
1931, 15: 47-96 etc. 

PAUL See H224 

PAUL Benjamin Horatio b. 1828 See H493 
PAUL Cedar See F358; S240 
PAUL Eden 1865- See F358; S240 

PAULI James 

PI50 Upsala i tolv bilder [Uppsala 1926?] fol. 

PAULLI Simon 1603-80 See Clll; C112 

PAULMIER Claude Stephen le See Le Paulmier 
C. S. 

PAULMIER Julien le See Le Paulmier J. 

PAULSEN Friedrich 1846-1908 
P151 The German universities, tr. F. Thilly & W. W. 
Elwang. New York 1906. 8° 

PAULUS Aegineta 625-90 

P152 La chirurgie, tr. P. Tolet. Lyons E. Dolet 1540. 
8° BMC 

P153 — Paris A. & C. L’Angelier 1540. 8° SG 
P154 —Lyons E. Dolet 1542. 8° 

P155 De crisi & diebus decretoriis, tr. T. Linacre 
(Paris C. Wechel 1529) 8° BMC In T32 
P156 Opus de re medica, tr. J. Guenther. Cologne J. 
Soter 1534. fol. SG 

P157 Praecepta salubria, tr. G. Cop (Paris H. Estienne 
1512) 4° SG 

P158 The seven books, tr. F. Adams. London 1844-47. 
8° 3 v. 

PAULY Alphonse b. 1830 

P159 Bibliographic des sciences m6dicales. Paris 1872- 
74. 3 v. 8° 

PAUW Pieter 1564-1617 

P160 Observationes anatomicae selectiores, ed. T. 

Bartholin. Copenhagen [1656] 8° SG With B119 
P161 Primitiae anatomicae. De humani corporis ossi- 
bus. Leyden J. £ Colster 1615. 4° SG 
P162 — Amsterdam H. Laurensz 1633. 4° BMC 
P163 Succenturiatus anatomicus. In aliquot capita libri 
VIII. explicationes, A. C. Celsus. Leyden J. £ Colster 
1616. 4° GHL 
See also V105; V106 

PAUWELS-ZOON Jan 16th cent. See G197 

P164 Pavia e suoi istituti universitari. Pavia 1887. 8° 

PAVLOV Ivan Petrovich 1849-1936 
PI65 Lectures on conditioned reflexes, tr. W. A. H. 
Gantt & G. V. Fol'bort. New York (°1928) 8° 

P166 The work of the digestive glands, tr. W. H. 
Thompson. London 1902. 8° 

PAVLOV Mar'ya Ivan 

P167 [On the structure of the circulatory and sympa¬ 
thetic nervous system of insects. Warsaw 1895] 4° Rus¬ 
sian. BMNH 

PAVY Frederick William 1829-1911 

P168 The Harveian oration, 1886. London [1886] 8° 

PAYNE Joseph Frank 1840-1910 
P169 Arnold de Villa Nova on the therapeutic use of 
human blood. Repr. Janus 1903, 8: 432-35, 477-83 

P170 Catalogue of his collection of early medical works 
[London 1911] 8° 2 copies 

P171 English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times. Ox¬ 
ford 1904. 8° 

P172 Harvey and Galen. The Harveian oration, 1896. 
London 1897. 8° 

P173 History of the College club of the Royal college of 
physicians. London 1909. 4° 2 copies 

[ 150 ] 

P174 - P212 


P174 Notes to accompany a facsimile reproduction of 
the diploma granted by the University of Padua to 
William Harvey, 1602, London 1908. 8° facsim. & notes 
P175 On an unpublished English anatomical treatise of 
the 14th century. Repr. Brit. med. J. 1896, 1: 200-3. 
With P177 

P176 On some old physicians of St. Thomas’s hospital 
[London 1898] 8° 

P177 Plagues ancient and modern. London 1889. 8° 
P178 Thomas Sydenham. London 1900. 8° 2 copies 
See also G16; M441 

PAYNEL Thomas ft. 1528-68 See H544; R80 


P179 A comparative statement of facts and observa¬ 
tions relative to the cow pox, 2d ed. London 1801. 4° 
With J42 

PEABODY Francis Greenwood 1847-1936 
P180 The privileges of old age [Cambridge Mass.] 1931. 
12 ° 

PEABODY Francis Weld 1881-1927 

P181 The care of the patient. Cambridge Mass. 1927. 8° 

PEACHEY George Charles 1862- 

P182 John Heaviside, surgeon. London 1931. 8° 

P183 A memoir of William & John Hunter. Plymouth 
1924. 8° 

PEARL See M409 
PEARSON George 1751-1828 

P184 Untersuchung liber die Geschichte der Kuh- 
pocken, tr. J. F. Kiittlinger. Nuremberg 1800. 8° 2 
copies. SG 

PEARSON Hesketh 1889- 

P185 Doctor Darwin. London (1930) 8° 

PEARSON Karl 1857-1936 

P186 King Robert the Bruce 1274-1329, his skull and 
portraiture [Cambridge 1924] 4“ 

PEATTIE Donald Culross 1898- 
P187 Green laurels. New York 1936. 8° 

P188 Singing in the wilderness, a salute to John James 
Audubon. New York 1935(1936) 8° 

PECHEY John 1655-1716 See C360 

PECKHAM John abp. of Canterbury d. 1292 
P189 Perspectiva communis (Venice G. B. Sessa 1504) 
fol. BMC 

P190 — ed. G. Hartmann. Nuremberg J. Petreius 1542. 
4° Pogg 

PECQUET Jean 1622-74 

P191 Experimenta nova anatomica. Harderwijk 1651. 
12° BO 3639 With S429 

P192 — 2. ed. De thoracicis lacteis, J. Riolan. Paris 
1654. 4° BMC 

P193 New anatomical experiments. An anatomical his¬ 
toric, T. Bartholin. London 1653. 12° SG 

PEDDIE Alexander 1810-1907 
P194 On the mammary secretion. Edinburgh 1848. 8° 
P195 Recollections of Dr. John Brown. Edinburgh 
1894. 8° 

PEDDIE Robert Alexander 1869- 
P196 Conspectus incunabulorum. London 1910-14. 2 
v. 8° 

P197 Place names in imprints. London 1932. 8° 

PEDEMONTANUS Alexis See Alexis Pedemon - 
tanus pseud . 

PEIRESC Nicolas Claude Fabri de 1580-1637 Bi¬ 
ography See R114 

PEISSE Louis 1803-80 

P198 La m6decine et les medecins. Paris 1857. 2 v. 8° 
P199 Sketches of the character and writings of eminent 
living surgeons and physicians of Paris, tr. E. Bartlett. 
Boston 1831. 8° 

PELLETIER Jean le See Le Pelletier J. 
PELSENEER Jean 1903- 

P200 Gilbert, Bacon, Galilee, Kapler, Harvey et Des¬ 
cartes. Repr. Isis 1932, 17: 171-208. With S81 

PELTZER Rudolf Arthur 

P201 Der Kistler und Bildhauer Paul Reichel, der 
Meister des “Totlein.” Das Schwabische Museum , 1930: 

PEMEL Robert ft. 1650 

P202 De morbis capitis. London 1650. 8° SG 

PENA Petrus 

P203 Stirpium adversaria nova, M. de L’Obel jt.auth. 
London 1570 (T. Purfoot 1571) fol. BO 3640 

PENADA Jacopo 1748-1828 

P204 Riflessi sull’innesto della vaccina [Padua 1801 ?] 8* 

PENN Granville 1761-1844 

P205 Conversations on geology. London 1840. 12° 

PENN William 1644-1718 Biography See A114 

P206 Dedication of the laboratories of pathology, physi¬ 
ology and pharmacology June 10 1904 (Philadelphia 
1904) 12° 

PENOT Bernard George See FI51; P52 
PEPPER William 1843-98 Biography See 073 
PEPPER William 1874- 

P207 The medical side of Benjamin Franklin. Philadel¬ 
phia 1911. 8° 

PEPYS Samuel 1633-1703 Biography See P377 

PERCIVAL James Gates 1795-1856 Biography 
See T83; W43 

PERCIVAL Thomas 1740-1804 
P208 Essays medical and experimental. London 1767— 
73. 2 v. 8° SG 
P209 — 2ded. 1772. 8° 

P210 Medical ethics. Manchester 1803. 8° 

P211 — ed. C. D. Leake. Baltimore 1927. 8° 

P212 Philosophical, medical and experimental essays. 
London 1776. 8° SG 

PEREGRINUS Petrus See Petrus Peregrinus 
PEREIRA G6mez Biography See N42 
PERISAULUS See Faustinus Tradocius Perisaulus 



P213 - P249 

PERITZ Georg 1870- 

P213 Nervensystem und innere Sekretion. Repr. K. Op- 
penheimer. Handbuch der Biochemie, Supp., 1913: 

PERKINS Benjamin Douglas 1774-1810 
P214 The influence of metallic tractors on the human 
body. London 1798. 8° SG 

PERKINS Charles Elliott 1840-1907 See H207 
PERKINS Elijah 1767-1806 

P215 An inaugural dissertation on universal dropsy 
[Philadelphia] 1791. 8° SG 

PERKINS Francis 

P216 A new almanack and prognostication 1678. Lon¬ 
don 1678. 8 

PERLACH Andreas 

P217 Ephemerides 1529 (Vienna H. Vietor) [1528?] 4° 

PEROTTI Niccold abp. of Siponto 1430-80 
P218 Cornucopiae (Strasbourg J. Pruss 1506) fol. 

PERRETT W. See E26; L354 
PERRIN Jean Baptiste 1870- 

P219 Sur les preuves de la r£alit£ mol£culaire. Paris 
1912. 8° 

PERRY Bliss 1860- 

P220 And gladly teach; reminiscences. Boston (®1935) 8 # 
P221 Life and letters of Henry Lee Higginson. Boston 
(°1921) 8° 

PERRY Marsden Jasiel 1850-1935 
P222 A chronological list of the books printed at the 
Kelmscott press (Boston 1928) 8* 

PERRY Thomas Sergeant 1845-1928 
P223 Selections from the letters, ed. E. A. Robinson. 
New York 1929. 8* 

Biography See M530 


P224 Persio, tr. in verso F. Stelluti. Rome G. Mascardi 
1630. 4° BMC 

PETER Johanna See P226 
PETER Robert 1805-94 

P225 The history of the Medical department of Tran¬ 
sylvania university. Louisville 1905. fol. 

P226 Transylvania university, J. Peter jt.auth. Louis¬ 
ville 1896. 4° 


P227 [Peter Bent Brigham hospital. Collected papers of 
the Surgical staff 1932-33] 2 v. 8° cover-title 

PETERS Hugh 1598-1660 

P228 A word for the armie and two words to the king- 
dome. London 1647. 4° LC 

PETERSEN Christine Eleanor 1900- 
P229 The doctor in French drama 1700-75. New York 
1938. 8° 

PETERSON Frederick 1859-1938 
P230 Chinese lyrics (Shanghai 1916) 8' 

P231 In the shade of Ygdrasil. New York 1893. 8" 
PETIT-RADEL Philippe 1749-1815 See C505 

PETRAGLIA Franciscus See B335 

PETRARCA Francesco 1304-74 Biography See 

PETRIOLI Gaetano See B334 
PETRUS Aponensis See Pietro <T Abano 


P232 De magnete, ed. A. P. Gasser. Augsburg 1558. 4° 
BMC With T49 

P233 Epistle on the magnet, reproduced from a MS 
written about A.D. 1390. London 1900. 8° 

PETRUS Tussignanus See Pietro da Tossignano 

PETTIGREW James Bell 1834-1908 

P234 Animal locomotion, 2d ed. London 1874. 8 # 

PETTIGREW Thomas Joseph 1791-1865 
P235 Medical portrait gallery. London [1838-40] 4 v. 
in 2. 8° 

P236 Memoirs of the life and writings of the late John 
Coakley Lettsom. London 1817. 3 v. 8° 

P237 On superstitions of medicine and surgery. London 
1844. 8° 

See also H47 

PETTIS William See Pittis W. 

PETTY Sir William 1623-87 

P238 The discourse concerning the use of duplicate pro¬ 
portion. London 1674. 12° 2 copies. BO 3656 
P239 Political arithmetick. London 1690. 8° BMC 
P240 — 1691. 8° 2 copies. BO 3659 
PEUCER Kaspar 1525-1602 

P241 Elementa doctrinae de circulis coelestibus. Witten¬ 
berg H. Krafft 1553. 8° Pogg With S10 

PEURBACH Georg 1423-61 

P242 Tabulae eclypsium. Tabula primi mobilis, J. 

Mueller (Vienna J. Winterburger 1514) fol. MU 
P243 Theoricae novae planetarum, ed. E. Reinhold. 
Wittenberg H. Lufft 1553. 8° MU 
Biography See G157 

PEYRARD Francis 1760-1822 See A232 
PFAFF Christoph Heinrich 1773-1852 
P244 Uber thierische Elektricitat und Reizbarkeit. 
Leipzig 1795. 8° SG 

PFEFFEL Johann Andreas 1674-1750 See S123 

PFOLSPEUNDT Heinrich von 15th cent. 

P245 Buch der Bundth-Ertznei, ed. H. Haeser & A. T. 
Middeldorpf. Berlin 1868. 8° 


P246 Physicall and chymicall works, ed. J. A. Schenck 
[tr. N. Culpeper] London 1654. 8° BMC 

PHAER Thomas 1510P-60 

P247 The regiment of lyfe. London W. Howe n.d. 8° 
Lacks t.-p. BO 3669 

P248 — London E. Allde 1596. 4° SG 


P249 Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. This entry changed 
to R277a 

[ 152 ] 

P250 - P282 


P250 The pharmacopoeia of the United States of 
America, 1820. Boston 1820. 8° 

PHAYRE Thomas See Phaer T. 

PHILADELPHIA. Academy of medicine See Acad¬ 
emy of medicine of Philadelphia 

PHILADELPHIA. College of physicians See Col¬ 
lege of physicians of Philadelphia 

PHILADELPHIA. Commission to visit Canada for the 
investigation of the epidemic cholera. 

P251 Report. Philadelphia 1832. 8° 

PHILALETHES Eirenaeus Philoponus pseud. 

P252 Commentarius in epistolam G. Riplaei, tr. J. 

Lange. Leipzig 1685. 8° Ferguson 
P253 Enarratio methodica trium Gebri medicinarum 
[London] 1678. 8° BMC 

P254 Introitus apertus ad occlusum regis palatium. Jena 
1699. 8° 

P255 — ed. J. M. Faustius. Pantaleon delarvatus, J. J. 

Becher. Frankfort 1706. 8° Ferguson 
P256 Kern der alchymie, tr. J. Lange. Leipzig 1685. 8° 

P257 The marrow of alchemy. London 1654-55. 2 pts. 
in 1 v. 8° BMC 

P258 Ripley reviv’d. London 1677-78. 8° BMC 
P259 Secrets reveal’d. London 1669. 8° 2 copies. LC 
P260 Three tracts of the great medicine of philosophers. 
London 1694. 8° HU 
See also Starkey G. 

PHILALETHES Eugenius pseud. See Vaughan T. 
PHILALETHES Eugenius jun. pseud. See Sam- 
ber R. 


PHILLIPPS James Orchard Halliwell- See Halli- 
well-Phillipps J. O. 

PHILLIPS William 1775-1828 See C383 
PHILOCTETES Eyreneus pseud. 

P261 Philadelphia or Brotherly love to the studious in 
the hermetick art [London] 1694. 16° BMC 

PHRISIUS Laurentius See Fries L. 

PHYSICIAN of Maine See D216 
PHYSICK Philip Syng 1768-1837 Biography See 
B670; R23 


P262 Physick, a poem. London 1712. 4° 

PHYSICK for families See W36; W37 

P263 La physique d’uzage; contenant avec un discours 
g6n£ral sur la m6decine par Mr. Arberius. Puis Impli¬ 
cation des maladies tir£e de la philosophic de Mr. 
Descartes, par Mrs. Dorlix et V. F. Plemp [tr. de 
Rouvi^re] Paris 1664. 12° Lacks t.-p.; identification 
incomplete. SG 

PIC Pierre 

P264 Guy Patin. Paris 1911. 8° 

PICARD Jean 1620-82 
P265 Mesure de la terre. In A22 

PICHAULD Jean Nepomucene August count of 
Fortsas See C167; H482 

PICHERAL-DARDIER Mme. A. See Dardier A. 
PICHOT Amedee 1796-1877 

P266 The life and labours of Sir Charles Bell. London 
1860. 8° 

PICK Friedel 1867-1926 

P267 Joh. Jessenius de Magna Jessen. Leipzig 1926. 8° 
PICK Thomas Pickering 1841-1919 See G367a 

PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA Giovanni 1463-94 
P268 Omnia opera (Paris) J. Petit (1517) fol. MU 
See also K74 

PICTOR George b. 1500 

P269 Enchiridion oder ein seer nutzlich Handebiichlein. 
Miihlhausen P. Schmid 1563. 8° 

P270 Frauwenzimmer. Frankfort (P. Schmid) 1569. 8* 
With P269 

P271 Grien Buchlin. Muhlhausen J. Schirenbrand & 
P. Schmid (1557, tr. C. G. Cumston. London 1925) 24° 
facsim.; 2 copies 
See also M21 

PIDDINGTON Henry 1797-1858 
P272 The sailor’s horn-book for the law of storms. 
London 1848. 8° 

PIERPONT John 1785-1866 See E79 

PIERPONT MORGAN library New York 
P273 A review of the growth. New York 1930. 8* 

PIERRE Ferrant Saint- See Saint-Pierre F. 
PIETRO d' Abano 1250-1316 Biography See A96 
PIETRO da Tossignano See R129 
PIFTEAU Paul See G442 
PIGRAY Pierre 1532-1613 

P274 La chirurgie tant th£orique que pratique, 2. 6d. 
[Paris] P. Mettayer 1604. 8° 

P275 Epitome des pr£ceptes de m6decine et chirurgie, 
derniere 6d. Lyons 1666. 8° 

P276 Kort begrijp van de genees ende heel-konst, tr. 
P. van Nieu-stadt Rutgersz., 4. ed. H. van Roonhuyse. 
Amsterdam 1672. 4° BNed 

PILCHER Lewis Stephen 1845-1934 
P277 A list of books. Brooklyn 1918. 8° 

P278 Odium medicum and other addresses. Philadelphia 
(°1911) 8° 

See also P404 

PILES Roger de See Tortebat F. 

PILEUR Louis le See Le Pileur L. 

PINDER Ulrich 

P279 Compendium breve de bone valitudinis cura 
[Nuremberg? 1510] fol. With P281 

P280 Epiphanie medicorum. n.p. 1506. 4° SG 
P281 Speculum intellectuale [Nuremberg?] (1510) fol. 

P282 Speculum phlebothomye [Nuremberg? 1510] fol. 
With P281 

[ 153 ] 


P283 - P320 

PINDER U. — continued 

P283 Tractatus simplicium medicinamm [Nuremberg? 
1510] fol. In P282 

PINEAU Severin 1619 

P284 De integritatis et corruptionis virginum notis. 

Leyden 1641. 12° LC 
P285 —Amsterdam 1663. 12° SG 
PINEL Philippe 1745-1826 

P286 Trait6 m6dico-philosophique sur l’ali6nation men- 
tale ou la manie. Paris (1801) 8° 

P287 A treatise on insanity, tr. D. D. Davis. Sheffield 
1806. 8° 

PINELES Friedrich 1868- 

P288 Weiblicher Geschlechtsapparat und Nervensys- 
tem. Repr. L. v. Frankl-Hochwart. Die Erkrankungen 
des Weiblichen Genitales, 1913: 708-958 

PINI Ermenegildo 1739-1825 

P289 Di alcuni fossili singolari della Lombardia austri- 
aca. Milan 1790. 8° Pogg 

PIRCKHEIMER Wilibald 1470-1530 
P290 De podagrae laudibus. Strasbourg C. Milius heirs 
1570. 8° Includes poems by Lucianus and Ballista. 
BO 5302 With A27 

P291 Germaniae ex variis scriptoribus explicatio. Augs¬ 
burg H. Steiner 1530. 8° 

See also P416 

PISANUS Joannes Londinensis See Peckham J. 
PI-SUNER BAYO Jaime See B313 

PITCAIRNE Archibald 1652-1713 

P292 Selecta poemata, W. Scot, T. Kinkaid jt.auth. 

Edinburgh 1727. 12° BO 5305 
P293 The works. London 1715. BO 3683 

PITFIELD Robert Lucas 1870- 
P294 Thomas Holley Chivers. Ann. med. Hist. 1934, 
n.s. 6: 241-54. With G466 

PITT Robert 1653-1713 

P295 The craft and frauds of physick expos’d. London 
1702. 12° SG 

PITT William earl of Chatham 1708-78 Biography 
See W68 

PITTIS William 1674-1724 

P296 Dr. Radcliffe’s life and letters, 4th ed. Dublin 
1724. 8° SG 

PIUMATI Giovanni d. 1915 See L158 
PLACE Francis 1771-1854 

P297 Illustrations and proofs of the principle of popula¬ 
tion. London 1822. 8° 

PLACOTOMUS Joannes 1514-74 See H307 

P298 The plague no contagious disease. London 1744. 
8° SG With M250 

PLAN Pierre Paul 

P299 Bibliographic rabelaisienne. Paris 1904. 8° 

PLANCK Max 1858- 

P300 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. Leipzig 1894. 8° 

P301 Das Princip der Erhaltung der Energie. Leipzig 
1887. 8° 

P302 Uber den zweiten Hauptsatz der mechanischen 
Warmetheorie. Munich 1879. 8° 

P303 Ueber eine Verbesserung der Wien’schen Spectral- 
gleichung. In Verh. dtsch. phys. Ges. 1900: 202-4 
P304 Vorlesungen uber Thermodynamik. Leipzig 1897. 
8 ° 

See also K96 

PLANCO Jan See Bianchi S. G. 

PLANIS CAMPY David de -b. 1589 
P305 Discours de la phlebotomie. Paris J. P6rier & 
A. Buissart 1621. 8° SG With P306 
P306 La petite chirurgie chimique medicale. Paris 
J. P6rier & A. Buissart 1621. 8° GHL 
P307 Traict6 des playes faictes par les mousquetades. 

Paris N. Bourdin 1623. 8° Lacks t.-p. SG 
P308 La verolle recogneue, combatue et abbatue. Anti- 
dotaire venerien. Paris N. Bourdin 1623. 8° SG 

PLATEARIUS Matthaeus 12th cent. 

P309 Le livre des simples medecines, tr. P. Dorveaux. 
Paris 1913. 8° 

PLATTER Felix 1536-1614 

P310 De corporis humani structura et usu [Basel] 
A. Froben 1583. fol. F VI. D. 51; GHL 
P311 — Basel L. Konig 1603. fol. F VI. D. 51; SG 
P312 A golden practice of physick, R. W., A. Cole & 
N. Culpeper jt.auth. London 1662. fol. SG 
See also P313 

PLATTER Thomas 1499-1582 
P313 Thomas und Felix Platter, zur Sittengeschichte 
des XVI. Jahrhunderts, bearb. H. Boos. Leipzig 
1878. 8° 

PLAYFAIR John 1748-1819 

P314 Book review of Trait6 de m^chanique celeste par 
P. S. Laplace. Edinb. Rev. 1808, 11: 249-84 
P315 Explication sur La th6orie de la terre par Hutton. 
Examen comparatif des systemes g6ologiques, J. Mur¬ 
ray, tr. C. A. Basset. Paris 1815. 8° 

PLEAD WELL Frank Lester 1872- See D261 

PLEMP Vopiscus Fortunatus 1601-71 
P316 Verhandeling der spieren. Dordrecht 1645. 8° SG 
With B358 

See also C6; P263 

PLENCIZ Marcus Anton von 1705-86 
P317 Opera medico physica. Vienna 1762. 4 pts. in 1 
v. 8° 

PLENK Joseph Jacob Ritter v on 1738?—1807 
P318 Physiologie et pathologie des plantes, tr. P. Cha- 
nin. Paris 1802. 8° 

PLENKERS Heribert 1869- See T152 

P319 The historic of the world, tr. P. Holland. London 
A. Islip 1601. 2 v. in 1. fol. BO 313 
P320 — 1634. 2 v. in 1. fol . LC 
See also K116 

[ 154 ] 

P321 - P357 


PLOUCQUET Wilhelm Gottfried 1744-1814 
P321 Bibliotheca medico-practica et chirurgica realis 
recentior, v. 1-3. Tubingen 1799-1802. 4° 

P322 Literatura medica digesta. Tubingen 1808-09. 
4 v. 4° 


P323 The governaunce of good helthe, tr. D. Erasmus 
[London R. Wyer 1530?] 8° STC 20061 
P324 Plutarch’s lives of illustrious men, tr. J. Langhorne 
& W. Langhorne, new ed. London 1879. 2 v. 8° 

See also A125 

POCOCKE Edward 1648-1727 See II 

P325 Poems in English and Latin on the archers, and 
Royal-company of archers. Edinburgh 1726. 12° YU 
With P292 

POGGENDORFF Johann Christian 1796-1877 
P326 Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch. Leip¬ 
zig 1863. 2 v. 8° 

POGO Alexander 1893- 

P327 Early editions and translations of Xerez. Repr. 
Pap. Bibliogr. Soc. Amer. 1936, 30: 57-84 
See also G186 

POINCARE Henri 1854-1912 

P328 The value of science, tr. G. B. Halsted. New York 
1907. 8° 

POISSON Albert 1868-94 
P329 Nicolas Flamel. Paris 1893. 4° 

POITIERS Diane de duchesse de Valentinois 1499- 
1566 Biography See 045 

POL Nicolaus b. 1470? 

P330 Catalogue of medical works from his library. Lon¬ 
don 1929. 4° 

P331 De cura morbi gallici per lignum guaycanum 
[Venice G. Padovano & V. Ruffinelli] 1535. 8° SG With 

POLESWORTH Sir Humphry pseud. See Arbuth- 
not J. 

POLLARD Alfred William 1859- 

P332 Early illustrated books. London 1893. 8° 

P333 A short-title catalogue of books printed in Eng¬ 
land, Scotland & Ireland 1475-1640, G. R. Redgrave 
jt.comp. London 1926. 4° 

See also B138 
Bibliography See M587 

POLLOCK James Edward 1817-1910 

P334 The Harveian oration, 1889. London 1889. 8° 

POLLUX Julius 

P335 Vocabularium. Venice Aldi 1502. fol. Greek. GHL 
POMET Pierre 1658-99 

P336 A compleat history of druggs. London 1712. 2 v. 
in 1. 4° SG 

P337 Histoire g6nerale des drogues, nouv. 6d. Paris 
1735. 2 v. 4° SG 

POND Edward d. 1629 

P338 An almanack for 1688, 1708. Cambridge 1688— 
[1708?] 2 v. 8° 

PONTA Gioachino 

P339 11 trionfo della vaccinia: poema. Parma 1810. 8° 
PONTANUS Johann <7.1572 See F179 

POOL Eugene Hillhouse 1874- 
P340 Surgery at the New York hospital one hundred 
years ago, F. J. McGowan jt.auth. New York 1929. 8° 

POOR ROBIN pseud. 

P341 An almanack, 1688, 1708, 1805. London 1688- 
[1805?] 3 v. 8° 

POORE George Vivian 1843-1904 

P342 The Harveian oration, 1899. London 1899. 8° 

POPA Gr. T. 

P343 L’expansion des m61anophores, U. Fielding jt. 
auth. Repr. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 1933, 114: 1139-40. 
With A50 


P344 Actions de l’hypophyse. Jassy 1934. 4° With A50 
PORRALIUS Claudius See H351 
PORRAS Manuel de 

P345 Anatomia galenico-moderna, 2. impr. Madrid 
1733. 4° 

PORTA Giovanni Battista della 1536 ?—1615 
P346 De humana physiognomonia. n.p. n.d. 8° Lacks 
t.-p. With P350 

P347 Magiae naturalis libri IIII. Antwerp C. Plantin 
1560. 8° YU 

P348 —libri viginti. Frankfort A. Wechel heirs 1597. 
8° SG 

P349 Phytognomonica. Naples H. Salviani 1588. fol. 
P350 — Frankfort J. Wechel & P. Fischer 1591. 8° BMC 

PORTAL Antoine baron 1742-1832 
P351 Histoire de l’anatomie et de la chirurgie. Paris 
1770-73. 6 v. in 7. 8° BO 6373 

POST Alfred Charles 1806-86 
P352 Eulogy on the late Valentine Mott. New York 
1866. 8° 

POSTHIUS Johannes 1537-97 
P353 Parergorum poeticorum pars prima et altera 
[Heidelberg] H. Commelin 1595. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8° BMC 

POTT Percivall 1714-88 

P354 The chirurgical works, new ed. London 1783. 3 v. 
8° SG 

P355 Remarks on the disease commonly called a fistula 
in ano. London 1765. 8° GHL 

POTTER Alfred Claghom 1867- 
P356 Some early books on tobacco. In Harv. Libr. 
Notes 1936, 3: 101-18 

POTTER Nathaniel Bowditch 1869-1919 Biogra¬ 
phy See B643 

POTTLE Frederick Albert 1897- 
P357 Boswell and the girl from Botany Bay. New York 
1937. 8° 



P358 - P399 

POTTLE F. A. — continued 
P358 Stretchers. New Haven 1929. 8° 

See also T119 

POTTON Francois Ferdinand Ariste £.1810 See 

POUCHET Felix Archimede 1800-72 
P359 Generations spontanees. Iitat de la question en 
1860. Paris 1861. 8° 

P360 Nouvelles experiences sur la generation spontanee. 
Paris 1864. 8° 

P361 Theorie positive de l’ovulation spontanee. Paris 
1847. text 8° atlas 4° 

POWELL John Wesley 1834-1902 Biography 
P362 Washington academy of sciences. Proceedings 
July 18, 1903, 5: 99-187. 8° 

POWELL Richard 1767-1834 

P363 Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1808. London 1809. 4° 

POWELL Sir Richard Douglas hart. 1842-1925 
P364 The Harveian oration on advances in knowledge 
regarding the circulation since Harvey’s time, 1914. 
Repr. Lancet 1914, 2: 979-84 etc. 

POWER Sir D’Arcy 1855-1941 
P365 The beginnings of the literary renaissance of sur¬ 
gery in England. Proc. R. Soc. Med. f Hist. Med. 1928, 
22: 77-82. 2 copies 

P366 The birth of mankind: a bibliographical study 
London 1927. 4° 

P367 British masters of medicine. Baltimore 1936. 8° 
P368 Chronologia medica, C. J. S. Thompson jt.auth. 
London 1923. 8° 

P369 Dr. Walter Bayley and his works, 1529-92. Lon¬ 
don 1907. 8° 2 copies 

P370 Dr. William Harvey and St. Bartholomew’s hospi¬ 
tal. Repr. St Bart's Hosp. Rep. 1924, 57, pt. 2: 96-107 
P371 The education of a surgeon under Thomas Vicary. 
Bristol 1921. 8° 

P372 English medicine and surgery in the 14th century. 

Repr. Lancet 1914, 2: 176-83 
P373 Epoch-making books in British surgery. Repr. 

Brit. J. Surg. 1927-30, 15-17: v.p. 

P374 John Halle and 16th century consultations. Lon¬ 
don 1918. 8° 

P375 John Ward and his diary, pt. I. Repr. Trans, med. 
Soc. Lond. 1917, 40: 1-26 

P376 Medicine in the British Isles. New York 1930. 12° 
P377 Mr. Samuel Pepys. Kendal 1927. 8° 

P378 Notes on the bibliography of three 16th century 
English books connected with London hospitals. Repr. 
The Library 1921, 4. s. 2: 73-94 
P379 A revised chapter in the life of Dr. William Har¬ 
vey. London 1917. 8° 2 copies 
P380 St. Bartholomew’s hospital 1880-1930. Glasgow 
1932. 8° 

P381 Selected writings, 1877-1930. Oxford 1931. 8° 
P382 A short history of St. Bartholomew’s hospital 
1123-1923, H. J. Waring jt.auth. London 1923. 4° 
P383 Some bygone operations in surgery. Repr. Brit. J. 
Surg. 1930-31, 18-19: v.p. With P373 

P384 William Harvey. New York 1897. 8° 

See also A236; A237; S332 
POWER Henry 1829-1911 See N51 
POZZO Francesco dal See M158 

POZZO Paolo Toscanelli del See Toscanelli P. 
del P. 

PRANDTL Wilhelm 1878- 

P385 Die Bibliothek des Tycho Brahe. Vienna 1933. 8° 

PRAYER book See Church of England. Book of 
common prayer 


P386 Un bimestre in villeggiatura ovvero relazione 
storica e cronologica deH’Accademia delle scienze 
dell’Istituto di Bologna. Bologna 1870. 8° 

PREISSLER Johann Daniel 1666-1737? See Cl56 

P387 Galen’s view of the vascular system in relation to 
that of Harvey. Repr. Proc. R. Soc. Med. y Hist. Med. 
1928, 21: 79-87. 


P388 The present state of physick & surgery in London. 
London 1701. 4° SG 


P389 Impresiones quirurgicas del extranjero. Havana 
1928. 12° 

PREVOST Hippolyte 1808-73 See M70 
PREVOST Jean 1585-1631 See C611; C638 
PRICE Lucien 1883— 

P390 Hardscrabble Hellas, an Ohio academe. Hudson 
Ohio 1929. 12° 

PRIESTLEY Joseph 1733-1804 
P391 The doctrine of philosophical necessity. London 
1777. 8° BMC 

P392 Experiments and observations on different kinds 
of air, v. 1. London 1774. 8° BMC 
P393 — Birmingham 1790. 3 v. 8° BMC 
P394 The history and present state of discoveries relat¬ 
ing to vision, light, and colours. London 1772. 4° 

Biography See H429 

PRIMATICCIO Francesco 1504-70 See P104 
PRIMROSE James d. 1659 

P395 De vulgi erroribus in medicina. Rotterdam 1658. 
12° BO 3735 

P396 Exercitationes et animadversiones in librum De 
motu cordis. London W. Jones 1630. 4° BO 724 With 

See also H144 

PRINCE Charles Leeson 1821-99 See H312 

PRINGLE Sir John hart. 1707-82 
P397 A discourse on the different kinds of air. London 
1774. 4° YU 

P398 Observations on the diseases of the army, 6th ed. 
London 1768. 8° SG 

P399 — 1st American ed. B. Rush. Philadelphia 1810. 8° 


P400 - P433 


PRISCIANUS Theodorus 4th cent. 

P400 Rerum medicarum lib. quatuor, ed. H. von 
Neuenar. Albucasis chirurgicorum omnium primarii 
lib. tres. Strasbourg J. Schott 1532. fol. SG 
Biography See M339 

PRITZEL Georg August 1815-74 

P401 Iconum botanicarum index locupletissimus, 2. 

Ausg. Berlin 1866. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8° 

P402 Thesaurus literaturae botanicae. Leipzig 1872. 4° 

PROBST Jean Henri 

P403 Caractere et origine des id6es du bienheureux 
Raymond Lulle. Toulouse 1912. 8° 


P404 Proceedings and addresses at the reception and 
banquet in honor of Dr. Lewis Stephen Pilcher in cele¬ 
bration of fifty years as a doctor of medicine. Philadel¬ 
phia 1916. 8° 

PROCLUS Diadochus 

P405 La sphaire, tr. £. Vinet. Paris H. de Marnef & 
G. Cavellat 1573. 8° 

See also S432 

PROCTOR Robert George Collier 1868-1903 
P406 Bibliographical essays. London 1905. 8° 

PROFE Alice 1867- 

P407 Uber die bei operativer Behandlung von Hirn- 
tumoren auftretenden Hirnhernien. Stuttgart 1903. fol. 


P408 Professional anecdotes or ana of medical li terature. 
London 1825. 3 v. 12° 

PROPERTIUS Sextus Aurelius See Cl31 

P409 The prophetic physician, an heroi-comic poem. 
London 1737. fol. BO 5309 

PROSKAUER Bernard 1851-1915 
P410 Beitrage zur Bestimmung der schwefligen Saure in 
der Luft. Mitt. k. GesundhAmt. 1881, 7* 283-300. With 

PROSPER Aquitanus See A315 

PROTOSPATHARIUS Theophilus See Theophilus 

PROUT William 1785-1850 

P411 Correction of a mistake in the essay on the relation 
between the specific gravities of bodies. In Ann. Phil. 
1816, 7: 111-13. With P413 

P412 An inquiry into the nature and treatment of di¬ 
abetes, from 2d London ed. S. Colhoun. Philadelphia 
1826. 8° 

P413 On the relation between the specific gravities of 
bodies in their gaseous state and the weights of their 
atoms. In Ann. Phil. 1815, 6: 321-30 

PROVANCHERES Simeon de 1540 P-1617 
P414 La m6thode chirurgique. Sens J. Savine 1579. 12° 
With F97 
See also F97 

PROWE Leopold Friedrich 1821-87 
P415 Zur Biographie von Nicolaus Copernicus. Torun 
1853. 4° 

PSALMS See Bible. O. T. Psalms 
PSEUDO-APULEIUS See Apuleius Barbarus 


P416 Geographicae enarrationis libri octo, tr. W. Pirck- 
heimer, 2. ed. M. Serveto. Lyons H. de la Porte 1541. 
fol. BMC 

P417 Libri quatuor compositi Syro fratri. Nuremberg 
(J. Petreius) 1535. 4° Tetrabiblon; Greek & Latin ed. 
J. Camerarius. GHL 

P418 The quadripartite, tr. J. Whalley, 2d ed. London 
1786. 8° LC 
See also M314 

PUDER Sandor 

P419 Condition satisfactory. New York 1937. 8° 

PUNJER Bernhard 1850-85 

P420 De Michaelis Served doctrina. Jena 1876. 8° 

PUIG Joaquin Olmedilla y See Olmedilla Y 
Puig J. 

PULTENEY Richard 1730-1801 
P421 A general view of the writings of Linnaeus. Lon¬ 
don 1781. 8° BML 2607 

PUNDERSON Lemuel Swift See B70 
PURSH Frederick 1774-1820 

P422 Flora americae septentrionalis. London 1814. 
2 v. 8° 

PUSEY Edward Bouverie 1800-82 Biography See 

PUSEY Robert Burns 1836-89 Biography See 

PUSEY William Allen 1865-1940 
P423 A doctor of the 1870’s and 80’s. Springfield Ill. 
1932. 8° 

P424 Giants of medicine in pioneer Kentucky. New 
York [1938] 8° 

P425 The history of dermatology. Springfield Ill. 1933. 
8° 2 copies 

P426 The importance of being historically minded. 
Chicago 1927. 12° 

PUTNAM Herbert 1861- Biography See L202 

PUTNAM James Jackson 1846-1918 

P427 A memoir of Dr. James Jackson. Boston 1905. 8* 

PUTTI Vittorio 1880-1940 

P428 Anatomia della lussazione congenita dell’anca. 
Bologna 1935. fol. 

P429 Berengario da Carpi. Bologna 1937. 8° 

P430 Historic artificial limbs. New York 1930. 8* 

P431 Lomboartrite e sciatica vertebrale. Bologna 
1936. 8° 

P432 Nel quarto centenario della morte di Jacopo 
Berengario da Carpi. Bologna 1931. 8° 

PYE-SMITH Philip Henry 1840-1914 
P433 The Lumleian lectures on aetiology of disease. 
The Harveian oration, 1893. London 1895. 8° 

PYLANDER Georgius fl. 16th cent. See H343 
PYLANDRUS Georgius See Pylander G. 



Q1 - RIO 


QUAIN Sir Richard bart. 1816-98 
Q1 The healing art in its historic and prophetic aspects. 

The Harveian oration, 1885. London 1885. 8° 

QUARITCH Bernard 1819-99 ed. 

Q2 Contributions towards a dictionary of English book- 
collectors, pt. 13. London 1899. 8* 

QUARITCH booksellers London 

Q3 Mediaeval ornamental alphabets & numerals. Lon¬ 
don [192-?] 8° 

QUARLES Francis 1592-1644 See L29 
QUARRlD Guillaume 

§4 Myographia heroico versu explicata. Paris Author 
1638. 4° BMC With A280 


Q5 Quarterly cumulative index to current medical lit¬ 
erature, Chicago, v. 1-12, 1916-26. 8° 

§6 Quarterly cumulative index medicus, Chicago, v. 

1-26, 1927-39. 8° 


§7 The quatercentenary of Andreas Vesalius. Repr. 
Boston med. surg. J. 1914, 171: 995-1002. With A1S5 

QUERCETANUS Josephus See Duchesne J. 

QUfiRIAU Francois Guillaume 

§8 Examen du systeme de Newton. Paris 1766. 8° 

QUERVAIN Fritz de 1868-1940 
Q9 Der Berner Stadtarzt Fabricius Hildanus. Bern 
1934. 8° 

Q10 Chirurgisches und Nichtchirurgisches aus den 

Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Basel 1922. 8’ 
In A165a 
See also F15 

QUERVAIN Theodor de See FI5 

QUESNEVTLLE Georges b. 1846 
Sill De l’influence du mouvement sur la hauteur du son. 
Paris 1879. 4° 

QUETELET Lambert Adolphe Jacques 1796-1874 
Q12 Catalogue des principales apparitions d’etoiles 
filantes. Brussels 1839. 4° With C132 
Q13 Sur la longitude de l’observatoire royal. Brussels 
1839. 4’ With C132 

Q14 Sur l’6tat du magn6tisme terrestre. Brussels 1839. 
4° With C132 

QUILLET Claude 1602-61 

S115 Callipaediae or an art how to have handsome chil¬ 
dren. Paedotrophiae or the art of nursing and breeding 
up children, S. de Sainte-Marthe. London 1710. 8° 

Q16 La callip6die ou la manure d’avoir de beaux enfans. 
n.p. n.d. 8° Latin & French. With F290 

QUINCEY Thomas de See De Quincey T. 
QUINCY John d. 1722 

j£/7 Pharmacopoeia officinalis & extemporanea or a 
complete English dispensatory, 15th ed. London 
1782. 8° 

See also H372; S71 

QUIRICUS de Augustis See Augustis Q. de 


R., D. See Rouviere de 
R., M. L. See Roman M. L. 

R., R. See Ross R. 

R., W. See J116 
R., W. See Rand W. 

R. B. See Bostock R. 

R. P. See Pemel R. 

R. W. See P312 

RABELAIS Francois 1490P-1553? 

R1 Five books of the lives of Gargantua and his son 
Pantagruel, tr. T. Urquhart & P. A. Motteux. London 
1892. 2 v. fol. 

R2 Gargantua, ed. F. Bremond. Paris 1879. 8° 

R3 Tiers livre des faictz et dictz heroiques du noble 
Pantagruel. Lyons 1546. 8° BMC 
R4 The works, n.p. The Bibliophilist society n.d. 8* 

See also H339; H346 
Bibliography See P299 

Biography See F300; G327; LI 17; N103; S296; V29 


R5 Raccolta di poetiche composizioni in lode Luigi 
Galvani. Bologna 1792. 4° 

RADCLIFFE John 1650-1714 

R6 Practical dispensatory, by E. Strother, 4th ed. Lon¬ 
don 1721. 8’ SG 

R7 Praescripta oder Recepte, tr. M. C. Ludwig. Leipzig 
1721. 8° 

Biography See N85; P296 
RAD EL Philippe Petit- See Petit-Radel P. 
RADOT Rene Vallery- See Vallery-Radot R. 

RAFINESQUE Constantine Samuel 1783-1840 
R8 A life of travels and researches. Philadelphia 1836. 8° 
R9 Medical flora, or manual of the medical botany of 
the United States. Philadelphia 1828-30. 2 v. 8° 
Biography See C36 

RAHIR fidouard 1862-1924 

R10 La biblioth£que de 1’amateur, 2. 6d. Paris 1924. 8* 

[ 158 ] 

Rll -R41 


RALPH James 1705 ?-62 

Rll Miscellaneous poems, by several hands: S. Garth, 
etc. London 1729. 12’ BMC 

RAMAZZINI Bernardino 1633-1714 
R12 De morbis artificum diatriba. Modena 1700. 8° 
BO 3760 

Biography See D226; V169 
RAMfiE Pierre de la See La Ramee P. de 
RAMESEY William fl. 1660 

R13 Tractatus de venenis or a treatise of poysons. Lon¬ 
don 1661. 8* SG 

RAM6N Y CAJAL Santiago 1852-1934 
R14 Recollections of my life, tr. E. H. Craigie & J. Cano. 
Philadelphia 1937. 2 v. in 1. 8° 2d copy 2 v. 

See also G120 

RAMSAY David 1749-1815 

R15 The history of the American revolution. Dublin 
1793. 2 v. in 1. 8° LC 

R16 An oration delivered on the anniversary of Ameri¬ 
can independence, 1794. London 1795. 8° LC 

RAMSAY William fl. 1660 See Ramesey W. 

RAMSAY Sir William 1852-1916 

R17 Elements and electrons. London 1912. 12° 

R18 The life and letters of Joseph Black. London 
1918. 8* 

See also R38 

RAMSEY James Gettys McGready 1797-1884 
R19 The annals of Tennessee to the end of the 18th cen¬ 
tury. Charleston 1853. 8° 

RAMSEY William See Ramesey W. 

RAMSTROM Oskar Martin 1861-1930 
R20 Emanuel Swedenborg’s investigations in natural 
science (Uppsala) 1910. 8° 2 copies 

RAMUS Petrus See La Ramee P. de 
RANBY John 1703-73 

R21 A narrative of the last illness of the Earl of Orford. 
London 1745. 8° BMC 
See also S488 

RAND Benjamin 1856-1934 See L319; L320 
RAND Edward Kennard 1871- See B471 
RAND William See R169 

RANDOLPH George 1708P-64 
R22 An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bath¬ 
water. London 1752. 8° BMC With 026 

RANDOLPH Jacob 1796-1848 
R23 A memoir on the life and character of Philip Syng 
Physick. Philadelphia 1839. 8° 

RANG Karl Henry 1895- 

R24 Tinctura iodi decolorata [Madison Wis. 1925J 8° 

RANQUE Hugues Felix 1780-1847 
R25 Th^orie et pratique de l’inoculation de la vaccine. 
Paris 1801. 8’ 

RANSOHOFF Joseph 1853-1921 
R26 Under the northern lights and other stories. Cin¬ 
cinnati 1921. 8° 

RANSON Stephen Walter 1880- See F158 

RANTZAU Henrik 1526-98 See R79 
Biography See L237 


R27 Raphael’s prophetic almanac. London, v. 22-24, 
1842-44. 8° 


R28 Rapporto fatto [al] Istituto nazionale di Francia 
sopra le esperienze del sig. Volta. Florence 1802. 8° 

RASARIO Giovanni Battista 1517-78 See 043 

RASPAIL Francois Vincent 1794-1878 
R29 Description raisonee de la biblioth^que de Raspail. 
Paris 1880. 8 - 

RATDOLT Erhard 1447P-1527? Biography See 

RATH Erich von 1881- See S396 
RATHKE Heinrich 1793-1860 

R30 Anatomisch-philosophische Untersuchungen uber 
den Kiemenapparat. Riga 1832. 4° 

RAUBACH Albert 1871- 

R31 Uber die Wundtranke in der mittelalterlichen 
Chirurgie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Monde- 
ville’s. Berlin (1898) 8° With P14 

RAUCH Renate See L174 

RAVAISSON-MOLLIEN Charles b. 1840 See L159 
RAWITZKI Nathan 1872- 

R32 Uber accidentelle Wundkrankheiten nach Heinrich 
von Mondeville. Berlin 1897. 8° With P14 

RAWLEY William 1588 P-1667 See B15; B16 

RAY John 1627-1705 

R33 Catalogus plantarum angliae. London 1670. 8° BO 

R34 Miscellaneous discourses concerning the dissolution 
and changes of the world. London 1692. 8° 2 copies. 

R35 Philosophical letters. To which are added those of 
F. Willughby, ed. W. Derham. London 1718. 8° BO 979 
R36 Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et 
serpentini generis. London 1693. 8° BO 973 

RAYER Pierre Francois Olive 1793-1867 
R37 A theoretical and practical treatise on the diseases 
of the skin. London n.d. fol. plates only 

RAYLEIGH John William Strutt baron 1842-1919 
R38 Argon a new constituent of the atmosphere, 
W. Ramsay jt.auth. Washington 1896. fol. 

RAYLEIGH Robert John Strutt baron 1875- 
R39 The Becquerel rays and the properties of radium. 
London 1904. 8° 

R40 [Miscellaneous papers 1908-37] 8* 

RAYNALDE Thomas fl. 1540-51 See R205; R206 
RAZl See Rhazes 
READ Alexander d. 1641 

R41 Chirurgorum comes or the whole practice of chirur- 
gery. London 1687. 8° 2 copies. BO 3766 


R42 - R84 

READ A. — continued 

R42 A description of the body of man [London] W. Jag- 
gard 1616. 8° 2 copies. STC 20782 

London T. Cotes 1634. 8° 2d copy incomplete. 

R44 The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the 
body of man. London J. Haviland 1638. 12° STC 20784 
R45 — (3d ed.) London 1642. 12" SG 
R46 — 4th ed. 1650. 12° BMC 
R47 — 5th ed. 1655. 12° SG 
R48 —6th ed. 1658. 12" 

R49 The workes, 2d ed. London 1650. 4° SG 
R50 — 3d ed. 1659. 4” SG 
Biography See M294 

READ John fl. 1588 See A227 
READ John 18th cent. 

R51 A summary view of the spontaneous electricity of 
the earth and atmosphere. London 1793. 8° LC 

READE Charles 1814-84 

R52 The cloister and the hearth. Boston n.d. 2 v. 8° 
READE John 1837-1919 Biography See G227 

RECORDE Robert 1510?-58 
R53 The castle of knowledge (London R. Wolfe 1556) 
fol. BMC 

R54 The ground of arts, ed. J. Dee, J. Mellis & R. Hart¬ 
well. London T. Harper 1632. 8° STC 20809 

R55 The urinall of phisicke. London T. Dawson 1599. 
8° BMC 

R56 The whetstone of witte (London) J. Kingston 
(1557) 4" BMC 

Biography See J94 


R57 Records of the lives of Ellen Free Pickton and 
Featherstone Lake Osier (Oxford) 1915. 8° 

RED CROSS. Committee of Red Cross societies. 

Medical conference Cannes 1919 
R58 Proceedings. Geneva 1919. 4° 

RED CROSS. U. S. American national Red cross 
R59 Trench fever [Oxford] 1918. 8’ 

RED CROSS societies, League of See League of 
Red cross societies 

REDGRAVE Gilbert Richard b. 1844. See P333 
REDI Francesco 1626-97 

R60 De animalculis vivis, ed. P. Coste. Amsterdam 
1708. 12° SG 

R61 Epistola circa viperas [Amsterdam 1675] 12’ Is¬ 
sued with R64 

R62 Esperienze intorno alia generazione degl’insetti, 
lettera al C. Dati. Florence 1668. 4’ BO 3775 

R63 Experimenta circa generationem insectorum. Am¬ 
sterdam 1671. 12" SG 

R64 Experimenta circa res diversas naturales. Amster¬ 
dam 1675. 12° SG 

R65 Observationes circa illas guttulas & fila [Amsterdam 
1675] 12° In R61 

R66 Observationes de viperis [Amsterdam 1675] 12* 
Issued with R64 

R67 Osservazioni intorno agli animali viventi che si 
trovano negli animali viventi. Florence 1684. 4° BO 

See also B488; C181; S55 
REECE Richard 1775-1831 

R68 A correct statement of the last illness and death of 
Mrs. Southcott. London 1815. 8° With M202 

REED Charles Bert 1866- 

R69 Albrecht von Haller. Repr. Bull. Soc. med. Hist. y 
Chicago 1916, 1: 23-46. 2d copy with 1V63 

REED Walter 1851-1902 Biography See K35; 

REED William Bradford 1806-76 See R329 

REED William Howell £.1837 
R70 Hospital life in the Army of the Potomac. Boston 
1866. 8° 

REES George Owen 1813-89 

R71 The Harveian oration, 1869. London 1869. 8° 

REEVE Henry 1780-1814 

R72 Journal of a residence at Vienna and Berlin, ed. 
H. Reeve. London 1877. 8’ 

REEVE Henry 1813-95 See R72 

REEVE John Charles 1826-1920 See F205 


R73 Reflections suggested by the murders recently 
committed at Edinburgh. Glasgow 1829. 8° With 1V140 

REGGIO Nicolaus de See Nicolaus de Reggio 


R74 L’art de conserver sa sant6, tr. A. A. Bruzen de la 
Martini£re. Paris 1749. 12° ChH 

R75 Code of health, tr. J. Ordronaux. Philadelphia 
1870. 8° 

R76 De conservanda bona valetudine, ed. A. de Vil- 
lanova, J. Curio & J. Crellius. Frankfort C. Egenolff 
(1553) 8" ChH 
R77 — (1554) 8° MU 

R78 — Frankfort C. Egenolff heirs (1557) 8* SG 
R79 The Englishmans doctor or the Schoole of Salerne, 
ed. H. Rantzau, tr. J. Harington. London A. Mathewes 
1624. 8° SG 

R80 Regimen sanitatis salerni, tr. T. Paynel (London 
T. Berthelet 1535) 4’ SG 

R81 Regimen sanitatis salerni, ed. P. Holland. London 
1649. 4" LC 

R82 Schola salerni tana. Autore J. de Mediolano. Cum 
A. Villanovani Exegesi. Ed. Z. Sylvius. The Hague 
1683. 12" SG 

R83 The school of Salernum, tr. J. Harington. New 
York 1920. 8’ 

REGIMORTER Assuerus 1614-50 See G291 

R84 Reginald Heber Fitz 1843-1913, memorial ad¬ 
dresses [Cambridge Mass.] 1914. 8" 


[ 160 ] 

R85 - R124 


REGIS Pierre Sylvain 1632-1707 
R85 Cours entier de philosophic, derniere 6d. Amster¬ 
dam 1691. 3 v. 4° BMC 

REICHEL Paul Biography See P201 
REID Alexander See Read A. 

REID Mrs. Edith (Gittings) 1863- 
R86 The great physician Sir William Osier. New York 
1931. 8° 

R87 Woodrow Wilson. London 1934. 8° 

REIFF Walther Hermann See Ryff W. H. 

REIL Johann Christian 1759-1813 
R88 Exercitationum anatomicarum fasciculus primus. 
De structura nervorum. Halle 1796. fol. SG 

REINHOLD Erasmus 1511-53 See P243 

REINHOLD Johann Christoph Leopold 1769-1809 
R89 De galvanismo. Leipzig [1797-98] 2 v. in 1. 4° SG 
See also S468 

REISCH Gregor d. 1525 

R90 Margarita philosophica. Freiburg J. Schott 1503. 4* 


R91 Albert Einstein. London (1931) 8" 

REISSEISEN Franz Daniel 1773-1828 
R92 Uber den Bau der Lungen. Berlin 1822. fol. German 
& Latin 


R93 Religio medicorum: a critical review of various 
works on medical ethics. York 1855. 8° KeynesB 451 

REMAK Robert 1815-65 

R94 Observationes anatomicae et microscopicae de 
systematis nervosi structura. Berlin 1838. 4* 2 copies 
R95 Ueber ein selbstandiges Darmnervensystem. Berlin 
1847. fol. 

R96 Untersuchungen uber die Entwickelung der Wir- 
belthiere. Berlin 1855. fol. 

REMARQUE Erich Maria 1898- 

R97 Three comrades, tr. A. W. Wheen Boston 1937. 8° 


R98 Eyn remedium, Radt und Hulff, widder die er- 
schrecklichen Kranckheit, die engelischen Schweys- 
sucht genandt. n.p. [ca. 1529] 8* 

REMMELIN Johann b . 1583 

R99 Catoptri microcosmici visio 1.-3., ed. S. Michel- 
spacher [Ulm?] 1613. fol. ChF 
R100 Catoptrum microcosmicum. Augsburg D. Frank 
1619. fol. SG 

R101 — Frankfort 1660. fol. SG 

R102 Elucidarius tabulis synopticis, ed. S. Michel- 
spacher. n.p. (S. Michelspacher) 1614. 4 # BO 3790 With 

R103 Kleiner Welt Spiegel, tr. J. L. Remmelin (Augs¬ 
burg) 1661. fol. ChF 
R104 —Ulm 1720. fol. 

R105 Pinax microcosmographicus. n.p. S. Michelspacher 
1615. 4° BO 3791 

R106 — tr. C. Danckerts. Amsterdam J. Broersz 1634. 
fol. Latin & Dutch. BNed 

R107 —2. ed. Amsterdam 1667. fol. Latin & Dutch. 

R108 A survey of the microcosme or the anatomy of the 
bodies of man and woman, 3d ed. C. Havers. London 
1738. fol. S. Michelspacher given as first author 

REMMELIN Johann Ludwig See R103; R104 

RENAUDOT Theophraste 1584-1653 Biography 
See G263 

RliNOUARD Philippe 

R109 Bibliographic des Editions de Simon de Colines 
1520-46. Paris 1894. 8° 

RENOUARD Pierre Victor b. 1798 
R110 History of medicine, tr. C. G. Comegys. Cincin¬ 
nati 1856. 8° 

RENZY George Webb de See De Renzy G. W. 

Rill Repertoire de bibliographic frangaise, 1501-1930, 
fasc. 1.-9. Paris 1935-39. 8* 


R112 Report upon the claims of Mr. George Stephenson 
relative to the invention of his safety lamp. Newcastle 
upon Tyne 1817. 8° 

REPPLIER Agnes 1858- 

R113 J. William White. Boston 1919. 8° 

REQUIER Jean Baptiste 

R114 Vie de Nicolas-Claude Peiresc. Paris 1770. 12* 

RESEARCH DEFENCE society London 
R115 Experiments on animals during 1907 in Great 
Britain and Ireland [London 1908] 8* 

R116 Publications Mar. 1908-Mar. 1909. London 
1909. 8* 

RETZIUS Gustaf 1842-1919 
R117 Das Menschenhirn. Stockholm 1896. 2 v. fol. 
R118 Die Nervenendigungen in dem Geschmacksorgan 
der Saugethiere und Amphibien. Repr. Biol. Untersueh. 
1892, 4: 19-32 

R119 Die Nervenendigungen in den Endknospen. Repr. 

Biol. Untersueh. 1892, 4: 33-36. With R118 
R120 Ueber die Nervenendigungen an den Haaren. 

Repr. Biol. Untersueh. 1892, 4: 45-48. With R118 
R121 Ueber die neuen Prinzipien in der Lehre von der 
Einrichtung des sensiblen Nervensystems. Repr. Biol. 
Untersueh. 1892, 4: 49-55. With R118 
R122 Ueber die sensiblen Nervenendigungen in den 
Epithelien bei den Wirbelthieren. Repr. Biol. Unter¬ 
sueh. 1892, 4: 37-44. With R118 
See also K64; K65 

REVERDIN Jacques Louis 1842-1929 
R123 De la greffe 6pidermique. Paris 1872. 8’ 

REYMOND See Du Bois-Reymond 

REYNOLDS Sir John Russell bart. 1828-96 
R124 The Harveian oration, 1884. London 1884. 8° 



R125 - R158 

REYNOLDS Sir Joshua 1723-92 

R125 The discourses, ed. E. W. Gosse. London 1883. 8° 

REYNOLDS Lawrence 1889- 

R126 The story of electricity as told by an exhibit of 
old books, pamphlets and pictures. Chicago 1937. 8° 

RHATICUS Georg Joachim 1514-76 
R127 Ad J. Schonerum: De libris revolutionum N. 
Copernici. Narratio prima (Danzig F. Rhode 1540) 4° 

See also C403; C404 


R128 Liber divisionum, tr. Gerardo da Cremona (Lyons 
G. de Villiers 1510) 8° ChH 

R129 Liber nonus cum expositione Sillani Papiensis et 
cum Receptis Petri de Tussignano (Venice O. Scoto 
heirs 1517) fol. GHL 

R130 Opera exquisitiora, ed. G. Toletanus, A. Vesalius 
& A. Thorer. Basel H. Petri (1544) fol. FI. 3 
R131 Rasis ordinatus et correctus, H. Surianus (Venice 
B. Benagli 1509) 2 v. fol. GHL 
R132 Trait6 sur le calcul dans les reins et dans la vessie, 
tr. P. de Koning. Leyden 1896. 8° Arabic & French; 
2 copies 

R133 A treatise on the small-pox and measles, tr. W. A. 

Greenhill. London 1848. 8° 2 copies 
R134 Trois trait6s d’anatomie arabes: Rhazes, Haly 
Abbas & Avicenna, tr. P. de Koning. Leyden 1903. 8° 
See also M243; V64-66 
RHEAD Alexander See Read A. 

RHEES William Jones 1830-1907 See S297 
RHELLICANUS Joannes See Muller J. 
RHETICUS Georgius Joachim See Rhaticus G. J. 

RHOADS Cornelius Packard 1898- See B399; 

RHODES James Ford 1848-1927 Biography See 

RHODION See Rosslin 

RICARDUS Salernitanus 12th cent. 

R135 Die Anatomie, ed. V. Tarrasch. Berlin [1898] 8° 
Latin & German 

RICCI Seymour de 1881— 

R136 Census of medieval and renaissance MSS in the 
U.S. and Canada. New York 1935-40. 3 v. 8° 

R137 English collectors of books & manuscripts 1530- 
1930. Cambridge 1930. 8° 

RICCOBONI Antonio 1541-99 

R138 De gymnasio patavino. Padua F. Bolzeta 1598. 4° 

2 copies. GHL 

RICE Nathan Payson 

R139 Trials of a public benefactor. New York 1858. 8° 


R140 A rich closet of physical secrets. London 1652. 4° 
SG variant 

RICHARD T. See G368 

RICHARD de Bury See Aungerville R. 

RICHARDS Theodore William 1868-1928 
R141 [Miscellaneous papers 1894-1926] 

RICHARDSON Sir Benjamin Ward 1828-96 
R142 Disciples of Aesculapius. New York 1901. 2 v. 8° 
See also S309 

RICHARDSON Owen Willans 1879- 
R143 [Miscellaneous papers 1901-32] 2 v. fol. 

RICHARDSON Samuel 1689-1761 
R144 Pamela, 1769. Berwyn Pa. 1929. 16° facsim. 
Bibliography See S23 

RICHELOT Gustave Antoine 1806-93 See H513 

RICHER Paul 1849-1933 

R145 L’art et la m6decine. Paris [1904?] 8° 

See also C183 

RICHET Charles Robert 1850-1935 
R146 The natural history of a savant, tr. O. J. Lodge. 
New York (1927) 8° 

R147 The pros and cons of vivisection. London 1908. 8° 
See also H143 

RICKABY Joseph John 1845-1932 See T53 

R148 Means of preserving health and preventing dis¬ 
eases. New York 1806. 8° 

RIDLEY Henry See Ridley Humphrey 

RIDLEY Humphrey 1653-1708 

R149 Anatomia cerebri. Leyden 1725. 8° BO 3805 

R150 The anatomy of the brain. London 1695. 8° JC 

RIEDEL Gottlieb Friedrich 1724-84 
R151 Abbildung der Knochen und Muskeln des mensch- 
lichen Korpers. Augsburg 1783. fol. ChF 

RIESMAN David 1867-1940 

R152 American contributions to nosography. Repr. 
New Engl. J. Med. 1938, 219: 591-611 

R153 High blood pressure and longevity. Philadelphia 
(°1937) 8° 

R154 History of the Interurban clinical club. Chicago 
[1937] 8° 

R155 The story of medicine in the middle ages. New 
York 1935. 8° 

See also N41 

RIESTER F. J. See W129 

RIFFUS Gualterus Hermannus See Ryff W. H. 

RIGAUD John Francis 1747-1810 See L167; L168 

RIGBY Edward 1804-60 See H525 

RIGGS Luther Granger See H498 

RIJNBERK Gerard van 1875- 
R156 Andreas Vesalius. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 
1: 2-3 

R157 Andreas Vesalius’ brief over het afkooksel van den 
chyna-wortel. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 2: 717-19. 
With R156 

R158 De ontleedkundige afbeelding voor en in den tijd 
van Vesalius. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 1: 45-62. 

2 copies. With R156 

[ 162 ] 

R159 - R199 


R159 Vesalius als proefondervindelijk physioloog. Ned. 
Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1915, 1: 113-30. 2 copies. With 

RILEY Henry Alsop 1887- See T115 
RINALDI Guglielmo See D2J3 
RINDFLEISCH Daniel See Bucretius D. 

RINEHART Mrs. Mary (Roberts) 1876- 
R160 The doctor. New York (°1936) 8° 

RING Barbara 

R161 Aesculapius, a one-act play. Boston (°1930) 8° 
RING John 1752-1821 

R162 A treatise on the cow-pox. London 1801-03. 2 v. 8° 
See also A193 

RINTELEN Franz von 

R163 The dark invader. London (1937) 8° 

RIOLAN Jean 1539-1606 

R164 Ad libros Fernelii de abditis rerum causis com- 
mentarius. Paris H. P6rier 1598. 12° BMC 
R165 Opuscula metaphysica. Paris H. P6rier 1598. 12° 

RIOLAN Jean 1580-1657 

R166 Curieuses recherches sur les escholes en medecine 
de Paris et de Montpelier. Paris 1651. 8° BO 3811 
R167 Encheiridium anatomicum et pathologicum, 4. ed. 
Paris 1658. 8° SG 

R168 Opuscula anatomica nova. London 1649. 4° BO 

R169 A sure guide or the best and nearest way to phys- 
ick and chyrurgery, tr. N. Culpeper & W. Rand. Lon¬ 
don 1657. fol. SG 

R170 — 3d ed., tr. N. Culpeper. 1671. fol. SG 
See also C95; P192 
Biography See D224 

RIPLEY George 1415 ?—90 See P252; S35 


R171 La “Maison des champs” du chirurgien Ambroise 
Par6. Arpajon 1938. 8° 


R172 Risultati di osservazioni e sperienze sull’inocula- 
zione. Milan (1802) 8° 2 copies 

RIVIERE Lazare 1589-1655 

R173 Four books unto which is added: A fift book of 
J. Fernel, tr. N. Culpeper. London 1658. fol. 

R174 Les observations de medecine, 2. id. Lyons 1694. 
8° SG 

R175 The practice of physick, tr. N. Culpeper, A. Cole 
& W. Rowland. To which are added Four books and a 
Fifth book of select medicinal counsels by J. Fernel. 
London 1668. fol. 2 copies 
R176 — 1672. fol. SG 
R177 — 1678. fol. SG 

R178 Praxis medica, ed. 8. Lyons 1653. 8° SG 
RTVIUS Gualterus Hermannus See Ryff W. H. 


R179 The Robert Boyle lectures, v. 1 containing the 
first five lectures. Oxford 1897. 8° FultonB 

ROBERTS George Quinlan 1860- 
R181 A brief history of St. Thomas’s hospital. London 
1920. 8° 

ROBERTS Sir William 1830-99 
R182 Science and modern civilisation. The Harveian 
oration, 1897. London 1897. 8° 

ROBIN Charles Philippe 1821-85 
R183 M6moires sur les ph£nom£nes qui se passent dans 
l’ovule. Paris 1862. 8° 

ROBINSON Joseph Armitage 1858-1933 
R185 Two Glastonbury legends, King Arthur and St. 
Joseph of Arimathea. Cambridge 1926. 8° 

ROBINSON Nicholas 1697P-1775 
R186 A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of 
bread, 5 th ed. London 1767. 8° LC 

ROBINSON Samuel 1782-1826 
R187 A course of fifteen lectures on medical botany. 
Columbus 1832. 16° 

ROCHESTER. University. School of medicine and 

R188 The first decade 1926-36, 2d ed. Rochester N.Y. 
1936. 8° 

ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE for medical research 

R189 Description of the buildings. Lancaster Pa. 
1907. 8° 

R190 History, organization and equipment. New York 
1911. 8° 

RODDIS Louis Harry 1886- 

R192 Joseph Rodman Drake, physician and poet. Repr. 
Ann. intern. Med. 1929, 2: 822-26. With R215 

RODERIGO Juan See Amatus Lusitanus pseud. 

RONTGEN Wilhelm Conrad 1845-1923 

R193 Eine neue Art von Strahlen. Wurzburg 1895. 8° 

R194 — II. Mittheilung. 1896. 8° 2 copies 

R195 — 2. Aufl. 1896. 8° 3 copies 

R196 — 3. Aufl. 1896. 8° 

R197 —4. Aufl. 1896. 8° 

R198 — 5. Aufl. 1896. 8° 

R199 Notiz iiber die Methode zur Messung von Druck- 
differenzen. Ann. Phys. Lpz. 1894, n.f. 51: 414 

ROBERTS Ernest Stewart 1847-1912 See C22 

ROBERTS Frederick Thomas 1839-1918 
R180 The Harveian oration, 1905. London 1906. 8° 

ROBINSON Edwin Arlington 1869-1935 
R184 Matthias at the door. New York 1931. 8° 
See also P223 

ROBINSON Henry William 1888- See H443 

ROBINSON Ralph b. 1521 See M503 

ROBISON John 1739-1805 See B415 

R191 — 1912. 8° With R189 

[ 163 ] 


R200 - R238 

RONTGEN W. C. — continued 
R200 Ueber eine neue Art von Strahlen. S. B. phys.-med. 
Ges. Wurzburg 1895: 132-41 

R201 Weitere Beobachtungen fiber die Eigenschaften 
der X-Strahlen. Repr. S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1897, 
26: 576-92 

R202 [Early X-ray photographs, portraits, clippings] 
Biography See G228; G277; G278 

ROESLER Hugo 1899- 

R203 Clinical roentgenology of the cardiovascular sys¬ 
tem. Springfield Ill. (°1937) 8° 

ROSSLIN Eucharius d. 1526 

R204 The byrth of mankynde, tr. (R. Jonas. London 
T. Raynald 1540) 4° STC 21153 
R205 — ed. T. Raynalde (London T. Raynald) 1545. 8° 
STC 21154 

R206 — London A. Hebb 1626. 4° STC 21163 
R207 De partu hominis (Venice B. Bindoni 1536) 8° SG 
R208 “Rosengarten” gedruckt im Jahre 1513, ed. 

G. Klein. Munich 1910. 8° 2 copies 
R209 Der swangern Frawen und hebammen Roszgarten 
[Hagenau] H. Gran (1513) 4° BO 3818 
See also K130 

Bibliography See B58; P366 

ROSSLIN Eucharius d. 1553 

R210 Kreutterbuch. Frankfort C. Egenolff (1535) fol. 


R211 An examination of that part of the evidence rela¬ 
tive to cow-pox. A letter to the author, J. Birch, 2d ed. 
London 1805. 8° 

ROGGE Max 1871- 

R212 Die Lehre von den vergifteten Wunden nach Hein¬ 
rich von Mondeville. Berlin (1896) 8° With P14 

ROHDE Eleanour Sinclair 

R213 The old English herbals. London 1922. 8° 

ROHRER Caleb Wyand Geeting 1873— 

R214 John Hunter, his life and labors. Repr. Bull. Johns 
Hopk. Hosp. 1914, 25: 1-43 

R215 Medical men and the muses. Repr. Med. Pickw. 
1920, 6: 363-68 

ROLAND of Parma See Capelluti R. 

ROLAND Marian 

R216 Le cadet d’Apollon. Vic [Lorraine] C. Felix 
(1626) 8° 

ROLFE John Carew 1859- See G184 

ROLLESTON George 1829-81 

R217 The Harveian oration, 1873. London 1873. 8° 

ROLLESTON Sir Humphry Davy bart. 1862- 
R218 Aspects of age, life and disease. London 1928. 8° 
R219 Cardio-vascular diseases since Harvey's discovery. 
The Harveian oration, 1928. Cambridge 1928. 8° 

R220 The endocrine organs in health and disease. Lon¬ 
don 1936. 8° 

R221 Harvey’s predecessors and contemporaries. Ann . 
med. Hist. 1928, 10: 323-37 

R222 The history of angina pectoris. Repr. Glasg. med. 
J. 1937, 127: 205-25 

R223 Internal medicine. New York 1930. 12° 

R224 The reception of Harvey’s doctrine. Repr. Essays 
on the history of medicine, presented to Karl Sudhoff. 
1924: 247-54. 

R225 The Right Honourable Sir Thomas Clifford All¬ 
butt. London 1929. 8° 2 copies 
R226 Sir William Osier. Repr. Canad. med. Ass. J. 1938, 
39: 313 

R227 Some medical aspects of old age. London 1922. 8* 
ROLLINS Carl Purington 1880- See T118 
ROMA Egidio da See Egidio da Roma 

R228 L’inoculation, poeme. Amsterdam 1773. 8° SG 

ROMANES George John 1848-94 
R229 Mental evolution in animals, with a posthumous 
essay on instinct, C. R. Darwin. London 1883. 8° 

ROMBERCH DE KYRSPE Joannes See Host von 
Romberch J. 

RONDELET Guillaume 1507-66 
R230 Methodus curandorum omnium morborum cor¬ 
poris humani. Paris C. Mac6 1575. 8° SG 
See also F28 
Biography See 036 

RONSOVIUS Henricus See Rantzau H. 

RONSS Baudouin 16th cent. 

R231 De hominis primordijs hystericisque affectibus 
centones. Louvain A. M. Bergainge 1559. 8° SG 

ROONHUYSE Hendrik van See P276 

ROOSEVELT Theodore pres. U. S. 1858-1919 
R232 Letters to his children, ed. J. B. Bishop. New 
York 1919. 8° 

See also Cl50 

ROOT Elihu 1845-1937 See C149 
ROOT Howard Frank 1890- See B286 

ROSCOE Sir Henry Enfield 1833-1915 
R233 A new view of the origin of Dalton’s atomic the¬ 
ory, A. Harden jt.auth. London 1896. 8° 

ROSE George 

R234 A new almanack 1678. London 1678. 8° 

ROSEN Karl David Petrus 1874- See D6 

ROSENAU Lorenz Scholtz von See Scholtz von 
Rosenau L. 

ROSENAU Milton Joseph 1869- 
R235 Progress and problems in preventive medicine 
(Boston 1913) 8° 

ROSENBACH Abraham Simon Wolf 1876- 
R236 A book hunter’s holiday. Boston 1936. 8* 2 copies 
R237 Books and bidders. Boston 1927. 8° 
ROSENBAUM Julius 1807-74 See C223 

R238 Die initialen in Vesals Anatomie. Repr. Sudhoffs 
Arch. Gesch. Med. 1937, 30: 35-46 


R239 - R281 


ROSENTHAL Erwin 1889- 

R239 Ein wiedergefundener Friihdruck aus Hartmann 
Schedels Besitz. Repr. J. Rosenthal. Beitrage zur 
Forschung. n.f. Ill [1930] With L190 

ROSER Karl 1856-1905 

R240 Wilhelm Roser. Wiesbaden 1892. 8° 

ROSER Wilhelm 1817-88 Biography See R240 
ROSETT Joshua 1875-1940 

R241 Intercortical systems of the human cerebrum. New 
York 1933. 8° 

ROSS Alexander 1590-1654 

R242 Arcana microcosmi or the hid secrets of man’s 
body discovered. London 1652. 8’ Date altered to 1658. 
BO 4559 

R243 Mystagogus poeticus or the muses interpreter, 2d 
ed. London 1648. 8° LC 

ROSS James Paterson 

R244 A visit to certain surgical clinics in the United 
States of America. St Bart's. Hosp. J. 1924, 31: 50-53. 
In A165a 

ROSS Sir John 1777-1856 

R245 Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north¬ 
west passage. London 1835. 2 v. 4° 

ROSS Sir Ronald 1857-1932 
R246 Fables. Liverpool 1907. 8° 

R247 In exile (Liverpool) 1906. 12° 

R248 Memoirs, with a full account of the great malaria 
problem. London 1923. 8° 

R249 Memories of Sir Patrick Manson [London 1930] 8° 
R250 The mode of infection in malaria, three more 
Ross-Manson letters, 1898 (London 1929) 8° 

R251 On some peculiar pigmented cells found in two 
mosquitoes fed on malarial blood. In Brit. med. J. 1897, 
2: 1786-88 

R252 Philosophies. London 1911. 8’ 

R253 Poems. London 1928. 8° 

R254 The setting sun. London 1912. 8° 

Biography See W77 

ROSS Sir William David 1877- See A249 
ROSTAN DE BINOSQUE Isnard d. 1552 See P60 
ROSTINIO Lodovico See R255 

R255 Compendio di tutta la cirugia, L. Rostinio jt.auth. 
Trattato, L. Fioravanti. Venice L. Avanzo (1561) 8° SG 

ROTA Giovanni Francesco d. 1558 See F103 
ROTH Carl ed. 

R256 Handschriftenproben zur Basler Geistesgeschichte, 
P. Schmidt jt.ed. Basel 1926. fol. 

ROTH Moritz 1839-1915 

R257 Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis. Berlin 1892. 8° 
3 copies 

R258 Aus den Anfangen der Basler medicinischen 
Fakultat. Basel 1896. 8° 

R259 Quellen einer Vesalbiographie. Basel 1889. 8° 
R260 Vesal, Estienne, Tizian, Leonardo da Vinci. Repr. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. Anat. Abt. 1905: 79-95 etc. With 

R261 —Typewritten translation, L. Eisenhart, 1927. 
With V81 

R262 Vesaliana. Repr. Virchows Arch. 1895, 141: 462-78 
R263 Vesalius. Allg. dtsch. Biog. 1895, 39: 639-48. With 

R264 Zwei Originalportrate Vesal’s. Repr. KorrespBl. 
schweiz. Arz. 1905, 35: 681. With R262 

ROTHERAM John 1751-1804 See C520; C521 

ROTHERMELL Fred 1901- 

R265 To raise these halt. New York (°1936) 8’ 

ROTTENDORFF Bernhard See W107 

ROURKE Constance Mayfield 1885— 

R266 Audubon. New York (1936) 8° 

ROUSSEAU Louis Francois Emmanuel 1788-1868 
R267 Anatomie compare du syst£me dentaire. Paris 
1827. 8° 

ROUSSY Gustave 1874- 

R268 A propos d’une mission scientifique aux Etats- 
Unis, E. E. Desmarest j t.auth. Repr. Pr. mSd. 1920, 
28: 1661-65 etc. In A165a 

R269 Iiloge de Madame Dejerine-Klumpke 1859-1927 
(Paris 1928) 8° 

R270 Notice sur les titres et travaux scientifiques. Paris 
1939. 4° 

ROUTH Enid M. G. 

R271 Sir Thomas More and his friends 1477-1535. Lon¬ 
don 1934. 8° 

ROUVIERE de See P263 
ROUX Augustin 1726-76 

R272 Notice des principaux articles de la biblioth^que 
de Roux. Paris 1776. 8° With M58 

ROUX Emile 1853-1933 Biography See C8 

ROWLAND Amy Farley 1872- 
R273 Cleveland clinic foundation. Cleveland (°1938) 8° 
See also C475 

ROWLAND John See T134 

ROWLAND William fl. 1668 See R175-77; S154 

ROWLEY William 1742-1806 

R274 Cow-pox inoculation no security against small-pox 
infection. London 1805. 8° 2d copy incomplete 
R275 Medical advice [London] 1776. 8° 

ROYAL COLLEGE of physicians London 
R276 List of the portraits and other works of art. Lon¬ 
don 1900. 8° 

R277 Pharmacopoea Londinensis [1st ed.] London E. 
Griffin 1618. fol. BMC 

R277a Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. London 1650. fol. 

R278 Report on vaccination [London? 1807] fol. 

R279 A short account of the proceedings in relation to 
the sick poor. London 1697. 4° SG 
R280 The statutes [London] 1693. 8* SG 
R281 Tercentenary celebration of the publication of De 
motu cordis [London 1928] 4° 

[ 165 ] 


R282 - R321 

ROYAL COLLEGE — continued 
R282 A translation of the new pharmacopoeia, by G. F. 
Collier. London 1837. 8° 

See also H172; H173 

ROYAL COLLEGE of surgeons of England, London. 
R283 Guide to the surgical instruments by C. J. S. 
Thompson. London 1929. 8° 

ROYAL COMMISSION on vaccination See Gt. 

Brit. Vaccination commission 

ROYAL JENNERIAN society London 
R284 Address for vaccine inoculation. London 1803. 8° 
3 copies 

R285 Annual report, 19, 1822 

ROYAL MEDICAL and chirurgical society of London 

R286 Report of the committee to inquire into the uses of 
chloroform. London 1864. 8° 

See also 050 


R287 An alphabetical list of the Royal society (1741) 
broadside. With R292 

R288 Catalogue of valuable printed books which will be 
sold. London [1925] 8° 

R289 An index to the anatomical, medical, chirurgical 
and physiological papers to 1813. Westminster 1814. 4° 
R290 Obituary notices 2-7, 1933-39 
R291 The record, 3d ed. London 1912. 4° 

R292 The signatures in the first Journal-book and the 
Charter-book. London 1912. fol. 

R293 Year-book 1934-39 

ROYAL SOCIETY of medicine London 
R294 Charters and by-laws. London (1920) 8° 

R295 Discussion on syphilis. Its Proceedings 1912, v. 5, 
no. 9 

R296 Opening of the new building [London 1912] 8’ 
With R294 

R297 Record of the amalgamation of the leading medical 
societies. London 1914. 8° 

ROYAL SOCIETY of medicine London. Historical sec¬ 

R298 Portraits of Dr. William Harvey. London 1913. 4* 
ROYCE Josiah 1855-1916 

R299 The hope of the great community. New York 
1916. 8° 

R300 The mechanical, the historical and the statistical 
[1914] 8° typescript 

RUCKER Marvin Pierce 1881— 

R301 Andreas Vesalius: a psychogram. Johns Hopk. 
Alum. Mag. 1927, 16: 29-38 

RUDBECK Olof 1630-1702 

R302 Ad Thomam Bartholinum danum epistola, Upp¬ 
sala 1657. (Stockholm) 1930. 16° facsim. 

Biography See H491 

RUDOLPH Ernst 1871- 

R303 Das Krebsgeschwur nach Heinrich von Monde- 
ville. Quedlinburg (1896) 8° With P14 

RtJDEL Hermann See M442 

RUEFF Jacob 1500-58 

R304 ’t Boeck van de vroet-wijfs, tr. M. Everaert. 
Amsterdam [1690?] 4° BNed 

R305 De conceptu et generatione hominis. Zurich C. 

Froschauer 1554. 4° SG 
R306 — Frankfort (G. Rab) 1580. 4° SG 
R307 —Frankfort (P. Schmid) 1587. 4° SG 
R308 The expert midwife. London E. Griffin 1637. 4* 
STC 21442 

R309 Libellus de tumoribus. Zurich C. Froschauer 1556. 
4° SG 

R310 Ein schon lustig Trostbuchle von den empfeng- 
knussen und geburten der Menschen. Zurich C. 
Froschauer 1554. 4° SG 

RUEL Jean 1474P-1537 See C145; D178; D179 
RUMELIN Johann See Remmelin J. 

RUF Walther Hermann See Ryff W. H. 

RUFF Jacob See Rueff J. 

RUGGEERI Cesare 1768-1828 

R311 Dei doveri di chi studia e di chi esercita la medi- 
cina. Padua 1824. fol. 

RUHMANN Walter See B43 

RUHRAH John 1872-1935 comp. 

R312 Pediatrics of the past. New York 1925. 8° 

RUINI Carlo d. 1598? Bibliography See B199 

RUMFORD Benjamin Thompson count 1753-1814 
R313 An inquiry concerning the source of the heat which 
is excited by friction. Philos. Trans. 1798, 88: 80-102 
R314 Kleine Schriften. Weimar 1797-1805. 4 v. in 6. 
8 ° LC 

R315 M6moires sur la chaleur. Paris 1804. 8° 

R316 An unpublished paper, ed. L. M. H. Lowry, C. D. 
Lowry & J. R. Miner. Repr. J. chem. Educ. 1934, 11: 

Biography See L373; L374; T68 

RUMPF Georg Eberhard 1628 P—1702 Biography 
See S86 

RUOFF Jacob See Rueff J. 


R317 Der hi. Rupertus, Bischof von Salzburg und seine 
Nachfolger. Salzburg 1882. 8* 

RUPP Israel Daniel 1803-78 See R321 

RUPPIN Willi 1871- 

R318 Aus dem Antidotarium des Henri de Mondeville. 
Berlin (1898) With P14 

RUSCHENBERGER William Samuel Waithman 


R319 A voyage round the world. Philadelphia 1838. 8* 
RUSH Benjamin 1745-1813 

R320 An account of the bilious remitting yellow fever in 
Philadelphia in 1793. Philadelphia 1794. 8° 2 variant 

R321 An account of the manners of the German inhabi¬ 
tants of Pennsylvania, ed. I. D. Rupp. Philadelphia 
1875. 8* YU 

[ 166 ] 

R322 - S7 


R322 Essays, literary, moral and philosophical, 2d ed. 
Philadelphia 1806. 8° 

R323 Medical inquiries and observations. Philadelphia 
1789. 2 v. in 1. 8° Includes Appendix 2d ed. 1789. SG 
R324 — v. 1, 2d American ed. 1794. 8° SG 
R325 — v. 2, new ed. 1797. 8° LC 
R326 Medical inquiries and observations containing an 
account of yellow fever in Philadelphia in 1794, v. 4. 
Philadelphia 1796. 8° SG 

R327 Medical inquiries and observations upon the dis¬ 
eases of the mind, 4th ed. Philadelphia 1830. 8° 

See also H333; P399 

R328 Benjamin Rush number Medical life, September 
1929. 8° 2 copies 
See also G324; R329 
RUSH Benjamin 1811-77 

R329 William B. Reed, expert in the art of exhumation 
of the dead [Philadelphia?] 1867. 8° 


R330 Rush-light v. 1, no. 3, 1800. SG 

RUSKA Julius Ferdinand 1867- 

R331 Das Buch der Alaune und Salze. Berlin 1935. 8° 

RUSKIN John 1819-1900 See A31 

RUSSELL Alfred Ernest 1870- 
R332 Old St. Thomas’s. London (1899) 8° 

RUSSELL John bp. of Lincoln d. 1494 

R333 Propositio, 1476. Manchester 1909. 8° facsim. 

RUSSELL John Rutherfurd 1816-66 
R334 The history and heroes of the art of medicine. 
London 1861. 8° 

RUSSELL Sir William Howard 1820-1907 
R335 The Atlantic telegraph. London [1866] fol. 

RUTGERSZ. Pieter van Nieu-stadt See Nieu-Stadt 
Rutgersz. P. van 

RUTHERFORD Ernest Rutherford baron 1871-1937 
R336 Collision of a particles with light atoms. In Phil. 

Mag. 1919, 6. s. 37: 537-616 
R337 Radioactive transformations. London 1906. 8° 
R338 Radio-activity. Cambridge 1904. 8° 

R339 [Miscellaneous papers 1897-1938] 

RUYSCH Frederick 1638-1731 
R340 Thesaurus anatomicus. Amsterdam 1701-05. 6 
pts. in 1 v. 4° 

See also P35 
Biography See L77 

RYFF Walther Hermann 

R341 Das aller fiirtrefflichsten hochsten unnd adelich- 
sten Gschopffs . . . des Menschen warhafftige Be- 
schreibung (Strasbourg B. Beck) 1541. fol. 2d copy 
incomplete. SG 

R342 Anatomica omnium humani corporis partium 
descriptio. Paris C. Wechel 1545. fol. BMF 
R343 Confectbuch und Hauss Apoteck (Frankfort 
C. Egenolff heirs) 1571. 8° 2 copies. SG 
R344 Description anatomique de toutes les parties du 
corps humain. Paris C. Wechel 1545. fol. Incomplete 
R345 Die gross Chirurgei oder volkommene Wund- 
tartznei. Frankfort C. Egenolff (1545) fol. SG 
R346 — Frankfort C. Egenolff heirs 1559-62. 2 pts. in 
1 v. fol. 

R347 Die kleyner Chirurgi (Strasbourg B. Beck) 1542. 
4° JC With R352 

R348 — (Strasbourg B. Beck heirs) 1551. 4° SG 
R349 Kurtze Vorred zu dem guthertzigen Leser [Ana¬ 
tomical plates] Strasbourg B. Beck 1541. 8° GHL 
R350 Kurtzer Ausszug und summarischer Bericht der 
Natur. Wurzburg (H. Miller) 1548. 4° SG 
R351 Das new gross Distillier Buch. Frankfort C. Ege¬ 
nolff (1545) fol. SG 

R352 Rechter und nutzlicher Gebrauch ordenliche 
Vermischung und Zubereyttung aller Laxativen (Stras¬ 
bourg B. Beck) 1541. 4° 2 copies 
R353 Reformierte deutsche Apoteck. Strasbourg J. 

Rihel 1573. 3 pts. in 1 v. fol. SG 
R354 Ein wohlgegriindet nutzlich und heilsam Handt- 
biichlin gmeyner Practick der gantzen Leib Artzney 
(Strasbourg B. Beck) 1541. 4 # 

See also Apollinaris Q.; D178; L381 
Biography See T186 
RYTZ Walter 1882- See W100 


S., S. 

51 Discours sceptique sur le passage du chyle et sur le 
mouvement du coeur. Leyden 1648. 12° 2 copies. SG 

S. H. See V6 

S. Weir 

52 S. Weir Mitchell 1829-1914, memorial addresses and 
resolutions. Philadelphia 1914. 8 

SABASHNIKOV Fedor Vasil'evich See L158 

SABATIER J. C. d. 1837 

53 Recherches historiques sur la Facult6 de medecine 
de Paris. Paris 1835. 8° 

SABELLICO Marco Antonio Coccio called 1436-1506 
See S470 

SABIN Florence Rena 1871- 

54 Franklin Paine Mall. Baltimore 1934. 8* 

SACCO Luigi 1769-1836 

55 Istruzione sui vantaggi e sul metodo d’innestare il 
vajuolo vaccino [Milan? n.d.) 4* 

56 Osservazioni pratiche sull’uso del vajuolo vaccino. 
Milan (1801) 8 - 

SACHS von LEWENHAIMB Philipp Jakob 1627-72 

57 Oceanus macro-microcosmicus. Breslau 1664. 8* 



S8 - S45 

SACOMBE Jean Francois 1750-1822 

58 La luciniade; poeme sur l’art des accouchemens, 3. 
£d. Paris (1799) 12° BO 5413 

SACROBOSCO Joannes de fl. 1230 

59 Libellus de sphaera (Wittenberg J. Clug 1540) 8° 

510 — Computus ecclesiasticus (Wittenberg H. Krafft 
1553) 8° 

511 II manoscritto estense “De sphaera.” Modena 
1914. 8* 

512 Sphaera mundi (Venice J. Pentius 1519) 4° MU 

513 La sphere, tr. G. Des Bordes. Paris D. Cavellat 
1607. 8° 

See also B364; B365 

SA’DI Lufti Mustafa 1897- 

514 Al-Hakim, Cornelius van Alen van Dyck 1818-95. 
Repr. Isis 1937, 27: 20-45 

515 A bio-bibliographical study of Hunayn ibn Is-Haq 
al-Ibadi (Johannitius) Repr. Bull. Hist. Mel. 1934, 2: 

SADLEIR Michael 1888- 

516 Authors and publishers. New York (1932) 12° 

SAHA Megh Nad 1893- Bibliography See S163 
SA’ID khan 1862- Biography See YU 
ST. ALBANS viscount See Bacon F. 

ST. ANDRE Nathanael 1680-1776 

517 A short narrative of an extraordinary delivery of 
rabbets, perform’d by Mr. John Howard. London 1727. 
8° BMC 

See also G101 

ST. ERIK’S hospital Stockholm See Stockholm. St. 
Erik’s hospital 

SAINT-GERY Joseph de sieur de Magnus 1590- 

518 Les essais. Paris 1663. 4° 

SAINT-HILAIRE Isidore Geoffroy See Geoffroy 
Saint-Hilaire I. 

ST. LOUIS. Missouri botanical garden See Mis¬ 
souri Botanical garden St. Louis 

ST. LOUIS medical history club 

519 In commemoration of the quartercentenary of the 
birth of Andreas Vesalius. A list of books and pam¬ 
phlets exhibited Dec. 2-24, 1914 [St. Louis 1914] 8° 
With A155 

ST. PETERSBURG. Acad6mie imp6riale des sciences 
See Acad£mie Imp£riale des sciences St. Petersburg 


520 Monuments de Louvain. Louvain 1903. 4° 

SAINTE-MARIE Etienne 1777-1829 

521 Dissertation sur les m6decins-poetes (Lyons) n.d. 8° 
Lacks t.-p. 

SAINTE-MARTHE Scevole de 1536-1623 See Q15 
SAINTOT de See C118 
SALA Angelo 1576P-1637 

522 Tractatus duo: De variis turn chymicorum, turn 
Galenistarum erroribus. Frankfort 1649. 4° BMC With 

SALE William Merritt 1899- 

523 Samuel Richardson: a bibliographical record. New 
Haven 1936. 8* 

SALERNITANUS Nicolaus See Nicolaus Salerni¬ 
tan us 12th cent. 

SALICETI Natale d. 1789 

524 Catalogo della biblioteca di N. Saliceti. Rome 
1789. 8° 

SALICETO Guglielmo da See Guglielmo da Saliceto 
SALISBURY Gilbert bp. of See Burnet G. 

SALIUS DIVERSUS Petrus 16th cent. 

525 De febre pestilenti tractatus. Annotationes in artem 
medicam, D. A. Altomari. Bologna G. Rossi 1584. 4° 
SG With A211 

SALLUSTE DU BARTAS Guillaume de See Du 

Bartas G. de S. 

SALMON William 1644-1713 

526 Ars anatomica or the anatomy of humane bodies. 
London 1714. 8° SG 

527 Ars chirurgica, a compendium of chirurgery. Lon¬ 
don 1698. 8° 

528 Botanologia, the English herbal. London 1710. fol. 

529 The country physician, 2d ed. London 1714. 8° JC 

530 Doron medicum or a supplement to the new London 
dispensatory. London 1683. 8° SG 

531 — 2d ed. 1688. 8° 

532 The family-dictionary or houshold companion, 3d 
ed. London 1705. 8° YU 

533 Horae mathematicae seu Urania, the soul of astrol¬ 
ogy. London 1679. 8° BMC 

534 Iatrica, seu praxis medendi, the practice of curing 
diseases. London 1694. 4° SG 

535 Medicina practica. Philosophick works, Hermes 
Trismegistus, Kalid ben Jazichi, Geber, Artephius, 
N. Flamel, R. Bacon, G. Ripley, tr. W. Salmon. London 

1692. 8° BO 3907 

536 Pharmacopoeia Londinensis or the new London 
dispensatory. London 1678. 8° BMC 

537 — 5th ed. 1696. 8° 

538 Phylaxa medicina, a supplement to the London- 
dispensatory, 2d ed. London 1688. 8° BMC 

539 Polygraphice or the arts of drawing, 5th ed. London 
1685. 8° BMC 

540 A rebuke to the authors of a blew-book. London. 
1698. 8° GHL 

541 Select physical and chyrurgical observations. Lon¬ 
don 1687. 8° SG 

542 — 1689. 8° BMC 

543 Seplasium, the compleat English physician. London 

1693. 8° 2 copies. SG 

544 Synopsis medicinae or a compendium of physick, 
2d ed. London 1679-81. 4 v. in 1. 8° SG 

545 — 3ded. 1695. 8° 

See also B157; B158; D151; D152; 0212; S494 

[ 168 ] 

S46 - S81 


SALOMONSEN Carl Julius 1847-1924 

546 Medicinske silhouetter. Copenhagen 1921. 12° 

See also C400 

SALTER Allen 1864-1933 

547 The renowned medical library of A. Salter [New 
York 1938] 8° 

SALTER Frank Reyner 

548 Sir Thomas Gresham. London (1925) 8’ 

SALTER Herbert Edward 1863— 

549 The historic names of the streets & lanes of Oxford. 
Oxford 1921. 8° 

SALTER John William 1820-69 

550 A descriptive catalogue of all the genera and species 
contained in the accompanying chart of fossil Crusta¬ 
cea, H. Woodward jt.auth. London (1865) 8° fold, chart 


551 Mathematical collections and translations v. 1 pt. 
1-2 (London 1661) fol. YU 

SALVIO Alfonso de See G69 

SAMBER Robert 

552 A treatise of the plague. London 1721. 8* SG 
See also B464 

SAMBUCUS Joannes 1531-84 

553 Veterum aliquot ac recentium medicorum philo- 
sophorumque icones [Antwerp] Plantin-Raphelengien 
1603. fol. BO 6802 


554 Sammlung merkwiirdiger Erfahrungen. Pocken- 
Inoculation. Liibeck 1774-75. 3 pts. in 1 v. 8° 

SAMMONICUS Quintus Serenus See Serenus 
Sammonicus Q. 

SAN GALLO Pietro Paolo da 

555 Esperienze intorno alia generazione delle zanzare; 
lettera al Sig. F. Redi. Florence 1679. 4° BMC 

SANCHEZ Francisco d. 1632 

556 Opera medica. Tractatus philosophici. Toulouse 
P. Bose 1636. 4° SG 

SANCTORIUS Sanctorius See Santorio S. 


557 Prices of incunabula. Milan 1930. 8° 2 copies 

SANDFORD James fl. 1567 See A64 

SANDXFORT Eduard 1742-1814 

558 Descriptio ossium hominis. Leyden 1785. 4° SG 
See also V109 

SANDIVOGIUS Michael See Sendivogius M. 

SANDSTROM Ivar V. 1852-89 

559 An English translation of Glandulae parathyre- 
oideae, C. M. Seipel. Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1938, 6: 

SANGER Mrs. Margaret (Higgins) 1883— 

560 Margaret Sanger, an autobiography. New York 
( c 1938) 8° 


561 Sanitas, daughter of Aesculapius. To David Gar¬ 
rick, esq. A poem. London 1772. 4° LC 

SANS-MALICE Martin See Akakia M. 

SANTA SOFIA Marsilio di See Marsilio di Santa 

SANTESSON Carl Gustaf 1862- 

562 Axel Key och Nordiskt medicinskt arkiv; minnes- 
skrift (Stockholm 1932) 8° 

SANTO Mariano b. 1490? 

563 Compendium in chyrurgia (Lyons J. Giunta 1525) 
8* From G. da Vigo. Opera chirurgia. With G56 

564 De lapide renum curiosum opusculum. Paris C. 
Wechel (1540) 4° BO 3331 With T179 

See also V143 

SANTORINI Giovanni Domenico 1681-1737 

565 Opuscula medica. Rotterdam 1719. 8° SG 

566 Septemdecim tabulae, ed. M. Girardi. Parma 1775. 
fol. GHL 

SANTORINI Risorius pseud. 

567 Macte Lister triumphator! tr. A. N. Blodgett. Bos¬ 
ton 1888. 12° 

568 Der Medicin Historia, 2. Aufl. Leipzig 1887. 8° 

569 The natural history of the species medicus, tr. A. N. 
Blodgett. New York 1892. 8° 

SANTORIO Santorio 1561-1636 

570 Medicina statica or rules of health, tr. J. D. London 
1676. 12° SG 

571 —Medicina statica Britannica, J. Keill. Medico- 
physical essays, J. Quincy, 3d ed. London 1723. 8° SG 

572 Science de la transpiration ou medecine statique, 
tr. Alemand. Lyons 1694. 8° SG 

SAPPINGTON John 1776-1856 

573 The theory and treatment of fevers, ed. F. Stith. 
Arrow Rock Mo. 1844. 12° 

SARACENUS Janus Antonius 1547-98 See D177; 

SARGENT Charles Sprague 1841-1927 

574 The first fifty years of the Arnold Arboretum. Repr. 
J. Arnold Arbor. 1922, 3: 127-71 

SARPHATI Samuel 1813-66 

575 Catalogus der hoogstbelangrijke bibliotheek door 
S. Sarphati. Amsterdam 1866. 8° 

SARPI Paolo 1552-1623 

576 The letters of the renowned Father Paul, tr. E. 
Brown. London 1693. 8° LC 

Biography See M343 

SARTI Mauro 1709-66 

577 De Claris Archigymnasii bononiensis professoribus, 
M. Fattorini jt.auth., ed. C. Albicini & C. Malagola 
(2. ed.) Bologna 1888-96. 2 v. fol. 

SARTON George 1884- 

578 Alexander Csoma. Repr. Isis 1929, 12: 5-9 

579 Aristotle and Phyllis. Isis 1930, 14: 8-19 

580 Communion with Erasmus. Repr. Isis 1937, 27: 

581 Discovery of conical refraction. Isis 1932, 17: 154— 

[ 169 ] 


S82 - S120 

SARTON G. — continued 

582 The discovery of the mammalian egg with facsim. 
of K. E. von Baer’s De ovi mammalium et hominis 
genesi. Repr. Isis 1931, 16: 315-78 

583 The discovery of X-rays. Repr. Isis 1937, 26: 

584 The history of science and the new humanism. 
Cambridge Mass. 1937. 8° 

885 Introduction to the history of science. Baltimore 
(°1927-31) 2 v. in 3. 8° 

886 Rumphius, Plinius Indicus, 1628-1702. Repr. Isis 
1937, 27: 242-57 

887 The scientific basis of the history of science. Repr. 
Publ. Carneg. Instn. no. 501, 1938: 465-81 

888 The scientific literature transmitted through the 
incunabula. Osiris, 1938, 5: 41-245 

889 Simon Stevin of Bruges 1548-1620. Isis 1934, 21: 

590 Spinoza. Repr. Isis 1928, 10: 11-15 

591 The study of the history of mathematics. Cam¬ 
bridge Mass. 1936. 8° 

592 The study of the history of science. Cambridge 
Mass. 1936. 8° 

593 Unification of good will. Repr. Isis 1937, 27: 211-15 

894 The unity and diversity of the Mediterranean 
world. Repr. Osiris 1936, 2: 406-63 

SARZOSUS Franciscus 

895 In aequatorem planetarum libri duo. Paris S. de 
Colines 1526. fol. BMF With F98 

SASSOON Siegfried Lorraine 1886- 

596 Memoirs of an infantry officer. London (1930) 8° 

597 Sherston’s progress. London (1936) 8° 

SATTLER Hubert 1844-1928 See G352; H229 

SAUERBRUCH Ferdinand 1875- 

598 Wesen und Bedeutung des Schmerzes, H. Wenke 
jt.auth. Berlin 1936. 8° 

SAUNDBY Robert 1849-1918 

599 Harvey’s work considered in relation to scientific 
knowledge. The Harveian oration, 1917. Repr. Lancet 
1917, 2: 633-38 

SAUNDERS Jefferson pseud . See Smith H. 

SAUNDERS John Bertrand de Cusance Morant 

1903- See C506 


8100 Apollo anglicanus, the English Apollo 1688, 1708. 
London 1688-1708. 2 v. 8’ 

SAUSSURE Horace Benedict de 1740-99 

8101 Essais sur l’hygrom6trie. Neuchatel 1783. 4* SG 

SAUVAGEON Guillaume See D318; 0319 

SAVA George pseud . 

5102 The healing knife. London (1938) 8’ 

SAVAGE Sir George Henry 1842-1921 

5103 The Harveian oration on experimental psychology 
and hypnotism, 1909. London 1909. 8* 

SAVAGE Thomas Jefferson 1855-1928 

5104 The old doctor’s vision and other poems [Xenia O.] 
(°1920) 8° 

SAVARIN Jean Anthelme Brillat- See Brillat- 

Savarin J. A. 

SAYERS Frank 1763-1817 

S105 Nugae poeticae. Norwich 1803. 8° 

SAYLE Charles Edward 1864-1924 See B784 
SCALIGER Joseph Juste 1540-1609 See S108 

SCALIGER Julius Caesar 1484-1558 
8106 Exotericarum exercitationum liber de subtilitate 
ad Hieronymum Cardanum. Paris M. de Vascosan 
1557. 4° BMC 

S107 — Frankfort Wechel 1601. 8° 

8108 Poemata in duas partes divisa. Aiax lorarius, 
Sophocles, tr. J. J. Scaliger [Heidelberg] P. Santandreas 
1591. 8° YU 

SCALPEL Aesculapius pseud. See Berdoe E. 
SCAMMON James See C602 

SCAPINUS Carolus bookseller Padua 

S109 Catalogus librorum latinorum. Padua 1793. 8° 

SCARPA Antonio 1747 P-1832 

SI 10 Engravings copied from the Tabulae neurologicae 
by E. Mitchell, tr. R. Knox, 3d ed. Edinburgh 1836. 8* 
Sill Tabulae neurologicae. Pavia 1794. fol. SG 
Biography See T17 

SCELLINCK Thomas Biography See M320 

SCHAFFER Johann Ulrich Gottlob von 1753-1829 
SI 12 Beitrag zu einer Theorie der englischen Pocken- 
impfung. Regensburg 1802. 8° 

SCHAFER Sir Edward Albert Sharpey- See Sharpey- 
Schafer E. A. 


SI 13 Disquisitio hermetico-galenica de natura ocu- 
lorum. Erfurt J. Bischoff 1615. 8° Latin & German; 

SCHALTENBRAND Georges 1897- 

5114 Der gegenwartige Stand der Neurochirurgie. Repr. 
Nervenarzt 1934, 7: 10-17. In A165a 

SCHARTAU Leisa Katherina See L234; L235 

SCHAUDINN Fritz Richard 1871-1906 

5115 Vorlaufiger Bericht fiber das Vorkommen von 
Spirochaeten, E. Hoffmann jt.auth. Arb. GesundhAmt. 
Berl. 1905, 22: 527-34 

SCHEDEL Hartmann 1440-1514 See H379; L338; 
R239; S395 

SCHEDEL Hermann See H379 

SCHEFFER Johannes 1621-79 

5116 Graphice. Nuremberg 1669. 8* With B110 


SI 17 Beitrage zur salzburgischen Historiographic am 
Ausgange des Mittelalters. Salzburg 1911. 8° 

SCHEINER Christoph 1575-1650 

5118 Oculus. Innsbruck D. Agricola 1619. 4* SG 

5119 Pantographice seu ars delineandi. Rome L. Gri- 
gnani 1631. 4* 2 copies. BMC 

5120 Rosa Ursina. Bracciano A. Fei 1626-30. fol. BMC 

[ 170 ] 

S121 - S156 



5121 Rabelaesiana. Repr. Humanisme et Renaissance 
1939, 6: 221-26 

SCHENCK Johannes Andreas See C338; P246 

SCHERER Joseph Ritter von 1750-1844 

5122 Tabulae anatomicae. Vienna [1817-25] 7 v. in 6. 
fol. Latin & German 

SCHERING Ernst Christian Julius 1833-97 See 

SCHEUCHZER Johann Jacob 1672-1733 

5123 Physica sacra, ed. J. A. Pfeffel. Augsburg 1731-35. 
4 v. fol. BMC 

SCHIELHANS See Gersdorff H. von 


5124 Auf einer medizinischen Studienreise in den 
Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Repr. Schweiz 
med. Wschr. 1922, 52: 230-5 etc. In A165a 

5125 Gehirnchirurgische Beobachtungen auf einer Stu¬ 
dienreise in Nordamerika. Repr. Dtsch. Z. Chir. 1922, 
168: 289-318. In A165a 

5126 Medizinische Beobachtungen an verschiedenen 
Spitalern der Vereinigten Staaten. Repr. Schweiz, med. 
Wschr. 1921, 51: 951-54. In A165a 

SCHLEICH Karl Ludwig 1859-1922 

5127 Those were good days! Reminiscences, tr. B. Miall. 
London (1935) 8° 


5128 Einfuhrung in die Ventrikulographie. Berlin 
1937. 8° 

5129 Was konnen wir von den amerikanischen Neuro- 
chirurgen lernen? Repr. Wien. klin. Wschr. 1934, 47: 
970-76. In Al65a 

SCHLUETER Robert Ernst 1872- 

5130 The first aphorism of Hippocrates as explained by 
Paracelsus. Repr. Ann. Sci. 1936, 1: 453-61 

5131 Medical contributors to literature. Repr. Bull, 
med. Libr. Ass. 1939, 27: 191-207 

SCHMID Heinrich Alfred 1863- See E83 

SCHMIDT Joseph b. 1601 

5132 Spiegel der Anatomiae. Frankfort 1654. 12* SG 

SCHMIDT Philipp See R256 

SCHMIEDTGEN Johann Gottfried Daniel 

5133 Die Kuhpockenimpfung. Leipzig 1801. 8* 

SCHNEIDER Conrad Victor 1614-80 

5134 Liber de spasmorum natura et subjecto. Witten¬ 
berg 1678. 4* SG 


5135 Kurtzer Bericht von etlichen edelen und bewerten 
Balsam (Frankfort H. Giilfferich) 1549. 4* SG With 

SCH6NBAUER Leopold 1888- 

5136 Medizinisches aus Nordamerika. Munch, med. 
Wschr. 1925, 72: 1603-5 etc. In A165a 

SCHONBORN Bartholomaeus See A175 

SCHONER Johann 1477-1547 

5137 Ein nutzliches Biichlein vieler bewerter Ertzney. 
Frankfort H. Giilfferich 1549. 4° SG With V167 

See also R127 

SCHONLEIN Johann Lucas 1793-1864 

5138 Von der Hirnmetamorphose. Wurzburg 1816. 8* 

SCHOPF Johann David 1752-1800 

5139 Beytrage zur mineralogischen Kenntniss des ost- 
lichen Theils von Nordamerika. Erlangen 1787. 8“ LC 

5140 The climate and diseases of America, tr. J. R. 
Chadwick. Boston 1875. 8° 

5141 De medicamentorum mutatione in corpore hu- 
mano. Erlangen (1776) 4° SG 

5142 Historia testudinum. Erlangen 1792. 4° 

5143 Materia medica americana. Erlangen 1787. 8° SG 

5144 Reise durch einige der mittlern und siidlichen 
vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten. Erlangen 
1788. 2 v. 8° LC 

5145 Travels in the Confederation, tr. A. J. Morrison. 
Philadelphia 1911. 2 v. 8° 

5146 Von der Wirkung des Mohnsafts in der Lust- 
seuche. Erlangen 1781. 8° SG 

SCHOLDERER Victor 1880- See A268 

5147 Astrologiae ad medicinam adplicatio brevis. Stras¬ 
bourg J. Cammerlander 1537. 4° 2 copies. SG 

SCHOLTZ von ROSENAU Lorenz 1552-99 
SMS Consiliorum medicinalium liber. Frankfort A. 
Wechel heirs 1598. fol. SG 

5149 Epistolarum philosophicarum volumen. Frankfort 
A. Wechel heirs 1598. fol. SG With S148 

See also C465 

SCHOTT Gaspar 1608-66 See K88 


5150 Doktor Alexander Seitz und seine Schriften. 
Munich 1925. 8* 


5151 Drei Friihdrucke zur Reichsgeschichte. Leipzig 
1938. fol. 

SCHOUTE Dirk 1873- 

5152 Herman Boerhaave: commemorative speech 1938. 
8’ mimeograph 

SCHRADER Justus b. 1646 See H168 

SCHRAMM Albert 1880-1937 

5153 Der Bilderschmuck der Friihdrucke, v. 7. Leipzig 
1923. fol. 

SCHROEDER Johann 1600-64 

5154 The compleat chymical dispensatory, tr. W. Row¬ 
land. London 1669. fol. BMC 

SCHROETER Johann Friedrich 1559-1625 

5155 De omnibus in universum totius corporis humani 
humoribus. Padua L. Pasquati 1582. 4’ BMC With 

SCHUBERT Eduard 1822-92 

5156 Bibliography of the Paracelsus library. London 
1893. 8* 



S157 - S189 



5157 De alimentorum concoctione experimenta nova. 
Berlin 1834. 4° 

SCHULZ Ernst 1889- 

5158 Collections of incunabula, tr. H. P. Spring. Mount 
Vernon N.Y. [1928] 8° With U17 

SCHULZE Johann Heinrich 1687-1744 

5159 Historia medicinae. Leipzig 1728. 4* SG 

SCHURIG Martin d. 1733 See G449 
SCHTJYL Florentius 1619-69 See D117; D118 

SCHWANN Theodor 1810-82 

5160 Mikroskopische Untersuchungen. Berlin 1839. 8° 

5161 Microscopical researches, tr. H. Smith. London 
1847. 8° 

SCHWEITZER Johann Friedrich See Helvetius 
J. F. 


5162 Microcosmus schematismum macrocosmi exhibens 
in Iaudem anatomiae. Leyden 1680. 12° BMC With 


5163 The scientific work of Prof. M. N. Saha (Allahabad 
1937?) 8° 


5164 A practical treatise on vaccina or cowpock. New 
York 1810. 12° 

SCOT Sir William bart. oj Thirlestane 1674P-1725 
See P292 

SCOTT Frederick George 1861— 

5165 The great war as I saw it, 2d ed. Vancouver Can. 
( c 1934) 8° 

SCOTT Joseph Nicol 1703 ?-69 

5166 An essay towards a translation of Homer’s works, 
in blank verse. London 1755. 8° BMC 

SCOTT Michael 1175?-1234? 

5167 Liber phisionomie (Venice M. Sessa 1508) 4° 2 

5168 Phisionomia [Paris] G., E. & J. de Marnef [1509?] 8° 

5169 — (Paris) D. Roce [1510?] 8° 

5170 La phisionomie, tr. N. Volcyre de Serouville 
[Paris] V. Sertenas 1540. 8° 

Biography See B704; C369 
SCOTT Sir Walter bart. 1771-1832 See L208 
SCRLBONIUS Wilhelm Adolph 

5171 Rerum naturalium doctrina methodica. London 
H. Middleton 1583. 8° STC 22110 With L62 


SCULTETUS Joannes 1595-1645 

5172 Armamentarium chirurgicum, 5. ed. Venice 1665. 
8° BMC 

5173 —ed. J. B. Lamzweerde, J. Tiling. Leyden 1693. 
8° 2 copies. SG 


5174 Speculum anni or Season on the seasons for 1805. 
London [1805?] 8° 

SEDGWICK Leonard William See N51 

SEDGWICK William Thompson 1855-1921 

5175 A short history of science, H. W. Tyler jt.auth. 
New York 1929. 8° 

SEELIG Major Gabriel 1874- 

5176 Medicine, an historical outline. Baltimore 1925. 8* 

SEIDEL Bruno d. 1577 

5177 Commentarius didascalicus de corpore et anima 
hominis, ed. R. Goclenius. Hanau W. Antonius 1594. 
8° SG 

SEIPEL Carl Gustaf Michael See S59 

SEITZ Alexander fl . 1488-1525 Biography See 

SELDEN John 1584-1654 Biography See A75 

SELLINCK Thomaes See Scellinck T. 

SEM MEL WEIS Ignaz Philipp 1818-65 See N37 

SfiNAC Jean Baptiste 1693-1770 

5178 A treatise on the hidden nature and the treatment 
of intermitting and remitting fevers, tr. C. Caldwell. 
Philadelphia 1805. 8° 

SENDIVOGIUS Michael 1566-1646 

5179 A new light of alchymie. Nine books Of the nature 
of things, Paracelsus. Tr. J. French. London 1650. 2 v. 
in 1. 4° LC 

SENEBIER Jean 1742-1809 See S345; S349 

SENENSIS Hugo See Ugo da Siena 

SENN Nicholas 1844-1908 

5180 Around the world via Siberia. Chicago (°1902) 8° 

5181 Four months among the surgeons of Europe. Chi¬ 
cago 1887. 8° 

S181a The pathology and surgical treatment of tumors. 
Philadelphia 1895. 8° 

SENNERT Daniel 1572-1637 

5182 Chymistry made easie and useful, N. Culpeper, 
A. Cole jt.auth. London 1662. 8° BMC 2d copy with 

5183 De chymicorum cum Aristotelicis et Galenicis 
consensu et dissensu. Wittenberg Z. Schiirer 1619. 8° 

5184 Institutions or fundamentals of the whole art, both 
of physick and chirurgery, tr. N.D.B.P. London 1656. 

5185 Opera omnia. Paris 1641. 3 v. fol. SG 

5186 Practical physick, ed. N. Culpeper & A. Cole. 
London 1662-64. 6 pts. in 2 v. 8° Lacks pt. 5. BMC 

5187 — tr. H. Care. London 1676. 8° 

5188 Thirteen books of natural philosophy, ed. N. Cul¬ 
peper & A. Cole. London 1659. fol. 

5189 Two treatises: Of the venereal pocks; Of the gout, 
ed. N. Culpeper & A. Cole. London 1660. fol. SG 

SEPTALIUS Ludovicus See Settala L. 

SEQUARD Charles Edouard Brown- See Brown- 
Sequard C. 6. 

SEQUEIRA James Harry 1865- See F150 

SERANTONI Antonio See M169 

[ 172 ] 

S190 - S228 



5190 De medicina, praecepta saluberrima, ed. J. Cae- 
sarius. De ponderibus & mensuris, Q. R. F. Palaemon. 
Paris S. de Colines 1533. 8° SG 

See also C144 

SERGENT Edmond 1876- Biography See H441 

SERLINGER Johannes </. 1511 See T6 

SEROUVILLE Nicolas Volcyre de See Volcyre de 
Serouville N. 

SERRES Marcel de 1783-1862 See 010 

SEVETUS Michael Villanovanus 1511-53 

5191 Christianismi restitutio, 1553. n.p. (1790) 8° BO 

5192 De Trinitatis erroribus [Hagenau J. Setzer] 1531. 
8° BO 7765 

5193 Dialogorum de Trinitate libri duo [Hagenau J. 
Setzer] 1532. 8° BMC With S192 

5194 In Leonardum Fuchsium apologia, 1536 [Oxford 
1909] 8° facsim. 

5195 Syruporum universa ratio. Paris S. de Colines 
1537. 8° BMC 

5196 — Lyons G. Roville 1546. 8° BMC 

5197 The two treatises on the Trinity, tr. E. M. Wilbur. 
Cambridge Mass. 1932. 8° 

See also M484; P416 

Biography See A144; A145; B46; C126; 036; 0270; 
G226; G343; H248; H361; 12; M542; 085; 086; P420; 
T128; T129; W 185; IV209 

SERVICE Robert William 1874- 

5198 The rhymes of a Red-cross man. London (1916) 8° 

SETH Johann 

5199 Versuch liber die Blattern-Impfung. Komarno 
1801. 8’ 

SETTALA Luigi 1-552-1633 

5200 Animadversionum & cautionum medicarum libri 
septem. Milan G. B. Bidell 1614. 8 With C21 

SEVERINO Marco Aurelio 1580-1656 

5201 De abscessuum recondita natura, ed. novissima. 
Leyden 1724. 4° SG 

5202 De recondita abscessuum natura. Naples O. Bel- 
trano 1632. 4’ 

5203 Zootomia democritaea. Nuremberg 1645. 4° BMC 
See also C330 

SEWALL Thomas 1787-1845 

5204 An examination of phrenology. Washington 
1837. 8° 

5205 — 2d ed. Boston 1839. 8° 

SEWARD Albert Charles 1863- See D60 

5206 Here begynneth the seynge of urynes (London 
R. Redman widow) [1541?] 8° STC 22155 

SHAKESPEARE William 1564-1616 See 118; 119 
Bibliography See B138; 0130; 0131 
Biography See M173 

SHAPLEY Harlow 1885- 

5207 A source book in astronomy, H. E. Howarth jt. 
auth., 1st ed., 2d impr. New York 1929. 8° 

SHARP Clayton Halsey 1869- 

5208 The Edison effect. New York 1921. 8° 

SHARP Samuel 1700 ?-78 

5209 A critical enquiry into the present state of surgery, 
3d ed. London 1754. 8° SG 

5210 A treatise on the operations of surgery, 6th ed. 
London 1751. 8° SG 

SHARPEY-SCHAFER Sir Edward Albert 1850- 

5211 The endocrine organs. London 1916. 8° 

5212 — 2d ed. 1924-26. 2 v. 8° 

5213 History of the Physiological society 1876-1926. 
London 1927. 8° 

5214 Life, its nature, origin and maintenance. London 
1912. 8° 

SHASTID Thomas Hall 1866- 

5215 Tramping to failure. Ann Arbor 1937. 8* 

See also H230 

SHATTUCK George Cheyne 1813-93 See L361 
SHAW John 1778-1809 

5216 Poems. A biographical sketch of the author. Phila¬ 
delphia 1810. 8° 

SHAW Peter 1694-1763 See B466 
SHEEAN Vincent 1899- See C647 

SHELLSHEAR Joseph Lexden 1885— 

5217 A comparative study of the endocranial cast of 
sinanthropus, G. E. Smith jt.auth. Philos. Trans. 1934, 
s.B, 223: 469-87 

SHEPARD Odell 1884- 

5218 The lore of the unicorn. Boston 1930. 8* 

SHEPHERD Francis John 1851-1929 

5219 Reminiscences of student days. Montreal 1919. 8* 
Biography See H482 

SHERLEY Thomas 1638-78 See M228; M229; 

SHERRINGTON Sir Charles Scott 1857- 

5220 The assaying of Brabantius and other verse. Lon¬ 
don 1925. 8* 

5221 The brain and its mechanism. Cambridge 1933. 8* 

5222 Cataleptoid reflexes in the monkey. Proc. roy. Soc. 

1897, 60: 411-14 

5223 Experiments in examination of the distribution of 
the roots of some spinal nerves, pt. 2. Philos. Trans. 

1898, B.s. 190: 45-186 

5224 On reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles, 
3d note. Proc. roy. Soc. 1897, 60: 414-17 With S222 

SHIGA Kiyoshi 

5225 [Miscellaneous papers 1902-12] 8° 

SHIPLEY Sir Arthur Everett 1861-1927 

5226 Cambridge fragments. Cambridge 1913. 8° 

5227 The minor horrors of war, 3d ed. London 1916. 8° 

5228 More minor horrors. London 1916. 8° 

[ 173 ] 


S229 - S270 

SHIPLEY A. E. — continued 

5229 The voyage of a vice-chancellor. Cambridge 
1919. 8° 

SHIPPEN Nancy See Livingston A. H. 

SHIPTON Clifford Kenyon 

5230 Biographical sketches of those who attended Har¬ 
vard college 1690-1712. Boston 1933-37. 2 v. 8° 

SHIPTON James See B156 
SHIRLEY Thomas See Sherley T. 

SHRYOCK Richard Harrison 1893- 

5231 The development of modern medicine. Philadel¬ 
phia 1936. 8° 

5232 The historian looks at medicine. Repr. Bull. Hist . 
Med. 1937, 5: 887-94 

SHUMAN Edwin Llewellyn 1863- See G472 
SIBLY Ebenezer d. 1800 See C595-97 

SIDEY James Archibald 1826-86 

5233 ‘Alter ejusdem’. Edinburgh 1877. 8° 

5234 Mistura curiosa. Edinburgh 1886. 8° 

5235 Remollescences of a medical student. Edinburgh 
1886. 8° 

SIEMENS Sir Charles William 1823-83 

5236 The action of light on selenium. In Not. Proc. roy. 
Instn. 1876, 8: 68-79 

SIENA Ugo da See Ugo da Siena 

SIEVEKING Sir Edward Henry 1816-1904 

5237 The Harveian oration, 1877. London [1877] 8° 

SIGERIST Henry Ernest 1891- 

5238 American medicine, tr. H. Nagel. New York 
(°1934) 8° 

5239 Amerika und die Medizin. Leipzig 1933. 8° 

5240 The great doctors, tr. E. & C. Paul. New York 
(1933) 8° 

5241 Grosse Arzte. Munich 1932. 8° 

5242 Man and medicine, tr. M. G. Boise. New York 
(°1932) 8° 

5243 On the teaching of medical history. Repr. Bull. 
Hist. Med. 1934, 2: 123-39 

See also B813; E95; P61 


SILLIMAN Benjamin 1779-1864 

5244 Elements of chemistry. New Haven 1830-31. 
2 v. 8° 

SIMMLER Josias 1530-76 

5245 Vita Conradi Gesneri. Item Epistola Gesneri de 
libris a se editis. Hyposchesis, C. Wolff. Zurich Fro- 
schauer 1566. 4° BO 656 

See also G207 

SIMONDS James Beart 1810-1904 

5246 A practical treatise on variola ovina. London 
1848. 8° 

SIMONETA Petrus Paulus 

5247 Compendium totius medicinae. Venice R. Megi- 
etti 1594. 8° With C154 

SIMPSON Sir James Young hart. 1811-70 

5248 Antiquarian notices of syphilis in Scotland. Edin¬ 
burgh [1862] 8° 

5249 Homoeopathy, 2d ed. Edinburgh 1852. 8° With 

5250 List of the preparations contained in Dr. J. Y. 
Simpson’s museum. Edinburgh 1840. 8° With C164 

5251 Physicians and physic. Edinburgh 1856. 8° 

5252 Speech at the Medico-chirurgical society relative 
to homoeopathy. Edinburgh 1851. 8° 

See also C163; C164; E12 

5253 Edinburgh medical journal. Sir James Y. Simpson 
centenary number June 1911. 8° 

See also D335 

SIMPSON Percy 1865- 

5254 Proof-reading in the 16th, 17th and 18th cen¬ 
turies. London 1935. 8° 

SIMS James Marion 1813-83 

5255 Silver sutures in surgery. New York 1858. 8° 

SINCERO Ciriaco pseud. See Vandelli D. 

SINCLAIR Meurice 1878- 

5256 The Thomas splint. London 1927. 8* 

SINGER Charles Joseph 1876- 

5257 The discovery of the circulation of the blood. 
London 1922. 8° 

5258 Early English magic and medicine. London 
[1920] 8° 

5259 The early history of tobacco. Quart. Rev. 1913, 219: 

5260 The evolution of anatomy. London 1925. 8° 

5261 From magic to science. London 1928. 8° 2 copies 

5262 Greek biology & Greek medicine. Oxford 1922. 8° 

5263 Greek science and modern science. London 1920. 8° 

5264 The herbal in antiquity. Repr. J. Hellenic Stud. 
1927, 47: 1-52 

5265 A short history of medicine. Oxford 1928. 8° 

5266 Studies in the history and method of science. Ox¬ 
ford 1917-21. 2 v. 8° 

See also E95; K56; K59; S462 

SINGER Dorothea Waley 1884- See P91 

5267 [Five catalogues of books to be sold at auction. 
London 1937-391 8° 


5268 Sir William Osier bart. Brief tributes to his person¬ 
ality, influence and public service. Written by his 
friends, associates and former pupils. Baltimore 1920. 8° 

SIREN Osvald 1879- 

5269 Leonardo da Vinci, the artist and the man. New 
Haven 1916. 8° 

SIXTUS TV pope 1414-84 

5270 Bulla de reformatione Hospitalis S. Spiritus [Rome 
In Domo Francisci de Cinquinis 1478] 4° Photostat of 
Boston Medical Library copy. Still S491 

SKEET Francis John Angus 1869- See W181 


S271 - S307 


SLATER John Herbert 1854-1921 

5271 Book plates and their value. London 1898. 8° 

SLEMONS Josiah Morris 1876— 

5272 John Whitridge Williams. Baltimore 1935. 8° 

SLOAN Edwin Plummer 1878-1935 

5273 The thyroid. Springfield Ill. (°1936) 8° 

SMELLIE William 1697-1763 

5274 A collection of cases and observations in mid¬ 
wifery, v. 2, 4th ed. London 1768. 8° JC 

5275 A collection of preternatural cases and observa¬ 
tions in midwifery, v. 3, 2d ed. London 1766. 8° SG 

5276 A treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery, 
v. 1, 5th ed. London 1766. 8° SG 

SMITH Benjamin Eli 1857-1913 See F314 
SMITH Charlotte Fell- See Fell-Smith C. 

SMITH David Eugene 1860- 

5277 Rara arithmetica. Boston 1908. 8° 

5278 A source book in mathematics, 1st ed. New York 
1929. 8° 

See also D159; V182 
SMITH Elias 1769-1846 

5279 The American physician and family assistant. 
Boston 1826. 12° 

5280 The medical pocket-book, family physician and 
sick man’s guide to health. Boston 1822. 12° 

SMITH Elihu Hubbard 1771-98 See A165 
Biography See T82 

SMITH Mrs. Emily Anna (Jones) b. 1840 

5281 The life and letters of Nathan Smith. New Haven 
1914. 8° 

SMITH Francis Gurney 1818-78 

5282 Report of a committee on the value of vaccination 
in armies, A. Still6 jt.auth. Philadelphia 1861. 8° 

See also D259 

SMITH George 

5283 William de Machlinia. London 1929. 4° 

SMITH Sir Grafton Elliot 1871-1937 

5284 The evolution of the dragon. Manchester 1919. 8° 

5285 The significance of the Peking man (Edinburgh 
1931) 8° With B413 

See also S317 

SMITH Henry 1823-94 See S161 
SMITH Horatio 1779-1849 

5286 The tin trumpet or heads and tales. Poetical selec¬ 
tions. In Carey’s library of choice literature. 1836, 2: 

SMITH Sir James Edward 1759-1828 See L262 
SMITH John Alexander 1864-1939 See A249 

SMITH Joshua Toulmin 1816-69 

5287 Phrenology vindicated. London 1836. 8° 2d copy 
with S289 

5288 The reasonableness of phrenology. London 1837. 8“ 
With S289 

5289 Synopsis of phrenology. Boston 1838. 8° 

SMITH Nathan 1762-1829 

5290 Medical and surgical memoirs, ed. N. R. Smith. 
Baltimore 1831. 8° 

5291 A practical essay on typhous fever. New York 
1824. 8° 

Biography See K137; S281 
SMITH Nathan Ryno 1797-1877 See S290 
SMITH Paul Jordan- 1885- See B882 
SMITH Philip Henry Pye- See Pye-Smith P. H. 

SMITH Robert Angus 1817-84 

5292 Discovery of lithographic limestone in India [Lon¬ 
don 1836] 8° 

5293 Memoir of John Dalton and history of the atomic 
theory. London 1856. 8° 

SMITH Robert William Innes 

5294 English-speaking students of medicine at the Uni¬ 
versity of Leyden. Edinburgh 1932. 8° 

SMITH Samuel Hanbury b. 1810 See D259 

SMITH Theobald 1859-1934 Bibliography See 

SMITH Truman 1791-1884 

5295 An examination of the question of anaesthesia. 
New York 1858. 8° 

SMITH Victor pseud. See Trenerry P. H. 

SMITH Warren Hunting 1905- See D298 

SMITH William Francis 1842-1919 

5296 Rabelais in his writings. Cambridge 1918. 8° 


5297 Documents relative to its origin and history 1835- 
99, ed. W. J. Rhees. Washington 1901. 2 v. 8° Lacks 
v. 2 

5298 1846-96, the history of its first half century, ed. 
G. B. Goode. Washington 1897. 8° 

SMOLLETT Tobias George 1721-71 

5299 The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom. Ox¬ 
ford 1925. 2 v. 8° 

5300 The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. Oxford 1925. 
4 v. 8° 

5301 The adventures of Roderick Random. Oxford 
1925-26. 2 v. 8° 

5302 The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. The 
history & adventures of an atom. Oxford 1926. 3 v. in 
1. 8° 

5303 An essay on the external use of water. London 
1752. 4° SG 

5304 The expedition of Humphry Clinker. Oxford 1925. 
2 v. 8° 

5305 Select works, new ed. Philadelphia 1842. 2 v. in 
1. 8° 

Biography See U4 

SMYTH James Carmichael 1741-1821 

5306 The effect of the nitrous vapour in preventing and 
destroying contagion. Philadelphia 1799. 8° SG 

SNAPE Andrew 1675-1742 

5307 The anatomy of an horse. London 1683. fol. GHL 

[ 175 ] 


S308 - S349 

SNAPPER Isidore 1889- 

5308 Reisindrukken uit Noord-Amerika. Repr. Ned. 
Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1928, 72: 75-102. In A165a 

SNOW John 1813-58 

5309 On cholera, being a reprint of two papers. Bio¬ 
graphical memoir, B. W. Richardson. New York 
1936. 8° 

SOCIETfi ROYALE de medecine Paris 

5310 Lettres patentes du roi. Paris 1778. 4° JC 

SOCIETY FOR experimental biology and medicine 

5311 Memorial number for Samuel James Meltzer. 
New York 1921. 8° 

SOCIETY OF herbalists London. Culpeper house 

5312 Herbs [London 193-?] 8° 

SOCIETY OF pithotomists 

5313 Directory 1897-1939. Baltimore 1939. 12° 

SOCIETY OF the mercurii London 

5314 The astrologer of the nineteenth century, 7th ed. 
London 1825. 8° 

SOCIETY OF the New York hospital 
S135 A brief account of the New York hospital. New 
York 1804. 8° 

5316 A psychiatric milestone, Bloomingdale hospital 
centenary 1821-1921 [New York] 1921. 8° 

5317 1771-1921, a commemoration of the 150th anni¬ 
versary [New York 1922?] 8° 

SODDY Frederick 1877- 

5318 The interpretation of radium. London 1909. 8* 

5319 [Miscellaneous papers 1902-36] 8° 

SOMMERRING Samuel Thomas von 1755-1830 

5320 De basi encephali et originibus nervorum. Got¬ 
tingen 1778. 4° GHL 

5321 Ober das Organ der Seele. Konigsberg 1796. 4° 
BO 4001 

5322 Ueber die korperliche Verschiedenheit des Negers 
vom Europaer. Frankfort 1785. 8° SG 

See also C47; C49 

SOFIA Marsilio di Santa See Marsilio di Santa 

SOKOLOV Boris Fedorovich 1893- 

5323 Vitality. New York (°1934) 8° 

SOLIS-COHEN Jacob da Silva 1838-1927 Biog¬ 

5324 Medical life. Solis-Cohen number, August 1937. 8° 

SOME David 

5325 The case of receiving the small-pox by inoculation. 
London 1750. 8° SG 


5326 Some observations concerning the plague. Dublin 
1721. 8° GHL 

5327 Some recollections of Charles Cannan. Oxford 
1920. 8° 

5328 Some thoughts on the relaxation of human bodies. 
London 1783. 8° SG 

SOMMERFELD Arnold Johannes Wilhelm 1868- 
See L354 


5329 The Antigone, tr. J. J. Chapman. Boston 1930. fol. 
See also S108 

SOTHEBY & co. auctioneers London 

5330 Catalogue of valuable printed books [London 
1933] 8° 


5331 Avicenne, prince des m6decins. Paris 1935. 8° 

SOUTH John Flint 1797-1882 

5332 Memorials of the craft of surgery in England, ed. 
D’Arcy Power. London 1886. 8° 

5333 Memorials of John Flint South, comp. C. L. Fel- 
toe. London 1884. 8° 

SOUTHARD Elmer Ernest 1876-1920 Biography 

See G170 

SOUTHCOTT Joanna 1750-1814 See M202; R68 

SOUTHEY Robert 1774-1843 

5334 The doctor, ed. J. W. War ter. London 1848. 8° 

5335 The mode of becoming an Ell-ell-dee at Oxford 
(Glen Head N.Y.) 1932. 12° With H206 

SOUZA-LEITE de 1867?- See M142 

SOWERBY Leonard 

5336 The ladies dispensatory. London 1652. 8* BMC 
SOYER Alexis 1809-58 

5337 The gastronomic regenerator. London 1846. 8 # 

5338 Soyer’s culinary campaign. London 1857. 8° 
Biography See M52S; T27 

SPACH Israel 1560-1610 

5339 Nomenclator scriptorum medicorum. Frankfort 
M. Lechler 1591. 8° GHL 

SPACHER Stephan Michel See Michel-Spacher S. 

SPALDING James Alfred 1846-1938 

5340 Maine physicians of 1820. Lewiston Me. 1928. 8* 

SPALDING Lyman 1775-1821 

5341 An inaugural dissertation on the production of 
animal heat. Walpole N.H. 1797. 8° LC 

SPALLANZANI Lazzaro 1729-99 

5342 De’fenomeni della circolazione. Modena 1773. 8’ 

5343 Dissertations relative to the natural history of 
animals. London 1784. 2 v. 8° SG 

5344 Dissertazioni di fisica animale. Modena 1780. 2 v. 
8° UC 

5345 Exp6riences sur la digestion de l’homme. Lausanne 
1785. 12’ SG 

5346 Lettera al signor Thouvenel sull’elettriciti or- 
ganica e minerale. Pavia 1793. 8° 

5347 Lettera apologetica in risposta alle osservazioni 
sulla digestione del sig. Giovanni Hunter. Milan 1788. 
4° SG 

5348 Le opere v. 1. Milan 1932. 4° 

5349 Opuscules de physique, animale et v6g6tale, tr. 
J. Senebier. Geneva 1777. 2 v. 8* JC 

[ 176 ] 

S350 - S392 


5350 Prodromo di un’opera da imprimersi sopra le 
riproduzioni animali. Modena 1768. 4° 

See also 038 

SPECTOR Benjamin 1893— comp. 

5351 One hour of medical history, v. 5. Boston 1936. 8° 

SPENCE Lewis 1874- 

5352 An encyclopaedia of occultism. London 1920. 4° 

SPENCER Herbert 1820-1903 

5353 Education: intellectual, moral and physical. New 
York 1880. 8° 

5354 The principles of biology, stereotyped, 2d thou¬ 
sand. London 1864-67. 2 v. 8° 

SPENCER Herbert Ritchie 1860-1941 

5355 The renaissance of midwifery. London [1924] 8° 
2 copies 

5356 William Harvey, obstetric physician and gynaecol¬ 
ogist. The Harveian oration, 1921. London 1921. 8° 

SPENCER Walter George 1858P-1940 

5357 Eighteen letters written by Edward Jenner to 
Alexander Marcet, 1803-14. Repr. Proc. R. Soc. Med., 
Hist. Med. 1927, 20: 587-90. In J65 

5358 Vesalius: his delineation of the framework of the 
human body in the ‘Fabrica’ and ‘Epitome.’ Repr. 
Brit. J. Surg. 1923, 10: 381-402 

See also C143 

SPERANSKlI Aleksei Dmitrievich 1887— 

5359 A basis for the theory of medicine, tr. C. P. Dutt & 
A. A. Zubkov. Moscow 1935. 8° 

SPLEGHEL Adriaan van den 1578-1625 

5360 De formato foetu. Padua G. B. de Martini & 
L. Pasquati (1626) fol. GHL 2d copy with S361 

5361 De humani corporis fabrica, ed. D. Bucretius. 
Venice [E. Deuchino] 1627. fol. BMC 

5362 — Frankfort M. Merian 1632. 4° SG With C11S 

5363 Opera quae extant omnia, ed. J. A. van der Lin¬ 
den. Amsterdam 1645. 2 v. in 1. fol. SG 

See also C112; P98-100 

SPIELMANN Marion Harry 1858— 

5364 The iconography of Andreas Vesalius. London 
1925. 4° 

5365 — Review by J. G. de Lint. Janus 1926, 30: 

SPILLMAN Ramsay See E8 

SPINOZA Benedictus de 1632-77 Biography See 

SPOFFORD Ainsworth Rand 1825-1908 

5366 A book for all readers. New York 1900. 8° 

SPONTONI Ciro 1552P-1610? 

5367 La metoposcopia, 2. impr. (Venice E. Deuchino 
1629) 8° BMC 

SPRAT Thomas bp. of Rochester 1635-1713 

5368 The plague of Athens. London 1676. 8° BMC 

5369 —170 3.8'SG 

SPRENGEL Kurt Polykarp Joachim 1766-1833 

5370 Histoire de la m^decine, tr. A. J. L. Jourdan. Paris 
1815-20. 9 v. 8“ 

5371 Versuch einer pragmatischen Geschichte der 
Arzneykunde, 3. Aufl. Halle 1821-37. 6 v. in 7. 8° JC 

SPRENGER Jakob 15th cent. 

5372 Malleus maleficarum, H. Kramer jt.auth. ed. M. 
Summers (Bungay) 1928. fol. 

SPRING Henry Powell 1891- See SI58 
SPURLING Roy Glen 1894- 

5373 Practical neurological diagnosis. Springfield Ill. 
(°1935) 8° 2 copies 

SPURZHEIM Johann Gaspar 1776-1832 

5374 Phrenology, 3d ed. London 1825. 8° 

5375 — 1st American ed. Boston 1832. 2 v. 8° 

5376 Phrenology in connexion with the study of physi¬ 
ognomy, v. 1. London 1826. 8° 

Biography See C93 

SQUIER George Owen 1865-1934 

5377 Telling the world. Baltimore 1933. 8° 

STACK Thomas See M246 

STACKHOUSE John 1742-1819 

5378 De libanoto, Smyrna, et balsamo, Theophrasti 
notitiae. Oxford 1814. 8° With C341 

STAHL Georg Ernst 1660-1734 

5379 De motus haemorrhoidalis et fluxus haemor- 
rhoidum diversitate. Paris 1730. 8° SG With S383 

5380 Fundamenta chymiae. Tractatus, Johannes Isaaci. 
Nuremberg 1723. 4° YU 

5381 Materia medica. Dresden 1731. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

5382 Opusculumchymico-physico-medicum. Halle 1715. 
4° LC Wit\vS380 

5383 Sileni Alcibiadis, i.e. ars sanandi. Pt. 2. Paris 1730. 
8° SG 

STANFORD Charles Thomas- See Thomas-Stan- 
ford C. 


5384 Lines in the arc spectra of elements. London 
1911. 8" 

STANLEY Wendell Meredith 1904- 

5385 [Miscellaneous papers 1935-39] 8* 


5386 Officina chymica Londinensis [London] 1685. 12* 

STAPULENSIS Jacobus Faber See Le Fevre J. 
STARKEY George d. 1665 

5387 L’art ou la maniere de volatiliser les alcalis, tr. 
J. Le Pelletier. Rouen 1706. 12° Ferguson 

5388 A brief examination and censure of several medi¬ 
cines. London 1664. 8° BMC 

5389 Liquor alchahest, ed. J. Astell. London 1675. 8* 

5390 Natures explication and Helmont’s vindication. 
London 1657. 8° JC 

5391 Pyrotechnia ofte vuur-stook-kunde, tr. J. van de 
Velde. Amsterdam 1687. 8° 2 copies. HU 

5392 Pyrotechny asserted and illustrated. London 1658. 
8° BMC 

See also Phi la lethe s E. P. 



S3 93 - S421 

STARLING Ernest Henry 1866-1927 

5393 The wisdom of the body. The Harveian oration, 
1923. London 1923. 8° 


5394 The state of physick in London: with an account of 
the charitable regulation made lately at the College of 
physicians. London 1698. 12° 

Stationers’ company 

STAUBER Richard 1879-1907 

5395 Die Schedelsche Bibliothek, ed. O. Hartig. Frei¬ 
burg 1908. 8° 2 copies 

STAUFENBERG Egenolf von 14th cent. 

5396 Die Geschichte, ed. E. von Rath. Berlin 1934. fol. 

ST A WELL Mrs . Maud Margaret (Key) See F4 

STECHERT G. E. & co. booksellers New York 

5397 The Stechert portfolio; libraries through the ages. 
New York 1939. 8° 

STEELE James Peddie 1836-1917 

5398 Reliquiae. Edinburgh 1918. 4° 

STEELE Robert 1860- See B19 

STEENSEN Niels See Steno N. 

STEGGALLJohn 1795 P-1871 See C146 

STEINEG Theodor Meyer- See Meyer-Steineg T. 

STEINHOWEL Heinrich 1420-82 

5399 Ordnung der Pestilenz. Ulm J. Zainer 1473. 8* 
facsim. from K110 

STEIN SCHNEIDER Moritz 1816-1907 Biography 
See G117 

STELLA pseud. See D199 

STELLUTI Francesco 1577-1646 See P224 

STENGEL Lucas 1523-87 

5400 Quaestiones III. Augsburg P. Ulhart 1566. 4° 
With T49 

STENO Nicolaus 1638-86 

5401 Dissertatio de cerebri anatome, tr. G. Fanois. 
Leyden 1671. 12° 2 copies. BO 4022 

5402 Elementorum myologiae specimen. Amsterdam 
1669. 8’ BMC 

5403 Opera philosophica, ed. V. Maar. Copenhagen 
1910. 2 v. fol. 

STEPHANI Johann Emanuel See H258 

STEPHANUS Carolus See Estienne C. 

STEPHANUS Henricus See Estienne H. 

STEPHENSON George 1781-1848 

5404 A description of the safety lamp. London 1817. 8° 
See also R112 

STEPHENSON John 1790-1864 

5405 Medical botany, J. M. Churchill jt.auth. London 
1831. 4 v. 8° 

STERNBERG Maximilian 1863- 

5406 Acromegaly, tr. F. R. B. Atkinson (London 
1899) 8° 

STEVENS Alexander Hodgdon 1789-1869 See 

STEVENS Henry 1819-86 

5407 Historical nuggets. London 1862. 2 v. 8° 

STEVENS INSTITUTE of technology Hoboken N. J. 


5408 Catalogue of the Lieb memorial collection of 
Vinciana. Hoboken 1936. 8’ 

STEVENSON Edward Carl 1907- See S441 

STEVENSON Robert Alan Mowbray 1847-1900 

5409 Velasquez. London 1906. 8° 

STEVENSON Robert Louis 1850-94 

5410 The letters, ed. S. Colvin. New York 1899. 2 v. 8* 

STEVENSON William See V61 
STEVIN Simon 1548-1620 Biography See S89 
STEWART Hugh Fraser 1863- See B471 
STEWART John 1848-1933 

5411 The contribution of pathology to surgery. Repr. 
Montreal med. J. 1902, 31: 700-9. With C42 

5412 Lord Lister. Repr. Canad. J. Med. Surg. 1912, 31: 
323-30. With C42 

STEWART Sir Thomas Grainger 1837-1900 

5413 The good regent; a chronicle play. Edinburgh 
1898. 8“ 

STIEDA Ludwig 1837-1918 

5414 Karl Ernst von Baer. Braunschweig 1878. 8* 

STIEGLITZ Julius Oscar 1867- 

5415 Chemistry in medicine. New York (1928) 8* 

STIEVE Hermann 1886- 

5416 Entwicklung, Bau und Bedeutung der Keimdru- 
senzwischenzellen. Munich 1921. 8* 

STILES Ezra 1727-95 

5417 A history of three of the judges of King Charles I. 
Hartford 1794. 12° LC 

STILES Henry Reed 1832-1909 

5418 Bundling; its origin, progress and decline in Amer¬ 
ica. Albany 1871. 8° 

STILLfi Alfred 1813-1900 

5419 Humboldt’s life and character. Philadelphia 
1859. 8* 

See also S282 
Biography See 060 

STILLWELL Margaret Bingham 1887- 

5420 Gutenberg and the Catholicon of 1460. New York 
1936. fol. 

STIMSON Lewis Atterbury 1844-1917 Biography 
See K66 

STINTZING Hugo 1880- See B475 

STIRK George 1595 P-1637 Biography SeeK105 

STIRK George d. 1665 See Starkey G. 

STIRLING William 1851-1932 

5421 Some apostles of physiology. London 1902. fol. 

[ 178 ] 

S422 - S458 


STIRLING-MAXWELL Sir William bart. 1818-78 

5422 Annals of the artists of Spain, new ed. London 
1891. 4 v. 4* 

5423 The cloister life of the emperor Charles V. London 
1852. 8’ 

5424 — 3d ed. 1853. 8° 

5425 —4th ed. 1891. 4° 

5426 Miscellaneous essays and addresses. London 
1891. 4* 

5427 Notices of the emperor Charles V in 1555-56. 
London 1856. 8° With S423 

STITH Ferdinando See S73 

STOCKARD Charles Rupert 1879-1939 

5428 The physical basis of personality. New York 
(°1931) 8° 

STOCKHAMER Franciscus 

5429 Microcosmographia. Vienna 1682. 12° GHL 

STOCKHOLM. Nobelstiftelsen See Nobelstiftel- 
sen Stockholm 

STOCKHOLM. St. Erik’s hospital 

5430 Papers from the IV. medical service, ed. H. Berg- 
lund. Stockholm 1937. 8° 

STOCKTON-HOUGH John See Hough J. S. 

STOEFFLER Johann 1452-1531 

5431 Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii. Oppenheim 
Coebel 1524. fol. With F98 

5432 In Procli Diadochi Sphaeram mundi. Tubingen 
U. Morhart 1534. fol. LC With F98 

STOKES Francis Griffin See E75 

STOKES Sir George Gabriel bart. 1819-1903 

5433 On the change of refrangibility of light. Philos. 
Trans . 1852, 142: 463-562 

STOKES William 1804-78 

5434 The diseases of the heart and the aorta. Dublin 
1854. 8° 

Biography See A32 

STOLL Maximilian 1742-87 

5435 Aphorismes sur la connaissance et la curation des 
fi^vres, tr. J. N. Corvisart. Paris 1797. 8° French & 
Latin. SG 

STONE Eric 1892- 

5436 Medicine among the American Indians. New York 
1932. 12° 

STONE William Henry 1830-91 

5437 The Harveian oration, 1887. London 1887. 8° 

STONER Jean See C69; C70 

STONEY George Johnstone 1826-1911 

5438 On the cause of double lines and of equidistant 
satellites in the spectra of gases. Sci. Trans. R. Dublin 
Soc. 1891, 2. s. 4: 563-608 

STORK Charles Wharton 1881- See H218 
STORKEY George See Starkey G. 

STORM VAN LEEUWEN Willem 1882-1933 

5439 Indrukken van een studiereis naar America. 
Groningen 1920. 8° 

STRACHEY Giles Lytton 1880-1932 

5440 Portraits in miniature. London 1931. 8* 

STREET Jabez Curry 1906- 

5441 [Miscellaneous papers 1937, E. C. Stevenson jt. 
auth.] 8* 

STREETER Edward Clark 1874- 

5442 Leoniceno and the school of Ferrara. Bull. Soc. 
med. Hist.y Chicago 1916, 1: 18-22 

5443 Notes on an exhibition of ancient weights and 
measures [Cambridge Mass.? 1929] 8* 

See also B516; C56 
STROMAYR Caspar fl. 1559 

5444 (Practica copiosa) Die Handschrift, ed. W. von 
Brunn. Berlin (°1925) 8* 

STRONG Richard Pearson 1872- 

5445 Typhus fever. Cambridge Mass. 1920. 8* 

STROTHER Edward 1675-1737 See R6 

STRUTHERS Sir John 1823-99 

5446 Historical sketch of the Edinburgh anatomical 
school. Edinburgh 1867. 8“ 

STRUTT Robert John baron Rayleigh See Rayleigh 
R. J. S. 

STRUVE Christian August 1767-1807 

5447 Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Impfung der Kuh- 
pocken. Breslau 1802. 8° 

STRUVE Friedrich Georg Wilhelm 1793-1864 

5448 Catalogus novus stellarum duplicium et multi- 
plicium. Dorpat 1827. fol. 

STUART Alexander 1673-1742 

5449 Dissertatio de structura et motu musculari. Lon¬ 
don 1738. 4° GHL 

STUART Lady Louisa 1757-1851 

5450 Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on George Selwyn 
and his contemporaries by J. H. Jesse, ed. W. S. Lewis. 
New York 1928. 4° 

STUBBE Henry 1632-76 

5451 Indian nectar or a discourse concerning chocolata. 
London 1662. 8 # LC 

5452 The Lord Bacons relation of the sweating-sickness 
examined in a reply to G. Thomson. London 1671. 4* 
2d copy incomplete. SG 

5453 Medice cura teipsum or the apothecaries plea. 
London 1671. 4° BO 3392A 

5454 The miraculous conformist. Oxford 1666. 4* Ful¬ 
ton B 265 With G378 

5455 The plus ultra reduced to a non plus. London 1670. 
4° SG 


5456 Lo studio della medicina in America. Gazz. Osp. 
Clin. 1911. In A165a 

SUDEN Linda Turn See Tum Suden L. 

SUDHOFF Karl 1853-1938 

5457 Andreas Vesalius zu Ehren. Repr. Verb. Ges. 
dtsch. Naturf. Arzt. 1920, 86: 162-90 

5458 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Chirurgie im Mit- 
telalter. Leipzig 1914-18. 2 v. 8° 

[ 179 ] 


S459 - S497 

SUDHOFF K. — continued 

5459 Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Anatomie im 
Mittelalter. Leipzig 1908. 8° 

5460 “Codex Fritz Paneth.” Leipzig 1929. 8" 

5461 Deutsche medizinische Inkunabeln. Leipzig 1908. 
8 ° 

5462 The earliest printed literature on syphilis, ed. 
C. Singer. Florence 1925. 8° 

5463 Erstlinge der padiatrischen Literatur. Munich 
1925. 8° 

5464 Die Florentiner Skelettzeichnung des Leonardo da 
Vinci und die Frage der Beeinflussung Vesals durch 
Leonardo, n.p. (1910) 8° With M53 

5465 Graphische und typographische Erstlinge der 
Syphilisliteratur. Munich 1912. fol. 2 copies 

5466 Skizzen. Leipzig 1921. 8° 

See also E95; K59; KUO; M338; V71; V72 
SUDHOFF Walther 

5467 Die Lehre von den Hirnventrikeln in textlicher 
und graphischer Tradition des Altertums und Mit- 
telalters. Arch. Gesch. Med. 1913, 7: 149-205 

SUE Pierre 1739-1816 

5468 Geschichte des galvanismus, tr. J. C. L. Reinhold. 
Leipzig 1803. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

5469 Histoire du galvanisme. Paris 1802. 2 v. 8° 


5470 (De vita XII Caesarum, ed. F. Beroaldo & M. A. 
Sabellico. Venice J. Rossi 1506) fol. LC 

SULLIVAN Richard 1779-1861 

5471 Address delivered before the governour and coun¬ 
cil and other patrons of the Massachusetts general 
hospital. Boston 1819. 8° 


5472 A short account of the success of warm bathing in 
paralytic disorders, 2d ed. London 1751. 8° SG With 

SUMMERS Montague 1880- See S372 
SUNER BAYO Jaime Pi- See Pi-Suner Bayo J. 
SURIANUS Hieronymus See R131 
SURPHLET Richard fl. 1599 See D310 

SUTHERLAND Alexander John 1810-67 

5473 Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1863. London 1863. 4* 

SUTTON Dallas Gilchrist 1883- 

5474 The utilization of psychiatry in the armed forces. 
Repr. Psychiatry 1939, 2: 1-9, 133-35 

SUTTON Sir John Bland- See Bland-Sutton J. 
SUTTON Samuel fl. 1740 

5475 An historical account of a new method for extract¬ 
ing the foul air out of ships, 2d ed. Two relations, 
R. Mead & W. Watson. A discourse on the scurvy, 
R. Mead. London 1749. 8’ BO 4057 

SVEDBERG Theodor 1884- 

5476 [Miscellaneous papers 1925-38] 8° 

5477 Studien zur Lehre von den kolloiden Losungen. 
Uppsala 1907. 4 # 


5478 A new almanack 1678. Cambridge 1678. 8° 

SWALVE Bernhard d. 1680 

5479 Querelae & opprobria ventriculi. Amsterdam 1664. 
12° BO 5487 

SWAMMERDAM Jan 1637-80 

5480 Bibel der Natur. Leipzig 1752. fol. LC 

5481 Historia insectorum generalis, tr. H. C. Hennin. 
Leyden 1685. 4° BMC 

5482 Tractatus physico-anatomico-medicus de respira- 
tione usuque pulmonum. Leyden 1667. 8° 2 copies. SG 

SWAN John 17th cent. 

5483 A new almanack 1678. Cambridge 1678. 8° 
SWAN John 18th cent. See S492 

SWANN William Francis Gray 1884- 

5484 Is the universe running down? Proc. Amer. phil. 
Soc. 1935, 75: 217-49 

SWASEY Ambrose 1846-1937 

5485 Carved ivory. Cleveland 1927. 8° 

5486 [Miscellaneous papers 1890-1932] 8° 

SWEDENBORG Emanuel 1688-1772 Biography 
See R20 

SWIETEN Gerard Freiherr van 1700-72 

5487 The commentaries upon the Aphorisms of Dr. 
Herman Boerhaave, 2d ed. v. 1. London 1771. 8° 

5488 The diseases incident to armies. The nature and 
treatment of gun-shot wounds, J. Ranby. Preventa- 
tives of the scurvy at sea, W. Northcote. Philadelphia 
1776. 8° 2 copies 

SWINBURNE Algernon Charles 1837-1909 

5489 Dolores. London 1867. 8° T. J. Wise forgery. CP 
p. 285-6 

SYBEL Johann Karl 

5490 Erfahrungen uber die Kuhpocken. Berlin 1801. 8° 

SYDENHAM Thomas 1624-89 

5491 Abhandlung iiber die Gicht, 1681, tr. J. L. Pagel. 
Leipzig 1910. 8* 

5492 The entire works, 2d ed., tr. J. Swan. London 
1749. 8° LC 

5493 Opera uni versa, ed. novissima. Leyden 1726. 8° 

5494 Praxis medica, the practice of physick, 3d ed. tr. 
W. Salmon. London 1716. 8° 

5495 Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu. Lon¬ 
don 1686. 8* BMC 

5496 Selected works, ed. J. D. Comrie. London 1922. 8* 

5497 The works, ed. W. A. Greenhill, tr. R. G. Latham. 
London 1848-50. 2 v. in 1. 8° 

See also M531; M532 
Biography See B717-20; P178 
SYDER Charles Mingay See C395 
SYLLANUS de Nigris d. 1500? See R129 
SYLVESTER Joshua 1563-1618 See D281; F279 
SYLVIUS Franciscus See Boe F. de le 
SYLVIUS Jacobus See Dubois J. 

SYLVIUS Zacharias 17th cent. See R82 


S498 - T35 


SYME James 1799-1870 

5498 Jury court — 1st division. John Lizars against 
James Syme, July 26, 1852 (Edinburgh 1852) 8° 

5499 The principles of surgery. Edinburgh 1832. 8* 
Biography See P145 

T., J. See Tiling J. 

T. C. See Cl 
T. E. See B598 


T1 His Hippocrates chymicus. His clavis, tr. J. W. Lon¬ 
don 1677. 4° SG 
T2 —1696.4° 

TACITUS Cornelius 55 P-120 

T3 Cn. Julii Agricolae vita, tr. J. Aikin. Warrington 
1774. 12° Latin & English 

TAEUBER & WEIL booksellers Munich 
T4 Alte Medizin. Munich [1925?] 2 v. in 1. 8° 

T5 Books from the library of Ulrich Ellenbog. Munich 
[1931?] 4° typescript 

T6 On an interesting astronomical-mathematical vol¬ 
ume from the library of Johannes Serlinger. Munich 
n.d. fol. typescript 

TAGAULT Jean d. 1545 

T7 La chirurgie. Lyons E. Michel 1580. 8“ 

T8 — derniere 6d. Rouen 1645. 8’ 

T9 De chirurgica institution. De materia chirurgica, 
J. Houllier. Paris C. Wechel 1543. fol. SG 
T10 —Venice V. Valgrisi 1544. 8° SG 
Til —Lyons G. Roville 1547. 8° 

T12 — Venice V. Valgrisi 1549. 8° SG 
T13 — 2. ed. Lyons G. Roville 1549. 8° SG 
T14 — Lyons G. Roville 1567. 8° SG 
T15 Instituti di cirurgia. Venice G. Angelieri 1570. 8° 
t.-p. mutilated 

TAGLIACOZZI Gaspare 1546-99 
T16 De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem. Venice 
G. Bindoni 1597. fol. SG 
Biography See W86 


T17 Memoria intorno la vita scientifica del Cavaliere 
Antonio Scarpa. Milan 1834. 8° 

TAIT Peter Guthrie 1831-1901 

T18 Sketch of thermodynamics. Edinburgh 1868. 8° 

TALAEUS Audomarus 1510P-62 
T19 Rhetorica, ed. P. de La Ram6e & C. Mignault. 
Frankfort A. Wechel heirs 1583. 8° With L62 


T20 Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris for 1678, 1708. 
London 1678-1708. 2 v. 8° 

TANZER Helen Henrietta 1876- See E83 
TARENTA Valastus de See Valascus de Tarenta 


S500 Symposium of papers on the late Lord Lister. 
Repr. Canad. J. Med. Surg. 1912, 31: 288-353 

SYNESIUS Cyrenaeus bp. of Ptolemais See £149; 

TARIN Pierre 1725-61 
T21 Adversaria anatomica. Paris 1750. 4° SG 
T22 Dictionaire anatomique. Paris 1753. 4° SG 
TARRASCH Victor 1874- See R135 
TA-SHUN Pai pseud. See Peterson F. 

TATE Nahum 1652-1715 See F287 

TAYLOR Alfred Edward 1869- 
T23 Aristotle. London [1912] 12° 

TAYLOR Charles Fayette 1827-99 
T24 “Spinal irritation.” New York 1870. 8° 

TAYLOR Mrs. Frances (Long) 

T25 Crawford W. Long & the discovery of ether 
anesthesia. New York 1928. 8° 

TAYLOR Sir Frederick 1847-1920 
T26 The need of research in medicine. The Harveian 
oration, 1907. London 1908. 8° 

TAYLOR James Spottiswoode 1870-1922 
T27 Alexis Soyer, a chivalrous chef. Washington 1921. 8° 
T28 Surgery in the middle ages. Nav. med. Bull., Wash. 
1921, 15: 347-76 

TAYLOR Robert 1710-62 
T29 Miscellanea medica. London 1761. 4° BMC 
T30 Oratio anniversaria ex Harveii instituto, 1755. In 

TAYLOR Thomas 1758-1835 See A243; A248 
TEACHER John Hammond 1869-1920 See G272 

T31 Teatro anatomico di Bologna [Bologna 1668] fol. 
Without t.-p.; plates only 

TECTANDER Joseph See G6 

TEIXEIRA DE MATTOS Alexander Louis 1865- 
1921 SeeF4 

TELESIO Antonio 1482-1534 

T32 Libellus de coloribus. Paris C. Wechel (1529) 8° 

TENNEY William See C252 

TENNIEL Sir John 1820-1914 Biography 
T33 Punch, Suppl. March 4, 1914. 8° 


T34 La terre habitable, ou, essai sur la structure ex- 
t£rieure et int6rieure du globe. Paris 1782. 8° 

TERRENTIUS Joannes 1576-1630 
T35 Epistolium ex regno sinarum ad mathematicos, ed. 
J. Kepler. Sagan P. Cobius & J. Wiske 1630. Caspar 82 
With K40 



T36 - T71 


T36 Testimonial dinner to Howard Atwood Kelly on his 
seventy-fifth birthday. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1933, 
53: 65-109 

THACHER James 1754-1844 
T37 American medical biography. Boston 1828. 2 v. in 1. 
8* 2 copies 

T38 The American new dispensatory, 2d ed. Boston 
(1813) 8° 

T39 A military journal during the American revolu¬ 
tionary war. Boston 1823. 8° 

T40 Observations on hydrophobia. Plymouth Mass. 
1812. 8° 

THACHER Thomas 1620-78 

T41 A brief rule to guide the common-people of New- 
England in the small pocks, or measels, ed. H. R. 
Viets. Baltimore 1937. 8° facsim. 

THAYER William Roscoe 1859-1923 
T42 The art of biography. New York 1920. 8° 

THAYER William Sidney 1864-1932 
T43 Osier and other papers. Baltimore 1931. 8° 


T44 Every man his own physician, 7th ed. Philadelphia 
1794. 12° 

THEODORUS Medicus See H326 

THEOPHILUS Protospatharius 7th cent. 

T45 De corporis humani fabrica, tr. J. P. Crassus. Paris 
C. Wechel 1548. fol. 

T46 — Paris G. Morel 1556. 8° BMF 
T47 De hominis fabrica. Paris G. Morel 1555. 8° Greek. 
BO 4095 

See also G435; G436 


T48 Enquiry into plants and minor works, tr. A. F. 
Hort. London 1916. 2 v. 12° 

T49 Libellus de odoribus, tr. A. Turn^be. Paris M. de 
Vascosan 1556. 4° Greek & Latin. GHL 

THIBAULT Jacques Anatole See France A. 

THIBAUT Pierre fl. 1667 Biography See F85 

THICKNESSE Philip 1719-92 
T50 A letter to a young lady [London 1764] 4° Lacks 
t.-p. BO 4098 

THIJSSEN Eduard Hendrick Marie 1856- 
T51 Nicolaas Tulp als geneeskundige geschetst. Amster¬ 
dam 1881. 8* 

THILLAYE Auguste J. fl. 1840 See B191 

THILLY Frank 1865- See P151 

THIRD DISTRICT medical society of the state of 

T52 Proceedings and correspondence in reference to the 
Medical college of Ohio (Xenia) 1832. 8° 

THOLDE Johann fl. 1600 See Basilius Valen¬ 

THOMAIUS Camillus fl. 1550 See V123 

THOMAS Aquinas Saint 1225 ?—74 
T53 Of God and his creatures, tr. J. J. Rickaby. London 
1905. fol. 

THOMAS Brabantinus See Thomas de Cantimpre 

THOMAS de Cantimprb 13th cent. 

T54 Die Gynakologie, ed. C. Ferckel. Munich 1912. 8° 

THOMAS of Celano fl. 1257 See D156 
THOMAS Ernest Chester 1850-92 See A317 

THOMAS Henry 1878- 

T55 Monster & miracle. Sonning 1935. 8° 

See also B684 


T56 Josiah Wedgwood and his portraits of 18th century 
men of science. Repr. Not. Proc. roy. Instn. 1938, 30: 

THOMAS Robert 1753-1835 

T57 A treatise on domestic medicine, 1st American ed. 
D. Hosack. New York 1822. 8* 

THOMAS Robert Marrenner 1904- See 1V244 

T58 Thomas Bartholin 1616, 20. Oktober, 1916. Minde- 
skrift paa 300. aarsdagen for hans fydsel. Copenhagen 
1916. 8° 

THOMAS-STANFORD Sir Charles bart. 1858-1932 
T59 Early editions of Euclid’s Elements. London 
1926. 8° 

THOMPSON Sir Benjamin count Rumford See 
Rumford B. T. 

THOMPSON Charles John Samuel 

T60 The mysteries and secrets of magic. Philadelphia 
1928. 8° 

T61 The mystery and lure of perfume. London (1927) 8° 

T62 The mystery and romance of astrology. London 
(1929) 8° 

T63 The mystic mandrake. London (1934) 8* 

T64 The quacks of old London. London (1928) 8° 

See also P368; R283 


T65 An account of what passed between George Thomp¬ 
son and John Burton. London 1756. 8° BMC 

THOMPSON Gilbert 1728-1803 
T66 Memoirs of the life of Dr. John Fothergill. London 
1782. 8° BO 2645 

THOMPSON Sir Henry bart. 1820-1904 
T67 Food and feeding, 3d ed. London (1884) 8° 

THOMPSON James Alden 

T68 Count Rumford of Massachusetts. New York 
(°1935) 8* 

THOMPSON Silvanus Phillips 1851-1916 
T69 The family and arms of Gilbert of Colchester. 
Repr. Essex Arch. Soc. Trans. 1904, 9: 197-211 

T70 Gilbert of Colchester, an Elizabethan magnetizer. 
London 1891. 12° 

T71 Gilbert, physician [London 1903] 4° 


T72 -T114 


T72 The life of William Thomson, baron Kelvin of 
Largs. London 1910. 2 v. 8° 

T73 Light visible and invisible, 2d ed. London 1912. 8° 
T74 Lord Kelvin. London 1912. 8° English & French 
T75 Michael Faraday. London 1898. 8° 

T76 Notes on the De magnete of Dr. W. Gilbert. Lon¬ 
don 1901. 8° 

T77 William Gilbert and terrestrial magnetism [London 
1903] 8° 

See also G255 
Biography See C253 


T78 The case of the Right Honourable Thomas Win- 
nington. London 1746. 8° SG 
T79 An enquiry into the small-pox. London 1752. 8° SG 
See also D200 

THOMPSON Sir William Henry 1860-1918 See 

THOMS Herbert 1885- 

T80 Chapters in American obstetrics. Springfield Ill. 
1933. 8° 

T81 Classical contributions to obstetrics and gynecol¬ 
ogy. Springfield Ill. (°1935) 8° 2 copies 
T82 Elihu Hubbard Smith. Repr. Bull. Soc. med. Hist., 
Chicago 1925, 3: 471-78 

T83 James Gates Percival. Repr. Bull. Soc. med. Hist., 
Chicago 1921, 2: 219-28 

THOMSON Alexander 

T84 An enquiry into the nature, causes and method of 
cure of nervous disorders, 3d ed. London 1782. 8° 

THOMSON Elihu 1853-1937 Biography See E31 
THOMSON George 1620P-79 

T85 A check given to the insolent garrulity of H. Stubbe. 
London 1671. 8° BMC 

THOMSON James 1700-48 

T86 The seasons, The life of the author, P. Murdoch. 
An essay on the plan of the poem, J. Aikin. New York 
1802. 12* 

T87 —Philadelphia 1811. 16° 

THOMSON John 1765-1846 

T88 Observations on lithotomy. Edinburgh 1808. 8° 

THOMSON Sir John Arthur 1861-1933 
T89 Introduction to science. London n.d. 12* 

THOMSON Sir Joseph John 1856-1940 
T90 Conduction of electricity through gases. Cambridge 
1903. 8° 2 copies 

T91 The corpuscular theory of matter. London 1907. 8° 
T92 Rays of positive electricity. London 1913. 8* 

T93 [Miscellaneous papers 1880-1912] 2 v. 4° 

THOMSON Sir St. Clair 1859-1943 
T94 The cerebro-spinal fluid. London 1899. 8* 

T95 Lister; a house-surgeon’s memories. Repr. Brit, 
med. J. 1927, 1: 659-62. With C42 

THOMSON Samuel 1769-1843 
T96 A narrative of the life and medical discoveries, 5th 
ed. St. Clairsville O. 1829. 8° 2 copies 

THOMSON Thomas See Thompson T. 

THOMSON Thomas 1773-1852 
T97 An attempt to establish the first principles of 
chemistry. London 1825. 2 v. 8° 

T98 Elements of chemistry. Philadelphia 1810. 8° 

T99 History of the Royal society. London 1812. 8° 

T100 Some observations on the relations between the 
specific gravity of gaseous bodies and the weights of 
their atoms. In Ann. Phil. 1816, 7: 343-46. With P413 

THOMSON Sir William See Kelvin W. T. baron 
THORDARSON Chester Hjordur 1867- See B186 
THORER Alban 1489-1550 See R130; V86 
THORNDIKE Lynn 1882- 

T101 A history of magic and experimental science. New 
York 1929-34. 4 v. 8* 

T102 Prospectus for a corpus of medieval scientific lit¬ 
erature in Latin. Repr. Isis 1930, 14: 368-84 
T103 Science and thought in the 15th century. New 
York 1929. 8° 

THORNTON Bonnell 1724-68 

T104 The battle of the wigs. London 1768. 4° SG 

THORNTON Robert John 1768P-1837 
T105 Facts decisive in favour of the cow-pock. London 
1802. 8° 

T106 Preuves de l’efficacit6 de vaccine, tr. J. Duffbur. 
Paris 1807. 8° 

T107 Vaccinae vindicia or defence of vaccination. Lon¬ 
don 1806. 8° 

THURINUS Andreas See Turini A. 

T108 Confirmatio concertationis oder ein Bestettigung 
dess jenigen so streittig. Berlin Grauwen monastery 
1576. fol. SG 

T109 Historia sive descriptio plantarum omnium (Ber¬ 
lin M. Hentzske 1578) fol. SG 
T110 Praeoccupatio durch zwolff verscheidenlicher 
Tractaten (Frankfort on the Oder J. Eichorn) 1571. 
fol. SG 

Till Quinta essentia, das ist die hochste Subtilitet, 
Krafft und \^irckung. Leipzig (J. Steinman 1574) fol. 

THYBAULT Pierre See Thibaut P. 

THYLESIUS Antonius See Telesio A. 

TIBULLUS Albius See C131 
TICKNOR Caroline See H190 
TICKNOR Luther 1790-1846 

T112 The annual address to the candidates for degrees 
in the Medical institution of Yale college Jan. 20, 1841. 
New Haven 1841. 8° 

TIEDEMANN Friedrich 1781-1861 

T113 Das Him des Negers. Heidelberg 1837. fol. 

TILDESLEY Miriam Louise 

T114 Sir Thomas Browne: his skull, portraits and an¬ 
cestry [London 1923] 8* KeynesB 385 

TILING Johann 1668-1715 See N133; S173 



T115 -T150 

TILNEY Frederick 1875-1938 

T115 The form and functions of the central nervous 
system, H. A. Riley jt.auth. New York 1921. 8° 

TILTON James 1745-1822 

T116 Dissertatio medica inauguralis (De hydrope) 
Philadelphia 1771. 8° SG 


T117 Time’s telescope or the astronomer’s, botanist’s, 
and naturalist’s guide, 1828. London. 8 Lacks t.-p. 

TINKER Chauncey Brewster 1876- 
T118 Addresses commemorating the 100th anniversary 
of the birth of William Morris, C. P. Rollins jt.auth. 
[Stamford Conn. 1935] 8° 

TU9 A new portrait of James Boswell, F. A. Pottle 
jt.auth. Cambridge Mass. 1927. fol. 

TISELIUS Arne 1902- 

T120 [Miscellaneous papers 1930-38] 4° 

TISSOT Samuel Auguste Andre David 1728-97 
T121 Advice to the people in general, tr. J. Kirkpatrick. 
London 1765. 8° SG 

T121a —The art of preserving health, J. Mackenzie, 
v. 1. London 1767. 12° SG 

T122 De la sant6 des gens de lettres. Lausanne 1768. 8° 

See also B395; H67 

TIZIANO VECELLI 1477-1576 See B480 
Biography See N117; R260; R261 

TODHUNTER John 1839-1916 

T123 A Sicilian idyll, a pastoral play. London 1890. 4° 

T124 Sounds and sweet airs. London 1905. 12° 

TOPLY Robert Ritter von 1856- 
T125 Studien zur Geschichte der Anatomie im Mittelal- 
ter. Leipzig 1898. 8° 

See also H141 

TOGNO Joseph See B225; B372 
TOLDO Vittorio de 

T126 L’art italien de la reliure du livre. Milan 1924. 8° 
TOLET Francois 1647-1724 

T127 Lithotomy, tr. A. Lovell. London 1689. 12° GHL 
TOLET Pierre b. 1502 See G27; G58; PI52; Pi53 
TOLET ANUS Gerardus See R130 
TOLLIN Henri 1833-1902 

T128 Dr. M. Luther und Dr. M. Servet. Berlin 1875. 8° 
T129 Michel Servet, tr. A. P. Dardier. Paris 1879. 8° 

TOLMAN Richard Chace 1881- 
T130 [Miscellaneous papers 1916-26] 8° 

TOMLINSON Henry Major 1873- 
T131 War books. Cleveland 1930. 8° 

TONER Joseph Meredith 1825-96 
T132 The medical men of the Revolution. Philadelphia 
1876. 8° 

TOOKER William 1558P-1621 
T133 Charisma sive donum sanationis. London J. Win¬ 
der 1597. 4° STC 24118 

TOPSELL Edward 1572-1625? 

T134 The history of four-footed beasts and serpents. 
The theater of insects, T. Moffett, ed. J. Rowland. Lon¬ 
don 1658. fol. BMC 

TORELLI Giuseppe 1721-81 See A231 

TORINUS Albanus See Thorer A. 

TORRE Giacomo della See Jacopo da Forli 

TORRE Marco Antonio della See Della Torre 
M. A. 

TORRE P. L. della See Della Torre P. L. 

T135 Discorso inaugurale (Elogio di Giovanni Battista 
Morgagni) Padua 1844. fol. 

TORREY John 1796-1873 

T136 A compendium of the flora of the northern and 
middle states. New York 1826. 8° 

T137 A flora of the state of New-York. Albany 1843. 
2 v. 4° 

TORRICELLI Evangelista 1608-47 

T138 Lezioni accademiche. Florence 1715. 4° LC 

T139 Opera geometrica (Florence 1644) 4° LC 

TORTEBAT Francois 1635-1709 
T140 Abr6g<£ d’anatomie. Paris 1668. fol. 2d copy in¬ 
complete. F FI. D. 64 

T141 — 1760. fol. SG 
T142 —[1761] fol. 

T143 — 1765. fol. 2 copies. F VI. D. 64 

T144 Kurtze Verfassung der Anatomie. Berlin 1706. fol 

TORY Geoffroy 1480-1533 

T145 Champ fleury, tr. G. B. Ives. New York 1927. fol. 

TOSCANELLI Paolo del Pozzo 1397-1482 Biogra¬ 
phy See U39 

TOSONI Pietro 

T146 Della anatomia degli antichi e della scuola ana- 
tomica padovana memoria. Padua 1844. 8* 

TOSSIGNANO Pietro da See Pietro da Tossignano 

TOURETTE Georges Gilles de la See Gilles de la 
Tourette G. 

TOURTOURAT Charles 1869- 

T147 Benjamin Franklin et la m6decine. Paris 1900. 8° 


T148 The town and country friend and physician. Phila¬ 
delphia 1803. 16° 

TOWNSEND John Sealy Edward 1868- 
T149 [Miscellaneous papers 1898-1933] 8° 

TOWNSEND Joseph 1739-1816 
T150 Elements of therapeutics, 1st American ed. Boston 
1802. 8° 

TOWNSEND Peter S. See V54 

TRAGUS Hieronymus See Bock H. 

TRAHERON Bartholomew 1510?—58 ? See V141- 


T151 - T188 


TRANQUILLUS Caius Suetonius See Suetonius 
Tranq.uillus C. 


T151 The Transylvania library. Its Bull. 1919, 11 , no. 3 

TRAUBE Ludwig 1861-1907 

T152 Textgeschichte der Regula S. Benedicti, 2. Aufl. 
H. Plenkers. Munich 1910. 4° 


T153 Here begynneth a good booke of medicines called 
The treasure of poore men [London] (T. Colwell) [ca. 
1564] 8* Lacks t.-p. and other /. 


T154 A treatise concerning the plague and the pox. 
London 1652. 4° Incomplete. SG 

TRELEASE William 1857- 

T155 The American oaks (Washington 1924) 4° 

TRENCH Herbert 1865-1923 See M302 

TRENCH Maria Marcia Fanny 

T156 The story of Dr. Pusey’s life. London 1900. 8° 

TRENCH Richard Chenevix abp. of 'Dublin 1807-86 
T157 On the study of words, 16th ed. London 1876. 12° 

TRENDELENBURG Friedrich 1844-1924 
T158 Zur Erinnerung an Joseph Lister. Repr. Dtsch. 
med. Wschr . 1912, 38: 4-12. With S500 


T159 Diary of a young civil servant in Westminster 
1914-18, v. 1 (London) n.d. 8° 

TREVELYAN George Macaulay 1876- 
T160 Garibaldi and the thousand, 2d impr. London 
1909. 8° 

T161 Garibaldi’s defence of the Roman republic, new ed. 
London 1908. 8° 

TREVES Sir Frederick bart. 1853-1923 
T162 The elephant man and other reminiscences. Lon¬ 
don (1928) 12° 

T163 The tale of a field hospital. London 1900. 4° 
TRIAIRE Paul 1842-1912 

T164 Dominique Larrey et les campagnes de la revolu¬ 
tion. Tours 1902. 8° 

TRINCAVELLA Vittore 1496P-1568 See G35; G36 
TRISMEGISTUS Hermes Hermes Trismegistus 
TRISMOSIN Salomon pseud .? 

T165 Aureum vellus oder giildin Schatz und Kunst- 
kammer Rorschach 1598-[1605] 5 pts in 1 v. 4 

TRIUMPHUS Augustinus de Ancona See Augus¬ 
tinus de Ancona 

TROTTER Thomas 1760-1832 
T166 A view of the nervous temperament. Troy 1808. 
12 ° 

Biography See M239 

TROUSSEAU Armand 1801-67 
T167 A practical treatise on laryngeal phthisis, H. Bel¬ 
loc jt.auth. tr. J. A. Warder. Philadelphia 1839. 8° 

TRUDEAU Edward Livingston 1848-1915 
T168 An autobiography. Philadelphia 1916. 8* 

TRUTVETTER Jodocus d. 1519 
T169 Summa in totam physicen (Erfurt M. Maler 
1514) 4* 

TRYON Thomas 1634-1703 

T170 A dialogue between an East-Indian Brackmanny, 
or heathen-philosopher, and a French-gentleman. 8° 
In T171 

T171 The way to health, long life and happiness, 2d ed. 
London 1691. 8° BO 5527 

TUFAIL Ibn See I bn Tufail 

TUFFLER Theodore 1857-1929 
T172 La chirurgie en Am6rique. Son paraltele avec la 
chirurgie frangaise. Repr. Bull. Soc. Int. Hop. Paris 
1914. In A165a 

T173 Mus6e r£trospectif de la classe 16: m6decine et 
chirurgie (Paris 1900) 8° Exposition internationale de 

T174 Titres et travaux scientifiques. Paris 1933. 4° 

See also J129 

TUKE Daniel Hack 1827-95 

T175 Illustrations of the influence of the mind upon the 
body. London 1872. 8° 

TULLBERG Tycho Fredrik Hugo 1842-1920 
T176 Linn6portratt. Stockholm 1907. 4° BML 3321 

TULP Nicolaas 1593-1674 

T177 Observationes medicae, ed. nova. Amsterdam 
1652. 8° SG 

T178 — 5. ed. Leyden 1716. 8° SG 
Biography See T51 
TUM SUDEN Linda See L65 
TURA de Castello See G486 

TURINI Andrea 

T179 De curatione pleuritidis per venae sectionem. 
Lyons M. Parmentier 1537. 4° SG 

TURNEBE Adrien 1512-65 See T49 

TURNER Arthur Logan 1865-1939 ed. 

T180 Joseph, baron Lister; centenary volume, 1827- 
1927. Edinburgh 1927. 4° 

T181 Sir William Turner. Edinburgh 1919. 8° 
TURNER Edouard 1826-92 

T182 Andr6 Du Laurens. Gaz. hebd. Mid. Chir. 1880, 17: 

379—41 etc. Typewritten translation 
T183 Etudes historiques, 1. fasc. Paris 1878. 8° 2 copies 
T184 Jean Guinter d’Andernach. Gaz. hebd. Med. Chir. 

1881, 18: 425-34 etc. Typewritten translation 
T185 On Ambroise Par6. Gaz. hebd. Mid. Chir. 1879, 2 s. 

16: 309-16 etc. Typewritten translation 
T186 On Dryander; Ryff; Vesalius. Typewritten trans¬ 
lation from T183 

T187 On Loys Vass6, Jean Vass£s etc. Typewritten 
translation from T183 

TURNER George Grey 1877— 

T188 The home of Edward Jenner. Repr. Unio. Durh. 
Coll. Gaz. Jan. 1927. In J65 

[ 185 ] 


T189 - U20 

TURNER Robert fl. 1640-64 

T189 The Brittish physician or the nature and vertues 
of English plants. London 1687. 8° Lacks t.-p. BMC 

T190 A description of the little-world. London E. Archer 
1654. 8° 

T191 — London J. Harrison 1654. 8° BMC 
See also P55 

TURNER William d. 1568 

T192 The first and second partes of the Herbal with the 
thirde parte, also a booke of the bath of Baeth. Co¬ 
logne A. Birckmann 1568. fol. BO 4134 

T193 Libellus de re herbaria novus, 1538, ed. B. D. 
Jackson. London 1877. 4° facsim. 

See also V125; V126 

TURNER Sir William 1832-1916 Biography See 

TURRELL Walter John 1865- 

T194 Ancient angling authors. London 1910. 8° 

TUSON Edward William 1802-65 

T195 The anatomy and surgery of inguinal and femoral 
hernia. London 1834. fol. 

T196 A supplement to Myology. London 1828. fol. 

TUSSIGNANUS Petrus See Pietro da Tossignano 


T197 Twenty-five years after; sidelights on the mental 

hygiene movement and its founder, ed. W. L. Cross. 
Garden City 1934. 8° 

TWITCHELL Amos 1781-1850 Biography See 


TYLDEN Henry John 1857-92 
T198 Galen: an essay. London 1894. 8° 

TYLER Harry Walter 1863-1938 See S175 

TYNDALL John 1820-93 

T199 Contributions to molecular physics. London 1872. 
8° 2 copies 

T200 Essays on the floating-matter of the air, 2d ed. 
London 1883. 8° 

T201 Fragments of science, 5th ed. London 1876. 8* 
T202 The glaciers of the Alps. London 1860. 8° 

T203 Heat considered as a mode of motion. London 
1863. 8° 2 copies 

T204 Les microbes, tr. L. Dollo. Paris 1882. 8“ 

T205 New fragments. London 1892. 8° 

T206 Researches on diamagnetism. London 1870. 8° 

TYRRELL Frederick 1793-1843 See C394 
TYTLER James 1747 P-1805 

T207 A treatise on the plague and yellow fever. Salem 
1799. 8° SG 


UDALL Nicholas 1505-56 See L66; V90; V91 

UBERLACHER Gregor d. 1808 
Ul Nachricht fiber die Wirksamkeit und Niitzlichkeit 
der Kuhpocken-Impfung. Vienna 1807. 8* 

UFFENBACH Peter 1566-1635 See D337; P101; 

UGO da Siena d. 1439 

U2 Aurea ad omnesque egritudines consilia. Venice B. 
Locatelli 1503. fol. 

ULMANN Mrs. Doris 

U3 A book of portraits of the Medical department, 
Johns Hopkins university. Baltimore 1922. fol. 

UNDERWOOD Edgar Ashworth 

U4 Medicine and science in the writings of Smollett. 
Proc. R. Soc. Med. 1937, 30: 961-74 

UNITED STATES Adjutant-general’s office 
U5 American decorations 1862-1926. Washington 
1927. 8° 

U. S. American battle monuments commission 
U6 A guide to the American battle fields in Europe. 
Washington 1927. 8° 

U. S. Army. A. E. F. 1917-20. 77th division 
U7 History, Aug. 25 1917-Nov. 11 1918 (New York 
°1919) fol. 

U. S. Congress. House 

U8 William T. G. Morton — sulphuric ether. Report 
[Washington 1849] 8° 

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on foreign affairs 

U9 Gorgas memorial laboratory. Washington 1928. 8* 

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the Library 

U10 Vollbehr collection of incunabula. Washington 
1930. 8* 

U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of 

Ull Prevention of cruelty to animals [Washington 
1897?] 8° 

U12 Vivisection. Washington 1900. 8° 2 copies 

U13 Vivisection in the District of Columbia [Washing¬ 
ton 1897] 8* With Ull 

U. S. General service schools, Fort Leavenworth 

U14 [Four Gettysburg maps] Fort Leavenworth Kan. 

U. S. Library of Congress 

U15 Exhibit of books from the collection of J. D. 
Batchelder. Washington 1938. 8° 

U16 Exhibit of books, Vollbehr collection. Washington 
1930. 8 # 

U17 Loan exhibition of a selection of printers’ and pub¬ 
lishers’ marks, Vollbehr collection. Washington 1928. 8° 

U18 Loan exhibition of incunabula, Vollbehr collection 
[Washington] 1928. 5 p. 8° With U17 

U19 -- Washington 1928. 8 p. 8 # With U17 

U20 Report of the librarian 1931/32. Washington 
1932. 8° 

[ 186 ] 

U21 - V15 


U. S. Library of Congress. Division of manuscripts 

U21 Indie manuscripts and paintings. Washington 
1939. 8° 

U. S. National institute of health 

U22 The pathology of tularaemia. Washington (1937) 8* 

U. S. Naval observatory 

U23 Reports on the total solar eclipses of July 29 1878 
and January 11 1880. Washington 1880. 4° 

U. S. Sanitary commission 

U24 [Collection of original documents] Washington 
1861-65. 26 pts. in 1 v. 8° 

U. S. Surgeon-general’s office 

U25 The medical and surgical history of the war of the 
rebellion. Washington 1870-83. 3 v. 4° Surgical only 

U26 The medical dept, of the U. S. army in the World 
war. Washington 1923-29. 15 v. in 17. 8° 

U27 A report on barracks and hospitals. Washington 
1870. 4° 

U28 Report on epidemic cholera in the army 1866. 
Washington 1867. 4° 

U29 A report on the hygiene of the U. S. army. Wash¬ 
ington 1875. 4° 

U30 Reports for the preparation of a medical and sur¬ 
gical history of the rebellion. Philadelphia 1865. 4° 

U31 The use of the Rontgen ray. Washington 1900. 4° 

U32 War surgery of the nervous system. Washington 
1917. 8° 

U. S. Surgeon-general’s office. Library 

U33 Catalogue Oct. 23 1865 [Washington 1865] 8° 

U34 Index catalogue, v. l-4th ser. v. 4, 1880-1939. 
50 v. 8° 

U35 Texts illustrating the history of medicine. Wash¬ 
ington 1912. 8° 2 copies 

UNIVERSITY CLUB Baltimore See Baltimore. 
University club 

UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge Mass . 

U36 Stephen Daye and his successors. Cambridge Mass. 
1921. 8° 

UNUS quorum pseud. See Wadd W. 

UPMARK Erik Ask- See Ask-Upmark E. 

UREY Harold Clayton 1893- 
U37 [Miscellaneous papers 1932-38] 8° 

URQUHART Sir Thomas 1611-60 See R1 

URYNES See Seynge 

USSHER James abp. of Armagh 1581-1656 Biog¬ 
raphy See A75 

UZIELLI Gustavo 1839-1911 

U38 Ricerche intorno a Leonardo da Vinci. Rome 1884- 
96. 2 v. 8° Ser. 1, v. 1 is 2d ed. 1896 

U39 La vita e i tempi di Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli. 
Rome 1894. fol. 


V*** M. L. See Villain E. F. 

V. C. See Comeyras V. D. de 

Vl [Austrian vaccination broadsides 1811-36] fol. 

V2 [Vaccination certificates issued at Graz, Prague, 
Salzburg 1825-71] fol. 

VACCINE INSTITUTION See London Vaccine in¬ 

VACHE Alexander F. 1800-57 

V3 Letters on yellow fever, cholera and quarantine. 
New York 1852. 8° 

VAHL Martin 1749-1804 

V4 Eclogae americanae. Copenhagen 1796-1807. 3 v. 
fol. Lacks v. 3. LC 

VALASCUS de Tarenta fl. 1418 See H262 
VALENSI Joseph Levy- See L£vy-Valensi J. 

VALENTIN Gabriel Gustav 1810-83 
V5 De functionibus nervorum cerebralium. Berne 
1839. 4* 

VALENTINOIS Diane de Poitiers duchesse de See 
Poitiers D. 

VALENTINUS Basilius See Basilius Valentinus 
VALENTINUS Petrus Joannes Olivarius See Oli- 


VALENTINUS Petrus Pomarius 
V6 Enchiridion medicum. The examination of a chyrur- 
gian (S.H.) 2d impr. London N. Okes 1612. 3 v. in 1. 4" 
STC 24578 

VALESCUS de Taranta See Valascus de Tarenta 
VALLA Giorgio 1430-99 

V7 De simplicium natura. Strasbourg H. Sybold (1528) 
8° SG 

See also A125 

VALLERY-RADOT Rene 1853-1933 
V8 The life of Pasteur, tr. H. C. Devonshire. New York 
1902. 2 v. 8° 

V9 — London 1920. 8° 

V10 — Garden City n.d. 8° 

Vll Pasteur 1822-95. Paris 1922. 8° 

V12 —1923.8° 

VALLISNIERI Antonio 1661-1730 Biography See 

VALTON Emilio 

V13 Impresos mexicanos del siglo XVI. Mexico 1935. 


V14 Anatomia del corpo humano. Rome A. Salamanca 
& A. Lafrery 1559. fol. 

V15 — 1560. fol. GHL 

[ 187 ] 


V16 - V55 

VAL VERDE J. — continued 

V16 La anatomia del corpo umano. Venice Giunta 1586. 
fol. BO 576 

V17 Anatome corporis humani, tr. M. Colombo. 1589. 
fol. GHL 

V18 — 1606. fol. SG 

V19 — tr. M. Colombo. 1607. fol. SG 

V20 — 1608. fol. 

V21 — 1682. fol. SG 

V22 Anatomie, oft levende beelden vande deelen des 
menschelicken lichaems. Antwerp C. Plantin 1568. 4° 
2 copies F VI. C. 35; SG 
V23 — Amsterdam 1647. fol. F VI. C. 36 
V24 De animi et corporis sanitate. Paris C. Estienne 
1552. 8° 

V25 His tori a de la composition del cuerpo humano. 

Rome A. Salamanca & A. Lafrery 1556. fol. SG 
V26 — Issue of plates without text. ChF 
V27 Vivae imagines partium corporis humani. Antwerp 
C. Plantin 1566. 4° 2 copies F VI. C. 33; BO 577 
V28 — 1572 (1579) 4° F VI. C. 34 

VAN BEUREN Frederick Theodore 1876- 
V29 Rabelais as a physician. Repr. Bull. N.Y. Acad. 
Med. 1937, 13: 349-65 

VAN DEN CORPUT Bernard Edouard Henri Joseph 

See Corput B. E. H. J. van den 

VAN DER GRACHT Jacob See Gracht J. van der 
VAN DER LINDEN E. J. See Linden E. J. van der 

VAN DER LINDEN Johannes Antonides See Lin¬ 
den J. A. VAN DER 

VAN DYCK Cornelius Van Alen 1818-95 Biogra¬ 
phy See S14 

VAN LEEUWEN Willem Storm See Storm Van 
Leeuwen W. 

VAN PATTEN Nathan 1887- 

V30 The medical literature of Mexico and Central 
America. Chicago 1931. 8° 

VAN WYCK William 1883- See F283 

VANDELLI Domenico 1735-1816 
V31 Considerazioni sopra la notizia degli Accademici 
Lincei. Modena (1745) 4° BMC 
V32 Risposta ad una parte della lettera del S. Cosmo- 
polita (Cuenca 1746-47) 4° With V31 


VANZYPE Gustave 

V33 Vermeer de Delft. Brussels 1908. 4° 

VARCIN Aime 1630-1702 See C165 
VAROLIO Costanzo 1543-75 

V34 Anatomiae, sive De resolutione corporis humani, 
ed. G. B. Cortesi. De nervis opticis, C. Varolio & G. 
Mercuriale. Frankfort J. Wechel & P. Fischer 1591. 8° 

VASSAEUS Joannes See Vasses J. 

VASSAEUS Lodovicus See Vasse L. 


V35 Exacte longueur du m£tre. Cambrai 1879. 8° 
VASSE Loys 16th cent. 

V36 In anatomen corporis humani tabulae quatuor. 

Venice V. Valgrisi 1544. 8° GHL 
V37 — 1549. 8* GHL 

V38 — Paris V. Gaultherot widow 1553. fol. 

V39 —Lyons T. Payen 1560. 8* BMC 
V40 L’anatomie du corps humain, tr. J. Canape. Lyons 
J. de Tournes 1552. 12* 

V41 Tables anatomicques du corps humain universel, 
tr. J. Canape. Lyons E. Dolet 1542. 8° 

V42 — Paris M. Fezandat 1555. 8° 

Biography See C506; T187 
VASSfiS Jean 1486-1550 

V43 De iudiciis urinarum. Lyons G. Roville 1553. 16° 

See also H357 
Biography See T187 

VAUCAIRE Rene 1857- 

V44 Iitude sur Habicot. Paris 1891. 8° 

VAUDOYER Jean Louis 1883- 

V45 Ambroise Par6 et les Valois. Lyons 1936. 4° 

VAUGHAN Henry See Halford H. 

VAUGHAN Thomas 1622-66 

V46 Anima magica abscondita. Leipzig 1749. 8° With 

V47 Antroposophia theomagica. Leipzig 1749. 8° With 

V48 Magia Adamica oder Das Alterthum der Magie. 
Leipzig 1749. 3 v. in 1. 8° LC 

VAUGHAN Thomas Wayland 1870- 
V49 International aspects of oceanography. Washington 
1937. fol. 

VAUGHAN William 1577-1641 
V50 Directions for health, 6th ed. Two treatises of ap¬ 
proved medicines for all diseases of the eyes, W. Bayley. 
London J. Beale 1626. 4° STC 24617 & STC 1197 

VECELLI Tiziano See Tiziano Vicelli 
VEGE Petrus de 

V51 Pax methodicorum cum spagyricis. Lyons J. Rous- 
sin 1611. 8° With B693 

VEHLING Joseph Dommers 1879- See A200 

VELAZQUEZ Diego Rodriguez de Silva y 1599-1660 

Biography See S409 

VELDE Jacobus van de See E19; S391 

VELPEAU Alfred Armand Louis Marie 1795-1867 
V52 De lop6ration du tr6pan. Brussels 1835. 12° 

V53 Dissertation sur un foetus monstrueux. Repr. 

J. heb. Sci. mid. 1834, 1: 277-91 
V54 New elements of operative surgery, 1st American 
ed., tr. P. S. Townsend, augm. V. Mott. New York 
1847. atlas. 4° 

V55 Nouvelles remarques sur la membrane caduque. 
Repr. Arch. gin. Mid. 1833, 2. s., 1: 131-47 

[ 188 ] 

V56 - V100 


V56 Recherches anatomiques sur les cavit6s closes. 
Paris 1843. 8° 

V57 Trait6 complet d’anatomie chirurgicale, 3. 6d. 
Brussels 1834. 8° 

VENN John 1834-1923 

V58 John Caius. Cambridge 1910. 8° 

See also C22 

VERBRUGGE Johann See G449 
VERDUC Laurent d. 1695 See B277; G492 
VERGA Ettore 1867-1930 

V59 Bibliografia Vinciana. Bologna 1931. 2 v. in 1. 8° 
VERGIL Polydore d. 1555? Bibliography See F68 


V60 Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. Birmingham 1757. 4° 

V61 Part of the first book of Aeneid, tr. W. Stevenson. 
Belfast 1773. 4° 

VERHEYEN Philippe 1648-1710 
V62 Anatomie oder Zerlegung des menschlichen Leibes. 
Leipzig 1722. 8° SG 


VERMEER Johannes 1632-75 Biography See V33 


V63 Vernon Kellogg 1867-1937. Washington 1939. 8° 
VERY Frank Washington 1852-1927 See L53; L54 
VESALIUS Andreas 1514-64 

The “Paraphrasis" 

V64 Paraphrasis in nonum librum Rhazae. Basel 
(R. Winter 1537) 8° FI. 2; BO 580 
V65 —Lyons J. de Tournes & G. Gazeau 1551. 16° 
F 1.4 With D286 

V66 — Wittenberg Krafft 1586. 8° F I. 5 
See also R130 

The “Tabulae Sex" 

V67 Tabulae anatomicae sex. Six anatomical tables. Lon¬ 
don 1874. fol. FII. 2; BO 581 
V68 Ain gar kunstlichs alien Leyb und Wundartzten 
hochnutzlichs Werck in sechs Figur gebracht, ed. J. de 
Necker. Augsburg 1539. fol. 1 plate in facsim. FII. 4 
V69 — photostat 

V70 —n.p. n.d. photostat. With V69 
V71 Sechs anatomische Tafeln vom Jahre 1538 in 
Lichtdruck, ed. M. Holl & K. SudhofF. Leipzig 1920. 

V72 Die anatomischen Tafeln des Jost de Negker, 1539, 
ed. K. SudhoflF & M. Geisberg. Munich (1928) fol. 

Venesection Epistle 

V73 Epistola, docens venam. Basel (R. Winter 1539) 4° 
Lacks colophon. FIV. 1; BO 583 
V74 —Typewritten English translation, C. U. Clark, 

V74a — Dutch translation. In 039 1930, 8 
V75 — [Venice] Comino de Trino 1544. 8° FIV. 2 

The “Fabrica" 

V76 De humani corporis fabrica. Basel (J. Oporinus 
1543) fol. F VI. A. 1; BO 567 
V77 — Lyons J. de Tournes 1552. 2 v. 16° F VI. A. 2; 

V78 — Basel J. Oporinus (1555) fol. F VI. A. 3; BO 568 
V79 —Venice F. de Franceschi & J. Criegher 1568. 
fol. F VI. A. 4; BO 569 

V80 Anatomia. Venice J. A. & J. de Franceschi (1604) 
fol. F VI. A. 5; BO 570 

V81 Desseins originaux de Tanatomie. n.p. n.d. fol. 
facsim. plates from Codex in Hunterian Library, Glas¬ 

V82 La structure du corps humain, livre 1., chap. 1.-6. 
[tr. J. E. Verschaffelt from the 1555 ed. Haarlem, 1924] 

V83 The last chapter of the De fabrica, tr. B. Farring¬ 
ton. Cape Town 1931. 4° 

V84 The preface to De fabrica corporis humani, 1543, 
tr. B. Farrington. Repr. Proc. R. Soc. Med. 1932, 25: 

The “Epitome" 

V85 Suorum de humani corporis fabrica librorum epi¬ 
tome. Basel (J. Oporinus 1543) fol. 2 copies. F VI. B. 6; 
BO 571 

The “Fabrica" and the “Epitome" 

V86 Von des menschen Corpers Anatomey, ein kurtzer 
aber vast niitzer Ausszug, tr. A. Thorer (Basel J. 
Oporinus 1543) fol. F VI. C. 11; SG 
V87 Zergliederung dess menschlichen Corpers. Augs¬ 
burg 1706. fol. F VI. C. 12; SG 
V88 — 1723. fol. F VI. C. 13; BO 572 
V89 Compendiosa totius anatomie delineatio, T. Gemi- 
nus. London (J. Hertford 1545) fol. 2 copies. F VI. C. 
15; BO 574 

V90 — [tr. N. Udall] (London N. Hilles 1553) fol- 
F VI. C. 16 

V91 — London (T. Geminus) 1559. fol. F VI. C. 17; 
STC 11718 

V92 Anatomes totius delineatio, ed. J. Gr6vin. Paris 
A. Wechel 1564. fol. F VI. C. 18 

V93 — 1565. fol. F VI. C. 19; BMC 
V94 Les portraicts anatomiques, ed. J. Gr6vin. Paris 
A. Wechel 1569. fol. 2 copies. F VI. C. 20 
V95 Anatomia deudsch, ed. (J. Baumann) Nuremberg 
J. P. Schmidt 1551. fol. F VI. C. 21; SG 
V96 — ed. H. Lauterbach & (J. Baumann) fol. F VI. C. 
21 variant; BNed 

V97 Anatomia, das ist ein kurtze und klare Beschrey- 
bung, ed. J. Baumann, n.p. 1575. fol. F VI. C. 22; SG 

V98 Suorum de humani corporis fabrica librorum epit¬ 
ome (Cologne S. Hemmerden 1601) fol. 1600 on t.-p. 
2 copies in one of which the name of Heinrich Botter 
appears at end of Epistola. F VI. C. 23 

V99 Anatomia viri in qua tota humani corporis fabrica. 
Amsterdam J. Jansson 1617. fol. F VI. C. 24; BNed 

V100 Librorum de humani corporis fabrica epitome, ed. 
N. Fonteyn. Amsterdam 1642. fol. F VI. C. 25; BO 575 



V101 - V141 

VES ALIUS A. — continued 

V101 Suorum de humani corporis fabrica librorum 
epitome. 2 copies. F VI. C. 33; BO 577 In VZ7 
V102 — F VI. C.34 In V28 

V103 Het epitome vande fabrijcke van d'menschelick 
lichaem. 2 copies. F VI. C. 35; SG In V22 
V104 — F VI. C. 36 In V23 

V 105 Epitome anatomica, ed. P. Pauw. Leyden J. k 
Cols ter 1616. 4 # F VI. C. 40; BO 578 

V106 — Amsterdam H. Laurensz 1633. 4’ F VI. C. 42; 

V107 Opera omnia anatomica & chirurgica, ed. H. Boer- 
haave & B. S. Albinus, tomus primus. Leyden 1724. fol. 
See F VI. C. 45; SG 

V108 — 1725. fol. 2 v. F VI. C. 45; BO 579 

V 109 Tabulae ossium humanorum, ed. E. Sandifort. 
Leyden 1782. fol. 2 copies. F VI. C. 47; BMC 

VllO leones anatomicae. Munich 1934. fol. 

China Root Epistle 

VI11 Epistola, rationem modumque propinandi radicis 
chynae decocti. Basel (J. Oporinus 1546) fol. F VII. 1; 
BO 584 

V111a — Dutch translation. In 039 1915, 3 F VII. 5 
VI12 — Venice [Comino de Trino? n.d.] 8° F VII. 2 
V113 Radicis chynae usus. Lyons (J. Frellon) 1547. 16* 
F VII. 3; BO 585 

On Falloppio 

V114 Anatomicarum Gabrielis Falloppii observationum 
examen. Venice F. de Franceschi 1564. 4° F VIII. 1; 

V115 —Hanau A. Wechel heirs 1609. 8* F VIII. 2; 
BO 586 

Cross References 

See A155; B3; B501-06; B692; C25; C277; C322; C509; 
G433; G434; G437; G438; K127; K135; K136; K171; 
K179; L28; L30; L66; L192; L278; L280; L281; Ml58; 
M519; M520; N57; N135; $7; R130; R158; S19; 
S364; V23 


See F122; F125 


See A179; B55; B452; B453; B463; B859; C423-25; 
C515; D31; D32; D268; F123; F124; F152; G112; 
G176; H216; H255; K130; L124; L125; M53; M121; 
028; R156; R157; R159; R257; R259-64; R301; S358; 
S364; S457; S464; T186; V122; IV 12; W63; W79; 
IV 105; IV 145 

VESLING Johann 1598-1649 

VI16 The anatomy of the body of man, tr. N. Culpeper. 

London 1653. fol. SG 
V117 — 1677. fol. SG 

VII8 Observationes anatomicae, ed. T. Bartholin. 

Copenhagen 1664. BO 4167 With B114 
V119 Syntagma anatomicum, 2. ed. Padua 1651. 4* 
BO 4166 

V120 — Amsterdam 1666. 4° BMC 
VESPUCCI Bartolomeo 

V121 Nota eorum quae in hoc libro continentur. Oratio 

de laudibus astrologiae (Venice J. & B. Rossi 1508) 2 v. 
in 1. fol. BMC 
VETH Jan Pieter 1864- 

V122 Andreas Vesalius en de Kunst. Amsterdam 
(1915) 8° 

VETTORI Benedetto 1481-1561 
V123 Exhortatio ad medicum. Rationalis methodus, 
C. Thomaius. Curandarum aegritudinum muliebrium 
liber unicus, Trotula. Paris J. Foucher 1551. 2 v. in 1. 
16° SG 

VICARY Thomas 1490P-1561 

V124 The anatomie of the bodie of man, 1548, pt. 1, ed. 

F. J. Furnivall & P. Furnivall. London 1888. 8° 

V125 The Englishemans treasure. The rare treasure of 

the English bathes, W. Turner, ed. W. Bremer. London 

G. Robinson 1587. 4 # STC 24708 
V126 — 9th ed. London 1641. 4° SG 
VICQ-D’AZYR Felix 1748-94 

V127 Instruction sur la manure de d6sinfecter une 
paroisse (Toulouse 1775) 4° 

V128 Trai t6 de l’anatomie du cerveau, nouv. 6d. Plates. 
Paris 1813. 4° 

VICTORIA UNIVERSITY of Manchester. Library 
V129 Catalogue of the Christie collection. Manchester 
1915. 8° 

VICTORIUS Benedictus See Vettori B. 

VIDIUS Vido See Guidi G. 


V130 L’urologie et les m6decins urologues. Paris 1903.8° 

V131 Viellerley wunderbarlicher Thier des Erdtrichs. 

Frankfort C. Jacob 1546. 4° With H277 
VIENNA. Universitat. Kuratorium der Dr. Josef 

V132 Katalog der Sammlung: Medicina in Nummis, ed. 

E. Holzmair. Vienna 1937. 8° 

VIETS Henry Rouse 1890- 

V133 The bibliography of medicine. Menasha Wis. 
1938. 8° 

V134 A brief history of medicine in Massachusetts. 
Boston 1930. 8° 

See also T41 

VIEUSSENS Raymond 1641-1715? 

V135 Neurographia universalis, ed. nova. Lyons 1685. 
fol. BO 4171 

V136 — 1. ed. in Germania. Frankfort 1690. 8° SG 
V137 Tractatus duo: De remotis et proximis mixti 
principiis; De natura. Lyons 1688. 4’ SG 

VTGEVANO Guido de See Guido de Vigevano 
VIGO Giovanni da fl. 1500 

V138 En frangoys la practique et cirurgie. Lyons B. 
Bounyn 1525. 4* SG 

V139 —Les aphorismes, N. Godin (Lyons J. Mareschal) 
1531. 4° 

V140 Le mal frangais 1514, tr. A. Fournier. Paris 
1872. 8° 

V141 The most excelent worckes of chirurgery (tr. 
B. Traheron) [London] E. Whitchurch 1550. fol. SG 

[ 190 ] 

V142 - V181 


V142 — London T. East & H. Middleton 1571. fol. SG 
V143 Opera in chyrurgia. Chyrurgia, M. Santo (Lyons 
J. Moylin 1534) 8* BO 4173 

V144 Practica in chirurgia (Rome E. Guillireti & 
H. Bononiensis 1514) fol. SG 
V145 — [2d ed-] fol. 

V 146 — (Rome J. Mazzocchi 1517) 4* 

VI47 — (Lyons V. de Portonariis 1518-19) 2 pts. in 1 v. 
4* BMF 

V148 The whole worke. Certain works, T. Gale. London 
T. East 1586. 4* STC 24723 

VILLAIN Etienne Francois d. 1784 
V149 Histoire critique de Nicolas Flamel et de Pernelle 
sa femme. Paris 1761. 12* LC 

VILLALOBOS Francisco Lopez de See Lopez de 
Villalobos F. 

VTLLAMIL Richard de See De Villamil R. 
VILLANOVA Amaldo de See Arnaldo de VUlanova 
VILLANOVANUS Michael See Serveto M. 
VIMONT Joseph 1795-1857 See G76 

V150 Le$on inaugurale. Paris 1939. 8° 

VI51 Paris radiologist praises hospitals of America for 
patient-record system. N.Y. Herald Paris ed. Jan. 30, 
1928. clipping. In A165a 

VINCENT de Beauvais See F62 

VINCI Leonardo da See Leonardo da Vinci 


V152 A vindication of the College of physicians [Lon¬ 
don 1690] fol. 

VINES Howard William Copland See B699 

VINET Elie 1509-87 See P405 

VINNE Theodore Low de See De Vinne T. L. 

VINTON Jonathan Dwight 1831-1903 comp. 

V153 The Lord’s prayer in forty languages. Philadelphia 
1887. 16° 

VI54 Poems: translations, miscellaneous, sacred and 
humorous. Philadelphia 1886. 12* 

VIOTTI Bartolommeo d. 1568 
V155 De balneorum naturalium viribus. Lyons M. Bon- 
homme 1552. 4° BMC 

VIRCHOW Rudolf Ludwig Karl 1821-1902 
V156 Gothe als Naturforscher und in besonderer Bezie- 
hung auf Schiller. Berlin 1861. 8* 

V157 Die krankhaften Geschwiilste. Berlin 1863—[67] 
3 v. 8° 2 copies 

V158 Thrombose und Embolie. Leipzig 1910. 8° 

V159 Ueber einige Merkmale niederer Menschenrassen 
am Schadel. Berlin 1875. 4° 

V160 Untersuchungen fiber die Entwickelung des 
Schadelgrundes. Leipzig 1931. fol. 

VIRGIL See Vergilius Maro P. 

VIVES Juan Luis 1492-1540 

V161 De anima & vita. De anima, V. Amerbach. Liber 

unus, P. Melanchthon. De anima, C. Gesner. Zurich 
J. Gesner (1563) 8* 

VTVIER Daniel du See Du Vivier D. 

V162 [Anti-vivisection correspondence 1909-15] 

V163 [Miscellaneous papers, American 1867-1924] 

V164 —[British 1902-08] 

VLACQ Adriaan 

V165 Trigonometria artificialis. Chiliades logarith- 
morum, H. Briggs. Gouda P. Rammazen 1633. fol. LC 

VOGEL Karl Max 1877- 

V166 Sea surgeons in the days of oak and hemp. Repr. 
Proc. Charaka Cl. 1935, 8: 185-202 

VOGTER Bartholomaeus 

V167 Wie man alle Gebresten unnd Kranckheiten des 
menschlichen Leibs . . . vertreiben soil. Frankfort H. 
Giilfferich (1549) 4° SG 

VOGTS Hans 1883- 

V168 Hospital St. Nicolaus zu Cues. Cologne 1927. 8* 

VOLBORTH Georgil Vladimirovich See Fol'bort 
G. V. 


VOLINI Italo Frederick 1893- 
V169 Bernardino Ramazzini 1633-1714, N. Flaxman 
jt.auth. In Medical life 1938, 45: 136-52 

VOLKMANN Richard von 1830-89 
V170 Gedichte, 3. Aufl. Leipzig 1885. 8* 

V171 Traumereien an franzosischen Kaminen, 35. Aufl. 
Leipzig 1907. 4° 

VOLTA Alessandro 1745-1827 

V172 Briefe uber die entzundbare Luft die aus den 
Siimpfen entstehet. Zurich 1778. 8* 

V173 L’identiti del fluido elettrico col cosi detto fluido 
galvanico, ed. P. Configliachi. Pavia 1814. fol. 

V174 Memoria sulTelettriciril animale. Repr. G. fisico- 
med. 1792, 2: 146-192 etc. With G93 
V175 Neueste Versuche uber Galvanismus. Vienna 
1803. 8* 

V176 Novus ac simplicissimus electricorum tentaminum 
apparatus. Como 1771. 4° Pogg 
V177 On the electricity excited by the mere contact of 
conducting substances of different kinds. Philos. Trans. 
1800, 90: 403-31; 2d copy in Isis 1931, 15: 124-57 
V178 Schreiben an den Herrn Abt Anton Maria Vasali 
uber die thierische Elektrizitat, ed. J. Mayer. Prague 
1796. 8° Wheeler 603 With G88 
V179 Schriften uber die thierische Elektrizitat, ed. 
J. Mayer. Prague 1793. 8* With G88 
See also B791 

Biography See A196; A210; C344 

VOLTAIRE Francois Marie Arouet de 1694-1778 
V180 E16mens de la philosophic de Neuton. Amsterdam 
E. Ledet 1738. 8° YU 

V181 —Amsterdam J. Desbordes 1738. 8“ 



V182 - W30 


V 182 A volume of studies on the history of mathematics 
and the history of science presented to D. E. Smith. 
Osiris 1936 ,1 

VON BAER Karl Ernst See Baer K. E. von 

VREESWYK Goossen van 

V183 Het cabinet der mineralen. Amsterdam 1670. 8 

VRIES Hugo de 1848-1935 

V184 Die Mutationstheorie. Leipzig 1901-03. 2 v. 8° 


W., I. See G444 
W., I. See Wilkins J. 

W., J. See Tl; T2 

W., R. See P312 

W., W. See Walwyn W. 

W. B. See Bremer W. 

W. C. See Cooper W. 

W. R. See J116 
W. R. See Rand W. 

W. W. See Walwyn W. 

WACHSMUTH Ernst 1874- 

fVl Aus Mondeville’s chirurgischer Deontologie. Berlin 
(1898) 8° With P14 

WADD William 1776-1829 
W2 Comments on corpulency. London 1829. 8° 

W3 Mems. maxims and memoirs. London 1827. 8° 

W4 Nugae canorae or epitaphian mementos. London 
1827. 8° 

W5 Nugae chirurgicae. London 1824. 8° 

W6 On the malformations and diseases of the head. 
London 1819. 4° 

WADDELL Helen Jane 1889- 
W7 Mediaeval Latin lyrics (4th ed.) New York (1933) 
8° English & Latin 

WADE Aubrey 

W8 The war of the guns. London (1936) 8* 

WAGNER Rudolf 1805-64 

W9 Grundriss der Encyklopadie und Methodologie der 
medizinischen Wissenschaften. Erlangen 1838. 8° 

WAGNER-JAUREGG Julius von 1857-1940 
fVIO Fieber- und Infektionstherapie. Vienna 1936. 8° 
See also E8 

WAGSTAFFE William 1685-1725 
JV11 A letter to Dr. Freind shewing the danger of inocu¬ 
lating the small pox, 2d ed. London 1722. 8° SG 

WAGSTAFFE William Warwick 1886-1928 
W12 Vesalius, the founder of modern anatomy. Trans. 
Ox/. Univ. Jr Sci. Cl. 1906, n.s. 28-30: 146-58 

WAITE Arthur Edward See P49 

WALE Jan de 1604-49 See H145; H146 

WALKER John 1759-1830 Biography See E80 

WALKER John 1770-1831 ed. 

W13 Oxoniana. London [1809?] 4 v. in 2. 12° 

WALKER Richard 

W 14 Memoirs of medicine. London 1799. 8° SG 
WALKER Robert 

IV15 An inquiry into the small-pox. London 1790. 8 SG 
1V16 — Review. Mon. Rev. 1791, 2. s. 4: 273-83 

WALKER W. Cameron 

1V17 Animal electricity before Galvani. Ann. Sci. 1937, 
2: 84-113 

WALKINGTON Thomas 1621 
W18 The optick glasse of humors. London 1664. 8° BO 

WALLACE Alfred Russel 1823-1913 
1V19 Darwinism (2d ed.) London 1890. 8° 

1V20 The geographical distribution of animals. London 
1876. 2 v. 8° 

4V21 Vaccination a delusion. London 1898. 8° 

See also D52 

WALLER Horace 1833-96 See L307 
WALLER John See L69 
WALLER Richard See A24 
WALLIS George 1740-1802 See M543 
WALLIS John 1616-1703 

W22 Mechanica sive De motu. London 1670-71. 3 v. 
in 1. 4° YU 

WALL QUIST Einar 1896- 

1V23 Can the doctor come? Tr. P. Wiking (London 
1936) 8° 

WALPOLE Horace earl of Orford 1717-97 
IV24 A catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry 
hill [London 1842] 4° 

JV25 The Duchess of Portland’s museum. New York 
1936. 8° 

JV26 Memoranda Walpoliana. Farmington Conn. 1937. 
8 ° 

WALPOLE Robert earl of Orford 1676-1745 Bi¬ 
ography See R21 

WALSH James Joseph 1865-1942 
JV27 Medieval medicine. London 1920. 8° 

W28 The popes and science. New York 1913. 8“ 

WALSH William Shepard 1854-1919 
fV29 Handy-book of literary curiosities. Philadelphia 
1906. 8* 

WALTER Joannes Gottlieb 1734-1818 
fV30 Plates of the thoracic and abdominal nerves. Lon¬ 
don 1804. 8° 


W31 - W69 


WALTER Will 1866- 

W31 A half century of Nu Sigma Nu 1882-1932, S. 
Graves jt.auth. (Louisville °1935) 2 v. 8* 

WALTERS Henry 1848- 

W32 Incunabula typographica. Baltimore 1906. 8° 
WALTON E. T. S. See C286 
WALTON Izaak 1593-1683 

W33 The compleat angler. London 1653 (London 1928) 
16° facsim. 

W34 — ed. G. Keynes [London] 1929. 8’ 


W35 An exact relation of the strange and uncommon 
sleepy distemper of Dirk Klaasz Bakker (London 1707) 
4* SG 

WALWYN William fl. 1649 

W36 Physick for families. London 1669. 8* 

W37 — 1674. 8° YU 

WANGENSTEEN Owen Harding 1898- 
W38 The therapeutic problem in bowel obstructions. 
Springfield Ill. (°1937) 8° 


W39 War medicine, Paris, v. 1-2, 1917/18-1918/19. 8* 
v. 1 has title Medical bulletin 

WARBASSE James Peter 1866- 
IV40 The conquest of disease through animal experi- 
mentation. New York 1910. 8* 

WARBURG Otto Heinrich 1883- 
W41 Beobachtungen uber die Oxydationsprozesse im 
Seeigelei. Repr. Hoppe-Seyl. Z. 1908, 57: 1—16 

WARD John 1629-81 Biography See P375 
WARD John 1679?-1758 

W42 The lives of the professors of Gresham college. 
London 1740. fol. BO 6066 

WARD Julius Hammond 1837-97 

W43 The life and letters of James Gates Percival. Bos¬ 
ton 1866. 8* 

WARDE William 1534-1604? See A128; A226 

WARDER John Aston 1812-83 See T167 

WARE John 1795-1864 

W44 Discourses on medical education and on the medi¬ 
cal profession. Boston 1847. 8 

WARGENTIN Pehr Wilhelm 1717-83 Biography 
See N112 

WARING Sir Holburt Jacob 1866- See P382 

WARING Joseph Ioor 1897- 

W45 James Killpatrick and smallpox inoculation in 
Charlestown. Repr. Ann. med. Hist. 1938, n.s. 10: 

WARNER Harriot W. See C31 

WARNER Worcester Reed 1846-1929 
W46 [Papers on the telescope and field-glass 1897- 
1901] 8° 

WARREN Edward 1804-78 

W47 The life of John Collins Warren. Boston 1860. 
2 v. 8* 

WARREN Edward of Palmyra Me. 

W48 Some account of the letheon. Boston 1847. 8* 

WARREN Ina Russelle ed. 

JV49 The doctor’s window. Buffalo 1898. 8* 

WARREN John Collins 1778-1856 
JV50 Address before the American medical association 
in Cincinnati May 8, 1850. Boston 1850. 8* 

W51 A comparative view of the sensorial and nervous 
systems in man and animals. Boston 1822. 8* 

W52 Effects of chloroform and of strong chloric ether. 
Boston 1849. 8* 

JV53 Etherization. Boston 1848. 8* 

1V54 The Mastodon giganteus of North America, 2d ed. 
Boston 1855. fol. 

W55 On the prevention of constipation. Boston 1850. 8* 
W56 Remarks on some fossil impressions. Boston 
1854. 8* 

Biography See IV47 

WARREN John Collins 1842-1927 
W57 The influence of anaesthesia on the surgery of the 
19th century. Boston 1906. 8* 

WARREN Pelham 1778-1835 

W58 Oratio Harveiana, 1826. London 1827. 4* 

WARREN Richard 1731-97 

JV59 Oratio ex Harveii instituto, 1768. London 1769. 
4’ SG With M248 

WARREN Samuel 1807-77 

W60 Passages from the diary of a late physician, from 
5th London ed. New York n.d. 3 v. 16’ 


W61 Neurologisches aus Nordamerika. Repr. Klin. 
Wschr. 1928, 7: 169-73 etc. In A165a 

WARTER John Wood 1806-78 See S334 

WARTHIN Aldred Scott 1866-1931 
IV62 The physician of the Dance of death. New York 
1931. 8’ 

WASHBURN William H. 1854-1939 
W63 Galen, Vesalius, Da Vinci — anatomists. Bull. 
Soc. med. Hist. Chicago 1916, 1: 1-17 

WASHINGTON George pres. U. S. 1732-99 Bi- 
ography See J9; M396 


W64 The dedication of the new buildings (St. Louis 
1915) 8° 

WATERHOUSE Benjamin 1754-1846 
W65 The botanist. Boston 1811. 8* 

W66 Cautions to young persons concerning health 
(Cambridge Mass.) 1805. 8° 

W67 An essay concerning tussis convulsiva or whooping- 
cough. Boston 1822. 8° 

W68 An essay on Junius and his letters. Boston 1831. 8* 
W69 Information respecting the origin, progress, and 
efficacy of the kine pock inoculation. Cambridge 
[Mass.] 1810. 8° 



W70 - W106 

WATERHOUSE B. — continued 
W70 A journal of a young man of Massachusetts. Bos¬ 
ton 1816. 8° 

W71 On the principle of vitality. Boston 1790. 8* LC 
IV72 Oratio inauguralis, 1783. Cambridge Mass. 1829.4° 
W73 A prospect of exterminating the small-pox [Cam¬ 
bridge Mass.] 1800-02. 2 v. 8° 

Biography See C442 

WATERS Nicholas Baker 1764-96 See B252 

WATERS William George 

IV74 Jerome Cardan. London 1898. 8* 

WATESON George See Whetstone G. 

WATS Gilbert d. 1657 See B14 

WATSON John 1850-1907 

IV75 A doctor of the old school. New York 1902. 8* 

W76 — (01929) 8* 

WATSON Sir Malcolm 1873- 
W77 “Manson, Ross and Reed” pioneers in research on 
tropical diseases. Fight ag. Dis. 1936, 24: 34-54 

WATSON Sir William 1715-87 
fV78 An account of the experiments made by some 
gentlemen of the Royal society. London 1748. 8° BMC 
See also Nlll; S475 

WATT James 1736-1819 See B235; D138; M152; 

WAUCHOPE Gladys Mary See H538 

WAUTERS Alphonse Guillaume Ghislain 1812-98 
fV79 Quelques mots sur Andr6 V£sale. Brussels 1897. 8* 

WEAVER George Howitt 1866- 
W80 Beginnings of medical education in and near Chi¬ 
cago. Repr. Proc. Chicago Inst. Med. 1925, 5: 175-230 
IV81 John Haygarth, 1740-1827. Repr. Bull. Soc. med. 
Hist., Chicago 1930, 4: 156-200 

W82 Life and writings of William Douglass 1691-1752. 
Repr. Bull. Soc. med. Hist., Chicago 1921, 2: 229-59 
2 copies 

WEAVER William Dixon 1857-1919 See A153 
WEBB Edward Alfred 

W83 The records of St. Bartholomew’s priory and of the 
church and parish of St. Bartholomew the Great. Lon¬ 
don 1921. 2 v. 8* 

WEBB Gerald Bertram 1871— 

IV84 Ren6 Th6ophiIe Hyacinthe Laennec. New York 
1928. 8* 

WEBER Eduard Friedrich 1806-71 See IV85 

WEBER Wilhelm Eduard 1804-91 
IV85 [Mechanik der menschlichen Gehwerkzeuge, E. F. 
Weber jt.auth. Gottingen 1836] 4* atlas 
See also M76 

WEBSTER Daniel 1782-1852 Biography See J35 

WEBSTER Jerome Pierce 1888- 
IV86 Documenti inediti intorno alia vita di Gaspare 
Tagliacozzi, M. T. Gnudi jt.auth. (Bologna 1935) 8° 

WEBSTER John 1610-82 

IV87 Metallographia. London 1671. 4* LC 

WEBSTER John 19th cent. 

W88 Elements of natural philosophy, ed. R. Patterson. 
Philadelphia 1808. 8° 

WEBSTER John White 1793-1850 
1V89 A manual of chemistry. Boston 1826. 8* 

W90 Report of the trial for the murder of Dr. George 
Parkman. Boston 1850. 8° 

IV91 The twelve days' trial for the murder of Dr. 
Parkman. London 1850. 8° 

WEBSTER Noah 1758-1843 

LV92 A brief history of epidemic and pestilential dis¬ 
eases. Hartford 1799. 2 v. 8° SG 
See also IV240 

WECHSLER Israel Spauer 1886- 
IV93 Introduction to the history of neurology. Repr. 
his A textbook of clinical neurology, 3d rev. ed. Phila¬ 
delphia 1935. 8° 

WECKER Johann Jakob 1528-86 
JV94 Medicae syntaxes. Basel (J. Kundig) 1562. fol. 
2 copies. SG 

WEDGWOOD Josiah 1730-95 Biography See 

WEED Lewis Hill 1886- 

W95 The development of the cerebro-spinal spaces in 
pig and in man (Washington 1917) 8’ 

W96 A reconstruction of the nuclear masses of the hu¬ 
man brain-stem. Washington 1914. fol. 

WEESE Arthur 1868- 

JV97 Die Bildnisse Albrecht von Hallers. Bern 1909. fol. 

WEGNER Richard Nikolaus 1884- 
W98 Das Anatomenbildnis. Basel [1939?] 8° 

W99 Frankfurts Anteil an der Verbreitung anatomischer 
Kenntnisse. Frankfort 1925. 8* 

WEIDITZ Hans 16th cent. 

W100 Pflanzenaquarelle, 1529, ed. W. Rytz. Bern 1936. 

WEIGEL Valentin 1533-88 

IV 101 Astrologie theologized. London 1649. 4’ BMC 

WEIL Ernst 1891- 

IV102 Albert Einstein; a bibliography of his scientific 
papers 1901-30. London 1937. 8“ 2 copies 
IV 103 Some bibliographical notes on the first publica¬ 
tion on the Roentgen rays. Repr. Isis 1938, 29: 362-65 
See also Hi 16 

WEIL Taeuber & See Taeuber & Weil 

IV104 Impressions d’Am^rique. Clermont 1928. 8* In 

WEINBERG Richard 1867- 

IV 105 Vesals korperliche Erscheinung. Repr. Anat. Anz. 
1925/26, 60: 208-25 


IV 106 Geschichte der gynakologisch-anatomischen Ab- 
bildung. Dresden 1908. 8° 2 copies 

[ 194 ] 

W107 - W145 


WEISCHER Wilbrand d. 1655 

W107 Considerationes triginta, quibus homo moribun- 
dus adversus mortis horrorem, ed. B. Rottendorff. 
Antwerp 1666. 8° UC 

WEISS & CO. booksellers Munich 
W108 Giambattista Bodoni: opera typographica. Mu¬ 
nich (1926) 4° 

WELBY Frances Alice See K170 

WELCH William Henry 1850-1934 
W109 Argument against Senate bill 34 generally known 
as the “Antivivisection bill” Repr. J. Amer. med. Ass. 
1900, 34: 1242-44 

W110 Conditions underlying the infection of wounds. 

In Trans. Congr. Amer. Phys. Surg. 1891, 2: 1-50 
Will A consideration of the introduction of surgical 
anaesthesia (Boston 1908) 8“ 

W112 The interdependence of medicine with other sci¬ 
ences. Baltimore 1934. 8* 

W113 Objections to the anti vivisection bill now before 
the Senate of the United States. Repr. J. Amer. med. 
Ass. 1898, 30: 285-89 With Ull 
W114 Papers and addresses. Baltimore 1920. 3 v. 8’ 

W115 The relation of Yale to medicine. Repr. Yale med. 
J. 1901, 8: 127-58 

W116 Thrombosis and embolism. Repr. T. C. Allbutt. 

System of medicine 1899, 7: 155-285 
W117 [Miscellaneous papers 1886-1925] 8’ 

See also C381 
Bibliography See B865 
Biography See B59; C357; C358 

WELLCOME & co. See Burroughs Wellcome & 
co. London 

W118 Spanish influence on the progress of medical 
science. London [1935] 8° 

W119 The Wellcome research institution. London 
1932. 8" 

W120 —1933. 8* 

W121 —1934. 8° 

See also Burroughs Wellcome & co. New York 

WELLCOME HISTORICAL medical museum Lon¬ 

W122 Catalogue du Mus6e medical historique. London 
1913. 8* 

W123 Handbook. London 1913. 8° 

W124 — 1920. 8* 

W125 Lister centenary exhibition. London (1927) 8" 
W126 Opening ceremony. London 1913. 8* 

W127 Souvenir Henry Hill Hickman centenary exhibi¬ 
tion, 1830-1930. London 1930. 8° 

W128 The Wellcome historical medical museum. Lon¬ 
don 1927. 8* 2 copies 

WELLER Carl Heinrich 1794-1854 
W129 Trait6 theorique et pratique des maladies des 
yeux, tr. F. J. Riester, ed. L. Jallat. Paris 1832. 2 v. 8° 

WELLS Ernest Alden 1875-1927 
W130 Deus media. Repr. Proc. Conn. med. Soc. 1924, 
132: 93-95 

WELLS William Charles 1757-1817 
W131 An essay on dew. London 1814. 8* 

See also B126 


W132 A Welsh leech book, ed. T. Lewis. Liverpool 
1914. 8° 

WENDELL Barrett 1855-1921 See E24 
WENKE Hans See S98 
WEPFER Bernhard See W134 
WEPFER George Michael See W134 

WEPFER Johann Jakob 1620-95 
W133 Historiae apoplecticorum. Amsterdam 1724. 8* 

W134 Observationes medico-practicae, ed. altera B. 
Wepfer & G. M. Wepfer. Zurich 1745. 4’ 

See also D223 

WERNICKE Robert Johann 1873- 
W135 Aus dem Antidotarium des Henri de Mondeville. 
Berlin (1897) 8* With P14 

WESLEY John 1703-91 

W136 Primitive physic, 25th ed. Philadelphia 1801. 12* 
W137 — London 1845. 16* 

W138 —38th ed. London n.d. 16’ 

See also D197 

WESLING Johann See Vesling J. 

WEST Charles 1816-98 

W139 Harvey and his times. The Harveian oration for 
1874. London 1874. 8* 


W140 West Port murders or an account of the murders 
committed by Burke and his associates. Edinburgh 
1829. 8* 

WESTERN MUSEUM society Cincinnati 
W141 An address to the people of the western country 
(Daniel Drake, etc. managers. Cincinnati, Sept. 15, 
1818) 4* 

WESTERN RESERVE academy Hudson O. 

W142 One hundred years of Western Reserve. Hudson 
O. 1926. 8* 

WESTERN RESERVE university Cleveland 
W143 The Medical department endowment fund 
[Cleveland? 1910?] 4* 

WEVER Ernest Glen 1902- 

W144 Action currents in the auditory nerve, C. W. Bray 
jt.auth. Repr. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. 1930, 16: 344-50 

WEYER Johann See Wier J. 

WEYL Hermann 1885- See L354 

WHALLEY John 1653-1724 See P418 

WHARTON Mrs. Edith Newbold (Jones) 1862-1937 
W145 Vesalius in Zante. N. Amer. Rev. 1902, 175: 



W146 - W183 

WHARTON Thomas 1614-73 

JV146 Adenographia sive glandularum totius corporis 
descriptio. Amsterdam 1659. 12' GHL 

WHEATLEY Henry Benjamin 1838-1917 
3F147 The early history of the Royal society. Hertford 
1905. 4° 

IF 148 Gerrard street and its neighbourhood. London 
[1904] 8° 

WHEATSTONE Sir Charles 1802-75 
W149 An account of some experiments to measure the 
velocity of electricity and the duration of electric light. 
Philos. Trans. 1834, 124: 583-91 
W150 On some remarkable phenomena of binocular 
vision. Philos. Trans. 1838, 128: 371-94 
W151 The scientific papers. London 1879. 8° 
WHEELER Francis James See H13 
WHEELER George William 1863- See B449 

WHEELER John Brooks 1853- 
1F152 Memoirs of a small-town surgeon. New York 
1935. 8' 

WHEELER Mrs. Marie L. See H13 
WHEELER Schuyler Skaats 1860- See A153 
WHEEN Arthur Wesley See R97 

WHERRY William Buchanan 1874-1936 Biogra¬ 
phy See FI 5 5 

WHETHAM Margaret Dampier See Dampier M. D. 

WHETHAM William Cecil Dampier See Dampier 
W. C. D. 

WHETSTONE George 1544 ?-87 ? 

W153 The cures of the diseased. London 1598. Oxford 
1915. 8* facsim. 3 copies 

WHEWELL William 1794-1866 

W154 Address to the Geological society, Feb. 15, 1839. 

In Proc. geol. Soc. Lond. 1839, 3: 61-98 
IF155 History of the inductive sciences, 3d ed. London 
1857. 3 v. 8' 

W156 History of scientific ideas, 3d ed. London 1858. 
2 v. 8* 

WHIPPLE George Hoyt 1878- 

JV157 [Early papers on anaemia 1915-34] 8’ 

WHISTON William 1667-1752 
IF 158 The longitude and latitude found by the inclina- 
tory or dipping needle. London 1721. 8* YU 

WHITAKER Tobias d. 1666 

W159 The blood of the grape [The Hague] 1654. 12* 

WHITE Albert 

IF 160 Sacred poems. Springfield Mass. 1847. 8' 2 copies 
WHITE Charles 1728-1813 

W161 An account of the topical application of the 
spunge. London 1762. 8* GHL 
W162 Cases in surgery. An essay on the ligature of 
arteries, J. Aikin. London 1770. 8' BO 4223 
W163 An inquiry into the nature and cause of that 
swelling in one or both of the lower extremities, v. 2. 
Manchester 1801. 8' 

JV164 A treatise on the management of pregnant and 
lying-in women. London 1773. 8' SG 
IF 165 — 1st Worcester ed. Worcester Mass. 1793. 8* 

Biography See A39; C528 

WHITE Daniel Appleton 1776-1861 
W166 An eulogy on the life and character of Nathaniel 
Bowditch. Salem 1838. 8’ 

WHITE James Renfrew 

W167 Some aspects of medical education in America. 
Wellington N.Z. 1924. 8° InA165a 

WHITE James William 1850-1916 Biography See 

WHITE R. fl. 1658 See D163 
WHITE Robert fl. 1805 

JV168 The coelestial atlas or a new ephemeris for 1805. 
London [1805?] 8* 

WHITE Robert 1802-74 See L208 
WHITE Thomas 

1V169 A new almanack 1678. London 1678. 8* 

WHITE Sir William Hale- See Hale- White W. 

WHITEHEAD Alfred North 1861- 
W170 Adventures of ideas. Cambridge 1933. 8* 

W171 The concept of nature. Cambridge 1920. 8* 

JV172 The study of the past [Cambridge Mass. ? 1933] 8* 
Mimeograph of an address at Harvard 
W173 A treatise on universal algebra. Cambridge 
1898. 8* 

WHITNEY Willis Rodney 1868- 
W174 Irving Langmuir, scientist. Repr. Curr. Hist . 
1933, 37: 705-10 With L57 

WHYTT Robert 1714-66 

JV175 An essay on the virtues of lime-water in the cure 
of the stone. Edinburgh 1752. 12* GHL 
fF176 — 3d ed. 1761. 12* GHL 

W177 Observations on the disorders called nervous, 
hypochondriac or hysteric, 3d ed. Edinburgh 1767. 
8* SG 

JF178 Observations on the dropsy in the brain. Edin¬ 
burgh 1768. 8* BO 4231 
IF179 The works. Edinburgh 1768. 4’ SG 

W180 Dictionnaire biographique des m6decins en 
France au mo yen &ge. Paris 1936. 2 v. 8" 2 copies 
See also M455 

WICKSTEED Philip Henry 1844-1927 See A246 

IF 181 Catalogue of Jacobite medals and touch-pieces 
by F. J. A. Skeet. Leeds 1938. 4' 

WIEL Hon. Alethea Jane (Lawley) 1851-1929 
W182 The story of Bologna. London 1923. 8* 

WIER John 1515-88 

IF183 Medicarum observationum rararum liber I. 
Basel J. Oporinus 1567. 4* SG 

[ 196 ] 

W184 - W225 


WlfiSECKE Henri 

IV 184 De l’influence pernicieuse des saign£es. Paris 
1837. 8* 

WIGAND Johann 1523-87 

1V185 De Servetianismo seu de antitrinitariis. Konigs- 
berg J. Daubmann heirs 1575. 8° 

WIKING Paula See W23 

WILBERT Martin Inventius 1865-1916 
W186 John Morgan. Philadelphia (1904) 8* 

WILBUR Earl Morse 1866- See SI97 

WTLCKE Johan Carl 1732-96 Biography See 053 

WILD Heinrich 1833-1902 

W187 De la determination de la dilatation absolue du 
barreau normal du Bureau federal des poids et mesures. 
Repr. Arch. Sci. Biblioth. univ . Aug. 1871 

WILDE Oscar 1856-1900 

1V188 The ballad of Reading gaol. London 1898. 8° 

WILKINS John bp. of Chester 1614-72 
1V189 The mathematical and philosophical works. Lon¬ 
don 1708. 8° LC 

W190 Mathematicall magick. London 1648. 8’ BO 4239 
W191 — 4th ed. 1691. 8° 

WILKS Sir Samuel bart . 1824-1911 

W192 A biographical history of Guy’s hospital, G. T. 

Bettany jt.auth. London 1892. 8° 

3V193 The Harveian oration, 1879. London 1879. 8° 

See also A49 

WTLLAN Robert 1757-1812 

1V194 On cutaneous diseases, v. 1. Philadelphia 1809. 8* 
W195 On vaccine inoculation. London 1806. 4° 

WILLCOX Samuel b. 1783 

W196 The home physician. Louisville 1832. 8° 

WILLDENOW Karl Ludwig 1765-1812 
W197 The principles of botany, new ed. Edinburgh 
1811. 8* 


W198 The William Snow Miller Festschrift on the occa¬ 
sion of his 70th birthday. Menasha, Wis. (1928) 8° 

WILLIAMS Charles 1829-1907 
W199 The bibliography of the “Religio medici” Nor¬ 
wich 1905. 8° KeynesB 341 With W201 
W200 — 2d ed. 1907. 8° KeynesB 358 
1V201 Souvenir of Sir Thomas Browne. Norwich 1905. 
fol. KeynesB 350 

WILLIAMS Charles Theodore 1838-1912 
W202 Harveian oration on old and new views on the 
treatment of consumption, 1911. London 1911. 8* 

WILLIAMS Sir Dawson 1854-1928 

W203 The Harvey Chapel. Brit. med. J. 1928, 1: 816-18. 

WILLIAMS John Calthrop 

W204 Practical observations on palpitation of the heart. 
London 1836. 8° 

WILLIAMS John Whitridge 1866-1931 Biography 
See S272 


W205 Physical rarities, 2d ed. The physicall mathe- 
maticks, Hermes Trismegistus. London 1652. 2 v. in 
1. 8° imperfect 

WILLIAMS Ralph M. See L206 

WILLIAMS Stephen West 1790-1855 
JV206 American medical biography. Greenfield Mass. 
1845. 8° 

WILLIAMS COLLEGE. Chapin library 
W207 A short-title list, comp. L. E. Osborne. Portland 
Me. 1939. 8° 

WILLIAMSON William Crawford 1816-95 
W208 On the organization of the fossil plants of the 
coal-measures, pt. 9. Philos . Trans. 1878, 169: 319-64 

WILLIS Robert 1799-1878 

PV209 Servetus and Calvin. London 1877. 8’ 

1V210 William Harvey. London 1878. 8* 

See also B535; H135; H169; H176 
WILLIS Thomas 1621-75 

1V211 Cerebri anatome cui accessit nervorum descriptio 
et usus. London 1664. 8* BO 4249 
1V212 Diatribae duae medico-philosophicae, 3. ed. Lon¬ 
don 1662. 12* SG 

IV213 The London practice of physick. London 1685. 8* 

1V214 Opera omnia. Geneva 1676. 4* SG 
1V215 Pathologiae cerebri et nervosi generis specimen. 
Oxford 1667. BMC 

W216 A plain and easie method for preserving those 
that are well from the plague. London 1691. 8’ without 
poem. BMC 

JV217 — A poem on the virtue of a laurel leaf, W. Bol¬ 
ton. London 1691. 4° 

JV218 Practice of physick. London 1684. fol. BO 4248 
Biography See M358 

WILLOUGHBY Edwin Eliott 1899- 
IV219 A printer of Shakespeare: the books and times of 
William Jaggard. London 1934. 8* 

WTLLUGHBY Francis 1636-72 See R35 

WILLUGHBY Percivall 1596-1685 
1V220 Observations in midwifery, ed. H. Blenkinsop. 
Warwick 1863. 4° 

WTLMER William Holland 1863-1936 
1V221 Atlas fundus oculi. New York 1934. 4* 

Johns Hopkjns hospital. Wilmer ophthalmological 


W222 St. Francis of Assisi. London (1925) 8* 

WILSON Charles Thomson Rees 1869- 
W223 [Miscellaneous papers 1912-28] 8* 

WILSON Elkin Calhoun 

W224 England’s Eliza. Cambridge Mass. 1939. 8’ 
WILSON Ellis H. 

W225 America’s greatest garden, the Arnold arboretum. 
Boston 1925. 8° 

[ 197 ] 


W226 - W263 

WILSON George 1818-59 

JV226 The life of the Honble. Henry Cavendish. London 
1851. 8° 

JV227 Religio chemici. London 1862. 8’ KeynesB 453 

WILSON Harold Albert 1874- 
fV228 A determination of the charge on the ions pro¬ 
duced in air by Rontgen rays. Repr. Phil. Mag. 1903, 
5: 429-41 

WILSON James Arthur 1795-1882 
W229 Oratio Harveiana, 1850. London 1850. 8* 

WILSON John 1626-96 See E87 

WILSON Philip Whitwell 1875- 

W230 The romance of the calendar. London (1937) 8* 

WILSON Robert French See L228 

WILSON Robert McNair 1882- 
3V231 The beloved physician, Sir James Mackenzie. 
New York (1928) 8° 

WILSON Woodrow pres. U. S. 1856-1924 Biogra¬ 
phy See R87 

WINCHILSEA Anne (Kingsmill) Finch countess of 

JV232 Miscellany poems. London 1713. 8* YU 

WING John 

W233 An almanack for 1688, 1708, 1805. Cambridge 
1688-[1805?) 3 v. 8° 

WING Vincent 1619-68 

W234 Astronomia britannica. London 1669. fol. LC 

WINSHIP George Parker 1871— 
fV235 Gutenberg to Plantin. Cambridge Mass. 1930. 8° 
1V236 A representative Massachusetts Puritan, Increase 
Mather. Cambridge Mass. 1931. 4* 

W237 The Vollbehr incunabula at the National arts 
club of New York (New York 1926) 8° 2d copy with 

W238 William Caxton and the first English press. New 
York 1938. 4 # 

WINSLOW Charles-Edward Amory 1877— 

W239 A city set on a hill. Garden City 1934. 8° 

W240 The epidemiology of Noah Webster. New Haven 
(1934) 8° 

W241 A physician of two centuries ago, Richard Mead. 
Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1935, 3: 509-44 

WINSLOW Forbes Benignus 1810-74 
W242 Physic and physicians. London 1839. 2 v. 8° 

WINSLOW Jacques Benigne 1669-1760 
1V243 Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps 
humain. Paris 1732. 4 # SG 

WINTERNITZ Milton Charles 1885- 
W244 The biology of arteriosclerosis, R. M. Thomas, 
P. M. LeCompte jt.auth. Springfield Ill. (°1938) 8° 

WINTHER Johannes See Gunther J. 

WINTHROPJohn 1588-1649 Biography See E66 


1V245 Winthrop papers v. 2 1623-30 [Boston] 1931. 8* 

WIRSUNG Christoph 1500-71 

1V246 The general practise of physicke, tr. J. Mosan. 
London T. Adams 1617. fol. STC 25865 

WIRT William 1772-1834 

W247 Sketches of the life and character of Patrick 
Henry, 6th ed. New York 1833. 8° 

WISE Francis 1695-1767 

W248 A letter to Dr. Mead concerning some antiquities 
in Berkshire. Oxford 1738. 4* BO 5587 

WISE Thomas Alexander 1801-89 
4V249 Review of the history of medicine. London 1867. 
2 v. 8* 

WISEMAN Richard 1622 ?-76 
W250 Severall chirurgicall treatises. London 1676. fol. 
BO 4258 

Biography See L348 

WISHARD Elizabeth Moreland 
W251 William Henry Wishard (Indianapolis *1920) 8° 
2 copies 

WISHARD William Henry 1816-1913 Biography 
See 1V251 

WISTAR Isaac Jones 1827-1905 

1V252 Autobiography 1827-1905. Philadelphia 1937. 8* 

WITHERING William 1741-99 

W253 Abhandlung vom rothen Fingerhut, tr. C. F. 

Michaelis. Leipzig 1786. 8° JC 
1V254 An account of the foxglove. Birmingham 1785. 
8’ BO 4261 

W255 A chemical analysis of the water at Caldas da 
Rainha. Lisbon 1795. 4° English & Portuguese. BMC 
W256 The miscellaneous tracts. London 1822. 2 v. 8“ 
WITHERS Fabian See 17 

WITHINGTON Edward Theodor 1860- See H345 

WITKOWSKI Gustave Joseph b. 1844 
W257 Anecdotes m&iicales. Paris 1882. 12° 

W258 Les joyeuset6s de la m^decine. Paris n.d. 12* 

W0LLER Johan 1878- 

W259 Zest for life, tr. C. Napier. New York 1937. 8* 

WOLBACH Simeon Burt 1880- 
W260 The pathologic changes resulting from vitamin 
deficiency. Chicago °1937. 8° 

WOLEPOR Benjamin 1901— 

W261 Ulrich von Hutten. Amer. J. Surg. 1933 n.s. 19: 
152-58 etc. 

WOLF Abraham 1876- 

JV262 A history of science, technology and philosophy 
in the 16th & 17th centuries, F. Dannemann & A. Armi- 
tage jt.auth. London (1935) 8° 

WOLFF Caspar 1525-1601 See G213; S245 

WOLFF Caspar Friedrich 1733-94 

1V263 Theoria generation^. Halle [1759] 4° BMC 

WOLFF Friedrich Benjamin 1766-1845 See D16 

WOLFFHUGEL Gustav 1845-99 See K157 


W264 - W296 


WOLLASTON William Hyde 1766-1828 
W264 A method of examining refractive and dispersive 
powers by prismatic reflection. Philos. Trans. 1802, 92: 
365-80 2 copies 

WOLSEY Thomas cardinal 1475?-1530 See C138 
WOOD Andrew See H454 
WOOD Anthony & 1632-95 

IV265 Appendix to The history and antiquities of the 
colleges and halls in the University of Oxford, ed. 
J. Gutch. Oxford 1790. 4° YU 

WOOD Casey Albert 1856-1942 ed. 

IV266 An introduction to the literature of vertebrate 
zoology. London 1931. 4* 

W267 A physician’s anthology of English and American 
poetry, F. H. Garrison j t.ed. London 1920. 8* 

See also A132; G361 

WOOD George Bacon 1797-1879 
W268 An address on the occasion of the centennial cele¬ 
bration, Pennsylvania hospital. Philadelphia 1851. 8° 

WOOD James Rushmore 1813-82 Biography See 

WOOD Leonard 1860-1927 Biography See H16; 

WOODALL John 1556M643 

W269 The surgions mate. London E. Griffin 1617. 4° LC 

WOODBURY Frank 1848-1927 See M534 
WOODHOUSE James 1770-1809 See PI 15 

1V270 A new almanack 1678, 1688. London 1678-88. 
2 v. 8° 

WOODHOUSE Robert 1773-1827 
1V271 The principles of analytical calculation. Cam¬ 
bridge 1803. 4° 

WOODMAN William Bathurst 1836-77 See W290 

WOODRUFF Lorande Loss 1879- 
W272 Baker on the microscope. Repr. Sci. Mon. N.Y. 
1918, 7: 212-26 

1V273 The development of the sciences. New Haven 
1923. 8° 

JV274 Louis Joblot and the protozoa. Repr. Sci. Mon ., 
N.Y. 1937, 44: 41-47 

IV275 The versatile Sir John Hill, M.D. Repr. Amer. 
Nat. 1926, 60: 417-42 

WOODVILLE William 1752-1805 
W276 Reports of a series of inoculations for the variolae 
vaccinae, or cow-pox. London 1799. 8° SG 
W277 — (1799) 8° 


W278 Vox Uraniae, an almanack for 1688. London 
1688. 8° 

WOODWARD Henry 1832-1921 See S50 

WOODWARD Samuel Bayard 1853- 
1V279 The story of smallpox in Massachusetts. Repr. 
New Engl. J. Med. 1932, 206: 1181-91 

WOOLSEY Thomas See Wolsey T. 

WORCESTER Alfred 1855- 

JV280 The care of the aged, the dying and the dead. 

Springfield Ill. (°1935) 8° 2 copies 
W281 A tribute to a physician of Massachusetts. Boston 
1925. 8* 

WORCESTER Isaac bp. of See Maddox I. 
WORTMAN Jacob Lawson See M204 
WOTTON William 1666-1727 

IV282 Reflections upon ancient and modern learning, 
2d ed. A dissertation upon epistles of Phalaris, R. Bent¬ 
ley. London 1697. 8° BO 5602 

WREDE Fabian Jacob 1802-93 
W283 Note sur le m£tre et le kilogramme. Stockholm 
1872. 8° 

WRIGHT Sir Almroth Edward 1861— 

W284 The unexpurgated case against woman suffrage. 
London 1913. 8° 

WRIGHT Edward 1558P-1615 See N8 

WRIGHT John Kirtland 1891- 

W285 The geographical lore of the time of the crusades. 

New York 1925. 8 - 
WRIGHT Wilbur 1867-1912 

W286 Experiments and observations in soaring flight. 

In J. West. Soc. Engrs. 1903, 8: 400-17. With W287 
W287 Some aeronautical experiments. In J. West. Soc. 
Engrs. 1901, 6: 489-510 

WRIGHT Mrs. Wilmer Cave (France) See F274 

WROTH Lawrence Counselman 1884- 
W288 The colonial printer (2d ed.) Portland Me. 
1938. 8° 

WURZBURG. Universitat 

W289 Aus der Vergangenheit der Universitat Wurz¬ 
burg; Festschrift, ed. M. Buchner. Berlin 1932. 8* 

WUNDERLICH Karl Reinhold August 1815-77 
W290 On the temperature in diseases, tr. from 2d Ger¬ 
man ed. W. B. Woodman. London 1871. 8° 

W291 Das Verhalten der Eigenwarme in Krankheiten, 
2. Aufl. Leipzig 1870. 8° 


W292 Die Rontgen’schen X-Strahlen (6. Tausend) Ber¬ 
lin 1896. 8° 

WYATT Raymond Benedict Hervey 

W293 William Harvey, 1578-1657. London (1924) 8° 

WYCK William van See Van Wyck W. 

WYCLIFFE John d. 1384 

W294 Dialogorum libri quattuor [Basel?] 1525. 4° BMC 

WYETH John Allan 1845-1922 

JV295 With sabre and scalpel. New York 1914. 8° 

WYMAN Morrill 1812-1903 Biography See 1V296 
WYMAN Morrill 20th cent. 

W296 A brief record of the lives and writings of Dr. 
Rufus Wyman 1778-1842 and his son Dr. Morrill 
Wyman 1812-1903. Cambridge Mass. 1913. 8° 

WYMAN Rufus 1778-1842 Biography See W296 

WYNNE-FINCH Heneage See F289 
WYNPERSSE Jacobus Thiensius van de 1761-88 
See H314 



Y1 - Z12 

X Y Z 

XEREZ Francisco de b. 1500 Bibliography See 


Yl Issue of commemoration; an account of the celebra¬ 
tion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of Yale, 
v. 11, no. 14, 1902. fol. 

YALE UNIVERSITY. Human welfare group 
Y2 The Human welfare group [New Haven] 1929. 8* 


Y3 A catalogue. New London 1743 [New Haven 1931] 
12’facsim. Clo^p 

YALE UNIVERSITY. School of medicine 
Y4 Memorial of the centennial. New Haven 1915. 8° 

YANDELL David Wendell 1826-98 
Y5 Pioneer surgery in Kentucky. Louisville 1890. 8° 

YATES William fl. 1797 

Y6 A view of the science of life, C. MacLean jt.auth. 
Philadelphia 1797. 8° SG 


Y7 A yea and nay almanack for the people call’d by the 
men of the world Quakers 1678. London 1678. 8° 


Y8 Yellow fever, a compilation of various publications. 
Washington 1911. 8° 

YEMENIZ Nicolas d. 1871 

Y9 Catalogue de la biblioth^que. Paris 1867. 8’ 

YERKES Robert Mearus 1876- 

Y10 The mind of a gorilla. Worcester °1926—[28] 3 v. 8* 

YON AN Isaac Malek 1869- 

Yll The beloved physician of Teheran, Dr. Sa’eed. 
Nashville (°1934) 8° 

YONGE James 1646-1721 

Y12 Wounds of the brain proved curable. London 1682. 
8’ SG 

YOULE Joseph fl. 1793 

Y13 An inaugural dissertation on respiration. New 
York 1793. 8° SG 

YOUNG Archibald 1873-1939 

Y14 Sir William Macewen. Glasgow 1926. 8’ 

YOUNG Francis Brett 1884- 
Y15 Black roses. New York 1929. 8’ 

Y16 Dr. Bradley remembers. London (1938) 8’ 

Y17 The doctor in literature. Bgham. med. Rev. 1936, 
11: 190-203 

Y18 Love is enough. New York 1927. 2 v. 8* 

Y19 Mr. and Mrs. Pennington. New York 1931. 8’ 

Y20 My brother Jonathan. London (1928) 8° 

Y21 Poems 1916-1918. London (°1919) 8’ 

Y22 The young physician. New York (1920) 8* 

Y23 —London (1934) 8’ 

YOUNG Sidney 

Y24 The annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London. 
London 1890. 4’ 

YOUNG Thomas 1773-1829 

Y25 An account of some recent discoveries in hiero- 
glyphical literature. London 1823. 8° 2d copy with G478 
Y26 The Bakerian lecture. On the mechanism of the 
eye. Philos. Trans. 1801, 91: 23-88 
Y27 Elementary illustrations of the Celestial mechanics 
of Laplace. London 1821. 8’ 

Y28 An essay on the cohesion of fluids. Philos. Trans. 
1805, 95: 65-87 

Y29 An introduction to medical literature. London 
1813. 8’ 

Y30 Observations on vision. Philos. Trans. 1793, 83: 

Y31 Rudiments of an Egyptian dictionary. London 
1830. 8° Lacks t.-p. With G478 
Biography See G478 

YPERMAN Jan 1295-1351 

Y32 La chirurgie, tr. A. de Mets. Paris 1936. 8° 

YVOIRE Guillaume See L38 

ZACCARELLI Giovanni Luigi See F282 


Z1 Scoperte anatomiche di Gio. Batista Canani. 
Ferrara 1809. 8° 


Z2 Photo-trichromatic printing. Leicester (1896) 8’ 

ZAUNSCHLIFFER Otto Philipp 1653-1729 
Z3 Tractatus varii de pulicibus. n.p. n.d. 12* Latin & 

ZEEMAN Pieter 1865- 

Z4 Verhandelingen over magneto-optische verschijn- 
selen. Leyden 1921. 8’ 

ZEPPELIN Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich Graf 
von 1838-1917 

Z5 Die Eroberung der Luft. Stuttgart 1908. 8* 
ZILBOORG Gregory 1890- 

Z6 The medical man and the witch during the renais¬ 
sance. Baltimore 1935. 8° 

ZIMMERMANN Eberhard August Wilhelm von 


Z7 Specimen zoologiae geographicae quadrupedum. 
Leyden 1777. 4° LC 

ZIMMERMANN Ernest Ludwig 1890- 
Z8 Early collections of syphilologic works. Repr. Bull. 
Hist. Med. 1936, 4: 582-99 

Z9 The early history of alopecia syphilitica. Janus 1935, 
39: 105-26 

Z10 The early pathology of syphilis 1497-1563. Repr. 
Janus 1934, 38: 1-57 

Zll “The French pox of that great clerke of Almayne, 
Ulrich Hutten, knyght” Janus 1932, 36: 235-50 etc. 
2d copy reprint 

Z12 The pathology of syphilis between 1563 and 1761. 
Repr. Bull. Hist. Med. 1935, 3: 355-99 

[ 200 ] 

Z13 - Z17 


ZIMMERMANN Walther 1873- 
Z13 Die Lehre von der Kauterisation nach Mondeville. 
Berlin (1897) 8° With P14 

ZINSSER Hans 1878-1940 

Z14 Rats, lice and history. Boston 1935. 8’ Advance 
review copy 

ZIWET Alexander 1853-1928 See K129 
ZOLLINGER Robert 1903- See C664 
ZONDEK Hermann 1887— 

Z15 Die Krankheiten der endokrinen Drusen. Berlin 
1923. 8* 

ZUBKOV Anatolil Anatol'evich 1900- See S359 

ZtlSlGA Luis de Avila y See Avila y ZUnioa L. de 

ZWINGER Friedrich 1707-76 See Z16 

ZWINGER Theodor 1658-1724 
Z16 Theatrum botanicum, ed. F. Zwinger. Basel 1744. 
fol. LC 

ZYPAEUS Franciscus 

Z17 Fundamenta medicinae physico-anatomica. Brus¬ 
sels 1683. 8° 

[ 201 ] 



BELL Mrs. Margaret Van Horn (Dwight) 1790-1834 

1 A journey to Ohio in 1810, ed. M. Farrand. New 
Haven 1920. 8‘ 

CROUSE David Eldridge 1882- 

2 The Ohio gateway. New York 1938. 4* 

CUSHING Betsey Maria (Williams) 1828-1903 

3 ALS Bermuda, Feb. 16,1896 to H. C. from his mother. 
Written as a journal of daily doings. 

4 Memorabilia of Betsey M. Williams and her forebears. 
Also: Something of B.M.C. by her youngest son. 

CUSHING Caleb 1800-79 

5 An oration pronounced before the literary societies of 
Amherst college, Aug. 23, 1836. Boston 1836. 8° 

6 The treaty of Washington. New York 1873. 8° 
CUSHING David 1768-1814 

7 Day book, Cheshire, Mass., March 10, 1795-July 2, 

CUSHING Edward Fitch 1862-1911 

8 Edward Fitch Cushing memorial. Cleveland (1911) 8° 

CUSHING Erastus 1802-93 

9 Memorabilia of Erastus Cushing, Mary Ann Platt, 
and their forebears [Documents assembled June 1934 at 
New Haven, Conn.] 

CUSHING Grafton Dulany 1864-1939 

10 Unveiling and dedication of the portrait tablet of 
Judge William Cushing [Scituate? 1919] 8* 

CUSHING Henry Kirke 1827-1910 

11 Scrap book 1857-1865. 

12 Army letters, holograph and typescript. May-August 

13 Memorabilia, 1892-1921 

14 Notes suggested by the Franklin-Heberden pamphlet 
of 1759. Repr. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp. 1904, 15: 276-85 

CUSHING James Stevenson 1878— 

15 The genealogy of the Cushing family. Montreal 1905. 
8* 2 copies 

CUSHING Lemuel 1842-81 

16 The genealogy of the Cushing family. Montreal 
1877. 8 # 

CUSHING William Erastus 1853-1917 

17 Bentham as a law reformer. Holograph copy of 
speech at Harvard commencement June 1878 

DAME George W. 

18 Sketch of the life and character of Jonathan P. 
Cushing, M.A., President of Hampden Sydney college. 
Am. quart, register 1838, 11: 113—28 

DAUGHTERS OF the American revolution. Massa¬ 
chusetts. Old colony chapter, Hingham 

19 Hingham; a story of its early settlement [Hingham] 
1911. 4* 

FITCH Roscoe Conkling 1903- 

20 History of the Fitch family, A.D. 1400-1930 (Haver¬ 
hill Mass. 1930) 2 v. 8° 

FREEMAN Samuel 1743-1831 

21 The town officer or the power and duty of selectmen 
as contained in the laws of the commonwealth of Mas¬ 
sachusetts, 6th ed. Boston 1805. 12° 

RAYNOR Mrs. Ellen M. 

22 History of the town of Cheshire, Berkshire county, 
Mass., E. L. Petitclerc jt.auth. Holyoke 1885. 8° 

ROBBINS Mrs. Mary Caroline (Pike) 1842-1912 

23 The rescue of an old place. Boston 1900. 8° 

ROSS Robert 1726-99 

24 The American Latin grammar or a compleat intro¬ 
duction to the Latin tongue, 5th ed. Providence 1780.8* 

WHITE Henry Kirke 1785-1806 

25 The remains of Henry Kirke White, of Nottingham, 
ed. R. Southey, v. 1. New York 1820. 12° 

WHITMORE William Henry 1836-1900 

26 Ancestral tablets. A collection of diagrams for pedi¬ 
grees, so arranged that eight generations of the ances¬ 
tors of any person may be recorded in a connected and 
simple form, 8th ed. Boston 1890. 4° 2 copies, marked 
“Junior Book” and “Senior Book” 

WILLIAMS John Oliver 1866- 

27 A genealogy of Williams families. Brookline 1938. 8* 

WILLIAMS William 1803-88 

28 Autobiographical fragment, written in the year 1887. 

29 William Williams: a leaf from the banking history of 
western New York. From Magazine of western history 



30 The diverting history of Jumping Joan, and her dog 
and cat. Otley n.d. 24° 


31 A new natural history; intended as a present for good 
boys and girls. Otley n.d. 24° 


32 The pretty and entertaining history of Tom Thumb, 
with his wonderful escape from the cow’s belly. Otley 
n.d. 24* 


33 Prophecies, relating to our Saviour, collected from 
the Old Testament. Oxford 1824. 24° 

[ 202 ] 



WATTS Isaac 1674-1748 

34 Prayers for infants, children, and youth. Chelmsford 
n.d. 24* 


CUSHING Harvey 1869-1939 

35 His week at the Columbian exposition Sept. 16-22, 

36 Trip to Havana, Cuba. H. C. and E. F. C. March 
3-19, 1894 

37 Trip to London and the Derbyshire ‘Peak Country.’ 
H. C. and E. F. C. June 30-Aug. 10, 1894 

38 E. F. C. and H. W. C.: their trip to Bermuda, Wed. 
Mar. 13, 1895 at 10 a.m. to Mar. 23, 1895* 

39 Being the journal of the ready shifters (Canada) 
Aug. 1896* 

40 The initial journeying of “Pat” (Great Lakes) 
July 24-Aug. 1, 1898* 

41 Notes made during a sojourn of fourteen months in 
some parts of the old world. Sailed, New York, June 23, 
1900, arrived New York, Aug. 23, 1901. 3 v. “Cursory, 
desultory and, tho’ purporting to be largely medical, 
in spots degenerate.” H. C. 

42 A visit to “le plus pittoresque endroit du monde” 
[Le Puys, Auvergne, France] H. C. and G. Atterbury. 
Aug. 23-Sept. 2, 1900 

43 Observations in Kocher’s Laboratory at Berne, Dec. 
1900-Mar. 1901. 3 v. 

44 Oxford, July 16-Aug. 5, 1904. 2 v. 

45 Katharine Cushing. Harvey Cushing (Oxford, Hol¬ 
land, Switzerland, Vienna, Budapest) Aug.-Sept. 1909. 
2 v. 

46 Society of clinical surgery tour to Germany and 
Austria, 1912. 3 v. v. 3 composed of views by John G. 
Clark and Willard Bartlett 

47 Scrap book: 17th International congress. London 

48 The Harvard unit in Paris. 1915. 4 v. Holograph copy 

49 The Harvard unit in Paris. 1915. Typescript copy of 
48 with further illustrative material, v. 1 

50 Organizing a base hospital. Correspondence, Sept. 
1915-Mar. 1917. v. 2 

51 The Boston Common episode. Diary and correspond¬ 
ence Mar. 17-May 10, 1917. v. 3 

52 Base hospital no. 5. Camiers - Mendinghem. Journal 
and correspondence May 11-Sept. 3, 1917. v. 4 

53 Base hospital no. 5. Mendinghem-46 C. C. S. Journal 
and correspondence Sept. 4-Oct. 31, 1917. v. 5 

54 Base hospital no. 5. Boulogne and the German of¬ 
fensive. Journal and correspondence Nov. 1, 1917— 
June 2, 1918. v. 6 

55 Base hospital no. 5. Neufchateau and the A.E.F. 
Journal and correspondence June 3-Oct. 4, 1918. v. 7 

56 Base hospital no. 5. La Fauche. The Armistice. 
Boulogne. Journal and correspondence Oct. 8-Dec. 28, 
1918. v. 8 

* In the possession of Mrs. E. F. Cushing, but included 
here in order that the record of diaries may be complete. 

57 Base hospital no. 5. Boulogne — England — home. 
Journal and correspondence Dec. 29, 1918 to the end, 
April 1920. v. 9 

58 Notes of the motor trip with Klebs, Fulton, and 
Viets from Nyon to Rome for the Physiological con¬ 
gress in the autumn of 1932 


YALE COLLEGE 1887-1891 

59 Scrap book. Yale undergraduate years, 1888-1890 

60 Scrap book. 1891 

61 Physiological chemistry, Prof. R. H. Chittenden. 
Student notebook, MS, dated June 6, 1891 

YALE UNIVERSITY. Class of 1891 

62 The Yale Pot-pourri, v. 26, H. W. Cushing & G. B. 
Hoppin eds. New Haven (1891) 4° 

63 C. S. P. Class portraits, 1891, C. C. J. 

64 2d report, 1897, sexennial record 

65 3d report, 1901, decennial record 

66 4th report, 1906, quindecennial record 

67 5th report, 1912, vicennial record 

68 25th reunion, 1916 

69 Book of photographs, 25th year reunion, New Haven, 
Conn., June 17-23, 1916 

BARCLAY Albert Hampton 1869- 

70 Thirty-five years after; being a history of the class 
of 1891, Yale college. New Haven 1927. 8* 


CUSHING Harvey 1869-1939 

71 Histology and embryology (Dr. C. L. Minot), 

1891- 92 

72 Histology (drawings), 1891-92 

73 Physiology, Lectures 1-87, 1891-92. 2 v. 

74 “Leaf book” — mounted specimens of leaves from 
trees in Cleveland and elsewhere, 1892 

75 Pharmacology, Jan.-May 1892 

76 Clinical medicine and auscultation (Shattuck et a /.), 

1892- 93 

77 Pathology, 1892-93. 2 v. 

78 Pathological anatomy, 1892-93 

79 Daily diary and account book, 1893 

80 Children’s diseases (Rotch), 1893-94 

81 Clinical medicine (Shattuck and Mason), 1893-94 

82 Obstetrics (Richardson), 1893-94 

83 Surgery, 1893-94 

84 Theory and practice (Fitz): Clinics, 1893-94 

85 Theory and practice (Fitz): Lectures, 1893-94 

86 Dermatology, 1894-95 

87 Bacteriology, 1895 

JOHNS HOPKINS 1896-1912 

88 Baltimore scrap book, 1896-1912 

[ 203 ] 


89 - 139 


PETER BENT Brigham hospital Boston 

89 First-twenty-fifth annual report (1913-38) Cam¬ 
bridge 1914-39. 25 v. 8° 

90 At the heart of a great medical centre, 1913-1938. 
Boston (1938) 8° 

CAIRNS Hugh William Bell 

91 A study of intracranial surgery. London 1929. 8* 
Survey of year 1926-27 as H. C.’s neurosurgical as¬ 

CUSHING Harvey 1869-1939 

92 Correspondence: University and hospital appoint¬ 
ments, 1900-1933 

93 Correspondence and papers on “Full time” 1908- 


94 Pamphlets on full time for clinicians, 1902-1932 
BOYD Walter Willard 1898- 

95 Dr. Harvey Cushing. A book of photographs, 1928- 
1932, by W. W. Boyd & R. U. Light. 1932 

96 Dr. Harvey Cushing. A book of photographs at the 
Peter Bent Brigham hospital. Boston 1928-32 


ELIOT Charles William 1834-1926 

97 Letters (1923-25) and two corrected typewritten 
MSS on Pasteur and Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1920-25 

GARRISON Fielding Hudson 1870-1935 

98 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1912-1935 

HALSTED William Stewart 1852-1922 

99 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1896-1922 

HIGGINSON Henry Lee 1834-1919 

100 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1914-1919 

KLEBS Arnold Carl 1870-1943 

101 Correspondence, 1913-1939. 4 v. 

MacNALTY Sir Arthur Salusbury 1880- 

102 Notes on some reminiscences of Sir William Osier, 
including copies of 21 letters 

MITCHELL Silas Weir 1829-1914 

103 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1907-1913; also 
typewritten MS of address before Medical and chirurgi- 
cal faculty of Maryland 

OSLER Sir William hart. 1849-1919 

104 Correspondence, 1898-1919 

105 Obituaries and tributes, 1919-21 

106 Illustrations of the book-worm. Repr. Bodleian 
quart. Record 1917, 1: 355-57 

107 A visit to the dismal swamp. Typescript 

108 Unity, peace and concord. Typescript with author’s 
MS corrections 

109 A way of life. Typescript and MS 

110 Twenty-four unpublished fragments. MS and type¬ 

111 The review of Paget’s life of Sir Victor Horsley. 
Pencil MS and typescript, also Repr. Oxford Mag. 
1920, 38: 175. Last manuscript to be written for publi¬ 

112 13 Norham gardens, Oxford. Photographs, 1928 

RHODES James Ford 1848-1927 

113 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1912-1927; in¬ 
cludes typewritten MS of biographical sketch by H. C. 
for Saturday club, Boston 

WELCH William Henry 1850-1934 

114 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1897-1934. 4 v. 

115 Syllabus of the history of medicine. Typed notes for 
an address delivered before the Vesalius club, Balti¬ 
more, n.d. 

WOOD Leonard 1860-1927 

116 Correspondence and memorabilia, 1909-1927 


CUSHING Harvey 1869-1939 

117 Reprints, annotated and grangerized, 1898-1940. 
20 v. 

118 A classification of the tumors of the glioma group, 
P. Bailey jt.auth. Philadelphia (1926) 8 ° HC 8 

119 Die Gewebs-Verschiedenheit des Hirngliome, P. 
Bailey jt.auth., tr. A. Cammann. Jena 1930. 8 9 HC 9 

120 Concerning Base hospital no. 5, France, 1917-18-19 
(H. Cushing, assistant ed. Boston 1920) 4 HC 5 

121 Consecratio medici. Boston 1928. 8° HC 15 

122 Dedication exercises of the Oscar C. Tugo Circle. 
Boston 1922. 8’ HC 200 

123 [Revision of “Diseases of the nervous system.”] 
Osier, Sir W., The principles and practice of medicine, 
5th ed. 1903, pp. 901-1147 interleaved with H. C.’s MS 
alterations for 6th ed. See HC 66 

124 Dr. Garth the Kit-Kat poet. Baltimore 1906. 4* 

125 Dyspituitarism. In Harvey Lect., 1934, ser. 28: 
90-158. HC 307 

126 Ercole Lelli and his 6corch6. In Proc. Charaka CL 
1938, 9: 3-20. HC 325 

127 Foreword: Spielmann, M. H. The iconography of 
Andreas Vesalius. London 1925. 8 ° HC 242 

128 From a surgeon’s journal, 1915-1918. Boston 1936. 
8° HC 22 

129 — London 1936. 8° HC 23 

130 — Correspondence and reviews, 1935-1938. 

131 George H. Simmons: editor, publisher and writer. 
In Testimonial banquet. Chicago 1924. HC 222 

132 Intracranial tumours. Springfield Ill. 1932. 8 ° HC 16 

133 Intrakranielle Tumoren, tr. F. K. Kessel. Berlin 
1935. 8“ HC 18 

134 Tumeurs intracraniennes, tr. J. Rossier. Paris 1937. 
8* HC 19 

135 Introduction: Canano, G. B. Musculorum humani 
corporis picturata dissectio (Ferrara 1541?) facsim. 
Florence, 1925. 4° 2 copies. HC 243 

136 MS letters by and to Dr. Cushing regarding Canano. 

137 Introduction: Osier, Sir W. The old humanities and 
the new science. Boston 1920. 8* 3 copies. HC 177 

138 The life of Sir William Osier. Oxford 1925. 2 v. 8* 
HC 6 

139 — 2 v. in 1. 8’ 2 copies. HC 7 

[ 204 ] 

140 - 169 


140 — Reviews and correspondence. 3 v. 

141 The medical career. Hanover N.H. 1929. 8° HC 274 

142 — 1930. 8° HC 274 

143 The medical career and other papers. Boston 1940. 
8* HC 24a 

144 Meningiomas, Louise Eisenhardt jt.auth. Springfield 
Ill. 1938. V HC 24 

145 Papers relating to the pituitary body, hypothalamus 
and parasympathetic nervous system. Springfield Ill. 
1932. 8° HC 20 

146 The pathological findings in four autopsied cases of 
acromegaly, L. M. DavidofF jt.auth. New York 1927. 
8° HC 12 

147 The personality of a hospital. In Massachusetts 
general hospital, Boston. Memorial and historical 
volume. 1921. See HC 198 

148 Boston 1930. 8° See HC 198 

149 The pituitary body and its disorders. Philadelphia 
(°1912) 8* 2 copies. HC 1 

150 — With cancel t.-p. HC 2 

151 The story of U.S. Army base hospital no. 5. Cam¬ 
bridge 1919. 4 # 3 copies. HC 5 

152 Studies in intracranial physiology and surgery. 
London (1926) 8° HC 10 

153 Tumors arising from the blood-vessels of the brain, 
P. Bailey jt.auth. Springfield Ill. 1928. 8° HC 13 

154 Tumors of the nervus acusticus. Philadelphia 1917. 
8 9 HC 3 

155 Les tumeurs du nerf auditif, tr. M. Deniker & T. de 
Martel. Paris 1924. 8* HC 4 

156 Western reserve medical traditions. Correspondence 
and MS of speech, 1924. See HC 224 

157 The Western reserve and its medical traditions. 
Reprints, pamphlets, correspondence, clippings. 1924- 



158 Portfolio of diplomas and other documents repre¬ 

senting degrees, honors, memberships, etc. bestowed 
upon H. C. 

ROYAL COLLEGE of surgeons in Ireland 

159 Roll of honor, May 11, 1918. 4° With inserted leaf 
for “Major Harvey Cushing. Honorary fellow” 


160 Cushing birthday volume, April 8, 1929. From 
Arch. Surg. y 1929, 18: xxi, 935-2046 

161 Letters between E. C. Cutler and contributors to 
birthday book, 1927-29 

PENDRAY Edward 1901- 

162 Man of brains. From Today , June 27, 1936 


163 A bibliography of the writings of Harvey Cushing 
[Springfield Ill.] 1939. 8° 

164 Harvey Cushing’s seventieth birthday party, April 
8, 1939. Speeches, letters, and tributes [Springfield Ill.] 
1939. 8* 

ACTA CHIRURGICA scandinavica 

165 To Harvey Cushing on his 70th birthday from 
Scandinavian friends and colleagues. Acta chir. scand. 
1939, 82: 99-363 

HENDERSON William Robert 

166 The pituitary adenomata: a follow-up study of the 
surgical results in 338 cases (Dr. Harvey Cushing’s se¬ 
ries) Brit. J. Surg. 1939, 26: 811-921. Preceded by 
tribute to H. C. 

SCHUMAN’S booksellers New York 

167 Seventy noteworthy medical rarities in honor of the 
70th birthday of Dr. Harvey Cushing. Together with a 
tribute by Dr. Lawrence Reynolds. New York (1939) 8* 


168 The Yale journal of biology and medicine. Cushing 
anniversary number. Yale J. Biol. Med. 1939, 11: 409- 

ZENTRALBLATT FUR Neurochirurgie 

169 Harvey Cushing zum 70. Geburtstag. Zbl. Neuro- 
chir. 1939, 4: 195-272 

[205 ] 


[ 207 ] 
